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mother-of-pain · 1 month ago
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Art dump timmmeee
Last two images are @healdeals oc yote :D
Everyone else belongs to me!
Forgot to say here's Fintan! She's Rispers adoptive mum, and a recovering alcoholic. The one with the bundle is her 19 years in the past with little infant Risper, who she was trying to warm up enough so he could eat. She found him abandoned in her cave, and because she's a sea dweller, she just instantly adopted him.
She gathers quite a lot of scars through the years raising him, all from the lovely very nice sea life.
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down-with-the-mafia · 2 years ago
Niko celebrating pride with a gay couple in the game
Niko putting stickers everywhere
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wanted to do a whole doodle page so here >v<
your requests are in there hehe
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lizardofspace · 1 year ago
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I made a Desert and Earth Titan!
The Earth Titans are subspecies to the Desert Titans
Dustan and Algordis belongs to © Me @spacelizardwarrior
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daniloruocco · 6 days ago
Lo zibaldone gay di Dustan
"Nicolas Pages" di Guillaume Dustan è un libro fondamentale per comprendere cosa significhi Liberazione omosessuale, ma se hai ingerito un manico di scopa, non è il genere di libro che fa per te. ➡️ https://www.paroleglbt.info/2025/02/lo-zibaldone-gay-di-dustan.html
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questersrest · 8 months ago
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one ancient dwarven automaton turned to a pile of junk and second minor key emblem acquired
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shortshowname · 2 years ago
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Day 18 of drawing Niko every day until the Gary's Garden DLC is released!
Just some rivals hangin out :)
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kabuluk · 1 year ago
dalinin bebek yağı o kadar güzel kokuyo kiii
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elirluna · 1 year ago
hmmm bu saatte sogan halkasi kizartmali miyim
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onlywhatshere · 2 years ago
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queerographies · 29 days ago
[Nicolas Pages][Guillaume Dustan]
Un amore tossico nella Parigi notturna. Sesso, ossessione e libertà in un romanzo feroce e senza pudore. Scopri la confessione di una generazione inquieta e il manifesto letterario che ha consacrato Guillaume Dustan
Nicolas Pages: l’amore tossico e la Parigi notturna di Guillaume Dustan Titolo: Nicolas PagesScritto da: Guillaume DustanTitolo originale: Nicolas PagesTradotto da: Francesco LetoEdito da: CastelvecchiAnno: 2025Pagine: 410ISBN: 9791256141456 La sinossi di Nicolas Pages di Guillaume Dustan Guillaume incontra Nicolas durante un firmacopie in Belgio. Uno sguardo, due parole, e il loro legame…
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90runes-100dunes · 10 months ago
Mark Simpson dit très justement que les pédés sont des espèces de célibataires sacrés. Il dit ça je crois à propos de leur rôle dans la mode, donc de manière sarcastique, mais je pense qu'il formule quelque chose de tout à fait juste : les pédés parce qu'ils n'ont pas à élever des gosses restent disponibles pour expérimenter un tas de choses. De préférence les meilleures. Les derniers yaourts, les nouvelles soirées, la musique la plus délirante... Nous les folles, on est des espèces de filtres. Des filtres pour savoir ce qui est le plus cool. On ne croit pas les gens qui prétendent que le ping-pong c'est l'éclate. Le ping-pong c'est l'éclate seulement quand on a sniffé un gros rail de bonne coke. On n'est pas des chiens. On est des reines. On ne peut pas nous faire avaler n'importe quoi, on sait faire la différence entre un truc nase et un bon délire. (...) Je peux m'habiller en meuf et faire peur comme les scary drag-queens body-buildées de Nowhere. Je peux me faire tatouer et percer et marquer au fer rouge si j'ai envie vu que je m'appartiens, et pas à mes parents ni aux curés de la société. Que c'est ma vie. La mienne. Les pédés drogués n'ont plus peur de leurs désirs exacerbés. Les pédés drogués n'ont plus peur de rien. Les pédés drogués sont FIERCE. Ils ont la rage. Ils sont l'espoir. Il va falloir s'y faire. C'est pas fini, mes chéris.
Guillaume Dustan, Nicolas Pages
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down-with-the-mafia · 2 years ago
Dustan sat down beside them. “I started climbing up to these heights because I needed space,” they admitted. “I could be wrong, but it seems like you’re doing the same thing now. Let me know if you want me to leave, okay?”
Niko shook their head. “It’s fine.”
“If you’re sure.” Dustan said.
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haroldjaffe · 2 months ago
Holy cow, this is your FIRST EVER EDIT?? This is FANTASTIC!!
this is my first ever edit so it's a little rough lol, but i still like it and i spent a lot of time on it so here you go
show: gravity falls
song: "rule #4: fish in a birdcage" by dusty townsend
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queenscharacters · 11 months ago
"It's the only picture I have of myself from when I was little..." Farrah to Dustan
“You’re so stinking cute.” Dustan murmured, pressing a kiss to his girlfriend’s temple. If he had known she had been in the middle of a moment of reminiscing, he probably wouldn’t have crept up on her like he did. It was too late, though. His chin had been on her shoulder, eyes on the photo, as soon as he wrapped his arms around Farrah’s waist. He could only see the side of her face; and he wasn’t trying to be too obvious about gauging her reaction.
He knew her past was a delicate subject. Dustan wasn’t trying to make light of that. As much as he would do anything in his power to change things for her, he also realized that without all that crap, he might not have met her how and when he did. They might never be expecting their girl; he might never know what true love felt like. He want being dramatic, either. This pregnancy was expediting things, but Dustan knew that she was the love of his life. Penny might’ve be an accident, but she was no mistake.
He was keen on keeping her happy. Not just tonight, but for the rest of their relationship. “I’d say were, but you still are today. Like, on top of being the most beautiful woman alive.” He spoke earnestly. Dustan gave her bump a gentle tap, his hands already against their growing daughter.
“I hope she looks like you…” Dustan continued. She couldn’t see his face, but she could surely hear the dreaminess in his tone. He pressed another kiss to her collarbone. “If there’s any way of recovering more photos of you, I’m ready to invest, Far. Our whole family could use more of them.” He mused. At the end of the day, he knew he would appreciate more photos of little her, but so would Penny, and, obviously, so would Farrah.
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harepare · 2 years ago
koclugu aldim
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shortshowname · 2 years ago
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Day 10 of Drawing Niko every day until the Gary's Garden DLC releases
They're all watching the Barbie Movie woohoo
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