#Dumbass spam msgs
xfriskfannumberidk · 11 months
alright chat, what do I say to them?
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kaijuno · 5 years
It seems like someone is just going around asking ppl that dumbass gold-star shit. You are like, the third blig I've seen asked that
yeah apparently thats like the new spam msg
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bubbarobertson · 6 years
you seem dumber than doornails. so you follow a bunch of nsfw blogs, questionable ones as well. and when they send you nsfw msgs, you could have just blocked them with the first one but you don't. so when its continues from the same account,  not only do you not block them but you reblog a couple of posts from them? then they send more pervy messages (because you havent blocked them). Until they see you're just doing it for attention and trying to be all SJW and they block you? and what are you complaining about? you make no sense. You just seem vindictive  
I’m allowed to follow accounts that I am interested in. I didn’t follow that particular account, I occasionally liked and/or republished some of their posts. Just because I do that, doesn’t mean I’m asking for submissions or harassment in the form of DM’s. It had been spread out over a period of time, and didn’t bother me until they spammed me. You’re allowed to form an opinion, but you should know the full story and be fully educated on the situation before you do so. I’m not thrilled that one of my more popular posts is about being harassed, that’s not the kind of attention I want. So you can take your negativity and closed-mindedness and get the fuck out. If you have a problem with me, block me. Don’t waste your time trying to justify something you don’t fully know about. In addition, my internet personality doesn’t even begin to let you glimpse into my real life. You don’t know what I’m going through, or what I’m pursuing in life, so don’t judge someone’s intelligence based off of something you’ve seen on the internet. That’s ignorant, and it leads me to believe that you are closed-minded and uneducated. Especially if you wanna call someone “dumber than doornails.” Lol, you didn’t even get the saying right, dumbass. Step the fuck off, or grow a pair and don’t submit to me anonymously.
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