inkedmoth · 2 years
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a scruffy boi
a ruff lad
a stinky bastard man
a horrible and vicous guy who currently looks kinda cute??
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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I got an idea last night and had to quickly slap it together, so here’s so super rough and basic ideas for priestess uniform/robes!
The Winter Domain is somewhat inspired by Viking and Norse styles, which is where the initial idea of the apron style came from, with the dual brooches, and the decorative beading. But while it’s somewhat inspired, I’m not going for a 1:1 reconstruction, gotta have a bit of fantasy in there.
The full length gown is what the high priestesses would wear, while the knee length is what the acolytes start out in. These two are opposite ends of the spectrum, and the ranks in between would get progressively lighter in colour. Along with that, the acolytes start off without ornamentation, only the brooches and a simple waist chain. With each rank they gain a chain between brooches, then the two long chairs, and finally as the head of their temple, the central chain from their original belt. Likewise, the clothing starts off basic with only small simple hems, but those hems get thicker and more detailed as they level up.
Image on the right is a rough indication of what fabrics these would be made off, with soft leather waist bands and boots (which switch to hard leather in winter), thin/soft wool trousers and sleeves, and thicker wool aprons. The higher ranks have more soft wool, while the lower ranks have studier clothing as they do more hands on work.
  Next step is to figure out what the religion actually is lmao
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inkedmoth · 1 year
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Finally, I have figured out a chibi style
and promptly went wild drawing a whole bunch of lil guys
I've still got another dozen or so to do, but I need to actually sketch out their designs first, these guys were just the most developed ones so far :'D
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inkedmoth · 1 year
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skitter scuttle
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inkedmoth · 1 year
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briefly flops outta alcazar and into ilum’dural
spicy boy V1 and V2, I realised that while his mums got lots of stripes, his dad doesn’t, so needed to cut back on the business of this guys design
I’ll probably go land in alcazar again now lmao
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inkedmoth · 1 year
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its always fun trying to design a kid who’s parents have COMPLETLY opposite colour schemes, but I think I did okay. He takes more heavily after his mum, but the brown looked weird with blue highlights instead of orange/red
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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map again
major cities, towns, and outpost placed. along with a scattering of villages and hamlets. I want to add more way stones but I’m thinking I’ll have to change their icon since it takes up the same space as a village. maybe just the ‘doorway’ stones?
also I want more locations, but I don’t want to make the icons smaller or the map bigger, so I’ll just have to accept what I’ve got. I already know I’m gonna regret everything when it comes to naming them all.
next part is landscapes tho, so that might be fun thinking up geological features
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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some temporary itty bitty map markers
Houses of the winter domain are somewhat inspired by nordic or viking buildings, so the map markers are themed along those lines. I need to go in to their architecture a bit more, since I’ve figured out things for them.
I might come up with some extras later, but for now we’ve got: Capital > City > Town > Village > Hamlet > Outpost > Sky/Sea Port > Waystation/Standing Stones > Flag/key Locations
I need to line them since these are sketches, and then have a simple colour code for the different provinces. And also I think the map itself needs to be bigger cause these markers take up a whole bunch of space :’D
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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instead of bullying myself for not drawing dante, I let my brain wonder off and do what it wanted. so apparently that meant drawing Ashe’Rae’s human/civil form. and honestly I’m not mad, she looks great, especially considering I haven’t really drawn any DroKara civil forms yet!
Clothing colours are temporary, but otherwise this design is fairly accurate??
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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Three generations and I still have to add another one lmao
Up top we’ve got the Winter Goddess in all her rough sketch glory, and with her an old-design-turned-lady-friend. They’re an old adopt I never managed to sell so I though sod it they can be a stand in. Although I’m ditching the scale pattern.
Those two lasses had Oce’Rahb together, he’s half god, and marries a power hungry religious fanatic who’s good at hiding what she’s really like. The pair of them had two kiddos. Oce’Rahb then got killed which was a pivotal moment for the two kids.
Ivay’Loh and Ashe’Rae, Ashe is kinda the main character while Ivay is the kinda the main antagonist. They got to watch their dad die and then were kidnapped and were basically pressganged into the bad guy’s army. Ashe managed to escape but Ivay flourished and climbed the ranks.
And then there’s Ala’Onya cause Ish’Pita moved on quickly and had another kid. No idea what Ala’s dad is like, he doesn’t even have a name.
Anyway, next up is designing Ashe’s two mates, followed by her two and a half kids. Ivay’s mate already has a design but I need to design their kid. Aaaand then the rest of this tree :’D
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On the bright side, now I have rough markings I can actually get to work DESIGNING THEM ALL
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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trying to figure out family resemblances is fun! esspecially since these guys are skipping a generation, so I should probably design that missed guy too :’D
Full screen is Ashe’Rae, while top right is her brother Ivay’Loh, then top middle is the pairs grandma the Winter Goddess. I’m thinking that I’ll bring in that pink back streak since I want Ashe and Ivay to have more colour on them, they’re a bit too monotone atm... Ivay’Loh and Winter Goddess are both naked cause I’ve not sorted out their fur yet.
I might see about doing rough designs for their parents tho, since I would be useful to know what their dad looks like, and then they have a half sister via their mum, so I need to know what they’d look like too!
either way these guys are somewhat badger looking, with the Winter Goddess being badger+long tailed tit, while Ashe’Rae is euorpean badger, and Ivay’Loh is somewhat american badger!
they’ll also have winter colourations but I’ll get there when I get there
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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Flappy Cat progress!
These two guys are known as Katjarr, and are native across all Domains in Ilum’Dural! Each domain has a variant, the ones shown are Winter based. The little guy is based on a capercaillie, and the big one will be based on a snowy owl. I actually need to update the lesser Katjarrs to better match their larger cousins.
Katjarrs can be both wild and domestic, with the Lesser Katjarrs being kept as family pets or on farms to keep rodent populations down. While the Greater Katjarrs are fearsome predators, capable of hunting DroKara, however they’ve been domesticated to a fair degree as well.
The Greater Katjarrs main use is as a mount, they’re capable of carrying a DroKara great distances, but are less adept at carrying heavy loads. Typically, rangers, scouts, and messengers employ them, and cities and large towns with have a rookery housing a selection of Katjarr. They do bond with handlers and riders, so while most people can ride them, they behave better with their favourites.
Tack is typically light, with the bridle similar in design to a horses bridle, but with a looser nose band to allow bites. The saddle is somewhat akin to a four pommel roman saddle, and designed to be lightweight, while the four pommels help hold the rider in place.
But yeah. These guys are basically Ilum’Dural’s version of gryphons, albeit wyvern based gryphons!
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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flappy cat
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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Fun lil thing for Ashe’Rae
A TaraKai is many weapons stored in a tube, you click the dial to the setting you want and ZOOP out comes the weapon. Formed of Aether, this allows it to be both gaseous and solidify when intent is applied, Aether is how DroKara are able to shift and use the Elements, meaning some can manipulate it to their will, and craft items like this. They’re near legendary rarely seen or owned, so for a lowly messenger to be carrying one is unusual. Ashe’Rae claims it’s an heirloom.
Tara comes from the root word “Taralon” which is the DroKara word for weapons, while “Tarkoi” means military or battle, and the commander of the military is called “Tarakel”.
Kai however is the from the word for numbers “Kaipos”, Kai can generally mean “many”, for example Kai is also used for describing DroKara’s version of pansexual “KaiKea”, and mathematicians are called “KaiDon”.
I might tidy this up later on, but for now it’ll do c:
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inkedmoth · 2 years
me: oh I don’t like complicated designs
also me: but what if... double antlers
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inkedmoth · 2 years
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Couple of character designs for the Winter Domain. Rai’Kesh (black), and his mate Il’Ania (orange), are the two main “bad guys” of the story.
Rai’Kesh holds the highest political position you can have, and is the Arch Hunter. The role of Arch Hunter is commander of all army branches, along with law/justice, diplomatic relations, and survival. He’s highly intelligent and ruthless, while other Arches are usually hands off in day to day business, he is very hands on (bit of a micro manager tbh), and can be frequently found overseeing the training of new soldiers. His design is somewhat based on a black wildebeest, with splotchy stripes. He’s also melanistic which is a mutation, and means he doesn’t have a winter coat. Not to mention he has flight capable wings which is incredibly rare!
Il’Ania is the Commander of the Special Forces, which is the highest military rank you can gain, she and Rai’Kesh conspired to stage a coup, resulting in Rai’Kesh becoming Arch Hunter and her becoming Commander. She easily matches him in brains and ruthlessness, something she needs in running the Special Forces, who are basically the equivalent of SAS or Marines(?), they highly trained and often selected from the other branches of military, and are typically used in subterfuge, targeted strikes, infiltration, or straight up assassinations. Her design is based on an adopt I bought, but is fairly typical for winter DroKara colouration, with a neutral base, dark markings, and bright accent although her accent is A Lot. Her white splotches are less common, potentially stemming from a piebald parent? Also depicted is her winter coat which is considerably paler, but not colourless, along with how she ties/braids her mane up when on duty. She has fabulous hair.
The pair also have three kids who are just as ruthless as they are <3
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