#Druidic Practices of the Eastern Kingdoms
rhainesmg · 1 year
Blizzard's Folklore is Woefully Lacking
And I took that personally.
Folklore and mythology are as key to worldbuilding as art, music, language, and economy. Who does the farmer give thanks to for a bountiful harvest – and how does his village celebrate that bounty? What do people blame or attempt to placate when a child falls ill? All of these things – or a notable lack thereof in strongly secular cultures – are key to making a culture feel more full and developed.
To that end, let’s look at druids in WoW. Kaldorei druids have mountains of lore. They and the Wild Gods that they venerate are important to and deeply ingrained in Kaldorei culture. But then we come to Worgen druids and get… a three-paragraph entry about Harvest Witches restoring the crops of Gilneas during a famine, then eventually learning true druidism from the Kaldorei when Gilneas fell to the combination of the Worgen Curse and the Forsaken invasion.
Lordaeron has... no druids? At all? No Harvest Witches, no Thornspeakers, no... Greenfriends, nothing. Gilneas was never a part of Lordaeron, Kul Tiras was never a part of Lordaeron, but they were NEIGHBORS. The cultural OVERLAP! Arathor? Alterac? You're telling me the HILLFOLK and the MOUNTAIN PEOPLE don't have gods and spirits, or Skalds, Druids, and Seers somewhere in their histry?
I call bullshit.
ALSO, so many of the Amani and Gurubashi Loa have SINGLE PARAGRAPHS of lore surrounding them. HOW? ARE YOU THIS SLOPPY? BLIZZARD? Even the most AMATEUR worldbuilders know that you don't just give a give a god a name and a shape and SLAP IT ON THE BOARD! What are their tenets? How do they interact with their followers? Do they HAVE many followers?
So anyway, I've made it my problem, and I'm working on some fanon lore for the Eastern Kingdoms. It's a massive undertaking, I am QUITE DAUNTED, and I've slowed down just a little bit already, but I am determined to succeed.
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tonkisec · 2 years
Mana addict runestone keeper
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Mana addict runestone keeper skin#
This woman is actually a human construct of a manifestation of magic created by a dragon that gained sentience and began to live as a normal human. These were collected by a disguised red dragon named Korialstrasz, who formed them into the guise of a young woman named Anveena Teague. Although obliterated and unusable, some remnants of the Sunwell’s magic remained. The dark energies of the corrupted Sunwell were already corrupting and killing off the survivors, forcing Kael’thas to destroy it. Arthas personally dueled and killed the current high elf king, Anasterian Sunstrider, and corrupted the Sunwell by using it to resurrect the mage as a lich.Īnasterian’s son, Kael'thas Sunstrider, had been studying in Dalaran at the time of the invasion, but he quickly returned home to lead the remnants of his exterminated people. Notable among these was the Ranger-General, Sylvanas Windrunner, whom Arthas raised as a banshee to use against her own people. Aided by a high elf traitor, the Scourge neutralized the protective Runestones and slaughtered the majority of the high elves and raising them into undeath. All of this came to an end in the Third War when the death knight, Arthas Menethil, led the undead Scourge on a destructive march against Silvermoon that would forever scar the land. They formed alliances with the growing human kingdoms, sharing their knowledge of magic to create the first human mages. In order to hide their use of arcane magic, and avoid unwanted attention, they constructed large Runestones around their borders to create a protective magical barrier.įor seven-thousand years, the decedents of Dath’Remar Sunstrider would lead the high elves in their land of Quel’Thalas through times of peace and prosperity, only broken by the occasional war with the trolls. This well would become known as the Sunwell, and it would become the center of a new civilization from the self-styled “high elves”. Dath’Remar Sunstrider then used a small vial of water from the Well of Eternity he had stolen from Illidan to create a new fount of magic to sustain his people. At last, the weary exiles found a lush forest at a nexus of magical arcane ley lines. As they searched for a new home, they became trapped in blizzards and started to die of both starvation and ambushes from the native Amani trolls.
Mana addict runestone keeper skin#
Removed from the source of magic they had become dependent on, they began to shrink and their skin lost its purple color. Unwilling to sentence so many to death, the night elves decided to instead exile the defiant Highborne from Mount Hyjal, cutting them off from the second Well of Eternity that Illidan had created and the World Tree that grew over it.Īssembling a great fleet of ships, the exiles, led by Dath’Remar Sunstrider, left the continent of Kalimdor and sailed beyond the Maelstrom to the Eastern Kingdoms. Eventually, a large group of Highborne, led by Dath’Remar Sunstrider, decided to openly defy the rule and claim what they believed to be their arcane birthright. For centuries, they attempted to refrain from the arcane, but the draw was too strong. After the war was over, and the Well of Eternity destroyed, these surviving Highborne were forbidden from practicing arcane magic by the druids, under penalty of death if they disobeyed. While many of the Highborne sided with the Burning Legion, several defected to join the largely-druidic rebellion faction of the night elves, led by Malfurion and Tyrande. Thus began the first demon invasion of Azeroth in the War of the Ancients. Sargeras had been searching for Azeroth’s location for eons, and now it was his to conquer. Instead, the constant use of such powerful arcane magic sent ripple through the Twisting Nether and attracted the attention of Sargeras and his demonic Burning Legion. By her order, the Highborne performed reckless arcane experiments in a quest to advance their culture and technology. The most powerful of these sorcerers was Queen Azshara, a narcissist who was obsessed with growing her power and pummeling the depths of the Well’s potential. In the ancient night elf empire, the many nobles, known as the Highborne, were accomplished sorcerers who drew on the Well of Eternity to fuel their arcane magic. Silvermoon City in the enchanted land of Quel'Thalas Making their home in the north of what would be known as the Eastern Kingdoms, they rule from their capital city of Silvermoon. The blood elves are descendants of exiled night elves who refused to abandon the practice of arcane magic after the War of the Ancients.
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gardenofevenlight · 4 years
Tending At Sea
[ original ]
The second wave of what was now being called the Pandaria Campaign had begun, with ships moving out from harbors along the Eastern Kingdoms toward this still very unknown land. The fleets were a bit out of the ordinary for the forces being sent ahead, however.
This was not mere reinforcements. These were expeditionary forces. Everything was needed. Supplies, crafters, surveyors. Bases of operations were needed along with all of the supporting pieces of infrastructure. In many ways the fleet appeared less about establishing a foothold and more about settling the new land.
An idea which considerably irked some of the more conscious passengers of the fleet. Whispers and discussions of the right to embark on inhabited land in such numbers, wonders of what made it any different from invasion. There was a lot of time ahead of them in the journey from continent to continent, with plenty of time to mull over the complex issues at hand.
Ferranne, however, was bored of discussing it and tired of thinking about it. There seemed no point to it. There was no changing the direction of the Alliance or the Horde, their decisions now set in motion like landslides unleashed after a storm. The ground underneath both sides had been weakened for years. He had expected something like this to happen eventually.
He never expected himself to be caught up in such, however. For a while he had prided himself on staying out of such large conflicts, but in the wake of the Cataclysm, it was difficult not to see war itself as another natural, primal force. He had failed to bring life to so many places, to preserve it in others, always finding destruction one step ahead of him. He finally had begun to wonder if there was any use in fighting it.
And that was how he found himself on this bulky, swaying mass. He had been enlisted to help with things he had honestly lost track of by now. Mending the injured, scouting the unknown, tending to the land for some project, even helping to restore what he heard called a “jade forest”. It was honestly all a blur that he had just agreed to for no real reason. He just didn’t see a purpose in saying no anymore.
Soon enough, he found himself on a supply ship with a job suited to both his druidic talents and his increasingly reclusive preferences. Possibly the most boring thing in the Alliance fleet, there wasn’t much to do or see on the ship. Lagging behind the main force and distantly flanked and followed by escorts, it wasn’t likely to see any action at all during its long journey and its crew mostly kept to itself, used to long journeys ferrying things they never had to even look at.
But what for most would be an exercise in boredom, for Ferranne was instead peace. He considered himself lucky to be assigned to such a ship. His task was menial at best, but suited him. All he had to do was ensure that everything in his compartments was safe and tended to, half of which took care of itself. The massive cases of botany equipment, herbalism tomes, and other paraphernalia in the lower compartments were barely even his concern. The compartments were reinforced and the containers would not budge even in the worst of storms. For those to be endangered, the ship would have to be sinking. Instead, the real bulk of his work was directly above him in the rear deck.
Laying on his back and staring at the ceiling, he stretched out on a large rug in one of the smaller compartments where he had stashed his few belongings and just let the time pass. In some ways, he felt like he was in a time capsule, no longer part of the world or time itself but just existing in a bubble. Some part of him whispered that it was no real way to live, not for long, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. This job was all he needed for the time being.
Getting to his feet, he climbed halfway up the stairs, pausing with practiced balance when the ship tilted with the waves. Proud to have at least kept his sea legs all these years, he waited out the rocking of the boat and strained to listen. Voices and footsteps were always going back and forth above deck, but were distant, kept mostly to the fore of the ship. Beyond that was the same slow hush of water and creaking wood. The rear deck was, as usual, left alone.
Stepping up the last of the stairs and to the deck, his eyes were greeted by a flood of light from the windows stretched all along the rear of the ship and a blur of a new color, different from the endless brown of wood below deck. Instead, all around him was green.
In pots and windowboxes and hanging bowls were plants of all sorts, littered across the entire rear deck. Very little else occupied the room save for some small tables and stools. This was his real job, the real reason a druid like himself was assigned to a supply vessel. Not just to babysit boxes any deckhand could keep an eye on, but instead to ensure that all the crates of soil samples, pouches of seeds, and carefully secured plants made it to their destination. For the duration of his journey across the ocean, this was all that really mattered to him.
The large windows let in as much light as possible and he would open different ones to control the flow of air. There was no lack of sun for most plants in the deck, but when a few looked to struggle he would move them outside, to another set of boxes on the top deck. Carefully rotating them over time, they would all get the attention they needed.
His talents as a druid were barely even needed, his knowledge of herbalism and botany more than enough to ensure his seaborne garden could thrive. It was almost encouraging to be back to basics, to not feel so reliant on the nature magic that he had been struggling so much with ever since awakening from the dream. While magic had felt off to him, almost out of range some days, nothing could take away the simplicity of gardening, even on a boat.
A flash of yellow caught his eye. The sun came through the window and hit a windowbox of goldthorn, illuminating it as if to bring attention to the curling in its barbs. That was definitely a difficult one. Goldthorn needed something more like marshland to thrive. Fresh air and sun wouldn’t be able to solve as many problems as it did for the others, even if it didn’t need the exact same environment.
He gave himself a few long minutes to think, absentmindedly pushing fingers through his hair. It just needed a little more moisture in the air, more humidity. Thinking first to put it near the engine room, he knew that would just starve it of sunlight. Thinking of what compartments were below him, a possibility flashed through his mind and instantly made him smile.
Carefully pulling up the goldthorn’s box, he carried it down below deck, watching each step on his way lest the ship lurch and send thorns right into his chest. He brought it to a small room in the back, one where a pipe that safely carried away steam from the engine passed through. The room was essentially just a mechanical access point, something only ever used in case of repairs. The side of the pipe had a small release valve where sometimes it would let excess steam out to ensure there was never too much pressure, making the small enclosure very humid.
He normally hated being too close to the room, but it was perfect. The humidity. The space. It even had a nice enough window to provide enough sun for the goldthorn. His stubborn little charge now had a much better home.
“Well now at least someone will enjoy all that steam.” He said aloud, carefully petting at a low hanging bramble.
Noticing the way the sunlight came into the back compartment, he briefly wondered about the time. Sunset would be in an hour or so, but that was all he could surmise. He had already lost track of how much time had passed on the ship, how many weeks it must have been.
Stepping backwards from the small room, he decided none of it mattered. For however long it lasted, this was enough.
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sniperct · 6 years
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Snipe’s Character Studies part 1/? - Yukale
Name: Yukale Ravenwing
Race: Night Elf
Age: 748
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
There have been some retcons to her story over the years(especially when we made Unariel a Void Elf), but the important parts remain, and this is how it stands. This got... long, but I’ve been playing her for 14 years and honestly I started summarizing more near the end lol
The younger daughter of a traveling merchant, Yukale never really had a set path. Unlike her older sister, she had no druidic talents or interest. Her attempt to become a Sentinel ended in disaster in an incident referred to as the ‘Oil Incident’.
She was content to follow in her father’s footsteps until the Legion returned and every able bodied person was called to war. At the Battle of Hyjal, she nearly deserted in fear, before she regained her courage and came to the rescue of a human who became a strong friend.
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In the years after the battle, she developed her combat skills, choosing the ‘path of no path’ as a rogue, and travelled to the Eastern Kingdoms with the singular goal of making enough human friends like her enough to give her a horse. The friends she made (and eventually lost to war and other tragedies) is far too long to list, but they made her a stronger person. 
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(ROGUE SQUADRON - Thunder Down Under Raid Alliance)
She fought when the gates of AQ opened, and was present for the induction of her friend (And somewhat of a relation) Nyana, a fellow Kaldorei, as a Paladin just before the battle.
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(And we’d be here another 30 pages if I actually described all her Vanilla adventures, including but not limited to exploring the caverns of time, the catacombs in deadwind pass, her breakdown in Azshara at the Ravencrest Monument, That One Time She Had An Evil Twin)
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But it was especially Kiska that connected with her. A rogue, like Yukale, they met in Ironforge, and went on a mad adventure in the Undercity, searching for information on someone dear to Kiska. It was the start of a beautiful friendship, and eventually blossomed into more. Kiska chose to set aside her daggers an delve into druidism. The two spent months exploring the world, getting into all sorts of trouble together. Here’s one of the only screenshots I could find of her!
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Until Yukale’s estranged mother entered the picture and captured her in the Plaguelands in an attempt to sway her to her side. She’d left her family six hundred years ago while pregnant with a third child, eventually arriving in Quel’thelas and disguising herself as one of the High Elves. Originally a Highborne, Nithil’zir had chosen to turn against her class for the sake of love.
But she’d always practiced her magic in secret and eventually turned to demonic arts.
Yukale refused, and was locked up. Somehow, word had gotten out to Kiska(By, ironically, Yukale, who’d come back through the Caverns of Time to warn her), who arrived to rescue her lover.
The battle was fierce, but short. Kiska’s armor and bear form couldn’t withstand Nithil’zir’s attack. But with her final breath, she called down the power of the moon, the arcane energy boiling the left half of Nithil’zir’s body and critically injuring her.
Kiska died a moment later, a mysterious smile on her face as Yukale scrambled to her side.
She begged Nithil’zir’s guard to kill her, to send her with Kiska, but an arrow from the doorway ended his life before he could. Yukale’s aunt, and Nithil’zir’s half-sister Eilirria had tracked Kiska in the hopes of finding her niece.
They left Nithil’zir to die, taking Kiska’s body to Ashenvale to bury her next to the grave of her husband, who she’d lost a hundred years before.
Despondent, Yukale set up shop in Kiska’s house, retreating from the world until another friend was able to help her overcome her grief.But that too was doomed. Hanako was possessed when a joint Horde and Alliance attack on the demons at the Dark Portal was temporarily successful. Yukale didn’t find out what happened to her until a self-described Demon Hunter sent her the possessed demon in a Star Ruby, as some kind of twisted gift.
A short time after that, she encountered a Blood Elf. Though neither got the other’s name, they dueled to a standstill. It was the first of many such encounters, becoming a sort of friendly rivalry. Booty Bay and certain other locales were neutral ground, and there were many nights spent drinking and occasionally talking and certainly flirting.
Yukale acted first, kissing Unariel before she vanished in a flash of powder. That became another part of their rivalry and game, duels sometimes ending with a kiss or a suggestive comment, or both. This continued into the Outlands, and then when the Northrend Campaign started, the duels stopped. They worked together as often as not.
It was during that, that she finally attempted revenge against her mother a few weeks after Arthas was defeated.
Standing atop one of the towers in Dalaran, Yukale had waited for her mother to pass below, in Crystalsong Forest. She lept off, her engineering goggles marking her targets as she fell.
In the forest below, a rain of throwing knives and bombs sowed chaos. Yukale slowed her descent with her parachute cloak, and slammed into her mother. Backflipping off of her, she spun around, throwing additional knives at Nithil’zir’s guard contingent.
Only one survived, and Yukale found herself facing Unariel. This fight was different. This fight felt personal and for the first time since their very first meeting the two were actively trying to kill each other. They parried and dodged and weaved, until Unariel saw an opening and left a long gash in Yukale’s side. Hopped up on adrenaline and barely noticing it, Yukale slashed at an upward angle, taking Unariel’s left ear off.
It was about then that Nithil’zir recovered enough to throw spells at Yukale, not really seeming to care of Unariel got hit in the process. Yukale’s escape strategy was simple; her gyrocopter dropped a dozen smoke bombs and in the ensuing cover she escaped.
She returned to Ashenvale to recuperate, and then to Booty Bay. Practically moving into the tavern, Yukale was fully prepared to disappear from world events when Unariel walked into the tavern, sporting a mithril ear, and took a seat at her table. They didn’t talk at first, until Yukale just started. She told Unariel about Kiska and her mother.
Years later, she still can’t recall how they ended up in her room, nor how their clothing ended up on the floor. What she does recall is the morning after, while she was getting dressed.
That was the day Deathwing came. She and Unariel barely made it to Yukale’s gyrocopter before the wave hit. They crashed in the jungles of Stranglethorn, though were able to pick up the pieces and went their separate ways for the duration of the Deathwing drama. They crossed paths a few times on Pandaria, though never violently. Neither did they have time to discuss Booty Bay - or make a repeat of it, though one or the other of them often ended up pinned to a wall or tree by carefully aimed knifes. On Draenor, it was a similar story, though they occasionally worked together.
They met again in Booty Bay after returning to Azeroth, and Yukale took her rather vigorously. But of course, the very next day, the Legion came. Cue the in-joke about their love life being apocalyptic.
The next time Yukale saw Unariel was after Unariel had defected to the Alliance as a Blood Elf. It left them with a new and unusual dynamic. Formerly enemies, reluctant friends and awkward lovers, and now on the same side.
Of course, now that they’ve hooked up officially, Teldrassil burned and Lordaeron is a blighted wasteland.
Yukale isn’t taking the former very well. She hated that tree, but the experience of being on it as it burned and knowing so many couldn’t escape has made her very angry and depressed, dredging up old feelings of helplessness. One who faces tragedy and hardship with black humor, she’d struggling to find reasons to laugh again. But at least she took it better than her sister, Manadh.
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firefighting-idiot · 6 years
Salyana Moonleaf, a Night Elf Frost Mage trainer who has dedicated her life to helping her fellow elves through peaceful means.
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She was born roughly fifty years before Illidian escaped, leaving her fairly unaware of the damage the Burning Legion did to her people. She was the youngest of four siblings, two older sisters & one older brother, from a family known for being well connected with nature. Her childhood was about average for a night elf, but as she and her siblings grew up, she found herself uninterested in druidism.
For multiple decades, nothing interested her. She worked as a transporter of goods, finding neither enjoyment nor disgust at it. That was until she heard of mages from a traveling dwarf. Without telling her parents or siblings, she, and her frostsaber Moonwalker, traveled with the dwarf to the Eastern Kingdoms, ending up in Stormwind after many months. There, after needing to convince the mage teachers there, she began her studies of the arcane. It was difficult there, since most humans tried to avoid her all together.
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However, Salyana did find friendship & even love there. Her teacher was the first friend, showing that it didn't matter whoever someone may be, if they were interested in the arcane, he would teach them. He was an excellent teacher to Salyana, and she picked it up quickly.
She also fell in love there, with a human woman by the name of Soleil Faulkner. Both were arcane students, and Soleil was one of the very few who actually befriended Salyana. They spent quite a lot of time together, practicing, studying. The two were almost inseparable.
However, Salyana always longed to go back home, to tell her family of where she's been. She barely knew before leaving for this adventure that she couldn't go back home, not even to write home. She knew that night elves detested arcane magic, due to the horrors they endured during the first Legion attack. While she found people to care about in Stormwind, nothing compared to her home village with old friends & family. Moonwalker was the only other creature from her home, & they had to find a lot of comfort in each other.
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After the two had learned all they could, they decided to travel all around the Eastern Kingdoms, visiting the dwarves & gnomes, even going to Lorderon for a while. It was what Soleil wanted, but it all made Salyana wish to go back home even more.
Over the years, as both Salyana & Soleil grew more powerful, so did the dangers to the rest of the world. Salyana would receive news of how her people were doing, though all of it was unreliable. She tended to stay out of the way of fighting, especially when the Third War began. However, when she did catch wind of the Betrayer escaping, she felt she couldn't ignore her people anymore.
She left Soleil in Lorderon, and headed back home. Along the way, she came across Warden Shadowsong, who showed vast disgust in Salyana's arcane prowess. It wounded her to hear such a thing, yet she knew, deep down, that many of her people, possibly even friends & family, believed the same thing. That didn't stop her, however.
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Salyana went home, & saw her family again after. There, she learned that two of her sisters had actually joined the Watchers many years prior, but were sadly murdered when the Betrayer was set free. Her only living sibling, her brother Manunel, lived a slow but peaceful life as a druidic gardener, taking care of the forests the night elves called home.
Her brother welcomed her back, simply relieved to see her again. He offered her a place to stay, & she felt like she couldn't repay him for his kindness. However, the kindness he had wasn't shared among others, even her old friends and parents began to shun her.
She spent most of her time with her brother, due to the hostility of everyone else. There, it was quiet & pleasant, and she had time to reflect upon what Warden Shadowsong said to her.
After months of pondering & solitude, Salyana grew to almost detest her arcane powers, and after some wishing that she followed her brother down the druidic path, she remembered the frost & fire magic she learned as well.
It was an easy decision. She decided to specialize in frost magic. She took a trip to see Tyrande Whisperwind, knowing very well that the priestess could be harsh towards her. The mage offered to Whisperwind her services, making it clear that she wouldn't use her magic out of line.
Tyrande showed a healthy level of distrust of Salyana, and she sent the mage away. Nothing came of it for decades. Even after the Third War ended, Salyana heard nothing to help her people, & she continued to help her brother. Manunel & Salyana disappeared into the woods.
That didn't last forever. Eventually, young night elves began to grow an interest in becoming mages, & Tyrande came to collect on Salyana's promise. While it was quite a change from what she was used too, she found comfort in directly helping her people. She saw heroes come and go, watching them grow beyond even her experiences.
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When Sylvanas attacked Teldrassil, when the fires began to burst forth from the wood interior of the World Tree, there was only one thing Salyana knew to do, & that action was to save people. With her Frost magic, she did everything she could to quell & tame the flames from the teleporter down to the base of Teldrassil, as her brother worked to transport people to her.
The two did everything they could to get people out, & Manunel evidently paid the ultimate price, in the end. Salyana suffered severe burns, not even her ice armor keeping her completely safe from encrouching flames. The burns didn't hurt as much as having to leave her brother's corpse behind.
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Her favorite color is red.
She enjoys spicy food.
She’s a femme aligning agender person.
She’s a massive lesbian.
She enjoys dwarven beer.
Her brother & her love celebrating night elf holidays.
She dated her brother’s future wife once.
When she was a transporter, she taught the new people how to properly take care of their sabers.
People say that she has a special ability to communicate with the sabers, but really, she just understands their body language.
Due to having been around humans for so long, she can handle being awake during the day.
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spyke114-blog · 7 years
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This story takes place in what would be a close approximation to America in the late 1700’s or early 1800’s where Americans were rushing to expand and colonize the"Wild West". The Nations of Estium, currently viewing a tense truce after nearly 300 years of being at war with each other, has discovered a completely new continent thought to be rich with fresh resources that could tip the scales for any country who can claim them. Accordingly, all efforts are being made by every country to capitalize on this opportunity to expand their territory. There’s just one problem…
This new land, Astrya, is already home to dozens of indigenous tribes and monsters that largely practice Druidism; which is looked down upon as primitive at best but completely outlawed and/or nearly eradicated in most of the now Eastern Nations of Estium. Some of these tribes have happily helped the early settlers from Estium, but many others see them for the power-hungry invaders that some of them are, showing no mercy as they fight to defend their lands.
While the South-Eastern coast of Astrya has been all but seized and colonized by the people of Estium, the North has remained free and is hotly contested by all sides. The power source for the Druidic people seems to lie in the uncharted northwestern wilds as the father you press, the stronger their magics become. Meanwhile, rumors of gold and powerful Mana Crystals have spurred a rush of new settlers who are pushing westward in spite of that danger, causing countless new settlements, trails and trading posts as hoardes of people flock to seek their fortune. While many seek fortune, some seek freedom, adventure and discovery or maybe the freedom from consequences that comes with a lawless frontier. Others seek to further the growth of their nation and to bring the prosperity that comes with civilization. Some druids still hold to their teachings of peace and harmony, believing that they and the Estians can co-exist but more and more are starting to realize that this simply isn’t the case and that theirs is quickly becoming a desperate fight for survival.
The factions:
Human Federation of Catan Skilled in trade and rich in resources, this country’s politics are a tumultuous, wild game of their own where the nobility are made, prosper, and fall entirely on their own merits and business acumen. While basically an oligarchy on paper, it’s not uncommon to see people in this country rising to the top from nothing or to see a risky business venture reduce another to rags. They largely worship Abadar, but Iomedae and Cayden Cailean are also highly revered and viewed as the epitome of human potential and achievement for obvious reasons. Majority motivation: Land grab and resource gathering for personal gains.
Dwarven Kingdom of Odrye A very proud people who are heavily steeped in tradition and brotherhood. To a dwarf nothing is more important than family, and all dwarves are treated as such even if they aren’t actually related. Due to this, the Dwarven Kingdom of Odyre has been a perfectly functioning communistic society for nearly one thousand years. Gold has little value to them except as trade-fodder to exchange with other races where they can get more useful items at what they view as basically a steal. Though incredibly generous amongst themselves and those they like, most dwarves can be terribly shrewd when dealing with other races. This leads to a LOT of strange friction when a group of adventurers brings a dwarf in: on the one hand, they’ll almost never try to take more gold than they personally need to get by, but if the group and the dwarf grow too friendly then there’s a good chance that the party may learn just how little value dwarves place on the concept of “personal belongings”; often resulting in the dwarf giving or taking any items they feel would be better in the care of themselves or their friends, whether or not the other party consents. Dwarves largely worship Torag, who’s followers began the holy purging of the Druids at the bidding of their deity. Some appreciate Gorum as well. Majority motivation: Fulfilling their duty to Torag and removing the impurities from the iron of the world so that it might be tempered into an ever finer steel against the forces of evil.
Elven Trinarch Coalition (ETC) The Elves are the most technologically advanced race in Estium but have the lowest population of the major kingdoms. While they still hold a special place in their hearts for nature, they have moved away from it more and more as the years have gone by and their knowledge of the world increased. Their civilization is far more focused on intelligence and understanding, which has forged many of them into skilled diplomancers and served them well continuously through their noble history. Due to the way their civilization has evolved to favor understanding between others, it is incredibly uncharacteristic for an Elf to tell any sort of lie and any who do can even face severe repercussions within their own cities. For being as advanced as they are, their society is also undoubtedly the most repressive of individual freedoms. There are strict rules for nearly everything, from how much mana they can use to how many children they can have, the state has laws in place for everything, but it does have a reasonable justification to it. In recent history, this nation was thought to be on the verge of self destruction once the former king, Arianthas, suffered a grievous blow in battle with no heirs remaining. Many speculated that this would lead to a brutal civil war that would have divided the nation and split the armies between the leaders of three of the great houses, Barton'thil, Grimoria, and Rosabrena. Upon his death though, almost every non-Elf was surprised when the three nobles entered into a marriage with each other and ruled equally as one. Elves largely worship Shelyn, especially after the formation of the Trinarchy. Majority motivation: Securing the surprisingly rich mana sources that are abundant in Astrya. Secondary motivation: Freedom from the state.
Druid Tribes The druidic tribes of Astrya are comprised of a wide and varied range of races and people, but the most common race are the monkey-like Vanaras who were the first to be made by the ancient deities they collectively worship. Of the old deities who made up the druidic pantheon, only G'Emir the Patient and Hazoret the Fervent remain. It is said that the others all perished at the hands of “The Great Devourer”, Rovagug.
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A Guide to Azerothian Herbs
Credit to Dobinson from EU, server unknown
Herbs and their Uses By: Gavin A. Dobinson
Part I: Herbs of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms
Peacebloom-- Peacebloom is a very common and useful plant, often found in sunny, open areas. Its flowers have smooth, white petals and a yellow center. These flowers can be crushed into a poultice that encourages wounds to heal more quickly and discourages infection, and its leaves make a delicious tea that helps ward against minor illness, such as colds.
Silverleaf-- Silverleaf is also a very useful common plant; it grows in shaded areas, and has broad, blue-silver leaves. Silverleaf is a mild stimulant, and its leaves can be made into a tea that increases mental awareness and reflexes. It also seems to enhance the potency of certain other herbs.
Bloodthistle-- This plant is isolated to the far northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms, and cannot grow elsewhere. It is a variety of ordinary thistle that has been changed over thousands of years of exposure to the arcane power of the Sunwell. It has bright green leaves with a soft, flexible spine at the tip and a bright red flower, the color of blood. Normally, ingesting the leaves of the bloodthistle only causes an upset stomach and a severe headache; while it is highly unpleasant, there are generally no lasting ill effects. However, the sin'dorei can process the arcane residue; this creates a brief state of euphoria that also enhances magical power slightly, followed by a period of moderate depression. To the sin'dorei, bloodthistle can be highly addictive. This plant seems to have only one possible practical use. In the case of a sin'dorei being cut off from the Sunwell, a preparation of bloodthistle might be used to stave off arcane withdrawal. However, the magic within these leaves is only an impure residue; it would only work for a short time, and the withdraw from the bloodthistle would make the arcane withdrawal much worse once the preparation wore off.
Earthroot-- The Earthroot is a strange plant; it has rather small, thick evergreen leaves growing out of a dense, gnarled root system that protrudes above the ground, and usually is found in rocky soil. The root is the most useful part of the plant. It has a pleasant, if strong, flavor, and is often ground to be used as a seasoning-- it is too tough to eat whole. Earthroot increases fortitude and stamina, and can even delay physical exhaustion for a time when properly prepared, although doing so has a high cost afterward. It can also be used along with an extract of peacebloom to make a potent elixir that accelerates the natural healing process slightly.
Mageroyal-- Mageroyal is a small shrub with small, purple leaves. It loves magic, and seems to grow best in areas where magic has been used in the past. However, unlike the bloodthistle, it is not harmful; it does not retain tainted magical residue. The flowers and leaves of this plant have a sweet, delicate flavor. They are often used in cooking, and can even be eaten raw. Its roots have a greater concentration of magical energy; the extracted juice, when drank, restores mana to those who are capable of using it, and the root can also be dried and used in a preparation that sharpens the mind. Combined with wild steelbloom, it actually wards against magic, deflecting arcane energy.
Swiftthistle-- Swiftthistle is a symbiotic plant; it grows only in the shadow of other plants, and appears to help them grow. It has succulent, broad, green leaves, and grows very near to the ground. As its name suggests, it is an extremely potent stimulant, much stronger than silverleaf. Used in moderation, it increases reflexes and short-term endurance, and can even block pain for a short time. However, an overdose or regular use over a long period of time can stress the heart, and even cause it to give out. It is said that the wardens of Hyjal make an invigorating tea of this leaf that can substitute for a night's sleep, however, the exact recipe is a closely guarded secret. In my opinion, such a thing would be highly unhealthful, and should only be used in dire circumstances.
Briarthorn-- Briarthorn is a shrub that grows in densely knotted, thorn-covered vines with a thick, woody outer coating. It prefers shady, dark areas, and has no leaves; it is often mistaken for being dead. In the center of the vine is a gooey sap that has incredible medicinal properties. It relieves pain and reduces inflammation when applied to wounds-- it is incredible when used on burns. If ingested-- it has a very unpleasant, bitter taste-- it soothes the stomach and relieves internal swelling. According to legend, briarthorn grows in the places where the Ancient Agamaggan's blood was spilled ten thousand years ago, during the War of the Ancients.
Stranglekelp-- Stranglekelp is a tough vine that grows in salt water, with small compound leaves. Its vines can easily ensnare and drown swimmers and even small boats, which is how it got its name. Stranglekelp leaves are considered a delicacy in some coastal regions, although its strong, earthy, green flavor is something of an acquired taste. Its vines are also sometimes dried and used as ropes. When eaten, stranglekelp helps soothe the pain of arthritis and other maladies of the joints, and increases flexibility. It is also an essential component of an elixir that allows the drinker to breathe water as if it were air for a short time.
Bruiseweed-- Bruiseweed is a tall, thin plant with purple, thistle-like flowers. Its sap attracts blood with enough force that it causes small blood vessels to break on contact with skin, resulting in severe bruising. It must be handled very carefully, and should never be harvested by an amateur. Properly applied, bruiseweed can be used to draw toxins and infection out of wounds, and in tiny amounts bruiseweed sap can boost the efficacy of certain elixirs and tonics without causing harm. This plant is often deadly if eaten, as it will cause significant internal bleeding, but the taste is usually bad enough to prevent anyone from accidentally swallowing it. Liferoot extract can be used as an antidote if administered within five minutes of ingestion.
Wild Steelbloom-- Wild steelbloom, much like its cousin, is a bush with tiny white or yellow flowers. However, unlike the common garden steelbloom, wild steelbloom has potent medicinal properties. It is a tenacious plant, and tends to grow high on steep, rocky slopes. Both varieties of steelbloom are said to ward against evil, which is why garden steelbloom is often planted along the edges of the property. Wild steelbloom relieves pain when its stems are dried and used for tea, and its flowers are often used in potions that ward against magic or negate it.
Grave Moss-- As its name suggests, grave moss is a gray-green moss that grows in graveyards and other places where the dead are laid to rest. It is a very strange and useful plant; it feeds on stray necromantic energy, thus reducing the chances that the dead will accidentally rise. As a result of this stored energy, it is somewhat dangerous to work with until cleansed. However, properly prepared, it can be used in an elixir that wards against shadow energy.
Kingsblood-- Kingsblood appears to be a large, spherical flower; in reality it is made up of many tiny purple blossoms in a spherical shape. According to legend, this flower grows where the blood of kings was once spilled. It is a stimulant. Its roots enhance physical strength and aggression, and its flowers are said to be a potent aphrodisiac.
Dragon’s Teeth-- Dragon’s Teeth is a strange plant. It only grows in a specific region called the Worldbreaker’s Scar, in the Badlands. This valley was carved by Deathwing during his initial assault upon Azeroth, and these strange, white and red plants sprung up in his wake. Oddly, they have a strong link to the element of frost; they are cool to the touch, and can be used to ward against frost or to enhance frost magic.
Firebloom-- Firebloom is a flower that flourishes in hot, dry terrain that would not support most other plant life. It is bright red and orange in color, and easily visible. Firebloom is extremely spicy; in small amounts it can be used as a seasoning, but it can also cause blistering and pain if it touches sensitive skin in large amounts. It is used in some alchemical preparations that call upon fire, but its use as a spice is more common.
Purple Lotus-- Lotuses are a famous and powerful plant, of almost legendary repute. Purple lotuses, while the most common, are still relatively rare, and very potent. They are a small, purple flower with dark purple leaves, and often found near the ruins of troll and Kaldorei cities, as they were used and cultivated by both cultures for shamanistic and druidic rituals, respectively. Purple lotus is said to bring visions and sleep, and can indeed be used in alchemy to either encourage a waking dream, or a dreamless, peaceful sleep. It is also used to create the philosopher’s stone, a needed tool for transmutations.
Arthas’ Tears-- Once known as Stratholme Lilies, this purple flower once grew densely near the city of Strathholme. Although they survived the Culling and the plague-born corruption of the land, the climate changes of the Sundering killed most of them. A few still linger, in remote corners of the world, but it seems that this plant will soon be only a memory. They are best known for their great beauty, but their main alchemical use is for a draught that allows the user to sense the closeness of undead. The irony of this has not gone unheeded.
Sungrass-- Sungrass is a thin, stiff grass that grows in sunny areas; the leaves are sharp enough to leave thin, stinging cuts on the hands, so using gloves when harvesting it is recommended. It is a bright yellow-green in color. Sungrass is most often used to preserve foods and potions-- its essence prevents or discourages rot for a time-- and can also be used in a poultice to prevent necrosis from setting into a wound. Fresh, tender sungrass shoots can also be eaten; they have a lemony acid tang to them.
Blindweed-- Blindweed is a plant with a blue flower; its green leaves have a rough edge. It grows rampant in warm, damp, marshy areas. Its stems and leaves contain a toxin that causes permanent blindness if consumed. However its bulbous, garlic-like root, when properly prepared, has strong magic-amplifying and conducting properties.
Ghost Mushroom-- This incredibly rare mushroom is a pure white, and glows faintly in the dark. It originated in the Zangarmarsh region of Outland, but spores were brought over in the First War, these mushrooms being among the orcish casters' reagents. Ghost mushrooms can now be found in several regions of Azeroth. These mushrooms can only be found in caves; they cannot stand sunlight, or any other bright illumination. They are inedible, but very powerful alchemically, having strong ties to shadows and spirits. They can be used for potions that render the drinker invisible for a short time, or enhances their ability to use the power of spirits.
Gromsblood-- Named for the orc Grom Hellscream, This spry, leafy plant grows in areas affected by fel taint; its leaves start out crimson and turn fel green as they grow and absorb the demonic energy. Some theorize this plant actually works to cleanse the affected lands by drawing out the fel, and are experimenting with this thesis in mind. Gromsblood is extremely potent, and can be used in elixirs that increase physical strength, or as an anti-demonic reagent. However, even when correctly prepared the leaves cannot be entirely cleansed of the fel taint. Therefore, products of Gromsblood should be used sparingly and with great caution.
Golden Sansam-- Golden Sansam is a relatively rare, extremely powerful herb, known to some cultures as the cure-all root. It can take up to six years to fully mature, and is easy to over-harvest. The above-ground leaves look much like the leaves of a carrot and blend in very well with background foliage. Underneath, the root is pointed, somewhat rounded, and the flesh beneath the gold skin is white and somewhat dry. Golden Sansam has incredible healing and restorative properties that fully live up to the plant's reputation. Dried and ground, it can be used by a skilled alchemist in potions that greatly increase resistance to disease and pain, or in an ointment that can instantly heal some wounds.
Dreamfoil-- Dreamfoil is a plant with emerald green leaves. According to the Kaldorei druids, this plant is closely linked to the power of the Emerald Dream. Strangely, it also grows rather well in certain regions of Outland. Dreamfoil has powerful warding properties; dried and hung in a doorway, it drives away vengeful spirits, and it can be used in a variety of alchemical warding potions, as well as elixirs that enhance one's spiritual focus, if the drinker is so inclined.
Mountain Silversage-- As the name suggests, this bush-- the leaves and stems of which are covered with fine silvery 'hairs'-- grows high in the mountains, and is often clinging to the sides of sheer cliffs. Silversage is very difficult to harvest, but extremely valuable and useful. Oil of silversage is a critical ingredient in potions that relieve paralysis, and the leaves can also be used as a component in potions that increase reflex times. It has a distinctive, pungent aroma when crushed or burned.
Sorrowmoss-- This deep purple, water-loving moss is most commonly in the Swamp of Sorrows, in the southern part of the Eastern Kingdom, which is why it is called sorrowmoss. It is an effective detoxification agent; placing a chunk of sorrowmoss in a flask of water will slowly render the water clean and drinkable, for example. It is used as a reagent in a rare and powerful potion that can cure some diseases and even break weak curses. However, it does not grow well outside of the Swamp of Sorrows.
Icecap-- The icecap grows in the far northern part of Kalimdor, mostly in the Winterspring region. It blends into the snow rather well; its flower resembles a downy puff, and its leaves are a dull silvery-green. Icecap is a strongly magical plant, possibly for the sake of surviving in such a cold region. It stays icy cold to the touch, even when taken into a warmer climate; the live plants cannot live in temperatures above freezing for more than a few days. Icecaps are used as an alchemical preserving agent, their innate chill keeping other components from overheating and degrading.
Black Lotus-- The black lotus is a legendary plant. It is said to bloom only once a century, on the night of the new moon. The flower is said to be as black as ink, and venomous. Only a truly gifted alchemist could distill its essence, and with that essence create an elixir of legendary power-- granting, for example, enough fortitude that one could be run through with a sword unflinching and live to tell the tale, the wisdom to solve an riddle thought unsolvable, or the raw power to burn a city to the ground with a mere snap of the fingers. I have yet to meet anyone who has worked with one of these rare plants, so I can neither confirm nor deny these rumors. I suspect, however, that the claims might be a little exaggerated.
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