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lubluues · 10 days ago
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i think i have a problem
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randomseo · 1 year ago
¿Por qué contar con un administrador de fincas?
Contar con un administrador de fincas puede ser una decisión muy acertada para garantizar una gestión eficiente y sin complicaciones de tus propiedades. Ya sea que poseas un edificio de apartamentos, un condominio o cualquier otro tipo de propiedad, un administrador de fincas puede brindarte una serie de beneficios que hacen que valga la pena considerar su contratación.
Experiencia y conocimiento: Los administradores de fincas cuentan con experiencia en la gestión de propiedades, lo que les permite enfrentar eficazmente una variedad de situaciones y desafíos. Su conocimiento sobre regulaciones locales, leyes de propiedades y mejores prácticas puede ayudarte a evitar problemas legales y financieros.
Ahorro de tiempo: Manejar propiedades puede ser una tarea que consume mucho tiempo, especialmente si tienes múltiples propiedades o si no cuentas con experiencia en la administración. Un administrador de fincas se encargará de las tareas diarias, como el mantenimiento, la recopilación de alquileres y la resolución de problemas, liberándote tiempo para enfocarte en otras actividades.
Mantenimiento y reparaciones: Un administrador de fincas se encargará de coordinar y supervisar el mantenimiento regular y las reparaciones necesarias en tus propiedades. Esto puede ayudar a prevenir problemas mayores y a mantener las propiedades en buen estado, lo que a su vez puede aumentar su valor a largo plazo.
Selección de inquilinos: En caso de alquileres, el administrador puede encargarse de encontrar y seleccionar inquilinos adecuados a través de procesos de evaluación y verificación. Esto puede disminuir el riesgo de tener inquilinos problemáticos y asegurarte un flujo constante de ingresos.
Gestión financiera: Un administrador de fincas puede manejar la facturación, los pagos y las cuentas relacionadas con tus propiedades. Esto puede ser especialmente útil si tienes múltiples unidades o propiedades, ya que se asegurarán de que los ingresos y gastos estén organizados y documentados adecuadamente.
Resolución de conflictos: Si surge algún conflicto entre inquilinos, vecinos o cualquier otra parte relacionada con tus propiedades, el administrador puede intervenir y mediar para resolver la situación de manera efectiva y amigable.
Conexiones y recursos: Los administradores de fincas suelen tener una red de contactos que incluye proveedores de servicios confiables, como electricistas, fontaneros y empresas de limpieza. Esto puede ser útil para obtener servicios de calidad a precios competitivos.
Cumplimiento legal: Las leyes y regulaciones que rodean la propiedad y el alquiler pueden ser complicadas y están en constante cambio. Un administrador de fincas se mantendrá al día con los requisitos legales y te ayudará a asegurarte de que estás cumpliendo con todas las normativas aplicables.
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herosplatling-replica · 6 months ago
I think I am the only gabe edega fan
Like the man does his job, he might be an asshole but I respect that
He gets straight to the point and goes back to his work, and I love that
Anyways, sorry for ranting in your askbox. I had to vent my frustration about seemingly being the only egeda fan
i feel like i'm the wrong person to send this ask to because while i love hating on edega i do like his character and thinking about the what-ifs that lead him to become Like That in canon. but also:
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i don't think being an asshole is a good trait for a boss to have regardless of character motivations
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sigelfire · 2 years ago
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Diego Luna, previous to collecting the Platinum of Honor 2021, at a press conference with the president of the rights management entity EGEDA, Enrique Cerezo, at Madrid
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cinedominicano · 3 months ago
Estudio revela que RD$34,800 millones están en juego: El cine como motor económico en peligro
Por Marc Mejía: Un estudio realizado por Apricus Consulting Group (ACG), bajo solicitud de EGEDA Dominicana, revela que la industria cinematográfica dominicana enfrenta un riesgo económico significativo a raíz de la propuesta de reforma fiscal presentada recientemente por el Gobierno. Esta reforma propone la eliminación de los incentivos fiscales establecidos en la Ley de Fomento al Cine (Ley…
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sarahc351 · 10 months ago
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teknolojihaber · 10 months ago
İspanyol'da Telegram ülke çapında yasaklandı
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Mesajlaşma uygulaması kararın ardından 'geçici olarak askıya alınacak' İspanyol bir yargıç, yayıncıların fikri mülkiyet ihlali iddiasıyla açtığı davada çevrimiçi mesajlaşma hizmeti Telegram'ın askıya alınmasına karar verdi. Hassas davalara bakan üst düzey bir mahkeme olan Audencia Nacional'den Yargıç Santiago Pedraz, Telegram'ın kaynaklarının "geçici olarak askıya alınmasına" karar verdi. Karar Cuma günü verildi ancak Cumartesi günü öğle saatlerinde platform İspanya'da hâlâ çalışır durumdaydı. Tüketici hakları grubu Facua, kararı orantısız olmakla eleştirerek, bunun platformun milyonlarca kullanıcısına "çok büyük zarar" vereceği konusunda uyardı. Facua'nın genel sekreteri Ruben Sanchez yaptığı açıklamada, "Sanki telif hakkıyla korunan içeriği yasa dışı olarak barındıran web siteleri olduğu için interneti kapatıyorlar" dedi. Facua, davaya karışan medya gruplarını Mediaset, Atresmedia, Movistar ve Egeda olarak açıklandı. Telegram, kullanıcıların içerik yayınlamak için kendi kanallarını kurmalarına da olanak tanıyan şifreli bir mesajlaşma platformudur. Hakim, kararı, Telegram'ın bir işletme olarak kayıtlı olduğu Virgin Adaları'ndaki yetkililerin Temmuz 2023'te mahkemenin bilgi talebine yan��t verememesi üzerine verdi. Medya şirketleri, materyallerinin Telegram'da izinleri olmadan kullanıldığından şikayetçi oldu. Mahkeme, söz konusu hesapların arkasında kimin olduğunu belirlemeye olanak sağlayacak bilgiler istedi. Cuma günkü emirde yargıç, kendisini bu "ihtiyati tedbiri" almaya iten şeyin Virgin Adaları'ndaki işbirliği eksikliği olduğunu söyledi. Kararın "gereklilik, yerindelik ve orantılılık" ilkelerini karşıladığını sözlerine ekledi. "Kınanan eylemlerin tekrarını durdurabilecek başka hiçbir önlem mevcut değil" diye savundu. Dünya çapında aylık 700 milyon aktif kullanıcıya sahip olduğunu iddia eden Telegram, platformunun hızına ve güvenliğine vurgu yapıyor. Read the full article
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territorioblockchain · 10 months ago
CIERRE DE TELEGRAM EN ESPAÑA 📵🔒 La Audiencia Nacional ha ordenado bloquear la aplicación de mensajería #Telegram en España, en respuesta a una demanda relacionada con la violación de derechos de autor. El juez Santiago Pedraz ha emitido esta medida cautelar tras una demanda presentada por Mediaset España, EGEDA, A3 Media y #Movistar Plus, quienes alegan que se ha subido contenido sin permiso en…
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usuallywisestarlight · 10 months ago
Según informa Telecinco, el juez de la Audiencia Nacional, Santiago Pedraz ha emitido una orden para cerrar de forma cautelar la popular aplicación Telegram en España. El bloqueo de Telegram responde a una denuncia de EGEDA, Movistar Plus, Mediaset España, y A3 Media, que acusan a la popular app de mensajería de alojar sus contenidos audiovisuales sin permiso. Según se ha informado, tras recibir…
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elcaribeno-24 · 2 years ago
Director de EGEDA DOMINICANA afirma que RD avanza cumplimiento de leyes de Derecho de Autor e Intelectualidad Santo Domingo, D.N., 15 de mayo de 2023.
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franciscomaldo · 2 years ago
@adopresci anuncia nominaciones 4ta. edición #PremiosDeLaCríticaCinematográfica √
La Asociación Dominicana de Prensa y Crítica Cinematográfica (ADOPRESCI) anuncia su lista anual de las películas nominadas para la IV edición del Premio de la Crítica Cinematográfica a celebrarse el jueves 25 de mayo de 2023 en la Cinemateca Dominicana, bajo el auspicio del Banreservas, Dirección General de Cine (DGCINE), EGEDA Dominicana y la empresa Logomarca. La crítica especializada ha…
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sivatherium · 2 years ago
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dr--levi · 4 years ago
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So as soon as I saw this dude, I immediately diverted my attention from Ian to him. I'm extremely interested in his character, due to his secrecy and just overall... weirdness, I suppose. I've seen a lot of interpretations for what his face looks like, and so I uh, went full wishful thinking on him and just h-
Cut yo hair, foole
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felipeandletizia · 4 years ago
Felipe & Letizia’s decade: Trips Abroad
F&L Decade 61/?? 
King Felipe and Queen Letizia paid an Official Visit to Washington, DC and Florida, USA, between September 15 and 18, 2015. They were accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo. During the visit, among other activities, they met with President Obama and his wife and They joined the 450th anniversary of Saint Augustine, the oldest American city of European origin.
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On the 15th, Their Majesties the Kings began activities in Mount Vernon. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia visited the pantheon and the residence of President George Washington. The Kings made a wreath in the pantheon and had the opportunity to greet the volunteers, dressed in period costume, from the Louisiana Fixed Infantry Regiment.
Next, they headed to the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington. The Kings accessed the rooms that house George Washington's personal library, made up of 900 volumes, and viewed various manuscripts and outstanding books owned by the first American president, such as two old editions of "Don Quixote." Don Felipe and Doña Letizia presented, as a donation to this institution, a reproduction of the Credential Letters of the first Ambassador of the United States of America in Spain, addressed to Carlos IV and signed by George Washington.
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Later, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia visited the White House, where they were received by the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, and his wife, the First Lady, Michelle Obama.
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His Majesty the King and President Obama held a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House. At their conclusion, they offered the media a few brief statements.
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Meanwhile, Doña Letizia and Mrs. Obama met in the private residence and visited the garden-orchard of the White House, within the initiative of the First Lady "Let's move", which aims to promote good eating habits.
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In the afternoon, the Kings attended the Congress of the United States of America to hold a meeting with the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, in which they discussed various international policy issues. The day ended with a reception for a representation of the Spanish community in Washington, which was attended by nearly two hundred attendees.
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On September 16, His Majesty the King held a working breakfast with American businessmen at the Residence of the Spanish Ambassador, organized by the ICEX-Invest in Spain and the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in the United States, in collaboration with the US Chamber of Comerce, in which representatives of companies such as DuPont, Dow Chemicals, Costco, Lilly, Microsoft, HP, 3M, Honeywell, Marriott, UPS, IP were present Containers or General Motors.
Don Felipe pointed out that there is still a lot of potential to be discovered in the economic relations between both countries and that now is a good time to consider investing in Spain.
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In parallel, Her Majesty the Queen visited the National Cancer Institute at the Clinical Hospital of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). After learning about the research laboratories of the pediatric cancer-fighting unit, Doña Letizia held a working meeting.
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Later, at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, the King attended the seminar "A transatlantic conversation", organized by the Wilson Center and the Royal Elcano Institute. In his speech, the King referred to the need to address global challenges, such as climate change, nuclear proliferation and global terrorism, through global solutions.
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At noon, Don Felipe held a working lunch with scientists and experts participating in the seminar, and then met with a group of young Hispanic leaders in the United States.
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In the evening, Their Majesties the Kings attended the presentation ceremony of the First Meeting of Spanish Scientists in the United States at Georgetown University. This initiative, promoted by the Prince of Asturias Chair of this academic institution, aims to forge and strengthen links between scientists, explore new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, create a forum for discussion and reflection on the current state of scientific disciplines and their advances and build bridges that facilitate communication between the Spanish scientific community in the USA. and public and private organizations in both countries.
"The professionals of the Spanish Science are essential actors in this scientific and social gear, and protagonists of innovation and technical knowledge. You are social references for the vocation of our young people and true architects to build solid bridges between generations of scientists. You are example of talent and perseverance, shows the strengths of our educational system, ambassadors of our culture, as well as a very valuable connector between our internal scientific and technological capacities and the networks of knowledge and innovation on a global scale," Don Felipe told the scientists .
The day ended with a dinner offered in honor of Their Majesties the Kings by Georgetown University. In his toast, Don Felipe took stock of the enrichment that the relations between Spain and the United States have experienced in the twenty years that have passed since his graduation: "I am proud to see that Spanish companies invest more in the United States than American companies in Spain and they employ more than 80,000 Americans. It is also great to see Spain as the second preferred destination outside the continent for American students. We receive almost 25,000 each year. Let me also tell you that Spanish is the second most spoken language in the The United States, as well as the second language for international communication throughout the world. Finally, I must emphasize that our friendship as nations and peoples has grown strongly. Today, Spain and the United States are more united than ever, not only in the NATO, and facing new challenges together."
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On the 17th, Their Majesties the Kings traveled to Florida. In the afternoon, in the Freedom Tower-headquarters of the main auditorium of Miami Dade College-, the president of Miami Dade College imposed the Presidential Medal of the academic center on Don Felipe.
Subsequently, His Majesty the King gave the inaugural conference for the 2015-2016 academic year, entitled "The Spanish of the United States", where in Spanish and English, Don Felipe valued the importance of this language as a "substantial part" of the present of the United States and "cardinal component" of its future, reason why it defended the existence of "a Spanish of the United States", with its own social and linguistic profile, in front of "the Hispanic you speak of other latitudes". He also stressed that "the Spanish of the USA cannot be understood as an autonomous variety, at the exclusive service of an interior community and isolated from other peoples with a common history, but as a manifestation of an international language enriched by endless modalities and accents from North and South America, the Caribbean and Africa, Europe and the Pacific. Homogeneity and, at the same time, the multiplicity of voices are the basis of the wealth of Spanish and its international projection " .
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At the end of the conference, Their Majesties the Kings went to the Miami Dade College exhibition area. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia delivered a series of engravings on the life and work of Pedro Menéndez de Avilés - Asturian admiral who landed in 1565 on these coasts and named the place with the name of the patron saint of his native town (San Agustín) - , belonging to the Tegesta collection and made by the painter Amado González Hevia "Favila", and various books on the common history and relations between Spain and the United States.
A reception given by the president of Miami Dade College in honor of Their Majesties the Kings, ended the act.
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The day concluded with the attendance at the presentation of the Spanish Film Festival "Recent Cinema from Spain", at the Olimpia Theater in Miami, where the film "Cándida" was shown. This festival, created in 2011 and promoted by the Audiovisual Producers Rights Management Entity (EGEDA), opens a new space for the promotion of Spanish cinema in the US, both among the general public and before the international audiovisual industry , with a genre-rich cinematography that easily connects with the American audience, especially the Latin one.
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On the 18th, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia visited the city of San Agustín on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of its foundation. They began their tour of the Castillo de San Marcos, which continued through the Lightner Museum. The Kings signed there in the book of honor of San Agustín and delivered to the city a painting by Pedro Menéndez de Avilés made by the painter Amado González Hevia "Favila".
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Then they went to the Government House. From the balcony, Don Felipe addressed a few words to the citizens gathered in the square, in which he referred to the deed of Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and joined the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the city. He also recalled the brotherhood of San Agustín with Avilés and the island of Menorca. "It is something that we can be proud of, both Spanish and American, united as we are by an inspiring past and a promising future as friends and allies," said the King.
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Later, the Kings went to the Cathedral Basilica of San Agustín, where a short prayer of blessing and dedication of the bells of the Basilica to the Spanish Crown was held. After this visit, the mayor of San Agustín offered a lunch in honor of Their Majesties the Kings at Flagler College. In his speech, Don Felipe asked to take advantage of the 450th anniversary commemorations of the city of San Agustín "to shed light, more than on the characters and on the facts, on what they mean: the transmission of a culture that today permeates the entire American reality and that grows green day by day thanks to the more than fifty million Hispanics who today reside, work, integrate and commit to the future of the United States. "
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In the afternoon, the King presented the Bernardo de Gálvez Prize to Ford's President and CEO, Mark Fields, at the Casa Mónica hotel. With this annual award, the Spain-United States Council Foundation intends to honor and publicize the work of those persons or institutions, of American nationality who, with their work, example or dedication, have promoted cooperation between Spain and the United States. Together, they have improved reciprocal knowledge and the respective images or have developed any initiative that has resulted in progress and increased relations between the two societies.
Don Felipe then met with the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, to whom he presented, as a donation, the sculpture "The passage to a new world: the foundation of Saint Augustine by Pedro Menéndez de Avilés".
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Subsequently, Their Majesties the Kings returned to Flagler College to attend the opening dinner of the XX Spain-United States Forum, organized by the Spain-United States Council Foundation and its United States counterpart, the United States – Spain Council. These meetings bring together their respective members each year and have the participation of leaders from the public and private sectors of both countries to address different issues of common interest. Among the topics addressed in its sessions, those related to business and financial promotion stand out, as well as analyzes of certain economic sectors (infrastructure, transport, technology, finance or energy, among others). Other issues are also debated such as the situation of triangulation relations between Spain, the United States and Latin America, the economic and cultural dimension of the Spanish language or the situation of the thriving Hispanic communities.
After this act, Their Majesties the Kings undertook their return to Spain.
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cinedominicano · 6 months ago
Duelo en España y el mundo por la muerte de Veronica Forqué
Por Brando Hidalgo. Con gran pesar recibimos la noticia del fallecimiento de una de las actrices icónicas de la comedia española de los ochenta y noventa, al parecer un suicidio, a los 66 años. Hija del primer presidente de EGEDA, el escritor y cineasta José María Forqué (1923- 1995) , en cuyo honor se crearon en 1996 los prestigiosos premios que llevan su nombre, Verónica fue la única actriz…
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inveterade · 5 years ago
'A Vida Invisível' é indicado a melhor filme no Prêmio Platino de Cinema Ibero-Americano
‘A Vida Invisível’ é indicado a melhor filme no Prêmio Platino de Cinema Ibero-Americano
Foram anunciadas hoje as obras audiovisuais finalistas da sétima edição dos Prêmios Platino. Dentre os longas-metragens selecionados, A Vida Invisível, de Karim Aïnouz, concorre aos troféus de Melhor Filme, Melhor Atriz (Carol Duarte) e Melhor Roteiro (Murilo Hauser, com Inés Bortagaray e Karim Aïnouz).
Escolhidas por um júri internacional, as obras vencedoras serão conhecidas em cerimônia ainda…
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