#Ducatus Coin
ltwilliammowett · 1 year
Reales, pieces of eight, doubloones and ducats
Who doesn't know it, in films and books there are always stories about great pirate treasures and lots of coins are shown. But what kind of coins are they? Here is a small overview.
Silver real
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Silver coin: 8 reales Fernando VI, Viceroyalty of New Spain - 1757 (x)
The real was a coin and a currency in Spain for several centuries after the mid-14th century, weighing 0,12 ounces (3,43g) of silver, and these were eight reales to a peso, hence the term " pieces of eight" for pesos.
Silver piece of eight or Spanish Dollar
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Spanish piece of eight, 1780 (x)
Was an early Spanish silver dollar sized coin, with a content of 25.563 g = 0.822 oz t fine silver. As Spanish mints issued silver denominations smaller than eight reales relatively infrequently, these coins would sometimes be chopped up into smaller pieces to provide small change. In the 17th and 18th centuries, so many were in circulation that they were accepted almost anywhere in the world. The American doller sign $ was derived from the figure 8 stamped on the side of the piece of eight, the silver peso (or piaster). They were minted at Mexico City and Lima in Peru, and were common currency in all of England's colonies, being valued at four shillings and sixpence. Often they wre cut into eight pieces for ease of transaction, so that two bits made a quarter. The origin of the American phrase, not worth two bits, is from the days when the English colonies around Massachusetts used this Spanish money. Pieces of eight were produced for about 300 years, in Mexcio, Peru and Colombia, and they became the standard unit of trade between Europe and China. They wre legal tender in the USA until 1857. Before the Spanish started exploiting Potosi in Peru (in today's Bolivia), silver was almost as valuable as gold in the Old World. Such were the quantities taken from the New World, that silver dropped to about a 1/5 of the value of gold. The Spanish exported four billion pesos of silver and gold from the New World between 1492 and 1830.
Gold ducat
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Gold ducat of Venice. Doge Andrea Gritti, Italy, 1523-38 (x)
This was the European gold trade coin, containing around 3.5 grams (0.11 troy ounces) of 98.6% fine gold, during the late medieval and early modern period. The name derives from ducatus, the Latin form of the title of the Doge of Venice, whre the ducat was first issued 1284. Called the ducado, it was worth less than a doubloon, about 10-11 silver reales, and was known to the British seaman as a ducat. The coin was copied throughout mainland Europe, and coins of the ducat standard were struck in several European countries up to the 20th century.
Gold doubloon (doblôn)
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Spanish 4-doubloon, or doubloon of 8 escudos, stamped as minted in Mexico city mint in 1798 (x)
This was an early Spanish gold coin, worth approximately $4 (four Spanish dollars) or 32 reales, and weighing 6.766 grams (0.218 troy ounce) of 22-karat gold (or 0.917 fine; hence 6.2 g fine gold). The name originally applying to the gold excelente of Ferdinand and Isabella. It was later transferred to the two escudo coin issued by Spain and the Spanish colonies in the Americas. It was the largest Spanish gold coin, weighing slightly less than an ounce of gold, and originates from the Latin word duplus, or double. A doubloon was worth about seven weeks wages to a sailor.
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ducatuscoin · 5 years
You may come across lots of cryptocurrencies nowadays like Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum but Ducatus coin can certainly be termed as the standout. Ducatus cryptocurrency’s sole vision is to march forward to the future and we further look forward to bring a revolution in the way people look towards. We want to make cryptocurrency an unending part of everyone’s life where they use it to buy a coffee or even selling their homes.
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ronnytome · 4 years
How to figure out the best cryptocurrency exchange in order to put through your investments?
So, you are left with some extra savings in your pocket and want to invest it in some of the most famous cryptocurrencies like bitcoin or Ducatus coin? But still, you don't have any clue about how to go towards the same?
 All things considered, before you even think or settle on putting your investment into crypto coins like Ducatus coin, you initially need to get all the information about their functioning and trading. Presently you can make sure about all the data about how the cryptocurrency component functions however the other thing that you should know is about the cryptocurrency exchange.
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 As per Ronny Tome, the founder of the renowned ‘Ducatus global network’, you cannot blindly opt for a specific cryptocurrency exchange and this is where the following factors can help you in the same regards.
 The legitimacy of the exchange
 The most important thing that you should be concerned about beforehand is the legitimacy of the exchange you are trading upon. Do check the accessibility of the trading exchange within your region and at exactly and then only think about investing in cryptocurrencies like Ducatus coin or bitcoin.
As per Ronny tome ducatus,  Coinbase is at present the most popular cryptocurrency exchange in the world however it is as yet not accessible in a couple of nations like India and Indonesia.
 The next thing you should check about the exchange is its overall reputation in the market. You should check through important inquiries like-is it full proof in security terms? are there any disputes and lawsuits against it by its clients or investors, or are individuals extremely happy and satisfied with its services?.
All things considered, when you look through these inquiries, you can actually analyze and evaluate the authenticity of a similar exchange in the trading of Bitcoin or Ducatus coin.
The next major thing that you should guarantee yourself before jumping aboard with an exchange is the security viewpoint. Its always recommended going for cryptocurrency exchanges that undergoes a detailed security check while registering its users and clients.
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As per Ronny Tome, these exchanges are a lot more secure than the other exchanges around and you can remain guaranteed your investment on ducatus coin or bitcoin in similar respects.
 Exchange rates
 Presently, the greater part of the individuals put their investment into bitcoin or ducatus coin while ex[ecting all the financial growth and freedon after some time. 
Still, the exchange rates sometimes eat up on most of the profits that you earn with the trading of these cryptocurrencies. Ronny tome says that this is where you should initially check about the exchange rates accessible at the crypto exchange inside your region. Attempt to check a similar rate with a couple of exchanges before coming upto any sort of decision in some regards.
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Amidst the volatile stock markets due to the recent COVID 19 outbreak across the globe, investors have found a new lease of life with the emergence of Ducatus Cryptocurrency as a better and safer investment option.
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A Detailed Insight into the Latest Trends in Cryptocurrency World
Right like it happens to any new industry, people usually go doubtful to any newly launched product or services. They generally want a proof about the validity and authenticity of the products and the same process usually takes time. We can certainly take the example of television here when TV sets used to be quite expensive and non-available for the general masses. Eventually, people got to know that the same television can live stream all their favorite shows and programs on the TV screen.
The same rule applies on the cryptocurrency industry. The moment it was launched in the world markets, it was been deemed as the next big thing in the world of digital money .Crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ducatus coin and ethereum were been regarded as the best crypto currencies by many experts around. Then came all the rumors and malicious statements by fake and negative responders and people again felt unsecured and hesitated to invest in all these crypto currencies.
Everything that came against crypto currencies like Bitcoin or ducatus cryptocurrency was non-relatable. Many have said that the transactions done on cryptoexchanges are not safe but hardly they knew that the crypto currency exchanges uses the most advanced security feature to protect your hard earned money. Ever since the launch of Bitcoin in the year 2009, cryptocurrencies have literally transformed the set up of the digital economies around the world. That said; let’s have a look at some of the latest trends in the crypto currency markets.
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Security tokens-Security tokens have come into existence due to the heavy demand from the institutionalized investors and this is the reason why most of the financial regulators are aiming towards offering more security token offerings (STOs). Although there were initial coins offerings (ICO) earlier but STOs have been deemed as a better and safer option by many.
Jetcoin- Jetcoin is a specially launched crypto currency for all the people who come over as a big fan of athletics. It must be mentioned that Jetcoin was first been founded by Eric Alexandre in the year 2014.All the fans can pick their favorite cryptocurrency token called JET after picking a star form Alexandre’s pool of athletes. So, as the athlete grow with its value, so does the cryptocurrency token.
The cryptocurrency industry is witnessing a big growth and is expected to attract some more business and merchants that can push for the use of cryptocurrency as a usual non-digital cash option. For example, Ducatus coins are widely been accepted across various Ducatus cafes and Ducatus travel.
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bondan88 · 3 years
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From the very beginning, blockchain has been regarded as a disruptive technology that was built by and for technicians. Most blockchains are designed by technical experts and senior technical experts and their scope of use is usually limited to making high-risk exchange transactions (speculation) or even ghost transactions. But what about ordinary people ?
Not knowing technical knowledge doesn’t mean that they should be devoid of all the benefits and growth right ?
The answer to this question and solution to this problem lies in Ducatus! This article is about Ducatus which is just the opposite of this technology and let’s see how it’s and in what ways it’s beneficial for non-tech and ordinary people.
Ducatus is an open and inclusive user-oriented blockchain, it allows ordinary people to benefit from the technology that makes payments for everyday purchases faster and more secure. It provides transparency and accessibility. DucatusX is based on the Ethereum blockchain and as such, has the same advantages and disadvantages. The main difference with Ethereum is that using PoA consensus, can greatly reduce transaction costs and maintain productivity, but at a reduced level of decentralization.
Its whitepaper says, “Whether it’s buying coffee or renting community-supported projects to generate passive income or having an honest record of your ideas and projects, Ducatus is designed to be eco-friendly to the user. This vision is realized in our technology. Based on the technology of existing blockchain projects, our mission is to deploy a fast blockchain with a low cost, clear interface, friendly enough for users to control, support, makes decisions about the development of the project and participates in the life of the project.”
Their mission is to provide convenient blockchains for everyday use for all users, tech savvy or not, as simple as using a credit card with the ability to use reliable payment services.
Sounds interesting and beneficial right ?
Let’s see some features of Ducatus.
The Ducatus Cashless Economy
Ducatus Coin, designed for usability, is the financial binder of the digital cashless landscape, the backbone of growth and sustainability. Their long term goal is to become the usable cryptocurrency in the world. Through their affiliated companies, they offer users the opportunity to buy, sell, earn and benefit from using digital currency in their daily life. These companies are implemented to allow Ducatus Coins holders to enjoy real value outside of the crypto community. Consumers pay digitally, online, and use or wish to use cryptocurrencies in their daily transactions.
Technical Architecture
The use of standard cryptographic algorithms and blockchain technology provides a secure and reliable experience. When creating a new cryptocurrency, the industry best practice is to fork an existing coin. The fork is a variation of the code content that sets it apart from previous versions. The cryptocurrency that is chosen to transfer Ducatus is Litecoin. Litecoin itself is a fork of Bitcoin that has been modified to make it easier for developers to create their cryptocurrencies. One of the most important changes from the standard setting of Bitcoin allows blocks to be mined faster, ensuring fast processing of transactions.
Rental Platform
A platform will be created for the rental of the property, while all parties will be protected up to. Double booking cannot be done as the booking information will be saved, stored and managed in the blockchain.
The network smart contracts can be used to ensure e.g. against bad weather or to fulfil orders on time or similar. This will require the additional implementation of trusted and trusted data providers in the Oracles blockchain, which is also included in the development plans.
Decentralized Exchange
With the development of the DucatusX blockchain and the emergence of tokens, users will need to be able to quickly exchange tokens to attract investments and earn a profit, so there are plans to create a decentralized exchange that works by analogy with Uniswap and others. The DOCX coin will be traded on the exchange and thus form the link of the Ducatus ecosystem with the global crypto world.
The Ducatus ecosystem exists as a web wallet that runs on all desktop platforms Windows, Linux, macOS.
https://wallet.ducatus.io/ and mobile for iOS platforms and Android Users can send transactions and accept payments not only in the Ducatus and DucatusX coins but also in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, Ethereum and USDC, PAX and GUSD tokens. More coins and tokens will be added in the future.
Total number of DUC is fixed at a maximum of 7,778,742,049
Low fees, fast transactions, staking rewards
Strong supporting community, merchant acceptance for payments.
Total number of DUCX is fixed at a maximum of 777,874,204
Low fees, smart contracts available
Only trusted projects, no scam token
Strong supporting community, exchange-traded
Ducatus <-> DucatusX conversion
DucatusX (DucX) can be converted from and into Ducatus (DUC) by a currently fixed the ratio of 1:10 on https://www.ducatuscoins.com/buy or inside the wallet using the swap function.
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Liquidity raising platform — a platform for publishing projects to attract investments
DEX — DEX for trading DucatusX tokens and other cryptos Arduino PoA block producing — microcomputers with preinstalled software for participating in block producing and earning on the blockchain fees. Stablecoin implementation — adding a stablecoin to the DucatusX blockchain implemented to a user-friendly digital payment platform for day-to-day banking transactions.
Leasing/borrowing smart contracts — smart contracts for renting property and providing loans secured by cryptocurrency. New wallet (Metamask) for token management — new wallet with integrated web3 protocol support
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It’s a project of the future as it’s for benefit of normal people. It deploys a blockchain quickly with a low fee, has a clean and easy-to-navigate interface and is user-friendly enough to allow any user to control, assist or make decisions and participate in the development and lifecycle of a project. All these characteristics evince that this project is for the people, the normal people. It has great potential to rock the floor of the cryptocurrency market.
Website : http://ducatuscoins.com/
Whitepaper : https://www.ducatuscoins.com/assets/downloads/pdf/ducatus-coin-white-paper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/ducatuschannel
Twitter : https://twitter.com/DucatusX
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/WeAreDucatus
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/ducatus-global
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ducatusglobal
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/DucatusGlobal
Name : bondan88
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2632383
Telegram :@bondan88
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herlambang18 · 3 years
DUCATUS — Schnelle Blockchain mit geringen Kosten implementieren
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Auf der technologischen Basis bestehender Blockchain-Projekte besteht die Aufgabe von Ducatus darin, eine schnelle Blockchain mit niedrigen Gebühren, einer übersichtlichen Oberfläche, die benutzerfreundlich genug ist, um die Entwicklung des Projekts zu steuern, zu unterstützen, Entscheidungen zu treffen und an der Entwicklung des Projekts zu beteiligen, zu implementieren Lebensdauer des Projekts.
Diese Plattform bietet Transparenz und Zugänglichkeit.
Vom Kaffeekauf bis hin zum Leasing von Community-unterstützten Projekten, die passives Einkommen bringen oder eine ehrliche Aufzeichnung der eigenen Ideen und Projekte zu haben, Ducatus ist auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit ausgelegt. Diese Vision wird in unserer Technologie umgesetzt.
Unsere Vision ist es, nutzerorientierte Blockchains zu schaffen, die jedem Benutzertyp Transparenz und Zugänglichkeit bieten. Das Ducatus-Ökosystem existiert als Web-Wallet, das auf allen Desktop-Plattformen Windows, Linux, macOS und Mobile für iOS-Plattformen und Android läuft. Benutzer können Transaktionen senden und Zahlungen nicht nur in DUC und DUCX, sondern auch in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, Ethereum und USDC-, PAX- und GUSD-Token akzeptieren. In Zukunft werden weitere Münzen und Token hinzugefügt.
Unsere Mission ist es, allen Benutzern, egal ob technisch versiert oder nicht, bequeme Blockchains für den täglichen Gebrauch bereitzustellen, so einfach wie die Verwendung einer Kreditkarte mit der Möglichkeit, zuverlässige Zahlungsdienste zu nutzen.
Die Ducatus-Geldbörse
Das Ducatus-Ökosystem existiert als Web-Wallet, das auf allen Desktop-Plattformen Windows, Linux, macOS https://wallet.ducatus.io/ und mobil für iOS-Plattformen und Android läuft
Benutzer können Transaktionen senden und Zahlungen nicht nur in den Ducatus- und DucatusX-Münzen, sondern auch in Bitcoin-, Bitcoin-Cash-, XRP-, Ethereum- und USDC-, PAX- und GUSD-Token akzeptieren. In Zukunft werden weitere Münzen und Token hinzugefügt.
Das Wallet bietet eine Vielzahl sehr nützlicher Funktionen:
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Ducatus Coin (DUC) Die Gesamtzahl der DUC ist auf maximal 7.778.742.049 festgelegt Niedrige Gebühren, schnelle Transaktionen, Staking-Belohnungen Starke unterstützende Community, Händlerakzeptanz für Zahlungen.
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1 DUCATUS — Schnelle Blockchain mit geringen Kosten implementieren kalt80 ( 29 ) in #ducatus • vor 3 Tagen ducatus.jpg Über DUCATUS
Auf der technologischen Basis bestehender Blockchain-Projekte besteht die Aufgabe von Ducatus darin, eine schnelle Blockchain mit niedrigen Gebühren, einer übersichtlichen Oberfläche, die benutzerfreundlich genug ist, um die Entwicklung des Projekts zu steuern, zu unterstützen, Entscheidungen zu treffen und an der Entwicklung des Projekts zu beteiligen, zu implementieren Lebensdauer des Projekts.
Diese Plattform bietet Transparenz und Zugänglichkeit.
Vom Kaffeekauf bis hin zum Leasing von Community-unterstützten Projekten, die passives Einkommen bringen oder eine ehrliche Aufzeichnung der eigenen Ideen und Projekte zu haben, Ducatus ist auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit ausgelegt. Diese Vision wird in unserer Technologie umgesetzt.
Unsere Vision ist es, nutzerorientierte Blockchains zu schaffen, die jedem Benutzertyp Transparenz und Zugänglichkeit bieten. Das Ducatus-Ökosystem existiert als Web-Wallet, das auf allen Desktop-Plattformen Windows, Linux, macOS und Mobile für iOS-Plattformen und Android läuft. Benutzer können Transaktionen senden und Zahlungen nicht nur in DUC und DUCX, sondern auch in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, Ethereum und USDC-, PAX- und GUSD-Token akzeptieren. In Zukunft werden weitere Münzen und Token hinzugefügt.
Unsere Mission ist es, allen Benutzern, egal ob technisch versiert oder nicht, bequeme Blockchains für den täglichen Gebrauch bereitzustellen, so einfach wie die Verwendung einer Kreditkarte mit der Möglichkeit, zuverlässige Zahlungsdienste zu nutzen.
Die Ducatus-Geldbörse
Das Ducatus-Ökosystem existiert als Web-Wallet, das auf allen Desktop-Plattformen Windows, Linux, macOS https://wallet.ducatus.io/ und mobil für iOS-Plattformen und Android läuft
Benutzer können Transaktionen senden und Zahlungen nicht nur in den Ducatus- und DucatusX-Münzen, sondern auch in Bitcoin-, Bitcoin-Cash-, XRP-, Ethereum- und USDC-, PAX- und GUSD-Token akzeptieren. In Zukunft werden weitere Münzen und Token hinzugefügt.
Das Wallet bietet eine Vielzahl sehr nützlicher Funktionen:
ducatus1.jpg TOKENOMIK
Ducatus Coin (DUC) Die Gesamtzahl der DUC ist auf maximal 7.778.742.049 festgelegt Niedrige Gebühren, schnelle Transaktionen, Staking-Belohnungen Starke unterstützende Community, Händlerakzeptanz für Zahlungen.
fahrplan.jpg MANNSCHAFT
ARTEM LOPATIN Projektleiter Rock’n’Block MAXIM STRENK Lead Backend & Blockchain Developer Rock’n’Block NIKITA ANTONOVICH Lead Frontend Developer Rock’n’Block MOUHSIN SENHAJI Leiter Informationssysteme Ducatus Für mehr Informationen :
Telegram Username:@herlambang18 Bitcointalk-Username: herlambang18 Bitcointalk-Profil:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2609871
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suyati66 · 3 years
DUCATUS - Внедрение быстрого блокчейна с низкими затратами
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На технологической основе существующих блокчейн-проектов задача Ducatus - реализовать быстрый блокчейн с низкими комиссиями, понятным интерфейсом, достаточно дружелюбным, чтобы пользователи могли контролировать, поддерживать, принимат�� решения по развитию проекта и принимать участие в жизнь проекта.
Эта платформа предлагает прозрачность и доступность.
От покупки кофе до сдачи в аренду поддерживаемых сообществом проектов, которые приносят пассивный доход, или честного учета собственных идей и проектов, Ducatus создан для удобства использования. Это видение воплощено в нашей технологии.
Наше видение заключается в создании ориентированных на пользователя блокчейнов, обеспечивающих прозрачность и доступность для любого типа пользователей. Экосистема Ducatus существует как веб-кошелек, который работает на всех настольных платформах Windows, Linux, macOS и мобильных для платформ iOS и Android. Пользователи могут отправлять транзакции и принимать платежи не только в DUC и DUCX, но также в биткойнах, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, Ethereum и токенах USDC, PAX и GUSD. В будущем будет добавлено больше монет и жетонов.
Наша миссия - предоставить удобные блокчейны для повседневного использования для всех пользователей, технически подкованных или нет, так же просто, как использование кредитной карты с возможностью пользоваться надежными платежными сервисами.
Кошелек Ducatus
Экосистема Ducatus существует как веб-кошелек, который работает на всех настольных платформах Windows, Linux, macOS https://wallet.ducatus.io/ и на мобильных платформах iOS и Android.
Пользователи могут отправлять транзакции и принимать платежи не только монетами Ducatus и DucatusX, но и токенами Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, Ethereum и USDC, PAX и GUSD. В будущем будет добавлено больше монет и жетонов.
Кошелек предлагает множество очень полезных функций:
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Ducatus Coin (DUC) Общее количество DUC зафиксировано на максимальном уровне 7 778 742 049 Низкие комиссии, быстрые транзакции, вознаграждения за стекинг Сильное поддерживающее сообщество, прием платежей продавцами.
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АРТЕМ ЛОПАТИН Руководитель проекта Rock'n'Block MAXIM STRENK, ведущий Backend-разработчик и блокчейн- разработчик Rock'n'Block НИКИТА АНТОНОВИЧ Ведущий фронтенд- разработчик Rock'n'Block МУХСИН СЕНХАДЖИ Руководитель отдела информационных систем Ducatus Для дополнительной информации :
автор Имя пользователя Bitcointalk: suyati66 Профиль Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2632393
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ronnytome · 4 years
DUCATUS is a company made with the vision to go cashless. Ducatus coins were made for the need to change the way we transact. The company is known for its dedication and commitment towards their customers. The members of the company belong from diverse regions aimed at fulfilling the motto of a cashless future. Ducatus bought a major change in the way we sell or buy things.
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Why Crucptocurrencies has been Looked as the Future of Global Financial Markets?
Amidst the volatile stock markets due to the recent COVID 19 outbreak across the globe, investors have found a new lease of life with the emergence of Ducatus Cryptocurrency as a better and safer investment option. If we look down on all the recent trends and happenings in the global financial markets, no investor is willing to put his money into traditional investment options like stocks, equities, or mutual funds.
Besides this investment option, the COVID 19 outbreak has created a situation where no person seems interested in putting their money into luxuries like cars, real assets, and so on. While this is happening, the rate of investment to cryptocurrency options like bitcoin and Ducatus coin has seen a  big upsurge.
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The Rise of the Global Crypto Market
Quite recently it has been reported that China is pushing multiple blockchain projects and funds within their legal territories. Likewise, countries like Iran and Russia too, are joining the race towards a crypto economy amidst the growing tensions with the USA.
England, while going the extra mile in the same direction has further witnessed an announcement of a new digital synthetic hegemonic currency as an alternative to the world’s most powerful currency, Dollar. This new cryptocurrency is quite similar to Facebook’s Libra Cryptocoin.
Cryptocurrencies as a Digital Gold
Even though the cryptocurrency markets have witnessed a big sell-off in the month of March due to the pandemic situation, things are expected to ease off in the coming times. This is due to the fact that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ducatus coin are often bene looked like the ‘light at the end of the tunnel ‘ during such market crisis situations over the years.
If we compare the percentage of returns by Bitcoin alone between the 2010 and 2019 period, that stands to a whopping 2332803 percent. Now, this is some unbelievable bale figure that certainly directs positively towards a better crypto economy in the coming times.
Well, if we compare the same returns to other key investment prospects like gold and mutual funds, the figure stands around 20-150 percent that is still way lower than what has been achieved with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ducatus coin.
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Summing it up
In the wake of the recent verdict delivered by the Supreme court of India that calls for the lifting of ban from cryptocurrency in India, investors across the globe can expect a fresh lease of life in regards to the growth prospect of this domain. Still, the investors are advised to stay updated and keep an eye to the recent trends and updated in the same regards.
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Cryptocurrency & Blockchain: Paving its Way to Become the Future of Money!
The point reached by the technology, which is the reason for the biggest steps taken by humanity for many years and that often turns the ages on and off, is perhaps a level ahead of imagination. It is not known how much of this has been announced to us until now, but it should not be wrong to say that block chain technology and cryptocurrencies have the leading role.
Cryptocurrency trading has become a popular type of investment in recent years. Before we talk about how to trade with crypto money, its rules, pros and cons, it is necessary to tell what the cryptocurrency is. Let's talk about this briefly.
It is a virtual asset that uses cryptology (private encryption systems) to secure its transactions and is designed as an alternative exchange tool for cash in terms of operation. In a deeper yet simple explanation, the way crypto money works can be transferred as follows. With a technology that records every previous transaction, crypto money checks your transaction on the digital network it has and confirms your transaction openly to every user on the network.
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Your approved transaction will never be lost and the information of all owned accounts will be transferred to the next blog. Here you can think of each block as a registry. If you imagine that the pages of the registry are over, when you move to the new notebook, All information in the old book is secured together with its witnesses. No action will ever disappear. This is why cryptocurrencies (assets) are both open to all and secure as well.
Each crypto-asset creates a road map during the start-up process, indicating how many will be the simplest step. How many cryptocurrencies will be, when it will be issued - according to the technology owned - is obvious. Miners who control the transactions made in cryptocurrencies and issue new coins receive their wages from the networks they belong to for the labor they spend. Each miner has just received a prize according to the blog he has just released.
What is Crypto Money?
The origin of crypto money like ducatus coin is based on the science of cryptography. This is a type of science with mathematical integrity and its purpose is to secure information such as authentication. As a result of the development of this science, crypto money like Ducatus was born as a type of software. As many of you know, crypto money is not a material type of money.
In addition, it is not possible for any state or organization to claim a voice over it as it is not connected to a central system. The first and most popular cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. Then came species such as Ethereum, Zcash, ducatus cryptocurrency and Cosmos. In our country, the interest in the crypto money world is quite big.
The cryptocurrencies owned at the point reached can be exchanged anywhere in the world through any currency. The fact that businesses that receive payment with crypto money are increasing day by day is the proof of the trust in this technology. Many national and international banks set up their own block chain teams and aim to take their privileges on this stage before it is late.
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As the world witnesses the emergence of an alternative digital economy, going cashless has become the next step in the evolution of global finance and money. Ducatus Coin Network is a community that fully supports this evolution. For more information you can visit here: https://ducatus.net/
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jacklinkent60-blog · 6 years
The Pros and Cons of Ducatus Coin
There are now quite a few cryptocurrencies available online. Ducatus coin is one of the most dependable cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. In case you have not heard about the Ducatus coin, then you've come to the ideal page. Here, you can discover complete info on Ducatus coin, its benefits, and how to use it. Ducatus coin is a decentralised, encrypted, online digital money that can be used for sending and receiving cash. You do not need to carry cash when you have Ducatus coin. What exactly would be the benefits or advantages of utilizing Ducatus coin? One of the many advantages of utilizing Ducatus coin is the fact that it is readily accessible by everyone. If you are familiar with using online transfers, then you are able to effectively manage Ducatus coin. It is available for everybody. Another advantage of utilizing Ducatus coin is the fast payment feature. It's possible to transfer and receive money in a matter of a few seconds. Additionally, it comes with low transaction fees. Whether it's buying your java, books or reserving a hotel for your loved ones, you may easily make payments with the support of Ducatus coin, You can also download Ducatus wallet out of Google's Play and save your Ducatus Coin and receive simple access, With the Ducatus wallet, you can check your balance, receive coins, and send coins, All you have to do is remember your password, Ducatus also works with charity by devoting a portion of its purchases. To get extra details on this please check out https://www.ducatus24.com/ You are able to register with Ducatus and find the latest upgrade of new partnerships and also get more involved with the constant growing network. Cryptocurrencies like Ducatus coin are electronic, so there are no chances of forging or imitation which can happen if you're using traditional credit/debit cards. Also, it comes with zero transaction fees, which this could help you in saving money. Cryptocurrencies aren't bound by any exchange rates so which you could use it everywhere on the globe. So, hurry up and register with Ducatus!
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cornell583-blog · 6 years
The Ducatus coin is all the hype Recently
Technology has always been to the fore, and its evolution has been rapid. The debut of the internet became a phenomenon linking people from all over the world. Besides earning real money online services, through gaming joining throughout the social networking websites, and shopping online there are additional types of advantage that the internet furnished. Cryptocurrency became a large hype in recent times specially as a result of its value doubled and stocks became double the initial price. Its value began to grow over time and continues to do so even from the present day. Gradually, the concept of crypto currency came about, which received a lukewarm response at first. When its value was doubled up in 20 17, however, over time crypto currency turned into a household success. People who spent from the currency industry became millionaires. It contributed to the growth in the number of other men and women who had become eagerly interested in investing at an crypto business. A number of companies have now been on the increase today offering ensured cryptocurrency. There is no telling that of those companies are accurate and if there's a warranty of safeguarding the investment you made. With this and several other reasons, it is always wise to consult with experts before intentionally investing and also perform thorough research. To gather added details on Ducatus kindly visit www.ducatus24.it . Even the Ducatus company have stood fair and more tall during its existence. It has got the vision to generate the Ducatus coin a global phenomenon. The company was set up by a group of experts that plans to market the Ducatus coin and also ensure it is open to every person of their culture and background. The rage of crypto evolution has led.
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sacalinkent01-blog · 6 years
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Ducatus Coin
Cryptocurrencies are getting to be very popular, and people are becoming more dependent on it. If you aren't mindful of cryptocurrencies, you can read on this guide to get a fast thought about the most debated subject online. Cryptocurrencies like Ducatus coin is a digital money that's developed and equipped with advanced encryption technology. You can use such currencies to make payments online without the necessity of withdrawing cash. It's one of the best choices to conventional money as it eliminates the hassle of making cash. So what would be the benefits or benefits of utilizing Ducatus coin? One of the many benefits of using Ducatus coin is that it is easily accessible by everybody. If you are familiar with using online transfers, you can efficiently manage Ducatus coin. It's available to everyone. Another benefit of using Ducatus coin is its quick payment feature. You can transfer and receive money in a matter of a few seconds. It also will come with low trade prices. By way of instance, if you mean to purchase a property, you will also have to pay other third parties that can cost you extra charges, To avoid such extra cost, you may utilize Ducatus to transfer money directly into the seller, it is also going to help you in avoiding late payments, Utilizing cryptocurrencies such as Ducatus coin includes a great deal of advantages, It provides easy access for everyone, There are still countless people who do not have access to traditional trade system. To obtain further details on this kindly check out There may be high chances of identity theft if you hand out your debit and credit card for payments. However, employing the Ducatus coin will save you from such episodes as all trades will be on line, and the recipient won't have access to some information. So, if you would like t stay away from scammers and fraudsters, utilizing digital cash like Ducatus coin would be the best way. So, hurry up and register to enjoy the benefits of digital money.
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lecriptovalute · 6 years
Ducatus Coin Criptomoneta Italia funziona? Forse schema Ponzi?
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