#Dude if he gets ghouled I am going to disintegrate
ryoukio · 5 months
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Theodore “Water” Collins I hope to whatever god is up there that you died in that fight.
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immortal-imagines · 7 years
The Lucky Boomerang - Part 7
Summary: It was widely known that Captain Boomerang didn’t work well with others; a true statement, until one particular accomplice caught his attention. His decision to spare her caused the pair to become deadly. They were nearly as famous as the Clown couple themselves. Renowned for her easy escapes and incredible stealth, Lady Luck was an appropriate partner for the Aussie bank robber. Their luck changes when a certain metahuman brings them both to Belle Reve Penitentiary and they are forced into joining Task Force X. (Side note: In this imagine, Boomerang is at Belle Reve)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
(Captain Boomerang x Reader)
Warnings: Mild swearing
Word Count: 1,043
A/N: Thank you for being patient for this chapter! I’ll be posting a Suicide Squad imagine request next, so look forward to that! Also, my tag list is getting very long, so thanks so much for the support!
Deadshot had seemingly lost his cool and didn’t want to hang around. As the group reached the building, instead of hiding behind Flag like the rest of the soldiers, Deadshot stormed through the smashed-up door. Harley skipped in behind him, with (Y/N) and Digger in close pursuit.
The huge glass foyer was empty. The floor was littered with shards. Harley and (Y/N) picked their way through, their heels crunching as they walked. Glancing at the security cameras, Digger scoffed, “Looks like we have a spot of luck, eh?” He winked at Lady. She giggled at his little pun. This was the Digger she had missed, the one who made her laugh, who didn’t take himself too seriously. Being locked up for so long had supressed that side to him. Now that they were “free”, they could partly enjoy themselves. “Don’t make me shoot you,” Deadshot chided. He apparently didn’t appreciate the humour.
(Y/N) and Harley simultaneously decided they didn’t want to wait any longer for Flag’s orders. While the others were distracted, they went on ahead. Flag only noticed they were gone when he heard the ‘ping’ of the elevator doors closing. He looked up to see Harley’s bright grin and (Y/N) wave as the elevator ascended.
A small beep was emitted from the phone tucked into Harley’s shorts. She pulled it out, showing (Y/N) the message: ‘I am close. Be ready…’
“So, how long have you and Boomerang been a thing?” Harley asked, tightening her ponytail. (Y/N) grinned, thinking back. “Going on 6 years now.” Harley’s eyebrows shot up. The conversation ended there, however, when a bubbling monster dropped from the ceiling. With a flick of her heel, Lady had decapitated the thing, only to be greeted by another. Harley swung her bat, imitating Lady’s previous kill. There was a brief pause from the fight, while (Y/N) adjusted her lipstick, before another monster flew in.
“Ugh, do these things ever give up?” (Y/N) huffed. Harley grinned in response, before pulling out her gun and firing two quick shots straight into its head. She blew a strand of hair out of her face and held up her hand to (Y/N). Lady slapped it in congratulations, just as the elevator doors slid open, revealing the rest of the squad.
Flag gave the girls an incredulous look when he saw the dead bodies littering the floor. Harley stood on one’s head as she exited the lift. (Y/N) laughed, noticing her boyfriend’s proud, if slightly concerned expression.
“Please stop going on missions without me,” Boomerang huffed as (Y/N) entered the apartment, looking dishevelled and covered in bruises and a little bit of blood. “Dig, I am perfectly capable of doing things myself!” Digger raised his eyebrows at the blood. “It’s not mine if that’s what you’re thinking,” (Y/N) assured him.
She flopped down on the sofa and Digger moved to get a cloth. “Leave it, Dig,” She held up a hand to stop him. “I’ll have a shower in a bit.”
He sighed, before sitting next to her and pulling her close. “I just worry about you, especially when you leave without telling me where you’re going.”
“I left a note!”
Boomerang pulled the crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. It read: ‘Gone out. Be back for dinner x’. “I’m going to need a bit more information than this, Lady.” She rolled her eyes, “You worry too much. We both know I have more than enough on my side if things get messy.”
“I’d just like to know where you are. If you went missing, I don’t know what I’d do.” He squeezed her shoulder tightly and planted a kiss on her forehead. “I know, Dig. But I’m not a child. You need to let me do my thing. You know I’m perfectly capable,” She smiled up at Boomerang and placed a hand on his cheek.
“Next time, I promise, you can come with me,” Lady held out her pinky. “I promise.”
Present Day:
“Come on. Let’s go,” The blonde motioned into the next room.
“I don’t like this, Flag,” Deadshot murmured, pulling on his mask. “Pussy,” (Y/N) scoffed. The older man merely glared in her direction.
Catching them completely off-guard, twenty of the bubbling monsters fell from the ceiling. “Shit,” Digger gasped. He whipped out a boomerang and sliced the nearest ghoul. The soldiers pummelled the things with bullets and it wasn’t long before Deadshot and Harley joined.
“This is ridiculous,” Lady tutted. She raised her arms at the beasts attacking Boomerang and clicked her fingers. Black goo flew everywhere, coating Digger’s jacket. “Thanks, doll. But maybe next time avoid the coat?” The Australian chuckled darkly. His lack of attention worked against him, as a monster rushed him with a knife, plunging it into his chest. Digger fell to the floor, but not before executing the thing.
The whole room seemed to slow to a stop and (Y/N)’s only focus was on Boomerang, as he lay on his back, unmoving. His hand reached up to the blade that was sticking out of his chest. He pulled on it and a wad of money came out, impaled on the end. Lady breathed a sigh of relief and Digger gave her a thumbs up.
Harley shot at the monsters dragging Flag away and the room fell silent. They were all dead. Deadshot leaned heavily against a desk, panting. “Haven’t had a fight like that in a while,” he said between breaths.
They’d barely left the room before more monsters attacked. “For God’s sake,” Diablo yelled. He stormed forward, hands outstretched. Flames exploded from his palms, disintegrating anything in the immediate vicinity.
“Why couldn’t he have done that earlier?” (Y/N) huffed. “Why did I have to do all the work?” Boomerang ruffled her hair. “You did great, Lady.”  She grinned up at him. Although she didn’t need his approval, it was always comforting when he showed his pride.
“Well done, Flame Boy,” Digger slapped the tattooed man on the shoulder, as he passed him on the staircase. Diablo grimaced.
“Wait here,” Flag instructed. “We don’t want to give this dude a heart attack.” He strode through a door at the end of the room.
(Y/N) frowned, “Am I the only one who thinks something smells fishy?”
Tag List: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @thranduilxlegolasx @squireboredom @tokentransboy @taz-t-mary @bookchic20 @sporadichologramblizzard-ed17414
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