luckystorein22 · 1 year
What is the definition of "still" mineral/spring water? Is it possible for water to be "still" in nature? If so, why does it say on bottles of Evian for example that their product comes from French springs?
The term "still" mineral or spring water refers to water that does not contain carbonation or any added gases, making it non-sparkling or non-fizzy. It is simply flat water without any bubbles or effervescence. This distinction is commonly used to differentiate between carbonated or sparkling water and the still variety.
While it is possible for water to be naturally still in nature, the presence of springs and their characteristics vary. Springs can produce water that is naturally still, meaning it does not have any carbonation or bubbles. The water emerges from the ground without any effervescence. However, not all springs produce still water naturally. Some springs may have naturally carbonated or sparkling water due to the geological composition of the underground sources.
Regarding Evian and similar products, the mention of French springs on their bottles signifies that the water used in the product is sourced from natural springs located in France. Evian water is sourced from the Évian-les-Bains region in the French Alps, where there are springs that produce still water. By highlighting the origin and source of their water, companies like Evian aim to emphasize the quality and purity of the water they provide to consumers.
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