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bspoquemagazine · 5 days ago
EMAF 2025 - Das Thema: Witnessing Witnessing
Unter dem Thema "Witnessing Witnessing" des EMAF 2025 erforscht die Rolle von Zeug*innen, wie Zeugnisse unsere Weltwahrnehmung formen und politisch wirken.
#skip to english Festival: 23 – 25 April 2025 Das EMAF gibt mit seinem Programm nicht nur einen jährlichen Überblick über das medienkünstlerische Schaffen der Gegenwart, sondern greift auch Entwicklungen und Diskurse auf, die unser gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben prägen – seien sie  künstlerischer, technologischer oder politischer Art. Diese Auseinandersetzung findet insbesondere im Rahmen…
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dominiopublco · 2 months ago
En Morelos avanza la diligencia ministerial en fosa de Jojutla
A la fecha, han sido localizados los restos óseos de 18 individuos. Peritos de la Fiscalía General del Estado (FGE), de la Comisión Nacional de Búsqueda (CNB), de la Guardia Nacional (GN), del Equipo Mexicano de Antropología Forense (EMAF) y del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), ofrecieron este fin de semana un informe actualizado a los Colectivos de Víctimas presentes en los…
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yheshop · 7 months ago
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EMAF hot sale novelty home decoration DC cable digital wood LED wall clock time calendar temperature decor digital wall clock
Order now
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lcurham · 9 months ago
TLC panel at EMAF
The info about the panel is also listed there. It's Saturday, April 27 at 11am.
Here a short info on the panel:
Together with the curators and artists of the second edition of SPECTRAL. Unburdened Recollections we are going to talk about the works shown, the process of their performance and the work involved in their research and reconstruction. At the same time, we would like to discuss questions about issues of documentation, archiving and the distribution of Expanded Cinema and the ethical dimensions regarding the reconstruction and presentation of works in this field.
The moderation will be by Cèline Ruivo. Here a short bio: Céline Ruivo holds a doctorate in cinema and teaches film archive conservation at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). She has focused her academic research on early cinema, colour and pre-cinema. She was director of film collections at the Cinémathèque française between 2011 and 2020 and is currently pursuing film restoration projects with European cinémathèques. Cinegraphies, les femmes de la tempête is her first documentary film dedicated to the female avant-garde, a style of cinema that has long fascinated her. She is now vice president of Domitor and until 2023, member of the FIAF technical commission. 
I have included Cinzia in cc. Last year, each curator began with a brief presentation (maximum 10 minutes) to provide additional context about the work, the reenactment, and any potential questions or difficulties. After each presentation, the moderator prepared questions and facilitated a conversation. Therefore, since you, Louise, and Cinzia will be presenting "Horror Film," it would make sense for you three to coordinate who will present what aspect. It would be great if you could present "Teaching and Learning Cinema," your methodology behind it, and how the collaboration with Malcolm and Cinzia was established.
here is the info on the website with the date/ time:
Cinzia will talk about:
In my 10min presentation I will focus on Horror Film, I will describe the performance for those who don't know it and talk about my experience with its reenactment. I will probably quote your manual but I'll leave to you the full description of your amazing work.
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444namesplus · 11 months ago
Acaipoumor Acan Aceic Aceneim Acoimeiraun Acos Acoul Acout Acoutoces Afacopouc Afaifoip Afaupein Afet Afoil Afol Afoufoupot Aiceup Aifaf Aifain Aifefeup Aifeloum Aifen Aifenaral Aifoiroic Ailam Aileumoun Ailoil Aimeic Aimeifafais Aimones Aimoroineum Ainoc Ainoulair Aipaic Aipaur Aipefosan Aipeic Aipois Aipout Airafail Airem Airerosoc Aisaimoifeis Aisoim Aitam Aiteit Aitomanet Alaf Alaisaitar Alecef Aleul Aleuseilal Amac Amacoum Amaip Amaul Amaumanef Ameut Amon Amoneupoit Amoun Anas Anaupos Aneilatoip Anesor Anoipoil Apaitoumor Apal Apasaiseur Apatoc Apeunelop Apeutauros Apoin Apoitoteir Apouselen Araneupaup Arerasam Aresom Aroim Asaimon Asan Asar Asatouf Asaupaupaic Asautauroir Aseit Asenes Asepait Aseureun Asof Asofeton Asom Asoumos Ataif Atatem Ateitet Aterauf Ateup Atoiroiteit Ator Auceifocot Auceuc Aucos Aucoureif Aufacolar Aufeipeureim Aufeiteil Aufeun Aulaifeir Aulef Aumeimes Aumeineireup Aumep Aunal Aunameut Aunan Aunoim Aunomeifaun Aunop Aupeirais Aupoil Auponas Aupoun Auraimeirauf Auron Ausacour Ausainatos Ausecoup Auseipacan Ausoic Ausoin Ausot Autamat Autapeulair Auteifonel Autep Auteucot Auteup Autofeuc Autoseumet Ecateip Ecein Ecemeif Efacef Efairail Efamapeic Efaucef Efaum Efein Efeip Efel Efout Eicom Eicoroin Eifatafair Eifecec Eifeus Eifeusap Eifos Eifouneun Eilail Eilan Eilaroirout Eilec Eilep Eileseser Eilois Eimaicorem Eimairopoc Eimaloulom Eiman Eimeit Eimonot Einaureisan Eineup Eineusainem Einoc Einois Einonoipoc Einot Eipap Eipeteiteip Eiram Eirauteup Eirol Eiroucal Eisap Eiseum Eisopaitep Eitalonaf Eitef Eitemamoc Eiteutailot Eitoif Eitonailem Eitour Elac Elain Elam Elatounap Eleceneur Elet Eleurac Eloic Eloipaisaul Elomeunan Elonaret Eloul Elous Emaf Emalaur Eman Emeifol Emepofep Emoneuper Emopaitap Emor Emourac Emout Enaic Enairalot Enap Enauten Enecep Eneitaunol Enen Enon Enoteit Epafeuf Epar Epasorol Epaut Epeiran Epeiseilos Epel Epenat Epot Eralores Erasemaut Erausocer Erepait Eres Ereunaisoun Ereur Ereuroun Eroisois Eroul Esaim Esat Esatas Esaun Esefeseut Esep Esoiceuf Esoucapom Esounousof Eteum Euceic Euceifouc Euceureul Eucosoumouc Eucoul Eucoutamef Eufeipaus Eufeloleif Eufeumoirois Eulerof Eulomoleut Eumam Eumef Eumeiferaup Eunain Eunenaun Eunes Euneut Eunousois Eupail Eupaiposoup Eupeim Eupouc Eurac Eutamoreim Eutauc Eutoinain Eutoureines Ocac Ocait Ocaleitac Ocetaup Ocofoutous Ocoil Ocotanap Ocouceic Ofaifein Ofain Ofaumap Ofeuc Ofoun Ofout Oican Oiceifeus Oiceip Oifaif Oifos Oifout Oilaf Oilam Oileimoufac Oiles Oiletaipeus Oiloc Oimasop Oimof Oimoifaicor Oimol Oimon Oimot Oimouc Oinacoin Oinanonoic Oineceim Oinein Oineup Oinoir Oinop Oinosoit Oinounofoil Oipan Oipoinepoun Oiraimeir Oirautaur Oirois Oirop Oiroraureip Oisain Oitair Oiteic Oitoisacon Olaf Olaperac Olaum Olaupeceum Olec Olef Oloisaicail Omaum Omef Omemais Omes Omocois Omoifen Omomosaim Omoneim Omonofat Omonop Omos Onaureutef Onaut Oneic Oneil Onen Oner Oneurecen Oneutenoun Onoif Onoumauneit Onoun Opafeloim Opaip Opap Opaun Opaupas Opeim Open Opet Oponepep Opouteloc Orafoif Oraimoceun Orainelaus Oratoc Oraucamoup Orecosaum Oreim Orep Oresoicaic Oroifefas Oropof Orot Osais Osanareic Oselef Osol Otaf Otaisomot Otal Otapoum Otar Otaulopoc Otof Otoic Otoitoumef Otopomap Ototam Ototauroup Oucacoimol Oucaun Oucaus Oucefaiten Ouceun Oucoun Oucoupop Oufaulep Oufenaleis Oufeuf Oufous Oulet Ouletalom Ouleufelaus Oulol Oulotem Oumec Oumeilauc Oumol Oumom Oumon Oumoum Oumoumour Ouneif Ounosais Oupeip Oupeit Oupeuceur Ouponaum Oupop Ouraus Ourem Ourolaulas Ourotef Ousaiteuteut Ousar Ousotesas Outel Outoufoucaun
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kamuweb · 1 year ago
Türkiye Şeker Fabrikası 115 işçi alacak
Türkiye Şeker Fabrikası 115 işçi alacak Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları, Ankara, Eskişehir, Turhal Makina Fabrikası ve Elektromekanik Aygıtlar Fabrikası (EMAF)'nda belirsiz süreli çalıştırılmak üzere farklı eğitim düzeylerinde 115 Sürekli İşçi alımı yapılacaktır. 4857 SAYILI KANUNUNA TABİ SÜREKLİ İŞÇİ ALIMI HAKKINDA DUYURU Şirketimizdeki Şeker Fabrikaları, Ankara, Eskişehir, Turhal Makina Fabrikası ve Elektromekanik Aygıtlar Fab... Devamı ve Detaylar için https://www.kamuweb.com/kamu-ilanlari/turkiye-seker-fabrikasi-115-isci-alacak.html?feed_id=48135 memur alımı kamu personel alımı
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kamuilanlari · 1 year ago
Türkiye Şeker Fabrikası 115 işçi alacak
Türkiye Şeker Fabrikası 115 işçi alacak Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları, Ankara, Eskişehir, Turhal Makina Fabrikası ve Elektromekanik Aygıtlar Fabrikası (EMAF)'nda belirsiz süreli çalıştırılmak üzere farklı eğitim düzeylerinde 115 Sürekli İşçi alımı yapılacaktır. 4857 SAYILI KANUNUNA TABİ SÜREKLİ İŞÇİ ALIMI HAKKINDA DUYURU Şirketimizdeki Şeker Fabrikaları, Ankara, Eskişehir, Turhal Makina Fabrikası ve Elektromekanik Aygıtlar Fab... Devamı ve Detaylar için https://www.kamuweb.com/kamu-ilanlari/turkiye-seker-fabrikasi-115-isci-alacak.html?feed_id=48134 memur alımı kamu personel alımı
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jogosmogos · 2 years ago
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03.06.2023 EMAF – Feira Internacional de Máquinas, Equipamentos e Serviços para a Indústria
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marcuskael · 5 years ago
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Mais um sábado carioca para a conta #Emaf #sabado #work (em Escola Municipal Anibal Freire) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4pemazHDNQKu28IUy4Z3h0KOUJh_jOmffsp100/?igshid=1369p0iylxycw
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marcogiovenale · 3 years ago
atsuhiro ito / optron / fragments 2007-2019
atsuhiro ito / optron / fragments 2007-2019
Atsuhiro Ito Live @ FORESTLIMIT (Tokyo 2019) * Diamond Version (Byetone & Alva Noto) + Atsuhiro Ito LIVE at EMAF TOKYO 2013 @LIQUIDROOM * Atsuhiro Ito

: V.R. Specter 
- visible sound, audible light December 1 – December 16, 2012 @ Snow Contemporary (Tokyo): https://www.artsy.net/search?artist_ids%5B0%5D=atsuhiro-ito&term=atsuhirohttps://www.artsy.net/partner/snow-contemporary &…
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musicmapglobal · 7 years ago
Slovenia's Christian Kroupa remixes Yila's 'Better (Of) Me'
When British producer, performer, designer and musician Alastair McNeil (aka Yila) moved to Ljubljana, he not only found himself in one of Europe’s greenest and prettiest capital cities, but also in the middle of a rapidly developing music scene. As Nina Hudej of Warrego Valles put it to us recently, the “very impressive” scale of local art production, as well as events such as MENT Ljubljana, makes for a fertile creative environment.
This means that the former Róisín Murphy synths/fx/guitar player didn’t have to look far when searching for collaborators for his single ‘Better (Of) Me’ (recently released on Supremus Records). The track features dexterous harmonic interplay, several folktronic flourishes, and memorable melodies from Mina Špiler, lead singer in the legendary Slovenian industrial band Laibach (also, it turns out, the first western band to ever perform in North Korea).
It also features a remix from Logatec-born artist Christian Kroupa (aka Alleged Witches), a Red Bull Music Academy graduate whose appearances at Sónar in Barcelona and EMAF in Tokyo make him one of Slovenia’s most hottest electronic properties. He uses Spiler’s vocals to trigger a gently undulating intro, gradually ushering in waves of bass, snare and synth against an icily cool backdrop. Check out the original above and Christian Kroupa’s remix below.
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lobyart · 7 years ago
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Immortalato il momento storico in cui hanno smesso di farsi i dispetti/ignorarsi e hanno iniziato a farsi le coccole... 🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ #ruffpost #dogsinbetween #dog #mydog #solovelysofree #adorable #dogsofinstagram #pet #mypet #weeklyfluff #barkpack #pawstruck #awwfeed #topdogphoto #bestewoof #paepack #dogscorner #emwng #lobyart #emaf #dogfun #petfun (presso Voltri, Liguria, Italy)
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mulhealer · 4 years ago
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It had already taken me a while to digitize this drawing, I love these two, beautiful otp 🔥
Ya me había tardado en digitalizar este dibujo, amo a estos dos, bella otp 🔥
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accibaba · 8 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://accibaba.com/blog/news/exodus-to-emaf/
'exodus' to EMAF
Baba’s experimental film ‘exodus‘ to be screened in 30th European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany.
European Media Art Festival 2017 Venue: Pushed – selected film screening Place: Lagerhalle Rolandsmauer 26, Osnabrück Germany Time: Apr.26 (Wed) 22:00 – , Apr.30 (Sun) 14:30 –
Tickets and reservations available from here. http://emaf.de/english/application/accreditation-2017.html
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#Emaf, #Emaf30
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tsukigamiteiru · 3 years ago
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[exercises of discipline]
DE, 2022 3D render loop, LED Hologram Fan, 2 Beamer, 5.1 Lautsprecher
EN There is no question that this generation peaks in daily life performances and spiritual exercises,nothing has become less real than living. In the twilight of Hyperreality, people experience what's left from an analogue time through archival material. Discipline yourself or delete yourself, information is the new god and we are its apostles, delivering the bad news.
DE Keine Frage, diese Generation erreicht in ihren täglichen Leistungen und spirituellen Übungen ihre Peak Performance, nichts ist weniger real geworden als Leben. Im Zwielicht der Hyperrealität erleben die Menschen was von der analogen Zeit übrigeblieben ist durch Archivmaterial. Disziplinier dich oder lösch dich, Informationen sind der neue Gott und wir sind seine Apostel, die die schlechten Nachrichten liefern.
Premiered at EMAF in Osnabrück
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velhexica · 4 years ago
A Velhexican guide to Ghost Hunting.
It’s Hallowthorn, Spirits passing and Spirits return is around the corner.
This means a lot of things. Like soon all the candy given to kids during spirits return will be on mundo discount.
Don’t ask me why but candy miniatures always tasted better than the full sized. You also never notice how much of it you eat until it’s too late.
Anyway, another tradition of this spirited time of year is scary movies and the hunt for ghosts, spirits, or other unexplained phenomenon.
I’m not a big fan of horror movies as they usually kind of get your hopes up regarding what dealing with a haunting is like. Besides it gives me anxiety which makes these hunts really hard.
Look, first thing about any sort of paranormal hunt, just like dungeon delving, fear gets the best of you. Makes you think you see things that aren’t there. It clouds your judgement.
Right, let’s start from the beginning, be a little professional.
So you’re an adventurer and you want to do something a little more spooky. You’ve faced phantoms, smashed shades, defeated various spooks that appear in dungeons. Now, well now you’re looking for something that isn’t thoroughly understood.
I mean to say Overworld hauntings. Real dead ghosts of actual deceased people. Where you visit a place that has reports of hauntings and....well you see what you can capture.
So most ghost hunting sessions have three stages.
1) Preparation
2) Hunting
3) Breakdown and review for evidence.
So this is the part that’s really important, first things first. You want to make sure you have permission to ghost hunt in the area. Look, some people are superstitious and think it’s a bad idea to interfere with the domain of spirits. So it’s better for everyone and yourself to get permission first. Especially since dealing with Guild representatives for trespassing charges is a real pain. 
Second is getting a tour of the place and hearing some of the reported activity. This is to give you an idea of the layout and where the best spots to set up equipment.
Then it’s time to set up your equipment, set up cameras in strategic points. This is also the point where a talented mage can start setting up magical paranormal hunting aids.
So magical research into ghost hunting is really theoretical. But we’ve found that abnormal aetheric signatures can affect people psychologically. So one thing that can be done is using a aetheric stabilization array to force the ambient aether into a neutral state. It can still be tampered with, but you have to mean for it to happen. This is also the point where you might want to have your aetheric aura dampened. Just to prevent false positives.
Anyway other tools include the EMAF Reader (Electro Magnetic Aetheric Field) which reads both EMF’s and Aetheric fields, Voice recorders, cameras, flashlights, the spirit box, and a few other things just in case.
2. Hunting.
So this is where the fun begins. The lights are out and you begin the hunt for ghosts. You and your group do sweeps. My adivce is that each sweep should go a different direction so as to not get interference on the spirit box. If at any point though you get a weird ping on your adventurers charm, it’s time to quickly pack up because obviously what you’re investigating isn’t a haunting....but something a bit more dangerous. I’ll explain in a later section. Anyway you hunt for ghosts, using the tools at your disposal. Try to see if you can convince some activity.
3. Breakdown and review of evidence.
At the end of the night, eventually you have to clean up and head off to review what you may have found if anything. Sometimes the only thing haunting a place is actually the plumbing. Do note to share with the individual who allowed you to ghost on their property any evidence you may have found.
1. If you get weird pings on your adventures charm, that could possibly mean the area isn’t so much haunted than suffering from a rare phenomenon known as an inverse dungeon. These things happen, but it does kill the fun of a hunt as you need to get rid of it and it may involve a bit more collateral damage.
2. If you start to feel ill, do not force yourself. A hunt is harder to do if you’re not feeling right and may lead to stress and further injury.
3. Being touched by something unknown but can potentially have severe effects. I’ve personally have had no incidents with it.
4. Paranormal research is a often looked down upon field of study as most would assume hauntings as mere glamour spells or some other type of magical trickery. However I feel it’s an important line of research.
Anyone I’m wishing all of you paranormal investigators luck and stay safe while ghost hunting..
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