#Dry Season in Tanzania
renatours · 5 months
Best Time to Visit Tanzania: Choosing Between Dry and Rainy Seasons
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The Best Time To Visit Tanzania is during the long dry season, spanning from July to September. These months offer excellent weather conditions for various activities such as safaris, witnessing the Great Migration, and enjoying beach holidays in Zanzibar.
The Dry Season in Tanzania ensures clear skies, minimal rainfall, and comfortable temperatures, creating ideal conditions for outdoor adventures. However, it’s essential to note that these months coincide with peak travel season, resulting in higher rates and increased tourist traffic at popular destinations.
For travellers seeking a quieter Tanzania safari experience and lower rates, the short rainy season from the end of October to December can be an excellent alternative. During this period, the landscapes are lush and green following the rains, and wildlife sightings can still be rewarding. Although there may be occasional showers, they are typically brief and do not significantly impact travel plans.
In conclusion, whether you prefer the bustling atmosphere of the dry season or the quieter ambiance of the short rainy season, Tanzania Safari Tour offers unforgettable experiences year-round.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 8 months
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A Shoo-in Shoebill Stork
The shoebill stork, also known as the whalebill stork or Balaeniceps rex is in fact not a stork at all, but a long-legged wading bird belonging to the family Pelecaniformes. This species can be found in the central African tropics, from southern Sudan to northern Tanzania. Within this range, they mainly inhabit freshwater swamps and dense marshes, particularly those with deep water large reed beds.
Balaeniceps rex is often referred to as a dinosaur among birds due to its fearsome appearance. The average individual stands 1.1-1.4 m (3.6-4.5 ft) tall and has a wingspan of 2.3 to 2.6 m (7.5 to 8.5 in). However, adults are quite light, weighing only 4 to 7 kg (8.8 to 15.4 lb). Males tend to be larger than females, but otherwise the two sexes look identical. Adults have dark grey plumage with a lighter belly and darker wings. Their most striking feature is their beak, which is extremely large and can be said to resemble a wooden show (hence the name).
The shoebill's beak is very useful for catching its primary prey: fish. B. rex consumes a variety of species, including lungfish, catfish, and tilapia, as well as non-fish items like water snakes, frogs, turtles, mollusks, and even young crocodiles. Shoebills typically stalk their prey, or stand perfectly still and wait for their prey to come to them, before quickly snatching it up and decapitating it with the sharp edges of their beaks. Because of their large size and strong bills, adults are seldom prey for other animals, and they defend their nests fiercely from predators like snakes and other birds.
Outside of the breeding season-- and even during it-- shoebills are extremely territorial. Not only do they chase potential predators away from their nests, both males and females will fiercely defend their territory from other shoebills.
Breeding begins in the dry season, typically in in May, and lasts until about October. Once a male and female form a pair, they remain together for the duration of the mating season. They build a nest from floating vegetation, and 1-3 eggs are cared for by both parents; in addition to being incubated for warmth, one parent may also occasionally pour a beak-full of water over the eggs to keep them cool during the hot summer day. The eggs hatch about 30 days after being laid, and young are fed continuously-- though usually only one chick survives to adulthood. At 125 days old they become fully independent and leave to establish their own territories. The average individual can live up to 35 years in the wild.
Conservation status: The IUCN lists the whalebill stork as Vulnerable. Current wild population estimates sit at about 5,000-8,000 individuals. Primary threats include poaching for the zoo trade and consumption, habitat destruction, and pollution.
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birdstudies · 10 months
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November 23, 2023 - Swynnerton's Robin (Swynnertonia swynnertoni) Found in parts of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania, these chats live in mountain forests, often near streams. They eat mostly insects and other invertebrates, foraging on the ground or dropping onto their prey from a low perch. Breeding during the rainy season, females do most of the nest construction, building open cups from rootlets, dry and skeletonized leaves, moss, tree fern fibers, and stems in trees and shrubs. They lay clutches of two, or sometimes three, eggs, incubating them and brooding the chicks. Males provide some help feeding the chicks. They are classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN due to habitat loss and degradation in their small and fragmented range.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 5 months
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Elephants in Maasai Mara, Kenya. The elephant corridor in Maasai Mara runs between Kenya and Tanzania. Throughout the year, herds of elephants move along the pathway in search of food, water and safety. During dry seasons, when water and food become scarce in certain areas, the corridor becomes especially crowded as herds embark on long journeys in search of sustenance. The path is treacherous, with the threat of poachers and the challenges of human-wildlife conflicts. Maasai Mara’s rangers protect the elephants and are the unsung heroes of conservation
Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Manyara Ranch: African Wildlife Foundation
Good story from the African Wildlife Federation. Tap/click on the caption to get to the PDF version of the report.
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A long time ago, the people of Tanzania and their livestock adopted to living alongside wildlife. For millennia, the Maasai have tracked the movements of wildebeests to identify good grazing; the favorite hideouts of lions to avoid attacks on cattle; and the presence of oxpeckers to know if dangerous buffalo are nearby.
In the past 60 years, however, drastic changes have come to the Maasai Steppe, a large semi-arid grassland ecosystem in north-central Tanzania. Large-scale farms, the expansion of safari tourism, the creation of national parks, and restricted access to once communally used land have squeezed the rangeland available to livestock. With more cattle on less land, grasslands are becoming overgrazed. The spread of human settlements and agriculture have blocked age-old wildlife migration routes, leading to more frequent—and sometimes deadly—confrontations between people and animals. And climate change, which has intensified droughts and upended rainfall patterns, is escalating competition for green grass and fresh water, pushing even more pastoralists to agriculture.
Anchoring the Maasai Steppe are Tarangire and Lake Manyara National Parks, where the shores of the eponymous river and lake abound with wildlife in the dry season. The steppe is home to some of the world’s most abundant and diverse wildlife, including one of the largest—and growing– populations of elephants in Africa (recovering from heavy poaching in the 1970s and 1980s) and the only stronghold of the eastern white-bearded wildebeests. The ability to move between the parks and beyond them into the plains is crucial for the survival of many of the ecosystem’s most iconic species, including elephants and wildebeests. But safe, unimpeded pathways are becoming scarce. In between the two parks, in the all-important Kwakuchinja wildlife corridor, sits a patchwork of villages, farms, large herds of livestock, grasslands—and Manyara Ranch.
Since 2001, the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) has championed a unique conservation model for the ranch, starting with negotiations with the government to form a land conservation trust to make the ranch a conservation space. Beginning in 2013, we took over direct management of the ranch, balancing the working cattle ranch with habitat restoration and wildlife conservation—a new model for Tanzania.While Tanzania’s pastoralists generally are prohibited from bringing livestock into national parks, cattle are a nonnegotiable part of the region’s economy and culture. Therefore, successful conservation of land outside formal protected areas depends on the sustainable coexistence of livestock and wildlife, particularly along migration routes where wildlife move outside of the boundaries of the parks. Manyara Ranch is a vital link along one of those migration routes. It helps connect the national parks to each other and to the wet-season grazing grounds of the Northern Plains, described as the “last, best remaining breeding ground” for the ecosystem’s migrating wildebeest, zebras, gazelles, and others. In addition to the migrating animals that seasonally pass through, the ranch today is home to resident giraffes, lions, and many other iconic African species—as well as more than a thousand cattle.
The lease to the land is now held by the Monduli District Council, and the day-to-day running of the ranch is managed by the Manyara Ranch Management Trust, composed of representatives from the Monduli council, two local villages, the Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority, and AWF.
“The vision for a project like this is to bring management expertise to the local stakeholders. We want to think inclusively and really focus on creating local partnership in decision-making regarding operations,” said Pastor Magingi, AWF’s Tanzania Country Coordinator.
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campsajasafaris · 7 months
Discover Uganda: Wildlife Safaris & Gorilla Trekking Tours | Camp Saja Safaris
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Uganda is situated in the eastern part of Africa. It boasts a varied landscape that is truly captivating. This remarkable country provides numerous thrilling opportunities for exploration and observation. Its natural beauty is showcased through its diverse range of features. To name a few are its stunning nature reserves, captivating primates, majestic rivers, picturesque lakes, breathtaking beaches, and an abundance of wildlife.
Being a landlocked country, Uganda shares its borders with Kenya to the east, Congo to the west, Sudan to the north, and Tanzania and Rwanda to the south. The equatorial region in Uganda was gifted with lush rainforests, vast deserts, and magnificent waterfalls. Leading safari operators in Uganda collaborate with visitors, making their tours and safaris an effortless and ideal experience.
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Uganda offers incredible opportunities for game viewing and wildlife safaris. The diverse landscape supports a wide range of animals, including primates and gorillas. Tourists can expect to encounter over 75 different species of animals, including the famous Big Five (elephants, buffaloes, leopards, lions, and rhinos). Other species such as hippos and giraffes can also be found in Uganda's sanctuaries.
The country is home to several national parks, including Kedipo Valley National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Volcanoes National Park, and Murchison National Park. Murchison National Park, located in the northwest and situated on the shore of Lake Albert, is the oldest and largest park in Uganda.
Uganda safari holiday packages include Birding safaris. It offers the opportunity to spot a variety of bird species. Some notable birds include the Blue-headed Coucal, Giant and Malachite Kingfishers, Squacco Heron, Swamp Flycatcher, Sandpipers, Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill, Black-billed Barbet, Weaver Birds, Pied Kingfisher, Piapiac, Silver bird, Eastern Grey Plantain-eater, African Quail-Finch, Red-throated Bee-eater, Speckle-fronted Weaver bird, White-browed Sparrow Weaver bird, Black-headed Gonolek, Denham’s Bustard, and many more.
The Boating part of your Uganda safari holiday package takes you to the best places for sport fishing. It is a popular safari activity in Uganda. The Nile River provides excellent opportunities for fishing, especially when the water level is low and clear. Tour operators in Uganda can arrange boating safaris and fishing trips, allowing visitors to catch fish and witness the majestic giant crocodiles that inhabit the river.
The open grasslands of Uganda are a thriving ecosystem where predators and grazers coexist during the dry season. This unique encounter between different species is a sight to behold.
Uganda is renowned for its gorilla population, with approximately half of the world's gorillas residing in the country. The Gorilla safari part of your Uganda tours and safaris truly make you stunning. The chimpanzee trekking in Kibale Forest is a key attraction for primate enthusiasts.
Exploring the conservation areas surrounding the national parks on foot is a great way to immerse oneself in the natural beauty of Uganda. Ensure that you seize these indelible yet unforgettable moments with your camera.
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Several fascinating things are there to watch in Uganda. Leading Safari operators in Uganda are always conscious about providing the best service all the time. They are very knowledgeable about Wildlife, Birds, Trees, Uganda Society, Customs, and traditions about the country. They can lead you by offering the sights and experiencing things that some can dream of. The Tour Operators can make you feel relaxed, and amazed by the sights, sounds, smells, and greenery of nature.
Leading safari operators in Uganda like Camp Saja Safaris always try to provide tourists with new appreciation and understanding about the wildlife. This is where you can book a holiday tour with a great combination and your choice among various adventures. They help in finding suitable and convenient itineraries for the perfect destination as per the needs of the tourists and budget. They are very much conscious about the comfort of the visitors and foreign tourists. The most capable, friendly, and helpful guides at Camp Saja Safaris share their talent, experience, and understanding with clients. It will bring an awesome experience among the tourists which they take back home. They make sure that Uganda safari holiday packages are designed as per tourist’s satisfaction.
East Africa is a memorable destination that should not be missed. Camp Saja Safaris made a great contribution to their clients’ satisfaction. They are one of the leading safari operators in Uganda and offer various customized tour packages as per clients' needs! For any assistance in conquering your thoughts, and passion for nature and wildlife photography please get in touch with Camp Saja Safaris at +1 (443) 409 2106.
Content Source From: www.thelifestyle-blog.com
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kitanotours · 10 months
how to prepare for the climb
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First of all I want to make clear that we are talking about a pretty high mountain. As you know the weather in the mountains is very hard to predict and can often change very quick. In fact the temperature on the summit of Kili is usually below freezing, which means that you can face temperatures of -20°C on Uhuru Peak while having about +30°C down in Moshi. No matter which time of the year: you should always come well prepared. There are different seasons in Tanzania but not like the winter & summer season as we know it from Europe or North America. Due to its proximity to the Equator the year is divided into wet and dry season. Therefore the best time to climb Kilimanjaro is during the dry season between August and October as rainfall during that time is at its lowest and you have the highest chance of having clear views to and from the mountain. On the flip side said months are also the high season on the mountain which means it is also the busiest time of the year (by choosing a longer, less popular route it'll be more relaxed!).
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A Guide to Enjoy Exciting East African Safaris
Do you love watching African wildlife on Discovery or National Geographic Channel? How about seeing the wild animals from close on East African safaris? East Africa has the best safari destinations, like Tanzania and Kenya are worth visiting and exploring. See the world’s iconic wildlife and natural wonders on an East African safari. East Africa is home to the world-famous Serengeti National Park, Mount Kilimanjaro, the Maasai Mara Game Reserve, and the Ngorongoro.
Here is a guide that can help you make your African Safari a once-in-a-lifetime trip!
Which Destinations to Explore on an East Africa Safari?
East Africa has abundant wildlife and stunning wildernesses. Destinations like Tanzania and Kenya possess unique wonders.
The Great Migration Event in Tanzania and Kenya
Tanzania’s vast Serengeti and Kenya’s Mara ecosystems are vital for the annual wildebeest migration. Wildebeest Migration is the biggest show in the world, where millions of mammals migrate in a cycle in search of fresh grass and water.
Wildebeest migration helps you see the fight for survival for the animals in the wild.
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Visit Tanzania’s Serengeti or Kenya’s Masai Mara to see diverse wildlife and a varied ecosystem.
Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater
The Ngorongoro Crater plays host to incredible wildlife. The unique place is the largest unbroken caldera with fertile plains. You can see the African Big Five at the Ngorongoro Crater and many bird species.
When is the Time for an East African Safari?
When to go East Africa depends on what kind of safari experience you want! The northern circuit of Tanzania and Kenya has two rainy seasons. The best time to visit Tanzania or Kenya's north circuit is from July to October, November to December, and March to May. However, traveling during the off-season has some advantages. During the offseason, you can see fewer crowds and enjoy discounts.
Best time to See the Great Migration Event
River crossings are the main attraction of wildebeest migration. It is a sight to behold when thousands of animals cross the crocodile-infested rivers. Grumeti and Mara River Crossings of the wildebeest migration happen from July to October.
Best time to visit Kenya for Safaris
Kenya has many parks; the dry seasons are the best time to visit them. January-March and July- October are Kenya's dry seasons. The season is dry; game viewing is at its best. As the animals congregate in large numbers around the lakes, rivers, and water sources, it is convenient to locate them. You can see the animals from a safe distance because the vegetation is less dense.
Best time to visit Tanzania for Safari Expeditions
Tanzania's dry season runs from June to November. It is ideal for game viewing in Tanzania’s many national parks and reserves.
There are two distinct circuits in Tanzania with diverse weather patterns. The rainy season in the south circuit lasts from November to March. The dry season from June to November is the best time to visit. The animals tend to congregate around permanent water; the climate is not as hot and humid.
July to October, when the country is driest, is the best time to visit. Although this coincides with the migration river crossings, the grasses and bushes in all parks are at their least dense at this time, making it an excellent time to spot wildlife.
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What Makes Your East Africa Safaris Interesting?
The diverse wildlife:
East Africa is home to one-of-a-kind animals on land and in the water. The majestic lions of Kenya's Maasai Mara and Tanzania's Serengeti make for an authentic African wildlife safari. The countries of Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda in East Africa all have beautiful national parks where you can see many animals.
Islands and beaches
Between Kenya and Tanzania, the Indian Ocean has beautiful beaches and breathtaking views. The coastline is a hub for centuries-old trade routes connecting Asia and the Middle East and a gateway to an ancient world. Scuba dive among vibrant coral reefs, visit nearby cities or unwind on white-sand beaches.
Rich cultures
Tanzania has more than 119 tribes, Uganda has more than 55 tribes, and Kenya has more than 69 tribes. All of these tribes make east Africa a great place to go on a cultural safari in Africa. You can meet the East African people for unique cultural experiences.
During your safari tour of east African countries, you get an opportunity to observe some of the well-known tribes:
• The Maasai in Kenya and Tanzania
• The Hadzabe in Tanzania
• The Datoga in Tanzania
The Delicious Authentic Cuisines
East Africa has a unique global influence like Arabic, Indian, British, Chinese, Belgian, French, and German. It has an impact on the cuisine. Visit East African cafés and restaurants to explore the culinary choices.
Book the Best East African Safaris with EASTCO!
Consult to customize your East African safari with one of our knowledgeable staff to get the most out of your trip. EASTCO is a reputable African Safari Company; contact us at +255 687 723 488 to get well-planned East Africa safari Packages. Discuss your safari requirements to get one of the best East Africa Tour Packages!
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OVERVIEW OF THE SAFARI TARANGIRE NGORONGORO FOR TWO DAYS             This two-day safari will take you to Tarangire National Park and the incredible Ngorongoro Crater, where you'll have time to explore wildlife and interact with animals such as elephants, lions, giraffes, antelopes, and more. Visiting the crater will bring back memories because there are so many animals to see.
ABOUT TARANGIRE: The national park of Tarangire is well-known for having a large population of elephants and baobab trees. Visitors to the park can view sizable herds of zebras, wildebeest, and Cape buffalo during the dry season, which lasts from June to November. Other typical inhabitants include giraffes, dik diks, sea antelopes, Grant's antelopes, vervet monkeys, banded mongoose, and olive baboons. Predators in the Tarangire include lions, leopards, jaguars, caracals, badgers, and wild dogs. The oldest elephant to give birth to twins is in Tarangire. An excellent illustration of how the birth of two healthy, thriving twin elephants may overcome all obstacles is the recent birth of elephant twins in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park. 550 different species of birds live there. 2 days ngorongoro
A birder's paradise, the park. Another well-known feature of the area are the numerous termite mounds. Wildlife study mostly focuses on Masai giraffes and African woodland elephants. The protected area has been recognized as a Lion Conservation Unit since 2005.
June and October are the best months to visit Tarangire. Animals move from nearby locations into the park. When they are close to a river, wild animals are easier to see. nice and sunny conditions The risk of malaria is decreased and there are fewer mosquitoes. From June through August, warm clothing is necessary due to the chilly morning matches. OCTOBER AND MAY The vegetation is gorgeous and lush. Due of the low season, prices are low. Because migratory birds are here now, it's the greatest time to go bird watching. Since many animals leave the park during migration, the dry season is the best time to see wildlife. The height of the rainy season occurs from March through May. 2 days ngorongoro
NGORONGORO'S HISTORY One of the top locations in Africa to watch wildlife is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Additionally, it is among the top tourist destinations in Tanzania. The primary activities in Ngorongoro Conservation Area include crater rim hikes to view wildlife (which can take up to 6 hours), visiting nearby Maasai settlements, and playing the game of driving around and in the crater. He is who he is. One can also go to the Hadzabe tribe and see Lake Magadi, Lerai Fever Forest, Olduvai Gorge, shifting sand, Mount Gol, Olmoti Crater, Empakaai Crater, Ol Karien Gorge, Nasera Rock, Salei Plain, Oldeani Mountain, Lake Natron, and Ol Doinyo Lengai. A shallow lake with alkaline water, Lake Magadi is well-liked by flamingos.
Other birds including flamingos appreciate the lake's seclusion, salt water, and profusion of algae. Hyenas and jackals are two other creatures that frequent the lake to add salt to their diet. One uncommon, slender, pale yellow acacia tree makes up the Lerai fever forest. These trees are loved by animals like rhinos, bush antelopes, elephants, elands, hyraxes, and birds. Ash from Mount Ol Dionyo is what causes quicksand.
Visitors to the area will enjoy the stunning sight of this ash slowly moving across the broad plains. In addition to Ngorongoro, other significant craters in the region include Olmoti and Empakaai. These two craters are great for taking nature hikes, seeing wildlife, and seeing Maasai herders take care of their animals. It proceeds along Thousands of zebras and wildebeest use this area as a main migration path as they go to and from the Serengeti grasslands. An old shelter was found by the Leakey family during one of their digs in the Ol Doinyo Lengai Mountains, which are close to the Kenyan border. Daring climbers flock to these isolated mountains, which are still active, to view the main crater filled with lava. travel to Maasai land Visit the villages of the Hadzabe tribe near Lake Eyasi for an amazing cultural trip in Tanzania. These bushmen still rely on hunting and gathering for their survival. Whistles and clicks make up the majority of their language. Near by Datoga and the Mbulu, who depend on farming and pastoralism for a living, dwell the Hadzabe. You might love our Serengeti and Ngorongoro Safari 3-Day Package if you're soon planning a vacation to the Ngorongoro Crater. We also provide a wonderful 6-day gorilla tour and a safari package that includes the Ngorongoro and Serengeti.
TIME TO VISIT NGORONGORO AT ITS BEST The greatest time to visit Ngorongoro Crater is in JANUARY since that is when the wildebeests are laying their eggs. The newborn animals struggling to stand up have fantastic photo chances because the herds are "mass spawning" on the lush plains just outside the crater. Between the two rainy seasons in the area, January and February might generate a dry season between "short rains" and "long rains.
February is one of the driest months at the crater before the rainy season begins in late March. It's a great time to view the wildlife, especially lion and hyena predators getting ready to hunt dense herds. In order to avoid crowds and enjoy a fair price, March is recognized as one of the finest months to visit Ngorongoro Crater. The crater is transformed into an emerald wonderland by the "long rains," which start in late March and last through April and May
The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is best visited in the month of June. There are fewer people on game drives now that the "long rains" have stopped. Peak season for the Ngorongoro Crater Expedition doesn't start until late June or early July. The colder weather this month makes it the perfect time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, a well-liked addition. for the hunting expedition to Ngorongoro Crater
The months of JULY and AUGUST are the busiest for visitors to Ngorongoro Crater, and lodging in the area is typically very empty during these times. During the dry season, the visibility of wildlife along the arid plains and their frequent excursions to waterholes draw tourists from all over the world. Leopards, lions, rhinos, buffaloes, and other animals are frequently seen at this time of year.
Although SEPTEMBER is the beginning of spring, it still falls in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area's typical dry season. It can get chilly in Crater at this time of year. The crater's bottom has become a dusty bowl due to the recent dry weather, and the grasslands have gone yellow. October is a transitional month for the weather at Ngorongoro Crater, with the long dry season's peak occurring at the beginning of the month and the "brief rains" starting shortly before November.
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Top Most Guide to Experience the Wildlife at Lake Manyara National Park
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Being the seventh largest lake in Tanzania, Lake Manyara National Park is ample in wildlife and beautiful landscapes. Undoubtedly Lake Manyara is one of Northern Tanzania’s best safari destinations.
The total area is 330 sq. km out of which 200 sq. km is covered by Lake Manyara. Lake Manyara National Park is home to over 2 million flamingos, which come here every summer for breeding. The center of attraction is Lake Manyar, a National Park.
If you are wondering why Tanzania Safari Tours is on your bucket list, here are some reasons to visit!
Top Reasons to Visit Lake Manyara National Park!
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It’s an Uncrowded Park
The best thing about Lake Manyara National Park, unlike any others, is that it is not very crowded. Fewer crowds mean you get a more peaceful environment.
Witness the Flamingo’s Paradise!
Lake Manyara is home to over 1.9 million flamingos. The lake is an alkaline lake, so a huge number of flamingos come here to feed algae.
Typically, the flamingos that can be seen here are pink-hued and lesser and greater.
Apart from flamingos, Lake Manyara is also home to more than 250 bird species. Some of the names are –African Spoonbill, crowned eagle, Silver cheeked hornbills, Gray-crowned cranes, Martial Eagles, Barbets, Pelican, and so many others.
Lake Manyara National Park is a dream place for birding. The best month to spot all these bird species is March and April.
An Abundant Number of Animals
Lake Manyara National Park is not only a flamingo paradise but it is also home to a large variety of wild animals. The animals that can be seen here are –lions, leopards, buffaloes, hippos, zebras, impalas, wildebeest, bushbucks, squirrels, monkeys, waterbucks, and mongooses.
Besides Lake Manyara National Park Wildlife, tree-climbing is also a major attraction to tourists.
How You Can Get Into Lake Manyara National Park
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Lake Manyara National Park is highly accessible both by road and air.
By road- Lake Manyara National Park is located southwest of Arusha town. The distance between Lake Manyara National Park and Arusha town is 126 km, just a 90-minute drive.
By Air –The nearest airport that connects to Lake Manyara National Park is Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA). This airport is just 46 km away from the town of Arusha.
Tourists can also come from Julius Nyerere International Airport (DAR) Dar-es-Salam to Arusha Airport (ARK).
The other option is you can choose charter flights that connect Manyara Airport (LKY) to Arusha town.
Flights Options For US Citizens
Visitors coming from the US can come to Lake Manyara by choosing Turkish Airlines or Amsterdam Airport. 
Best Time to Visit Lake Manyara National Park
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Lake Manyara is a year-round destination. Still, we recommend you transform it from June to March (Dry Season).
During this season rainfall keeps the road in good condition. It’s the perfect year to experience canoeing and bird watching.
The dry season is also considered the ask season as the number of visitors is high. During the dry season, a large number of wildlife can be seen across the lake near the water holes.
Activities to Experience in Lake Manyara Park
Despite being a small lake, Lake Manyara offers a wide range of activities that includes a game drive, canoe ride, fishing, a photographic safari, birding, nature walks, cultural tours, and many more.
Game Drive In Lake Manyara National Park
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Lake Manyara is an excellent destination for a game drive where tourists can here enjoy morning game drive and afternoon game drive.
The morning game drive usually starts at dusk, near about 6 am, it lasts at 11 pm. The breakfast can take their breakfast before the gamer drive or they can return to the lodge for it.
The wildlife that can be seen on morning game drives are Zebras, elephants, hippos, monkeys, hyenas, and baboons.
Night Game Drive In Lake Manyara National Park
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Yes, tourists can go on a night game drive in Lake Manyara National Park. On a night game drive, tourists can spot animals like Lions, leopards, genets, civet cats, and hippopotamus.
Meet The Masai People During Lake Manyara Safari
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Visitors can also interact with the Maasi People during their cultural visit. Tourists can also visit the nearby town Mto wa- mbu, where they can buy the handicraft items of the Masai tribe.
The activities that are included in Masai Village are visiting local markets and visiting craft shops.
Tourists can also ride local taxis popularly known as Tuk Tuk. Interaction with the Masai people is also a part of your Lake Manyara visit.
Experience A Canoe Ride At Lake Manyara National Park  
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If you are visiting Lake Manyara National Park, you should not miss the canoe ride. It is a unique way to witness thousands of flamingos that live on this lake.
Tourists can also see the elephants, hippos, giraffes, and other animals on the shore of Lake Manyara. On the calm water of Lake Manyara, a canoe ride feels like time has slowed down.
Now if you’re thinking canoe ride is safe or not it is safe. The answer is yes, a canoe ride is safe. An experienced poler will always be standing on the edge of the canoe. He will not just show you the wildlife, but also he will explain the ecosystem to you. 
Visitors have to pay an amount of 24 USD for a canoe ride. For children, the fee is 11 USD.
Go On a Nature Walk At Lake Manyara
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A nature walk at Lake Manyara is also an integral part of wildlife safari in Tanzania.
Visitors can explore the vast wildlife of this park on foot. They will be accompanied by a ranger guide.
This is the best way to explore the different and the best wildlife of Lake Manyara.
To plan your Tanzania safari tour to Lake Manyara National park, contact us today at- +255 (0) 784 413 801 or email:  info@africanscenicsafaris.
Lake Manyara National Park is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Tanzania. What makes this national park unique is the richly diverse wildlife, best game drive, and other adventure activities. It is also the perfect destination for those who love birding. If you want to witness Tanzania’s authentic wildlife there can be no better place than Lake Manyara.
For more information, you can visit our website African Scenic Safaris. We provide an unbeatable Tanzania Safari experience. Our team is ready to make your safari experience as unique as you are!
You can also check our other Tanzania safari blogs for more information-
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eriadav · 13 hours
Ultimate guide to Nyerere national park on a Tanzania wildlife safari
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Travel Company: DAV Safaris
Website: www.davsafaris.com
Tel: +256757795781 or +256701412430
Nyerere National Park, formerly known as Selous Game Reserve, is one of Tanzania's largest and most pristine protected areas to explore on a Tanzania wildlife safari. Spanning over 30,000 square kilometers, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is renowned for its stunning landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and rich wildlife. Tanzania wildlife safari to Nyerere national park offers a unique opportunity to explore a relatively untouched wilderness, making it a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers.
Nyerere National Park is located in the southern part of Tanzania, bordered by the Rufiji River and the Selous Game Reserve. The park is easily accessible from Dar es Salaam, the country's largest city. Visitors can reach Nyerere by scenic road drive from Dar es Salaam takes approximately 5-6 hours. The roads are generally in good condition, but a 4x4 vehicle is recommended for optimal comfort. Several airlines offer domestic flights from Dar es Salaam to airstrips within the park, such as the Rufiji airstrip. This option significantly reduces travel time, allowing for more time to enjoy the park.
Things and wildlife to see in Nyerere national park on a Tanzania wildlife safari
Nyerere National Park is characterized by a variety of ecosystems, including dense forests, open savannahs, wetlands, and the winding Rufiji River. This diversity supports an impressive array of wildlife.
Lions: The park's lion population is thriving, and visitors have excellent chances of spotting these magnificent predators on game drives.
Elephants: Nyerere is home to one of the largest elephant populations in Africa. Herds can often be seen near water sources, particularly during the dry season.
Buffalo: Large herds of Cape buffalo roam the park, providing thrilling sightings for visitors.
Leopards: Although elusive, leopards can be spotted, especially in the park's wooded areas.
Rhinoceros: While the black rhino population has decreased due to poaching, conservation efforts are underway to protect these magnificent creatures.
Activities in Nyerere National Park on a Tanzania wildlife safari
Game Drives
Game drives are the most popular way to explore Nyerere National Park. With experienced guides, visitors can traverse the park's vast landscapes, searching for wildlife. Early morning and late afternoon are the best times for game drives, as animals are more active during these cooler hours.
Boat Safaris
Exploring the Rufiji River by boat offers a unique perspective on the park's wildlife. Boat safaris allow for close encounters with hippos, crocodiles, and various bird species. This peaceful experience provides opportunities for photography and relaxation.
Walking Safaris
For those seeking a more immersive experience, walking safaris offer the chance to explore the park on foot. Guided by knowledgeable rangers, visitors can learn about the flora and fauna while tracking wildlife. This intimate experience allows for a deeper understanding of the ecosystem.
Cultural Experiences
Engaging with local communities can enhance your safari experience. Many tour operators offer cultural visits to nearby villages, where you can learn about the traditions and lifestyles of the indigenous people. This interaction provides valuable insights into the region's culture and conservation efforts.
Accommodation Options on Tanzania wildlife safari in Nyerere national park
Nyerere National Park offers a variety of accommodations to suit different budgets and preferences:
Luxury Lodges
Rufiji River Camp: Nestled along the banks of the Rufiji River, this luxury camp offers stunning views and personalized service. Guests can enjoy spacious tents, gourmet dining, and various activities, including guided game drives and boat safaris.
Selous Safari Camp: This exclusive lodge provides a blend of luxury and wilderness, with elegant tents set in a private concession. Guests can partake in activities such as walking safaris and fishing.
Mid-Range Options
Selous River Camp: Located on the banks of the Rufiji River, this camp offers comfortable accommodations and excellent wildlife viewing opportunities. Activities include game drives, boat safaris, and walking safaris.
Mivumo River Lodge: Offering well-appointed rooms and a beautiful setting, this lodge provides a range of activities, including guided tours and cultural experiences.
Budget Camps
Camping Safaris: For the adventurous traveler, several tour operators offer camping safaris within the park. This option allows for an immersive experience in nature while keeping costs down.
Best time to visit Nyerere national park on a Tanzania wildlife safari
Nyerere National Park can be visited year-round, but the best times to visit are during the dry season, which runs from June to October. During this period, wildlife is more easily spotted as animals congregate around water sources. The weather is generally pleasant, with little rain and cooler temperatures.
Shoulder Seasons
May and November: These months mark the shoulder seasons, with fewer tourists and the possibility of spotting migratory birds. However, some roads may be muddy, so a 4x4 vehicle is recommended.
Wet Season
December to April: The wet season brings lush vegetation and excellent birdwatching opportunities. While wildlife viewing may be more challenging due to thick foliage, newborn animals can often be seen during this time.
What to Pack for Tanzania wildlife safari to Nyerere national park
Clothing: Light, breathable clothing is recommended for daytime, while warmer layers are advisable for cooler evenings. Neutral colors are best for blending into the environment.
Footwear: Comfortable walking shoes are essential, especially for walking safaris.
Binoculars and Camera: Bring binoculars for wildlife viewing and a camera with a zoom lens
Book Tanzania wildlife safari to Nyerere national park with DAV Safaris
Book your unforgettable Tanzania wildlife safari to Nyerere National Park with DAV Safaris and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Discover breathtaking landscapes and encounter diverse wildlife, including the magnificent Big Five, on expertly guided game drives and exhilarating boat safaris. With DAV Safaris' unwavering commitment to conservation and personalized service, you’ll enjoy an enriching journey through one of Africa's most pristine national parks. Don’t miss this chance to create lasting memories
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matukioadventures · 13 days
When is the Best Time to Go on a Wildlife Safari in Tanzania?
Planning your Tanzania wildlife safaris is an exciting adventure, but timing is everything. At Matukio Adventures, we believe that understanding the best time to embark on your safari can make all the difference in your experience. Whether you're hoping to witness the Great Migration, spot the Big Five, or immerse yourself in Tanzania's diverse landscapes, the right timing ensures an unforgettable journey.
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Tanzania is a year-round destination for wildlife enthusiasts. However, if you're looking for optimal game viewing, especially during the dry season, we recommend visiting between June and October. During this period, animals gather around water sources, making it easier to spot wildlife. The Serengeti, home to one of the most famous Tanzania wildlife safaris, comes alive during these months, and our team at Matukio Adventures will guide you to the best locations for spectacular sightings.
If you’re eager to witness the iconic Great Migration, the months of July to September are your best bet. This is when over two million wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles cross the Mara River, creating one of nature’s most awe-inspiring spectacles. At Matukio Adventures, we specialize in getting you up close to the action, making sure you don’t miss a moment of this breathtaking event.
For those looking to experience the lush beauty of Tanzania's landscapes, the green season from November to March offers a different kind of magic. The rains bring life to the savannah, and it’s the perfect time for birdwatchers to enjoy the vibrant migratory birds that arrive during this season. At Matukio Adventures, we take pride in customizing our Tanzania wildlife safaris to ensure that every moment of your trip is tailored to your preferences.
Ultimately, the best time for your Tanzania wildlife safari depends on what you hope to experience. No matter when you choose to visit, Matukio Adventures is committed to providing an unforgettable safari experience. From the dry season’s ease of wildlife viewing to the green season’s vibrant landscapes, we’ll be there every step of the way to make sure your adventure is as extraordinary as Tanzania itself.
Let Matukio Adventures be your guide to exploring the incredible wildlife and natural wonders that Tanzania has to offer.
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Tanzania Balloon Safari: A Floating Journey Through the Serengeti
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Take your Tanzania safaris experience to the skies with a Tanzania balloon safari. Floating above the vast plains of the Serengeti offers a breathtaking view of wildlife and the natural beauty of Tanzania. This is the perfect way to enhance your safari adventure.
Why Choose a Balloon Safari Adventure in Tanzania?
Unparalleled Views – When you soar above the Serengeti, you'll witness the vastness of the plains, the winding rivers, and the iconic acacia trees from a bird's-eye view.
Intimate Wildlife Encounters - As you float gently, you will get a chance to observe wildlife in their natural habitat without disturbing them. You can spot herds of wildebeest, zebras, giraffes, and even predators like lions and leopards.
Serene and Peaceful - A balloon safari tour offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. While visiting there, you can enjoy the peacefulness and serenity as you drift above the African savanna.
Luxury Experience - Most balloon safaris include a champagne breakfast served in the bush after landing. You can enjoy a delicious meal while savoring the breathtaking scenery.
When is the Right Time for a Tanzania Balloon Safari?
The right time for a balloon safari in Tanzania is during the dry season which runs from June to October. The sky remains clear during this time, offering optimal conditions for balloon tours. However, you can enjoy safari adventure year-round, with each season offering unique experiences.
What to Expect on a Balloon Safari?
Typically, a balloon safari begins early in the morning. You'll be picked up from your accommodation and transported to the balloon launch site. After briefing about safety, you'll board the hot air balloon and take off into the sky. As you ascend, the panoramic views of the Serengeti will amaze you. Your experienced pilot will navigate the balloon, allowing you to enjoy a safe and enjoyable flight.
Get ready to enjoy a champagne breakfast in the bush after your hot air balloon flight. This refreshing breakfast can allow you to relax, savor the delicious food, and reflect on your unforgettable experience.
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How Do You Plan Your Balloon Safari?
Book in Advance - Balloon safaris are popular tour itineraries in Tanzania. So it's essential to book your trip well in advance, especially if you are traveling during peak season.
Dress Appropriately – You should wear comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes. Bring a hat and sunscreen to protect for sun protection.
Capture the Moments – You should never forget to bring your camera to capture the beautiful scenery and wildlife encounters.
Respect the Environment – You need to be mindful of the environment and avoid disturbing wildlife.
For a one-of-a-kind adventure, choose a Tanzania Balloon Safari with Kei Tours and Safaris. Experience the best of Africa, whether you’re embarking on a Tanzania camping safari or Tanzania mountain climbing expedition. Contact us for more information on Tanzania safari cost and to book your unforgettable experience.
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Explore The Best Time to Visit Tanzania With Our Travel Experts
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Planning a trip to Tanzania? And wondering what time of the year is the Best Time to Visit Tanzania? Tanzania is great to visit almost any time of the year.
But when is the Best Time of The Year to Visit Tanzania? Well, the answer depends on your interests and the experiences you seek. In this post, we’ll break it down month by month to help you plan the perfect Safari In Tanzania.
Tanzania is an all-year destination. However, from June to October (the dry season) is usually the best time to visit. This is because the foliage is less thick and it is easier to spot wildlife. The Great Wildebeest Migration is in Tanzania (Serengeti) for 8 months of the year, and usually, the best time to see it is in June – July. If you wish to see the calving season, January to early March is the best time to visit (Ndutu area).
Month By Month Guide To Travelling In Tanzania
June to October – Dry Season: These are the Best Month For Tanzania Safari to see the wildebeest migration
August to September is the best time to see the wildebeest river crossings in northern Serengeti. Animals are easier to spot since they concentrate around waterholes and rivers
January-February is the time to see the calving in the southern Serengeti, and an excellent time to see predator action
March to May is the peak of the Wet season. Wildlife viewing in Tarangire, Katavi, Selous, and Ruaha is better during the Dry season
Now that you know When the Best Time to Visit Tanzania is, it’s time to plan your dream safari or cultural adventure. If you’re passionate about preserving this stunning natural beauty for future generations and want to make a positive impact on the environment and local communities, consider booking your trip with Sumbi Extra Miles Safari.
So start planning your amazing Tanzania Safari Vacations with today! We provide the best customized and tailored packages and Tanzania Travel Guide which suits your needs and interests to make your trip successful.
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canawaystravelsblog · 18 days
Honeymoon Safari Africa: An Unforgettable Adventure for Couples
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Planning a honeymoon is often about choosing the perfect balance of adventure, romance, and luxury. For newlyweds seeking an extraordinary experience, a honeymoon safari in Africa offers an unparalleled blend of romance and adventure. Africa, with its vast landscapes, exotic wildlife, and stunning luxury lodges, has become a dream destination for honeymooners looking for something beyond the typical beach getaway. Let’s explore what makes a safari honeymoon in Africa truly magical.
1. Why Choose Africa for a Honeymoon?
Africa is not just a destination—it’s a journey into some of the world’s most captivating landscapes. From the golden savannahs of Kenya and Tanzania to the lush wetlands of Botswana and the dramatic deserts of Namibia, the continent offers a rich variety of ecosystems. Whether you’re a couple who loves adventure or prefers tranquility, Africa has something to offer.
Diverse Wildlife: Imagine waking up to the sounds of nature, with elephants roaming nearby, lions basking in the sun, and giraffes strolling gracefully across the plains. A safari allows honeymooners to witness the iconic Big Five (lion, elephant, leopard, buffalo, and rhinoceros) up close, creating memories that last a lifetime.
Luxury Lodges and Camps: Africa’s safari lodges are designed to pamper newlyweds. From private plunge pools and open-air showers to candlelit dinners under the stars, these accommodations provide every luxury you could wish for, often surrounded by stunning views of the African wilderness.
Exclusive Experiences: A honeymoon in Africa can include private game drives, hot air balloon safaris, and even bush dinners arranged just for two. Many lodges also offer couples' spa treatments, allowing you to relax and unwind after an adventurous day.
2. Top Destinations for a Honeymoon Safari in Africa
When planning your African honeymoon safari, consider the following destinations, each offering unique experiences:
a. Kenya & Tanzania – The Serengeti and Maasai Mara
Kenya and Tanzania are home to the famous Serengeti and Maasai Mara ecosystems, where you can witness the annual Great Migration of wildebeest and zebras—a natural spectacle like no other. The open plains and breathtaking sunsets make these locations perfect for a romantic getaway.
b. South Africa – Kruger National Park
South Africa is renowned for its Kruger National Park, one of the largest and most popular safari destinations in the world. Couples can enjoy a combination of safari and luxury at private reserves adjacent to the park, where exclusivity and exceptional service create the perfect honeymoon setting.
c. Botswana – Okavango Delta
For a more intimate and remote experience, Botswana’s Okavango Delta offers a safari unlike any other. Known for its waterways, you can explore the delta in a traditional mokoro (dugout canoe) while spotting hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of bird species. It’s a serene and peaceful honeymoon experience.
d. Namibia – Sossusvlei and Etosha National Park
For couples who love dramatic landscapes, Namibia offers endless deserts, towering sand dunes, and fascinating wildlife. The Sossusvlei region is famous for its red dunes, while Etosha National Park is one of the best places to spot big cats and elephants. A honeymoon here offers both adventure and solitude.
3. The Best Time for a Honeymoon Safari in Africa
The timing of your honeymoon safari is crucial to getting the best experience. Africa’s seasons vary depending on the region, but generally, the dry season (June to October) is the best time for game viewing as animals gather around water sources.
East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania): The best time to visit is during the Great Migration from July to October.
Southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana): The dry season from May to September offers excellent wildlife sightings, while the green season (November to April) is perfect for birdwatching and dramatic landscapes.
Namibia: The cool winter months (May to September) are ideal for exploring the deserts and wildlife parks.
4. What to Expect on a Honeymoon Safari
A honeymoon safari offers a unique blend of romance, adventure, and relaxation. Here’s what to expect:
Morning and Evening Game Drives: Safaris typically include two game drives per day, where expert guides take you through the wilderness in open vehicles. The early mornings and late afternoons are prime times for wildlife sightings.
Romantic Bush Dinners: Many lodges offer private bush dinners where couples can enjoy gourmet meals under the African sky, often accompanied by the distant sounds of wildlife.
Hot Air Balloon Rides: Floating over the savannah at sunrise in a hot air balloon is a breathtaking experience that offers panoramic views of the landscape and wildlife below.
Cultural Experiences: Some lodges offer cultural visits where honeymooners can meet local tribes such as the Maasai in Kenya or the Himba people in Namibia, adding a meaningful connection to the local culture.
5. Tips for Planning Your African Safari Honeymoon
To ensure your honeymoon safari is everything you’ve dreamed of, keep these tips in mind:
Book Early: Safari lodges tend to have limited capacity, especially during peak seasons, so book your accommodation well in advance.
Choose a Tailored Itinerary: Work with a safari specialist to create a customized itinerary that includes activities and destinations tailored to your preferences.
Pack Smart: Light, neutral-colored clothing, comfortable walking shoes, and plenty of sunscreen are essential for a safari honeymoon. Don’t forget a good camera to capture all the wildlife moments.
A honeymoon safari in Africa offers the perfect blend of romance, adventure, and luxury. Whether you’re watching the sunset over the savannah, embarking on a thrilling game drive, or enjoying a romantic dinner in the bush, Africa promises a honeymoon like no other. With its incredible wildlife, stunning landscapes, and luxurious accommodations, it’s the ideal destination for newlyweds looking to start their lives together with an unforgettable adventure.
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Best Tanzania Wildlife Adventure Tours are the Guided Tours!
A safari is an exciting journey to see wild animals and also enjoy the nature. People go on safaris to explore wildlife in their natural habitats. Safaris are most popular in Africa but you can also have safari adventures in other parts of the world. Game drives are most common type of safari. You ride in a special vehicle with open sides or a roof that can be raised. The guide drives you through the park or through the reserve looking for animals. For a closer look at nature you can go on a walking safari. You walk with a guide through the wilds. This lets you see small animals, see plants and animal tracks up close.
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For the families that want to explore safari tours
A Tanzania family safari is a fun and also exciting adventure for everyone in the family. The place is known for its stunning wildlife, for its friendly people and beautiful landscapes. Going on a safari here means seeing amazing animals, getting to spend quality time together and also exploring the nature. Tanzania is a great choice for a family safari because it has many national parks and reserves with varied wildlife. Make sure everyone in the family is up to date on vaccinations and take precautions against malaria too. Follow safety rules given by your guides and always stay with your group.
Join the wildlife adventure trip now
The best Tanzania wildlife adventure is one of the best ways to experience nature and see amazing animals also. The best time for wildlife viewing is during the dry season which is from June to October. Animals are easier to spot because they gather around water sources. Wear comfortable clothing in neutral colors to mix with the environment. Bring sunscreen, a hat and insect repellent too. Do not forget binoculars and a camera to capture the beautiful wildlife. Respect the wildlife and also keep a safe distance from animals.
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