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Daga Ziober by Marcin Kempski for Elle Poland March 2017
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artfaceswarsaw · 6 months
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Makeup by Cincior | ART FACES
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itgirls-n-wannabes · 7 months
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Ola Rudnicka by Magdalena Łuniewska for ELLE Poland May 2018
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fashion-boots · 2 years
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Zuzanna Bijoch for Elle Poland, June 2015 by Agata Pospieszynska
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sinnamonscouture · 2 years
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Kaia Struss Cover Elle Poland, January 2023
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modelsof-color · 7 months
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Louie Lizaveta by Karolina Limbach for Elle Poland Magazine October 2022
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Hello, fellow human beings
The name I was born with is Maja and im a Hecate kid
I'm 15 (I would've been 16 if I wasn't dead right now) and I use all pronouns
I' m panromantic, ace and genderfluid
I'm from Poland, so sorry for bad grammar
I'm chaotic evil
I have ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and Depression
My weapon is a key that transforms into this:
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^The key ^The weapon
My powers are Necromancy, creating illusions, matter control and something like this:
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My fav colors are purple, green and red and my hobbies are reading, drawing, annoying people by speaking Polish, anything that has something to do with music and stargazing
Im taken by my lovely girlfriend Angie ( @poseidons-favourite-daughter)
(Ooc: ⚠️Warning⚠️: mention of abusive parent in the backstory)
My backstory: I was born in 1483 and because my dad is a thief, he stole a lot of ambrosia from the gods, wich made us (me, my dad and my brother) immortal. He also stole a lot of gold from rich people, so I pratically grew up as royalty. One hundred and six years ago my brother Simon (actually his name is Szymon) ran away from home. Seven years ago I found out I was a demigod I was horrified to find that out. Because my father had always told me that Demigods and the gods were evil. So I was scared that my dad would hate me. I was forced to go to the camp for half bloods. I've been there ever since I found out that Demigods are not actually evil. Most of them are really good people. When I was growing up, I was really scared of my father. He would hit me all the time because I have Autism. It caught so bad that I had severe Anxiety and Depression. I love going to the arts and crafts area. I like to draw there. There is this part of the forrest that I discovered six years ago where no one goes to. Its quiet and beautiful. So I snuck out some blankets and pillows. After a while some nymphs helped me, and now I have a mini camp area there. Three years ago I was claimed by Hecate and I reunited with my brother. I was diagnosed with ADHD about two years ago. That explained a lot of things. On my birthday every year I used to meet the nymphs in the forrest and we'd have a little party. I always enjoyed the parties. Its much more fun than talking to people. The nymphs are some of my closest friends. A few months ago my brother and my best friends (Anne and Lexi) started to join the hangouts too. About 6 months ago I got stabbed by my brother because Kronos forced him and I ended up in Elysium. I managed to escape and now I wander around the Earth as a ghost/spirit, but people can still see/talk to me.
Here's a few picrews and a faceclaim (bc I'm bored asf):
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(Ooc #1: 90% of the backstory is made by @thatonebitheaterkid)
(Ooc #2: Maja is my self insert, if anyone wants to know)
(Ooc #3: my main blog is @just--a--random--human--being, I'll be using the tag #maja is talking and the face claim is Elle Fanning)
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forcedfemme-me · 6 months
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Magdalena Frackowiak by Magdalena Luniewska for Elle Poland - Isabel Marant leather jacket
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redgoldsparks · 1 year
Hi maia i just wanted to thank you for genderqueer i found it the other day in my library and translated into my language no less! There isn't a lot of progressive talk about trans issues in Poland and the translation of your book was the first book about nonbinary person in my language that i think i've ever seen. I never thought i would ever get to read it because the shipping prices are so high so i genuinely cried while i saw it on the shelf. I don't know how involved you are in translation process but it was such a well done job and the note the translators wrote at the beginning tought me more about nonbinary culture in my country than i've ever hoped i would get to know. Also I was wondering do you consult with translators what set of pronouns to use in other languages? I imagine it's a hard decision when the gender neutral pronouns don't have a direct counterpart. Sorry for rambling and thank you once again for this amazing book and for sharing your story <3
Thank you so much for this message! I am so glad you were able to find a Polish version! Polish and Czech were some of the very first foreign translations we sold, and I remember being very surprised, but very happy, because it was a few years ago when I was starting to hear about a rising wave of conservative politics in Poland. But a publisher took a chance on it and I'm very grateful <3
Yes, I generally consult on every single translation, for exactly the reason you pointed out: pronouns are different in every language! Some languages already have a widely used gender neutral pronoun set. Some languages have one that's new, but being developed by trans and nonbinary people today (like elle in Spanish). Some languages don't have any gendered pronouns to begin with! Because the English edition contains two different nonbinary pronoun sets (they/them/theirs and e/em/eir) we also have to decide how to distinguish between the two. What I always tell the translation team is: I would rather the translation be useful than faithful. I don't want to try and replicate the English. I want the book to demonstrate a pronoun set that could be practically used in the language it's being read in.
Generally, the publisher hires a professional translator and then often a second person who is trans or nonbinary to read over the translation and to write a forward, such as the Polish edition has. I believe the French edition has a forward as well. The only other language aside from English I can read halfway decently is Spanish, so I am always really glad to hear from someone who has read any of the other versions saying it was well done!
And for anyone else interested in Gender Queer in other languages, currently it has been released in Spanish, Polish, Czech, French, Italian, and Dutch with Norwegian, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), German, Japanese, and Korean forthcoming.
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unes23 · 1 year
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Jac Jagaciak by Mateusz Stankiewicz for ELLE Poland
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Daga Ziober by Marcin Kempski for Elle Poland March 2017
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artfaceswarsaw · 11 months
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Hair Stylist Michal Pasymowski | ART FACES
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itgirls-n-wannabes · 8 months
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ELLE Poland May 2018: Ola Rudnicka By Magdalena Łuniewska
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polishmodels · 8 months
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Anna Jagodzinska - editorial for ELLE Poland, May 2023
Photographer: Paulina Wesolowska
source: bellazon.com
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sinnamonscouture · 2 years
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Michelle Gutknecht Covers Elle Poland, November 2022
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charleslebatman · 7 days
Bestie, i think you are a french (?) i heard about what is happening in france right now regarding the far right facist party, i hope you and other french besties are doing well and i hope far right party doesnt win <3
Oh thank you bestie, that's really sweet. My thoughts also go out to other European countries in the same situation.
I think that in France at the moment, there's a strong generational conflict. I know a lot of people are affected by this election, especially the blog's French bestie who, if she has the courage, could tell you all about it. I know it really touched him. For my part, I see so much of the far right present and not when in their party. Macron, too. The retirement issue alone is the same ideas, but in a different form. Macron has already been compared to the extreme right and for having passed laws in this fascist vein.
I think it also depends on where you live, in Paris it must be something with the Olympics (which are going to be a disaster) and the dissolution of the National Assembly.
For my part, I'm still trying to believe in my country, my generation and its revolutionary blood. I'll be voting in the next legislative elections, hoping that my voice will have some impact. But I think we're in denial, and we'll see what happens after the legislative elections.
In short, France is not alone in this situation. I'm thinking of Italy, which is suffering just as much as France, our Belgian compatriots (the Belgian bestie 🇧🇪), Austria, Hungary, Poland (I'm also thinking of a bestie 🇵🇱). I forget so many and it breaks my heart to think that so many countries are sinking into despair to vote these fascist parties…
I watched a film about Simone Veil yesterday, and she reminds me how important it is to fight even when you think you're at the bottom. It's never over. Courage to you too besties, you have my full support. We're not just countries and nationalities, we're also identities, and it's by joining forces that we'll be able to change things. ❤️❤️❤️
Oh merci bestie, c’est vraiment adorable. J’ai plein de pensées aussi pour les autres pays d’Europe qui sont dans la même situation.
Je pense qu’en France en ce moment, on est dans un fort conflit générationnel. Je sais que beaucoup sont atteints parce ces élections, notamment la french bestie du blog qui si elle a le courage pourrait vous en parler. Je sais que ça l’a beaucoup touché. De mon côté, je vois tellement l’extrême droite présente et pas quand dans leur parti. Chez Macron également. Rien que dans cette histoire de retraite, ce sont les mêmes idées mais sous une autre forme. Macron a déjà été comparé à l’extrême droite et pour avoir fait voter des lois dans cette lignée fasciste.
Je pense que cela dépend aussi d’où on l’on vit, à Paris ça doit être quelque chose avec les JO (qui vont être une catastrophe) et la dissolution de l’Assemblée Nationale. De mon côté, j’essaye toujours de croire en mon pays et ma génération et son sang révolutionnaire. J’irai voté au prochaines législatives, en espérant que ma voie ait une petite portée. Mais je pense qu’on est plutôt dans le déni et qu’on verra ce qui adviendra après les législatives.
Bref, la France n’est pas la seule dans cette situation. Je pense à l’Italie qui souffre tout autant que la France, nos compatriotes belges (la belge bestie 🇧🇪) l’Autriche, la Hongrie, la Pologne (je pense aussi à une bestie). J’en oublie tellement et ça me brise le cœur de me dire que tant de pays sont entrain de sombrer dans le désespoir pour voter ces partis fasciste.
J’ai regardé un film sur Simone Veil hier, elle me rappelle combien il est important de se battre même quand on pense être au fond. Ce n’est jamais fini. Courage à vous aussi besties, vous avez tout mon soutien. On est pas que des pays et des nationalités, on est aussi des identités et c’est en s’alliant toutes ensemble qu’on va pouvoir changer les choses. ❤️❤️❤️
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