howlerbat · 6 months
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so ironic that the things Flint does to ensure his plans go forward are often the things that become his undoing
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The Parson's Farewell Black Sails Musical Parallels | I. IV. VII. XXXVIII.
music variation note: this almost always plays as background music that exists within the scene itself. The exception to this being in VII, where it begins as tavern background music while Gates and Dufresne talk, and builds to become much grander, introducing the hurdy gurdy and more electric-sounding instrumentation as we cut back to Gates and Flint preparing for castoff.
I spent a year rewatching Black Sails and tracking all the bits of music that repeated at any point during the show, and my findings are reinforcing that Bear McCreary is a genius and this show should have been called 'parallels that will kill you over and over again'* (tag | chronological)
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tomateblack · 1 year
I know they unfortunately had to change actors but what I’m about to say is besides that. Dufresne has lost all his personality during s2, which is sad cause he was so compelling in s1. The fact that he intended to keep being a pirate without engaging in any violence was interesting, I was intrigued, like he really thought that just by his smarts he could manage to be in a ship and never pick up a gun or a sword. And the fact that for a while that worked for him. Like, the majority of pirates are illiterate, there are “jokes” mentioning how some of them can’t count. But Dufresne is very good at accounting, and he was so nervous during his first raid that I’m led to believe that that was his first use of violence. he became a pirate (a profession synonymous with violence) and expected to avoid using it: what happened, what led him here?? But then he became quartermaster, and S2 made it apparent how interchangeable he is now, they could have given the actor playing him now any other name and it wouldn’t change anything. He is now one more pirate. Or maybe that’s the point: to show that to be a pirate was to be demonized, ostracized. You are first and outcast of society and then no matter how much effort you put into not doing so following the path of violence is inevitable. You are an enemy not because of your own moral failing but because they needed one. You were labeled an animal and then you were made into one, not the other way around.  
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asterofthevoid · 1 year
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@illuminated-in-darkness and I did a thing.
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rocks-in-space · 1 year
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2x02 // 3x04
[Image ID: 6 Black Sails screencaps with text. The left side shows Flint talking to Dufresne on the deck of the warship. The text reads, "You have to sink her. You cannot just escape, you have to sink that ship. For if a single one of those men lives to tell the tale, no one will ever surrender before that flag again." The right side shows Flint and Silver in the Maroon cell. The text reads, "But I know what the woman who leads this place is facing right now. The weight of her people's welfare on her shoulders. She will not let us leave this place alive. She simply won't permit it. end ID]
Images from https://fancaps.net/
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doratonkslupingaunt · 2 months
It's kiss your mate day y'all
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storkmuffin · 7 months
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I do very much appreciate the fact that there are no inconsequential deaths in Black Sails. Every person that kills has to cope with the aftermath of what that does to the fabric of their little society. Well done, show.
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himbohaggins · 8 months
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sorry if someone's made this already
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French vintage postcard, illustrated by Paul Dufresne
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maremote · 1 year
Black Sails Monologuolympics BR1.1: Minor Characters
5/8: Garrett vs. Dufresne
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Garrett, to Billy, in 405: "You built all of this. The resistance. It wouldn't have worked without you. But part of what you built, it worked too well. Long John Silver. He said the reason Flint's fleet never got warning of the barricade in the harbor wasn't because Mr. Featherstone didn't relay it… wasn't because Max intercepted it. He said it was because you never sent it in the first place. I don't think anyone actually believed it. You weren't indicted based on the facts, or our suspicions of your motives. He just said it. Only, no one had the balls to defy him. I told them… I should be the one to do it. If it was gonna happen, I thought it should be a friend. But fuck it. I won't do it. You've all forgotten your oaths. They were given to this man… when that man was just a fiction. To hell with all of you who can't tell the difference! To hell with all of you!”
Dufresne, to Flint, in 203: "I suppose you warned me… didn't you? To avoid that course through the shipping lanes. Perhaps it was my hubris that drove me to it. To show you I had it in me to lead. But as I sit here, I'm forced to consider another possibility. That course we charted… perhaps none of us would have thought of it at all had you not raised it in the first place. That you orchestrated it all. The deaths, the destruction, the loss. All to achieve this very moment. Is it possible a man could do such a thing? Congratulations, Captain."
Other Polls in Bracket One Round One
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howlerbat · 10 months
We love to make fun of Silver’s “Flint controls the weather” monologue but can you imagine being Dufresne in this scene for a second
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Ex-Allies Black Sails Musical Parallels | IX. XXI. XXVII.
I spent a year rewatching Black Sails and tracking all the bits of music that repeated at any point during the show, and my findings are reinforcing that Bear McCreary is a genius and this show should have been called 'parallels that will kill you over and over again'* (tag | chronological)
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mirabilefuturum · 2 years
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your honour I love him
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rackhamsglasses · 2 years
My gf was hit with a wave of inspiration, I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I do
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Rose-Marie Perreault dans “La Cordonnière” biopic de François Bouvier - d'après la série de romans de Pauline Gill (1998) racontant l'histoire de Victoire Du Sault (1845-1908) créatrice des établissements Dufresne au Quebec - juillet 2023.
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my-turtleduck · 1 year
Dufresne is so babygirl coded with his cracked glasses and buzzcut
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