#EMBER IN THE HEART OF THE KILN ( db headcanons )
semperarchived-blog · 6 years
Random headcanons - Age when they lost their virginity
Dom - 15 Frankie - 14 Murph - 14 Jacob - 17
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semperarchived-blog · 6 years
Turn back the clock - Dom edition
“Dominic! Can you come here please?!” Of course the boy came running the moment he heard his mother voice, bursting through the door, baseball glove dropped on the floor by it, before skidding to a stop in the kitchen where the woman was.
“Yes, Mom?” He asked, out of breath from having rushed to her call.
“Do you think you could watch Shaun for a little bit? I have to run to the doctor’s to check up on the baby.” She placed a hand on her stomach and smiled. “I’m bringing Cacey with me, so you don’t have to worry about her, but your brother’s a bit of a handful for such places…”
Dom glanced over at his brother, who had occupied himself with some blocks. “I can do that, yeah.” He made a face before asking, though he already knew the answer. “Where’s Dad?”
“Working.” And that was that.
AGE 21
“Hey, kid, ease up on her, will ya? This isn’t her fault—”
“The fuck do ya know, Dominic? You’re not around. You’re never here. Ya don’t see shit, therefore, ya don’t know shit.”
Dom’s teeth clenched, hands forming tight fists for just a moment before he loosened them. He wasn’t about to pummel Shaun right now. Not after finding their mother crying over dinner. “Do you forget how long I was here? I’m not gonna apologize for goin’ to college, Shaun… And speakin’ of, you should really be considerin’ it—”
“Oooh, blow me. Don’t ya fuckin’ dare come here and give me a goddamn lecture about how you’re tryin’ to make somethin’ better of yourself and how you’re better than everybody else, and how I can be too if I just try. Ya know what? I don’t wanna go to fuckin’ college, alright? I’m fine here, workin’ at the shop, bein’ with my friends, havin’ a good fuckin’ time. And, I hate to bring this the fuck up again, but who else will take care of the girls if I leave, hmm? You’re gonna just graduate and come back here and do it? I don’t think so. No point in goin’ to school then.”
There would be no winning by verbal means. Shaun was already stuck on asshole mode, bitter and resentful, likely a product of something their father said to him. It didn’t help he was high too; Dom could smell it on him. Nope. Words would go nowhere, so he did as brothers do, and grabbed Shaun by the front of his shirt to slam him against the nearest wall. He got the same shocked, wide-eyed look and proceeded.
“Listen here, you little shit. I’m tired of doin’ this same ol’ dance with you. I’m tired of explainin’ myself, to you, of all fuckin’ people, so I’m not goin’ to. You can think whatever the hell you want about me, kid, but I swear to God if I hear that you’ve snapped at Ma again the way you have, I will break your neck. Brother or not.”
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semperarchived-blog · 7 years
I got overly emotional about my men here, so I figured I’d share some random stuff.
Dom is a very imposing presence. This is both natural and very much on purpose. The dude is huge and he knows it, and he wants most people to be intimidated by him. He can also be distant and downright surly, but overall, his default setting is quiet, polite, and personable. If you get him talking, he’s so incredibly charming, but not in an unnatural/forced way.
Frankie, on the other hand, wants to have an imposing presence. He’s loud, obnoxious, and draws attention to himself. He usually travels in a pack of other dudes to not only make it appear he’s more important than he truly is, but to make himself feel like that. He’s cocky, sly, and charming too, and while his is a natural trait, he tends to lay it on thick. He also have an average-sized dick. That’s not incredibly important here, but it kind of is.
Murph is much smarter and quicker than he believes or even lets on. While he’s good-looking and knows that, he doesn’t particularly use that ( unless he wants or needs something ). He isn’t very confidant usually, thinking the worst of himself, particularly in the intelligence department, and that’s why his snarky remarks always kill me. His sarcasm is the kind that you want to hate, but can’t because it’s just too funny and unexpected.
Jacob believes that he is the most intelligent person in the room at all times. He generally won’t engage unless he wants something or if he’s incredibly bored, both of which are dangerous scenarios. He’s observant, charming, and has likely been paying more attention to anyone than they’d ever suspect. He learns things about people quickly, and even though most get a sense of dread in the pit of their stomachs when he’s around, he will work his way through that because he knows he’s attractive and can be quite amicable and enticing. While he’s very wealthy, he hates to come off as gaudy, so he spends his money subtly. He’s dressed well, but not over the top. He drives/is driven in very nice, expensive vehicles, but not necessarily the sports car he can afford. He drinks top shelf, smokes the best cigars, but he doesn’t talk about that. He wants people to notice, but not in a threatening way. Also, since people don’t seem to notice: Jacob is on the asexual spectrum. He isn’t attracted to people in a sexual manner, or really attracted to people in any manner in general really. He will and does have sex though, primarily when he feels it will further his agenda or get him to his goal. He gets little enjoyment out of the act, except how it can twist others up.
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semperarchived-blog · 6 years
NPCs - Dom edition
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NAME: Veronica Pace. Sometimes Ronnie. Mostly that’s a big no though. AGE: 29 OCCUPATION: Accountant at a pretty large firm in Charlotte, NC. HOMETOWN: Greenville, SC
BACKGROUND: Veronica was one of those girls who was typically admired and disliked simultaneously. She was pretty, smart, kind ( sweet even ), and loved to help, but she was also talented in many ways and driven. People tended to hate that they liked her because they were jealous of her.
And of course she was on the arm of Dom ( then ) Conlon, who was one of the better football players and students, and who threw some of the best parties the school had seen. They dated for over a year, beginning in the summer between her sophomore and junior year, but broke up, quite badly, over her criticism of his family and his life choices concerning them.
FUN FACT: When Dom broke up with her, after school before practice, she slapped him across the face and called him a Mama’s Boy before storming off.Word spread around school, and Veronica walked out to her car a few days later to find that someone had keyed ‘ice queen’ into the side of it. She never found out who it was, but she figured it was one of Dom’s many fangirls. ( It was actually his younger sister Cacey ).
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