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emsdevs · 1 month ago
https://x.com/deityofnightt/status/1878467961482055811?s=46 luke at a party 😵‍💫
Little Green Monster
a/n: i fear this turned into a jealousy blurb bc i 100% see jealous!luke as either pouty or whatever this is! i hope you enjoy nonnie!!
masterlist | NHL Masterlists | Luke Hughes Masterlist
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Luke had managed to talk you into going to this party with him, but he’d been anywhere but by your side all night. Ethan had dragged him away just seconds after you walked through the door, and you’d only caught glimpses of him since. Thankfully, someone from your stats class had noticed you, so he came up to talk with you. You had been partners in class one day a couple of weeks ago, and you thought he was nice enough. While the two of you were discussing the upcoming exam in the class, Luke was feeling a green monster clawing at the back of his neck.
He’d never even seen this guy before, but you seemed to be pretty comfortable with him. What could he possibly be saying to have you laughing so much? That was Luke’s job. As much as he hated the possessiveness he could sometimes feel over you, he knew there was no chance he could fight it off this time, so he began looking for an opportunity to leave the conversation he’d been having with Ethan and Rut, keeping a watchful eye on you the whole time. Soon enough, he gets tired of waiting and even more tired of watching your eye light up whenever what’s his face something “funny.” He notices your drink dwindling and decides that a good enough reason to move away from his boys for a moment.
“One sec, guys. I’m gonna get my girl another drink,” he barely even looks at them before grabbing a cup and filling it up for you, immediately making his way to the corner of the living room you’re occupying with your new friend.
As you listened to Ellis, the boy from class, talk about probability theory, you felt a hand creep around your waist. You knew it was Luke before he placed a kiss on your shoulder. You turned to head to face him, only to be met with a deep kiss before your eyes could meet his. He pulls back before it can get too intense, sneaking his left around you to steal your now empty drink.
“Here, baby. Lemme take this. Saw you were almost out,” he steals another kiss as he slips a new drink into your right hand.
“Thank you, Lukey,” he’s kissing you again before you can get another word out. He pulls away, leaving you breathless and sort of stunned, going to get rid of your empty cup. You stand, frozen, for a moment, staring toward the direction your boyfriend disappeared in. Distantly, you hear Ellis cough, and you’re brought back to reality. 
“I, uh, didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” Ellis looks a little sheepish, and you realize then that he’s been flirting with you in his own little way this whole time. Suddenly feeling guilty for not noticing, both for his sake and Luke’s, you subconsciously take a step back.
“Oh, yeah! Luke and I have been together for about a year and a half now!” you smile, albeit a bit awkwardly. 
“Well, um, I actually better be going. I have to work tomorrow. See ya later,” Ellis gives you a tight smile before walking off. You decide to go find Luke, so you wander toward the direction he had walked in. Eventually, you find him on the back porch talking to Luca. When he sees you approaching, Luca bids Luke goodnight and makes his way inside. When you get close enough, you wrap your arms around Luke’s waist, leaning your chin on his chest so you can look up at him. 
“Ya get a lil’ jealous?”
“‘M not jealous, pretty girl, but he was flirting with you. I was jus’ getting you a drink, baby.”
“He didn’t know I had a boyfriend, love. He left after your big show,” you let out a laugh at Luke’s refusal to admit he was jealous.
“Told you, babe. I was just getting you a drink. You ready to head out?”
“Nice topic change,” you laugh again, stepping back so you can actually look at him.
“Just answer the question,” he rolls his eyes, but the smile on his face tells you he’s not serious. 
“Yeah, Lukey. C’mon, let’s go home,” you grab his hand, pulling him toward the exit, but he doesn’t let you get far before pulling you into another breathtaking kiss. Once again, he pulls back all too soon, walking away with a smirk on his face and the knowledge that you’re all his.
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taglist: @heartsforjh @alex-wotton @devilinpradaheels @juxmi @macklin-celebrini-71 @puckmedude @alexxavicry @dancerbailey3 @madebyhappymeals @beenucks @lukey-pookie-hughes43
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emsdevs · 1 month ago
HBD EMMMMMMM🩷🩷🩷 If you’re still taking reqs for the birthday prompts thing, do you mind doing number 19 with Joey B? Thanks love ya🩷🩷
a/n: ahhhh my first fic/blurb for joe!!! thank you so much foe requesting nonnie!! hope you all enjoy!! also be on the look out for a fun little character of mine! iykyk
Prompt 19: "Kiss me." "What-"
Birthday Celly 2025 Masterlist | masterlist
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Big events were never really your thing. Unfortunately, they’re just something that comes with fame. Luckily, tonight, you have a couple of very good friends to keep you company. You had met Joe and Jamar at an event quite similar to this one a little less than two years ago, and you’d been close with the duo ever since. 
You were attending this event alone, due to your recent breakup with your now ex-boyfriend. Joe and Jamar were happy to keep you company though, and they were even happier to see you smiling again. It had been pretty rare since the breakup. It meant a lot to them to see you let loose again. You’d been talking to the two of them about this past season when you noticed a familiar face on the other side of the room. 
“I just wish we could’ve seen some more effort from- Hey, are you good?” Joe cuts you off, looking at you with concern in his eyes.
“He’s here,” your voice sounds far away.
“Who’s here?” you vaguely hear Jamar ask you.
“Where?” they both start to look around.
“Don’t look! Just,” you turn to Joe, who Ellis was always overly worried about, “kiss me.”
Joe looks shocked. “What-” you cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him.
You would’ve swore you didn’t like Joe like that, and you’re sure he’d say the same. This kiss, though, is something you won’t get off your mind for quite a while. Your lips molded with Joe’s so perfectly it was like they were made to be pressed against his. It was soft and sweet, yet somehow also tension-filled and a little messy.
“Oh. My god,” you hear Jamar somewhere behind you, and it brings you back to reality. You look over Joe’s shoulder to see Ellis looking distraught. His face was frozen in shock, and his eyes were swimming with the regret he felt for letting you go. For a moment, you almost felt bad as you watched his face turn from shock to sadness, but then you remembered why you broke up with him and sent him a smile before turning back to Joe. 
When your eyes meet Joe’s again, he’s frozen in place, and he hasn’t moved since you kissed him. You share a look with Jamar, who claps loudly in front of Joe’s face. He comes back to reality with a jump from the noise and his face darts toward yours. 
“What was that?” his voice is so loud you end up smacking a hand over his mouth so he doesn’t attract too much attention. 
“What was what, Joe?” you remove your hand from his mouth, letting him speak.
“You can not just kiss me like that and pretend like nothing just happened,” he’s a little breathless when he says it, and you hear Jamar giggling from beside you. You know he’s eating this up.
“I’m sorry. What would you like me to do about it?” you send Joe a smug smile, not entirely opposed to this new tension between the two of you.
“Do it again,” he matches your smile before pulling you in again. Yeah, you’re definitely not mad about this.
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taglist: @heartsforjh @irishmanwhore @oceanwater18 @dancerbailey3 @alilstressyandlotdepressy @nadicakes143 @wollgirlie
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emsdevs · 1 month ago
a/n: I had a nonnie ask for 25 with Joseph Woll specifically asking for fluff but I used the ask to ask them if they'd be okay with an angsty prompt so if you sent that in, this one is for you!! I can't wait to get through some more of these! 🧡
Prompt 25: “They were there. You weren’t.”
Birthday Celly 2025 Masterlist | masterlist
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You never thought you’d run into Joseph Woll again, but here you are, staring at a man who left you high and dry almost ten years ago. You had moved on since then, found a nice guy, settled down, and had a couple of kids. Somehow, though, your past is looking you in the eye right now, and you wish there was some way to escape it. When you opened your front door, the last thing you expected was to be met with a skeleton you thought you’d hidden so deep in your closet it would never see the light of day, and yet, here he is, looking oddly hopeful. 
“What are you doing here, Joseph?” you whisper rather harshly, pulling the door closer to your body, even though your husband was away on business and your kids had been asleep for a couple of hours now. You see hurt flash across his eyes. You hadn’t called him Joseph since you two were kids.
“I needed to see you, to talk with you,” he takes a tentative step forward, but when he sees you flinch, he moves back to his original spot.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” your eyebrows are furrowed, and even without raising your voice, he isn’t sure he’s ever seen you this upset.
“Can I please just come inside for a minute?” he pleads. You glance behind you to be sure your kids haven’t woken up, and once you are sure they are still sound asleep, you open the door wider and step aside.
“Okay, just… make it quick, please.” He steps inside, letting you shut the door before following you to the dining room. You gesture for him to sit down at the table, following suit. The two of you sit in silence for a moment before you have enough of it, “Joseph if you have something to tell me, can you please get on with it? It’s late.”
“To be completely honest,” he takes a deep breath, “I came to ask for a second chance.”
“Look I know it’s been a long time, but leaving you has always been my biggest regret. I’ve missed you every day since I left. I know it probably means nothing now that so much time has passed, but I had to come try. I couldn’t keep living my life in Toronto knowing what I left behind.”
“You’re right, Joseph. It means nothing now. If you told me this nine years ago, things would be different, but I can’t give you what you want now.”
“What do you mean you can’t? Sweetheart, please-” he gets cut off by tiny footsteps padding down the hall.
“Mommy?” Joseph swings his head in your direction, looking as shocked as you probably did when you opened the door.
“Give me a minute,” you stand, making your way to your daughter’s room before putting her back to bed. A nightmare had woken her up. Soon, you’re back in the seat across from Jo.
“You have a daughter?” his eyes are wide, and you think you can see some tears beginning to form in them.
“Two actually,” that’s when Jo notices you playing with the diamond on your ring finger. That’s funny. You had always told him you wanted an opal engagement ring, never having liked how transparent diamonds could be. 
“You’re married?” he lets his eyes shoot back up to yours, “You moved on?”
“I had to Jo. For me,” you feel slightly guilty for some reason.
“How could it be that easy for you?” he looks hurt, offended at the fact that you were able to leave him in the past.
“He was here. You weren’t,” you let a little bit of spite seep through your words, hoping it would hurt him a fraction of the amount you felt when he left.
“That’s not fair,” he starts.
“No, Joseph. What isn’t fair is you leaving me behind like I was nothing for an NHL paycheck. I moved on.”
“Did you? Because from what I can tell, this guy doesn’t know you at all.”
“Oh, and you do?”
“I do! I know you probably secretly hate that diamond on your finger because you would’ve wanted an opal. I know you’d never paint the walls this shade of beige. You always wanted colors, real colors, that make the room feel brighter. I know you wish there was a bouquet on this table right now because you love fresh flowers. I know one of those girls in there is named Margot, and if I had to guess the other is named Maeve because those were always your top two options for girl names. I know if I went to the master bathroom right now it would probably have a Jack and Jill sink because you think there’s not enough counter space for two people otherwise. Don’t tell me I don’t know you when I know this isn’t what you would’ve wanted. Where even is this guy, huh? How often is he home?” he takes a moment to catch his breath, but all of your emotions hit you at once. Before you know it, you’re crying in the arms of a man you thought you’d never see again.
When you finally calm down, you decide to be honest with Joseph, “Never,” you say it so lowly he almost doesn’t hear.
“Never what, baby?”
“He’s never here. The girls are used to it now. They barely talk to him when he is. I couldn’t even tell you the last time he kissed me Jo, or even took me out to dinner. You’re right. He doesn’t know me. He never has, and I’m miserable. The only thing keeping me going are Margot and Maeve.” Jo feels his heart soar knowing he got the names right, but he doesn’t let it cloud his judgment. 
“Let’s get you out of it then,” he says it like it’s a fact, like he knows you’ll say yes. You suppose he does know you better than anyone because you agree quicker than you’d like to admit.
“Okay,” you risk looking up at him.
“Yeah. I’ll work on starting the divorce process tomorrow. I can’t live like this. Ellis can keep doing whatever he wants without me and the girls tying him down.” 
For the first time in a long time, you felt hopeful. You were truly happy, and you had a sneaking suspicion Joseph had a lot to do with it. You could only hope he’d stick around this time.
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taglist: @heartsforjh @macklin-celbrini-71 @dancerbailey3  @joeyspuckbunny  @beenucks  @wolls-angel  @lukey-pookie-hughes43  @t0xicinvasion @nadicakes143  @wollgirlie
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emsdevs · 29 days ago
No Strings? pt 2
a/n: surprise!! i took a break from the celly prompts (i have sooo many more to go through i promise I'm still working on them) to work on part 2 of No Strings?! i had wayyy too much fun with this one! hope you guys enjoy!
ps: keep an eye out for our guy eliis!
masterlist | NFL Masterlists | Justin Herbert Masterlist | No Strings?
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It had been two weeks since you saw Justin in that cafe, and slowly but surely, you’d been getting better. It took a while, but you finally realized you were worth more than getting pushed aside. You realized Justin had been lying the whole time. His career wasn’t what was keeping the two of you from being together officially. It was the fact that he didn’t actually feel anything for you because if he did, you’d be the girl tabloids are currently writing about. Every online gossip page you’ve seen over the past week has been about nothing but the girl who has “locked down” the Chargers’ star quarterback. After getting over the initial nausea that it caused, you decided you shouldn’t sit around waiting for someone who obviously didn’t care about you, so you got dressed up and went out for the first time in a long time.
While at a bar you used to frequent, you met a guy named Ellis. He was nice enough, and he spent the night buying you drinks, which you loved. However, when the night came to an end, you couldn’t let yourself go home with him. You just weren’t in the right place for that, and as much as you hate to admit it, you weren’t over Justin. Tonight, though, you were ready to move on, to give yourself another shot at finding someone you could love, love openly.
You decided to go out again, putting on your favorite dress. You put on some makeup and curled your hair, and after blasting some music and taking a couple of shots to hype you up, you were with your girls headed for a fun night out. Soon enough, your group had completely let loose, and you were on the prowl for someone you’d let take you home. After looking for what feels like forever, you call it quits and let one of your girls drag you out to the dancefloor. It’s while you’re there that he finds you.
You feel a gentle hand on your waist, so you turn to meet one of the most attractive guys you might have ever seen. He’s giving you an easy smile, and in that second, any thought you might have had about Justin flew from your mind.
“Hey, pretty lady. You alone tonight?” he asks in a silly voice that somehow makes you want to laugh and swoon simultaneously.
“Yes! She’s completely free!” your friend chimes in for you. 
“Mind if I steal her from you then?” his attention is directed toward her now, and you begin to think you want it to always be on you. 
“Go right ahead!” she gives him a cheery smile before turning her attention to you, “We won’t wait up! But please keep us updated!”
“Promise!” you assure her before she walks off to find the rest of your group and most likely tell them about your suitor.
“I was gonna ask you if you wanted to dance some more, but I’m thinking it might be a better idea to find some place quieter?” he makes the statement sound like a question, leaving the ball in your court. 
“I’m down for that,” you’re pretty sure you’d be down for almost anything he wanted to do right now.
“Perfect! C’mon, I know this great little diner down the street,” he grabs your hand pulling you outside with him. Once you’re right outside the doors of the bar, he comes to an abrupt stop, “I’m so sorry. Where are my manners? I’m Trevor,” that easy smile is back and brighter than ever.
After sharing your name with him, he begins guiding you toward the diner. The two of you shared nice conversation on the way, getting the typical small talk out of the way then. When you get to the diner, Trevor orders a side of fries for you both to share, and you each get a milkshake. The two of you talk back and forth for a while, just chatting about recent events in both of your lives. That leads to Trevor asking what brought you to the bar tonight after telling you he needed a break from the stress his work brings him.
“Oh, god,” you sigh, leaning back in your seat and throwing your head back a little, “You probably don’t wanna know.” You laugh a little, playing off your nervousness.
“C’mon, I won’t judge. You getting over an ex or something?” he sends an easy smile your way.
“Yeah, actually. I am.”
“Oh. Well, please, share with the class.”
“You sure you wanna hear it?”
“Yep. I’m all ears,” his eyes meet yours as he pops a fry in his mouth.
“Well,” you lean toward him, ready to share your sob story. “So basically, I went on a few dates with this guy, and when we were about to hook up for the first time, he told me he couldn’t be in a relationship because of his job. So I was a little delusional and agreed to no strings attached, but eventually, I caught feelings for him.”
“Oooh,” Trevor grimaces.
“Just wait. There’s more,” your tone says everything he needs to know, so he gestures for you to continue. “So I end up telling him, right? Of course, he tells me we can’t see each other anymore, so I leave his house literally sobbing. And to beat it all, just a few months later, I saw him out on a date at a coffee shop we used to regular. Obviously, that sent me reeling, and now all I see online is the girl that ‘tamed’ him,” you finish your story with a roll of your eyes.
“Hold up. I have a few questions,” Trevor raises his hands a little and closes his eyes.
“Okay, so you’re seeing his girlfriend in the headlines? I might be overstepping, so you definitely don’t have to answer, but who is this guy?”
“Justin Herbert,” you’re grimacing once again.
“The Chargers’ quarterback?” he’s whisper-shouting in your face.
“Trevor!” you match his tone.
“Sorry. Sorry. I just didn’t peg him as that kinda guy, ya know?”
“Oh, trust me. I know.”
“Okay, yeah. Good point. Okay, so next question. He really lied to you about not being able to have a girlfriend just to hard launch one a few months later?” “It’s insane, right? Like he literally told me that it would be better that way anyway because he just wouldn’t have the time to fully commit. Turns out, he just didn’t wanna commit to me.”
“Well, he’s an idiot. I mean, I’ve known you for like an hour, and I’m ready to commit right now.”
“Smooth, Trevor,” you roll your eyes again.
“I’m being so serious, right now. Go on a date with me. I’ll treat you the way you deserve to be treated,” he lays his hand out on the table, giving you a physical offer as well.
You look at him for a moment, deciding how much you trust him. After finding nothing but earnestness in his eyes, you move your hand to lay in his before he wraps it up. “Okay. I’m holding you to that, Trev.”
“Ooh, nicknames already? You’re moving fast. Am I that irresistible?” that beautiful bright smile is back, and you’re thinking you want to see it every day from now on.
You and Trevor had been going out for about two months now, and you’d officially been his girlfriend for just over a month. Everything had been going so wonderfully, and you can’t believe how lucky you are to have found him. Tonight, he decided to come hang out at your place after practice. You two had ordered some takeout and put on a movie while you ate. Your food was all gone, and you and Trevor had been cuddled up on the couch for a while now, content to keep the movies playing while you enjoyed each other’s company.
Both of you jumped a little when you heard a knock on the door, neither of you expecting it. After sharing a confused look with Trevor, you get up and make your way to the door. When you pull it open, you freeze. The last person you expected to see on the other side was Justin Herbert.
“Justin?” his name falls from your mouth quickly, like it’s not supposed to be there. Really, it’s not anymore.
“I really need to talk with you,” his eyes are pleading, but it won’t work on you. Not now.
“Now is seriously not a good time,” you pull the door closer to you, trying to get your point across.
“Please. I just- I messed up,” he steps closer, but you hold your ground.
“Justin, no. You had your chance, okay?”
“Please, baby, you have to hear me out, okay?” tears are brimming his eyes now.
“No. No. You don’t get to do that. I’m happy now, Justin. Go back home.”
“No, please! I messed up letting you go. I thought I wasn’t ready to commit and that I wouldn’t have time, but when you left I felt this hole in my heart. It won’t go away, no matter what I do. I got a girlfriend to convince myself I was fine, but she’s not you. Please, baby, just give me one more chance,” he’s begging at this point, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. 
Just as you’re about to tell Justin to leave again, you feel a hand on your waist and hear Trevor’s voice behind you, “Who’s this, babe?” He presses a kiss to the top of your head when he finishes his sentence, and if you had to bet, he probably looked at Justin while he did it. He knows exactly who Justin is. He could just tell he wasn’t gonna leave anytime soon and figured he’d come to help you out a little. He’d never minded being a little messy sometimes. “Hey, man I’m the boyfriend, Trevor,” he’s shooting Justin a wicked grin, not caring at all about whatever Justin might be feeling after how he made you feel.
“Boyfriend?” Justin is only looking at you now.
“What? You can move on, but I can’t?” your words have a bite to them.
“I just told you I never moved on?” his statement is formed like a question.
“Well, I did, and the only reason that was able to happen is because you let me go. I’m sorry you regret that, but actions have consequences, Justin. If you wanted me so badly, you should’ve kept me around when you had a chance.”
“No, man,” Trevor pushes the door open a little more and steps around you. He begins to usher Justin away from your doorstep, “She’s said her peace. She’s moved on. It’s time you do too. Okay, bud? Scurry on back to whatever model you were using to distract yourself from my girl, alright?” 
When he deems Justin is far enough away, he turns back around to head back to you. He urges you inside before slamming and locking the door, being sure Justin knew he wasn’t welcome. 
“C’mon, baby. Let’s go make out in front of the window, so he knows what he’s missing,” he has that same bright grin on his face, and suddenly, any negative feelings you had are gone. You laugh with your head tipped back as he drags you along, content to go along with whatever antic he thinks up.
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a/n: guess i should fix the banner huh? sorry to any justin girlies! i just made him too much of a jerk in pt 1 :( reader deserved better! so um crossover episode i guess! banner fixed below
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taglist: @heartsforjh @irishmanwhore @heartforherbert @jusaints @one-sweet-gubler @dancerbailey3 @fofiquierellorar @devilinpradaheels @macklin-celbrini-71 @puckmedude @pickedapuck @alexxavicry 
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emsdevs · 2 days ago
Second Chances and Broken Promises
Even If It Makes Me Blue AU 🦋
a/n: this is a reupload!! i'm just incredibly picky and a little ocd. this was originally a celly prompt post, but i decided to make an au out of it! so this is the exact same story as the celly post aside from some light editing! this is technically the first part of my step dad!joseph will au! part two will be the next thing i write/upload unless something changes!! MWAH 🩵
masterlist | NHL Masterlists | Even If It Makes Me Blue AU Masterlist
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You never thought you’d run into Joseph Woll again, but here you are, staring at a man who left you high and dry almost ten years ago. You had moved on since then, found a nice guy, settled down, and had a couple of kids. Somehow, though, your past is looking you in the eye right now, and you wish there was some way to escape it. When you opened your front door, the last thing you expected was to be met with a skeleton you thought you’d hidden so deep in your closet it would never see the light of day, and yet, here he is, looking oddly hopeful. 
“What are you doing here, Joseph?” you whisper rather harshly, pulling the door closer to your body, even though your husband was away on business and your kids had been asleep for a couple of hours now. You see hurt flash across his eyes. You hadn’t called him Joseph since you two were kids.
“I needed to see you, to talk with you,” he takes a tentative step forward, but when he sees you flinch, he moves back to his original spot.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” your eyebrows are furrowed, and even without raising your voice, he isn’t sure he’s ever seen you this upset.
“Can I please just come inside for a minute?” he pleads. You glance behind you to be sure your kids haven’t woken up, and once you are sure they are still sound asleep, you open the door wider and step aside.
“Okay, just… make it quick, please.” He steps inside, letting you shut the door before following you to the dining room. You gesture for him to sit down at the table, following suit. The two of you sit in silence for a moment before you have enough of it, “Josep, if you have something to tell me, can you please get on with it? It’s late.”
“To be completely honest,” he takes a deep breath, “I came to ask for a second chance.”
“Look, I know it’s been a long time, but leaving you has always been my biggest regret. I’ve missed you every day since I left. I know it probably means nothing now that so much time has passed, but I had to come try. I couldn’t keep living my life in Toronto knowing what I left behind.”
“You’re right, Joseph. It means nothing now. If you told me this nine years ago, things would be different, but I can’t give you what you want now.”
“What do you mean you can’t? Sweetheart, please-” he gets cut off by tiny footsteps padding down the hall.
“Mommy?” Joseph swings his head in your direction, looking as shocked as you probably did when you opened the door.
“Give me a minute,” you stand, making your way to your daughter’s room before putting her back to bed. A nightmare had woken her up. Soon, you’re back in the seat across from Jo.
“You have a daughter?” his eyes are wide, and you think you can see some tears beginning to form in them.
“Two actually,” that’s when Jo notices you playing with the diamond on your ring finger. That’s funny. You had always told him you wanted an opal engagement ring, never having liked how transparent diamonds could be. 
“You’re married?” he lets his eyes shoot back up to yours, “You moved on?”
“I had to, Jo. For me,” you feel slightly guilty for some reason.
“How could it be that easy for you?” he looks hurt, offended at the fact that you were able to leave him in the past.
“He was here. You weren’t,” you let a little bit of spite seep through your words, hoping it would hurt him a fraction of the amount you felt when he left.
“That’s not fair,” he starts.
“No, Joseph. What isn’t fair is you leaving me behind like I was nothing for an NHL paycheck. I moved on.”
“Did you? Because from what I can tell, this guy doesn’t know you at all.”
“Oh, and you do?”
“I do! I know you probably secretly hate that diamond on your finger because you would’ve wanted an opal. I know you’d never paint the walls this shade of beige. You always wanted colors, real colors, that make the room feel brighter. I know you wish there was a bouquet on this table right now because you love fresh flowers. I know one of those girls in there is named Margot, and if I had to guess, the other is named Maeve because those were always your top two options for girl names. I know if I went to the master bathroom right now, it would probably have a Jack and Jill sink because you think there’s not enough counter space for two people otherwise. Don’t tell me I don’t know you when I know this isn’t what you would’ve wanted. Where even is this guy, huh? How often is he home?” he takes a moment to catch his breath, but all of your emotions hit you at once. Before you know it, you’re crying in the arms of a man you thought you’d never see again.
When you finally calm down, you decide to be honest with Joseph, “Never,” you say it so lowly he almost doesn’t hear.
“Never what, baby?”
“He’s never here. The girls are used to it now. They barely talk to him when he is. I couldn’t even tell you the last time he kissed me, Jo, or even took me out to dinner. You’re right. He doesn’t know me. He never has, and I’m miserable. The only things keeping me going are Margot and Maeve.” Jo feels his heart soar knowing he got the names right, but he doesn’t let it cloud his judgment. 
“Let’s get you out of it then,” he says it like it’s a fact, like he knows you’ll say yes. You suppose he does know you better than anyone because you agree quicker than you’d like to admit.
“Okay,” you risk looking up at him.
“Yeah. I’ll work on starting the divorce process tomorrow. I can’t live like this. Ellis can keep doing whatever he wants without me and the girls tying him down.” 
For the first time in a long time, you felt hopeful. You were truly happy, and you had a sneaking suspicion Joseph had a lot to do with it. You could only hope he’d stick around this time.
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emsdevs · 1 day ago
Even If It Makes Me Blue AU 🦋
a/n: there's 100% some inaccuracies here regarding divorce/custody. pls just pretend with me. i did some light research but at the end of the day this is in fact fiction anyway. also it gets kind of steamy (???) at the end. idk it's nothing crazy but i thought i'd warn y'all just in case. also this is pretty much just a filler chapter to get most of the divorce out of the way.
masterlist | NHL Masterlists | Even If It Makes Me Blue AU Masterlist
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Jo has truly been your rock throughout the divorce. When you first told Ellis, it definitely didn’t go over well with him. Luckily, you had let a friend take the girls out earlier that day, so they weren’t there to hear the two of you argue.
“A divorce?” Ellis was shocked, never having expected you to have the gaul to actually leave him.
“Yes, Ellis. We never see each other. The girls don’t see or hear from you, and when they do, it’s obvious that they don’t want to talk to you. There’s no love in our marriage anymore, and now that I look back at it, I’m not sure you ever actually loved me to begin with.”
“Oh, so there’s someone else,” he’s quick to accuse you, trying to turn your marital problems around on you.
“You know there’s no one else. Even if I wanted to find someone else, I wouldn’t have the time because I’m the only one that’s actually a parent.”
“Excuse me?” he sneers at you, obviously not liking your words.
“Come on, Ellis. You’re never here. Do you even know the girls’ favorite colors? Do you know how old they are now? Because I can’t even remember the last time you were at a birthday party.”
“Oh, so I’m the bad guy?”
“That’s not what I said, but I don’t think it’s entirely wrong, either.”
“Fine. You want a divorce? I’ll give you a divorce.” He walked out of the house, slamming the door on his way out.
It had been about three weeks since then, and you thought everything would go fairly smoothly with the divorce. That is, until Ellis started pushing for custody of the girls. Your lawyer has been telling you it shouldn’t be too much of a hassle and that you should still win full custody. You couldn’t stop yourself from worrying, though. What if he somehow won? The girls wouldn’t be well taken care of with him. You knew that, but did the court?
Since it was his off-season, Jo had been renting a place near you and the girls, so he could help whenever and however needed. Needless to say, when you weren’t calming down the girls or trying to distract them, Jo was doing the same for you. You’d almost forgotten just how comforting he could be. 
The girls were out again with one of your close friends, so you’ve been spending the day with Jo. Your lawyer had told you that if you could find some sort of proof of him never being home, it would be almost fool-proof for getting full custody. The two of you had been going through everything you could think of, hoping, praying, for something that could help. You finally decide to take a break, checking your notifications on your phone to see if you’d missed anything interesting. When you see a message on Instagram from a random account, you almost swipe left on it, thinking it was spam, but something stopped you. You decided to open it, and your jaw dropped as you read the full message.
The message read:
“Hey girlie! I’m so so sorry but I think I was dating your husband for a while??? It was by NO means intentional and if i knew I SWEAR it would not have happened. I just saw him at a bar and overheard him say something about going through a divorce right now? We might have been together before you but I’m not sure. His name is Ellis right? If you have any questions I’d be happy to answer :(“
Your heart felt like it dropped and soared at the same time. If this was true, this could be your chance.
“Jo! Jo! Come look! Some girl messaged me because Ellis cheated on me with her!”
“Well, that’s sort of an odd thing to be excited about,” he trails off a little bit, but walks over to look at your phone regardless.
“I mean, I’m not really surprised. Either way, this could be it! Maybe she can prove that he was gone for long periods of time.”
“Oh, my god. You’re right! Message her back!”
Y/N: Hey! You’re probably right. I actually do have a few questions if you wouldn’t mind answering them? Also I don’t blame you at all! Ellis sucks and it’s been a long time since our marriage has meant anything to him.
Her: Yes ofc! What do you want to know?
Y/N: Were you with him for a long time?
Her: Yeah we were together for almost two years
Y/N: Was he with you often? Like for long periods at a time?
Her: Oh yeah. We actually lived together. He only left for maybe one or two weekends a month
Y/N: Okay so he wasn’t lying about the divorce. He’s for some reason trying to fight for custody of our kids even tho I’ve been the only one taking care of them since a little after the youngest was born. Could you get any proof of him living with you? It would help steer the judge away from giving him custody if it’s being considered at all.
Her: Yes! I’ll try and dig up the old lease or something. Also if this isn’t enough I’ll gladly come testify too. I know how it feels to want to get away from him.
Y/N: That would be amazing! Thank you so much for your help!
After that, it was a waiting game. You and Jo paced your living room for what felt like hours. Finally, your phone pinged again, and it was another message from her.
Her: Here’s a pic of the lease. Do you think it’ll be enough? Or do you need more?
Y/N: I’ll talk to my lawyer and see. Thanks again for your help! You have no idea what this means to me
You text the image to you lawyer, explaining the situation. She replies quickly, telling you the picture would help, but something a little more sound proof would be better. You mention the girl’s willingness to come testify, and your lawyer tells you that paired with the lease would do it. You’re quick to switch to Instagram, messaging the girl once again.
Y/N: Are you still willing to testify? My lawyer said that paired with the lease should be enough to do it.
Her: Yes! Give me a time and place and I’ll book the flight/hotel/whatever right now!
You send her the details of where she needed to go and when she needed to be here.
Her: I’ll be there! You wanna get lunch or something before or after?
Y/N: After the hearing would be great! I’ll see you there!
Her: Perf! See you then!
“Oh, my god.”
“What? What?” Jo stands from his spot on your couch, ready to help however he can.
“She’s gonna come testify. This is it. This is what we needed! No more Ellis! And I’ll have the girls!” 
You can’t help it. Something comes over you, and before you can stop yourself, you’re kissing Jo. It’s different than you remember it being, soft and slow instead of rushed and passionate. His lips are just as soft as they used to be, though, and you easily get lost in them. You feel his hands on your waist, pulling you into him, your hips flush against his own. Yeah, this is better than you thought it would be. His tongue is sliding against yours, and you let out a breathy sigh into the kiss. You feel his hands creep under your shirt, beginning to drag it up, and it brings you back to reality.
“Jo,” you speak softly against his lips, never fully pulling away. “We can’t.”
“Why not,” he sounds as breathless as you are.
“I’m still married,” you still don’t have it in you to move back.
“So what? It’s over with in every way except legally.”
“Exactly. We should do this the right way,”  you grip his biceps, needing something to hold onto.
“C’mon, pretty girl. Just this once,” he moves his kisses to your neck, and you know your done for. 
If you let him lead you to your bedroom and love you the way he knew you deserved, you wouldn’t tell anyone. You never were one to kiss and tell anyway.
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emsdevs · 29 days ago
i just made a tag for my guy ellis 🧍‍♀️
if you ever wanna read the fics he has a cameo in go through the tag!
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