dekupalace · 9 months
this shit is LONG btw I'm so sorry. I am not artistically talented enough to make this a real thing, but I hope the writing is nice enough!
[Opening “vocals” and instrumental have a rhythm similar to a ticking clock. Throughout this, a very high number will be rapidly decreasing in the background, with a clock ticking backwards - going back in time, dozens and dozens of loops ago.]
[MAL DU PAYS - just a single entity - stands in the center of the screen at the first vocal phrase, hovering similarly to Siffrin in the game over screen. On each repeated vocal, another MAL DU PAYS appears to the right, then to the left of the center entity, doing the same floating motion. When the vocals stretch and sound reverse, all entities of MAL DU PAYS will be thrown to the side like when Start Again is selected. It will then zoom in to the center entity—]
[—which will open its mouth as the first proper lyric comes in. It will zoom through the entity on the same beat, moving on from the scene.]
I've worn the same skinny jeans —
[Mira and Siffrin are talking as shown in the intro to Act 1, where she asks him if he's okay traveling with the party.]
— since I was fifteen.
[Siffrin smiles at Mira like we see in the same cutscene - he's never been happier!]
It's probably nothing.
[Mira looks at Siffrin with a concerned expression, and the screen fades to black.]
[MAL DU PAYS mouths the word again on the fade-to-black, and it zooms in once more to the next scene.]
[Similar to the cutscene in game, the scene pans down slowly from the top of the Favor Tree, showing Siffrin looking up towards it with his back turned towards the camera.]
My friends say they're quittin’ this week — to chase down their dreams.
[On beat with the song (¾ time signature, so every 3 beats), there will be slightly transparent scenes above Siffrin's head, like flashbacks - his friends are shown in the tree’s leaves, influencing his Wish. First it's Odile, who looks bored in the shop. Then Bonnie, who has their arms crossed over their chest, looking to the side sadly - they're thinking about their sister. Next is Mira, who has stars in her eyes, excited about what's to come next after their victory. And finally, Isa, who has one arm stretched out with the other hand gesturing towards his sleeve - showing off his fashion.]
They're probably bluffin’, but…
[The camera cuts to show a side profile of Siffrin, looking down at the leaf holding his Wish. He then lets go of the leaf and turns at the same time, as if the Wish he made wasn't that big of a deal. The screen once again fades to black.]
Don't you like it bigger, better —
[This sequence will have the scenes pop up, then slowly fade out, with the next scene popping up afterwards.]
[Siffrin and his party are eating happily in the Clocktower.]
— but you do what you can? (do what you can)
[Siffrin and Isa are laying in bed, Isa looking embarrassed with a sheepish smile, while Siffrin simply looks curious.]
Don't you like it a little better —
[The party looks up at the entrance to the House, their backs turned towards the camera, each of them holding their Orbs above their heads.]
— when you don't understand?
[With the camera facing their fronts, the party walks through the entrance of the first main room, everyone looking in different directions curiously.]
(don’t understand)
[Siffrin hovers his hand over the star save point, the rest of his party, evenly divided, looking around his shoulders in confusion.]
I was gonna save the planet —
[The party enters the Death Corridor. Mira is grabbing Siffrin’s cloak with a distressed look on her face, while Siffrin is squinting at her with a cocky smirk. He’s the trap master, he’s got this! There’s nothing to worry about!]
— but today I’ve got plans.
[With the camera at the other end of the room - the exit - Siffrin is shown looking around one of the middle pillars. Mira is seen in the background with her hands together in front of her chest, looking anxious. Isa is watching Siffrin with a little smile, and Odile and Bonnie are in the opposite corner, Bonnie looking at the wall while Odile looks down at Bonnie.]
I guess this is just what I am.
[The camera cuts back to be by the party, only Siffrin being shown in the shot. He stands in the middle of the room with a big smile on his face, showing off a thumbs up. Everything is fine!]
[On the first beat to the three ticks of the instrumental, multiple scenes will pop up on screen similarly in style to the previous ones.]
[A massive rock appears above Siffrin’s head.]
[Siffrin wakes up in the meadow.]
[He sits up quickly, like he was waking up from a nightmare.]
I'm an —
[The lyrics will start during the last fade-out of Siffrin waking up. Once it does, MAL DU PAYS will zip across the screen in the darkness towards the right - coming back to the present time rather than going back. No more backstory. No more prologue. This is where the story starts.]
— object in motion, —
[Throughout this whole section, a counter will be in the corner, counting up with EVERY beat in the song. This is the loop count. The scenes will not change with every beat, signifying that Siffrin has experienced those exact moments in the same exact ways multiple times.]
[Siffrin, with his back turned towards the camera, is seen hitting the switch on the pillar, his allies looking towards the fallen rock behind them in shock.]
— I've lost all emotion, —
[Siffrin walks by some Tears with a tired expression, staring blankly forward towards the end of the hallway. His allies behind him look at the Tears curiously, but follow him anyway.]
— my two legs are broken —
[Siffrin is hunched over slightly, facing a locked door with his hand closed into a fist, resting it against the door. Mira behind him is holding a note - the note about the key in the classroom on Floor 2 - looking upset, while Isa and Odile stand at each of her sides, both looking as if they were trying to think of what to do. Only Bonnie is looking at Siffrin, their head tilted slightly at his shaking, angry demeanor.]
— but look at me dance!
[In the same room, the camera cuts to show the front of Siffrin, who turned just a little to face away from the door. With the other adults distracted, he fails to notice Bonnie, who looks at him with wide eyes as Siffrin holds his dagger. It’s pointed at his own stomach, and he has an exhausted smile on his face.]
An object in motion, —
[Siffrin and Mira are talking on the bench. Mira is looking at the bonding papers in her hands with a worried expression, while Siffrin sits with his eye closed, a big smile on his face.]
— don't ask where I'm going —
[Siffrin and Odile are in the woods, the familytale sitting on the ground between them. Odile is looking off to the side, her mouth open and her eyes tired as she talks about her mother, while Siffrin sits with his eye closed, a big smile on his face.]
— 'cause where I am goin' is —
[Siffrin and Bonnie are outside of Dormont, Siffrin standing just behind Bonnie as they look towards the right at a Sadness. Bonnie has their hands raised into shaking fists, while Siffrin stands back with his eye closed, a big smile on his face.]
— right where I am!
[Siffrin and Isa are walking into the field. Isa is pointing up towards the stars, just ahead of them, and Siffrin is following him, their eye closed, a big smile on their face.]
[The short instrumental between the lyrics will show the others joining Siffrin and Isa for a picnic under the stars. They’re all laughing, smiling, eating…having a great time.]
Where I am goin’ is —
[It cuts to zoom in slightly on Siffrin, who is smiling and laughing along with his family members…]
— right where I am!
[...but then the screen will glitch, and while the others will continue their laughter, Siffrin will be looking away from them, appearing exhausted- no, guilty. He’s making them love him.]
[The screen fades to black.]
[MAL DU PLAYS will move to the left of the screen - looping again - and mouth the lyric.]
[The loop counter will stop temporarily. It should be at 72. Throughout this section, the counter will count up every 3 beats instead.]
You said you'd break up with her, —
[Isa and Mira are around a frozen housemaiden, Isa holding their partner’s half of a bonding earring with an excited expression. Mira appears to look the same, both of them fantasizing about the future reunion of the partners. Siffrin is in the background, staring blankly at their backs. His stare is noticeably more focused on Isa.]
— but she met your family, —
[The party is in the secret room where the runaway kid’s book is found. Isa is laughing as Mira looks distressed, Odile rolling her eyes while Bonnie peeks around her to watch Mira. Siffrin, once again to the side, is looking towards the bookshelf of romance novels, which sparked the conversation in the first place.]
— and dating's the worst, yeah.
[Odile opens her mouth as Mira playfully yells in her direction, Mira’s eyes squeezed shut - don’t tease her, madame! - while Bonnie starts laughing. Isa’s head is turned towards Siffrin. Siffrin has turned away from the others all together, his arms wrapped around himself. Isa looks concerned, but can’t say anything over the bickering.]
[The screen fades to black.]
[MAL DU PLAYS will move to the left of the screen - looping again - and mouth the lyric.]
Now you're not in love anymore, —
[Now at the end, Siffrin is looking up towards Isa, waiting for him to confess. Isa looks shy, his hands in fists to his sides as he tries to gain the courage to say it. Just say it. Just say it. They’ve been waiting.]
— but you'll stick it out for like twenty years more, saying…
[On beat with the counter in the corner, Isa will rapidly change positions, all of them looking hesitant and shy, while Siffrin remains completely still. The only thing changing is their smile - it keeps getting bigger, strained, forced. He never says it. He never will. They’ve heard this same thing so many times. Why won’t he just say it.]
Don't you like it bigger, better —
[Like before, this sequence will have the scenes pop up, then slowly fade out, with the next scene popping up afterwards.]
[The party is in the storage room on Floor 1. Siffrin is surrounded by the others, looking excited with a book in his hands. His allies, however, look confused. They can’t read that book.]
— but you do what you can (do what you can)
[Siffrin is holding the page of the article about the King, pointing towards the star on his armor. He looks deep in thought as he explains, the backs of his allies slightly in frame on each side.]
Don't you like it a little better —
[Loop and Siffrin are sitting under the Favor Tree, Loop looking up with their hand pointing towards where their chin would be, appearing to be brainstorming. Siffrin’s back is towards the camera. He’s hunched over slightly, not bothering to look up at Loop.]
— when you don't understand?
[The screen zooms in slightly on Loop, who has their eyes closed with nervous brows. Their hand is up and to the side slightly with relaxed fingers, as if they were asking a question. At this rate, isn’t it better this way, Stardust?]
(don't understand)
[With his allies looking at the orrery in the background, Siffrin is staring down at the journal of someone attempting Wish Craft. His eye is wide, and his mouth is slightly open in awe, like he just discovered something incredible.]
[The following scenes will be in time with the counter.]
I was gonna save the planet, —
[Siffrin looks up enthusiastically at the Head Housemaiden, her back slightly in frame. It cuts to show her face afterwards, and has her hand over her mouth.]
— but today I’ve got plans…
[The Head Housemaiden lowers her hand, looking upset. It cuts to show the sides of both her and Siffrin, with the Head Housemaiden leaning down to bring their foreheads together.]
I guess this is just what I am!
[The counter will stop. It should be at 100.]
[The camera will shift slightly to show just a bit more of Siffrin’s distressed, heartbroken face rather than Euphrasie. She will be holding Siffrin’s face, tears streaming down her face, the pair surrounded by ghostly outlines of other Siffrins. The screen glitches out slightly. After 100 loops, it’s still not enough. He’s going back.]
[Here's a visual of how the counter would work:]
[The counter has to play catch-up at the start of the video, but this was tested multiple times with the same result.]
I'm an —
[The screen glitches harshly, and Siffrin sits up in the meadow again. Encore!]
— object in motion, —
[With a darkened expression, Siffrin greets Mira, who looks concerned and confused. Why does he seem so angry?]
— I've lost all emotion, —
[Odile stares at Siffrin with wide eyes, watching him hand her the familytale while standing in front of the counter by the little girl. He looks annoyed, despite his enormous, painful smile. How did he know she had that?]
— my two legs are broken —
[Back turned towards the camera, Siffrin looks down at Bonnie, who is pointing up towards him and yelling at him with tears streaming down their cheeks. They’re holding their frying pan in their other hand, which is noticeably shaking from their grip. Why is he acting like this?]
— but look at me dance!
[Siffrin and Isa are standing in front of the Favor Tree, with Siffrin looking dismissive as they speak with a big smile, their eye to the side as if they were rolling it. Isa, however, looks very upset, and yet concerned at the same time. Where is all of this coming from so suddenly?]
An object in motion, —
[Back to the camera again, Siffrin points at Loop, seemingly yelling at them. Loop is looking away, their eyes and expression filled with guilt, with their hands up in mock defense. They knew. They knew the whole time and didn’t tell him. The loops are never going to end.]
— don't ask where I'm going —
[Siffrin can be seen barely in frame, hastily walking away from the tree. Loop is in the background peeking around the leaves, reaching for him with a worried expression. It’s too late. He’s off to prove his theory. It has to work. It has to.]
— 'cause where I am goin' is —
[In the hallway of the Clocktower, Siffrin is seen walking down a dark hallway, carrying all of the Orbs in his arms. The party can be seen in the background of another room, all in deep discussion about what to do, completely unaware of Siffrin’s intrusion and theft.]
— right where I am!
[With the same exact spacing as the first shot in front of the House, signifying Siffrin being alone, he holds his arms up in the air. They’re empty, the Orbs floating about halfway up towards their spots in the massive door. He looks so small compared to it. But that doesn’t matter. He’s strong now. He’s so much stronger than he ever was before.]
[The short instrumental will show different scenes in time with the song, popping up and fading out before the next pops up*]
[Siffrin effortlessly slices through the first Sadness with his dagger. They’re nothing to him now.]
[Siffrin performs Rock Craft on a different Sadness.]
[Siffrin performs Paper Craft on a different Sadness.]
[Sadnesses run away from Siffrin as he travels down a hallway, his back to the camera. Wasting time. They’re wasting his time.]
Where I am goin’ is —
[The party stands in front of the mirror, everyone looking surprised while Isa smiles brightly.]
— right where I am!
[Siffrin is standing alone in the mirror. No one is here but him.]
[Siffrin slices through one of the crest Sadnesses.]
[The Traveler draws a big, bloody star in his arm with the shard of glass.]
[The Wanderer smashes the kitchen counter to pieces.]
[With the camera facing him from further in the room, The Lost One is seen in the doorway to the observatory, the table with the star chart and other objects in the room scattered, glitchy, and not in their proper spots.]
Where I am goin’ is —
[Back turned towards the camera, The Lost One faces the observatory window - the Universe - and raises an arm above his head.]
— right where I am!
[The camera cuts to the front of The Lost One, and he lowers his arm across his body and takes a bow. The Universe is watching, and he knows it.]
[A vague, ghostly figure of The Researcher comes in from stage right, and The Lost One perks up in time to look towards her, still bowing towards the camera. The ghostly Researcher has red strings attached to her like a puppet, and the strings stretch to the top of the screen with no puppeteer in sight.]
I wanna move out of this town —
[The Lost One and The Researcher join hands, and gently spin around like a dance. In the background, there's a sketchy-lined flashback of Siffrin and Odile in the woods, with the familytale sitting between them on the ground, as seen in Acts 2-4.]
[Characters that are in the background/flashback will be italicized from now on to help further differentiate the two different scenes happening at the same time.]
— but everyone knows me —
[The background changes to show Odile grabbing Siffrin’s cloak as described in Act 5 - The Lost One turns his head away from the ghostly Researcher in time, their hands starting to slip out of each other's hold.]
— and packing is tiring.
[The background lines change to a red color before the flashback disappears, and The Lost One lets go of The Researcher’s hands in time, spinning away from her to return to the middle of the stage as she stands to the side, unmoving, facing the camera.]
[Similar in appearance to The Researcher, a ghostly figure of The Fighter comes in from stage left, The Lost One’s head being turned to face him as he enters. Like The Researcher, The Fighter also has red puppet strings.]
I said I would start workin’ out —
[The Lost One and the ghostly Fighter join hands, and The Fighter spins them around under his finger. The background shows a flashback of the pair laying in the grass like in Acts 2-4, but Siffrin is clearly looking at Isa instead of the stars. The flashback then changes to Siffrin and Isa in front of the Favor Tree, Isa’s hand raised forward like he was about to touch their shoulder.]
— but I'm fuckin’ hungry —
[After the spin, The Fighter and The Lost One stand close together like they were about to slow dance, their faces close together. In the flashback, Siffrin kisses Isa as seen in the Bad Touch event, but Isa pushes them away. At the same time, The Lost One looks up at the ghostly form of The Fighter, as if they were about to kiss him, but looks away instead.]
— and screw you, I'm tryin’!
[Once again, the background lines change to a red color before the flashback disappears. The Lost One steps back out of the ghostly Fighter’s hold and returns to center stage, their arms around themself instead as The Fighter moves to stand next to The Researcher, unmoving, looking at the camera.]
[Prepared for what comes next this time, The Lost One holds out his arms to the sides, welcoming a ghostly Housemaiden entering stage right, and a ghostly Kid entering stage left. Like the others, The Housemaiden and The Kid have red strings attached to them like puppets.]
I wanna be big like my plans —
[The Kid watches as The Housemaiden and The Lost One join hands, spinning around in a big circle with their arms extended as far as possible. In the background, a flashback plays of Mira and Siffrin talking on the bench seen in Acts 2-4, with Mira looking a little distressed. After a big spin, The Housemaiden lets go of The Lost One, and sends him stumbling back into The Kid, who clings to him in a side hug as the ghostly Housemaiden seems to giggle. The flashback plays Bonnie and Siffrin hugging seen in Acts 2-4.]
— so why’m I so tiny —
[As The Lost One reaches around to return the hug, he flinches, and the flashback cuts from the hug to Bonnie reaching for Siffrin while being crushed in the King's hand.]
— and why’m I so mad?
[The flashback shows Mira yelling at Siffrin who's sitting alone on the bench as seen in Act 5. The Kid steps back - The Lost One doesn’t like to be touched, after all - and The Housemaiden takes their hand, letting go of The Lost One’s and stepping to the opposite side of The Researcher and The Fighter. One final time, the background lines change to a red color before the flashback disappears.]
It's inertia!
[With the party members on each side of The Lost One, he faces the camera again, his hands gripping his hair with his mouth open, eye squeezed shut, like he just yelled something. A red-colored ripple effect will wave through the lineart at the shouted ‘inertia,’ starting at The Lost One and extending out at all angles to the screen edges.]
Guess this is just what I am!
[He looks towards The Researcher and The Fighter, who fade out and appear as MAL DU PAYS instead, then turns towards The Housemaiden and The Kid on the other beat, and they fade out into MAL DU PAYS as well.]
I'm stuck in this life —
[The camera spins around The Lost One to his side, and he looks up angrily at the window - the Universe - with a flash of red in his remaining eye, tears streaming down his cheek.]
— and I'm stuck in these pants!
[The camera makes a full turn around to show his opposite side, still facing the window, and he reels back his fist.]
[On beat to the cymbal crash of the instrumental, Siffrin punches and shatters the window, and it transitions similarly to if the player were entering a fight, revealing Siffrin towering over his friends like at the end of Act 5. It pans up slowly from the party’s backs, similarly to how the cutscene plays in game.]
[Several cuts can be seen of the party looking distressed at different angles, while Siffrin only continues to tower over them, noticeably shaking.]
[Eventually, it pans back up to Siffrin, who looks panicked, but then…]
I'm an —
[Siffrin will visibly take a big breath in, then flinch, a clock appearing in his eye - he feels a tug on his stomach.]
— object in motion, —
[On beat to the cymbal crash, Odile will stop Siffrin with her Paper move, the screen shaking slightly to emphasize the power of the Craft.]
— I've lost all emotion, —
[Siffrin will stare down at her with a wide eye, the clock in it now gone, looking surprised that she managed to stop him.]
— my two legs are broken, —
[Everyone will look up towards Siffrin, crying out to him, asking what he Wished for.]
— but look at me dance!
[Their hands reach out towards him, only their arms and hands on screen.]
An object in motion, —
[Their backs to the camera, the party reaches up for Siffrin–]
— don't ask where I'm going —
[--in which the camera will pan up from the same shot, showing Siffrin looking down at them in shock with tears in his eye.]
— 'cause where I am goin' is —
[Zooming in on Siffrin’s face, he looks distressed, braces himself–]
— right where I am!
[--and then cries out, his eye shut as his head tilts up towards the sky. The screen fades to…white.]
Don't you like it bigger, better, but you do what you can…
[On beat to the song, so every three beats, Siffrin’s hat can be seen slowly falling from the top to the bottom of the screen.]
Where I am going is right where I am! (right where I am)
[On beat, all five can be seen holding hands in a circle, slowly falling and spinning towards the center of the screen before it starts to zoom in on them.]
Don't you like it bigger, better —
[On beat to the song, Mira is shown, then Isa–]
— but you do what you can…
[--then Odile, then Bonnie, all of them falling with their arms stretched to the sides like it’s seen in game.]
Where I am going is —
[Siffrin is shown, falling, crying, looking at the screen.]
— right where I am, oh-
[Still falling, he smiles. He’s overwhelmed with emotion, relief, knowing that it’s over.]
[The song ends with a full drawing of Siffrin being hugged by his allies- no, his friends, his family, all while he cries out towards the sky. He’s safe. He’s okay. They’re not going anywhere. They’re not leaving him. They’re here.]
[He’s loved.]
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