#EFAU Brett
Extended Family AU Asks!
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Welcome to the EFAU Ask blog! Go ahead and ask any character anything. I'll introduce the characters, I hope you all have fun with this little AU. Kimura family Daichi, 19 - The eldest of them all. He smokes weed and stays in his room unless he has to watch his two younger siblings Sunny and Star. He plays the guitar and due to a tragedy he became closer to his sister Mari and came with an idea of preforming all together. Mari, 16 - The second eldest but the most mature. Mari is a true and tried perfectionist, the pressure made by her father was a lot so she has some not so fond memories of her father. She loves to play with Sunny and Star and their friends. Recently she's become more understanding of her "deadbeat" brother Daichi and is a master of the piano. Sunny, 13 - Sunny is kind of quiet but once you get him curious he can't stop talking or ask questions. He plays violin and draws a lot about his dreams. He's learned to trust Daichi more after the incident...He has his own headspace that he shares with Star, they go on all kinds of adventures. Star, 12 - The youngest and most mute of the group, she has difficulty expressing herself through words so she expresses herself with paintings and sketches. She plays the flute to try and align with her siblings. She goes on adventures with Sunny in headspace as they created the world together. She's been specifically painting a lot of paintings for Basil as of late. -------- Ramirez family Noah, 19 - He's been in college studying a bunch of geek stuff like coding and computers, keeps telling his family that the internet is the future. He's not super charismatic but he tries his best. He talks a lot about nerd stuff and is usually trying to piece junk together into something usable. He loves spending time with all his siblings and is usually the one who calms everyone down in tough situations.
Henry, 16 - More commonly known as Hero, Henry takes after his older brother in charisma but is even better at since he's a lot more socially adapted than Noah. He is usually seen visiting Mari, he's taken up cooking thanks to her and because his mom needs help with dinner half the time. Hero tries to wrangle his siblings when they get too rowdy but he isn't as successful as Noah. He always tries his best at everything. Kelsey, 13 - One of the loudest of the family, he's super into sports especially basket ball. He usually goes by Kel for short, he's always picking play fights with Taylor his twin sister and Aubrey. He tries his best to put a smile on everyone's face, he's also the best pet rocks player on the block. Taylor, 13 - Taylor is very loud like her brother, she's super energetic like him too. She goes by Tay and always picks on her brother's and whines about how she's the only sister. She loves hanging out with Aubrey, Allison and Mari since they're girls and understand her. She argues with Kel about how baseball is better than basketball. She plays the most pranks too. Sam, 11 - The most quiet out of all of them. Sam is a shy kid and it takes him awhile to open up about his feelings. He enjoys spending time with his family even if he may prefer more quieter things. He likes to do a lot of things like taking care of pets including his puppy Hector. ------ Kang family Allison, 17 - Allison is the first born and although she may not share a dad with Brett or Aubrey she cares very deeply for her siblings. She became stand offish to battle her bullies and her siblings bullies, she protects them both from their mother who has become abusive but no one else in Faraway knows that except for them. She doesn't have many friends as she doesn't really let herself take her guard down around anyone. Brett, 15 - He's only fifteen but he knows how to break some noses, anything for his sisters. Brett is usually the one behind the graffiti and damaged mailboxes. He protects Aubrey from anything and would protect Allison if she wasn't so keen on protecting them first. He doesn't really talk to anyone and more or less is just a loner left to his own devices. Aubrey, 13 - Aubrey is a happy go lucky girl, she doesn't get bullied a lot thanks to her older siblings and she feels a bit at home with them even if her mother scares her. She's always trying to catch Sunny's attention subtly but if she was any more obvious her siblings might take notice she has a crush. She's cheerful and is always trying to be like her siblings and stand up for her friends. ------ Oakes family Sage, 17 - Sage is not a nice person but that doesn't stop his brother from seeing good in him. Sage wishes he could get the attention that Basil does, he despises his father and misses his mother. He mainly helps Polly anything and usually goes off on his own to do things, he doesn't like hanging around Basil it's too painful for him. Basil, 13 - Ever since he was seven Basil has been in and out of hospitals due to an unknown illness, the doctors say he doesn't have much time but he wants to be positive and make the best of it. If only he had the courage to say how he feels on the inside to anyone. He tends to his garden since he can't go wandering a lot outside.
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