#EE Enigma
mewguca · 5 months
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@ideavian 's OC lore is pretty cool. Big fan of the pearl infection so I gave it to my OC
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bonus nonsense
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velen-abera · 6 months
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A beautiful iterator OC of @ideavian, Eternal Enigma!
I realy like his design and story, it's so creative! An iterator that doesn't try to solve the Great Problem, but actively goes against it (as far as I understand his story). Fascinating concept in a world that craves death.
Also, ideavian's art is so good?? Like, how do a human do that??? My good sir, have you sold your soul? Seriously, if you didn't see their art you absolutly should.
Also also: sorry for not posting anything for some time. Art block hit me hard and then a dog broke my finger :( Thankfully it was on the left hand so I can still draw!
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ideavian · 5 months
What do the scavs around enigma look like? Are there differences in their culture due to the calcification of ee's surrounding area? I imagine that living things would be highly valued and pearls would either be highly valued as they'd be dangerous to get or heavily scorned because they look similar to what's destroying their home and slowly killing their civilization. If they've ever seen Rarity, in this context, what do they think of them?
What are enigma's thoughts on the scavs?
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Not looking too good! Unfortunately there are no living scavs left😔they would have been some of the first animals to get infected due to their interest in pearls, and would be instrumental in spreading the plague to different parts of the island. I imagine the process would have been too quick for any significant changes in culture to take place in most groups. Groups living further from the superstructure would have had some time to prepare though, and Rarity would have met with some of them before they got infected. They would be curious and even friendly towards it at first but grow more hostile as the infection spread. Later on, Rarity would be sent to collect the pearls they left behind.
Rarity feels bad for them. EE thinks they’re an unfortunate but necessary sacrifice, that’s all.
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hyephyepcreates · 10 months
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[Image description: Digital art of King Derkila. He's dressed in a fusion of his usual clothes and Hatsune Miku's clothes. He's holding a leek that has the face of a smiling Poro on it. End image description.]
Sometimes the discord makes a joke and you spend too many hours making it real. Here's Derkila's partial cover of "Miku". (lyrics under the cut)
kila, kila,
call me king derkila
long hair, no eyes
always love a surprise!
empty, empty, my throne has been empty
you won't find me, i don't hear your cries
for King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
for King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
for King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
for King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
find my veins in the rivers flowing through
find my laugh in the songs kids sing anew
if the netherworld is my point of view
find my ghost in the world
of King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
of King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
of King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
of King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
King Derkila, why are you not near a-
ny more, unsure, always an enigma
am i stolen? or teaching a lesson to
the demons reaching up to me
find my veins in the rivers flowing through
find my laugh in the songs kids sing anew
if the netherworld is my point of view
find my ghost in the world
find my veins in the rivers flowing through
lose my trace as the world spins round anew
time goes on and i fade away from view
time goes on and i fade
i'm King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
i'm King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
i'm King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
i'm King Derkila (kila) ah-ee-ah
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onewhoturns · 1 year
A-Z Challenge GAME 5
Starting D today, so here we have: E games!
This one is... hm. To be honest, with the first-person games I'm a *little* concerned that I might feel nauseous if I try to muscle through a couple of these in a short time frame >< The only one I'm sure won't make me sick is Erica, but I've played a demo of Eternal Threads and it was mostly okay, not sure what to expect from Escape Academy, but just might not be a one- or two-session knockout, if it makes me feel ill -.-'
I also would need to find people able to play a session with me for that game, cause some of those achievements are multiplayer, but not many
As always, more info on the games under the cut.
Do me a solid this round cause y'all have ignored all the other fmv games and all the horror/thriller stuff from last round and I want to play one
1. Erica (2021)
"Prepare to immerse yourself in an interactive live-action thriller, merging the world of film and game like never before. Erica is a young lady plagued with nightmares of her father's murder. With the traumatic events of her childhood dragged back into the light via grisly new clues, it's up to you to unearth the shocking truth. Explore the enigma of Delphi House where every choice you make influences how the game develops, with multiple endings awaiting you at the finale of the gripping branching narrative." Steam tags: choose your own adventure, fmv, interactive fiction, female protagonist, point & click, choices matter, puzzle, story rich, action
2. Escape Academy (2022)
"Welcome to Escape Academy. Train to become the ultimate Escapist. Solve Puzzles. Hack Servers. Meet the Faculty. Brew the perfect cup of tea. Escape Rooms in single player or co-op with a friend - local or online!" Steam tags: escape room, puzzle, multiplayer, online co-op, visual novel, adventure, casual, mystery, story rich
3. Eternal Threads (2022)
"Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence. As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timestream, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event." Steam tags: choices matter, story rich, multiple endings, time manipulation, investigation, emotional, adventure, atmospheric
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spammreviews · 7 months
The Junji Ito Story Ranking, Worst to Best
Trigger warning:
Suicide, self harm, mentions of body horror, death, animal death, rape, marital abuse, transphobia, and sexism.
This will not include Junji Ito’s adaptations of others' works. There are also some works which couldn’t be put in this story because they simply aren’t available in English.
Also, there are two kinds of Junji Ito stories: one shots and longer stories.
One shots are stories such as Slug Girl and the Enigma of Amigara Fault.
Longer stories include Gyo and Remina.
There are some stories which are kind of on the fence between the two such as Tomie, Souchi, Uzumaki, and the Dissolving Classroom. These are collections of multiple different stories which can work together as one cohesive story. I ranked all of the Tomie chapters as separate stories as I felt like their quality varied, but Uzumaki, Souchi and Dissolving Classroom had more consistent quality (for better or for worse), so they were ranked as one whole work.
Penultimately, some of these stories have multiple titles. I have tried to show both titles when that happens, but there are most likely some times when I have made a mistake.
Lastly, some of my reviews will contain spoilers while others will not. Those with spoilers will contain a (Spoilers) tag.
Worst to best
133. The Bizarre Hikizuri Siblings:
The Seance-
I hate every character in this story.
This story is about a family and they’re all spooky weirdos, like the Addams family if they were all annoying.
There’s the fat guy.
His design is obnoxious, and his entire existence is a never ending stream of stupid, overdone fat jokes. Wait, actually, that’s not fair, there is also a bunch of gross out humor.
There’s the little girl. She’s the “evil little girl” trope. She’s obnoxious and I hate her design.
There’s the little boy. He’s the “evil little boy” trope. He’s obnoxious and I hate his design.
There’s the eldest girl. She’s…she’s there.
There’s the eldest boy. He’s pretending to be mature and he speaks in a weird false-eloquent manner. He is not extremely obnoxious.
There’s Narumi. She’s “normal”, which means she’s boring.
The first half of the story sees us being introduced to our main characters. The eldest boy invites a girl to dinner. At the dinner, ee see the fat guy drooling and eating lots of food in a gross way. 
The family has a fight and I don’t know what emotion I should be feeling in that scene. Is it funny? If so, it fails, because there aren't any actual jokes. Is it supposed to be dramatic? If so, it fails because I don’t care about any of these characters. It’s clear that the family is grieving, but they’re all grieving in these extremely inhuman ways- so I can’t relate to them.
The family decides to have a seance for their dead parents, and that takes up the rest of the story. It’s filled with gross-out humor, inane banter, and extremely repetitive character beats. I think the little girl cries like ten or so times.
The family is also just arguing all of the time. Every page is another argument. I know that families argue with each other, but this is ridiculous. I don’t think this family likes each other.
All of this arguing means that the plot has the pacing of molasses, as none of this arguing moves the plot forward.
Also, family drama isn’t interesting when the family are just annoying caricatures of tired archetypes. 
This story sucks in every way. It’s not even nice to look at because the designs of the family make me want to vomit.
God, I hate this story so much.
132. All of the Souichi Stories-
The Souichi stories are too silly to be scary, too dark to be funny, too down-to-earth to be campy, and too annoying to be likable. 
Souichi is a child who never poses a threat to our main characters, so he’s never scary. 
However, his hijinks are also not fun to watch because they usually involve hurting people.
Fictional characters getting seriously hurt can be funny in a fucked up way, but only if something is added to make it funny. These stories just have someone getting their hand hit with a hammer. People getting hurt can also be fun if they are being injured in an extraordinarily cartoony manner, like in Evil Dead 2, but the injuries characters receive here are stuff like stepping on a nail, which is a very simple and realistic way to injure oneself, meaning that it’s not fun.
Despite being about a child who’s evil, these stories never have much fun with that premise or do anything creative. The only way Souichi being a child barely affects his career as an asshole is that he doesn’t face consequences.
Also, the others characters in this story are blacks of wood with no personalities and no dimensions. As such, the story is extraordinarily boring whenever Souichi isn’t on screen.
Watching a child be annoying to a bunch of boring people gets extremely old extremely quickly, especially with how repetitive these stories are. There are about fourteen of them, and they all have the same plot.
Lastly, Souichi is just annoying. He has all of the most annoying character traits of children: he always repeats things, he screams way too much, he eats really messily, he’s a gleeful asshole, and he never faces any consequences for his actions. 
This kind of character can work, like that prince kid from the Tintin comics, Abdullah or whatever. However, that kid appears in like fifteen pages over the course of two different books. 
However, Souchi is the main focus of these many stories.
Even when Souchi gets what is coming to him, it’s never cathartic because it’s always way too much, like him getting nails through his cheeks. That’s disturbing. 
Essentially, the problem with these stories is that they have no sense of tone. The mix of morbidity and wackiness leads to the stories just being really annoying.
They’re also really repetitive, both in the sense that almost all of these stories follow the same formula with the same beats, but this formula is one where the plot is one continuous cycle of Souchi being a little shit, getting away with it, and then getting angry for some reason. 
131. Fashion Model-
Haha it’s funny because the woman is ugly and aaah! it’s also scary because the woman is ugly and haha it’s funny because the ugly woman is going to rape the man as punishment for being slightly paranoid. 
This story is stupid. It’s cruel to every character involved, it’s not funny, the tone is all over the place, the pacing is extremely slow, and its attempts at suspense are laughably pathetic because they’re based on us being scared by a woman for no other reason than her being ugly.
It also has two really annoying tropes being taken to their extreme:
A woman pursuing a man who is clearly not interested in her and
Ugly people are evil/gross/funny.
When this story isn’t being absolutely awful, it’s just boring because every character ranges from bland to just kind of unlikable, like our main character. 
Despite him being kind of a jerk, seeing bad things happen to him isn’t gratifying because they are far worse than what he deserves. 
130. The Bizarre Hikizuri Siblings: 
Narumi’s Boyfriend-
This first two pages of this story see a teenage girl, Narumi Hikizuri, about to commit suicide, only to be saved by her boyfriend. You would assume that the rest of the story explores depression. You would not be wrong.
We then meet the other Hikizuri siblings, who, as I mentioned previously, suck, and there are five of them!
Then, we cut back to the teenage girl, Narumi obviously, and her boyfriend. Narumi is depressed and threatening to commit suicide again. Her boyfriend is kind of being an asshole about it, complaining about how hard it is to care for her. 
It’s pretty fucked up that there is really no good support network for Narumi.
Then, Narumi’s family finds her and kidnaps her, and it’s at this point where I can’t help but wonder if Narumi’s siblings are supposed to be scary or funny in this story. It wouldn’t make any sense for them to be scary, as their designs are weird and they talk weirdly, and they’re stupid and silly and wacky and dumb. However, them being funny makes no sense considering the fact that this is a story wich starts with a suicide attempt. Also, it’s hard to laugh because the siblings are so fucking stupid looking. They make me nauseous. Not only that, but the family members are being abusive to Narumi, and that’s not funny, even if their abuse is silly.
Anywhoo, the story randomly swerves in tone when Narumi says she’s going to kill herself, douses herself with gasoline, and flicks a cigarette lighter. You assume she’s on fire and is dying. You would be…uhh…wrong?
After that happens, the family gets Narumi’s boyfriend, takes him to their house, and tortures him by forcing him to lay in a bag with what appears to be the burnt body of Narumi.
It’s kind of disturbing, but it’s also very silly. So, what emotion am I supposed to be feeling?
Then, Narumi shows up, and the boyfriend dies of a heart attack.
As it turns out, the thing that burned was a mannequin, and the family were just messing with the boyfriend.
Narumi only seems a bit angry about her boyfriend dying, and the last panel sees her saying she “Had no intention of actually doing it” meaning she had no intention of setting herself on fire.
Now, I’m going to give the story the benefit of the doubt and say that Narumi was actually going to kill herself. I sure hope that when the family told Narumi she was just doing this for attention, they weren’t right. I sure hope that when Narumi threatened to kill herself in front of her boyfriend, she wasn’t manipulating him.
If that was true, this story would be awful.
I’m going to assume that Narumi is just lying. The story still sucks because we have a depressed character trapped with her abusive family and the story doesn’t seem to care. However, it sucks a little bit less because it’s not insinuating that depressed people are “looking for attention”.
In conclusion, this story is one of the most tonally bizarre things I’ve ever seen. It goes back and forth between silly hijinks and serious drama. 
It also doesn’t help that the silly hijinks aren’t funny, and I don’t even know much about Narumi and her boyfriend, so I don’t care about the drama of their story!
129. Groaning Pipes-
This is the story about the people getting stuck in pipes.
To truly understand this story, we need to go in deep.
The story starts off with black haired girl being stalked by, gasp!, a guy who is overweight and ugly. Now, I’d argue that the comic seems to want us to find him gross through the way the panels frame him.
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So, we’re not off to a great start.
The pudgy kid asks black haired girl out and black haired girl rebukes him, something we are told has happened many times before. So, this guy sucks. 
However, black haired girl then insults this guy by calling him a “swollen and ugly".
Now, obviously, black haired girl has every right to insult someone who is being a creep. However, she is not insulting him on the grounds of being a creep, but instead focusing on his appearance, something he can’t control. In fact, all of the insults the black haired girl levels against the pudgy kid, and there are many, revolve around his appearance. The pudgy kid isn’t bad because he’s pudgy, he’s bad because he’s being a creep.
A result of this is that I kind of dislike both characters in this situation. Maybe that’s the point. If so, then I can congratulate this story on being rather complex in making the point that the girl had the right to not want to have sex with a guy she doesn’t like. Meanwhile, the guy, however much of a piece of shit he is, has the right to not be belittled for his appearance.
Of course, I’m assuming that’s the point. It’s probably not, because the rest of the story is very stupid. Also, the way both characters act is so extreme, it makes them seem like complete caricatures. The pudgy guy is a gross creepy incel and the black haired girl is a vapid valley girl.
Anywhoo, once that scene happens, black haired girl and her sister go to their house, where they bathe for way too long. At first, I was a bit unsure if these siblings were actually siblings because they look to be the same age and act less like siblings and more like casual work friends.
Then, we learn there is something wrong with the pipes in this house. We also see that the mom of this character is a total neat freak. The story feels the need to tell us this fifty or so times in these ten or so pages, and it quickly gets very annoying. There’s also an agonizingly pointless scene  where the mom yells at a plumber. 
It is also in this part where the two girls hatch a plan to let the pudgy guy go to their house so the neat freak mother can scare him off.
To finish our set up, we also meet the Dad of the family, who is divorced from the Mom and hasn’t seen his kids in a while. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t have the time to explore what it’s like to be a child of divorce in any meaningful way. 
So, the story has just been set up. There isn’t even the suggestion of something scary.
The plan of the two sisters goes perfectly, and the mom throws eggs at the pudgy kid.
Anywhoo, then the plot actually kicks off when the mom accidentally kills the Dad because she thinks he’s the fat kid when he sneaks into the house at night. I guess the Dad just really wanted to see his kids again, and IDK, maybe he was drunk or something. None of the members of the family seem concerned about the death of this man.
The mom tells the cops that the husband had a knife, so her killing of him was in self defense. I suppose that makes sense. However, what doesn’t make sense is that the family is just allowed to stay in this house that has become a crime scene. I suppose I’m nitpicking. Whatever.
We then see the Mom obsessing over her husband’s blood being cleaned from the floor, and the harassment causes the maid to quit. Why does the maid even exist in the story? I don’t know.
After these excruciatingly long sequences of nothing, we finally get some suspense when mysterious sounds start coming from the pipes.
This, among many other things, causes the Mom to freaking lose it. This is not the only Junji Ito story where a stressed out mom with a dead husband goes crazy. Another one will be near the top. However, this one doesn’t work because the mom is an annoying caricature of a mom, and her neurosciences are so extreme she becomes unbelievable.
Anywhoo, it turns out that the pudgy kid is in the pipes, which is where the sound is coming from.
The black haired girl suddenly starts acting like an asshole for no reason, and the story ends with the sister getting pulled into the pipes- presumably by the pudgy kid. I should mention that she is wearing a towel, so there is an unsettling subtext to this.
That’s fucked up. What is this story saying? Fat people are rapists?
Also, the mom just disappears from the story.
One kind of wonders why the husband and his death was even included, as he’s absolutely inessential to the actual main plot, which is the incel in the pipes. The mom is also pretty pointless, with her only important action being throwing eggs at the pudgy kid.
This whole story is convoluted, contrived, and nonsensical. Every character in it is a caricature, whether it be of women or of fat people. It also seems uninterested in actually creating an atmosphere of dread and suspense.
Unfortunately, a common theme throughout Ito’s stories (specifically his earlier work) is unattractive people being cast as villains and women going through extremely traumatic events in a way which feels indulgent. This story has these two being taken to the extreme.
128. Nanakuse Kyokumi-
This is the transphobic story.
It follows a woman , Koroketsu, who is obsessed with a writer. She goes to see that writer, Nanakuse, only for Nanakuse to turn out to be evil…and also a trans woman. 
Anywhoo, the main character, Koroketsu, of this story is one of the more colorful main characters because she’s really weird.
This means that the beginning of this story is…interesting with how strange it is.
Then, we meet Nanakuse, the author. She is drawn with a very pronounced chin and nose, and our main character literally thinks “A male!” when she first sees her.
It’s at this point when I stopped wanting to read the story, but I had to because of this fucking list.
After this, the author throws the main character into a dungeon, our main character suffers some body horror, and then the story ends.
If it wasn’t for the transphobia, this story would probably be in C. It is very quickly paced. In fact, it’s too quickly paced, as there’s no time given to creating suspense and atmosphere. We don’t see the author seeming more and more off putting as we get more hints that she is evil. The second the main character shows up, the author acts like an absolute asshole. Then, we get a scene of the two of them drinking which does nothing to build suspense. At the end of that scene, the author randomly reveals themself as evil when they toss the main character in a dungeon. It’s kind of sudden. There’s no buildup with this story.
You know Dracula? That’s a story about a person visiting the house of someone mysterious (Dracula), and we get more and more red flags about Dracula throughout the beginning of the story. It’s fun and suspenseful. If Dracula hypnotized Renfield after one conversation, the story would be very boring.
Moving on, the quick pacing means that the stuff about people having “quirks” doesn’t have time to be fleshed out. It seems interesting, but we barely get to see any of it, or the consequences of it, or why all of these people are obsessed with it.
A bunch of exposition is given, but it's all surface level stuff that doesn’t even help us to genuinely understand what’s going on. We learn how the author bought the house and why she keeps people in the prison, but none of this explores the idea of having quirks. Obviously, horror stories thrive when the horror isn’t explained, but it’s helpful if we at least understand what the horrifying thing even is. Imagine Jaws, but we never learn that it’s a shark.
Not only that, the body horror is a little more silly than scary. It’s also very sudden, much like the rest of this story.
Overall, even without the extreme transphobia, this story is just half-baked, with a half-baked idea that never makes any sense or seems all that scary. 
Also, what was the deal with the old servant lady?
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hpowellsmith · 9 months
Books of 2023
I was pleased to read lots of books this year! I greatly enjoyed the majority of these - the only one I wouldn't really recommend was Rated M for Mature - and the favourites are bolded. There were quite a lot of others that I didn't end up finishing, which were mostly memoirs of people who I felt interested in but didn't find their writing very compelling, and some second-world fantasy novels that didn't grab me. Most of this year's reading was historical, contemporary, memoirs, or horror: it was only towards the end of the year that I got some fantasy in there, which is funny as I've always thought of myself as a big fantasy fan - if anyone has any queer non-YA fantasy recommendations, I'd love to have them. The most recent new-to-me fantasy I loved was The Sacred Dark series by May Peterson, if that helps!
I was really happy to read Alison Rumfitt, Torrey Peters, Maya Deane, Lee Mandelo, EE Ottoman, and Brandon Taylor for the first time in particular, and look forward to reading more of them in the future; Ducks by Kate Beaton hit hard and stuck with me; Passion and Play is a massively illuminating read for anyone interested in writing intimate scenes in games and made me feel a ton more confident and intentional in doing so; I loved returning to and crying over old favourites Elizabeth Wein and Terry Pratchett after a very long time.
Detransition, Baby - Torrey Peters
A Perfect Spy - John le Carre
Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender
Lark and Kasim Start a Revolution - Kacen Callender
Youngman - Lou Sullivan
The Ministry of Unladylike Activity - Robin Stevens
Winterkeep - Kristin Cashore
Rated M for Mature: Sex and Sexuality in Video Games - Matthew Wysocki (ed.), Evan W. Lauteria (ed.)
Passion and Play: A Guide to Designing Sexual Content in Games - Michelle Clough
How Games Move Us: Emotions by Design - Katherine Isbister
Tell Me I'm Worthless - Alison Rumfitt
The Companion - EE Ottoman
The Pearl Thief - Elizabeth Wein
Real Life - Brandon Taylor
The Autistic Trans Guide to Life - Yenn Purkis, Wenn Lawson
The Enigma Game - Elizabeth Wein
Filthy Animals - Brandon Taylor
Gender Queer - Maia Kobabe
Ten Steps to Nanette - Hannah Gadsby
Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes - Rob Wilkins
Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands - Kate Beaton
The Late Americans - Brandon Taylor
Wrath Goddess Sing - Maya Deane
Vivi Conway and the Sword of Legend - Lizzie Huxley-Jones
Summer Sons - Lee Mandelo
Slow River - Nicola Griffith (reread)
The Others of Edenwell - Verity Hollowell
Pageboy - Elliot Page
Brainwyrms - Alison Rumfitt
Uncomfortable Labels - Laura Kate Dale
The Easternmost House - Juliet Blaxland
The Two Doctors Górski - Isaac Fellman
Dark Matter: A Ghost Story - Michelle Paver
Charmed Life - Diana Wynne Jones (reread)
A Trans Man Walks Into A Gay Bar - Harry Nicholas
Going Postal - Terry Pratchett
Monstrous Regiment - Terry Pratchett (reread)
In Strictest Confidence - Craig Revel Horwood
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ryansjane · 11 months
And what you think about new ship Ohm? I see fan accout OhmNanon go crazy and others fans. They talk they need to know what happen and that OhmNanon owe them an explanation.
Film have a GL! With Natman. Im not interesing in her show with Nanon but "Pluto" and "Ploys YearBook" can be very interesing.
JossGawin i read about this on your tumblr. And I was surprised when it turned out to be true. Mond are there too as a vampire?!
​TayNew new series with AGAIN JAN!🤍 "On Sale" that will be have a comady vibe. They are happy they have a BL.
"Ploy's YearBook" also have a fine cast.
I think "We are" can be really good. New ships SatagaWinny and AouBes (AouBoom) idk what a name of these two 🤣.
"Only Boo!" I don't have opinion about this.
"Ossana's Love Thailand" was a trailer for that? Idk, i don't remeber. EarthMix again in BL.
"Summer Night" again i don't have a opinion about that. But what u think?
"High School Frenemy" and AJ, JJ, View, Nani, Kay mambers of "Home School", trailer give me little vibe of "Home School". ViewJune i think they also will be a shipp in this show.
"My Love Mix-Up" GemFourth again tgt.
"Enigma 2" ee, im a little confused.
Today I can say more. What series for you are intersing?
lmaoooooo, personally I don't care for ohmnanon & especially not ohm after what he's done. good for him that he's find a new bl ship to leech off of like he's done his whole career I guess 🤷‍♀️ delusional fans trying to revive a dead ship will always kill me :')))
the namtanfilm gl is truly incredible & I'm also very excited for ploy's yearbook, more female-led shows please I need it!!!
I cannot believe all 3 rumors I heard about became true djsighudshui, I already knew not to doubt gmmtv fans bc their rumors are almost always true but OMG! so hyped for jossgawin, I'm already obsessed with them!!!
the taynew show looks so fucking ridiculous & fun, I love it! I'm sure it'll be a great time, and I like all four mains!
ossan's love with earthmix has me dead 💀 first of all leave that show in the past, but also I really don't think earthmix have it in themselves to be this silly lol. honestly I'm just glad they didn't give this to offgun EVEN THOUGH they would actually be perfect as haruta & maki lmao.
summer night is so damn confusing, and I hate the queerbaiting in the trailer by making phuwin & dunk kiss when it's just a straight show lol. if they really wanted to attract the bl fangirls, why not make the side couple with java kiss in the trailer instead?
high school frenemy looks so damn gay but I know it's gonna be as frustrating as midnight museum bc they're gonna make it a bromance. if I get viewjune in this too though??? I will watch just for them lol. and the incredible cast. but watch this trailer & tell me sky's character isn't in love with nani. AND WHY ARE THEY HOLDING HANDS AT THE END??? the show hasn't even started airing, and I'm already frustrated by it 😭
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gustavomirabalcastro · 9 months
Enigma Kennedy: Investigación Trágica- asesinato de los Kennedy
Un caso sin resolver que sigue intrigando a Estados Unidos La Trágica investigación Kennedy sigue siendo uno de los misterios más grandes de EE UU ¿Por qué los hermanos Kennedy fueron asesinados y quién fue el responsable? Descúbrelo en este artículo. John F Kennedy y su hermano Robert fueron asesinados en circunstancias inexplicables Desde entonces, la investigación sobre su muerte ha generado…
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infiniteinnovation · 1 year
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mewguca · 5 days
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on an entirely different note, here is @ideavian 's Eternal Enigma but as a MIP Unit. I off-stringed him!!! ^_^
...I don't think I ever remembered to post this here, oops
I love you EE I hope nothing bad ever happens to you please (<- i am powerless to stop this)
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Triángulo de las Bermudas – SS Cotopaxi - Biología marina
Triángulo de las Bermudas:
El Triángulo de las Bermudas es una región geográfica en el océano Atlántico, delimitada aproximadamente por Miami (Florida, EE. UU.), las Bermudas y Puerto Rico. Esta área ha ganado notoriedad debido a varias historias y teorías sobre desapariciones misteriosas de barcos y aviones en circunstancias aparentemente inexplicables. Sin embargo, es importante señalar que muchas de estas historias han sido exageradas o malinterpretadas, y la idea de que el Triángulo de las Bermudas es una zona particularmente peligrosa es en gran parte un mito.
La fama del Triángulo de las Bermudas comenzó a ganar impulso en la década de 1950 y 1960, cuando varios libros y artículos populares comenzaron a destacar supuestos incidentes inexplicables en la región. Estos incidentes incluían la desaparición de barcos y aviones, junto con la sugerencia de que fenómenos desconocidos o paranormales podrían estar detrás de estas desapariciones.
Sin embargo, la mayoría de los incidentes atribuidos al Triángulo de las Bermudas pueden explicarse mediante causas naturales o errores humanos. Factores como las condiciones climáticas adversas, los errores de navegación, las averías mecánicas y los problemas de comunicación han sido identificados como causas probables en muchos casos. Además, la tasa de incidentes en esta área no es significativamente mayor que en otras partes del mundo, y la mayoría de los viajes por el Triángulo de las Bermudas se realizan sin problemas.
En 1975, Lawrence David Kusche, investigador y autor, publicó un libro titulado "El Triángulo de las Bermudas Misterio Resuelto" en el que analizaba de manera crítica los incidentes que se habían atribuido al Triángulo. Kusche argumentó que muchas de las historias eran inexactas o exageradas y que, en realidad, no había una cantidad anormal de desapariciones en esta región en comparación con otras áreas similares del mundo.
SS Cotopaxi:
El SS Cotopaxi era un carguero de vapor que fue construido en 1918. El 29 de noviembre de 1925, el barco partió de Charleston, Carolina del Sur, con destino a La Habana, Cuba. Tenía una tripulación de 32 personas a bordo y llevaba una carga de carbón. Sin embargo, después de zarpar, el barco desapareció misteriosamente y nunca llegó a su destino en Cuba.
Las últimas comunicaciones del SS Cotopaxi fueron el 1 de diciembre de 1925, cuando emitió una llamada de socorro informando que estaba enfrentando mal tiempo y que tenía problemas de estabilidad debido a una vía de agua en la bodega. Después de esa llamada de socorro, el barco desapareció sin dejar rastro.
Sin embargo, en 2021, un equipo de investigadores anunció que habían identificado los restos del SS Cotopaxi en aguas cercanas a Florida. Los restos del barco fueron encontrados a una profundidad considerable, y la identificación se basó en la estructura y características del casco.
Aunque se ha encontrado el barco, las circunstancias exactas de su desaparición y cómo terminó en el fondo del océano Atlántico siguen siendo un misterio. La historia del SS Cotopaxi continúa siendo un ejemplo de los enigmas y las leyendas que rodean al Triángulo de las Bermudas.
Relación entre conceptos:
La biología marina es una rama de la biología que se enfoca en el estudio de los organismos vivos que habitan en los océanos y otros cuerpos de agua salada.
En relación con el Triángulo de las Bermudas y el SS Cotopaxi, la biología marina está involucrada en la investigación de la zona marina donde se encontraron los restos del barco. Los científicos marinos estudian la vida marina en esa área, así como las condiciones ambientales y geológicas que pueden haber contribuido a la desaparición del SS Cotopaxi.
Esta rama de la biología, puede ofrecer algunas explicaciones científicas para algunos de los fenómenos que se han atribuido al Triángulo de las Bermudas:
Gases naturales: En algunos casos, las desapariciones podrían deberse a la liberación de gases naturales desde el lecho marino. Los sedimentos en el fondo del océano pueden contener metano y otros gases, que en grandes cantidades podrían causar burbujas que interfieren con la flotación de barcos y aviones.
 Agua y corrientes: La biología marina también está conectada con las corrientes oceánicas y los patrones de flujo de agua. Estos patrones pueden estar influenciados por la temperatura del agua, la salinidad y otros factores. La migración de especies marinas, como ballenas, delfines y tortugas, podría influir en las rutas de navegación y posiblemente en los encuentros con embarcaciones.
 Actividad sísmica: El Triángulo de las Bermudas se encuentra en una región geológicamente activa, lo que significa que los movimientos sísmicos y las erupciones volcánicas submarinas son posibles. Estos eventos podrían causar perturbaciones en la superficie del agua y afectar la navegación y el vuelo.
 Vórtices y turbulencias: Las corrientes oceánicas pueden formar vórtices y turbulencias, que podrían afectar la navegación y la aviación. Estas corrientes pueden estar influenciadas por la topografía submarina y otros factores oceanográficos.
 Migración de especies: La biología marina también podría desempeñar un papel indirecto al influir en la actividad humana en la zona. Por ejemplo, la pesca y la búsqueda de especies marinas podrían llevar a barcos y aviones a áreas menos exploradas o más riesgosas.
La mayoría de las embarcaciones y aviones que han desaparecido en esa área nunca han sido encontrados ni recuperados. Sin embargo, hay casos en los que se han encontrado barcos que se hundieron en la región. Uno de los ejemplos más conocidos es el SS Cotopaxi.
Instrumento de navegación utilizado para medir la distancia angular entre dos objetos visibles, como el Sol y el horizonte, para calcular la posición y orientación de una embarcación en el mar.
El sextante representa la navegación y la exploración marítima, que son elementos centrales en la historia del Triángulo de las Bermudas. Además, el sextante también simboliza la medición precisa, que es esencial tanto para la navegación segura como para la investigación biológica. En términos de biología marina, el sextante podría representar la necesidad de comprender las rutas migratorias de las especies marinas y cómo estas interacciones pueden influir en la navegación en la zona. Al mismo tiempo, la precisión requerida para el uso del sextante podría reflejar la importancia de la investigación científica en la región, incluyendo la biología marina y la comprensión de los fenómenos asociados con el Triángulo de las Bermudas.
El desarrollo del sextante se atribuye a varios inventores y a lo largo de varios siglos. Algunos de los hitos más importantes en su evolución incluyen:
Astrolabio y cuadrante: Estos fueron los predecesores del sextante. El astrolabio se utilizó desde la antigüedad para medir la altura de los astros sobre el horizonte y fue muy útil para la navegación estelar. El cuadrante también se usaba para medir ángulos celestes. Sin embargo, ambos instrumentos tenían limitaciones en términos de precisión y facilidad de uso.
 Jacob's Staff: A fines del siglo XIV, un instrumento llamado "Jacob's Staff" (Bastón de Jacob) comenzó a utilizarse en la navegación para medir la altura angular de los astros. Consistía en una asta larga con una regla perpendicular que se movía a lo largo de ella. Aunque era un avance, seguía siendo bastante impreciso.
Desarrollo del sextante: Durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, varios científicos y navegantes trabajaron en la mejora de los instrumentos de navegación. El desarrollo del sextante moderno involucró contribuciones de varios individuos, incluidos John Davis, John Flamsteed y John Hadley. John Hadley, un matemático e inventor inglés, se le atribuye comúnmente la invención del sextante en su forma moderna alrededor de 1730.
El sextante permitía mediciones mucho más precisas que sus predecesores, ya que utilizaba un espejo para reflejar la imagen del astro y el horizonte en un solo plano. Esto permitía al navegante medir el ángulo entre el astro y el horizonte directamente.
Este instrumento de navegación se ha fabricado principalmente con materiales metálicos, como latón o bronce. El latón y el bronce son aleaciones de cobre que tienen propiedades de durabilidad y resistencia a la corrosión, lo que los hace adecuados para su uso en entornos marinos.
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ideavian · 4 months
Good day! So, based off the "did any of EE’s citizens have ornamental purposed organisms" question that another lovely person asked, is any part of The Rarity ornamental? It seems to be that the markings on The Rarity's tail and ears seems to be the same material as Eternal Enigma's antenna wings, so did Enigma design The Rarity to look more like him perhaps? Or does the material have more of a functional purpose?
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Rarity’s features are both ornamental and functional! A bit more functional than they are on EE anyway. EE’s antenna wings are solar panels, but they’re more symbolic of the idea that Ancients are blessed by the sun (as well as the void) than a practical power source when he’s connected to his superstructure. EE designed Rarity to look like him partly out of vanity but mostly as the next link in the aesthetic genealogy passed down from his creator. As the next in line for inheriting the legacy of the Ancients, Rarity is expected to look the part. The solar panels are a lot more important for Rarity though, given that there’s basically no other source of energy in EE’s surroundings.
Also, you might notice that they have the same eyes as well :3 another detail passed down from EE’s creator
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wariomolly · 1 year
one of the biggest enigmas of my childhood is the fact that my mom would make a spaghetti dish called “milkidiki” (pronounced milk-uh-dick-ee) that she learned from her childhood friend’s mom. It’s just spaghetti with a can of concentrated tomato soup on top. after much internet searching, i have concluded that milkidiki is not A Thing despite how ubiquitous it was in my childhood. Some random ohio mom in the early 80s came up with the most random name for a low budget recipe and now i carry it with me always. i will pass it down to my children. milkidiki
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andrewkhurst · 2 years
A week away from children for half term simply wasn’t enough for Martha’s teachers, who followed it up with an immediate post half term teacher training Monday. Fuckers. Martha wanted to go to the Library. She wisely decided to pack a unicorn backpack full of snacks (for her exclusive snackage, not poor dad’s), as a trip to the library usually meant a journey akin to the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy (supermega extended director’s cut with Gollum commentary), usually with some kind of multi level treasure hunt up and down and up again in the lifts.
Martha had successfully completed the latest hunt during half term, but wanted to do it again. Bollocks. I wanted to just grab up to six stories and go to eat lunch, not navigate four storeys for seven hours. We started with clue number one, but thankfully she gave up pretty swiftly and we went back to the Children’s Library space. Martha was desperate for a pen and paper. Almost as desperate as she was for a wee every 10 seconds which resulted to several trips to the gent’s toilets and our usual cubicle. Martha’s take on urinals was “dad why are those buckets just open?" I had zero answers.
Upon our return to the Children’s space, I said that she could have a pencil if she was brave enough to ask the librarian for it. She was. Hoorah. I thought that the pen and paper sourcing meant that the adventure treasure hunt redux part deux was back on, but no. Martha started writing down a list of letters. B DD EE GFGFGFG DDE. Even without the Enigma code cracking apparatus that I usually carted round with me in a little…erm…cart, on trips to town, I immediately recognized this sequence of block capitals.
“Martha, are you writing down the notes of the main melodic guitar and vocal riff to Iron Man by Black Sabbath?”
“Yes dad. It’s in one of the boxes in my head and I wanted to write it down”.
Uncle Ozzy would be so proud.
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ferrolano-blog · 2 years
El viaje del Canciller alemán Olaf Scholz a la Casa Blanca sigue siendo un enigma. Scholz fue recibido por el Presidente Biden en el Despacho Oval en una conversación que duró más de una hora. No había ayudantes presentes. Y voló de regreso a Berlín... El viaje de Scholz al Despacho Oval se produjo en un momento decisivo del conflicto ucraniano. Rusia ha tomado la iniciativa en la campaña del Donbass y su ofensiva de primavera podría comenzar en las próximas semanas. El ejército ucraniano ha sido duramente golpeado y el país depende casi por completo de la ayuda financiera y militar de Occidente para sobrevivir... en Europa crece la frustración de que el continente se encuentre en un callejón sin salida... El apoyo a Ucrania está disminuyendo en la opinión pública occidental... Europa ha caído en la trampa de depender de las importaciones energéticas de EE. UU., que es el principal beneficiario de la crisis energética europea y de su consiguiente "desindustrialización" y "vaciamiento industrial"... Sunak quiere convencer al líder ucraniano para buscar conversaciones de paz con Moscú de manera realista, dadas las profundas dudas entre los políticos de Londres, París y Berlín sobre la trayectoria de la guerra y la creencia desgarradora de que Occidente solo puede ayudar a sostener el esfuerzo de guerra por un tiempo. El presidente francés Emmanuel Macron y el canciller Scholz están en la misma página que Sunak... fundamentalmente, las conversaciones de paz reivindicarían la razón de ser de la operación militar especial de Rusia, cuyo objetivo era obligar a Occidente a negociar sobre la expansión de la OTAN
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