#Dua for Married Problems in Couple
lindszeppelin · 5 months
Do you have any predictions for the next generation of nepo babies? This generation (late millennial/Gen Z) hasn't done great things imo, with a few exceptions. A previous anon talked about the people like Austin, Callum, Dua Lipa and others who came from ordinary backgrounds and had to work hard to get where they are. How do you think the kids of 'first-generation' (i.e. non-nepo) celebrities will turn out, assuming the celebrities themselves choose either self-made or non-famous partners? Do you think the self-made late millennials and Gen Zs will do anything differently in raising their own children?
Just throwing this out there because I'm interested in the nepo baby phenomenon in general. I feel like a lot of the current nepo babies were raised by parents who wanted to distance themselves from their middle-class or working-class beginnings, and viewed being extravagant with their children as a status symbol. I think this is what's led to a lot of the issues with kids of famous parents not acknowledging their own privilege and not doing much or anything to make the world a better place. I personally hope that the next generation would be more mindful, compassionate and proud of their roots, although you never know. Do you have any thoughts?
Thank you for writing in! This is a very thought provoking question so I took my time on what I was going to say. You worded everything beautifully, and it helped me to piece my thoughts together.
So, I can understand maybe why some celebs from yesteryear who grew up middle class, didn't come from wealth, when they got famous they basked in that. So when those celebs had children, they wanted to raise them the Hollywood way, which arguably would be way more privileged than their upbringing. The problem with that though is that they are so blinded by the fame they have that they get used to the weird behaviors, and the grey area boundaries, and things that normal people shouldn't have to deal with (paps for example, basically selling yourself/your image to magazines etc). But they are so deep in the sauce that they don't see it as a problem.
Hollywood made them famous. All their wildest dreams came true. Their families back home would be proud they made it out of the boondocks. But it comes with a price. They might enjoy the life, but they force their kids into it. So someone like Johnny Depp who grew up middle class is deeply engrossed in his fame (even if he is shy and might reject it...still though), and then Lily-Rose has no other choice but to live in that Hollywood system. And the problem goes DEEPER. Johnny Depp doesn't know what it's like to be born and raised in that kind of Hollywood lifestyle as a child. He got into it when he was a young guy who chose Hollywood. His children didn't. But yet, the late millennials and Gen Zs that enjoy their nepo-baby privilege are jaded by what they experienced growing up. Therefore they don't see any issues, and their parents don't see it either. And the toxic cycle gets repeated and trauma happens and the family cycle is forever ruined, basically.
Now, i can see a couple of young actors today that are making names for themselves like Zendaya and Austin and Callum, etc. They are the light at the end of the tunnel that doesn't perpetuate the harmful environment Hollywood produces, especially if born into it. If one of them gets married to a non celebrity, like you suggested, then I think there is some hope that instilling good morals will be a parenting tool for them. Reminding their kids where their parents came from, etc. And with luck I think we can see a brighter future for Hollywood. Because it needs to be reconstructed. It's foundation is too out of touch and not keeping up with the changing times. Celebs are expected to bend to the will of Hollywood or they risk not having careers. But that's not true. Hollywood should bend to them.
While im sure there will be children of "first generation non nepo celebs" that will inadvertently be thrown headfirst into the Hollywood life and live by that privilege (it's unavoidable, not everyone can be better for their kids or themselves sadly), i think there will be a lot of them that will be raised on the value of a dollar, the roots of their self made celeb parent and non celeb parent will be instilled, and they will grow up having the best of both worlds...true privacy and enough privilege that they don't have to worry as much about things like college tuition etc. If these celebs want to protect their future kids when/if they have them, they have to be better. And celebs like Zendaya, Callum, Austin, I can see that if they choose to have kids that they will be beautiful little angels.
I hope that answered your question! <3
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rueyam · 9 months
Salam girls<3
Yes, I have definitely learned from this, and as rueyam said, I am also closer to myself, alhamdulillah.
Bless him though, he tried very hard. He is a good guy, and I hope he finds someone who can give him what he is looking for. I appreciated what he has done, and I told him that. Not gonna lie, from the outside, we looked good together lol. Like a random uncle who would send his blessing when we were walking, and another uncle from the last meeting gave us free drinks and blessed us. I could feel the people around us.
Anyways, unfortunately, I just couldn't vibe with him. I never felt a true attraction towards him. Thinking about our future as a married couple was hard for me to imagine: like living in the same house, our conversations still lacking a vibe, things feeling very formal, and even simple intimate gestures like a hug would put me off. I know myself, I can be talkative and laugh easily if I feel like I'm on the same wavelength as another guy, and everything comes naturally. I'm not saying a guy needs to be perfect, I'm definitely not perfect either and have my own personal problems. Everything happens for a reason. Alhamdulillah.
No, thank you both<3<3 Thank you for giving me this space to write with you here and for encouraging and supporting me. It makes me so happy. May Allah bless you both. BarakAllahu feek for both of yours beautiful duas, and a BIG ameen to them. May Allah ease all your hardships and make your affairs clear for you. May He grant both of you happiness and success in this world and the hereafter, with your loved ones. Ameen.
If we still use Tumblr in the future and I get married, inshaAllah I will let you know haha and maybe reveal myself too lol. But for now, I'm gonna focus on myself and pray, pray, and pray and let's see what Allah has planned for me. Khair inshaAllah.
Salam <3
aw inshAllah that’s really cute of you haha, khayr!! @sseol the way she started to mention us both 🥹💗
imagine marrying someone you don’t vibe with, who will you laugh with till your stomach hurts? who will understand you in all ways? who will look at you and know how to act right? who will know your love language? ofc nobody is perfect, we all have our flaws but we have to find someone to complement these flaws with. everything happens for a reason and behind every obstacle there lies a deep wisdom we will find out later, if Allah wills!
i would love to hear from you and find out who is hidden behind the wonderfully worded texts, but only if you want to. big big ameen to your duas and thank you my dear! i also pray for the kind-hearted man you talked about, i hope he will find a spouse who brings him happiness. take care 💕
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lovclies · 2 years
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[ dua lipa , cis woman , she/her ] - it looks like aria sula is late to class once again . how do they expect to get their degree in film by skipping class ? it’s a wonder that the twenty two year old made it to their senior year . then again , i heard that they were + ambitious which may give them a pass with professors , but they are also - distant so maybe not . i heard they were blasting self by khalid before class . all i know is that they remind me of dried flowers between book pages, tired eyes from lack of sleep, closeted smiles laying on glossy lips .
background :
       the  day  the  sula  family , formed  by  a  successful  couple  in  most  aspect  of  their  lives , discovered  they  would  finally  be  able  to  have  a  child  of  their  own , it  appeared  that  the  entire  world  lightened  up  to  the  news  of  this  miracle  baby  —  which  they  hoped  would  be  able  to  maintain  the  future  parents  happily  married , since  so  far , when  it  was  just  the  two  of  them , that  didn't  seem  to  be  possible .        they  gladly  welcomed  the  baby  &  gave  her  everything  a  child  could  wish  for . it  all  occurring  perfectly  until  the  couple  was  left  alone , obligated  to  face  the  problems  between  both  of  them , which  wasn't  something  they  could  hide  from  their  daughter .        however , there  wasn't  much  aria  could  complain  about  her  childhood . her  parents  believed  they  could  raise  her  having  love  &  respect  as  the  base  of  their  relationship , showing  her  that  this  should  go  for  any  relation . they've  always  lived  under  excellent  financial  conditions  as  she  grew  up  with  a   father  teaching  her  that  it  was  the  consequence  of  hard  working  &  that  she  should  always  remember  that  you  must  go  after  what  you  want , never  taking  “ no “  for  an  answer . aria  was  also  taught , with  actions , that  whatever  didn't  happen  according  to  the  expected , could  be  fixed  by  pretending  there  was  nothing  wrong , just  like  they've  always  done  with  the  family — that  was  a  lesson  her  parents  demonstrated  on  a  daily  basis  by  excessive  caring  about  what  other's  might  think  &  trying  to  please  everyone  but  themselves .        aria  was  never  a  people  pleaser  though , that's  why  she  always  cared  about  doing  what  her  family  wanted  from  her  until  a  certain  point . in  school , she  was  an  average  student , discontenting  her  grandparents  that  wanted  her  to  have  the  best  education —  however  there's  no  point  in  attending  the  finest  schools  if  the  problem  is  the  student … well , but  they  say  there's  nothing  money  can't  buy , right ?        her  father  wanted  her  to  archive  a  successful  career  just  like  he  did , but  the  man  didn't  want  aria  to  simply  do  anything  she  desired , he  wanted  her  to  follow  his  steps . he  wished  for  his  daughter  to  be  able  to , one  day , inherit  the  family  business . that , however, was  not  what  she  wanted  for  herself , &  since  aria  isn't  someone  to  give  up  her  own  desires  to  please  others , she  proceed  to  study  film  in  a  prestigious  college  but  one  that  no  one  from  her  family  has  ever  attended , going  against  the  expectetions  once  again .
personality :
     the  type  of  person  that  knows  many  people  but   keeps  a  very  short  list  of  those  who  are  allowed  to  truly  know  her , aria's  personality  might  depend  on  who  you  ask . she  has   this  way  where  she  can  talk  a  lot  about  herself   without  actually  revealing  much , it might  seems  like  she’s  opening  up  but  if  you  think  about  it , you  probably  don’t  really  know  who  she  is . 
      her  personality  might  depend  on  who  you  ask . some  might  say  she's  a  charming  &  sweet  person , others  could  describe  her  with  not  so  nice  adjetives , such  as  liar , selfish , manipulative …  she  never  caused  such  different  impressions of  herself  because  she  goes  around  creating  fake  personalities , nor  she  pretends  to  be  someone  she  isn’t . but  you  can't  please  everyone , and  those  are  usually  the  negative  opinions  people  who  don't  like  aria  have  on  her . she  can  understand  why  it  might  happen , there  aren't  many  people  that  got  to  see  more  besides  the  cold  facade . she  hides  her  most  vulnerable  side  from  whoever  she  doesn't  trust , after  all , she  grew up  surrounding  herself  with  mean , hypocritical , entitled  people  who  would  never  trust  each  other . reality  is , aria's  just  someone  afraid  of  getting  hurt .        a  person  known  to  be  naturally  charming ... maybe  it's  her  flirty  way  of  speaking , or  how  she  bats  her  eyelashes  while  maintaining  long  eye  contacts , or  maybe  they  way  she  smiles  during  a  conversation  with  someone  she  likes … it's  probably  a  combo . either  way , aria  enjoys  leaving  good  impressions  of  herself , so  it  all  comes  almost  naturally  for  her .        when  you  meet her , she's  usually  a  friendly , extremely  charming  person . in  fact , she's  never  rude  for  no  reason , she  despises  people  that  think  being  mean  &  rude  out  of  nowhere  equals  to  having  a  “ strong  personality ” . she  doesn't  treat  everyone  very  nicely  as  if  she  likes them  and  they're  her  friends , in  fact  she  probably  does  not  like  a  good  amount  of  people  she  meets , but  she'll  only  act  bitchy  or  mean  to  who  she  thinks  deserves  it  from  her , &  even  so  she'll  always  be  poised  &  controlled , as  she  likes  to  consider  herself  a  classy  person .        constantly tries  to  avoid  acting  out  of  impulse . being  an  impulsive  person  is  just  not  who  she  is , it's  not  smart  to  act  this  way .  there  are  consequences  for  everything , whenever  she   can , aria  wants  to  consider  if  she's  willing  to  deal  with  them .        she  loves  to  have  control  over  every  small  thing  in  her  life , otherwise  she  doesn't  know how  to  deal  with  it .        incredibly  loyal  and  for  her , loyalty  goes  beyond  small  daily  situations —  it  means  protecting  those  she  cares  about , helping  in  needed  situations , being  there  for  them  when  she's  required , and  in  some  cases , even  when  she  isn’t .
       although  being a loyal person , she’s  not  always  very  reliable  because  aria  tends  to  put  her  needs  before  others .        aria  is  completely  driven  by  her  ambitions  and  desires . she  won't  go  as  far  as  doing  whatever  it  takes  to  get  what  she  wants , but  she'll  be  willing  to  a  lot .
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amliyatdua · 1 year
Dua for Marriage Problems 
Dua for Marriage Problems      Dua (prayer) is an important part of Islamic practice and, if done correctly, can be a powerful tool in helping to resolve marriage problems. In this blog article, we will discuss how to properly use dua for marriage problems, and look at why it can be so effective. We will look at how dua for marriage problems can help married couples, husbands, and wives, looking…
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Effective Love Dua for Married Couples - Qurani Prayer
Introduction:- Dua for married couples having problems Dua for married couple Islamqa Introduction:- Assalamualaikum. dua for married couple having problems is the most asking dua for almost everyone who has done married. Marriage is the most beautiful thing that happens in the life of every human being. It is a marriage in which two souls live with each other and spend their lives with each…
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islamicloveduas · 3 months
Duas For Marriages With Problems – Divine Intervention To A Happy Married Life
Marriage is a special bond that brings two individuals together in a lifelong commitment. However, like any journey, the path of marriage is only sometimes smooth. So, couples may encounter various challenges that can strain their relationship. In times of difficulty, turning to faith and spirituality can provide solace and guidance. Duas, or supplications, hold immense significance in Islam and so are believed to have the power to alleviate marital problems. So read on, as we will explore some impactful duas for marriages with problems, aiming to seek Allah’s help in resolving conflicts and restoring harmony.
Understanding The Power Of Duas In Marriage
Duas are a means of communication between the believer and Allah (SWT). So, they are a way to express one’s needs, desires, and concerns. Thus, in troubled marriages, duas serve as a channel to seek divine intervention, guidance, and blessings. So, it’s essential to approach these supplications with sincerity, faith, and a genuine desire to reconcile and strengthen the marital bond.
Dua For Unity And Love In Marriage
Begin by performing ablution (wudu).
Then, Recite Surah Ar-Rum (30:21) seven times.
Then, Follow with the recitation of Ayat-ul-Kursi (2:255) three times.
Finally, Make a heartfelt dua, asking Allah to instill love, understanding, and unity in your marriage.
Niyyah (Intention): “O Allah, I seek Your guidance and mercy to bring love and unity into my marriage. Strengthen the bond between me and my spouse and remove any conflicts or misunderstandings. Grant us the wisdom to navigate challenges together.”
Dua For Patience And Endurance In Marriage
After performing wudu, recite Surah Al-Baqarah (2:286) three times.
Then, Follow with the recitation of Surah Al-Asr (103:1-3) seven times.
Finally, Make a dua, seeking patience and endurance to face challenges in your marriage.
Niyyah (Intention): “O Allah, grant me the strength to be patient during difficult times in my marriage. Help me endure challenges with grace and wisdom. Guide us towards resolution and understanding.”
Dua To Remove Negativity In Marriage
Begin with the recitation of Surah Al-Falaq (113) and Surah An-Naas (114).
Then, Recite the names of Allah, specifically Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiving) and Ar-Rahim (The Merciful).
Finally, Make a sincere dua to eliminate negativity, envy, or any harmful influences affecting your marriage.
Niyyah (Intention): “O Allah, I seek Your protection from negative forces impacting my marriage. Remove any feelings of resentment, envy, or ill-will. Replace them with Your mercy and blessings.”
Dua For Guidance And Wisdom In Marriage
After Isha prayer, recite Surah Al-A’raf (7:89) and Surah Ta-Ha (20:114).
Then, Engage in sincere dhikr (remembrance) of Allah, seeking His guidance.
Finally, Make a dua, asking Allah for wisdom and guidance in resolving conflicts and making decisions in your marriage.
Niyyah (Intention): “O Allah, bless me with Your divine guidance and wisdom. Illuminate our hearts and minds to make sound decisions in our marriage. Grant us the ability to understand each other better.”
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loveduaghar · 3 months
Powerful And Effective Dua To Stop Divorce ( 100% Working )
It is not easy to be separated from the person you love or who has become a part of your daily life. Marriage has a significant importance in Islam, this relationship connects the life of two persons and their respective families. This needs trust, compassion, and gratitude towards each other. But many times due to small misunderstandings things reach separation and after every possible attempt it can not be stopped. Hence, people seek help from Allah through dua to stop divorce. This dua resolves misunderstandings and conflicts between the partners. At loveduaghar.com we try to save the house of our Muslim brothers and sisters. With specific duas and wazifas from the Quran and Sunnah, various problems can be solved. However, couples fight over small things and when these things turn into big conflicts they become difficult to handle. Through proper guidance and advice from our guide Maulana Rijwan Khan, people have removed their chances of divorce and led a happy married life. 
Importance of Dua To Save Marriage
Dua is a spiritual practice that connects your soul with the Almighty. It makes a person believe that there is a divine power to secure them from hardships in life. People who engage in such practices live a happy life without many problems. However, dua helps make the bond stronger with your spouse and develop feelings. Following are some necessary things a couple should follow to make their marriage successful.
Open Communication:-Effective communication is vital for resolving issues in relationships. Take the time to listen to your spouse’s problems and communicate your feelings openly and respectfully. Avoid criticizing each other, and instead work together to discover answers.
Seek Counseling:- Professional counseling can offer tools and techniques for navigating marital challenges. Consider consulting a certified marriage counselor or an Islamic expert who can provide advice based on Islamic principles. This will help you understand the feelings of your partner more effectively.
Show Empathy and Understanding:- Empathy is essential to reconciliation. Try to understand and validate your spouse’s sentiments. Compassion can help close the gap and rebuild trust between partners. However, making dua consistently will allow you to make time for yourself to express your feelings. 
Spend Quality Time Together:- Reconnecting through shared activities might help improve your friendship. Make an effort to spend meaningful time together, perhaps through a common activity, a walk, or a simple lunch. Furthermore, try to take an interest in each other’s likes and dislikes.
Practice Patience and Forgiveness:- Patience and forgiveness are essential in any relationship. Be patient with one another and willing to forgive previous faults. Holding grudges might impede the mending process. As a result, treat your partner with kindness, gratitude, and respect.
Powerful Dua To Stop Divorce
There is no such dua in Islam for stopping the procedure of divorce. This situation arises due to trust issues, misunderstandings, and daily conflicts. Hence to solve these problems people read various duas to eliminate their divorce conditions. These will help them grow in their relationship with the help of Allah’s guidance and blessings. Dua to stop divorce is a prayer that you can create in your own words with honesty and calm. 
Dua for Reconciliation:- This dua helps in removing all the conflicts among the partners and remend their feelings. Through this dua, you can generate a sense of peace and gratitude towards your spouse. “Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j’alna lil-muttaqina imama.”
“Our Lord, grant us from among our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”
Dua for Love and affection:- Such supplications are made to rejuvenate the feeling of love between the partners. With the help of this dua, people connect their souls with the divine power and seek His blessing and mercy upon their marriage. “allahuma hababani ‘iilaa zawji wahabib zawji ‘ily”“O Allah, make me beloved to my spouse and make my spouse beloved to me.”
Dua for resolving conflicts:- This dua brings harmony and peace to a relationship. Muslim couples read this dua to solve their conflicts and develop a sense of deep understanding among themselves. “allahuma allf bayn qulubina wa’aslah dhat baynana wahidina subul alsalam”
“O Allah, reconcile our hearts, resolve our disputes, and guide us to the ways of peace.”
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sufimiyasahib · 5 months
islamic dua for marriage
Title: Illuminating Paths: Astrologer Sufi Miya Sahib's Insights on Marriage and Divine Intervention
Introduction: In the cosmic fabric of existence, where destinies intertwine and stars align, Astrologer Sufi Miya Sahib emerges as a guiding light, offering profound insights and spiritual guidance to seekers navigating the complexities of marriage and relationships. With his deep understanding of celestial forces and spiritual practices, he illuminates the paths of those seeking solace and resolution amidst life's challenges. This article delves into Sufi Miya Sahib's perspective on marriage and the transformative power of dua in overcoming obstacles and fostering harmony.
Subheading 1: The Sacred Union: Harnessing the Power of Dua for Married Couples Marriage is a sacred bond where two souls unite to embark on a journey of companionship and love. Sufi Miya Sahib recognizes the importance of nurturing this bond through divine intervention. Through the practice of dua for married couples, he invokes blessings from the heavens, strengthening the foundation of love and unity. This sacred supplication serves as a conduit for divine grace, fostering understanding, and deepening the connection between partners.
Subheading 2: Navigating Turbulent Waters: Resolving Marriage Problems with Dua Despite the sanctity of marriage, challenges may arise, testing the resilience of the bond between partners. Sufi Miya Sahib offers solace to those facing marital discord, guiding them through the storm with the power of dua. Through his spiritual insight and compassionate guidance, he assists couples in overcoming obstacles and finding common ground. The dua for marriage problems serves as a beacon of hope, paving the way for reconciliation, and restoring harmony within the relationship.
Subheading 3: Seeking Divine Intervention: The Quest for a Good Husband through Dua For individuals seeking companionship and a life partner, Sufi Miya Sahib offers spiritual guidance in their quest. Through the practice of dua for getting a good husband, he invokes divine blessings to align the paths of seekers with a compatible and virtuous spouse. This sacred invocation serves as a catalyst for divine intervention, guiding individuals towards a union blessed by celestial forces. With unwavering faith and devotion, Sufi Miya Sahib facilitates auspicious encounters and divine connections.
Subheading 4: Embracing Celestial Wisdom: Sufi Miya Sahib's Insights into Marriage and Astrology Beyond the realm of earthly affairs, Sufi Miya Sahib delves into the cosmic mysteries of astrology, offering profound insights into the dynamics of marriage and relationships. His mastery of celestial forces enables him to decipher the cosmic influences shaping the destinies of individuals. Through his compassionate counsel and spiritual teachings, he empowers seekers to navigate the intricacies of marriage with clarity and understanding. By aligning with the celestial rhythms, individuals can cultivate harmony, love, and fulfillment in their relationships.
Conclusion: In the tapestry of life's journey, Astrologer Sufi Miya Sahib emerges as a guiding light, offering spiritual insights and guidance to seekers embarking on the path of marriage and relationships. Through the transformative power of dua and his deep understanding of celestial forces, he illuminates the path towards love, harmony, and divine union. As we navigate the complexities of life's journey, let us embrace the wisdom of Sufi Miya Sahib, the guardian of celestial secrets, and the harbinger of divine grace.
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halaldua · 5 months
Dua For Success and Happiness in Marriage
In Islam, having a good marriage is really important. It's not just about two people getting together, but it's a big deal because it helps keep people on the right path and makes life better in many ways. Let's talk about why having a good marriage in Islam is so necessary and the good things that come from it. In this we will know how dua for successful marriage can help you in getting success in your marital life.
Significance Of Dua For Successful Marriage
Duas are like a shield that protects your marriage. By asking Allah to watch over you and keep your relationship safe, you're inviting His blessings and mercy into your lives. Dua for successful marriage help you stay away from things that could harm your marriage and make it stronger.
To sum up, saying prayers is really important for a happy marriage in Islam. It helps you ask for Allah's help, brings you closer as a couple, helps you get through tough times, makes you appreciate each other, strengthens your spiritual connection, and protects your marriage. By praying together, couples can make their marriage even stronger and happier with Allah's blessings.
Staying Good and Doing Right: Being married in Islam helps people stay away from doing bad things and keeps them focused on being good. When people are married, they can have a special relationship that's okay in Islam, and it keeps them from doing anything wrong.
Feeling Complete and Happy: The Prophet Muhammad once said that when you get married, you've done half of the important stuff in your religion. This means that being married can make you feel complete and happy, and it helps you grow as a person in your faith.
Making a Family and Having Kids: Getting married is the start of making a family in Islam. It's important because it gives kids a good home to grow up in. Families in Islam are supposed to be loving and teach kids about what's right and wrong.
Helping Each Other Out: When you're married, you have someone to help you with everything. You share your money and chores, and you support each other. This makes it easier to handle problems and be happy together.
Protecting Each Other's Feelings and Honesty: Being married means you promise to stay true to each other. It's a special bond that keeps you away from doing anything that might hurt your partner's feelings. You're loyal to each other, and that's important.
Showing Love and Being Kind: In Islam, marriage is all about love and being nice to each other. The Quran says that spouses should be loving and kind to each other. When you're married, you show love and care for each other, and that's really special.
To sum up, having a good marriage in Islam is super important because it helps people do good, stay happy, and build strong families. It's about being there for each other, staying true, and showing lots of love and kindness. By being good spouses, Muslims can make their marriages strong and happy, which is really important in Islam. You can visit our website to know more about dua for successful marriage in Islam.
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islamictantramantra · 9 months
Dua For Pregnancy Miscarriage Protection
Pregnancy Miscarriage Protection Dua, So many married people are happily married in their life and our very happy with each other. The couples are so in love with each other and their life goes on perfectly, but there might be one problem that certain couples would face. Pregnancy Miscarriage Protection Dua After people get married
For More Details Visit Now:- https://duaforexloveback.com/dua-for-pregnancy-miscarriage-protection/
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surahdua786 · 1 year
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surahduasd · 2 years
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amliyatdua · 11 months
Istikhara To Solve Marriage Problems In Islam
Istikhara, a deeply spiritual practise in Islam, helps with marital problems. It requires asking for help and praying to Allah for guidance. With true intentions, one opens their heart to accept signs or feelings that guide their actions. It helps match your choices with Allah's will, cultivate patience, and give you the strength to make important marriage decisions while preserving a strong faith and spirituality. Istikhara for marriage problems shows that heavenly direction is always there during instability.
Role Of Istikhara To Resolve Marriage Problems
Marriage is a foundation on which to build a life of mutual support, affection, and the discharge of one's civic duties. It's a measure taken to prevent immodesty and vice. The Quran describes it as a calm wellspring and the second half of one's faith.
The practice of istikhara is crucial to the survival of this holy institution. Istikhara is a method of praying for divine intervention in times of marital uncertainty or conflict.
How Istikhara can help modern couples with common Marital Problems
Due to changing society, technology, and lifestyle, modern couples come across several relationship issues. Some common issues:
Communication Issues: Busy schedules and digital distractions can cause miscommunication and conflict.
Financial Stress: Debt, financial priorities, and economic stress can strain a relationship.
Balancing Work and Family: Career and family needs can cause conflict. Stress and busy lives may limit emotional and physical intimacy. Parents sometimes disagree on parenting approaches and decisions.
Cultural differences: Traditions and expectations may confuse multicultural relationships.
Istikhara can help married people deal with these issues:
Guidance and Clarity: Istikhara helps couples gain clarity on issues, illuminating potential solutions and guiding them toward harmonious decisions.
Unity Through Prayer: Praying Istikhara together reinforces unity, emphasizing that both partners share the goal of seeking Allah's guidance and resolving issues.
Peace of Mind: The process of Istikhara can bring a sense of peace and calm, making it easier for couples to communicate and work through problems.
Conflict Resolution: Istikhara may reveal paths to resolution and compromise, providing guidance on reconciling differences.
Strengthening Trust: Istikhara for marriage problems can strengthen trust in the relationship as both partners rely on Allah's wisdom and trust His guidance.
How To Perform Istikhara For Divorce
Being able to do Istikhara for marriage problems is a simple but powerful process. For people who aren't familiar with the practice, here is a simple five Points to Consider: 
Begin with sincere and pure intentions.
Choose a time when you are in a state of ritual purity (wudu). Pray two units of non-obligatory prayer, preferably at night. Start with Surah Al-Fatiha and then recite Surah Al-Ikhlas in the first unit. In the second unit, recite Surah Al-Fatiha followed by Surah Al-Falaq.
After completing the prayer, recite the Istikhara dua, asking Allah for guidance in your specific matter. The dua is as follows: "Allahumma inni istakhira [mention your matter] khayrahu wa khayra ma suni'tu lahu, faqdurhu li wa yassirhu li thumma barik li fihi." (Translation: "O Allah, I seek Your guidance in [mention your issue], make it easy for me, and bless it for me.")
Perform this dua for 43 days and see how things will return in your favour.
Remember, Istikhara is a tool for seeking guidance and making decisions, especially in complex matters like marriage and divorce. You can visit our website to know more about istikharas and duas.
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postersdecinema · 2 years
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Onna no za
(O Lugar de Uma Mulher)
JP, 1962
Mikio Naruse
Retrato de Família
Onna no za, que pode ser traduzido por O Lugar de Uma Mulher, é um drama familiar japonês, de 1962, realizado por Mikio Naruse a partir de um argumento de Tochirô Ide e de Zenzô Matsuyama.
Um velho lojista de Tóquio vive com a segunda mulher e três filhas solteiras, além da nora viúva e um neto, gravitando ainda, em volta da família, mais duas filhas e um filho casados e ainda um enteado, que surge para lançar ainda maior instabilidade na família.
Uma família tão grande traz problemas inevitáveis, entre rivalidades, invejas, disputas sucessórias e financeiras, infidelidades, competições, etc. O velho casal, que esperava, com tantos filhos, ter uma vida tranquila na velhice, vê-se confrontado com uma intrincada teia de interesses, que os afasta progressivamente dos filhos interesseiros.
Uma reflexão interessante sobre a vida familiar, que é também um quadro pitoresco da sociedade japonesa, do início da década de 60, reminiscente, e seguramente influenciada, pela obra de Ozu, que tão bem retratou a mesma sociedade nas décadas anteriores.
Family portrait
Onna no za, which can be translated as A Woman's Place, is a 1962 Japanese family drama directed by Mikio Naruse from a script by Tochirô Ide and Zenzô Matsuyama.
An old shopkeeper from Tokyo lives with his second wife and three unmarried daughters, in addition to his widowed daughter-in-law and a grandson, still gravitating around the family, two more married daughters and a son and even a stepson, who appears to launch even greater instability. in the family.
Such a large family brings inevitable problems, including rivalries, envy, succession and financial disputes, infidelities, competitions, etc. The old couple, who hoped, with so many children, to have a peaceful life in their old age, find themselves confronted with an intricate web of interests, which progressively distances them from their selfish children.
An interesting reflection on family life, which is also a picturesque portrait of Japanese society, in the early 1960s, reminiscent of, and certainly influenced by, the work of Ozu, who so well portrayed the same society in previous decades.
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Free Dua To Make Your Husband Love and Obey You
It’s normal for married couples to go through their fair share of problems. Dua To Make Your Husband Love and obey you. For example, some couples find it hard to stay faithful to each other while others go through financial trials and tribulations. 
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islamicloveduas · 4 months
Duas For Marriages With Problems – Divine Intervention To A Happy Married Life
Marriage is a special bond that brings two individuals together in a lifelong commitment. However, like any journey, the path of marriage is only sometimes smooth. So, couples may encounter various challenges that can strain their relationship. In times of difficulty, turning to faith and spirituality can provide solace and guidance. Duas, or supplications, hold immense significance in Islam and so are believed to have the power to alleviate marital problems. So read on, as we will explore some impactful duas for marriages with problems, aiming to seek Allah’s help in resolving conflicts and restoring harmony.
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