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inkedmoth · 2 years ago
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a scruffy boi
a ruff lad
a stinky bastard man
a horrible and vicous guy who currently looks kinda cute??
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inkedmoth · 1 year ago
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Finally, I have figured out a chibi style
and promptly went wild drawing a whole bunch of lil guys
I've still got another dozen or so to do, but I need to actually sketch out their designs first, these guys were just the most developed ones so far :'D
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inkedmoth · 2 years ago
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skitter scuttle
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inkedmoth · 2 years ago
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briefly flops outta alcazar and into ilum’dural
spicy boy V1 and V2, I realised that while his mums got lots of stripes, his dad doesn’t, so needed to cut back on the business of this guys design
I’ll probably go land in alcazar again now lmao
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inkedmoth · 2 years ago
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its always fun trying to design a kid who’s parents have COMPLETLY opposite colour schemes, but I think I did okay. He takes more heavily after his mum, but the brown looked weird with blue highlights instead of orange/red
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inkedmoth · 2 years ago
I’m going to try and do art fight this year which is exciting and I’m looking forwards to it!!
but my brain wants to draw all my characters in all their different forms but I don’t have time for that ;A;
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inkedmoth · 2 years ago
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I got an idea last night and had to quickly slap it together, so here’s so super rough and basic ideas for priestess uniform/robes!
The Winter Domain is somewhat inspired by Viking and Norse styles, which is where the initial idea of the apron style came from, with the dual brooches, and the decorative beading. But while it’s somewhat inspired, I’m not going for a 1:1 reconstruction, gotta have a bit of fantasy in there.
The full length gown is what the high priestesses would wear, while the knee length is what the acolytes start out in. These two are opposite ends of the spectrum, and the ranks in between would get progressively lighter in colour. Along with that, the acolytes start off without ornamentation, only the brooches and a simple waist chain. With each rank they gain a chain between brooches, then the two long chairs, and finally as the head of their temple, the central chain from their original belt. Likewise, the clothing starts off basic with only small simple hems, but those hems get thicker and more detailed as they level up.
Image on the right is a rough indication of what fabrics these would be made off, with soft leather waist bands and boots (which switch to hard leather in winter), thin/soft wool trousers and sleeves, and thicker wool aprons. The higher ranks have more soft wool, while the lower ranks have studier clothing as they do more hands on work.
  Next step is to figure out what the religion actually is lmao
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inkedmoth · 3 years ago
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Realised I needed to come up with a healers symbol and uniform for one of my characters. This is for the Winter Domain of Ilum'Dural, the other three Domains would have something different but I don't currently need to design them.
On the left is a rough idea for the healers uniform, a simple tunic and trousers, with cuffed forearms and lower legs, along with boots (unusual as DroKara prefer to be bare foot), this part of the uniform can vary somewhat based on personal preference. The main item for the uniform is the apron, worn while on duty and interreacting with patients, the sigil is front and centre on their chests. A short (or long in winter) cape is provided to help keep them warm/dry. I’m thinking that they’ll have their hair tied back with a scarf, and possibly fabric masks too.
On the right is just one example of four variations for roving healers. Those who are roving tend to simply wear an item of clothing embroidered or painted with the healers sigil. Shown here is a shoulder cape, but it can also be a long/short cloak, belt about the waist, or even a cloth tied around the upper arms. While a white fabric is the ‘classic’, the sigil can be embroidered onto any personal items, as traveling the war torn lands can put them at risk and the whites not very stealthy.
However its generally accepted that attacking healers is a no-go in warfare, as they typically remain neutral and will tend to any wounded they come across. Healers often, but not always, take a vow never to draw blood in anger, although in war times its considered a bit archaic. Roving healers might carry a staff, but never a bladed weapon, they will, however, bonk people if a stronger deterrent is needed.
The sigil also comes in two forms, the top version is the fluid written/painted one, while the bottom version is more geometric and would be carved into buildings. Its designed to represent the four elements and the Nameless God as it stems from their symbol.
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inkedmoth · 3 years ago
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I’m attempting to design a prosthetic mech arm for one of my characters, so this is the basic shapes down I think? purple-ish lines are the remains of her arm, while the faded red was me attempting to map out muscles. The palm of her hand and finger tips are going to have a rubber like material, to provide better grip, and I need to figure out how much control she’ll have over it, as well as which arm it’s actually on.
fairly please with it so far tho. now I need to figure out her leg braces, prosthetic spine/tail, and her wheel chair... I also have a guy who’s got a partial hand prosthetic, which will be less fancy but at least I can base it off this design
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inkedmoth · 3 years ago
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tiny rough sketchy head shot for Ashe’Rae, a DroKara character I’ve been motivated to work on reccently. I need to figure out her actual markings and colours, but I knew I wanted her to be mainly shades of grey. She’s very old character of mine, given a very different look, I’d be surprised if anyone could guess who she used to be.
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inkedmoth · 4 years ago
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random creature idea for the DroKara. Its like a muskox, lion, and bighorn sheep had a child!
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inkedmoth · 4 years ago
OKAY SO I got sucked into the idea of the DroKara’s language or more specifically, their alphabet and script!
I’ve decided that while all four domains will share a language and alphabet (I’m not making four different alphabets, hell no), the script will vary between domains based on what they use for writing!
In the Summer Domain, brushes are used on finer textiles like thin paper and fabrics, so I feel the shapes and motions would be more organic in nature with greater variation between shapes, and sweeping motions.
In the Spring Domain, quills would be used, as nearly every DroKara there has feathers so never run out of pens. The script would be a little sharper and more precise, but still organic and varied.
In the Autumn Domain, they’ve recently constructed printing presses, which means books are very precise and sharp, while writing by hand is done with reeds, so still sharp but varied.
In the Winter Domain, they use tougher textiles to write on such as stone, metal, and most often leather, meaning they need to carve their script, more sharp edges and straight lines.
I feel like this will provide enough of a variation between the domains while still being closely linked and recognisable between the two.
So now I just need to come up with an alphabet, which is probably going to be a pain in the ass and I’ll never actually finish it. But hey.
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inkedmoth · 5 years ago
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got a rough idea for the DroKara’s colours/marking and boy howdy these guys can get obnoxiously bright, mind you that’s an all rare trait so someone that neon wouldn’t be the average (and would be better designed if they were made lmao)
but yeah, an all common, all uncommon, and all rare in terms of colours and number of colours.
Common Example: Two tone brown base, single tone muted markings, single tone bright accent
Uncommon Example: Three tone cream base, two tone regular markings, two tone dark accent
Rare Example: Single tone other base, three tone bright markings, three tone light accent
Exclusive stuff that rarely happens would be: White base colour, white/light marking colours, true black/white accent colours. Basically anything paler than cream or white is exclusive.
The average DroKara would be mostly common/uncommon, with darker bases and muted marking colours, but multi-rare DroKara can and do happen, they’d certainly get some stares in the street, but not nearly as much as a white DroKara would.
IDK I’ll play around with some potential character designs and see if any appeal to me enough to keep. It might be that this doesn’t work for me and will get ditched, but I’ve got to try it to find out!
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inkedmoth · 2 years ago
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map again
major cities, towns, and outpost placed. along with a scattering of villages and hamlets. I want to add more way stones but I’m thinking I’ll have to change their icon since it takes up the same space as a village. maybe just the ‘doorway’ stones?
also I want more locations, but I don’t want to make the icons smaller or the map bigger, so I’ll just have to accept what I’ve got. I already know I’m gonna regret everything when it comes to naming them all.
next part is landscapes tho, so that might be fun thinking up geological features
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inkedmoth · 2 years ago
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some temporary itty bitty map markers
Houses of the winter domain are somewhat inspired by nordic or viking buildings, so the map markers are themed along those lines. I need to go in to their architecture a bit more, since I’ve figured out things for them.
I might come up with some extras later, but for now we’ve got: Capital > City > Town > Village > Hamlet > Outpost > Sky/Sea Port > Waystation/Standing Stones > Flag/key Locations
I need to line them since these are sketches, and then have a simple colour code for the different provinces. And also I think the map itself needs to be bigger cause these markers take up a whole bunch of space :’D
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inkedmoth · 2 years ago
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instead of bullying myself for not drawing dante, I let my brain wonder off and do what it wanted. so apparently that meant drawing Ashe’Rae’s human/civil form. and honestly I’m not mad, she looks great, especially considering I haven’t really drawn any DroKara civil forms yet!
Clothing colours are temporary, but otherwise this design is fairly accurate??
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