#E: Lonewolf of Biida City
greedypunster · 3 years
"You seem like you're having some troubles with werewolves, Yellow" - Phantom would comment, while noticing a sudden large amount of werewolf news all over this blog
"Dunno who ya' are, but please refer ta' as Kiirobon. An' troubles wit' werewolves? Yeah, I'd say so." He gestures to himself. "'Specially considerin' I'm one now!"
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greedypunster · 3 years
Shiro and the others left Kiiro by his lonesome for a bit to take care of some things. He was first to come back to find that Kiiro had finished off that treat, but now sees him chewing on what looks like a stick, well, as long as he isn't chewing on furniture, though when did he go outside? "Hey Kiirobon, nice stick you have there."
The werewolf heard him, but his attention was fixated on chewing the "stick." Though as Shiro got a better look at the "stick" he realized it looked pretty familiar. "Wait a minute, isn't that Midoribon's-"
He was interrupted by Midori as he entered the room. "Have either of you seen my..."
He stopped once he sees what he was looking for, in Kiiro's grasp, and he was chewing on it like a chew toy. The werewolf stared at him like a deer in headlights. "HEY! WHY ARE YOU CHEWING ON THAT!?"
The werewolf takes off with the baton-sword thing in his mouth and Midori gives chase. Shiro just stood there, watching the whole mess unfold as the werewolf and sergeant run through the room. Kiiro was fast, but so was Midori, he caught up and grabbed the handle to the baton-sword, then the two of them have a heated tug-of-war match.
Kiiro growled as he tried tugged at it like an inuron trying to take back their rope toy. He was strong, but so was the sergeant, it was pretty much a stalemate. "Let GO, KIIROBON!"
Shiro had find a way the settle the situation before it escalates, because it looked like the two of them will brawl if one them slips up, then he remembered he still has those treats on him. He takes one out from nowhere and holds it up. "Hey Kiirobon, you want another treat?!"
The moment he said "treats" the werewolf eyes the treat in his hand. "Catch!" Shiro tosses the treat, Kiiro lets go of Midori's baton-sword, which sends the sergeant falling backwards to floor with an "Oof!", and jumps and catches treat midair, then enjoys it as he lands back on the floor.
Shiro lets out a sigh of relief, crisis averted. Midori sits up to check over his baton-sword, and was dismayed when he saw the state it was in, he groans. "Oooohhh, it's all chewed up and covered in bite marks and drool..."
Kiiro seemed to gain some of his sense back, and he did feel somewhat bad, but he just shrugged. "Sorry Sarge, I couldn' help it, werewolf instincts." Then he went back to enjoying his treat.
The sergeant is so making him pay to get this one all fixed up.
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greedypunster · 3 years
The next day, the moment Kiiro was waiting for has finally arrived. Witchy had finally finished up that cure!
As everyone was mingling about, doing their own thing (and Shiro feeling a little bitter after what he had to endure last night), Witchy thought it would be funny idea to simply poof in and startle everyone just a little, and that's exactly what she did. She poofed in in the middle of the room while on Ryuusei and announces her entry. "Dah-dah-dah-daaaah! Witchy is here!"
"Waaah! Witchy! I told you to stop appearing when I least expect it!"
She giggles. "You need to stop being so jumpy then."
"Witchy?? What are you doing here?"
Kiiro went up and pleaded. "Pleeease say it's because ya' finally finished the cure."
"Well lucky you, Kiirobon!" She pulls a corked bottle filled with a blue liquid out of her pocket. "That's exactly what I came here to tell you!"
"Oh finally! Took ya' long enough!" He eagerly takes the bottle from her and looks at it. "Finally I will stop turnin' at night!" There was a pause before he turned to her. "Is there a catch ta' this?"
"Nope! The only side effect is you'll gain some instincts back during a full moon, but other than that, you won't turn full werewolf anymore."
"I guess that's betta' 'den nothin'." He pops off the cork of the bottle.
"Before you go chugging that, are you 100% suuure you don't want to turn anymore? Being a werewolf has its perks."
Witchy isn't wrong, it does have its perks, like claws that look like they can cut through anything, fur that keeps him from getting cold, enhanced height, strength, and agility, and heightened senses that allow him to smell things further away, have better hearing, and even make it much easier to see in the dark, almost like night-vison, a few of those perks came in handy during the day.
While those are nice perks to have, turning still hurts, and he gets a bad headache whenever he wakes up, back to his normal self. There's also the ravenous appetite he has a hard time satiating, the odd urges of chasing small biidaron around while barking at them, chewing things up, and howling at the moon in the late hours of the night. Not to mention he doesn't appreciate it whenever someone tries to pet him without his consent, Akabon having to put a harness and leash on him and tying him to a tree to keep him from fighting with Midori, and he definitely won't miss the shedding, the others are still finding fur on the furniture (heh, furniture).
At least it was funny getting everyone wet from shaking the water off after they forced him to take a bath, to him anyway.
"I'm pretty sure." Without another thought, he chugs the whole potion down, then gags and coughs. "UGH, BITTER!"
"Yeah, of course it's bitter, most potions are."
"How will we know if it worked?"
"If he doesn't turn tonight, then it worked."
"[*cough cough*] Ugh, wish it hadda' 'mediate effect, but whateva'. Ya' want yer moonstones back?"
"Nah, you can keep them. I have plenty back home anyway."
"Ah, well, thank ya', Witchy. Ya' were a big help, even if ya' did take awhile."
"Um, you're welcome."
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greedypunster · 3 years
[Kiiro telling gags to Shiro while Shiro's in the cage.]
"-An' I wus so hungry, I practically wolved it down."
Shiro laughs awkwardly.
"Here's 'notha' one! I said wus a lone wolf, but I guess I wound up taking it literally!"
More awkward laughs from Shiro. "That one is really funny, Kiirobon. May you please let me out now?"
"Not 'til I'm done wit' ya'."
"C'mon, Kiirobon, all I did was pet you!"
"An' I didn' give ya' permission! You struck me when I was an unawarewolf!"
"I just wanted to see what your fur felt like! And you seemed to like it!"
A faint blush fades onto his cheeks. "Y-Yeah, well, still!"
Shiro turns to his friends, who were sitting on the couch with Midori. "Aobon and Akabon pet you too!"
As if on cue, Ao and Aka peek over the front of the couch, and lift up a side of the headphones they're both wearing (along with Midori).
"Sorry Shirobon, what was that?"
"We didn't quite hear you, desu."
"Seriously guys?!"
"'Nuff nonsense! Time ta' tell ya' anotha' one." Ao and Akabon put the side of their headphones back on, then face away before Kiiro went on. "Eva' heard the story 'bout the lone inuron roaming the streets? I've heard they had it ruff, but they dun' seem ta' mind the ruff life."
"Sweet lord please have mercy..."
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greedypunster · 3 years
[That night; outside the base]
"That necklace looks nice on you, Kiirobon."
"Thanks." He stares down at the part of the necklace he's holding in his hand. "Though I dun' think moonstones suit me."
"I really hope the moonstones work, desu."
"Well..." Kiiro lets go of the necklace and stares over at the horizon. "We're 'bout ta' find out real soon if 'dey work or not."
"Let's hope they do, but just to be safe-" Shiro, Ao, and Aka back up, way up, then hide in a bush to keep their distance from Kiiro when he starts turning, prompting a stare from Kiiro. "-we'll be waaay over here, just in case!"
"Actually, that ain't a bad idea!" He gazes back towards the horizon, then lifts the part of his necklace and stares at for a bit, and closes his hand. He closes his eyes, then sighs. "Please work, I dun' wanna have a mind of a monster..."
Kiiro turns to the horizon one last time, while he is nervous, he is ready this time. The first time it happened, he was so afraid, he didn't expect to turn into a beast, but hopefully, with the moonstones Witchy gave him, he'll still be himself even after he changes.
He grabbed his left arm as he started feeling pain, it doesn't hurt as much as it did before, but it hurt enough to make him wince his left eye, his body started shaking, and he can feel himself getting hot. As the moon rose over the horizon, his transformation began.
Unlike the first time, the pain wasn't as agonizing, but it still really hurt. When his transformation finished, he felt an uncontrolable urge, he felt it within his chest, and there was no holding it back. He lets out a long, deep howl.
He falls on all-fours and pants as the whole change took a lot out of him, he didn't have much energy to move. He did take a glimpse at his hands, and yup, the fur, paws, and claws are back. This may be his second time turning, but he's still not used to it, and he doubts he ever will as long as he kept turning into a beast.
On the upside though, the moonstones have actually worked, Kiiro is still in control of himself, which he is very grateful for, however, his friends don't know the moonstones worked, so he got the idea to mess with them just a tiny bit, just give them a little scare. That wouldn't hurt, right?
"Kiirobon's been quiet for quite a bit, desu..."
"I hope he didn't run off again."
"Let me check and see." Shiro pokes his head out of the bush, what he didn't expect to see was Kiiro standing in front of the bush, glaring down at him. "Uh-uuuuhhhh..."
"Is something the matter, Shirobon?"
Aka and Ao peek out, and see exactly what he sees. There was an intense silence for a bit, then Kiiro lets out a roar as he raises his claws up, which makes the three scream, Ao faints from terror, then Kiiro snickers, then falls to the ground laughing.
Shiro and Aka obviously didn't find his prank as funny as he did. They flail their arms and yell his name. "KIIROBOOON!"
"That was not funny, Kiirobon!"
"Not cool, dude! You even made Aobon pass out!"
"Heh heh, sorry guys, couldn' help muhself!"
Midori had came out of nowhere and bashed Kiiro in the head with his baton-sword thing, making him yelp before he went out cold. He stood on Kiiro's back and poked the back of his head with the baton-sword thing. "You better stay down if you know what's good for you!"
"Where did you come from??"
"I followed you guys back and I was watching vigilantly from afar because I did not trust Kiirobon, and I was right! Thankfully I was here to save you all before he attacked you three!"
"Thanks, but actually, it was just a prank."
"A... prank?"
"The moonstones did work, but he thought it would be funny to scare us, so I can't say he didn't deserve that."
Kiiro lets out a dog-like whine as waterfalls of tears pour from his eyes. "Can I not git hit in the head fer one night?"
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greedypunster · 3 years
Sometime after lunch, the group sets out for Jupiter to meet with Witchy to hopefully find a cure for Kiiro's lycanthropy. Midori was already outside when they all arrive. The Sarge thought it would only be Kiiro arriving, but seeing him accompanied by Shiro, Ao, and Aka was a peculiar, but welcome surprise, he was especially happy to see Aka, it's been a little while since he last saw her.
As soon as Aka exited her vehicle, he ran up to her while shouting her name. "Akabon!" And gave her a tight hug, maybe a bit tighter than he intended. "Akabon, it's been so long! I really missed you!"
"It's nice to see you too, Midoribon, but you're squeezing me at bit too tight."
"Oh." He lets her go. "My apologies."
"Midoribon, is Witchy here?"
"Yes, though why do you need to see her?"
Shiro gestures to Kiiro. "Kiirobon has a problem."
Midori stares at Kiiro for a bit, then back to Shiro. "When doesn't Kiirobon have a problem?"
"Well, he has a much bigger problem."
"You see, Kiirobon may have had a run-in with a werewolf, desu."
"A werewolf?!" Midori immediately checks over Aka for any wounds and bites. "Did it hurt it you?! Did it bite you?!" 
Aka grabs him by the back of his scruff and lifts him to his feet. "No it thankfully didn't."
"But it did bite Kiirobon."
"And now he's a werewolf, desu."
"He is?!" Midori whips out a silver sword from nowhere and points it mere inches from Kiiro's face. "Back off! You stay away from Akabon! I can't risk you attacking her or anyone else here!"
Aka slaps Midori across the face with a paper fan. "Will you knock it off?! He's not going to attack anyone!"
"Anyway, that's why we're here, Midoribon. We need to get a cure for Kiirobon's lycanthropy, and Witchy might be the only one that can help him."
"I see." He guides them to his front door, then opens it to let himself and the others in and enter the living room. "Witchy, our guests have arrived!"
Witchy peeks in from the edge of the hallway. "Who are- Oh! Hi guys!"
"Hey Witchy! Do you think you can help us with something?"
"Sure!" Her and Ruisei enter the living room to be closer to everyone. "What do you need help with?"
Shiro gestures to Kiiro. "I'll let Kiirobon explain."
"Long story short, I got attacked by a werewolf two nights ago, and it bit me, then last night, I turned into a werewolf."
Witchy's eyes went big. "You encountered a werewolf?! Where'd it bite you?!"
Kiiro pointed to his left shoulder. "Right 'ere, an' a bit on muh arm."
Witchy grabbed his arm and stood on her tip toes to get a better look.
"'Ey! Easy!"
"Hmm... You said you got bit there only two nights ago?"
"There are scars, but other than that, it looks like it fully healed."
"Wait, wut?" He glanced to his upper arm, and sure enough, there were now scars to where the bite wound was. How did they heal so fast, and how did he not notice earlier? Freaky...
"Huh, even I didn't notice that. Guess werewolves have a fast-healing factor or something."
Kiiro pulls his arm away. "A-Anyway. Witchy, do you have sumthin' that can cure my lycan whatever?"
"I'm afraid I don't. Sorry."
"Are ya' kiddin' me?!"
"Are you sure don't have something, desu?"
She shook her head. "I don't have a cure for lycanthropy brewed up."
"Are you able to brew one up?"
"I can, but I don't have the proper ingredients for it, and it's going to take a while to find them."
"Why duncha have 'em already?!"
"The ingredients spoil after awhile! Plus I didn't think I had to deal with a case like this again!"
"You dealt with this before, desu?"
Witchy nods. "Yeah. Awhile ago, my Master had-"
Midori coughs loudly. "Aaanyway, Witchy, don't you have something to help Kiirobon stay in control of himself as a werewolf?"
"Oh! I actually do! Wait here for a moment." She quickly leaves, and swiftly returns with a necklace of some kind. "Here!" She hands him the necklace. "This should help!"
Kiiro stares at the necklace for some time. "A necklace... fulla' rocks..?"
"They're not just any rocks, they're moonstones!"
"As long as you wear the necklace, they should help you stay in control of yourself whenever you change while I brew up your cure."
Kiiro still seemed a bit apprehensive. "Ya' sure these'll work?"
"If these helped Midoribon before, then they'll help you too."
"Midoribon?" Everyone but Witchy turn to Midori.
"Midoribon, you were a werewolf before?"
"Something like that. Hasn't he told any of you? After brewing up some prank potions for Halloween one time-"
"Well! I'm all out of time! It was nice seeing you all again, but I have to get back to my training!" Midori forcibly starts pushing everyone but Witchy towards the door.
"But I wanna know the story! What happened!?"
"Nothing happened! Good to see you all again!" He pushes them out the door. "Bye for now!" He slams the door.
Everyone stares blankly at Midori's door.
"...What the heck was that about?"
"You seriously didn't tell them?"
"They don't need to know what happened! If they found out the story, especially Shirobon and Kiirobon, they will never let me hear the end of it!"
"...You know they're still gonna ask about it later, right?"
Midori sighed. "Yeah..."
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greedypunster · 3 years
After the pizza incident, Kiiro's condition seemed to get slowly get worse as the day progressed, he grew more irritable and restless, and the pain in his shoulder grew more intense, by the time night fell, he felt very hot, not even the cool breeze from the open window was cooling him down, and the shoulder pain hurt so bad he could barely move his arm. He tries grabbing it and gently squeezing down on it with his other hand to try and ease the pain, and it seemed to help a bit. For some reason, his attention was drawn to the horizon.
"Kiirobon's condition seemed to have gotten worse, desu."
"Yeah, but now he's staring out the window, what is he even looking at?"
"I'm not sure, but maybe he needs to take more medicine." Aka goes over to him. "Hey, Kiirobon-"
"Go away, Akabon." Kiiro responded lowly.
"Kiirobon, you need to take some more medicine. It could help with your pain."
"I dun' need anymore medicine." He growled. "Leave me alone..." His whole body starts to tremble as the pain began to spread through his whole body.
"Kiiro, please, you're shaking-"
"I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" He snarled before swiping at her with his sore arm. He starts panting heavily after doing so.
Aka lets out a small scream as he swipes at her, luckily, she jumps away in time. Shiro and Ao shout her name. "AKABON!"
Thankfully, she wasn't hurt, but they noticed something terrifying. One of shorts' legs had tears that resembled claw marks. The three would've been angry at Kiiro for lashing out so suddenly, if they hadn't noticed what happened to his arm...
"K-Ki-Kiirobon..." Shiro stammers out.
"Yo-Your arm..."
Noticing how terrified his friends were seemed to briefly snap him out of it, when they mentioned his arm, he gazes down at the arm, only... it didn't look like his arm at all...
He stares at it horrified. This wasn't his arm! It can't be! It's not supposed to be hairy! That wasn't what scared him most though, it was when he lowered his gaze his hand... "Ah- Are those... c-claws..?"
He couldn't bring himself to say anything else. He got the sudden urge to look out the window again, in time to see the full moon beginning to rise. Once his eyes laid upon it, the pain in his body amplified to 11, he closes his eyes tightly, some tears escape and he is now shaking violently.
He clutches his body and hunches into a fetal position. "What's... happenin'... TA' ME?!" That was all he can manage to painstakingly shout before he can feel the rest of his body start changing.
Shiro, Ao, and Aka all watch on in horror as Kiiro turns into a big, furry monster. It was like a car accident, they really wanted to look away, but they couldn't bring themselves to, all they can do is watch helplessly.
The last sense of biidamanity Kiiro had before his transformation completed was to raise his head up and let out a long, loud scream, which morphs into a long, deep howl.
With that, his change is complete. He lowers his head as he pants heavily. Shiro, Ao, and Aka are huddled together, all trembling as they stare at their now transformed friend.
Shiro was foolish enough to utter Kiiro's name. "K-Kiirobon..?"
The beast snaps his head to him as soon as he uttered his name, and started growling, his golden-eyed glare pierced into the three kids' souls. All three of them realized right then...
That's not Kiiro... He's gone, and was replaced with a monster...
The beast lets out a roar at them as he leapt towards the terrified children, the bandages that were wrapped around his shoulder and head fell off as he does so. All three shriek and make a beeline towards the exit, Kiiro right on tails, running after on all fours. Luckily, all three of them make it through the sliding door before he could grab them and the door quickly slides shut with a button press, trapping him inside the room.
The three lean on the door with their backs, acting as barricades to keep the beast from escaping, breathing heavily from fear and the chase. Once he stopped clawing and trying to barge through the door, he began wrecking the room to find a means to escape, Shiro, Ao, and Aka slide down the door, then let out a sigh of relief once they touch the floor.
"Hopefully that'll hold him."
"Bu-But what if he escapes, desu?!"
"I locked the door, Aobon, there's no way he's getting out, he sure is making a mess in the room though."
"But what do we do now, desu?"
"Wait, didn't Kiirobon open a window earlier?"
It went eerily silent shortly after Aka said that. "Th-The noise stopped, desu..."
"Oh no... Uh... Maybe he just got tired out?"
"We should probably check."
"Akabon, that's a terrible idea."
"What if he's waiting by the door so he could ambush us and eat us, desu?!"
"We'll only take a peek to see if he's still in there. The door has an option to only open up a little bit, doesn't it?"
"Fine, but if we die, I'm blaming you."
"You can't really blame me if we're dead."
They open the door just a tiny crack to peer in with one eye. Like they thought, the room was absolutely trashed, but Kiiro was nowhere to be seen. They fully open the door when they realize it's safe.
"He's really gone, desu."
Shiro stares at the window. "This is bad, really bad! Not only is the room a mess, but now Kiirobon is loose in Biida City! We have to go find him!"
"Do we have to, desu?"
"Aobon, Kiirobon could hurt someone else, or worse, bite them and turn them into a werewolf too! We don't need anymore werewolves terrorizing the City! We have to find him! Let's go!"
"Can't I just stay here where it's safe, desu?"
"Nope! Come on!" Shiro grabs Ao's arm and started running towards the elevator that goes down to the lab, with Aka following close behind.
They see Gray approaching them, but he stops when he sees them rushing toward him. "Oi! Kids! What is with the racket? I could hear all the way from the lab, and what's the rush?"
The kids all rush past him and speak quickly.
"No time, Hakase! We got big biidaron problem in the City to handle!"
"A really big one at that!"
"Oh, okay, but you should leave that to biidaron control to- Aaand they're in the elevator..." Gray could only wonder what on earth is going on and why the kids were in such a hurry.
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greedypunster · 3 years
So what supposed "timeline" could those beasts be from?
"There was just one beast, luckily. And you know the spooky timeline where the biidamen have skull-shaped eyes? It came from that one."
Ao is now sitting in the corner, facing away from everyone and is surrounded by gloom. "You had to remind me of the heartbreak I had there, desu..."
"Oh, uhh, sorry Aobon."
"Graybon Hakase said it might've went berserk for not being in the correct timeline, and that's why it attacked Kiirobon and a few others."
"But how the heck did it wind up in our timeline in the first dang place?"
"That is something we haven't figured out."
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greedypunster · 3 years
I've been wondering where you got all the idea to make those puns, Kiiro
"Easy! I think of 'em, write 'em down, and memorize them! It's good fer whenever I need ta' rehearse 'em!"
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greedypunster · 3 years
- proceeds to pet Kiiro - So fluffy!
"His fur feels more wirey, but the lighter fur feels so soft!"
The werewolf continues to make growling noises that's akin to purring. Weird he's making those noises, but at least it means something good.
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greedypunster · 3 years
Awww... Can I have a pet, Kiiro?
"Don't ask him, do it while I have him distracted."
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greedypunster · 3 years
See? I told you being a furry- uh I mean a werewolf is not that bad
"Meh, it's not as bad, until ya' git yelled at fer chewin' on stuff that isn' food." He glanced to Midori, whom is sulking in the corner with his chewed up baton-sword in his hands. "Still dun' wanna keep turnin' inta' a werewolf though."
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greedypunster · 3 years
You still keep your job as a delivering guy right? What do you think about keeping your werewolf form while delivering some stuffs?
He stops chewing on the treat for a brief moment, then answers. "Welll... Given the recent scares, I dun' think that's a smart idea, an' I can' even fit in Cargo Yäger anyway." He stares back at his treat, then starts nawing on it again.
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greedypunster · 3 years
Given that you're a werewolf, does that mean you like eating bones now?
"I said this be'fer, nony, I ain't no inuron, inuron and werewolves are two completely different things." He held up two digits for emphasis before lowering them. "Not jus' that, but bones aren't edible. I'm sure eatin' one will give ya' a whole lotta problems."
"Then I guess you don't want this bacon-flavored Edibone I got for you." Shiro says casually as he holds the bone-shaped treat in front of Kiiro.
"Of course not!" There was a pause as the smell of the treat fills his nose. It smelt so tempting, his mouth even begins to water. He eyes the treat intently, trying his hardest to resist the tasty temptation.
He looks away and crosses his arms, trying to ignore it, but he soon couldn't take it anymore. He has to have that treat! "GIMME!" He snatches the treat out of Shiro's hand and naws on it like no one's business, his tail starts wagging as he does so.
"Seriously Shirobon?"
Shiro shrugged. "I just wanted to test something."
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greedypunster · 3 years
Look on the bright side, you will be back to normal soon. Get it? The bright side?
It took him a second to get the joke. The bright side of the moon... "I dun' 'ppreciate gags at muh expense, but yer clever, I'll give ya' that."
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greedypunster · 3 years
Cheer up, Kiiro, being a werewolf has its perk... Such as spooking that one sergeant who keeps on chasing me just for some bee puns
"Nah, the sarge doesn' scare that easily, though he really does need ta' git a sense a' humor, beecause who doesn' love a good bee pun, eh?"
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