#Drilling Services & Door Glass repair
jayonsg · 1 year
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 006 - Into the Castle
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[ Masterlist ] [ Read on AO3 ] [ Raws ]
♦ 153
Komui: Permission to storm the castle,1 sfx: gooon [groaning doors reach fully opened state] Komui: Allen Walker.
♦ 154
6th Night - Into the Castle
♦ 155
sfx: shaki [shink; Mugen coming back up to Allen's nose]
Allen: Ack—
Komui: Kanda, wait a minute. Wait.
Kanda: Komui...? The hell's going on here?
Komui: Oopsie-daisy, someone jumped to the wrong conclusion! That boy is Marshal Cross' apprentice. Komui: Come now, Foreman, say you're sorry—
Reever: Don't you put this on me!!
sfx: itatatata [ow ow ow ow, Komui pulling on the headset in Reever's ear to speak into it]
Komui: That Timcanpy is with him is more than proof enough. Komui: He's one of us.
♦ 156
sfx: pakoh [bonk] Lenalee: Honestly. Lenalee: He said stand down, didn't he? Lenalee: Come in before the gates close.
Allen & Kanda: ......
Lenalee: In!
sfx: gachan [gates closing again]
♦ 157
Lenalee: I'm the Director's assistant, Lenalee. Lenalee: I'll take you to him; follow me.
Allen: Lead the way.
sfx: kuru [Kanda turns on heel to stomp off] sfx: suta suta suta [stomp stomp stomp]
Allen: Oh, Allen: Kanda—
sfx: gira [GLARE]
Allen: That's your name, right? Allen: Pleasure.
♦ 158
Kanda: You're cursed, right? Like hell I'm shaking your hand.
sfx: gah gah gah [striding off]
Allen: Discrimination...
Lenalee: Don't mind him. Lenalee: He just got back from a mission, still a bit on edge.
Guard: A newbie, huh....
Guard: Barely out of diapers....
♦ 159
Guard: That hair had me thinking he was old.
Guard: Apparently it's because he's cursed.
Allen: ...Gossiping about me?
Guard: Wonder if the kid'll be all right....
Guard: Innocence really doesn't care how old you are.
Grand Marshals: Allen... Grand Marshals: Walker....
Allen: So this is the Black Order.
♦ 160
Lenalee: This is the mess hall. Lenalee: Here's the drill hall; it takes up the whole third floor. Lenalee: The common room. Lenalee: There's also the infirmary, and the archives. And our personal quarters, of course; I'll show you to yours later.
Allen: I get my own room!?
♦ 161
Lenalee: Every Exorcists leaves on their missions from here, Lenalee: so some of us have nicknamed it "home". 2 Lenalee: There are some who don't come back if they can help it, though.
Allen: Like Master. Allen: .... Allen: "Home", huh... Allen: Whoa! What's on this floor?
Lenalee: This f—? Never mind.
Allen: Sorry?
Lenalee: Never. Mind. Lenalee: Come on, let's keep going!
Allen: ?
Narration: It contains Division Director Komui's private laboratories.
Komui: You could've let him take a peek.
♦ 162
Komui: Hello and welcome! sfx: chikooon [Komui adjusts his glasses, radiates charm] Komui: Komui Lee, Director of the Science Division, at your service! Komui: We're very glad to have you, Allen. Komui: That was quite the debacle earlier, wasn't it?
Everyone: And whose fault was that....
Komui: Now let's have your arm, please.
Allen: Huh?
Komui: Kanda gave it a good scratch during your little tiff, didn't he? Komui: No need to be shy.
♦ 163
sfx: bih biri [tremble, twitch]
sfx: fumu [hmm] Komui: As I feared, it's infringing on your nervous system. Komui: Lenalee, fetch the anaesthetic. Komui: Can you boot it up for me? 3
Allen: Oh, um, all right. Allen: Initializing—
Komui: Ooh.
sfx: vun [arm expanding]
Komui: Hmm.
♦ 164
Komui: So you're a parasitic type! 4
Allen: Parasitic... type?
sfx: kotsu [clink]
Komui: Yes, an Accommodator whose weapon is part of their body. 5 Komui: There are many types of anti-Akuma weapon, but yours is the most unusual.
sfx: SHAKA [horrifying drill guns rev up]
Komui: With parasitic Accommodators, the more synced their weapons are to their bodies, the more susceptible they are to this effect. 6
Allen: What's all that for?
Komui: Hm? Repairs. Komui: Afraid this'll be a bit shocking. sfx: gira [glint] Komui: I suggest you avert your eyes to avoid some trauma.
Allen: H— Hang on—
♦ 165
Komui: Go! ♫
sfx: giri gori buchi do [myriad grotesqueries]
Reever: There they go....
Tup: So brutal....
sfx: DO DO DO DO DO [a drill-shaped jackhammer, jackhammering]
Lenalee: Komui? Should we bring him over after this? Lenalee: We still need to make sure he's basically human, right?
Komui: Hm? No, no, it's fine. He's human.
Lenalee: How do you know?
Komui: Humanity is the only species in this world vulnerable to such things as "curses".
♦ 166
Komui: The anaesthetic paralysis won't wear off until tomorrow, but you're all fixed up! ♪
sfx: zuuun [Allen, a zombie] Allen: Mustn't... damage arm... ever again...
Komui: Come now. Komui: Parasitic types do have side effects, but they'll exceptionally rare~! Komui: You're one of the chosen few. You'll be able to get the most out of your Innocence. 7
sfx: un [hum of hovervator descent]
Allen: ? Innocence?
♦ 167
Grand Marshals: He speaks of God's Innocence. Grand Marshals: All-knowing, all-powerful, so on and so forth. 8
sfx: un [hum of hovervator descent]
Grand Marshals: Another... We have once again attained... God.... 9 Komui: Our top brass, the Grand Marshals. 10 Komui: Go on now. Show our esteemed superiors what you're made of.
Allen: ...What?
♦ 168
Allen: !!!
♦ 169
sfx: gan [yoink]
Allen: Wh—!?
Hevlaska: In... In... Hevlaska: Inno.... Hevlaska: Innocence....
♦ 170
sfx: zu zu [feathery tendrils digging into flesh]
sfx: biki [wince] Allen: What in the— Initialize, O cross!
Komui: Quit that, it won't work. I told you: the anaesthetic won't wear off till tomorrow.
Allen: ! Komui...!
sfx: niko [smile] Komui: That cross of yours is truly magnificent, Allen.
Komui: So, Hevlaska, how do you find
♦ 171
Komui: this holy Apostle? Komui: Does he suit your tastes?
♦ 172
LENALEE LEE Chinese | 16 years old Height: 166cm (5'5) Weight: 48kg (106lbs) Birthday: February 20th Pisces, blood type B
♦ Like Allen, Lenalee as a character predates this manga. She might even predate Allen himself, actually.
♦ I waffled a lot over the design for the female Order uniform. Because I took my time, though, I'm satisfied with the final results.
♦ Lenalee's ideals are loosely modelled after a real person's too, but my manager cracked up so hard when I told him whose that I've sworn to tell no one else.
入城 nyuujou is a term used when a besieging force has breached the castle gates and gained entry, but the actual kanji itself just mean "castle entry", so it's... not quite a pun, more of a cultural joke referring to Allen's initial miscategorization as an "enemy". The word is also the chapter title, but it sounded awkward there so I went with the benign version for that. [ ♠ ]
"Home" is written in katakana as a direct loanword from English. I'll just point out that Allen doesn't remember ever having had one of those before, let alone his own room. [ ♠ ]
Term: 発動 hatsudou is a term we're going to see a lot, and I've been giving myself headaches over how to effectively translate it for years.
Essentially, outside of legal contexts, it means to "put into operation", as in "start" an engine or "boot" a computer. Even the word for "engine" is 発動機 hatsudouki: "an apparatus put into operation". Anti-Akuma weapons are... I think the closest word might be "appliances", in that a) they require power to run, b) they have to be turned on (and will then run for a period of time before ceasing operations), and c) they're designed to perform specific functions.
The problem is that in the Japanese, the term is often used as an imperative — asking or ordering a weapon to power up, usually via a targeted thought — and that's not exactly a thing we do with our dishwashers. We don't have a cool, snappy way to say "start doing the thing". Therefore, my compromise: I'm going to translate the word to whatever we'd say to or about a computer.
"Can you boot it up for me?" "While it's running, it can do this and this." "Initializing..." etc.
If the term crops up somewhere interesting and it really matters that it's been the same term all along, I'll explain that in a footnote, but overall I hope this option will sound the most natural and convey the intended meaning most accurately in most instances. Fingers crossed. [ ♠ ]
Mismatch. Kanji: 型 gata "type, category" Furigana: タイプ taipu "type" written as an English loanword This isn't super important yet, but do remember that "type" as an English loanword refers specifically to top-level categories of Innocence, ie. "parasitic", "equipment", and later "crystal". [ ♠ ]
Term: 適合者 tekigousha is an invented compound meaning "one who accommodates". The word "Accommodate" is actually written out in English soon, so we can be very sure that "Accommodator" was the intended term. [ ♠ ]
Another jargon term with a kanji/furigana mismatch: Kanji: 同調 douchou "accord, attunement, alignment", essentially "being of the same mind, heart, opinion, or intent" Furigana: シンクロ shinkuro "sync, synchro, synchronization" If you've seen Evangelion, pretty much same deal here. [ ♠ ]
Term: イノセンス inosensu, "Innocence" as a katakana loanword from English. It's a proper noun, like a brand name (ie. "God's Kalashnikov"), and should be capitalized accordingly. [ ♠ ]
全知全能の力 zenchi zennou no chikara. This involves something we don't quite have in English called 四字熟語 yojijukugo "four-character idioms", which are kind of a combination between short pithy sayings (much like the Scots "affen ettle, whiles hit" in Night 4) and poetic cultural memes which sum up the morals of various folktales and parables in a few short, not necessarily related characters (an English example might be "sour grapes" from Aesop's fables, which means nothing on its own but is understood by our culture to refer to someone who resentfully devalues something they wanted but couldn't attain).
In this case, the yojijukugo most literally means "all knowledge, all power", and is used to communicate that someone or something has no limits to their competence or capability. It's also used to describe God's qualities "omniscience and omnipotence", leaving out "omnipresence". All told, we're meant to get the impression that Innocence is extremely powerful, flexible, and broad-ranging in its uses, perhaps even "almighty". [ ♠ ]
This sentence is intentionally vague even in Japanese, but the connotations are as such:
♦ また一つ mata hitotsu = "mata" on its own means "again" or "another", while "hitotsu" means "one (discrete countable object)";
♦ 我らは warera wa = "we have"; the "ware" here is the same kanji as the "waga" in the Earl's "wagahai", the plural first-person pronoun
♦ 神を手に入れた kami o te ni ireta = "acquired (...) a god, or God"
"We have once again acquired (one of) God" doesn't make any sense in English, but it's because we don't know what exactly that "one of" refers to. A whole god? A piece of God? Something belonging to God? It's not clear. Therefore, I put in an extra ellipsis to show that they are literally being too vague for a layman listener like Allen to make sense of things. [ ♠ ]
Here's another reason I opted to translate 元帥 gensui as "marshal" rather than "general": a "grand general" isn't really a thing outside of Star Wars, but a "grand marshal" absolutely is. Better yet, it's a weird hybrid title that was built off the military "field marshal" rank, but was initially used more often by the heads of religious orders (like this one!). It outranks "field marshal", but the position is almost always more ceremonial than practical, keeping its bearers safe inside rather than out on the field. A grand marshal need not ever have been a field marshal to rise to the rank, if they come from a different branch of power (ie, religiously appointed). These people command the Exorcists, but may not be Exorcists themselves, or have ever seen battle against the Earl's forces at all. [ ♠ ]
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ashtonlanger · 3 months
Expert Tips for Garage Door Opener Replacement in Scottsdale
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Replacing a garage door opener is a critical task that enhances your garage's convenience, security, and efficiency. If you live in Scottsdale and are considering a replacement, it's essential to understand the process and make informed decisions. This guide provides expert tips for garage door opener replacement Scottsdale, ensuring a smooth and successful upgrade.
Find The Best Garage Door Repair Service in Scottsdale in Visual Map:
1. Recognizing the Need for Replacement
Signs Your Garage Door Opener Needs Replacing
Understanding when to replace your garage door opener is crucial. Here are some signs that indicate it might be time for a new one:
Frequent Malfunctions: If your opener often fails to work or works intermittently, it may be time for a replacement.
Unusual Noises: Grinding, scraping, or other unusual sounds can signify worn-out components.
Slow Response Time: If there's a delay between pressing the remote and the door opening, the opener might be failing.
Outdated Technology: Older models lack modern safety and security features.
Inconsistent Operation: If the door operates inconsistently, it might be a sign of a failing opener.
Benefits of Replacing Your Garage Door Opener
Replacing your garage door opener offers numerous benefits:
Improved Security: Modern openers have advanced security features to prevent unauthorized access.
Enhanced Safety: Features like auto-reverse ensure the door stops if an object is detected in its path.
Convenience: Newer models offer remote access and smartphone connectivity.
Energy Efficiency: Modern openers are more energy-efficient.
Reliability: Reduced risk of breakdowns and improved performance.
2. Types of Garage Door Openers
Chain-Drive Openers
Chain-drive openers are durable and powerful, making them suitable for heavy doors. However, they tend to be noisy, which might not be ideal if the garage is adjacent to living spaces.
Belt-Drive Openers
Belt-drive openers use a rubber belt instead of a chain, resulting in quieter operation. They are an excellent choice for homes where noise reduction is a priority.
Screw-Drive Openers
Screw-drive openers operate with a threaded steel rod. They require less maintenance and provide smooth and quiet operation, but can be more expensive than chain-drive models.
Direct-Drive Openers
Direct-drive openers are unique in that the motor itself moves along a stationary chain. They are extremely quiet and have fewer moving parts, reducing maintenance needs.
Smart Garage Door Openers
Smart openers come with built-in Wi-Fi and can be controlled via smartphone apps. They offer the ultimate in convenience and security features, such as real-time alerts and remote access.
3. Choosing the Right Garage Door Opener
Consider Door Type and Weight
The type and weight of your garage door influence the choice of opener. Heavy doors, such as wooden or insulated ones, require more powerful openers, typically 3/4 HP or higher.
Noise Levels
If your garage is adjacent to a bedroom or living space, consider a belt-drive or direct-drive opener for quieter operation.
Smart Features
Modern openers offer various smart features, including:
Remote Access: Control your garage door from anywhere using a smartphone app.
Security Alerts: Receive notifications if the door is left open or if there's an attempted break-in.
Integration: Some models integrate with home automation systems like Alexa or Google Home.
Garage door openers come in a range of prices. While it’s tempting to opt for the cheapest model, investing in a quality opener can save you money in the long run through reduced maintenance and longer lifespan.
4. Preparing for Installation
Gather Necessary Tools and Materials
Before starting the installation, gather all the necessary tools and materials, including:
Wrenches and Pliers
Measuring Tape
Safety Glasses
Read the Manufacturer's Instructions
Each garage door opener model comes with specific installation instructions. Carefully read the manual provided by the manufacturer to ensure you follow the correct steps.
Ensure Safety Precautions
Safety is paramount during installation. Follow these precautions:
Disconnect Power: Ensure the power is off to prevent electric shock.
Use Safety Gear: Wear safety glasses and gloves.
Work with a Partner: Having an extra pair of hands can make the process smoother and safer.
5. Step-by-Step Installation Guide
Removing the Old Opener
Disconnect Power: Unplug the old opener and disconnect the wires.
Detach the Door Arm: Remove the arm connecting the opener to the door.
Remove the Opener: Take down the old opener unit and the bracket.
Installing the New Opener
Assemble the Opener: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to assemble the new opener.
Install the Bracket: Secure the bracket to the ceiling joists.
Mount the Opener: Attach the opener to the bracket.
Connect the Rail: Attach the rail to the motor unit.
Install the Belt or Chain: Depending on your model, install the belt or chain.
Attach the Door Arm: Connect the arm to the door.
Wire the Opener: Connect the wires according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Install Safety Sensors: Position the sensors on either side of the door, a few inches above the ground.
Test the Opener: Plug in the opener and test its operation, adjusting settings as needed.
6. Professional Installation vs. DIY
Benefits of Professional Installation
Expertise: Professionals have the experience to ensure correct installation.
Safety: Reduces the risk of injury or improper installation.
Warranty Protection: Professional installation often comes with a warranty.
DIY Installation Considerations
Cost Savings: DIY installation can save on labor costs.
Learning Experience: It’s a good opportunity to learn about your garage door system.
Time and Effort: Be prepared for a time-consuming and physically demanding task.
7. Post-Installation Tips
Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance can extend the life of your garage door opener. Here are some tips:
Lubricate Moving Parts: Apply lubricant to the chain or belt, rollers, and hinges.
Check Safety Features: Test the auto-reverse feature to ensure it’s functioning properly.
Inspect the Door: Regularly check the door balance and make adjustments as needed.
Programming Remote Controls
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to program your remote controls and any additional keypads or devices.
Securing Your Garage
Ensure your garage is secure by:
Changing Default Codes: If your opener has a keypad, change the default code immediately.
Using Vacation Mode: When away for extended periods, use the vacation mode feature to disable remote controls.
8. Troubleshooting Common Issues
Opener Doesn’t Respond
If your opener doesn’t respond, check the following:
Power Source: Ensure the opener is plugged in and receiving power.
Remote Batteries: Replace the batteries in your remote.
Sensor Alignment: Make sure the safety sensors are aligned and unobstructed.
Door Reverses Before Closing
If the door reverses before closing:
Check Sensors: Ensure nothing is blocking the sensors and they are properly aligned.
Adjust Sensitivity: Consult the manual to adjust the opener’s sensitivity settings.
Noisy Operation
If your opener is noisy:
Lubricate: Apply lubricant to moving parts.
Tighten Hardware: Ensure all bolts and screws are tightened.
Check the Type of Opener: Consider upgrading to a quieter model if noise persists.
9. Finding the Best Garage Door Opener Replacement Services in Scottsdale
Research and Reviews
Start by researching local companies. Look for those with positive reviews and a solid reputation in Scottsdale.
Services Offered
Choose a company that offers a comprehensive range of services, including:
Consultation: Initial consultation to understand your needs.
Installation: Experienced technicians for seamless installation.
Maintenance and Repair: Ongoing services to keep your opener in top condition.
Warranty: A good warranty for peace of mind.
Top Garage Door Opener Replacement Services in Scottsdale
Here are some reputable garage door opener replacement services in Scottsdale:
Arizona Garage Door Repair Guru: Known for their exceptional service and over 25 years of experience.
Scottsdale Garage Door & Opener: Offers a wide range of services and a customer-centric approach.
Dynamic Door Service: Reliable and professional with a variety of custom door options.
A1 Garage Door Service: Renowned for their prompt service and quality workmanship.
Precision Door Service: Offers detailed attention to every aspect of garage door opener installation.
10. Conclusion
Replacing your garage door opener in Scottsdale can significantly enhance your home's convenience, security, and efficiency. You can ensure a smooth and successful replacement process by understanding your options, preparing adequately, and choosing the right opener and installation method. Whether you opt for DIY or professional installation, following these expert tips will help you make the most of your new garage door opener. Regular maintenance and timely troubleshooting will ensure it continues operating efficiently for years.
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supernaturalwindow · 1 year
Ensuring the Safety of Your Emergency Exit Doors and Windows: A Comprehensive Guide
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In times of emergency, the security and functionality of your exit doors and windows can make all the difference between safety and chaos. Whether it's a fire, a natural disaster, or any other unforeseen event, having secure and functional emergency exits is crucial for the well-being of your family and property. In this blog, we will discuss how you can ensure that your emergency exit doors and windows are both secure and functional during emergencies, while also exploring related topics such as door replacement, roofing with shingles, and the cost of glass garage doors.
Regular Inspections and Maintenance
The first step in ensuring the security and functionality of your emergency exits is to conduct regular inspections and maintenance. Inspect all exit doors and windows to identify any signs of wear and tear. Look for issues such as damaged frames, hinges, locks, or glass. If you notice any problems, take immediate action to repair or replace the affected components.
Door Replacement
If your emergency exit doors are outdated, damaged beyond repair, or not up to current safety standards, consider door replacement. Look for reputable door replacement services in your area. Many homeowners turn to trusted retailers like Home Depot for quality door replacement options. Search for "door replacement near me" to find local professionals who can help you choose and install the right emergency exit doors for your home.
Windows for Door Replacement
When it comes to replacing your emergency exit doors, don't forget about the windows. Windows for door replacement should be durable and shatter resistant. This ensures that they won't hinder your evacuation efforts during an emergency. Be sure to discuss your requirements with the professionals handling your door replacement project.
Roofing with Shingles
While focusing on your emergency exits, it's also essential to consider the overall safety of your home. A strong, secure roof is a crucial component. Roofing with shingles is a popular choice for its durability and resistance to weather elements. A well-maintained roof can prevent leaks and structural damage that may compromise your emergency exit doors and windows.
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Security Measures
To enhance the security of your emergency exits, invest in high-quality locks, deadbolts, and security bars. Make sure all family members know how to operate these security features and emphasize their importance during emergencies. Additionally, consider installing a security system that includes sensors on exit doors and windows to alert you in case of unauthorized access.
Glass Garage Door Cost
Glass garage doors can add a touch of elegance to your home, but they also need to be secure and functional. If you're concerned about the cost of glass garage doors, research different options and get quotes from reputable suppliers and installers. Keep in mind that safety should be a priority, so choose a glass garage door that offers both aesthetics and security.
Emergency Preparedness
Finally, ensuring the security and functionality of your emergency exit doors and windows is only part of the equation. You also need to prepare for emergencies by having an evacuation plan in place and conducting regular drills with your family. Ensure that everyone knows the quickest and safest routes to exit the house.
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In conclusion, the safety of your emergency exit doors and windows is paramount for the well-being of your household during emergencies. Regular inspections, maintenance, and necessary replacements should be part of your home safety routine. Don't hesitate to seek professional assistance, such as door replacement services, when needed. Remember that while cost is a consideration, the safety and security of your home should always be the top priority. Stay prepared, stay safe, and protect your loved ones and property during any unforeseen emergency.
0 notes
the-broken-truth · 3 years
Can I request i male reader who treats all of the lords and mother mranda like his own kids cause of his animal instincts? 🙍‍♂️🐾
(You can choose the sifter)
Broken (Chuckles): Hello, @imanewboi99 - back again to spoil me with delicious scenarios, are you? (Reads ask) A Shifter that treats The Lords & Mother Miranda like his children? Hm...I can imagine the Lords but the Lords see Mother Miranda as their mother...I'll make him Miranda's Lover - Hopefully that is good for you, my friend. As for Shifter Form... I'll make him a Caracal Cat; I like their ears and they have stubby little tails, plus cats are one of the animals I think will take in another animal's infant as their own. Now, let the words weave together!
Note: The Reader will be known as [Father].
🦇 [Alcina Dimitrescu] 🦇
When Alcina met [Father] during the Lord Meeting, she didn't like him for the simple fact he was a man but she was curious of the large feline ears he had in replacement for his human ears & they weren't just for show - he made that clear when Karl called Alcina 'Lady Super-Sized Bitch' during a Lord Meeting, causing the tall buff man to walk over to the 4th Lord and glare down at him.
His Response: "You will not refer to another Lord, your sister, and my daughter as a 'bitch' in my presence or the presence of your mother and siblings again, Karl Heisenberg or I show you the power I hold in a way you will not be fond of. Now, apologize to Alcina this minute."
When Karl didn't move fast enough, [Father] grabbed the German by his trench coat and held him high (Keep in mind that [Father] is around the same height as Alcina) with a glare on his face and snarl in his voice, "I SAID 'APOLOGIZE', YOU UNGRATEFUL BOY!'; Karl wheezed out an apology before the man placed in back on the pew, "And never...disrespect anyone of my children again, I wouldn't let any of them do it to you, Son." then he went to sit.
As time went on, [Father] would come to Castle Dimitrescu and repair any kind of structural damaging or ask Alcina if she needed anything to be delivered to the castle.
Alcina would say, "Father, you don't need to worry yourself with these petty issues."
But he would say, "As your father, I don't want my eldest daughter and granddaughters to be without. Please, let me be a good father and grandfather to you and my granddaughters, Alcina."
Alcina was touched and handed him a list of things she needed to be taken care of that no one else would do or couldn't do. Everything was done within a few hours.
When it comes to the daughters, [Father] loves them as a man would love his biological grandchildren.
He would come to the castle with gifts: A new book collection for Bela, Gadgets of Torment for Cassandra, or a new weapon for Daniela.
If the daughters were bored and had nothing to do, [Father] would turn into his Feline Form and let the daughters hunt him, but he was rather fast & which made the daughters have fun with the chase.
[Father] has a manor that is around the same size as Heisenberg's Factory and the daughters love to visit because the large man spoils them too much.
They would go every single weekend but one day, Alcina told them that they didn't need to go everything single weekend and to give [Father] some space. The daughters didn't like that and called their grandfather to complain and waited around the corner when Alcina received a call from [Father].
"Father, all I said was they don't need to be over there all of the time," Alcina explained.
"Alcina, don't say anything to me; you are lucky that I am 5 whiskey glasses in, otherwise I would come to get them myself. Call the carriage and bring me my granddaughters." He hung up after that.
Not wanting to disappoint her Father Figure, she called the carriage and delivered the daughters and she was given a case of fine wines to relax with while they were with him.
She may hate men - but [Father] was the only man-thing she would admit to caring about. Mother Miranda picked well.
🎎 [Donna Beneviento + Angie] 🎎
[Father] knew that Donna was timid & Angie was her way of communication - he didn't want to frighten her thus began their relationship with phone calls.
For the most time, he spoke to Angie and each conversation would with [Father] asking if Donna or Angie needed anything; yes, he considered Angie another person and not just a doll.
On the occasion that they did need something, he would go purchase what they needed and let it on the porch of Beneviento Manor, knocked on the door, and stepped away; he knew that Donna was scared of his height.
One day, he was delivering some Doll Parts Donna asked for, he did his normal routine and was about to leave when Angie called out and asked if he wanted to come in for tea. He accepted.
He shrunk himself to be a more acceptable height for Donna and the three of them had tea and conversation.
Donna became more adjusted to his presence and would call him herself - without Angie - and ask if they would have tea, make dolls together, or work in the garden together.
One day, he came with an eyepatch with the Crest of House Beneviento stitched into it as a way to cover the scar but not her whole face.
At the next meeting, she wore it.
Salvatore complimented her on it and she said 'Father made it for me.'
He smiled.
🐟 [Salvatore Moreau] 🐟
Salvatore was curious about [Father] but was too nervous to talk to him - thinking he was going to be mean or make fun of him his appearance. Imagine his surprise when [Father] wanted up to him and smiled before saying, 'Hello, Salvatore. It's nice to meet you, son.".
Salvatore looked at him with wide eyes - he thought of Salvatore as a son? He didn't make fun of him?
Salvatore and [Father] would talk whenever they saw each other at the Lord Meetings but one day, [Father] asked to spend a day with his son because he never got to learn about him.
Salvatore was nervous but agreed.
When [Father] arrived at Salvatore's Territory, he was displeased that his son was living in such poor conditions and he vowed to do something about it and his son's vomiting.
The two of them spent hours watching movies together and eating cheese & fish while Salvatore told [Father] everything about him.
One day, Salvatore was surprised to see his father building a new house on steady ground and told Salvatore that it was his new home because he was not gonna let his Lord and Son live in poor conditions like that. Salvatore was also informed that there was a new collection of movies for the two of them to enjoy.
They have movie nights every Wednesday and Sunday.
As for Salvatore's vomiting, [Father] was able to make an elixir that prevents vomiting but Sal has to drink it every month. It's bitter but he will do it regardless.
🛠 [Karl Heisenberg] 🛠
[Father] knew that Karl was still cross with him for embarrassing him before Mother Miranda and the Other Lords & no real father would want his son to be angry with him at every family get-together.
[Father] went to Karl's Factory with an apology but when he went inside, he saw his son running from a strange contraption with a large drill arm.
His Paternal Instincts kicked in and he charged at the creature, crushing its head in his hand before turning to his son to make sure he was alright.
Karl was angry to see him at first but he did thank him for saving his life before that thing turned him into a pin-cushion. He then asked [Father] what he was doing in his factory and the taller man said he didn't want any bad blood between the two of them and offered his services to his son.
Karl wasn't interested and first but he then realized that he could use [Father] to get inside information on Miranda so he agreed.
The two of them worked on projects, blueprints, or repairs for hours, enjoying each other conversation and presence.
[Father] asked the 4th Lord to be kinder to the other lords - he hated seeing his family argue and be bitter with each other.
Karl - while he never saw the others as his family - agreed to this for the sake of the only one he really respected and cared for.
Karl was still planning on making Miranda suffer for what she had done to him and the others...but...Did [Father] really deserve it?
This man - he had a heart of gold - but it was clear he suffered as well and this 'family' was the only thing that kept him together, kept him happy - Karl didn't want him to be unhappy.
What would destroying Miranda and this 'family' do to [Father]? Karl wondered but at the same time, he didn't want to know. This man was a father to him...what was he supposed to do?
🧪 [Mother Miranda + The Lords As A Whole] 🧪
Miranda would wake up to the smell of [Father]'s cooking and coffee every morning - he refused to let her start the daily research without a good meal and coffee, and she didn't object to this - the man made some delicious food.
One day - Miranda went to the meeting grounds and found the man cleaning, fixing pillars, and making individual thrones for the Lords, Mother Miranda, and himself. Reason: "My wife and children are not sitting on old ass furniture and possibly getting sick."
The Lords love their thrones - he even made one for Angie.
When an argument - mostly between Alcina and Karl - broke out, [Father] would roar for them to shut up and respect the Mother of All and each other.
"You are my children - not savages - and you will act like it or I shall show you how savages were treated where I came from!"
It would take Miranda's gentle hand to calm him when the children acted out of line.
When it came to the Cadou Experiments - [Father] would aid Miranda or his children without a second thought. Whatever they needed, he would get for them.
[Father] would try to have a family dinner with everyone at his manor once a week, just so the family could all be together.
As much as Miranda didn't want to admit it - she loved the dinners; it really felt as if she had a real family.
Maybe...when Eva was returned to her...they could be a family.
327 notes · View notes
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FanFiction - Crossing the Stars
Hetalia (c) Hidekaz Himaruya
FTL: Faster Than Light (c) Subset Games
Author’s Note: This FanFiction is a crossover between the sci-fi strategy game ‘FTL: Faster Than Light’ by Subset Games and the manga/anime called ‘Hetalia’ by Hidekaz Himaruya. The story will follow closely to the events of the rougue-like gameplay in FTL and the human characters will be replaced with the human versions of the national personifications in ‘Hetalia’. This is a fun personal project and it requires no knowledge of either fandom to enjoy this story. I’d encourage checking the original sources out though! Use of screenshots in this FanFiction are to supplement the storytelling to help plot the course of our heroes’ journey in the universe. Whatever the outcome of the gameplay I base this story on (as each playthrough is very unique) will be translated into the plot of this story. i.e. If the spaceship gets damaged, it gets damaged in the story. If a character dies in the game, they’re dead in this fiction. (Please note that I find this kind of storytelling entertaining to play/write and I plan to do more in the future if time allows!)
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Chapter 1
The Federation was struggling with the advancing Rebel fleet. One lone ship carried some vital information that could turn the tides of the war and the Federation allied Star Ship APH was going to be their champion.
At the helm was Captain Alfred Jones, a spry young American whom fit the Golden Boy persona to a tee. Sure, he wore square-rimmed glasses but he was still awesome. Don’t let his cute blue-eyed, blond haired, ripped body mislead you! He had the courage to lead his crew to the very end. He was the youngest of his crew and had a Hero Complex but his heart helped him to make some decent moral choices.  His friends might disagree and say that his Hero Complex leads to some very immoral choices, but how could he be wrong? He’s great!
Stationed at weapons was his best friend from the academy called Arthur Kirkland. He was an officer from England and was keen to aid in an international project. Arthur was rather lean in build with messy blond hair that matched his sassy personality. His piercing emerald eyes held a wisdom beyond his years. He was tasked with weaponry because of his strategic skills and fearless judgement. Unfortunately his friends and colleagues often made fun of him for his bushy eyebrows, apparent inability to cook, and his obsession with the occult.
Last but not least was the Frenchman Francis Bonnefoy, a flamboyant friend of Arthur’s and on-and-off enemy of his. Much like Alfred, don’t let his looks fool you! Francis’ long, golden hair, sea blue eyes and wispy blond beard could charm many but he was a calculated thinker. He graduated with flying colours in engineering, which is why he was manning the FTL (Faster Than Light) Drive in the engine room.
The blond trio were in their twenties, young and wise together. If they could avoid their normal bickering maybe they would survive this after all!
“This is the awesome Captain Jones speakin’! Get your butts over to the Bridge, we need to figure out where we’re goin’,” the voice on the PA system called in a chirpy American accent.
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“We’re already here, dipshit,” Arthur countered as he and Francis joined him on deck. “We’ve best be quick about this, the Rebel fleet is gaining speed.” He pulled up the Beacon Map on screen and surveyed their options. “Unfortunately we have no data on the properties of each beacon towards the exit into the next sector, but hopefully we can acquire that as we go along. The faster we get to the exit the better, our mission is too important to mess around.”
Alfred was sipping some coffee. “Psh, who’s messin’? I won’t lead you dudes astray! Hero’s promise!”
Francis sighed. “Let’s avoid battles if we can, ze stress gives me wrinkles.”
“We’re in a civilian sector! How bad could it be?”
Arthur glared at him. “You’ve best be joking. This area will be littered with Rebel scouts. We need to get a move on.”
Alfred dumped his coffee cup in the rubbish bin and winked. “Fine. Back to your stations! Off to our first stop! Warp us there, Francis!”
“Aye, sir,” Francis responded as they all returned to their posts.
The S.S. APH warped to the next beacon. If they were expecting a calming tour of space they were greatly mistaken. Alfred’s voice carried over the announcement system. “Hey, y’all! We have a hostile Rebel Scout attacking a small refuelling outpost here. That’s totes uncool so we’re gonna kick their asses! Kirkland, fire up the weapons! Try out our Burst Laser II on their weapons!”
“Aye, Captain! Locked on and charging.”
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The small ship was quick with a laser drone circling the S.S. APH. An alert blared. “Shields took a hit!” Alfred informed them quickly. “Just an ion blast, it’ll be back online soon, stay at your posts!”
Francis’ voice joined him on the announcement channel. “The drone knocked out our door controls!”
“That’s alright, I destroyed their weapons room,” Arthur chipped in confidently.
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“Good work, Artie!” Alfred cheered. “Lock on the drones now.”
“Roger that!”
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The ship shook and Alfred’s voice called out in concern. “Yo, Francis? Are you okay? The shields are back online but it says the engines got hit.”
“I’m fine, mon ami! Minor damage to ze FTL Drive, I’m working on a fix. I’m not hurt.”
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Arthur switched focus from the enemy drones to the helm. He cursed as he saw that the interior scan of the enemy vessel had repaired their weapons in the time his lasers charged. Luckily, his final few attacks took out the scout and they could safely proceed. He sighed with relief. “Danger has passed, let’s pull in the loot.”
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Alfred congratulated them over the announcement system. “Well done, dudes! Artie, join me in the door room. We’re not moving on until that system is running again.”
“On my way!”
Francis kept an eye on the FTL charge as his friends repaired the door functions.
Arthur hummed as he replaced some fried wires and Alfred ran the diagnostics. Oddly enough, they didn’t chat the entire time. It was nice working together. “Alright, let’s get back to our posts. Who knows how many of these automated ships are lurking?”
“Just don’t lead us into a black hole or something.”
“Hahahaha! Noted.”
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Back on the Bridge, Alfred pulled up his upgrades panel. They had enough scrap to give them a new edge. He grinned as he added an extra unit of power to their reactor and instructed the Frenchman to monitor the upgrade. He also treated himself to a more slick piloting upgrade. Having auto pilot help him to dodge attacks with a fifty percent advantage was too amazing to pass up! “I’m gonna jump to the next beacon. Hold on to your asses!”
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The crew warped into the aftermath of a battle. The battlefield was littered with debris from Federation ships and Rebels alike. Their allies had been sadly outnumbered but it was clear they fought valiantly and Captain Jones respected that. He began performing a more detailed scan of the wreckage when his sensors picked up an enemy ship. He gasped and switched on the comms. “To battle stations! We have a Rebel Disrupter in our vicinity!”
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The orange spaceship faced the S.S. APH head-on and momentarily knocked out the shields, just in time for the orbiting drone to shoot their door systems.
“Why do they always target our doors?” Francis complained over the communications system. “It’s hardly a vital system.”
“I think it was potluck,” Arthur answered as his return fire knocked out the enemy weapons. “Got the weapons room! I’m going to knock out that drone and then alternate. I wouldn’t put it past them to begin repairs.”
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“As you are, Kirkland!” Alfred chimed in as he kept an eye on the enemy movements from the helm. They made quick work of this battle and reaped the rewards. “Good job. You know the drill, Artie. Gotta get those door systems online again. Meet me there.”
“Aye, sir!”
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The next beacon jump was nothing special. Beautiful, but nothing interesting. Francis stared out of his nearby airlock windows to view the dancing binary star before they warped to the next point.
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“I’m gonna do a triangular-shaped loop here, dudes. I detect a merchant nearby and I wanna see what they have,” Captain Jones announced to his crew.
“Don’t let us get caught by the Rebels, Alfred!” Arthur’s voice warned him.
“They’re not close enough yet. We’ll be fine. We can’t risk running low on supplies and if we can get this hull fixed that would be great.”
“Good point. Carry on.”
The next jump led them to a destroyed space station. Alfred had reservations about this as life signs could be detected onboard. He bit his lip and weighed up the options of investigating. On the one hand, if he could recruit a new member that would be useful! Although he was well aware that doing these kind of investigations could risk damage to his current crew’s lives. After a moment of hesitation he decided not to risk his friends. They collected miscellaneous debris to repurpose for their own mission and jumped them to the next beacon.
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The crew assembled on the Bridge to witness the hails of a Rock Scout. The Rockmen were a powerful race but these aliens seemed to be relatively friendly. “Hey, this is Captain Alfred F. Jones of the Federation Star Ship APH. How can we be of service today, my dudes?”
Arthur stared at his friend unhappily. “You could use proper English, idiot. Did you learn nothing from etiquette lessons when dealing with foreign entities?”
“There was nothin’ wrong with my lingo, Artie! Don’t make me pull rank.”
“Insufferable git.”
The Rockman Captain simply stared at these weird humans before gaining their attention. “We could really use some help.”
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Alfred saluted. “How can we help?”
“Our FTL navigation system is shot. Can you help us to a nearby station for them to patch us up?”
“Sure thing, rock friend! I’m receiving your fuel down payment right now and I’ll key in the co-ordinates you sent.”
“Thank you. We will be one step behind you, following your jump signatures.”
Francis beamed at his Captain as their communications shut off with their neutral acquaintance. “That was very kind of you, Alfred!”
The American beamed. “If we can help anyone in distress on the way we damn well will! We’re still gonna do our planned route unless we’re forced to change direction, but those Rebel scumbags ain’t gonna take all of us down.”
Francis patted him on the back and returned to his post. Arthur shook his head. “I wish you’d let me deal with the foreign comms once in a while, Alfred, but you did well. I’m heading back to weapons. Try to get our hull fixed at the shop.”
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The next jump led them to an outpost that certainly had merchants selling some wares! Arthur and Francis volunteered to be the away party as Alfred kept an eye on the advancing enemy fleet from the Bridge. Their tailing Rockmen friends also spent a bit of time gathering resources for the journey ahead.
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Aware of the encroaching danger and their limited supply of scrap to trade for goods, the European representatives agreed that they should spend all of it on an Advanced FTL Navigation Augmentation that would allow them to leap to any previously visited beacon in one hop no matter the distance and the rest of the scrap was allocated to hull repairs. They promptly beamed back on deck and installed their new augment and checked with the Rockmen to make sure that they were ready to follow.
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The S.S. APH jumped back the way they came and immediately leapt to the subsequent beacon. It was a tough decision because they had to completely ignore a distress call. The Rebel fleet was advancing far too quickly, they had to put as much distance between them as possible. Alfred felt terrible but his crew and the Rockmen following them depended on forward thinking. There was no helping those in distress right now.
“Rebel transport ship detected!” Captain Jones announced on the communications system. “It doesn’t seem to wanna fight but we can’t take risks. Plus we need the scrap, we’re kinda poor right now.”
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“Engaging weapons, Captain!” Arthur replied, powering up the Burst Laser II to lock onto their weapons room. He was going to target the drones next as those little bastards were a pain to deal with.
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“Fuck, really?! Alright, locking both the lasers and missiles onto their FTL Drive!”
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It was a tense moment as their weapons warmed up and as they celebrated decimating the enemy FTL Drive, a missile hit their own engines.
“ENGINES, DAMAGE REPORT!” Captain Jones cried.
“Ze bastards damaged ze FTL Drive. I’m working on a fix but my head…”
“Focus, Bonnefoy. You can heal after we destroy these idiots!” Arthur chipped in urgently. He switched the lasers to focus on the Rebel weapons room whilst keeping their Artemis missile locked on the enemy engines.
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An explosion rocked the Bridge and Alfred coughed through the smoke. “Dammit, they’re breaking my controls. Kirkland, finish this now.” He gritted his teeth as he repaired the system damage. His wrist was pretty sore but nothing too dire.
“Aye, Captain!”
Fortunately, the battle was over with soon after and repairs could be finished to both the engines and the piloting systems. Jones and Bonnefoy met up in the medbay to heal their injuries before moving on. It was becoming clear how dangerous this mission was.
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Back on the Bridge, Alfred instructed his crew that to get to the quest marker they needed to enter a nebula. Nebula zones were always risky as they knocked out sensors but they could also be beneficial in slowing down the enemy fleet. “We’re heading to the nebula. Be prepared for anything! Warp ahead, Bonnefoy!”
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This felt like a mistake. Nebulas can be rather peaceful but today was not their day! A plasma storm was active so not only were their sensors dead but their reactor was crippled to half-capacity. The crew was in a mild panic trying to figure out what systems were down as a Rebel automated scout swooped in to cause them hell.
“GUYS, WE HAVE A PROBLEM. SEVERAL PROBLEMS,” Alfred yelled through the communications system.
“No shit!” Arthur shot back as he examined the diagnostics from his post. “Our oxygen isn’t powered, we’ll suffocate!”
“Heat up the weapons, Artie, we have company! I’ll divert power from the medbay to the oxygen room!”
“SHIELDS ARE DOWN AND THEY HAVE A DRONE!” Francis cried from the engine room. “We’re sitting ducks!”
“Divert ALL power from engines to the shields NOW!”
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“I’m locked on their weapons, Captain!” Arthur informed them. “The shield is holding off the drone, thank God.”
“Fire on that and then the drone. Destroy it as quickly as possible.”
“Thanks, Captain Obvious.”
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Thankfully the battle was over swiftly. Shaken and worried, Alfred gave the order to drop the shields and restore power to the FTL Drive. They would drop off their Rockmen friends at the next beacon and make their way to the exit.
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“Approaching the quest marker,” Captain Jones announced keeping the ship steady, ready for a break. “I’ll inform our little convoy back there.”
“Can one ship in addition to ours really be considered a convoy?” Francis responded contemplatively.
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He didn’t receive an answer as the Rockmen’s ship zoomed away without warning and Alfred flipped the Red Alert siren. “AGH! IT’S A TRAP! How could they? We trusted them!” He turned on the power to all systems after they were clear of the plasma storm and glared at the Rebel Disrupter ship. How dare they! HOW. DARE. THEY.
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Ignoring the possible melodrama his best friend was stewing in, Arthur had already locked their weapons on the Rebel weapons and drones with their Burst Laser II and the Artemis missile. DIRECT HIT! That’s getting business taken care of. He disabled the Artemis and focused the laser onto enemy shields. He needed no consultation on this strategy, they would not be made fools of! With the shields down and the enemies focused on repairing the damage he dealt to the drones, he fired once again at the weapons room. The Rebel scum would not get a say in this!
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VICTORY! The crew celebrated briefly as they collected the remains of their enemy vessel.
“Let’s get the hell outta here,” Alfred urged, turning them towards the next beacon. “I don’t want to try my luck with another one of these guys.”
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“We can make it to ze Exit Beacon in two jumps, Captain!” Francis informed him over the comms. “With ze Rebels gaining ground we shouldn’t take anymore detours.”
“Agreed, buddy! Full speed ahead!”
The Rebels were determined to control this star system! The subsequent beacon greeted them with another Rebel Rigger patrol. It stood between them and the exit. This could not be tolerated.
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“I’m way ahead of you, Captain!” Arthur called over the communications. “I’ve locked on their weapons and drone rooms. I’ll target their FTL Drive afterwards, we can’t let them get away to inform the Rebel fleet of our location.”
“Show no mercy, Kirkland!”
“Aye, sir!”
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Direct hits!
“The enemy is powering up it’s FTL Drive!” Alfred informed them urgently. “This could be bad!”
The landed hits on the enemy vessel weren’t enough to destroy the hull and the Rebels were an inch from jumping out of reach. Fortune dealt them an unexpected hand, though.
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Alfred opened up the screen to receive a hail from the Rebel Rigger Captain. “Captain Jones speaking. Stop right there!”
The enemy Captain scowled but offered a metaphorical white flag. “The day is yours! Show us your honour by allowing us to leave with our lives.”
This was a very fragile situation. The enemy hull was weak but their FTL Drive was primed to jump any second. There would be no time to stop them unless they agreed to a truce. Alfred growled in frustration but knew there was no choice. “Kirkland, cease fire! We’re entering a truce.”
“What? Um, okay?” came Arthur’s puzzled response. There was probably a good reason to cease fire so he complied. He would demand answers later.
Captain Jones accepted the supplies from the Rebel Rigger and the enemy did not warp away. Phew, that was a close one. The advancing enemy fleet would not gain speed on them.
Tense, Alfred called a meeting on the Bridge. He turned to his crewmates gravely. “We’re getting real lucky with these battles, our damage has been minimal. With Rebels so close to our Exit Beacon we need to be ready for a possible interception between us and the warp point. Don’t let your guard down and we’ll decide which sector to head to next once the coast is clear.”
Arthur nodded and returned to the weapons room without any answers, but he didn’t need them. It was clear they were in trouble and Alfred made a solid judgement call. He would be ready to defend.
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Francis remained by Alfred’s side as they made the final jump to the Exit Beacon.
There was an asteroid field not far from their destination. They decided to risk navigating it for some materials that would help them in the next sector. Luck truly was not on their side as asteroids violently knocked down their shields and damaged their hull!
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“Fire in ze portside airlocks, Captain!” Francis cried.
“I’ll open the airlocks to extinguish it. Everyone meet me in shields! We’ll repair and move on!”
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Once that crisis was averted, the crew met up to decide where to go next.
Would they jump to the Engi Controlled area, or the Zoltan Controlled area? Both were civilian sectors but carried their own unique risks.
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Chapter 1 - END
[Cover Art] This image was drawn in HB pencil and painted in watercolour paints on the 8th August 2021. It was digitally enhanced in GIMP Image Editor on the 9th August 2021. Paper type = 130 gsm 
This chapter was written on the 8th August 2021.
Please do not repost, modify, resell or claim this work as your own.
(Reblogging is fine, though!)
[Mythical Canary Info]
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Adjustable Work Platform
What are the Stepover Work Platforms?
Stepover Work Platforms are designed to provide a secure means of access and over obstacles on the roof or any other area. They act as bridges over obstructions like pipes and industrial machinery. They may be used on many different roof types or in different environments (like factories, warehouses). When used correctly, it improves roof safety and facilitates maintenance work. Depending on its design, a step may be installed on roofs and the ground. It may be free-standing or fixed into the floor. For more informaion to click here https://www.portablestage.co.uk/listing/temporary-work-platforms/
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They're easy to put together and maintain, making sure the safety of workers. Mini step platforms are perfect for cable trays and low lying pipework. Once installed, the Kee Walk step provides safe access and demarcation of permitted walking routes.
What are Kee Walk step Work Platforms?
A Kee Walk step is an easy-to-configure bridge structure designed to work on roofs. It's a modular system made of galvanized aluminum or steel that makes it resistant to bad weather. A Kee Walk step may be designed to fit many projects; it is easy to install and repair. The system features made of glass fiber reinforced nylon steps, designed to reduce the chance of slipping. That makes them safe to use in wet conditions. Portable work platforms need no welding or drilling and may be rapidly installed on site.
Platform styles
Stepover work platforms are available in many designs, sizes, and finishes. Whatever you need, we have a solution for you. All step platforms are modular units, making them easy to put together on-site without the need for welding. They are very easy to repair if any section becomes damaged overtime only by removing that section and changing it with a new one, with minimal downtime. However, modular units sometimes do not meet the projects' requirements, so a premade platform is good to use. 
These platforms may be used both outdoors and indoors. High-quality, industry-resistant materials (such as galvanized aluminum or steel) are used during the building of our units, which means the products will not rot or rust. Powder coating is available. Use the cross-step platforms indoors (in factories, warehouses) or outdoors (on rooftops) with the confidence that they'll stand the test of time. 
Industrial cross platforms built-in any size like cable tray steps for plant access installations, power tower access platforms, rooftop units, and anything in between.
Fixed, free-standing or mobile You may select from many support options for your platform:
PVC counterweights for a free-standing option: Free-standing roof steps, such as, use these kinds of feet, so the roof membrane isn't penetrated.
Kee Klamp fittings for a fixed version: Fixed platforms use galvanized steel flanges that need drilling into the ground. That helps to ensure that the platform does not move.
Heavy-duty casters for mobile work platforms: Mobile step units are generally used for vehicle maintenance or other similar tasks and need many movements. It is when a wheeled unit is required.
Typical uses of step platforms
Steps are versatile products that provide a safe, non slip path over any obstruction or offer access to hard-to-reach areas, like Air Conditioning units, large vehicles (coaches, trains), or tall industrial shelves, for example.
Most of the typical uses for platforms are:
To help you navigate rooftop obstructions, obstacles include parapets, height changes, pipes, cables, or other units like Air conditioning.
To provide maintenance for vehicles: Our units may be designed to help in bus, truck, or train service.
To provide maintenance for aircraft: We may design custom platforms to help with aircraft or helicopters' maintenance and repair.
Access to other hard-to-reach areas: Platforms may also be used to access hard-to-reach areas like high industrial shelve units in warehouses or the top of Air Conditioning units on a roof. Smaller or larger stairs may be used to allow access to multiple entrances like lift shafts on roofs.
Modular Work Platforms
Bridge over conveyor belts: Steps may be made of any size to facilitate access over industrial units like conveyor belts, for example.
Air Conditioning Systems Best for maintenance teams, the step-over platform will provide safe access to the ac units.
Roof parapets: No matter how tall a parapet is, a step-over platform will secure access to the other side.
Pipes - A step-over platform will provide easy access to the roof piping systems.
Cable trays: A mini step-over platform may be rapidly installed to the cable trays and other similar obstructions.
Low-level pipework: Mini steps can help you navigate other trip hazards like low-level pipework.
Mobile platforms are available in lots of sizes and types; all staff who use the platforms must be informed about the rated loads.
Height Adjustable Work Platforms 
 The high-quality Industrial mobile platforms are designed to exceed other products in safety, durability, and versatility. Each step in the process is thought from the material used to the design of many components. Here are some things that will make these products stand out.
Mobile platform systems are very versatile and may work in many different situations. Including the Verastep Modular system may be used with trailers, modular, and other buildings. They may be adjusted to fit door frames of any height, making them best for buildings with irregular or even variable measurements.
They are created with functionality in mind. These mobile platforms are easy to install and remove and may be moved from site to site. All systems can be easily adjusted without shimmying. Most of the platforms may be folded down for easy storage, and they may be moved from place to place with the use of wheels designed for safety in use.
Best Work Platform
The mobile platforms are made of durable materials like aluminum and steel. The footpads are generally made from high-density polyethylene plastic, which can resist wear. They are easy and affordable to change if needed, eliminating the need to replace the platform's legs.
The steps on mobile platforms are available with a variety of treads to minimize slips and falls. The set up is sturdy and is often equipped with guardrails and handrails set at a height that meets OSHA requirements. All mobile ladders have safety features to prevent wheels from slipping during slike tilt and roll designs.
Mobile platforms may be customized for many needs. Many models may be modified to feature different stairs to suit every company's needs, and there are many different configurations to select from. With stairs and platforms built with safety and durability in mind, they will last for years and be a worthwhile investment. 
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imjustthemechanic · 5 years
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Part 1/? - Transmission Part 2/? - The Sandhill Hotel Part 3/? - Piccadilly Part 4/? - The Future Part 5/? - Too Late Part 6/? - The Mystery of the Missing Time Machine Part 7/? - Underway Part 8/? - The Sierra Bunker Part 9/? - Cross-Country Part 10/? - The Pit Part 11/? - Calls for Help
The driver of the blue car appeared to be in his early thirties.  He was wearing a red flannel over a black t-shirt emblazoned with some kind of coat of arms and the nonsense word Gryffindor, and his hair, which was in bad need of a trim, went in every direction at once.  He looked over his shoulder at the stuff piled in his back seat.  “You may have to move some stuff but if you can find room, sure, hop in.  I’m only going as far as Badger, though.”
“As long as there’s a telephone,” said Peggy. “And a shoe store.”
They opened the back doors and began moving the boxes around.  These were very heavy, and felt like they contained mostly paper – the driver helped them move the two biggest into the passenger’s seat in the front, while the smaller one stayed in the back, with Peggy and Howard strapping themselves in on either side of it.  When they bumped into it, something inside clinked, as though it were full of glass bottles.
“Careful with that,” the driver warned them.  “I’ve got some samples in there – if you break one it’s gonna stink to high heaven.”
“It does smell kinda sulfury in here,” Howard observed, shutting the door.
“Sorry about that.  I smell it all the time, so I’m used to it,” the driver replied.  He pulled out onto the road again, the windshield wipers pumping rhythmically back and forth.  “Where were you two headed?”
“We’re not sure yet,” said Peggy.  “We don’t really know where we are.”
“About ten miles south of the border with Montana,” said the driver.  “If you go…”
“Heads down!” Peggy told Howard.  They both ducked, and a brown truck passed them. Peggy couldn’t see whether it had damage to the front bumper, but she wasn’t going to risk it.  She waited until the truck was well ahead of them before she sat up again.
“What was that all about?” asked the driver.
“I… don’t know if I want to tell you,” said Peggy. “We’re still not sure the last person who helped us hasn’t gotten in trouble for it.”
“Oh,” he said.  “Ignorance is bliss, I guess.”
It took them about two hours of driving in steady, heavy rain to reach the small town of Badger, Wyoming.  On the way, since Peggy and Howard didn’t want to talk about what they were doing, the driver chatted to them instead.  He told them his name was Kevin Tran, and that he was a microbiologist who studied sulfur-loving organisms that lived in hot springs a few miles to the west of where he’d picked them up.  Howard was quite intrigued by the idea of creatures, even microscopic ones, that could live in boiling, sulfurous water, and asked dozens of questions, while Peggy kept her eyes on the road, watching out for anybody who appeared to be following them.
At around one in the afternoon, with the rain finally letting up, they reached the town.  It barely deserved the name.  There were only two streets, and most of the buildings were either motels, restaurants, or tour companies.  During the off-season it was probably all but deserted, but at the moment there were people everywhere, which made Peggy feel much better.  As long as there were plenty of witnesses around, she and Howard ought to be fine.
“You mentioned a shoe store,” Kevin said, pulling into a small plaza arranged around a car park.  There were only three shops: one selling souvenirs, one advertising cellular phone repairs, and one offering athletic and hiking equipment.  “This should have something, although they’ll charge you an arm and a leg.”
“What about a telephone?” asked Peggy.
“The service can be kind of spotty,” said Kevin. “If you go over by the Three Bears Motel, that’s where the tower is, and you can usually get a good signal there.”
“No, I meant a pay telephone,” she clarified.
“Oh.”  Kevin had to think about it.  Peggy supposed that in a world where everybody seemed to have a personal telephone on them all the time, pay phones might well have become redundant.  “I don’t know,” he admitted.  “You might find one at the Roxxon station.”
That would have to do.  Peggy opened the door to climb out of the car.  “Thank you very much, Dr. Tran.  You’re a lifesaver.”  He needn’t know how literally she meant that.
“Anytime,” Kevin replied with a smile.  “If you’re ever back in that area come on up to the springs and see me.  My friend Leah is a ranger up there – she knows all the best birdwatching spots.”
“That’s very kind,” said Peggy, “but I doubt we’ll make it back here in your lifetime.”
In the athletic supply shop, Peggy bought herself a pair of comfortable trainers.  They were, indeed, absurdly expensive, but no more so than anything else in this future. With that done, they crossed the street to the petrol station Kevin had pointed out, and asked for a phone.  The clerk directed them behind the building, where there was a single booth that clearly hadn’t been used in some time – there was an actual spiderweb clinging to the receiver.  Peggy evicted the web’s maker, and put some coins in the slot.
Toulouse had told them they needn’t memorize her telephone number, because they could save it in their own phones.  Peggy hadn’t trusted that at the time, and now she was very glad she hadn’t.  She punched in the number.
The phone only got halfway through the first ring, and then there was a breathless, “hello?”
“Hello,” said Peggy.  “Toulouse?”
“Oh my god… Peggy!” Toulouse said.  “Are you all right?  I’ve been calling you since yesterday.  I sent like fifty texts.  Is Howard all right?  What happened?”
“We’re fine, Toulouse,” Peggy assured her.  “Calm down.  We’re fine, we just lost our phones.”
“Both of you?”
“Yes.  I’ll explain later.  For now, I need you to listen to me.  We’ve had a bit of a problem.”
“We’ve got all kinds of problems!” Toulouse said.  Despite Peggy’s attempts to soothe her, the panic in her voice was rising.  “That’s why I’ve been trying to get in touch with you. I went looking for that apocalypse bunker under the hotel, like I said, and it’s there, but it’s not an apocalypse bunker.  It’s more like Area 51!”
Peggy’s heart sank.  She didn’t know what Area 51 was – probably something that hadn’t yet existed in 1948 – but she did know in her gut that it was very, very bad.  “What do you mean?” she asked.
“I figured the password would be Junior’s birthday, because that’s what Daddy uses for everything,” Toulouse said.  “And it was, so I got in, and there’s all these big rooms down there.  I guess some of them are apocalypse bunker, because there’s bunk beds and canned food and gold bars and stuff, but there’s this big room with all these freezers with dead aliens, and weird paintings, and boxes of these weird glowing crystals…”
Peggy straightened up a little.  “Glowing crystals, you say?”
“Yeah, hundreds of them!  And…”
“Bloody hell,” Peggy murmured.  She wasn’t sure how dead aliens and gold bars fit into it, but clearly the bunker under the hotel was where they should have gone after all.  At least they’d survived long enough to get there.  “Toulouse,” she said.
“I don’t know what to do!” Toulouse said.  “I can’t go back to the hotel knowing all that stuff is in there…”
“Toulouse,” Peggy repeated.  “Take a deep breath and listen to me.  Have you called your family about this?”  She hoped not.  Whatever was going on, the Sandhill men were clearly deeply embroiled in it.
“Not yet,” Toulouse said miserably.  “They’d think I was crazy, and anyway I didn’t want anybody to know I’d been in there, anybody at all, before I told you.  Last time I called Daddy about it and when we went back it was all gone.”
“All right, good,” said Peggy.  “Don’t call them.  Where are you right now?”
“I’m in the parking lot at a Burger King,” Toulouse replied miserably.  “Where are you?”
“We’re at a petrol station in Badger, Wyoming, on the east side of Yellowstone Park,” said Peggy.  “We need to get back to Los Angeles.”  They had to have a look in that bunker.
“I’ll come pick you up,” Toulouse promised.  “We have to hurry, though.  Something really bad is happening, really bad.  I’m worried about Daddy and Cass.”
“We’ll figure this out, Toulouse,” Peggy assured her. “Just don’t talk to anybody else about it.”
“I won’t,” Toulouse promised.  “I couldn’t.”
Peggy offered a few more reassuring words, then put the phone back in the cradle and reached up to rub her temples.  “All right, you’re good at figuring things out,” she said to Howard.  “What have we got here?”
“Well, we have a time machine,” he said, “which was used to take Zola into the future and help HYDRA find a lost superweapon. Doesn’t seem to be going well for them so far.”
“We also have a very deep hole in the middle of a national park,” Peggy said, “and some kind of bunker under a hotel in Los Angeles that contains not only survival supplies, but substantial wealth, time machine parts, and dead extraterrestrials.”  She’d hoped if she said it all aloud, it would somehow become obvious how it all fit together.  It did not.  “What is the connection?”
“Maybe there isn’t one,” Howard suggested.  “Maybe we’re wandering through six other conspiracies on the way to the one we’re trying to investigate.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“Neither do I,” said Howard.  He leaned on the side of the phone booth with his arms folded, frowning as he thought about it.  “Those hot springs Tran mentioned are volcanic, aren’t they?”
“Yes, but that pit wasn’t,” said Peggy.  “That was drilled.”
“I know, but maybe it’s got something to do with the volcano.”  Howard scratched his mustache.  “If you could reach the steam or a source of gas, you could use that as a power source. We managed to track them down the first time they tried this seventy years ago, so they know that siphoning electricity from the grid leaves them vulnerable.  If they get into the volcano they can generate their own.”
“They’ve been running the time machine just fine without that, though,” Peggy observed.  “Otherwise we wouldn’t be here.”
“Maybe they don’t need it to run the time machine. Maybe they really need it to run die Glocke.”
Peggy shook her head.  “How much money have we got left?” she asked.
“Does it matter?”  Howard scowled.  “We have no idea how much it’s worth.”
That was true.  “It matters insofar as it might be enough to get us something to eat,” Peggy told him.
Howard perked up at once – like Peggy, he hadn’t eaten since the terrible Brazilian restaurant in Bakersfield, California.  “Now that is a plan I can get behind,” he said.
They headed back around to the front of the petrol station.  “We’re also going to have to find a place to spend the night,” Peggy observed.  “If the town is full of tourists that may be difficult.”
“And expensive,” Howard agreed.
“We may have to be creative,” Peggy said. She stepped out from behind the building and stopped dead when she saw the vehicle that had just pulled up at the pump.  It was a brown UPS truck, and while she hadn’t been able to tell if the one that had passed them on the road had a damaged front end, this one definitely did.  The bumper was crumpled from its collision with the steps, one headlight was smashed, and the paint was scraped away all down the side from where Peggy had brushed against it with the red van.
She grabbed Howard and shoved him behind the station again.  The two of them crouched there and watched as a man got out of the truck and went to a pump to fill it with gasoline.  Another man examined the damage to the front end for a moment, then headed into the little shop to do something.
“Just when I thought we were catching a break,” grumbled Howard.
Peggy was about to ask him since when they ever caught breaks, but then she spotted a familiar vehicle, still parked in the lot at the little plaza across the street.  “We’re catching one right now,” she said.
They went around the building the other way, and snuck out behind the delivery truck.  Their timing was good – as they reached the blue car with the white stripe, Kevin Tran himself was just on his way out of the mobile phone repair shop.  Peggy hurried up to him.
“Dr. Tran,” she said.  “I’m sorry, but is there any way we might impose on you again?”
“Huh?”  He’d been looking at his receipt, and hadn’t seen her approach.  “Oh, hello again.  I… guess so.  Do you need a phone?”  He took his out.  “I just got the screen repaired, so don’t drop it.”
“No, we found a phone all right,” Peggy said. “We need a place to hide.  We’ve just spotted somebody who’s trying to kill us, and we need somewhere to stay while we wait for a friend to pick us up.”
Kevin blinked a couple of times.  “Uh, shouldn’t you call the police?” he asked.
If only it were that simple.  “In our line of work that sometimes makes things worse,” Peggy said.  After the whole affair with Agnes Cully and the Arena Club, she no longer trusted them. Even if she had, they already knew that this particular conspiracy was multi-national.  Arresting the American members might not do any good when the British ones, and heaven knew how many more, were still out there.
He checked his watch.  “Do I have time to get something to eat?”
Peggy’s stomach growled loudly.  “I’m afraid not,” she said.
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lucianobowes-blog · 6 years
The key reasons why It Is Very Important Choose Commercial Refrigeration For Your Company
Commercial refrigeration is very ideal for owners of huge restaurants, business or possibly a departmental store for providing right refrigeration services to their shops. The method of deciding on an industrial refrigerator is different from choosing a residential refrigerator. To setup perfect refrigeration, the exact place for placing the refrigerator has to be chosen first. In the event the commercial refrigerators should be saved in dark areas, it is crucial to make sure that they come in lights who have the opportunity to start its own once the doors are opened. Majority of the commercial refrigerators are produced using stainless materials for the easy maintenance as well as match perfectly with kitchen items. How big commercial refrigerator must be chosen using the needs with the business. Purchasing commercial refrigerators with glass doors are very helpful for picking out the foods quickly plus they are highly suitable for business involving selling of food items. The installation and maintenance of commercial refrigeration equipments are performed by trained technicians and specialists. The commercial refrigeration equipments include grocery freezers, grocery coolers, coolers and freezers of restaurants and chillers units. They are helpful for cooling and enabling the movement water via evaporators to deliver air conditioning facility. Various tools are essential for the proper repair off these equipments. Basic hand tools such as pliers, screwdrivers, flashlights, telescopes, drills, levels, wrenches are very important for installing, repairing and these equipments.
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How much temperature and pressure in the air vapours passing to the refrigeration equipments may be altered by using compressors. The size and style and location from the compressor depends on the style of the refrigeration equipments. Or no working movements are certainly not seen or if those things kept within the refrigeration doesn't remain cool, then there is a high probability that this compressor is some problems requiring refrigeration services coming from a trained technician. If a constant temperature level is just not maintained inside a commercial refrigeration unit, it could due to several reasons. Sub heating, sub cooling and the operation temperatures has to be checked properly to make certain that they may be kept at the right level as suggested for the operation manual. The fans of commercial refrigerators are of help to the damaging temperature of all parts. Should they be affected, then a entire operation gets affected. The fans should be cleaned at frequent intervals on an effective repair of these equipments. To check whether or not the fans are given with plenty of power, a voltage reading device should be used. Fans are essential to the effective functioning of the compressors. To identify a career in commercial refrigeration field, step one would be to be a student under one of the refrigerant technicians. Looking through Yellow pages and internet-based classifieds like craigslist is going to be of great help for choosing the best refrigerant technician. If there are no possible chances to operate as a possible apprentice, attending the courses of economic refrigeration within a reputed technical school or college will probably be helpful. After finishing the course, the directors in the course will be able to provide an apprenticeship opportunity. For the certification from the state, the candidates should attend the exam of refrigeration technician offered by their state. While deciding on the refrigeration services specialist in the case of any damage or defect inside the refrigeration unit, it is crucial to research their experience, maintenance contracts and the training. Commercial refrigeration is quite helpful for owners of big restaurants, business or even a departmental store for giving the right refrigeration services to their premises. More details about Montazh holodil'nogo oborudovanija web site: click now.
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rmindustriesonline · 2 years
The Importance of a Professional Final Clean Los Angeles
When undertaking a construction project, whether a renovation or major repair, there is always debris left behind. Because building contractors do not provide cleaning services, much of the rubble and dust will not be cleared. Because construction companies don’t specialize in cleaning services, most of the dirt that is left behind such as dust covering fixtures and driveways will become a nuisance and a possible safety hazard. The best step that you can take is to call on a professional final clean Los Angeles companies provide.  
Let’s learn about final clean services and why it is an important part of any construction project.
What is a Final Clean Service?
A final clean service is provided for residential and commercial properties where major renovations, remodels, or repairs have occurred. Where floors and walls are covered in dust and indoor or outdoor areas are filled with building materials, final cleans are relied upon as the last phase of the renovation.
Rather than try to wipe the walls and floors or remove the dirt and debris yourself, you can contact a professional final clean service to handle the process for you. A team of professional cleaners will arrive, fully equipped and ready to assist with the restoration of a clean and well-organized space. Not only do they remove the dirt left behind from the building work, but they will also handle any hazardous objects including large amounts of rubble and glass.
Final cleans are valuable because it helps you return to the property faster than if you tried to remove the dirt and dust yourself. For a home renovation where walls, floors, and fixtures are covered in building dust, a team of cleaners will arrive fully kitted and ready to remove the dust and dirt. You will be able to walk into a clean and spotless home that is move-in ready after the renovation.
For businesses, these cleaning services are invaluable because it helps companies open their doors soon after the building or construction work is completed. This means less downtime and improved productivity.
Why Call on Final Cleaning Services?
Final cleaning is the important last step in the construction or renovation process. Trying to take on a major clean when everything is covered in red dust from drilling or knocking rubble and drywall. By contacting the relevant professionals, all forms of dust and dirt are effectively removed so you won’t have to spend time cleaning that could take days or more than a week to achieve a spotless outcome.
With professional final clean Los Angeles homes and businesses can benefit from dedicated and reliable experts. These services are available for those who are interested in maintaining their properties and want the assistance of expert cleaners to handle the post-construction cleanup. The right professionals can help you with a high standard of cleaning services by managing general cleanliness, maintenance, and the removal of hazardous materials. All debris that is removed from the residence or business is responsibly handled and offloaded at designated dump sites. Professional cleaners ensure that every part of the construction clean is well-managed and the property condition is restored.
Original Content Source: https://rmindustriesca.blogspot.com/2022/07/the-importance-of-professional-final.html
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How to Find a Cheap Locksmith Near Me in London
If you are searching for a cheap locksmith near me, consider three factors. The location is important because the service costs can vary from a few pounds to 15 pounds. The locksmith's credentials should also be verified. There may be a cheap locksmith working out of a dark alley, or he may not be trained to handle your particular issue. The next thing to think about is the locksmith's knowledge.
House lockouts
A cheap locksmith near me is often the one who installs a shoddy locking system in your home. Whether it is a broken lock on your car or a locked door, you'll need a quality locksmith to get the job done. While some companies offer quality services at reasonable prices, there are not many.
A company like Super Locksmith Services will provide you with high-quality service at an affordable price. These reviews will help you determine how reliable a company is.
A locksmith for residential properties is a good choice because they deal with house lockouts all day long. The company you hire should provide 24-hour emergency services, including door lock replacement.
Locksmiths who offer 24-hour emergency services will be able to arrive promptly, allowing you to get back to your daily schedule. Many of these companies will never drill your lock, as you'll need to replace it anyway. For example, replacing one door lock is cheaper than replacing a window and its surrounding glass.
Apartment new lock or re-key?
Rather than having to replace every lock in your apartment, consider hiring a locksmith to re-key the old locks. Basically, a locksmith changes the locks so that a new set of keys can be made. This is much safer than replacing all of the locks at once. Moreover, re-keying your apartment locks will also help keep your belongings safe, as you'll know who has copies of your keys.
Do you need a security door?
If you need a new security door for your business, consider calling a quality, reliable company to install the locks. Locksmiths can also install or repair Schlage locks, digital locks, master key systems, gate locks, combination locks, and doorknobs. High Gate Security & Locksmith is a trusted name in New York and has a stellar reputation for customer service. They provide quality work and workmanship at competitive prices. They offer a satisfaction guarantee and 24-hour availability.
London locksmith services
The price of a service from a cheap locksmith in London depends on a few factors. One of the numerous essential factors is the size of the job. A locksmith who quotes 29PS for opening a door can be more expensive than a person who needs multiple locks replaced. However, if you need a door thrown open, you won't have to break through the window and force it open. If you need a locksmith to open your safe, you can use a service offered by a locksmith in London.
A locksmith who works with British Standards is highly regarded by the public. A good locksmith will be able to deal with various types of padlocks, from low to high security. For instance, a cheap locksmith from Premier Security London can handle a high-security padlock and repair or replace it if it has broken. The locksmith will always use British standards when working with any type of lock, so you don't have to stress about safety or security.
Do you need a door lock?
If you need a new door lock, you may be wondering how to find a cheap locksmith near me. Many locksmiths are licensed, but you can do it yourself. Some locksmiths can install a deadbolt, saving you even more money. Deadbolt installation costs about 90 pounds and requires drilling a hole in the door.
Other services that a cheap locksmith can provide include re-keying services. Lockout services refer to situations where you find yourself locked inside a car, apartment, or house. In most cases, a locksmith can get you in and out within ten to fifteen minutes. You might even be able to call 9-1-1 if you're locked out of your car. These services can save you money, time, and the peace of mind that comes with being able to unlock your car yourself.
Find a company with a fast response
You need a fast locksmith response if you have locked your keys inside the car. In such a case, you can get a technician to your location in as little as 39 minutes. You can even call a locksmith for a 24-hour emergency response if you're out of town. Whether you're locked out of your house, an experienced locksmith can come to your aid.
When you need a quality locksmith, you should choose one that is affordable but highly competent. Not only will they solve your lock-related problems, but they won't charge you an arm and a leg to help. You can always ask for references and check their track record before hiring a locksmith. But don't worry - there are plenty of locksmiths in the area who charge a flat rate.
Do you need a safe locksmith?
A professional locksmith is an excellent resource to find when you need to open your safe. Many of them specialize in this service and are willing to come to your home. In fact, some safes even come with drill points that a locksmith can obtain from the model and the safe's serial number.
Suppose you are unable to find the combination on your own. In that case, the safe locksmith near you can drill the safe open using specialized equipment. The locksmith will have to remove the existing lock on the safe and drill through its front surface.
A dead battery is not a huge problem, but the safe will still need to be opened. If it has gone dead, you should hear longer beeps when entering the code. You will also likely see a message on the display panel if the battery is not functioning. A jammed motor or bolt work can also prevent your safe from opening. In such circumstances, you should reach a professional who will know how to fix or replace it.
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