#EDIT: For some reason this was looking funky on mobile so I had to fix some html. Weird spaces were everywhere for some reason...
Boiling Point
This is Part 1 of the Magnetic Attraction series.
Rating: General Audiences
Content Warnings: Fantastic Racism, Internalized Homophobia, Canon-Typical Violence.
Summary: The Loonatics get called in to prevent a planet’s energy crisis, and as Heroes of the Universe, they are more than up to the challenge. However, upon arrival, the team notices a certain biotech problem they couldn’t account for. With tensions growing and relationships being brought into question, what was supposed to be a simple repair job may turn out to be less simple than they first thought.
Word Count: 20,907
Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (Link to chapter on Ao3)
Chapter 5
Word Count: 4328
“Thank you all again,” Wattney said as she finished escorting the team back up to the roof. “Had it not been for your work, the entire quadrant would have experienced a blackout, causing so much damage and endangering so many lives. I cannot stress how much I appreciate what you have done.”
“Aw, it was nothing,” Ace said. By now, his migraine lessened enough that he could open his eyes. “We’re heroes; It’s what we do.” 
“Actually, it wasn’t nothing,” Duck huffed. “I got punched in the bill by a possessed coyote, nearly got blasted with boiling water, and fell onto my face from fifty feet in the air.” He crossed his arms, nodding toward Wattney. “So I will accept your gratitude. You’re welcome, by the way.” 
“Ace was trying to be humble,” Lexi said to him under her breath. 
“No, it is completely fair to be upset over those unfortunate circumstances,” Wattney said. “I apologize that you had to go through those things, and thank you for your contributions.” 
“I uh, well…” Duck rubbed his neck. “I-It was nothing! I’m a hero, after all!” 
Ace and Lexi snorted at his turnaround.
The wormhole for heading back to HQ opened high above their heads. Slam pointed up to it and grunted to get the team’s attention. 
“Hey Duck, want me to take you back right now?” Rev immediately asked.
“Yes please,” he responded emphatically. 
Rev flew into the air so Duck could grab his ankles, but was stopped by Wattney’s shout. 
With a whine, he landed back on the ground. 
“Rev, I am terribly sorry about what you went through,” she said. “I am so grateful that you continued to help us despite everything. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you, I will do it.” 
“Just… try to keep the generator running,” he said before flying up again. 
“See you guys back at HQ!” Duck said, grabbing onto Rev before being carried through the wormhole. 
“What I said applies to you as well, Tech,” Wattney said, drawing his attention. “I am grateful for your immense amount of help, and terribly sorry for what you went through.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, waving her off with his free hand. “That wasn’t my first mind control rodeo. It happens when you’ve got a brain everyone wishes they had!” He let out a weak laugh, ending in an awkward cough. 
“Still,” Wattney continued, “if there’s any way to make it up to you, I will.” 
“What Rev said,” Tech insisted, adjusting the hand that carried his briefcase, as well as a trash bag filled with the trashed jetpacks. “Just keep the place running, and we’ll be good.” 
With that, Tech walked over to Slam who was patiently waiting off to the side. “You mind taking me back first?” he asked. 
Slam shook his head, kneeling down so Tech could get on his shoulders. Being the only person left with a functioning jetpack, he had accepted his duty to fly the rest of the team through the wormhole without issue. 
Rev was supposed to help too, but clearly, he wasn’t up to making multiple trips right now. 
Tech gave a “goodbye” to Wattney as Slam lifted off the ground.
“Lexi,” Wattney pointed out next, “I must personally thank you for taking good care of Joule. And also for returning Volten’s synapper to him. It means so much that you treated them with kindness, even after how they hurt you and your friends.” 
“Well, even if they aren’t too great to us, it wouldn’t have been fair to be mean to those little creatures that only want to help.” 
Joule chirred happily.
Slam landed by Lexi’s side, already kneeling to let her up. 
“I guess it’s time for me to go!” She hopped onto Slam’s shoulders, waving at Wattney. “Goodbye!” 
As Slam and Lexi went into the air, only Ace and Wattney were left. 
“Ace, thank you for bringing your team here to help us. I think I could learn a lot from how you handled your team when things became dire.” 
“That’s very flattering Wattney, but I think we’re just used to things being dire after two years of doing this stuff. My commands are only as good as the people following them.”
“And it seems I have much to go over with my employees. Perhaps I should enforce monthly drills…” She hummed in thought. “I’ll figure out the logistics once everything is cleaned up.”
“You don’t mind, right? I offered to clean-”
“-You already did so much today,” she insisted. “Let me do the bare minimum of letting you relax after a long day’s work. You’ll finally have a chance to take something for your headache.”
“That would be nice…” Ace said, still feeling a throb of pain every so often. 
Slam made his way back again, landing next to Ace.
“Ah, Slam. I must personally thank you as well,” Wattney said. “Even after working yourself to total exhaustion, you still went back to continue heating the boiler with what little energy you had left. It was clearly a tremendous effort and I appreciate what you did.”
Slam mumbled to himself, entirely flattered. 
“Well Slam,” Ace announced, “think it’s time we head back?” 
He nodded, letting Ace hop onto him as well. 
“Goodbye you two!” Wattney called as they flew into the sky. 
“Goodbye Wattney! It was a pleasure to help!” 
And with that, the entire team was back at HQ and the wormhole closed.
Tech looked up at the lab door again. How many times he glanced up from his repairs to the door, he lost count. Whether the number was large from the length of time he waited or the number of times he looked, he didn’t know. The thought of checking a clock to find out filled him with too much dread to try. 
Sighing, he continued his work. What Rev said during the chase came true; He did come to regret breaking all the things he built later. 
Though, that wasn’t the only thing he was regretting right now. 
Pushing the jetpack he was working on forward, Tech crossed his arms onto the workbench and rested his head on top, letting out a low whine. 
“I really did ruin everything, didn’t I?” 
Sure, it was mostly the synapper’s fault. Sure, Rev probably understands that under normal circumstances, he would never violate his boundaries like that. And sure, while Rev might not have known that their relationship was such a pressing issue in his mind, Rev would probably be able to accept and ignore that somewhat easily. 
But… the actual experience of being chased down for a kiss… that is probably going to stick in his mind for a while. No amount of rational thought can remove that kind of bad memory. And such a memory will definitely negatively influence Rev’s willingness to ever consider dating him. Heck… by the looks of it… Rev already doesn’t even want to speak with him anymore. 
Tech craned his neck to hide his face in his arms. He was a fast enough worker. He could give himself time to sulk now and finish repairing everything later. 
A part of him wanted to blame Duck for this. But, while using a kiss to convince Rev to date him was definitely influenced by him, had Duck not said anything, Tech is certain he would have done something equally stupid while possessed. Besides, blaming Duck wouldn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t make Rev stop avoiding him. 
Though, Tech wished he knew what would. Rev might have said he’d meet him later, but that was clearly a fluke. He was hoping he’d have a chance to explain things. Maybe convince Rev that nothing has to change between them… But clearly, everything already had.
Then, an ear flicked as the sound of a metallic door opening caught his attention. He looked up and-
It was Rev. 
“Hey,” Tech greeted cautiously.
“Hey,” Rev greeted back in a similar manner. 
Tech slowly lifted himself off the workbench, but Rev continued to stand in the doorway. 
“So… you’re… willing to talk to me?” 
“I… uh… Yeah… I guess…” 
They stood in place… quiet, eyes averted, for several long seconds. Tech opened his mouth to ask Rev to close the door, but didn’t follow through. 
Finally, Rev glanced back at the opened doorway and sighed shakily, before stepping forward and letting it automatically close. However, that was as far as he went. 
After waiting a few more seconds, Tech accepted that this was the best he was going to get, and decided to get on with what he wanted to say. 
“I’m… sorry about all the stuff I did,” Tech said, rubbing his arm. “Even if my inhibitions were altered by the synapper, the actions I took while under its power still happened, and represented my desires regardless.” 
Rev shifted in place, remaining silent by the door. 
Taking a deep breath, Tech continued. 
“I put you through a lot of distress, and I won’t ask you to forgive me for it. I just want you to know that… that this doesn’t have to change anything between us.”
“Doesn’t have to change anything?!” Rev shouted, throwing up his hands. “This changes everything! ” 
“You can’t just admit to secretly having the desire to eat me and then expect me to ignore that!-”
“-Wait what?-”
“-I mean seriously that isn’t just something I can brush aside!-”
“-Hold on-”
“-With how smart you are I can’t believe how dumb you think I am!-”
“Wh-” Rev choked on his words, blinking in shock. 
“You seriously thought I wanted to eat you?!” 
“Uh…” Rev stood with his jaw hanging for a moment. Then, his eyes shifted to the side, and he cowered slightly. “Oh…”
“Unbelievable,” Tech huffed. Then, he crossed his arms. “Actually, you know what? It’s entirely believable. Why else would my forcefully uninhibited mind cause me to chase after you? Because I really wanted to kiss my best friend of two years? Pshh! Yeah right! Obviously it was because I had some deep dark desire to eat him. After all, it would be ridiculous for a roadrunner to date a coyote, right?”
“I thought,” Rev said weakly, “you felt lucky that I wouldn’t be into you, after what you said last year…” 
“Yeah, well, I changed my mind.” He turned away, closing his eyes. “And I hoped that… maybe you did too. But clearly, I was wrong.” 
“You weren’t!” Rev yelped, rushing forward and accidentally slamming into the opposite end of the worktable. Quickly recovering, he rearranged the displaced materials and stood straight, opening his mouth to speak. However, nothing came out. 
Tech glanced over his shoulder, giving an unimpressed frown before sighing. His head hung toward his crossed arms, ears drooping. “I don’t know why you feel the need to lie. Regardless of your feelings, I think you’ve made it clear that you’d never consider dating me. That my species and gender are a deal breaker to you.” 
“What’re you standing there for? Leave me alone so I can get back to work.” He let out a laugh in dark humor. “Besides, I missed lunch. You probably wouldn’t want to stick around while I’m hungry.”  
Tech stood there, listening for a sign that Rev was leaving, but heard nothing. Then, when he opened his mouth to make another remark, Rev spoke before he could. 
“I’m sorry, Tech…” 
Ears tried to perk up in curiosity, but Tech quickly trained himself back to his aloof, but secretly alert, pose. 
Rev sighed shakily, his voice forced into being even. “I was so focused on denying that I had feelings for you… that I didn’t even realize I was hurting you with everything I was saying. Despite how much I care, and would like to… date… you, nothing I’ve said has shown that…” He swallowed thickly, rubbing his arm. “Just because I have some weird hang ups about being with a coyote and a guy… that doesn’t mean it’s inherently wrong. And… immediately assuming you wanted to eat me… I think… is just a sign of a larger problem deep down that I need to deal with…” A deep breath. “Whatever happens after this, I just want you to know that I really am sorry, Tech. I promise I’ll start thinking things through and… working on my coyote issues. And, if there’s anything I can do to make it up to you, I will.” 
There was a pause.
“Anything?” Tech said darkly. 
“Um…” Rev gulped. “Y-Yes. Anything.” 
Snorting in good humor, Tech turned around and placed his hand on a jetpack. “Help me patch up my poor babies.”
Rev lit up. “Uh, y-yeah! I can do that!” Swinging around, he got into position beside Tech. Then, he looked up at him, smiling sheepishly. “Uh, is this… okay? Did you want me to help somewhere else?” 
“Relax,” Tech said, sliding him the jetpack. “That’s the second thing you can do to make it up to me.” 
“Okay,” Rev peeped, taking some tools and getting to work. 
Soon, the air was filled with various metallic sounds. But, a noticeable lack of someone’s voice left an uneasy atmosphere. 
Tech quirked a brow, glancing at Rev. 
“You know I said ‘relax’, and not ‘be quiet’, right?” 
“…Do you want me to talk?” 
“I don’t want you to force yourself to be quiet.” 
“Oh…” Rev looked away, before giving him a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I sorta thought you had enough of me talking for today.” 
“What makes you think that?” 
“Well I mean with all the times you forced me to shut up and yelled at me for-” The rest of his sentence got caught in his throat. He let out a strangled, nervous laugh. “Sorry. Nevermind. I just realized how dumb I was being. I don’t wanna make this about me.” 
“Then I’ll make it about you.” After a moment of thought, Tech sighed. “I do like hearing you talk, Rev. You always understand what I’m saying and have something informed to add. It’s just that, sometimes, you keep going despite the detriment to the current mission or even to your own safety. And sometimes you say so much even I have problems processing everything you’ve said. And then there are your terrible attempts to deny your feelings that just end up making you look worse.” 
“If talking so much is at best extremely annoying and at worst actively making things more dangerous, aren’t you justified in stopping me?” 
“Not by physically restraining you,” Tech asserted. He turned away, his posture dropping with guilt. “If you’re really in danger, I know that shouting loud enough will get your attention. And you’ve already promised to work on how you talk about me. That just leaves you saying so much so fast in regular conversation… which definitely doesn’t warrant such an extreme reaction from me.” 
“It’s not… that extreme…” 
Tech faced him head on, making sure he had his full attention before continuing. 
“Yelling at you… grabbing your beak… it isn’t right. I’ve always noticed how much it kills your mood… and just ignored it. Selfishly.” He sighed. “So, I’m sorry, Rev. I want my actions to reflect how much I care about you too. There shouldn’t be any question that you’re the greatest friend I could ever hope to have, even if you still have some things to work on.” 
“Yeah.” Looking away, he blushed slightly. “Thank you.” 
“It’s nothing, Rev. Just like anyone else, you deserve basic respect, especially if I ever hope to be someone worth going out with.”
Rev rubbed his arm awkwardly. 
Tech eyed him curiously. “Something up?” 
“Well it’s…” Anxiously, he brought his gaze to Tech. “What… happens now?” 
“We fix the jetpacks I regretfully destroyed?” 
“No, I mean…” Rev’s eyes drifted as he collected his thoughts. “I mean, I know that you tried to kiss me… And… you know that I want to… date… you.”  
“Oh.” Tech pursed his lips, before continuing his work. “Before this all started, I was trying to say that nothing had to change between us, and it’s still true.” His hands paused briefly, and he let out a sigh. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m under the impression you’re still not the most comfortable with the thought of actually dating me.” 
“You’re… right…” Rev admitted. 
“So, I’m not going to pressure you into it. If you want to start going down that path, then you can decide when we take the first step. Until then, we can be good friends who happen to have feelings for each other.” 
“That… sounds okay.” 
“Good. Now, let’s finish this up so I can get back to building new things, rather than repairing old ones.”
They began to work more comfortably, sometimes passing a specialty tool to the other when they needed it. Though, as they started to get into a good rhythm, something began eating away at the back of Rev’s mind.
“Hey, Tech?” 
“Um,” he smiled sheepishly, “so I was kinda… fearing too much for my life after you caught me, so I didn’t actually see how you managed to get that synapper off.”
“Oh,” Tech said.
“So… how’d you do it? It was on for good until it wanted to come off. How’d you get it to?” 
“I uh… I’m not sure…” Tech bit his lip, running those events through his head. “Though… I might have a hypothesis…”
Putting down his tools, Tech focused his thoughts entirely on his words. 
“So, immediately after I had you restrained with that metal pole, I was working under the assumption that you were totally okay with me kissing you, or at the very least, just a little nervous about it. So, of course, the synapper would have been under the same impression as well, given that it was simply taking information from my own brain.”
Laughing sadly, he rubbed his arm. 
“But then,” he said, “as soon as I got close… you begged me to stop. Started crying. There… wasn’t any way I could interpret that as being just a little shy. As soon as I saw that, I knew you weren’t okay with any of it.” Tech coughed into his arm awkwardly. “Though, of course, I only thought that meant you didn’t want a kiss. I didn’t know that you thought I was gonna eat you.” 
Rev coughed awkwardly as well. “Y-Yeah…” 
“Anyway,” Tech slowly continued, “seeing you crying like that… so scared of me touching you… I think it reminded me that kissing you wasn’t… what I really wanted.” Face flushed red, he looked away. “What I wanted… more than anything… was for us to stay together… regardless of what kind of relationship we had…” He cleared his throat and ran a hand over his ears. “So… with that realization, the synapper figured out it wasn’t helping and loosened enough that I could pull it off.” 
Laughing nervously, he picked up his tools again. “But that’s just my best guess. Maybe it got tired or something, heh heh…” 
Tech hunched over his work, pretending like that conversation didn’t happen. The air was silent for a few moments, nothing but the sounds of Tech working filling the air. 
“Hey, maybe we could go somewhere after this.” 
Tech’s head shot up and his eyes locked on Rev, entirely speechless. 
“L-Lunch! I mean. Go out on a lunch- I MEAN out to lunch! Not on a date- not that I said anything about a date- not that going on a date would be bad but- FORGET ABOUT THE DATE THING! Just two friends having lunch- even if it’s technically closer to dinner but dinner sounds too formal so just lunch- and there are no expectations of it being romantic and why aren’t you stopping me Tech?!”
Tech smirked, crossing his arms. “I said I wasn’t gonna stop you, didn’t I?” 
“Y-Yes you did! But that means that I have to be the one to stop talking and even if it really hurts to be shushed sometimes I might end up saying something embarrassing if I keep talking- and there you are still letting me talk- and am I even saying anything anymore- Back on topic! The date-! I MEAN THE LUNCH- I MEAN FRIENDS HAVING LUNCH-!”
Placing his hand on Rev’s shoulder cut off his rant. “Lunch sounds great,” Tech said simply. 
“Haha! Yeah! Awesome!” 
Finally, they both returned to their work. Though, as time passed, Rev slowly sidled up to Tech until they were touching shoulders. 
Tech didn’t mind whatsoever.
“So wait, Rev seriously thought Tech was trying to eat him?” 
“Well, yeah. That’s why he flew past me screaming, ‘Tech is trying to eat me help’.” 
“Hmm. I guess that explains why he was acting weird after the whole thing.” Duck tapped his bill in thought. “…Are you sure he isn’t stupid?” 
Lexi sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “No, Duck. Just ignorant.” 
“That’s basically the same thing, isn’t it?”
Lexi opened her mouth to counter, but the sound of the lab door opening got her attention. She looked in the direction of it as chuckles filled the air. 
“Is it just disproportionate gravitational force,” Rev smooth talked, “or are your eyes just the Great Attractor?” 
Tech snickered softly. “You must be traveling at the speed of light, because whenever I look at you, time seems to stop.”
A flattered chuckle got caught in Rev’s throat as he and Tech finally walked within sight of Lexi and Duck. 
“Oh. Uh. Hi!” Rev greeted. 
“Hey guys!” Lexi greeted back with a wave.
“Okay that was totally flirting, right?” Duck muttered to Lexi. “Like, come on.” 
“So! Did you guys finish up the repairs, then?” 
“Hey! Don’t ignore me!” 
“We sure did,” Tech said. “Though, I didn’t know you guys were going to be here, otherwise I would’ve grabbed your stuff from the lab before coming.”
“I’ll grab everything!” Rev said before rushing to the lab. 
“Hey Tech!” Duck called, not waiting for a reply. “Did you try out my advice?”
“Under the synapper’s mind control, I suppose an attempt was made.” 
“So it helped, right?” 
“No,” Tech stated flatly. “In fact, if I actually succeeded, it would have caused irreparable damage to my relationship with Rev.”
“Wait…” Lexi said, side eyeing Duck. “What advice?”  
Duck faltered. “Um… Hoo… Er…” 
Rev returned, setting two jetpacks on the coffee table. 
“There ya go! Everything’s all good to go which means Tech and I are good to go because right now we’re going out to lunch- Not like out like on a-” Rev paused, thinking to himself. “We’re having lunch. That’s all.” 
Tech gave a subtle nod of approval.
Rev smiled. “Well, time to go!” 
He was immediately by Tech’s side, but as soon as they reached for the door it was opened by Ace and Slam. 
“Hey Tech! Hey Rev!” 
“Hey Ace we’re having lunch- Actually wait a sec-!” 
Rev took off toward the lab again.
Ace smiled. “Rev seems excited; Definitely better than the glum mood he was in only an hour ago.” 
“Well, a nice chat can solve a lot of problems as it turns out.” 
In a flash, Rev was back and Ace’s jetpack was shoved into his arms with barely any time to react. 
“There, now you have your jetpack so there are no distractions so Tech and I are gonna go now bye!” 
With that Tech exclaimed “woah!” as Rev picked him up bridal style and rushed out the door with him. 
“Real excited,” Ace commented, walking toward the others with Slam. “I wonder what’s up with that.” 
“Well obviously they’re going on a date,” Duck stated. 
“That’s not what Rev just said.”
Slam nodded. 
“Yeah, well of course he’s gonna say that. I bet he doesn’t even know it’s a date.”
“If he doesn’t think it’s a date then it’s not a date,” Ace retorted. 
“Duck,” Lexi warned, “what ‘advice’ did you give Tech?” 
“What’re you talking about Lexi?” Ace asked.
“Duck here let slip that he gave Tech a little advice behind our backs, and Tech said something about it possibly ruining his relationship with Rev.”  
Ace slowly turned his head toward Duck, glaring. “What did you tell him, Duck?”
“Well… you know…” Duck smiled sheepishly, his head lowering at each scowl his eyes landed on. “Tech said that Rev and him obviously loved each other, so I told him to just go up to Rev and smooch him already.”
“Why would you tell him to do that?!”  
“He said Rev needed time to figure himself out and I thought a kiss would make him do it faster!” 
“Ugh.” Ace pinched the bridge of his nose. Lexi and Slam shared the sentiment. “Duck, that is the worst love advice I’ve heard in my entire life. Did Tech even ask for advice in the first place?” 
“Of course not. Most people don’t just ask for advice when they don’t even know they need it!” 
Lexi groaned. “Did it ever occur to you that you shouldn’t tell people how to deal with their personal lives without asking?”
“No. Why? Is it bad?” 
“YES!” everyone else said unanimously. 
“Geesh… I was just trying to help.” 
“Rev and Tech don’t need our help,” Ace said. “By the looks of it, I think they’re just fine how they are.”
“Ugh, but it’s so pathetic. Are you telling me I’m gonna be forced to watch them do nothing about their obvious feelings and I can’t say anything about it?”
“Yes. That is exactly what I’m saying.” 
Duck looked to Lexi and Slam for support, but they were both clearly on Ace’s side. 
He threw his head back, moaning out, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” 
Meanwhile, Rev and Tech couldn’t hear any of it, because they were too busy happily on their way to a late lunch.
Link to Magnetic Attraction Part 2 ->
14 notes · View notes
TWIGW: September 9th - 16th Edition!
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Below the cut!
(please take note of any warnings within the fics themselves, do not rely on this list as exhaustive)
Saudade, Chapter 9: Memento Park
Eventual 3x4, 2+3 bromance throughout
Trowa fluffs a golden opportunity for a snog, and a fun day trip turns unexpectedly introspective.
So You Know it isn’t Real, Chapter 1
2x5, pining, End of Summer Tropefest Submission, Love Potion trope
After extraction from a mission gone awry, Wufei notices some unusual side effects. After recruiting Heero to find a cure, Wufei just has to wait it out until a solution is found. And remember it's entirely synthetic...
2x3, NONsmut, giftfic for Kangofu_CB
Just back from a hellish undercover op, Duo is greeted by Trowa.
Ready for You, Chapter 6
2x3, angst, language, sex
Continuation of Kangofu_CB’s birthday fic.  Herein lies the smut!
Just So
3x5xM, NONsmut, giftfic for MaeveMauvaise
Wufei prepares for a very important day with the "help" of Meilan and Trowa.
Just Dancing
3xS, End of Summer Tropefest submission, fake dating, angst, het smut
Trowa has a mission, and it requires asking Sally Po to be his partner. Of course, this undercover op isn't the kind that sends them to a distant colony to track down weapons smugglers. It's the kind where he needs a girlfriend to take to an ex-lover's wedding.
Neon Genesis Evangelion Legacy - Gundam Invasion, Chapter 14
A Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Mobile Fighter G Gundam Crossover.  IT’S A GUNDAM!!! *RANDOM EXPLOSION!* The cast of Gundam Wing meet our young heroes and befriend them in this tale of how those who understand, those who fight, those who doubt, and those who pass by, can claim victory against the forces of evil reborn. Mission Accepted. All systems go! Gundams… Evangelions… Launching!
Onoma Ovoua, Chapter 3: Given Rights
2xSolo, AU, angel incest
Sometimes it's necessary to choose a new name to live freely. [AU; 'Where my demons hide' side story (can be read independently of it); Something about Duo's past with Solo; Angst; Shounen-ai; probably yaoi/lemon at ending (Angel incest); Pairing Duo & Solo]
Dark Poetry, Chapter 4
It's ten years after the wars and Heero has now been forced into medical retirement. He had lost track of Duo, but looks him up ... and it's way different than he thought it would be - beyond anything he could have dreamed of.
2x3, rom-com, fluff
Trowa Barton is pulled out of his comfortable existence and pushed into the world dating by well-meaning friends and family.
AU, 3xR
Relena, a preventer agent, is sent on mandatory leave after the death of a colleague.  With no choice, she heads to her favorite vacation spot for some much needed R&R.  No one told her she would be neighbours with the very handsome, very intriguing Trowa Barton
1x2, End of Summer Tropefest submission, Tropes: Stuck In Traffic, Meet the Parents, Road Trip
Post-canon (following the events of A Queens Valentine's, but can be read separately). Heero isn't really the type of guy a girl would take home to her mother, but when Relena's mother invites them over for Labor Day Weekend, the two must work out their differences while being stuck in traffic.
1st installment of “The Heero Torture Series”
Heero’s fellow Preventer agents are playing a sick joke to make his life miserable
2nd Installment in “The Heero Torture Series”
Waking up with a black hole in his memory, Heero tries to recreate what he had done the previous night.  The answer will be his downfall.
For mature audiences only!
@gw-ficrecfriday (Bryony)
A Curious Turn
3x9, 6x9, Explicit, Lemon, Infidelity
Trowa has arrived to join Preventers. Noin picks him from the airport, but it seems his reasons for leaving the circus have decided to follow him.
Where the Night Goes
1x4, past 3x4, Mature, AU, End of Summer Tropefest submission, Trope: songfic, angst
"I wasn’t exactly welcome back around town." “Getting caught with the sheriff’s son’s dick in your mouth can do that." Two childhood friends meet after five years apart.
@helmistress (Talliya)
1x4, 2x5, 3xD, explicit, End of Summer Tropefest Submission, sex pollen trope
An archeological dig goes a little funky.
Dia an bhais
2x4, End of Summer Tropefest Submission, Supernatural trope
Wufei finds the God of Death, asking for favors.
The Wager
2x3, written for the Accidental Sex prompts challenge
“I lost a bet to you and the circumstances were supposed to be a joke but I took them seriously” sex “You were joking about something and I took you seriously” sex
A Healing Touch
Duo finds out that he is more than a normal human being, but more of the nickname he had given himself, The God of Death. Through a series of events, Heero and Duo's relationship is about to change. The question is it for the better or worse?
Kuroi Uma
Who is a soldier out of war? Who is a gundam pilot without a gundam?  Heero thought he knew, but in the aftermath of the Mariemaia incident, with Wing Zero in shambles, he’s no longer sure.  So he sets out in search of his origins and while the road leads him back to Japan, he meets people who will make him rethink his life and help him find his place in the world.
Hard Line, Chapter 7: Chapter 6
3x4, 2xH, 1xR
It's been nine years after the Eurussian Incident and the Earth Sphere Unified Nation continues to experience peace through communication and cooperation. Quatre Raberba Winner, while finishing his doctoral thesis in engineering at MIT in Boston, reconnects with his friend and ex-boyfriend, Trowa Barton. A romantic flame is rekindled while an old enemy plots his revenge.
Turbulence, Chapter 3
fem!Heero, language 
The story about what Agent Frank Parks has been up to between Evasion and now.  This is the seventh story in Navigation, a fem!Heero series.
Feed the Hunger
5x9.  Explicit.  Mild kinkplay (D/s).  For the Accidental Sex prompts challenge
“I didn’t know you were a Dom, and when I called you sir/ma'am, you almost jumped me” sex. Noin wasn't expecting much out of this meeting. She certainly wasn't expecting Wufei to call her ma'am and mean it.
Bonding Activities
1x2.  Explicit.  For the Accidental Sex prompts challenge
“Friends can totally watch porn together and nothing can happen… No, they can’t” sex.  This wasn't really the friendly bonding activity that Duo had in mind. Not that he's complaining.
Just a Little Paint Job
2x3.  Explicit.  For the Accidental Sex prompts challenge
“We’re just bros being bros and doing something 100% platonic, but somehow we’re turning each other on because of not-so-buried feelings for each other, and we can’t make it stop” sex. Trowa's tired of painting all day, but at least he has a nice distraction in the form of Duo Maxwell.
Maldoror_Chant (Mod Note - yes this IS the original Maldoror of Freeport fame!)
Trial and Error, 15 Chapters
Repost of older fandom fic.  Eventual 1x2, Mission Fic, Heero being, well, Heero.
Heero Yuy's mission planner Date: AC199 Mission objective: Find compatible partners for Gundam Pilots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in order to secure their emotional well-being. Timeframe: Undefined. Difficulty: Moderate, despite lack of personal information on the subject of romantic affection. How hard can it be to get people to fall in love?
Bring Your Own
weird humor
Total Peace has been declared, the Gundams were destroyed, swords have been beaten into plowshares, the whole nine yards. Yet someone out there, in space, has managed to rebuild several of the original Gundams. Who is this mysterious enemy? Are they trying to bring humanity to the brink of destruction again? Is this some kind of sick game? The one-time pilots of the original Gundams are going to find out.
@miss-m-muses (Miss_Murdered)
Sound of Silence
1x2, Mature, ANGST
Duo still visits even though all he hears is silence. 1x2. One-shot.
Mistaken Miracles
When the Tides Change
Preventers learn of a new underground rebellion group, along with the arrival of a new ally.  Can Heero put his feelings aside to trust this ally, or will new discoveries create tension between the Gundam Pilots?  Can they work together to keep the peace?  Or are there too many complications to control?
@namelesspierrot (MorbidBirdy)
past 1x3, DEATHFIC, suicide
Trowa wants the pain to go away
Breakfast at Midnight
If you've never had next day pizza before, you're lying. Heero winds down from a long-term mission commitment.
Home isn't the space you live in, but the space you make available on which others may intrude.
Aloft in Reality
1xR, Explicit
Heero Yuy was a pleasant by-product of her space-bound visits but at daylight, she belonged to the world. That it until a conference goes horribly wrong and the balance she'd worked so hard to keep begins to tipple.
Peppermint Teabag
A Previous Engagement, 2 Chapters
1xR,  mature
Foreplay takes on an entirely new meaning when you are the perfect soldier and the queen of the world.
Blooming for You, Chapter 4
1x3, eventual 1x2x3 (I hope!), Mature, End of Summer Tropefest submission, trope: Hanahaki disease
"You made flowers grow in my lungs, and though they are beautiful, I can't fucking breathe." Duo has silently loved for them for years. He watched them find each other, yet the feelings still remained. But now the love he's carried for so long may become the thing that ends him.
Rikku Shinra
Boys Boys Boys
A series of drabbles surrounding our favorite pilots and the people they interact with.  
Finding Home Again, Chapter 10: Big Brother???
4x5, 1x2, 3xOMC, Harry Potter Universe, past child abuse
Morgan lost any family he had left during the horrors of the Canadian Civil War, he lived on his own and carved out his own existence at eighteen years old. Adventure and magic only existed in fairy tales and daydreams, survival is all he knows anymore. The Civil War ends a little before the Eve Wars. So when the new laws after the Eve Wars come into place, his world was turned upside down and Canada's new government left little choice to the die-hard patriots. Finally escaping to the Sanq Kingdom wasn't the sanctuary he had hoped it would be. Add the former Gundam Pilots to the mix and he might just find his escape, or will he never find the freedom he craves?
Shadow Gals
Gundam Wing:  Lethal Beauty
1xR, 3xOC, 4xOC
Sequel to Missing Links.  The two perfect soldiers time forgot - may be the only hope in helping preserve the peace but with so many new and confusing events in their own lives such as politics, blending in, and (of course) romance, will they be able to keep their own lives toegether well enough to aid those closest to them? (Ignore Frozen Teardrop)
Imperial Guard
Duo Maxwell is trapped in another part of the galazy far from all that he knows and the woman he loves.  He must learn to survive among primitive violent people and accept that he may never be able to return to Earth.
Bound, Bonded, and Betrayed, Chapter 62
1x2, 1xR, 3x4 AU
Heero is the eldest son of the King of Colonia. His 21st birthday is approaching and as tradition dictates his betrothed is soon to arrive. However he is also bound by tradition to select his own personal slave. The events that unfold lead him down a path that not only tests his sanity but his humanity and love as well.
Not Just a Vacation, Chapter 5
1x2x5, mention of NCS, autistic!Heero, slow burn, 
Duo and Heero have to go undercover at a private high school to get close to the son of Archie Bravewater, a man who might have major ties to an underground slave-ring the Preventors have been trying to destroy for months.They're expecting Trowa to be their third and back-up reserve. But something comes up in Australia that he can't leave. They get Wufei instead.During the course of the mission the three not only navigate their assignment, but their developing friendships and, eventually, even deeper feelings.
The Forgotten, Chapter 7
1x4, past 3x4, implied rape/non-con, amnesia, abuse
The entire universe thinks that Quatre Winner is dead, but when Heero starts having strange black-outs he begins to realize the rumors of Quatre's death might not be true.
Years Go By
A collection of three sets of stories, revolving around conflicts in a relationship.  The expectation or hope that two people are fated to be together does not necessarily mean unending bliss.
1x2, 3x4, 13x5, AU, Dark, Romance, Vampire, Lemon
A beautiful male, betrothed to the Master Vampire of the City, enrolls himself into a Boarding School under trict orders to find the Human who’s been tracking cult-movements.  His mission: seduce and kill.  But can he do such a thing when his love for the Human becomes stronger than the love he has for his Master?
thehiddenbaroness ( @mercedes-carello )
Resurrecting the Viper, Chapter 15: Carry
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans crossover
Following a routine visit to Vingolf, Orga, Mikazuki and Merribit are surprised by the sudden appearance of a practically naked, injured woman. Although Artima seems to have full recollection of who she is, she does not seem to understand the outside world. Against Orga's better judgment, the Isaribi is soon entangled in Artima's quest to find and destroy her old mobile suit - and discover both she and it are relics from over three hundred years ago that could hold the key to Tekkadan's future.
@the-indomitable-bhg, MorbidBirdy
End of Line, Chapter 16
1x3, Tron crossover, angst, action adventure, mentions of NCS
The Grid, the legendary Tron System, has always intrigued Duo Maxwell. After years of dreaming and months of tireless work, he finally receives the final part he needs to unlock the door to the digital frontier. A blast of a digitizing laser later he finds himself in the world of his dreams. However, soon that dream becomes a nightmare as he comes to realize that his existence in this new world is both a danger to him and to the programs who reside there. With the help of Security Program Trowa and a mysteriously damaged and glitchy program named Heero, he embarks on a journey through The Grid to seek help from a mysterious entity known as the Gatekeeper. Will he be able to get out of the Tron System, or will the organizations who are hunting him manage to derez him first?
May Demons Rest, Chapter 20: Anger and Exile
2x3, post-canon, bad language, underage drinking, suicidal thoughts
A re-write of my 2004 fanfic "Shinigami Sleeps" - To find and free Duo from his demons, Trowa leaves his uneventful life at the circus for the mean streets of an obscure colony in L2.
Anything But Perfect
6x2, romance, humor
Award-winning chef Zechs Merquise can effortlessly create the perfect meal, paired with the perfect wine, but he somehow hasn't managed to find the perfect partner for himself. Until, after a disastrous date, he accidentally comes across a feisty and very attractive young man in distress. Duo Maxwell is anything but perfect and yet....
@weiclown (Moreena)
no pairings
Treize has need of a unique uniform to announce the fact that he is the youngest general in history since pre-colony times.
@chronicwhimsy :
Study Buddies - Academic AU gift snippet  http://chronicwhimsy.tumblr.com/post/164983772637/study-buddies 
@claraxbarton​ :
@gw-ficrecfriday :
A Snippet Without A Story - post-canon https://gw-ficrecfriday.tumblr.com/post/165018991561/a-snippet-without-a-story 
@the-indomitable-bhg :
Crisscross - bodyswap! for End of Summer Tropefest https://the-indomitable-bhg.tumblr.com/post/164915630357/title-crisscross-bodyswapping-trope 
http://completelycathy.tumblr.com/post/165239738158/full-illo-of-gundam-wings-duo-maxwell-for  Duo Maxwell
http://chronicwhimsy.tumblr.com/post/164947740987/i-am-just-very-pleased-i-have-time-to-sketch  - Wufei Chang, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell
http://chronicwhimsy.tumblr.com/post/165009020842/i-am-enjoying-my-time-off-thisweekingundamwing  - Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang
http://claraxbarton.tumblr.com/post/165015266990/did-a-sally-thing-her-lavender-jumpsuit-or-at   - Sally Po in a jumpsuit
https://drkstars-art.tumblr.com/post/164940702387/kangofu-cb-didnt-ask-for-this-but-i-got-a  - Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton
http://dangerstreet.tumblr.com/post/164976501123/knocked-out-another-one-in-keyshot-with-booleans  - Wing Zero
http://eliaspsuedo.tumblr.com/post/164847808303/god-i-missed-gundam-wing  - photo manipulation
https://fictioncoefficient.tumblr.com/post/164979978614/sometimes-a-character-looks-wrong-just-because  - Trowa Barton
https://fictioncoefficient.tumblr.com/post/165189821427/testing-a-new-brush-pen-feat-an-unusually-pouty  - Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell
https://guiltyaxer.tumblr.com/post/165079314131/that-didnt-turned-out-so-well  - Heero Yuy
https://guiltyaxer.tumblr.com/post/165114283989/i-tried-to-put-some-arabian-like-clothes-on-quatre  - Quatre Winner
https://gundamflexing.tumblr.com/post/165028314553  - Tallgeese... geese! (photomanipulation)
http://gundamwing-ellesmith.tumblr.com/post/165045105004  Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy
https://jadeune.tumblr.com/post/164963562471/final-portrait-for-the-behind-their-eyes  - Heero Yuy
https://jadeune.tumblr.com/post/164961170496/after-a-short-chat-last-night-about-being-in-a  - Trowa Barton, Heavyarms
http://maevemauvaise.tumblr.com/post/161361838336/claraxbarton-and-chronicwhimsy-and-whoever  Dorothy in a black dress
http://maevemauvaise.tumblr.com/post/165352164941/claraxbarton-okay-so-this-is-version-one-of  Sally Po scar fic fanart
http://maevemauvaise.tumblr.com/post/165163749501/claraxbarton-okay-and-because-ive-never-done-a  - Sally Po in a violet shirtdress
http://napalmarts.tumblr.com/post/165035260993/14-years-of-drawing-the-boy  14 years of Duo Maxwell
http://outofworkshinigami.tumblr.com/post/164921742352/shinigami-of-excellence-look-at-my-masterpiece  Duo Maxwell
http://paulgq.tumblr.com/post/165073357313/just-wild-beat-communication  - Wing Zero
https://sir-phobos-boa.tumblr.com/post/165024911211/new-parts-for-grim-first-up-i-started-mounting  - custom Deathscythe model progress
https://thenumbersoftomorrow.tumblr.com/post/165120832068/boom-boom-pow-pow  - crossover featuring Trowa Barton and Sally Po
Horses in space:  https://the-indomitable-bhg.tumblr.com/post/165320550432/horses-in-space 
Treize’s change of heart: http://outofworkshinigami.tumblr.com/post/165320961552/treizes-change-of-heart 
Who Raised Zechs: http://outofworkshinigami.tumblr.com/post/165212645462/who-raised-zechs 
Duo Maxwell aesthetic:  http://sapphires-little-cave.tumblr.com/post/154669141811/duo-maxwell-aesthetics-home-the-streets 
Treize motivation headcanon:  http://outofworkshinigami.tumblr.com/post/165239615492/cynfinnegan-lbro009-outofworkshinigami 
Calendar Events
Unnatural November by @gwblockparty
Posting the entire month of November.
A fanworks celebration of all weird and supernatural.
Participation information here!
Eve War Event by @gw-evewar​
Posting December 23rd - December 24th.
A fanworks Science Fiction event.
Participation information here!
OC October by @gwoc-october
Posting the entire month of October.
A fanworks celebration of Original Characters.
Participation information here!
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