#Dry cleaners in Holloway
drycleanerslondonuk · 4 years
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pollylynn · 5 years
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Title: Damage Control WC: 1100
It happens in slow motion, the way nightmares do. He diverts from the elevator straight to the break room, because he knows that if she made it home at all last night, it can’t have been for long. He’s preoccupied with their amnesiac, with their murder victim’s wife and the O. Henry–level irony of her souped-up D-cups, and it happens in slow motion.
His first thought is that she’s wearing a white shirt. His second thought is that she almost never wears white, so of course the universe would be aligned against him this morning. His third thought is that she’s wearing a white shirt that is now positively soaking wet, and whatever size her cups are, there is definitely no souping-up necessary. This is also his fourth thought and his fifth thought and every thought stretching out into infinity until he realizes that she is going to kill him.
“I brought you coffee,” he says. He’d really like to congratulate himself on the fact that neither cup nor soup is among the words that race headlong out of his mouth, but—one, they are really very stupid words, and two, it wouldn’t matter if he was currently outdoing Lincoln’s Second Inaugural for eloquence, because she is going to kill him.
Just not right away, apparently.

“Thank you, Castle,” she says through her teeth, and then she’s . . . gone.
He stands there like an idiot with the two cups, and in some kind of Matrix-like blink, she’s all the way across the bullpen, headed for the locker room. He sets the cups down on her desk, then thinks better of leaving the incriminating evidence right there. He dashes in the opposite direction to dump them in the break room sink, then rushes back across the bullpen He takes the corner on to the hall that leads to the locker room at speed.
And runs straight into her again. Literally, full contact, straight into her again.
“Sorry!” His hands shoot out to steady her shoulders, then flinch immediately back as his mind fills up with not very helpful images of formerly white shirts and thoughts of his imminent death. “Beckett, I am so sorry.”
He’s saying it to her brown leather back. She’s gone again, and he wonders for a fleeting moment if this is all an anxiety dream. He’s not sure how else to explain her sudden ability to teleport, but just in case he trots after. He catches her outside the interview room and manages to skid to a halt in front of her, on the very threshold.
“I’ll pay for your dry cleaning,” he says in a voice as low and earnest as he can make it. She says nothing. “I’ll take it to the dry cleaners. All of it.”
He swallows heard, taking in the loose brown turtleneck she has layered under her jacket. He suddenly realizes what all of it must entail, because she was soaked to the skin, and there was more than just that white shirt between the outside world and her skin. There were . . . cups, and this is not helping.  
“I will take everything you own to the dry cleaners.”
She doesn’t answer his desperate blurt. She doesn’t acknowledge it. She moves his entire body with the tip of one index finger and steps past him into the room.
She maintains laser focus on the case after that. It’s not that she’s not talking to him, she’s just not talking to him about anything other than work.
That’s how it goes through the whole mini-lecture from Doc Holloway and the different facets of memory, and their Amnesiac of Interest’s new christening as Jay. It’s how things go when Esposito gives them the low-down on Rocco and forgery and some attaché pain in the ass they may never be able to touch. It’s how things go all damned day, even though he keeps snatching moments to offer everything he can think of.
“Laundry?” He tries to step into her line of sight as she exits the Ladies’ Room. “It’s not dry clean. It’s hand wash. I’ll do it. Hand wash, line dry, expert pressing.”
She doesn’t even spare him a glance.
“A replacement!” He offers as she jots details on the murder board. “It’s probably a total loss. I’ll replace it, of course.”
She looks right past him, that time, calling something pointless out to Esposito, just in case he’s not sure she’s ignoring him.
“My credit card,” he says from the hall outside the break room. She’s pouring herself coffee, and given the day he’s had, he’s maintaining minimum safe distance. “I give you my credit card, you get . . . whatever. I won’t even look at the statements!”
She arches an eyebrow at him and leaves via the other break room door.
By the end of the day he’s kind of had it. He’s gone from bracing for painful death to wanting to strangle her. It was an accident. He was trying to do something nice in the first place, and now he’s trying to make amends, and at this point it’s just mean not to let him.
He hunts her down to tell her so. He marches past interrogation and through he bullpen. She’s back in the break room, though. She’s standing by as Jay and Ryan make up the couch with blankets.
He hears her tell Jay I won’t give up on you, and the irritation drains out of him. He stands to one side of the door and puts his back to the wall. She comes out a moment later, lost in thought.
“I really am sorry,” he says quietly. “I won’t keep bugging you about it. But if you think of anything I can do—“
She stops with her back to him, then spins to face him.

“It was cheap. And old. And it was missing a button.” She shrugs and gives him a wicked grin. “I can’t sew on a button to save my life.”
“And yet you made me suffer for a day—a whole day!” He pushes off the wall and falls in step with her.
“Exactly a whole day.” She holds up her watch and he sees the big hand just sweeping past midnight. “That’s the price.”
“Pretty steep,” he says as he leans past her to punch the elevator button.
“You might be right.” She tips her head like she’s considering it. “I may have overcharged by one hot chocolate.”
“Hot chocolate.” He nods, trying to keep his smile in check. “Just so long as it has a lid.” 
A/N: Dumb dumb dumb dumb DUMMMMMBBBB. Hmmm.
images via homeofthenutty
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6 easy ways for a new hairstyle
To change your look, you could make up for New Year's resolutions to eat cleaner, train harder, and pack fewer pints. Snooze. Or you could throw everything away in your closet and start over. Expensive. You could even go under the knife. Uh, no thanks.
Fortunately, not all changes to reinvent yourself are so drastic (or painful). As some of the best hairdressers in the UK were too keen to tell us, a new hairstyle can make a big difference in your overall picture.
From swapping a bog standard snip to a fresh fade to pounding in one color with the next cut, here are six low-risk, high-yielding restyles to try this year.
The long and short of it
Are you worried that your search for a new haircut will result in a complete follicular #fail? The good news is that it does not just come from what's on top. The length on the back and sides can also improve both your face shape and the existing shape.
"Shorter back and side lengths are a great way to refresh the look without making drastic changes," says London barber Kyle Holloway. "You just sharpen what's already there so you can still keep your favorite style on top of it."
In order to make this a low-risk decision, you should consider features such as the size of your ears and the length of your face, to avoid that both look funny disproportionately. "Be sure to give proper advice to your hairdresser," adds Holloway, "they will be able to find something for their own face shape, as a style in a picture often needs to be adjusted."
The result: A smarter look that can change the shape of your face for the better, making it slimmer and more defined.
Fringe First
Although it's been a staple snipper since the 1990s (we blame Mama and her shells), the edge fell out of favor at the beginning of the decade, with new hairstyles like Pompadour and Tolle. The look, however, has made a comeback with many variations that are suitable for designing a range of face shapes.
"A pony is a good option if you are looking for something low risk, as if you do not like the look, you can always just push it back," says Joe Mills, founder of Joe and Co. In other words, the actual haircut is pretty standard, and the interest comes in the styling.
"Ask your hairdresser to provide you with a two-in-one haircut that will change with the way you style it," Mills suggests. This means that if you have a style that is already quite long at the front, you can now make the hair into a textured edge of some length. The alternative is of course to push it over or off the forehead (think of the awesome).
The result: A versatile haircut that can adapt to any weather and any formality.
Color me cool
More and more men looking for a new hairstyle are following the example of Zac Efron, Zayn Malik and Jonah Hill, daring to literally leap into a bucket of bleach. And while the choice of whole peroxide is not particularly low risk, there are many dyes on the market that are more suitable for commitment phobes.
"Dyeing is a process that's always best left to the professionals, but there are semi-permanent dyes that wash out and fade in six to eight weeks," says Mills, who proposes a product just for gray coverage is determined.
Bleached hair could be suitable for a range of styles, from buzz cuts to dreads, but it will not fly at any age and in any office, so consult the advice of your colleagues (or better, a barber) before You open the stuff.
The result: If you have the patience and research, this is a great temporary reinvention that will set you apart from the crowd.
Fade into a new you
Beyond growing out (and we're not sure how low-risk the unpleasant intermediate stage is), guys with short hair are often limited when it comes to options for rebooting. Fortunately, the sharpest hair movement of recent years will not fade so quickly: instead of a single length on back and sides, you opt for a cut that graduates from short to long.
Daniel Davies, general manager of Pall Mall Barbers, regularly suggests fading as a low-risk option to get a new look. "There are many different types of fades. For the least risk one should opt for a slight fading, which is about one centimeter from the natural hairline and can grow relatively quickly. "
Similar to a short back and sides, the results will not last long if you change your mind. However, if you choose to keep it, there are many ways to move to more extreme versions, such as: High Fades and even Skin Fades.
The result: An adaptable and trendy look that can highlight your bone structure while maintaining versatility at the top.
Call the Cabinet
If you are both metaphorically and physically tied to your curls, a new hairstyle does not have to be checked in after a cut. "A true low-risk move is simply changing the hair product you use to style," says Davies.
If you pick up a clay or paste every morning to get a textured finish, apply a smooth pomade or a wetlook gel for a shine-and-shine look. Also, try integrating different products and styling techniques to create new effects.
Dry shampoo and blow dry the hair for more volume on shorter to medium cuts, while the addition of sea salt spray to medium and longer styles provides texture. Take time to experiment to see what works best for you.
The result: Being able to hold the haircut you're used to means that you're more likely to play around with interesting styling.
Clean face, clean start
You do not want to separate your locks? Instead, try refreshing your face. Despite the indisputable popularity of beards, it's probably a good idea to give your face a bit of fresh air every now and then.
Not only will your skin care status decrease as long as you say strong facial hair, but the risk factor will be lower than with a completely new hairstyle, as the lint on your face grows much faster. "A shorter, lighter beard is easier to care for during the day and between the hairdresser visits," says Murdock hairdresser Alex Glover.
Depending on your face shape and the features you want to highlight, you can ask your barber to leave length in the chin to lengthen a rounder face, or switch to stubble to hide any gaps.
The result: A sharp look that enhances your face – and the beard can always regrow, if you prefer it.
6 easy ways for a new hairstyle
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
6 easy ways for a new hairstyle
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/6-easy-ways-for-a-new-hairstyle-3.html
6 easy ways for a new hairstyle
To change your look, you could make up for New Year's resolutions to eat cleaner, train harder, and pack fewer pints. Snooze. Or you could throw everything away in your closet and start over. Expensive. You could even go under the knife. Uh, no thanks.
Fortunately, not all changes to reinvent yourself are so drastic (or painful). As some of the best hairdressers in the UK were too keen to tell us, a new hairstyle can make a big difference in your overall picture.
From swapping a bog standard snip to a fresh fade to pounding in one color with the next cut, here are six low-risk, high-yielding restyles to try this year.
The long and short of it
Are you worried that your search for a new haircut will result in a complete follicular #fail? The good news is that it does not just come from what's on top. The length on the back and sides can also improve both your face shape and the existing shape.
"Shorter back and side lengths are a great way to refresh the look without making drastic changes," says London barber Kyle Holloway. "You just sharpen what's already there so you can still keep your favorite style on top of it."
In order to make this a low-risk decision, you should consider features such as the size of your ears and the length of your face, to avoid that both look funny disproportionately. "Be sure to give proper advice to your hairdresser," adds Holloway, "they will be able to find something for their own face shape, as a style in a picture often needs to be adjusted."
The result: A smarter look that can change the shape of your face for the better, making it slimmer and more defined.
Fringe First
Although it's been a staple snipper since the 1990s (we blame Mama and her shells), the edge fell out of favor at the beginning of the decade, with new hairstyles like Pompadour and Tolle. The look, however, has made a comeback with many variations that are suitable for designing a range of face shapes.
"A pony is a good option if you are looking for something low risk, as if you do not like the look, you can always just push it back," says Joe Mills, founder of Joe and Co. In other words, the actual haircut is pretty standard, and the interest comes in the styling.
"Ask your hairdresser to provide you with a two-in-one haircut that will change with the way you style it," Mills suggests. This means that if you have a style that is already quite long at the front, you can now make the hair into a textured edge of some length. The alternative is of course to push it over or off the forehead (think of the awesome).
The result: A versatile haircut that can adapt to any weather and any formality.
Color me cool
More and more men looking for a new hairstyle are following the example of Zac Efron, Zayn Malik and Jonah Hill, daring to literally leap into a bucket of bleach. And while the choice of whole peroxide is not particularly low risk, there are many dyes on the market that are more suitable for commitment phobes.
"Dyeing is a process that's always best left to the professionals, but there are semi-permanent dyes that wash out and fade in six to eight weeks," says Mills, who proposes a product just for gray coverage is determined.
Bleached hair could be suitable for a range of styles, from buzz cuts to dreads, but it will not fly at any age and in any office, so consult the advice of your colleagues (or better, a barber) before You open the stuff.
The result: If you have the patience and research, this is a great temporary reinvention that will set you apart from the crowd.
Fade into a new you
Beyond growing out (and we're not sure how low-risk the unpleasant intermediate stage is), guys with short hair are often limited when it comes to options for rebooting. Fortunately, the sharpest hair movement of recent years will not fade so quickly: instead of a single length on back and sides, you opt for a cut that graduates from short to long.
Daniel Davies, general manager of Pall Mall Barbers, regularly suggests fading as a low-risk option to get a new look. "There are many different types of fades. For the least risk one should opt for a slight fading, which is about one centimeter from the natural hairline and can grow relatively quickly. "
Similar to a short back and sides, the results will not last long if you change your mind. However, if you choose to keep it, there are many ways to move to more extreme versions, such as: High Fades and even Skin Fades.
The result: An adaptable and trendy look that can highlight your bone structure while maintaining versatility at the top.
Call the Cabinet
If you are both metaphorically and physically tied to your curls, a new hairstyle does not have to be checked in after a cut. "A true low-risk move is simply changing the hair product you use to style," says Davies.
If you pick up a clay or paste every morning to get a textured finish, apply a smooth pomade or a wetlook gel for a shine-and-shine look. Also, try integrating different products and styling techniques to create new effects.
Dry shampoo and blow dry the hair for more volume on shorter to medium cuts, while the addition of sea salt spray to medium and longer styles provides texture. Take time to experiment to see what works best for you.
The result: Being able to hold the haircut you're used to means that you're more likely to play around with interesting styling.
Clean face, clean start
You do not want to separate your locks? Instead, try refreshing your face. Despite the indisputable popularity of beards, it's probably a good idea to give your face a bit of fresh air every now and then.
Not only will your skin care status decrease as long as you say strong facial hair, but the risk factor will be lower than with a completely new hairstyle, as the lint on your face grows much faster. "A shorter, lighter beard is easier to care for during the day and between the hairdresser visits," says Murdock hairdresser Alex Glover.
Depending on your face shape and the features you want to highlight, you can ask your barber to leave length in the chin to lengthen a rounder face, or switch to stubble to hide any gaps.
The result: A sharp look that enhances your face – and the beard can always regrow, if you prefer it.
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