#EMS Billing Colorado
armanagementsolutions · 6 months
Emergency Medical Services or EMS is also known as ambulance or paramedic services. EMS billing involves all of emergency medical services, such as dispatch, employees, ambulance transport, fire departments, and hospitals that operate conjunctly with these services to provide emergency care.
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titleknown · 2 years
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So, while I've talked about this in other posts, I figured I may as well compile it in one post with this nifty propaganda poster (more on that later)
Long story short, they're bringing back KOSA/the Kids Online Safety Act in the US Senate, and they're going to mark it up next Thursday as of the time of this post (4/23/2023).
If you don’t know, long story short KOSA is a bill that’s ostensibly one of those “Protect the Children” bills, but what it’s actually going to do is more or less require you to scan your fucking face every time you want to go on a website; or give away similarly privacy-violating information like your drivers’ license or credit card info. 
Either that or force them to censor anything that could even remotely be considered not “kid friendly.” Not to mention fundies are openly saying they’re gonna use this to hurt trans kids. Which is, uh, real fucking bad. 
As per usual, I urge you to contact your congresscritters, and especially those on the Commerce Committee, who'll likely be the ones marking it up.
Those senators are:
Maria Cantwell, Washington, Chair
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Brian Schatz, Hawaii
Ed Markey, Massachusetts
Gary Peters, Michigan
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
Tammy Duckworth, Illinois
Jon Tester, Montana
Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona
Jacky Rosen, Nevada
Ben Ray Luján, New Mexico
John Hickenlooper, Colorado
Raphael Warnock, Georgia
Peter Welch, Vermont
Ted Cruz, Texas, Ranking Member
John Thune, South Dakota
Roger Wicker, Mississippi
Deb Fischer, Nebraska
Jerry Moran, Kansas
Dan Sullivan, Alaska
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee
Todd Young, Indiana
Ted Budd, North Carolina
Eric Schmitt, Missouri
J.D. Vance, Ohio
Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming
Again, it doesn't work unless you do it en-masse, so make sure to call ASAP and tell them to kill this bill, and if they actually want a bill to allow/get sites to protect kids, the Federal Fair Access To Banking Act would be far better.
Also, this poster is officially, for the sake of spreading it, under a CC0 license. Feel free to spread it, remix it, add links to the bottom, edit it to be about the other bad internet bills they're pushing, use it as a meme format, do what you will but for gods' sake get the word out!
Also, shoutout to @o-hybridity for coming up with the slogan for the poster, couldn't have done it without 'em!
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cinequatro · 25 days
Filmes Cine Maior
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Criado em 1993 pela Record TV aos domingo trazendo filmes de alguns gênero como: animação, comédia, aventura e ação. Confira osem destaque:
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Foto: Reprodução / Internet
Motoqueiro Fantasma
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Sobre O Filme
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 Ação / 2007
Quando Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) descobre que seu pai tem câncer terminal, ele aceita um pacto com Mefistófeles, dando sua alma pela saúde de seu pai. Em troca Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) se transforma à noite no Motoqueiro Fantasma, o justiceiro de alguns demônios bastante cruéis. Mas o diabo o engana e Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) então deixa sua cidade, seus amigos e sua namorada. Muitos anos depois, agora trampando como dublê, Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) torna-se famoso, e reencontra Roxanne, sua namorada da adolescência, que virou repórter de de televisão. Ainda forçado a obedecer as ordens de Mefistófeles, Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) decide enfrentá-lo de forma a usar sua maldição para proteger pessoas inocentes.
Ghost Rider (2007) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers
Férias no Trailer
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Sobre O Filme
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 Comédia / 2006
Bob Munro (Robin Williams) está estressado de tanto trampar. Decidido a descansar, ele quer levar sua esposa Jamie (Cheryl Hines) e seus filhos Cassie (JoJo) e Carl (Josh Hutcherson) para uma viagem. Depois de prometer levá-los ao Havaí, Bob Munro (Robin Williams) decide mudar os planos sem comunicá-los e decide viajar pelo Colorado em um trailer. Jamie (Cheryl Hines) , Cassie (JoJo) e Carl (Josh Hutcherson) não gostam da ideia, mas aceitam fazer a viagem. Só que a vida em um trailer não tem o conforto com o qual estão acostumados em Los Angeles e cada tentativa de Bob Munro (Robin Williams) em animar sua família acaba se tornando um grande desastre.
RV (2006) Official Trailer
O Último Desafio
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Sobre o Filme
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 Ação / 2013
Após cair em desgraça em Los Angeles devido a uma operação fracassada, Ray Owens (Arnold Schwarzenegger) parte para o interior e assume a posição de xerife em uma pequena cidade na fronteira dos Estados Unidos com o México. O que ele não esperava era que um poderoso chefão das drogas, que escapou recentemente da prisão, quisesse cruzar a fronteira exatamente na cidade onde trabalha. Para enfrentá-lo Ray precisa reunir todo o pessoal que tem à disposição.
O Último Desafio - Trailer Oficial - 18 de Janeiro nos Cinemas
Tá Chovendo Hambúrguer 2
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Sobre O Filme
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Comédia / 2013
Após a desastrosa tempestade de comida no primeiro filme Tá Chovendo Hambúrguer 2009 Comédia, Flint (Bill Hader) e seus amigos são obrigados a deixar a cidade de Boca Grande. Sem saída, ele aceita o convite de seu ídolo, Chester V (Will Forte), e junta-se à The Live Corp Company, que reúne os melhores inventores do mundo. Porém, quando descobre que sua máquina ainda funciona e agora cria perigosas comidas animalescas mutantes, Flint (Bill Hader) decide retornar e tentar salvar o mundo.
Tá Chovendo Hamburguer 2 | Trailer 1 dublado | 04 de outubro nos cinemas
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Sobre O Filme
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Ação / 2018
Venom, Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) é um jornalista investigativo, que tem um quadro próprio em uma emissora local. Um dia, ele é escalado para entrevistar Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed), o criador da Fundação Vida, que tem investido bastante em missões espaciais de forma a encontrar possíveis usos medicinais para a humanidade. Após acessar um documento sigiloso enviado à sua namorada, a advogada Anne Weying (Michelle Williams), Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) descobre que Drake (Riz Ahmed) tem feito experimentos científicos em humanos. Ele resolve denunciar esta situação durante a entrevista, o que faz com que seja demitido. Seis meses depois, ainda com a carreira arruinada, o ainda desempregado Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) é procurado pela Dra. Dora Skirth (Jenny Slate) com uma denúncia: Drake (Riz Ahmed) estaria usando simbiontes alienígenas em testes com humanos, muitos deles mortos como cobaias. Ao se deparar com a Fundação Vida novamente, ele acaba entrando em contato com o simbionte alienígena e se torna Venom, um anti-herói parasita.
VENOM | Trailer Dublado
A Torre Negra
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Sobre o Filme
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 Ação / 2017
Um pistoleiro chamado Roland Deschain (Idris Elba) percorre o mundo em busca da famosa Torre Negra, prédio mágico que está prestes a desaparecer. Essa busca envolve uma intensa perseguição ao poderoso Homem de Preto (Matthew McConaughey), passagens entre tempos diferentes, encontros intensos e confusões entre o real e o imaginário. Baseado na obra literária homônima de Stephen King.
A Torre Negra | Trailer Dublado | Em breve nos cinemas
Jogo do Dinheiro
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Sobre O Filme
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Drama / 2016
Lee Gates (George Clooney) é o apresentador do programa de TV "Money Monster", onde dá dicas sobre o mercado financeiro mesclando com performances típicas de um popstar. Um dia, um desconhecido (Jack O'Connell) invade o programa exatamente quando ele está sendo gravado e, com um revólver, obriga Lee Gates (George Clooney) a vestir um colete repleto de explosivos. Patty Fenn (Julia Roberts), a produtora do programa, imediatamente ordena que o mesmo saia do ar, mas o invasor exige que ele permaneça ao vivo, caso contrário matará Lee Gates (George Clooney) . Assim acontece e, a partir de então, tem início uma investigação incessante para descobrir quem é o sequestrador e algum meio de salvar todos os que permanecem no estúdio. Paralelamente, a audiência do programa sobe sem parar e todos passam a acompanhar o que acontecerá com o apresentador Lee Gates (George Clooney.
Jogo do Dinheiro | Trailer dublado | 26 de maio nos cinemas
Homem-Aranha 2
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Sobre O Filme
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Sobre O Filme
 Ação / 2004
Homem-Aranha 2, após derrotar o Duende Verde, a vida de Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) muda por completo. Temendo que Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) sofra algum risco por ser ele o Homem-Aranha, Peter Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) continua escondendo o amor que sente e se mantém longe dela. Ao mesmo tempo precisa lidar com Harry (James Franco), seu melhor amigo, cuja raiva pelo Homem-Aranha aumenta cada vez mais por considerá-lo como sendo o assassino de seu pai. Além disso sua tia May (Rosemary Harris) passa por uma fase difícil após a morte de seu tio Ben, estranhando também o comportamento do sobrinho. Enquanto precisa lidar com seus problemas particulares Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) recebe ainda uma má notícia: o surgimento do Dr. Octopus (Alfred Molina), um homem que possui tentáculos presos ao corpo.
Spider-Man 2 (2004) Official Trailer 1 - Tobey Maguire Movie
Sou Espião
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Sobre O Filme
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 Comédia / 2002
Quando o protótipo do mais sofisticado avião de ataque, o Switchblade, é roubado do governo dos Estados Unidos, não há dúvida que Arnold Gundars (Malcolm McDowell), um internacional traficante de armas, está envolvido. Como houveram altos saques em sua conta e nenhum depósito, isto significa que o avião ainda não foi vendido. Acontece que Gundars está em Budapeste, Hungria, onde Kelly Robinson (Eddie Murphy), boxeador campeão mundial dos médios, porá seu título em jogo. Assim o presidente pede a Kelly Robinson (Eddie Murphy que ajude seu país com o apoio de Alex Scott (Owen Wilson), um agente da BNS. Mas além dos problemas naturais numa missão desta natureza, Alex Scott (Owen Wilson) tem de controlar o egocêntrico Kelly Robinson (Eddie Murphy, que quer fazer tudo da sua maneira, sem respeitar nenhuma norma.
I Spy (2002) Official Trailer 1 - Eddie Murphy Movie
As Panteras Detonando
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Sobre O Filme
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 Ação / 2003
Após um arquivo do sistema de proteção à testemunha ser roubado do Governo dos Estados Unidos, uma série de cinco assassinatos de participantes do programa ocorre. Para desvendar o caso é contratada a Agência de Detetives Charles Townsend, que coloca Natalie (Cameron Diaz), Dylan (Drew Barrymore) e Alex (Lucy Liu) na investigação. A principal suspeita de ter cometido o roubo e os assassinatos é Madison Lee (Demi Moore), uma ex-pantera que deixou a agência tempos atrás para entrar no mundo do crime.
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003) Official Trailer 1 - Lucy Liu Movie
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blogwelberfotos-blog · 4 months
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A vice-administradora da NASA, Pam Melroy, faz os comentários principais durante o 37º Simpósio Espacial, 5 de abril de 2022, em Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Créditos: NASA/Bill Ingalls
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cksmart-world · 9 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
January 30, 2024
In its zeal to protect women and all of mankind, the Utah Legislature quickly passed a bill that would ban transgender people from public restrooms. But in the hubbub of the last minute scurry to push it through, along with legislation aimed at the communist inspired underpinnings of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), an unintended consequence was discovered — a bit too late. Within the language of the proposed law that seeks to deny basic civil rights without getting sued, lawmakers used double-negatives and dangling participles resulting in Native Americans being disallowed from public restrooms. “We want to protect our Indian brothers and sisters,” said Republican Rep. Randy Brandy. “We don't want minorities to get special stuff under DEI, except for Indians, on account of they are descendants of the Lamanites.” Instead, lawmakers ended up protecting Indians from those freaky transgender people in restrooms. After a closed caucus powwow, state GOP leaders announced a plan to reverse the so-called “No Freaks or Indians” bill, to be called the “No Subhumans in the Toilets” act. Caught with their pants down, Republicans issued a statement saying they were elected to do Lord's work and that's exactly what they'll continue to do. God bless 'em.
Thank goodness it's finally here: Glamorous Camping, often called “Glamping,” is about to arrive in Utah's red rock country. Dig it — roughing it in luxury as only Americans can do. As reported in the Moab Times-Independent, a Colorado developer will construct 16 units that look like tents but really are top-end facilities with everything from saunas to bidets. Have you ever used a bidet in the desert. It's just part of the evolution of Utah's magical sandstone deserts that — as Ed Abbey warned — has always been ripe for packaging as a commodity for profit and taxes. Imagine, no more having to stay in a Moab motel for $300 a night. You'll be glamping right out in nature with gourmet food and wine pairings that'll spice up the wonders of raw nature better than ever. Well no, Wilson, they probably never dropped acid in Canyonlands, so that's really not a fair comparison. But we digress. Imagine getting a full-body massage after roughing it all day with your guide in an air-conditioned Mercedes SUV and catered finger food. You only live once. You'll sit out under the beautiful clear sky and experience the Milky Way and the quiet of the desert like never before. Of course, there'll be wifi so you don't miss any important emails or the next episode of “Ted Lasso.”
“Woke,” is the last thing any self-respecting conservative wants to be called. It's the kiss of death — better to be called an axe-murderer. But Time magazine did it to Utah Gov. Spencer “Sonny Boy” Cox when it declared he is “The Red-State Governor Who's Not Afraid to Be 'Woke.'” Cox gained national attention for suggesting that Americans should “disagree better.” And he vetoed legislation that would ban transgender girls from school soccer. (Lawmakers overrode the veto.) Then something happened. The mild-mannered governor came out against Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs — as did every other Red-State legislature — that he had previously championed. More recently, Sonny Boy said he favored razor wire in the Rio Grande River despite a Supreme Court Ruling. It's responsible for deaths of women and children crossing into the United States. Cox signed on with 24 other Red-State governors supporting the Texas initiative to usurp control of the southern border from the federal government in what clearly is an illegal act. So, did the big money-boys get to Cox or did his GOP colleagues make him run the red-fanny gauntlet? It's nice to be nice but sometimes they just won't let you. And on more thing — HE'S NOT WOKE, DAMNIT!
Post script — That's a wrap for another fun-filled week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce so you don't have to. Well Wilson, it's Taylor Swift's world and we're just lucky to be living in it. Not since Patriot's quarterback Tom Brady and supermodel Gisele Bundchen have we been so enthralled by Beauty and the Beast. Did you know that Kelce, the Kansas City Chief's tight end, appeared in 375 commercials during NFL games this season. No lie. It's the kind of information we just can't get enough of. Fun Fact: As of their 2023 divorce, Bundchen was worth an estimated $400 million to Brady's $300 million. No Wilson, we don't know what that means — but it must mean something. On another front, Donald Trump is just fit to be tied with Nikki Haley. After she came in second at the New Hampshire primary, Haley bounded on stage with a big winning grin to gush about what a great finish she had and to thank all her supporters for making it possible. A red-faced Donald Trump blew a gasket. How could she pretend that she won when she didn't, he seethed. Don't you just hate it when someone loses and they say they won. What's the world coming to.
Well shucks, Wilson, you think those folks who go glamping will really get the true sense of the red rock desert. Well, it'll be better than “windshield tourism” where people don't leave their cars, except for the restroom. How 'bout you and the guys in the band help them glampers get some of the real flavor of our spiritual red rock kingdom:
Well I'm ridin' along Singin' the same ol' cowboy song That's been sung a hundred times before Ain't got nothin' but my name And I'm the only man I know to blame But I'm livin', I'm happy and I'm free Just listen to the wind blow Let it blow, let it blow Sand over my trail I got my saddle on the ground And that ol' moon, he can still be found Hidin' in the desert sky I like simple things in life Like a prairie breeze A good stout horse between my knees Just bein' alone, just bein' me And when I die let me die With a dream in my mind A smile on my face and no trouble behind And no cross on my grave To show my restin' place So I can listen to the wind blow Let it blow, let it blow Sand over my trail I got my saddle on the ground And that ol' moon, he can still be found Hidin' in the desert sky Won't you bury me with my chaps on And my six-gun strapped to my side So I can watch the moon a-hidin' In the desert sky Hidin' in the desert sky
(Desert Skies — The Marshall Tucker Band)
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forexdigitalinfo · 1 year
Uma empresa americana que projeta um avião supersônico, Boom, anunciou que completou vários marcos importantes para o XB-1. Agora, o jato supersônico avança para seu primeiro voo. No início deste ano, o XB-1 foi transferido do hangar da empresa em Centennial, Colorado, para o Porto Aéreo e Espacial de Mojave, em Mojave, Califórnia, para continuar os preparativos para o voo. Agora Boom se prepara para o vôo do supersônico XB-1. A aeronave Boom XB-1 é movida por três motores General Electric J85 e produz um empuxo máximo combinado de 13.300 libras de força (lbf). A aeronave está equipada com uma fuselagem de composto de carbono e titânio com 71 pés de comprimento. Sua asa delta modificada, ogive, permite operações seguras em decolagem e pouso e velocidades supersônicas. A aeronave Boom XB-1 passou por extensos testes de solo desde a sua chegada. Em testes em andamento, o XB-1 recebeu recentemente um certificado de aeronavegabilidade experimental da Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) após inspecionar detalhadamente a aeronave. “O recente progresso alcançado no primeiro voo do XB-1 reflete os esforços coletivos da equipe para construir e pilotar com segurança o primeiro jato supersônico desenvolvido de forma independente no mundo”, disse Blake Scholl, fundador e CEO da Boom Supersonic. Boom também obteve cartas de autorização para o piloto de testes chefe Bill Doc Shoemaker e o piloto de testes Tristan Geppetto Brandenburg para permitir que voassem no XB-1. Além disso, cartas de acordo com a Autoridade do Espaço Aéreo permitem voos de aeronaves sobre o Deserto de Mojave. A aeronave Boom XB-1 proporcionou à empresa um aprendizado valioso nesses testes, incluindo o desenvolvimento de uma forte cultura de segurança. Durante seu desenvolvimento, o XB-1 validou a abordagem do Boom para o projeto de aeronaves e permitiu que os engenheiros aproveitassem ferramentas avançadas, como dinâmica de fluidos computacional (CFD), que foram componentes críticos do desenvolvimento do Overture. Os pilotos de teste da Boom completaram centenas de horas em simuladores para avaliação de aeronaves, desenvolvimento de operações, treinamento e avaliação de fatores humanos para alcançar o mais alto nível de segurança. Os pilotos de teste também mantêm proficiência de voo na aeronave de treinamento T-38, a mesma aeronave que será usada como aeronave de perseguição em todos os testes de voo do XB-1. Para aumentar ainda mais a segurança, os pilotos de teste usarão o T-38 para praticar vôo em formação. “É apropriado que o XB-1 esteja agora progredindo em direção ao primeiro voo no Mojave Air & Space Port, lar de mais de 50 primeiros voos e outros eventos de aviação significativos”, disse Bill Doc Shoemaker, piloto-chefe de testes do Boom Supersonic. “Estou ansioso para voar o XB-1 aqui, aproveitando as conquistas de outros engenheiros e pilotos talentosos que nos inspiram todos os dias a tornar as viagens supersônicas populares.” O primeiro vôo histórico do Boom XB-1 ocorrerá no mesmo espaço aéreo onde o capitão Charles Chuck Yeager voou pela primeira vez o Bell X-1 e o reconhecimento estratégico Mach 3+ SR-71 Blackbird em 1964.
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mereking · 1 year
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✞ brief introduction to meredith king
full name: meredith leanna king nickname(s): mer age: twenty-nine. date of birth: november 7th. place of birth: providence peak.  ethnicity: caucasian. nationality: american. gender: cis female. sexual orientation: pansexual. religion: more spiritual than anything. occupation: bartender @ holy spirits. language(s) spoken: ok at spanish and french. learning american sign language. accent: none.
face claim: florence pugh. hair color: blonde. eye color: green. height: 5′4″. weight: 120 lbs. build: athletic, lean. tattoos: the letters bc and mc written on the inside of her ring finger, flowers on her ribs piercings: ears, nose, belly button
fears: losing the ones she loves.  hobbies: reading old books, listening to music while taking a nice, hot bubble bath
father: jim king mother: annabelle danvers. sibling(s): none. financial status: lower class.
trigger warning: drug use, child neglect, crime, parental death, overdose
Meredith King came into the world the same way she lived for a good portion of her life - on the floor of a ratty, dirty apartment building floor in Providence Peak, Colorado. Her parents were both drug addicts and her mother only got clean for the nine months when Meredith was inside of her. She wasn’t properly taken care of but enough to where nobody really saw the depths of hell that she lived in. As the girl got older, she learned that her good looks could and would come in handy.
High school was where she turned those looks into money. Her face and demeanor screamed innocence so anything she did, she could blame on someone else or get out of it with the fluttering of her eyelashes. She was the girl that would sell drugs in the bathroom stalls or the girl that could hack into the computer systems to change your grade. She had a variety of skills and used them to her advantage.
Fresh on her eighteen birthday, she got home from school when she found both of her parents passed out. It wasn’t the first time, but it was different this time. She couldn’t see them breathing and with the drugs on the ground next to them, she knew. It was confirmed when EMS showed up and pronounced them both dead. Cause of death: overdose. She quickly had to buck up and find a way to support herself so she got a job working at the local gas station: at your service. It wasn't the best job but it paid the bills.
A few years later, she found herself moving into a two bedroom apartment with her best friend, Boyd and his new daughter Matilda, to help ease the burden from him. His daughter's mom left so Meredith stepped up to the plate to take care of her and to help Boyd. Their life wasn't easy and they struggled financially with a lot of things throughout the next few years but they had each other and that was all that mattered. But as Mattie got older and with a new baby on the way, Meredith knew that she wanted better for all of them.
She didn't know how she was going to do it but she got a job working at Holy Spirits and she loves the money that she makes compared to the gas station, it's not enough for what they need. So as side jobs, she started to do other questionable work in the night to make the money that they need. Part of her wonders why she's doing all of this when life keeps throwing the past at her but she would do anything for both Boyd and Mattie - even if it meant selling her soul to the devil.
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rcox808 · 1 year
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Charlie Daniels had a blog, and this was the last thing he wrote. He posted it on Saturday. He died of a stoke a few days later.
My Beautiful America
Have you ever spent the late afternoon,
Watching the purple shadows deepen in the Arizona desert?
Or seen a herd of Elk plow their way
Through waist-deep snow on a cold Colorado dawn?
Did you ever see the sun go down in Hawaii
Or seen the stormy waves break over the rockbound coast of Maine
Or have you ever seen an eagle fly up out of the mists of Alaska
Or a big October moon hanging full over the still Dakota badlands?
Have you ever tasted the gumbo in New Orleans, barbecue in Carolina
Or the chicken wings in Buffalo?
Have you ever had Brunswick stew in Macon, or cornbread in Birmingham?
Or briskets slow cook over hill country mesquite wood?
Did you ever drink the water from a gurgling branch in Utah,
Or stand on the mountain above El Paso Del Norte
And see the lights twinkling clear over into Mexico
Did you ever jingle horses in the pre-dawn stillness of a perfect Texas day
And watch their shod hooves kicking up sparks on the volcanic rock?
Or tended a trotline on a foggy Carolina morning,
Or heard the distant love song of a lovesick whippoorwill
On a pristine Tennessee late night?
Have you seen the faces on Mount Rushmore or stood at the Vietnam monument?
Have you ever crossed the mighty Mississippi,
Or been to the Daddy of ‘Em All in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Or seen the mighty Vols run out on the football field on a chilly autumn afternoon?
Did you ever see the Chicago skyline from Lakeshore Drive at night
Or the New England foliage in the fall,
Or the summer beauty of the Shenandoah Valley,
Or Indiana covered with new snow?
Did you ever seen a herd of wild horses running free
Across the empty spaces of Nevada?
Or caught a walleyed pike out of a cold Wisconsin stream,
Or marveled at the tall ships docked in the harbor at Baltimore?
Did you ever see the early morning dew sparkling on the bluegrass,
Or the wind stir the wheat fields on a hot Kansas afternoon
Or driven the lonely stretches of old Route 66
Have you ever heard the church bells peal their call to worship
On an early Sunday, in some small town in the Deep South?
Or passed through the Redwood Forest just as the sun was going down
Have you ever been to Boise or Baxley or Beaufort or Billings?
Have you ever passed through Sanford or Suffolk or San Angelo
Have you ever seen the falls at Niagara
The Ice Palace in Saint Paul
Or the Gateway to the West?
This then is America!
The land God blesses with everything
And no Eiffel Tower: no Taj Mahal,
No Alps, No Andes
No native hut, nor Royal Palace -
Can rival her awesome beauty,
Her diverse population, her monolithic majesty.
America the Free
America the mighty
America the beautiful
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One nation under God, indivisible
with liberty and justice for all.
What do you think?
Pray for our troops, and for the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
— Charlie Daniels
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1whimsicalgal · 1 year
Hallelujah. South Carolina, Kansas, Colorado, the District of Columbia, New Jersey, Oregon, and Vermont protect the right to abortion throughout the pregnancy, not just to the point of viability. Keep em coming, America!! "Republican Sen. Penry Gustafson spent over 30 minutes Wednesday detailing the bodily changes throughout every stage of pregnancy. Gustafson said she spoke so long because the millions of women addressed in the bill had not been heard. She emphasized her “pro-life” position but said the proposal left “no room for empathy, reality or graciousness.” Republican Sen. Sandy Senn criticized Majority Leader Shane Massey for repeatedly “taking us off a cliff on abortion.” “The only thing that we can do when you all, you men in the chamber, metaphorically keep slapping women by raising abortion again and again and again, is for us to slap you back with our words,” Senn said."
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armanagementsolutions · 6 months
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AR Management Solutions: EMS Billing Services in Colorado
AR Management Solutions provides expert EMS billing services in Colorado. As an EMS billing company, they understand the complexities of ambulance service billing and work hard to maximize reimbursement for their clients. Their experienced billing specialists are experts in medical coding and compliance, ensuring claims are coded accurately and submitted in a timely manner. They also appeal underpayments and denied claims tenaciously.
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pachukwi · 2 years
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Nome: Robin "Pachukwi" Raine-Gomez
Idade: 31 anos
Ocupação anterior: estudante de engenharia
Ocupação atual: dona de casa autônoma
Arma: arco e flecha
Alinhamento: neutra boa
Pontos fortes: sabedoria, furtividade, percepção, sobrevivência e lidar com animais
Pontos fracos: força, atletismo, enganação, persuasão e diplomacia
Inspirações: Joel Dawson (Love & Monsters), Katniss Everdeen (Jogos Vorazes), Katara (A Lenda de Aang), Bill (The Last of Us), Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist)
FC: Tanaya Beatty
nota da player: tô insatisfeita com a bio e quero reescrever mas é isso
Robin cresceu em uma pequena cidade do Colorado, próxima à sede da reserva do seu povo: os Ute do Sul. Perdeu o pai cedo para o sistema penitenciário e a mãe para as enormes estáticas de mulheres indígenas desaparecidas na América do Norte, sendo assim criada pelos avós. Gostava de manter-se próxima da cultura de seu povo, conhecer a história, contudo, também desejava continuar os estudos em uma universidade. Sem muito dinheiro para a anuidade, teve de se contentar com uma faculdade comunitária.
Foi nessa época que sua preocupação com o aquecimento global e suas consequências começou a se intensificar. Comentando o assunto na internet, conheceu Carter Gomez, um rapaz um pouco mais velho que se declarava um especialista em sobrevivência para o fim do mundo. No início, Robin o achou bobo e paranóico, mas conforme o tempo se passava ia se tornando mais afeiçoada. Quando tudo desmoronou em 2013, estavam combinando um primeiro encontro pessoalmente, o que não aconteceria tão cedo. Na tarde em que soube da nova pandemia, Robin dirigiu apressada de volta para a reserva indígena, preocupada com a família.
Felizmente, a doença ainda não havia chegado à cidade pequena, e tiveram tempo de prepararem uma retirada mais afundo na floresta para evitarem os drones. Muito foi perdido na evacuação, alguns encontros com infectados eram inevitáveis, porém com o conhecimento dos anciãos e a estratégia dos conselheiros conseguiram manter boa parte da comunidade a salvo. Como outros jovens, Robin aprendeu a caçar, pescar e identificar plantas comestíveis e medicinais.
Viviam bem apesar das circunstâncias, porém todas as noites Robin se perguntava o que teria acontecido a Carter, tentando ocasionalmente encontrá-lo no rádio. Três anos depois, quando conseguiu, pediu aos primos que a acompanhassem em uma jornada de quatro dias até Morrison, ao norte do estado. Era um tiro no escuro, todos concordavam, mas Robin estava apaixonada e, literalmente, não sabia se haveria amanhã. A viagem foi um sucesso e, chegando lá, a mulher foi recebida com o beijo pelo qual ansiava há anos. Ficaria lá, decidiu, e se comunicaria pelo rádio para avisar à família que estavam bem.
Assim, os dois se casaram e passaram a cuidar e aprimorar do que chamavam de o refúgio perfeito. A casa dos Gomez era abastecida a painéis solares, reciclava água e contava com uma pequena horta hidropônica, podiam até mesmo assistir a filmes antigos no home theater. A única coisa para a qual não estavam preparados era a doença que afligiu Carter subitamente em 2022. Robin tentou contatar assentamentos próximos para encontrar um médico, contudo, não houve tempo. Em menos de uma semana, seu marido faleceu, deixando-a sozinha em Morrison, e sem conseguir contato com sua família nos sudoeste do estado.
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awesomeforever · 2 years
FOX31 Denver Please enter a search term. Please enter a search term. Hikers rescued (Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue) by: Dara Bitler Posted: Jun 29, 2022 / 07:09 AM MDT Updated: Jun 29, 2022 / 07:09 AM MDT Hikers rescued (Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue) by: Dara Bitler Posted: Jun 29, 2022 / 07:09 AM MDT Updated: Jun 29, 2022 / 07:09 AM MDT ALAMOSA COUNTY, Colo. (KDVR) — The Alamosa Volunteer Search and Rescue group says it rescued two unprepared hikers suffering hypothermia on Monday. AVSAR said it was contacted at 2:35 a.m. by Colorado State Patrol dispatchers who said two hikers were suffering from hypothermia in the Sangre de Cristo range near Lake Como. Rescue crews arrived in the area and started driving Lake Como Road, which they said was exceptionally dangerous due to heavy rain, high chance for rockfall and extremely slippery rocks. When rescue crews reached the hikers about a quarter mile from Lake Como, one was so cold that they could not move. AVSAR said the other hiker was vomiting, severely dehydrated and had a headache. AVSAR said they gave the hikers hot water bottles and sugary drinks to rehydrate them and then brought them to the trail head to get checked out by EMS. “Ignorance kills,” AVSAR said. “These hikers were highly unprepared. They had no extra clothing and no way to stay dry in their tent, with no rain fly. These hikers said they did not understand why it was so cold and rainy in Colorado, because it has been “so hot in Texas” where they hike all the time. They never checked any weather forecasts and did not have any extra food, water or layers for the intense hike in or the night to camp. This is an extreme example of how ignorance can kill people suddenly in these mountains.” If you are hiking in Colorado, it is important to “know before you go.” If you are not feeling well, you get lost, or you are struggling with an injury, be prepared to call for help if you need to. Get a Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue Card: If a search and rescue team incurs expenses during a mission, they don’t bill it to the person they helped. They (or the county sheriff under whom they operate) absorb that cost. Buying a CORSAR Card helps ensure that a county sheriff and the SAR team are financially prepared for the next mission — just as they were ready to help you because previous people they helped had a card and the team’s expenses were reimbursed. This card allows the responders to apply for reimbursement of extraordinary expenses, but not the normal operating or routine mission expenses. Be sure to download the free Pinpoint Weather App to stay up-to-date with the newest data as it comes in. Submit Δdocument.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Thanks for signing up! Watch for us in your inbox. Subscribe Now Thanks for signing up! Watch for us in your inbox. Subscribe Now source
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cooper730 · 2 years
Its 2 am in the morning
Ever since Covid, I developed a horrible sleep pattern. Nothing like being isolated and alone in a place with no friends or family to start questioning everything around you. I believe it largely started due to being laid off right at the start of the pandemic and starting off 2020 in Colorado where I new very little people. I am a very competitive person, especially when it comes to hustling in the job market. I excel in opportunity. I always have. I never feel like the odds are stacked against me. But rather this is my opportunity to shine. "I'll show em all" type of mentality. From the people I interacted with through various internet and social media forums in quarantine, it seemed like they weren't even trying. It was like apathy or something on an extreme level. Like if the world is going to shit we might as well have fun and drink and stay up all night. My personality type would never allow me to do this. From the point of being laid off, I hit the job market. Insanely enough I was getting a shit ton of hits. At one point I was interviewing with 5 different companies a week in 2020 from Feb until about July. I interview with Salesforce, Amazon Web Services, Nutanix, Dell Computers, some start ups, ServiceNow, Google. You name em, I interviewed with em. As glad as I was to be interviewing with these companies, I had never faced such harsh and critical components of the hiring process. I was doing mock sales calls, presentations, behavioral, case studies, etc. Never had I had to try so hard for a job than in 2020. But I was in pure survival mode. That's the way my mind and body was trained. I don't give up. There has to be a tomorrow. As I went through this process, the realism of the surmounting "End" came to the forefront of my mind. I started to feel like I couldnt breathe anymore. Every day was pent up anxiety. We weren't meant to live this way. No hope. No future. Every interview would last up to about 5 to 10 stages. It was always wind up something like "Our HR departments gave us new numbers, what was once 10 positions for this role, is now only one, IF that" I was chasing ghosts while I was wasting away So much of this, it truly started to affect my sleep. I'd go to bed with nothing in my bones except anxiety and hopelessness. Every day for 6 months straight, I'd wake up between 2 am and 3 am with a huge shot of adrenaline and start obsessing over anxious thoughts. I didn't even remember them half the time the next day. Finally I would get up walk around and analyze the clock. I wanted so much to feel home. To feel warmth. To feel family. I would watch YouTube videos of Texas football media at those hours. Highlights of the boys in burnt orange always brought me happiness. Turning on a show or a movie was completely out of the picture because any little point of negativity would send me down a negative spiral. Because of my love for youtube research, I started to really research my sleep anxiety. What I found was the "fight or flight response" "The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee."-Psychology Today As I did more research I found that in order to conquer my sleep anxiety, I would need to regulate my emotions, not let my emotions have control over me. I needed to use my prefrontal cortex to determine what is rational and what was not. Are these crazy anxious thoughts I am having at two am rational? Is the world gonna end? Was that bill paid? Is my car gonna break down, again? Am I going to go into debt? Will I ever be able to afford the life I wanna live? Will this pandemic ever end? Will life ever be normal again? Did I really miss my chance at happiness by not going after that girl I really liked? Are these things I can solve at 2 am in the morning? No. Even if I was awake could they be solved tomorrow? Probably not. I did more research on regulating the physiological symptoms of anxiety. I feel like I was trying to outsmart my anxious thoughts by creating more problems, inadvertently of course. What I learned? BREATHE SPENCER, JUST BREATHE By allowing oxygen into my brain and control my breathing, I came to discover that I had my control over myself. Fight or Flight. Allowing oxygen into your brain will allow you to think rationally. Think about it. If you are choked up or have a stuffy nose are you usually thinking clearly? Not really. Allowing oxygen into your brain on a regualted level will allow you to have so much more peace. Once I started doing this. I came to find that I was able to sleep better. Waking up at 2 am still happened but by breathing I was able to get back to sleep and get better rest. I know it feels like the world is on fire most days. Take a deep breath and enjoy life every once in a while is what I've learned.
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passivenovember · 4 years
Stupid Harringrove HC!!!!! Ok so since I was young I've done this thing where I ask people I'm close to the same question again and again and again bc ??? that's what my brain do i guess. Like, when I was young I would ask my mom stuff like 'what's your favorite color?' or 'do you like chocolate?' everyday and get the same answer. And now I ask stupid questions like 'have you ever been murdered?' or 'how many socks can you fit in your left toe?'. Like, asking the same people the same question repeatedly bc it's going to vibrate against my skull unless I ask it right then. So, anyway, I'm giving this brain click to Steve. And Billy wants to find it annoying but instead he just thinks it's cute.
I love getting lil head canons from y’all! KEEP ‘EM COMIN’
Okay, so.
I can’t pretend that I fully understand what you mean. Please let me know if this is way out of left field, but. My best friend is Autistic and she does something similar where she’ll tell the same story over and over again, or she’ll ask me questions that she can’t remember the answer to. They’re never super out there, like. She never asks me how many socks I can fit on my left toe but I wish she would! The answer is one really small one and two big ones!
Billy always thought those types of questions only came up when you’re high. You know. Stoner Boner thoughts. Little tingly synapses that glitter in the back of his mind when he’s three blunts in, eyelids red and droopy to the point where Max can take one look at him and ask how’s the view up there?
But apparently not. 
Apparently Steve? He’s got wheels turning behind that pretty spread of hair after all. Billy’s just never sure if they’re spinning in the right direction.
The first time it happens they’re high as shit.
Steve’s parents are away for the weekend and Tommy got a new load of goodies from his cousin in Colorado. Like, gummies and THC infused soda--stuff that reminds Billy too much of home. 
Futuristic. Sinful in the high they produce.
And Steve’s a pothead on a good day. Not everyone knows that about him but the kid can sniff out miss Mary like a prized bloodhound.
The shit they buy off Tommy, though?
It’s different than Indiana rag weed. Steve eats half a gummy and rolls two more, already floating ten feet above the bell tower. 
By the time the high hits, Billy knows Steve’s had too much. It’s obvious from the way he’s laying barefoot on the window seat, the pads of each foot walking back and forth across the glass without ever really touching it. Steve’s nursing a bag of popcorn and a joint, singing along to Fleetwood Mac, and Billy.
He decides it’s time to clean the room.
Steve’s messy. A messy dude, a sloppy boy, and as much as Billy despises the way cleanliness was beaten into him, he doesn’t mind cleaning up if it’s for Steve, so.
Billy’s midway through folding Steve’s socks when a question is supplied.
Steve chuckles to himself. “You there, dude?”
“I’m here, baby.”
Steve hums, toes digging into the windowpane as he struggles to move his feet across the ledge once more. “If Jesus can walk on water, can he swim on land?”
And it’s funny, but like.
Also kind of random.
And weird.
Billy drops the wad of socks with a chuckle. “What?”
“Yeah. He walks across the red sea--”
“The river Jordan.”
“And he walks on the water, like. Barefoot or something. Without getting wet.” Steve rolls off the window seat, managing to avoid dumping his popcorn everywhere. “Do you think Jesus could swim on the ground? Like at the quarry?”
And Billy.
Blames it on the weed. On the cute little way Steve watches him with wide, curious brown irises, hand shoveling too much popcorn into his mouth so when Steve crunches on the kernels they spill all over the place, and.
Plaster themselves to his chin. 
Billy blames Steve for the way he crawls over to wipe at them harshly, letting up only when Steve whines in the back of his throat. 
Billy kisses Steve’s cheek. “Do you want Jesus to swim on land?” He decides to entertain it. 
Harrington thinks about it, feeding himself a kernel of popcorn with a little, “One for me,” and then poking Billy’s lips with the next. All, “One for you.”
Over and over again until Steve’s just feeding Billy popcorn. Until they’ve forgotten the whole Jesus debate and Billy has to snatch the bag away and insist they get real food.
So they drop it.
Eat dinner. Shower. Watch T.V. All thoughts of Jesus aside until they’re cuddled up in bed and Billy feels himself fall heavy with exhaustion. 
Steve’s voice rings sweet and soft in the darkness. “Bill?”
“You awake, man?”
Billy sighs, burying his head in Steve’s chest. “I’m here, baby.”
Steve hums. Pulling Billy closer, and. Wondering aloud; “Do you think Jesus can walk on water and swim on land?”
Billy thinks about it for a minute. Wondering if Steve is joking. If he even remembers the conversation they had earlier. In the end, Billy just laughs. 
“Do you want Jesus to swim on land?” He asks. Because it’s important.
Steve doesn’t say anything for a long time.
So long that Billy wonders if this goes deeper. If it’s a crisis of faith or it he’s really praying about it to get the truth straight from the horses mouth, but.
When Billy pulls out of Steve’s grasp he comes face to face with that tell-tale drool spot. And Steve’s snuffly little dream noises and he knows.
They’ll talk about it again in the morning.
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blogwelberfotos-blog · 7 months
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A vice-administradora da NASA, Pam Melroy, faz os comentários principais durante o 37º Simpósio Espacial, terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2022, em Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Créditos: NASA/Bill Ingalls
Welbernewsnoticias ano 2024.
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babbushka · 4 years
Biting Dust - ch.4
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Life ain’t too easy for a woman, ‘specially not a woman on the run like you. With a bounty on your head and gunpowder in your nose, you’ve grown adjusted to a life of solitude away from the hustle and bustle of civilization. That is, until you meet one particular man who’s got a face you’d only ever seen in your dreams – or on wanted posters. And when he offers you a proposition that sounds too good to be true, well. You don’t think your life will ever be the same again…
Outlaw!Kylo Ren x Reader
Tumblr Masterlist | Available on AO3
7k; cw Graphic descriptions of violence/gun violence/blood & injury 
There’s a distinct energy in the air, gettin’ on up in the morning. Still surprised he ain’t shoot you dead yet, you give Kylo nothing more than a nod of acknowledgment, before goin’ about your business, wadin’ ankle-deep into the water. The water, crystalline and deep, light sparkling off the meandering currents like diamonds, you’re reminded of the way Kylo looked, when he was lookin’ at you.
Shaking your head, you sigh. Whatever had happened yesterday had happened, and it was in the past. Had you dreamed about it? About him? Had your visions been plagued with the look on his face as he came across your stomach? As he nearly sobbed for you, lickin’ at your pulse like some wild thing?
Of course.
Of course, but as much as you wanted to ride on that high of victory, that first test, that first challenge of trust, you knew that his turn would be a’comin’ real soon. You tip your face up to the sky, let the crisp blue of Arizona shine down on your closed eyes, seepin’ up the warmth.
You splash the sleep out of your face, and if Kylo’s watchin’ you real careful like, if somethin’s on his mind, he’s got the smarts to keep it to himself.
It’s silent, for a good part of the ride. Y’all had skipped breakfast, forgoin’ the previous day’s precedent of boiled coffee and a cigarette, instead wanting to keep moving. Always on the move, you were. It wasn’t always that way, but well, that’d been the way for so damn long now, that the time before feels like a dream. Feels like someone else’s memories playin’ in your head.
If only that was the case, you think dryly.
Kylo’s contemplative on his horse, for a real long while. You wonder what he might be thinkin’ about, if he’s thinkin’ about you. You had tried wakin’ up before him today, but it was to no avail. Did the man ever sleep? Surely he must’ve, he was only human after all. You catch his eye awkwardly, the both of y’all looking at each other and then looking away, embarrassed at bein’ caught.
It would seem as though that mutual embarrassment was Kylo’s sign to say something finally, breaking whatever tense mood this had become.
“So Cousin,” Kylo’s voice shocks you for some reason, almost like you had forgotten how deep it was, almost like you’d forgotten that another person could speak so clearly, so confidently to you. “What’s your name?”
He’s referring to the cover story, of course. You remember the way he so sharply denied answering for his age – or maybe was it bein’ a brother that he objected to? Either way, the venom that had stung still lingers in the back of your mind, so you find it best not to press the subject, and answer with the moniker you’ve come to use;
“Mary Elizabeth Sampson.” The words just sound right, rollin’ off the tongue. It was a normal name, nothin’ so outlandish like Angel Eyes. No, Miss Mary Elizabeth Sampson was a proper name, could be found in just about any school house – you immediately cut that train of thought off, instead deflecting, “What’s yours?”
“Benjamin Whitlocke.” Kylo tips his hat, and gives you a real cheeky smile, the kind that shows off his dimples and them crooked teeth as he winks, “But you can call me Benji.”
Sonofabitch is charming, you’ll give him that.
The ease at which Kylo spills the name from his lips relieves you. He was just like you, wasn’t he? On the run and undercover in more ways than one, always another name, another identity in his back pocket. Not that anyone would believe him if he went around introducin’ himself as Kylo Ren – that man was a legend.
This man is…well.
He’s charming.
You commit the name to memory, not that anyone is likely to ask. Folks tended to not ask about things like that, things like the who the when where why how, usually only the what. Still, it’s good to know, good to make sure y’all are on the same page, so you don’t go gettin’ yourselves shot on accident.
“Alright Benji, where’re we from?” You keep your face turned towards the horizon, towards the little town that you’ll be passin’ through. It’s coming up, just out there, just around the canyons. “And where’re goin’?”
“Genoa, Nevada. Right near the Carson River Valley, just shy of Reno.” Kylo’s quick with this one too, and you accept it as an acceptable answer. You had no problem adopting his story, somethin’ about it made you feel more at ease. You could trust yourself to not fuck it up – but trustin’ someone else? Not likely. Especially when Kylo gives you a glance with his good eye and asks, “And well, best to tell the truth ain’t it? Colorado?”
You had told that kind woman back at the inn that you’d be headin’ to Colorado, it didn’t seem worth it to lie once you’ve already told the truth. The truth is easy, don’t got nothin’ to hide if you’re tellin’ the truth.
“Sure is.” You eventually respond. When you ask the next question, you ain’t askin’ for any other reason than your own edification, “What’s the name of this lil’ town you’re sayin’ we’re comin’ up on?”
Kylo shrugs at that, and you shoot him a dirty glare. Immediately he puts his hands up to prevent you from throwin’ a fit about not knowin’ where the hell he’s taking you.
“Well I ain’t so sure what they call themselves on the map, but everyone I ever spoke to only knows it as Ragrock.” He explains, and you sigh, not likin’ that answer one bit.
“Ain’t never heard of Ragrock, are you sure it’ll be there?” You don’t recall such a name bein’ written on that map you’d taken, as a matter of fact you don’t recall a town bein’ out here this way anyway.
Don’t jump to conclusions, you think, as your finger itches for the trigger of your six-shooter that you’ve got right on your hip. Don’t jump, he could be telling the truth, he hasn’t done you wrong yet.
“I’m sure. It’s mighty small but it’s got what we need.” Kylo speaks confidently, making you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Oh yeah? And what exactly is it that we need?”
“Well now I don’t know about you, but I sure would like to stock up on some essential supplies,” Kylo licks across his teeth, breath still sour from morning. “Namely bullets. Some food and a good drink too while we’re at it, but mostly bullets.”
“How much shootin’ have you been doin’ to be fresh out?” You frown, and he rolls his eyes. For a second there, you think he’s about to laugh, but the most you get is a sharp huff out of his nose.
“Angel I’m never fresh out, believe me.” Patting his hip, you hear the telltale jangle of rounds secured to his belt. “I just don’t like gettin’ low, that’s all. And besides, I have a feelin’ we’re gonna need ‘em. We’ll keep a low profile and all, but Ragrock has a habit of bein’ a bitch sometimes.”
“Yesterday you said there were only three public buildings.” You point out, how much of a bitch could a small town like that be?
“I sure did.” He misses the point, “Bar, drug store, and jail.”
“Damn.” The word is out of your mouth before you even think it, and you immediately kick yourself.
Kylo does smile then, gives you a big knowing smile, and something about it soothes you just as much as it unnerves you. You had been half-jokin’ when you told him your name was Angel Eyes, and you had hoped he’d be inclined to accept it as a joke. No one had ever seen you, your face was never done right on the wanted posters, to him you had hoped you were just another woman out in the west.
But when he smiles at you like that, it makes you think he knows.
“Closest bank’s not gonna be until we cross over the border into Utah.” Kylo says real quiet, and you give yourself away by snappin’ your teeth shut, shootin’ him the dirtiest look you can muster.
“What do I care about banks for?” You’re too defensive, and you know that, but dammit you’re defensive anyway – especially because you are Angel Eyes and what if he’s a bounty hunter of some kind? What if he poses as Kylo Ren to get close to outlaws just like you and rake in the big bucks? What if -- ?
“Didn’t say that you did,” Kylo shrugs again, “Was just makin’ conversation is all. Anyway, we won’t be needin’ to worry about banks for a little while. I’ve got enough money on me.”
You have half a mind to halt Agnes right then and there, surprise taking the place of any paranoia.
“You do?” Frowning, you watch as he rifles through a little purse that he pulls out of a small pocket in his waistcoat.  
“Yep.” He shows you, lets you peer inside at the many bills folded neatly together, “Just about a hundred dollars between it all.”
You do stop Agnes then, halting her reins sharply in a way that makes her whinny in protest. Kylo stops Sam too, already confused about what he did wrong, about why you might be angry with him. That only makes you a little angrier.
“Where the fuck did you get that kind of money?” You demand, wondering why the hell he hadn’t said something before, why he had so little on his person if he had the money to afford better.
“Does it matter?” Kylo shrugs and you sigh with an exasperated roll of your eyes.
“Yeah it sure as shit matters! We can’t go ridin’ into a small town with that much money lookin’ like we do. They’ll suspect us straight off.” You groan.
You’re in your riding clothes once again, but you know that even when you change into your blue dress, neither of you will look rich enough to be carrying around one-hundred dollars. That was a very special class of person, a class of person neither of y’all happen to be. Anyone who saw would immediately peg y’all as thieves.
“Well it ain’t like I’m gonna walk in and flash some bills in everyone’s face.” Kylo mutters, expression souring, “Maybe I’m a gambler and got lucky over a deck of cards, they don’t need to know where it came from.”
The thought fills you with panic, with dread.
“Are you?” You’re askin’ before you even know that you’re doing it, voice gone hoarse from the memory of a long time ago, the memory of a poker table endin’ badly, the memory of a card game lost, fire and screaming and --
“No.” Kylo answers with enough passion and angry heat that you think maybe he’s got some bad memories too. You and Kylo stare real hard at one another, and eventually he puts the purse back in his little pocket and says real soft, “My daddy was, and that’s enough for me to never want to bet so much as a dime.”
As much as you hate admittin’ it – and though you’d never say it to his face – you find yourself likin’ Kylo a little bit more now. He nudges Sam with the heel of his boot, thinking that now that this face off has met its end, you can continue down towards the town.
Squinting against the rippling heat waves of the summer sun, you notice that the town’s buildings are starting to appear as small pricks on the horizon, way out in the distance, shimmering like a mirage. Now’s as good a time as any, you figure, because if you get any closer they might send scouts to come investigate, and you’re not in any mood for an investigation.
“Hold on.” You say, and Kylo stops immediately. Sam huffs out a little chuff of annoyance, but Kylo ignores her.
“What’s the matter?” He’s got a sharp edge to his voice, his good eye immediately scanning around and around for danger.
“Ain’t nothin’ the matter, I just have to change, that’s all.” You explain, and it’s almost funny the way that Kylo’s shoulders drop, tension saggin’ away from them.
You hop off of Agnes altogether. Looking around, you realize very quickly that there’s nothing to change behind, nothing to give you cover. But then you wonder if it really matters, Kylo’s already seen you naked after all. You wonder if he’ll want to look again, if he’ll get his eyeful of you the way he had yesterday, but you find that as you start undressing, he’s got his eye trained just off to your right, respectful.
“Into that blue dress of yours, right?” He clears his throat, busying himself by fiddling with some tobacco and a piece of paper, rollin’ up a cigarette.
“One of us has to look civilized.” You tease him, “Make yourself useful and keep a lookout.”
He does something then, that makes you wonder just what the hell he’s playin’ at. Kylo guides Sam to come stand beside you, effectively sandwiching you between your horse and his, creatin’ a barrier from the outside world, a shield of sorts. You never would have expected such gentlemanly behavior from him – from anyone.
But here he is, protectin’ you from the hungry gaze of the sun and the sand, as you step out of the calf-tall boots you wear, unsnap the buckles of your suspenders which hold up the worn linen trousers that once were a rich black, but now have sun-bleached to an off-blue grey. You unbutton your shirt, long sleeves slippin’ off your arms and exposing your skin to the harsh rays of the sun for a few moments, and all the while, Kylo doesn’t look.
You’re wearin’ nothin’ but your corset and smock, and he doesn’t look.
“You know, when we cross into Utah, we’ll have to pass through Ruby City.” Kylo says instead of starin’ at your body, instead of tryin’ to get a glimpse. “That there’s a proper city, has a train station runnin’ through it and everything. It’s got all sorts of stores and things like that. Maybe you could let me buy you a new dress, let that blue one retire for a while.”
Switching your corset from the sturdy riding support-piece that you wear for something more fashionably structured, still he doesn’t look. The smock sits nicely off your shoulders, your decolletage and cleavage on full display as you snap the hooks and eyes of the corset into place, steppin’ into the petticoat that you’d just cleaned by the river.
“No.” You say easily, echoin’ a sentiment you’d give him before, “I don’t need you doin’ anything for me, I told you already – ”
You struggle for a minute, pullin’ the dress over your head. When it’s freshly washed like this sometimes it was a little stiff from dryin’ in the sun, and you have to wriggle it around to get it to sit properly.
“Well what if it ain’t a need but a want to do it?” Kylo’s hands startle you for a minute, as he leans down and helps set the seam of the yoke on your shoulders properly, “A gift from me to you.”
You tense up immediately, and he drops his hands, not wanting to offend or upset you.
“Ain’t never been a man who gives a gift without expectin’ somethin’ in return.” You reply quietly, a resolute shake of your head.
He’s quiet about that for a while, watching you now that you’re all covered up, watching as you do up all those buttons on your front, as you step into boots that are a little more lady-like, even though you despise that term.
He watches as you trade your wide brimmed hat for a bonnet, hair tucked neatly away instead of the way you usually let it be exposed and free.
“I’m not like them,” Kylo appraises you, fixes your bonnet a little so it ain’t crooked as you tie the ribbon underneath your chin, “Whoever it is that done hurt you so bad.”
“I don’t know that.” You point out, swingin’ your leg up over Agnes’ sadle and rollin’ the stiff joints of your shoulders. Your tone is light, not wantin’ to get into too much heavy right before headin’ into the town, “For all I know, you could be worse.”
“I’ll prove it to you, you’ll see.” Kylo smiles, and you almost want to accept that as a challenge, almost want to dare him, just to see if he would.
Kylo wasn’t lying when he said the town was small. There it was, the single street town, in all its glory. Looking to the left, you can see the way the canyons split and wind alongside the river, houses and homesteads and farms dottin’ the red red earth. Looking to the right, you can see more houses still, but farther apart, nothin’ but cacti and tumbleweeds between them.
Along this single road are actually five buildings; the drugstore and a jail to the left, the saloon and a big fancy house to the right, and a church right down at the end of the road. Well, it wasn’t so much a road as it was a dirt path, but still. And because of how little there was, it was all spread out, takin’ up as much space as possible.
No one was around, but if all the noise from the saloon were anythin’ to go by, you’d reckon that the entire town of Ragrock had gathered there.
Given the placement of the sun up in the powder blue sky, it was fixin’ to be about lunchtime. And considerin’ neither you nor Kylo had had anythin’ to eat today, you’re just glad that the ovens would hopefully be workin’, and that you might use some of Kylo’s money for somethin’ hot and fresh.
“I’m going to pick up some things from the pharmacy, why don’t you go get us a table?” Kylo’s thinkin’ the same thing, and you shoot him a wary eyebrow.
“Do you think they’ll let me in?” You knew that in most places, women weren’t actually allowed inside saloons unless they were whores or ‘Shady Ladies’. And while you were certainly a Shady Lady, you didn’t need nobody knowin’ that.
“In a town this small, impropriety extends to the womenfolk, no need for worry.” Kylo waves your concern off, and you wonder whether to believe him or not.
“What’ll you have to drink?” You decide on takin’ him at face value, it hadn’t steered you wrong yet. Kylo lets out a little laugh at the question, and you roll your eyes, hatin’ how damn cocky he gets when he gets his way.
“Doubt there’ll be much of a choice, but if rum’s on the menu, you sign me up for a glass of that.” He licks across his teeth again, and you part ways for the time being.
There’s only one place to hitch the horses, and that’s damn near the other end of the town by the church. Must not be Sunday, you figure, since the building is empty. Keeping track of the days of the week was somethin’ that had been gettin’ harder and harder, and usually it was only times like these when you’re in a town, that you’re able to figure out when the hell on the calendar you are.
Bein’ that it ain’t Sunday, your earlier suspicion is correct – everyone in the town is in this saloon. From the town elders to the children, boys and girls alike, everyone’s gathered together in the shade of the big wooden building. It’s only one story you notice, which means that there ain’t an inn or a place to sleep above it, which could pose somethin’ of a problem for you. You resolve to get chummy with the boss and see if he can’t suggest somewhere that you and Kylo might be able to rest your heads later on in the evening when the time comes.
The bar is nearly full up with customers laughin’ and talkin’ to one another, card game tables are set up on the floor, some folks winnin’ and some folks losing. There’s a three-person band up against the wall, a pianist a harmonica player, and a fiddle player, and the music instantly lets you know that this is an Irish town.
No rum then, sorry Kylo, you think with a bit of apprehension as you step foot through the swingin’ café doors. Unlike the saloon in the other town, no one pays you a lick of attention here. It ain’t until you make your way up to the bar as a matter of fact, that you start gettin’ eyes.
“Well hell-llo there honey.” A large portly man with a great big gold tooth right in the middle of his face gives you the once-over, “Are you lost?”
Your eye twitches ever so slightly at the petname, but you put on a cool face and bat your lashes, knowin’ just how to play this particular game.
“No sir, my cousin and I are just passin’ through.” You explain, lookin’ for someone who works there, “Might there be a spot open for us to have a drink and crust of bread?”
“For a face like that, you bet your ass there is.” The bartender, a man with slim sharp features stands up from wherever he was crouchin’ behind the bar counter. He wipes the counter with a fresh cloth before slingin’ the thing over his shoulder.
The bartender puts a plate of food in front of you, some buttered bread and nuts that you happily crunch down.
“Watch your fuckin’ mouth, that there’s a lady.” The portly man with the gold tooth points a finger in the bartender’s direction, makin’ you chuckle.
“Naw it’s alright, I ain’t so proper that a couple cuss words will do me any offense.” You wink at him, watchin’ as he gets off his stool at the bar, and offers it to you.
You sit on the stool in his place, and he leans up against his elbow on the counter. You try not to wrinkle your nose at how bad his breath smells, keepin’ up that pleasant smile.
“I’m Amos, why don’t you let me buy you a drink?” He asks, and your eyes flick to the doors with hesitation.
“That’d be mighty kind of you, thank you Amos.” Knowing to never ever refuse a drink or else risk gettin’ branded as disrespectful, you chew on your lip, “Although, I should probably wait for my cousin. He’s just over yonder at the drug store, but he’ll be right back when he’s done.”
“Well when he comes on in I’ll buy him a drink too!” Amos lets out a hearty laugh, slaps a couple coins down on the counter.
“I speak for the both of us when I say we appreciate the generosity immensely.” You smile, wondering what the fuck is taking Kylo so long.
“What’ll you have?” The bartender accepts the coins, pulls a big glass out from behind the counter and gestures to the three different barrel taps he’s got on hand.
“I ain’t picky.” You shake your head, not wantin’ to be fussy.
You’d had a taste of just about every kind of alcohol there was, from Pabst and Budweiser to home-distilled ‘shine. There wasn’t nothin’ you couldn’t swallow, even if you did prefer water above all else. The bartender fills up the glass with the frothy gold of some home brew, and knowin’ the norms, knowin’ how it’d be a sign of weakness to sip your drink, you throw back a big gulp, wipin’ a droplet or two away from your chin with the back of your hand, much to the cheers and applause around you.
“Damn! A woman who can hold her liquor deserves it, don’t you think, ‘Tidge?” Amos slaps the bar top, regardin’ you with another hearty chuckle.
“I sure do.” The bartender, ‘Tidge, gives you a freckled smile.
You look over your shoulder once again, and still no sign of Kylo.
Well, you think to yourself, if he’s going to take his sweet fuckin’ time, then you might as well get comfortable. Besides, couldn’t hurt to get on the town’s sweet side, in case you ever need to come moseying back through this way.
“I like that name, is it short for somethin’?” You turn your attention back towards the bartender, admiring his features.
He’s handsome, in a gangly sort of way. Those cheekbones could cut a man from how sharp they were, everything about him angular and severe, right down to his eyes, a swirling blue-green-grey that you couldn’t quite place. And then of course his hair, a bright orange with more yellow than red in it, you’re sure you’d be able to spot this man from just about anywhere in the town – maybe that’s why he was bartender.
“Armitage, but ain’t nobody calls me that unless I’m in trouble for somethin’, ya see.” He winks at you, his accent lilting and even as he wipes wipes wipes the counter and nonchalantly asks, “What might your name be?”
“Mary, and my cousin’s Benjamin.” You lie straight through your smiling teeth, and he smiles back.
He’s about to open his mouth to say something else, when another employee, a server of some kind, sticks his head out from a side door behind the counter and whistles for Armitage’s attention.
“Hey boss!” The server calls, “There’s a man out here askin’ about some cattle, says he wants to talk to you.”
At that, Armitage throws the towel down and groans, checkin’ the pocket-watch he pulls out of his vest.
“Aw shit,” He mutters to himself, callin’ back, “Tell Joey I’ll be right out! Pardon me Miss Mary, but business is business.”
You only nod, liftin’ your glass of half-drunk whiskey in response, and Armitage leaves.
The swingin’ doors of the saloon give way once again, and this time, finally, Kylo arrives. You can see him through the reflection of the tarnished silver mirror that sits up on the wall behind the bar, likely for reasons like this; so even the regulars at the bar can get a looksee at whoever happens to be comin’ and goin’.
You take another swig of your drink, watch through the silver as Kylo is stopped by a gentleman by the door.
“Hold on there partner, check your guns in.” The gentleman says, a hand on Kylo’s massive chest, stoppin’ him from walking in any further. “Thems the rules.”
You try to hide your grin at the fact that you had been so underestimated to not be stopped, but then again, Kylo was really askin’ for trouble just by walkin’ in, what with his naturally intimidating demeanor. You wonder if he’s going to fight the old man on that, but shockingly, he hands his pistol over without any hesitation.
“Whatever you say, sir.” Kylo gives a nod, before searching for you with a tentative, “Mary?”
“Over here Benji.” At the sound of your ‘name’, you turn and throw a hand up for Kylo to see.
“So this is the cousin, eh?” Amos slurps his beer loudly, as if sizing Kylo up and down, trying to figure out if that’s a fight he would win.
“Yep.” You reply, tryin’ your damn best to not regard Kylo with anything more than platonic interest as he weaves his way through the saloon.
Heat burns in your cheeks from how he doesn’t take his eyes off of you, even in that menacing scowl he’s got plastered to his face, he doesn’t once look away. To him, you could have been the only woman in the entire saloon, and for all he knew, you might as well be. Even without his gun, Kylo still looks like the most deadly man in the entire bar, just from sheer stature and attitude.
It’s a good look, not that you’d tell him that.
You don’t get a chance to tell him anything, because as soon as he comes and sidles up next to you, he slips an arm around your waist, protective – possessive, sizin’ Amos up and down in reutnr, a challenge of his own.  
“We were startin’ to think you didn’t exist.” Amos grunts into his glass.
“Here I am, in the flesh.” Kylo’s voice is deep, deadly. It sends a shiver up your spine, you can feel the crackle of tension radiating off of him, so to mitigate any potential disaster, you push a full glass of whiskey into his hand, makin’ Kylo smile softly at you and asking, “How much for the drinks…?”
“This kind gentleman here took care of them for us.” You nod carefully towards Amos, who is lookin’ a lot less friendly right about now, now that he’s got his eye on the way Kylo pulls your body a little closer to his.
“Oh, well in that case, your next one’s on me.” Kylo pulls out a coin, balances it on his thumb and flicks it up into the air.
Amos catches it with ease, and grunts out something that you think might be a thank you.
“Benji, is it?” Another man’s voice sounds from just behind the two of you, and both you and Kylo freeze up for a split second, before quickly recovering and tryin’ your best to act natural.
“Depends on who’s askin’.” Kylo responds, turnin’ to see who might be inquiring about him.
There’s a table just off to the side, four chairs, only three of them filled. A gruff lookin’ man with ruddy red hair and a freckled face cracks his knuckles, gestures to the empty chair across from him. You swallow, lookin’ at the pile of cards that have been left abandoned on the table.
“We’ve just lost a player, if you’d care to join.” The man says.
You knew enough to know that when a man offers somethin’ like that, it’s more of a dare. And there ain’t no faster way to get into a fight, than by shyin’ away from a dare. Kylo knows this too, and despite the conversation y’all had earlier about him not bein’ a gambler, he knows he can’t not play at least one hand.
“Alright, but just once.” He says as much, using your presence as an excuse, “Wouldn’t do to go leavin’ my cousin all by her lonesome.”
Giving him a very cautious look, you will him not to do anything stupid. Armitage will be back soon and hopefully he’ll bring some protein with him, and you can enjoy a proper lunch and inquire about a possible place to stay for the night. It would be bad, for anything to happen now.
Kylo walks over to the table, takes the seat.
“What’s this?” He points to the little pile of cards, and you get the uneasy feeling that something bad is going to happen anyway, despite your silent pleas.
“That’s the hand he left behind.” The gruff man smokes on a fat cigar, blows smoke out of his nose, sucks across blackened teeth.
Curiously, Kylo lifts the cards just enough to see somethin’ that he don’t like, and he immediately puts them back down on the table.
“I’d rather not take ‘em, if that’s alright. Deal me a new hand.” Kylo requests, and that, it would seem, was the wrong move to make.
You hold your breath, eyes boring into the back of Kylo’s skull, hand itchin’ for the gun you’ve got hidden on your person, the gun that you’d be willin’ to throw Kylo at a moment’s notice, should he need it.
“It ain’t alright.” The gruff man shakes his head, his eyes grey like steel as he regards the pile, “You seen ‘em, you play ‘em.”
“That don’t seem fair.” Kylo points out, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I don’t give a shit about fair.” The man is unmoving, unwavering, not once breaking eye contact with him as he repeats, “You seen ‘em, you play ‘em.”
“And if’n I don’t?” Kylo asks.
The clinking sound of a holster buckle is what captures everyone’s attention, every single person in the saloon.
Amos, the card table, all the women and children, hell even that three-man band stop playin’, and all turn to look at him, at Kylo, who is now standin’ on the other side of the table, starin’ down the barrel of a gun.
The gruff man stands too, holds the gun level in one hand, holds the cigar in his other.
You itch to throw your gun to Kylo, itch to shoot the man dead yourself, but you don’t move a muscle.
Nobody in the entire saloon moves a single muscle.
“Now I don’t want this to get ugly, particularly not in front of my sweet cousin right over there, so I’m gonna give you a chance.” Kylo has the nerve to say, as he puts his hands up in good faith. He speaks lowly, quietly, so low that the saloon goes silent to hear him. “I’ll give you three seconds to go on over to that there desk and deposit your gun with the clerk at the door, which you shoulda done upon entering as is part of the rules of this here establishment.”
In response, the gruff man only pulls back the trigger, a mockin’ tone to his voice when he echoes Kylo’s earlier words of, “And if’n I don’t?”
You’re just about to lunge in and help him, when all of a sudden, Kylo lifts his leg and slams his boot down on the table, and before you can even shout to ask what the fuck he’s doing, you realize that the long wooden plank wasn’t secured down enough to be stable, and by kicking down on his end, the other end of the plank flies straight up, knockin’ the man’s hand upward, the barrel of the gun pointed right at his chin, the jolt of movement firin’ the trigger, bullet shootin’ straight up through the man’s head.
The crowd is stunned, speechless, watching in shock as the plank levels out on the table again, as Kylo kicks it down down down again, three more bullets flyin’ up through the man’s skull, blood spattering spraying onto the faces of the people in the general vicinity, screams and gasps at the hot hiss of red landin’ on their clothes.
Everyone is frozen, watches as the man’s body finally gives way to death, and thuds and thunks down to the floor.
The top of this man’s head is completely blown out, and Kylo doesn’t even so much as blink an eye, even now that he’s got blood on his own clothes.
“Y’all saw how I warned him?” Kylo barks out to the crowd, and they recoil more from this than they did from the shooting.
“We saw.” They reply nearly in unison.
“Anybody got anything they want to say about it?” Kylo dares, but when no response comes, “Good. Now where’s the fuckin’ bartender when you need him?”
Almost as if on cue, Armitage comes back through the side door, clapping away dirt from his palms.
All eyes shift to him, and Armitage has a look of confusion on his face for one second, one split second, before it morphs through devastation, to rage.
“Brian!” He calls out with the sort of anguish that makes you think Kylo picked the wrong gambler to kill.
“Oh shit.” You mutter under your breath, especially as Armitage jumps over the bar and rushes to the fallen man’s side.
“Which one of you sons of bitches killed my brother??” Armitage screams, so red in the face that you’re afraid he’s going to burst.
It’s then, that Armitage whirls around and gets an eyeful of Kylo – the kind of eyeful that means he knows that ain’t no Benjamin.
“Oh shit!” You hiss, hand slowly, carefully, creepin’ towards your gun.
“You!” Armitage seethes, leveling a bloodied finger in Kylo’s direction as he races back to the bar to grab a rifle, checks the chamber to make sure she’s fully loaded, and immediately fires a shot that blast through the wood of the table, sending the crowd shouting and screaming, racing out of the saloon to avoid bein’ struck. “I thought I told you to never step foot into this goddamn place again!”
Kylo makes a mad dash for you then, grabs you by the arm and yanks you back back back as Armitage reloads his double barrel.
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you knew him?” You seethe, smacking at him, wanting to punch his fucking teeth out, wondering why he led you into the belly of a hornet’s nest.
The blast of bullets shatters the window above you, and you both duck your heads so as to not get struck by the falling glass.
“No time to explain, on my count, you make a run for the door and get the horses.” Kylo mutters, entirely too calm and collected, making you want to punch him even harder.
“Here take my gun – ” You offer him, but as another explosion sounds off a little too close to you this time, Kylo unveils two more guns of his own.
“Don’t need it,” Kylo grins, and for the first time, you see a sparkle in that blind eye of his. He scoffs, “What, you didn’t think I’d hand them all over, did you?”
You just widen your eyes at him, incredulous.
“Three, two -- run!” Kylo shouts, popping up over the makeshift barrier he’s yanked you behind, and immediately starts shooting, giving you the cover you need to make a bolt for it.
The band strikes up again, piano and fiddle and harmonica filling the emptiness of silence, punctuated by the sounds of struggle as a great big fights breaks out among the drunks and gamblers that Kylo has so offended.
It feels like a battleground, the way you dodge the bullets that zip past you. If you had made any friends in the time sittin’ at that bar, you’ve lost ‘em now, that much is clear. Amos has no reservation aimin’ straight for your heart, but your quick fingers pull your trigger before he can even manage, his dead body stumbling and tumbling like a bowling ball, knockin’ down the pins of his friends as they try to pin you with bullets of their own.
Run run running, you try to shove your way through the panic of the crowd who keeps scramblin’ like chickens with their heads cut off, screaming and hollerin’ from the way that bullets keep hittin’ and springin’ off metal and blasting into wood, holes riddlin’ the walls, lettin’ streams of sunlight in.
You shoot and shoot, punching and kicking your way through the crowd, knowing that behind you, Kylo can’t be too far.
You can tell because you can hear his grunting shouts, his adrenaline filled calls of rage as he too blasts bullets into the bodies of men, overturning barrels and tables, crashes and explosions going off behind you.
On the single street, you can see some of the townsfolk racing to the jail, and that sends a spike of terror down your back.
The jail meant one thing, and one thing only – the Sheriff.
Panic simmers and bubbles up through you, and you keep running, running towards the church where your horses have been passively entertaining themselves with a trough of water and a bucket of feed.
“Aggie! Sam!” You whistle for their attention, and at once, they turn their big heads to look at you.
Agnes braces herself for you to hoist yourself up onto her saddle, and you frantically undo the tie of their reins around the posts that they’ve been good enough to not wander away from. Holding Sam’s reins in your hands, you kick your heels into Agnes’ side, and great big plumes of dust and dirt kick up under the horses’ hooves as the great beasts immediately break into fast fast fast gallop.
Racing closer closer closer to the saloon, you can still see them fighting and shooting at one another on the inside.
“Come on, come on!” You’re screaming at Kylo from down the road, demanding that he hear you, that he get outside already, because you can’t slow these horses down once they’ve gotten like this, and you can’t turn back once you’ve passed the saloon, not with the commotion from behind, not with the way the Sheriff is now shootin’ at you, at your horses.
“God dammit get out here!” You scream again, lookin’ behind you, takin’ aim and shootin’ the Sheriff clean at the wrist, blowin’ his hand off, the gun explodin’ off with it, bullet ricocheting off one of the hangin’ signs, bouncin’ back and hittin’ the Sheriff in the chest.
You’re almost at the saloon, almost there, and Kylo still ain’t out front, heartbeat pounding pounding pounding in your chest as you approach the doors closer and closer, as you can hear the sound of gunfire and broken glass from inside – but then -- !
Then there he is!
You see him running through the saloon towards the front doors, and somehow, impossibly somehow, as you pass the doors, you throw Sam’s reins, and Kylo catches them, his long legs running alongside Sam’s breakneck pace, jumping up onto her without her slowing down one bit.
“Yes!!” You let out a triumphant shout of adrenaline, before whipping Agnes’s reins and urging her ever faster.
You and Kylo grin at one another, victors in this chance game with death, cheatin’ your lives once again, as you ride ride ride out into the desert, not lookin’ back to see if anyone follows.
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