#Dreamers of the Ghetto
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dre759 · 18 days ago
I listened in amazement to the story of how the Soviet Union had solved the problems of economic inequality among the various nationalities in a period of 20 years. This accomplishment was all the more breathtaking in view of the fact that many of these nationalities had been nomadic tribes which had not even reached the feudal stage of social development. Many had no written language and lived at a social level characteristic of about 1000 A.D. The professors were somewhat embarrassed that it had taken so long to achieve these results. But, thought I, if within 20 years after the establishment of a socialist America, [African-Americans ]can erase the ill effects of 300 years of persecution and oppression, I, for one, would be highly satisfied. The Soviet achievement was all the more remarkable because it was accomplished during a period which included counter-revolution, civil war and World War II. Furthermore, during these years the Soviet Union had to depend entirely on its own resources.
Soviet successes in promoting economic equality of different peoples have been accompanied by achievements of equal magnitude in the sphere of education. Of these, Professor G. Glezerman writes: "An educational newspaper estimated in 1906 that it would take at least 4,600 years to wipe out illiteracy among the Central Asian peoples. According to the most optimistic estimate, it said, the Tajiks, if they survived as a people, could expect to be literate in the year 6500. The Soviet State, however, wiped out illiteracy in the Central Asian Republics in two decades."
Before the revolution Bashkira's 198 schools were run entirely by priests. Today the Republic has 5,000 elementary and secondary schools, 60 specialized secondary schools, seven colleges and a university. One out of every four inhabitants is engaged in some form of study. Bashkira has 20 research institutes. Employed in its educational and research establishments are 158,000 specialists, including 54 holding the degree of doctor of science and 777 candidates of science. Before the revolution Bashkira did not even have an alphabet or literary language of its own. Today it publishes about 500 books annually, in a total printing of 3,000,000 copies. It has seven professional theaters, 3,000 cultural recreation centers and 2,000 libraries.
Soviet society is not perfect. Old habits are not easily changed; and, even after many years of Soviet power, many ideological problems remain. But only a utopian dreamer or a peddler of dishonest ideas would attempt to blow up minor defects out of all proportion to their place in the totality.
Whatever ideological problems in regard to racial or national chauvinism the Communist Party and the Soviet government have yet to overcome, the central fact is that the Soviet people have shown the world that racism is not inherent in man. They have shown that once the exploiting classes are removed from power, once exploitation is abolished, the various races of mankind can live in peace.
Ghetto Rebellion To Black Liberation by Claude M. Lightfoot (Pages.146-147, 149, 151)
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angelloverde · 1 year ago
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"Mo Soul" Player Playlist 21 December
A New Funky Generation - The Messenger
Galactic Feat. JJ Grey - Higher And Higher
K. Mansfield & A. Hawkshaw - Exclusive Blend
Marcos Valle - Novo Visual
Leave It All Behind Dub Feat. The Rebirth & Aima - The Dreamer
HornDogz Feat. Ty, Breis & Peeda - Movin' On
The Weathertunes- Sex Is The Place
Kero One - It's A New Day
Uptown Funk Empire - I'm A Manchild
FKJ Feat. Madelyn Grant - Waiting
Sheila & B Devotion - Spacer
Sofa Surfers - Can I Get A Witness (Thievery Corporation Mix)
Joe Bataan - Call My Name
Choker Campbell - Stretch II
Speedometer Feat. James Junior - I Showed Them (The Ghetto)
If you really want to enjoy music and help musicians and bands, buy their lp’s or cd’s and don’t download mp3 formats. There is nothing like good quality sound!!!
(Angel Lo Verde / Mo Soul)
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unfoldingmoments · 2 years ago
“When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer. I read comic books and I was the hero of the comic book. I saw movies and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times...I learned very early in life that: ‘Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain’t got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend - without a song.' So I keep singing a song. Goodnight. Thank you.”  - From his acceptance speech for the 1970 Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation Award. Given at a ceremony on January 16, 1971. (Elvis quotes from copyrighted material with lines from the song “Without a Song”.)  There's a guy who said one time - He said -
You never stood in that man's shoes Or saw things through his eyes Or stood and watched with helpless hands While the heart inside you dies So help your brother along the way No matter where he starts For the same God that made you made him too These men with broken hearts ---
As the snow flies On a cold and gray Chicago mornin' A poor little baby child is born In the ghetto
And his mama cries 'Cause if there's one thing that she don't need It is another hungry mouth to feed In the ghetto ---
Summer kisses, Winter tears That was what she gave to me Never thought that I'd travel all alone The trail of memories
Happy hours, lonely years But I guess I can't complain For I still recall the Summer sun Through all the Winter rain
The fire of love, the fire of love Can burn from afar And nothing can light the dark of the night Like a falling star
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easternrivers · 10 months ago
tag directory
🍊 Nostalgia (or the country known as the Netherlands) - All things Netherlands related
🍊 Being together in youth worship: An empirical study in Protestant Dutch contexts - All things related to dutch youth, Dutch childhood, teenage years and being from the Bible Belt (name stolen from Malan Nel’s study)
🍊 Dutch American identities were originally anchored in the social structure of the church - everything related to the Dutch diaspora
🍊 Does he move beyond geography - all things related to my father and poetry (these things are connected)
🍊 on politics - what it says on the tin
🍊 nostalgia - the continent once known as Europe - basically everything about Europe that doesn’t relate to the Netherlands
🍊 Oorijzers glimmer with their golden shine. - Dutch traditional dress posting (klederdracht/streekdracht)
🍊 Nay; but 'tis the Jerusalem of the West - a quote from “Dreamers of the Ghetto” referring to Jewish life in Amsterdam. Mostly a tag for jewish specific Dutch things
🍊 paradises are usually places where you get killed - east Germany posting
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olokosomolo · 1 year ago
Who forgot a distance past?
The third reich is raising. It’s not a delusional thought, neither a dream, but in front of our eyes in a broad day light. it The sinews of his bones were buried deep in the ground for over eighty years. And we didn't understand those bones were climbing up the graves to emerge soon in no time. Yes out of the grave. The zombies were created by the ones that always waited patiently to the right time they were involved in battle, be occupied with war against a cruel front defending their small heaven those that fake a nation and fake a stolen land those people that claim ownership have yet to creat one only one phalastinian figure In their long long long long history. Them you must forget now coz IDF working for you, Jews around The world, you the ones that already forget a distance pass to those prior 80 years ago. And noodles weak can digest that her to swipe it under the rug and let those zombie thug tage you in another cold Cristal Winter Nightmare. Friends, it's either go back to the ghettos, or now and immediately, yesterday even better. We exit to the street and the mission peacefully do not rest or keep quiet, we the Jews here out in the streets to wake up all those who confused, those who don’t know how to ask, those who paralyzed from their fears. We must get to the streets direct eye 2 eye love you too, that’s must be done in order to wake up those day dreamers for their upcoming nightmares. We going to be everywhere, do not even spare nowhere. We must view anything and extras view to nothing we will be on every streets in the valleys, on the hills and in the alleys. In states capital, there should always be someone attended like a candle that shines lost boat at sea remained them the ruff reef ruff forever. Do not let the demon raise its head, RomOr don’t rest, don’t keep quiet, we all going to be in the street, in the alleys and cities in the capital, this time, we won’t let the demon raise its head, Roam-by zombie, returns to Abyss.
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suiciderape · 1 year ago
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legal binder mechanheeow
ew ur daddy will pick u around u cant see juliet stalking u in a twerk dress in the lunch room at ghetto noon ok ur dumb ew u fucked! me ew ur bad at this ghetto luv hahaha daddys coming to get u open ghetto hollins is in the bldg ghetto daddy is in the bldg lava mcgee? ew ur fliting with me nah ok byee hii hey omg ur cute charcutirie ew ur badass getting death threats blue hair dye? instagram san antonio pictures hahaha ur still talking to jisung nct dreamer ew! why? no it was him ew 1980s suicide boys skateboard with me at the chinese hood ew ur a faggot dick muncher awkward desarae! ur a badass bitch open tha huh uh huh huh uh *gs* uhhh! laady macbeth 1980s lady macbeth suicide lady macbeth suicide boys bye bye clu b? awkward ew ok so get out of the club by masturbating in the envelope addressed to the hollins family ew ur ghetto real i thought it was magee what are u driving? ew i get but what are u driving? samsung galaxy z flip 3 suicide boys- we like u ghetto much but ur hurting our pride we like u so much but ur ghetto pride hurtz ew ur badass so we like to program u yas ok so go on chanhee pop me- were good dude amd we love pss ew ur baddass and we love ur sexy school girl chanhee chanhee chanhee ew ur a dick muncher ew ur a dick ew hi hot boi ew ur a faggot mexican and greek asian twerk baddie ooh ooh hahaha! ew awkward hahaha geto over here hollins is a slut hahaha why ew ur a faggot ew ur a dick muncher maggot ew ur a slut surf! cypress chanhee mt st helens chris 1980s suicide boy angel insider ew ur a faggot preachor
ew what was that shit? keeho mhua ew ur a dango dinger ew ur a v dezmond hollins is in the bld fr? yes were coming tonight ghetto tonight? yes ghetto tonight hahaha we love ur sexy words ur so good at typing are u a robot? rob zombie liverr ew ur gay as hell its sweet mexican liver ew 1980s suicide boys! ew ur a faggo5 get away 5 punK dead dead dead! dead dead chanhee getoA geto geto geto geto
chanhee- what what what what what what shes typing so fast and who has the time to learn how to type like that ur ugly ur fat and stupid cunt were going home we like ur cunt races no were not lying ur going too fast we dont like he44 ew ur gay ew ur a faggot ew u suck ew u cant type that fast without being suicidal faggo5 fuxk its boring were going home dezmond is not in my family leave me alone faggot bitch
suicide gi3l - geto real its scary we u fuck ur pussy hard skank whore die bitch literally die its paranoid kys 2
what a ghetto bitch slut whore ur gonna die with a dildo in ur pussy im trying to save my life faggot donut remember what i said about putting my pussy in ur mouth? immiment death desarae hollins doesnt exist
she screamed my name beat her ass bitch! nah im real mad at u im trying to commit suicide corpo skeeter
faggot rocked launcher ew u fucking suck dick desarae! desarae!
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books0977 · 4 years ago
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Dreamers of the Ghetto. Israel Zangwill. New York and London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1898. First edition, Harper issue. 
Stories, some rather long, of Jewish dreamers, some of them famous (Spinoza etc.), others generally unknown. One of the longer stories, "The Master of the Name," concerns the Baal Shem Tov, a legendary wonder-working Rabbi of the eighteenth century, and recounts some of his supernatural feats
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failingtherorshachtest · 7 years ago
i'm looking out for you your voice from frequency to fill the deeper voids pounding into me the shame of someone else's dreams i can hear transmissions of a need drenched in fear disbelief of everything between you and i can walk on these shattered ankles give up your love i'll be fine it's big game played on heavy rotation afloat our great divide i still will be looking out into the ocean before you pass do not collect go forth just go looking for you won't find me there any more days then i'll need to be the supporting role you once won an oscar for go now do not collect me
life elapsed: April -- May 2011
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darylethecreative-blog · 6 years ago
I open at the close...let's be real, you bout to die fam.
J.K. Rowling x Darylethecreative, how to start a tumblr
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angelloverde · 1 year ago
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"Mo Soul" Player Playlist 2 November
A New Funky Generation - The Messenger
Galactic Feat. JJ Grey - Higher And Higher
K. Mansfield & A. Hawkshaw - Exclusive Blend
Marcos Valle - Novo Visual
Leave It All Behind Dub Feat. The Rebirth & Aima - The Dreamer
HornDogz Feat. Ty, Breis & Peeda - Movin' On
The Weathertunes- Sex Is The Place
Kero One - It's A New Day
Uptown Funk Empire - I'm A Manchild
FKJ Feat. Madelyn Grant - Waiting
Sheila & B Devotion - Spacer
Sofa Surfers - Can I Get A Witness (Thievery Corporation Mix)
Joe Bataan - Call My Name
Choker Campbell - Stretch II
Speedometer Feat. James Junior - I Showed Them (The Ghetto)
If you really want to enjoy music and help musicians and bands, buy their lp’s or cd’s and don’t download mp3 formats. There is nothing like good quality sound!!!
(Angel Lo Verde / Mo Soul)
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diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years ago
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King of my city, king of my country, king of my homeland
King of the filthy, king of the fallen, we livin' again
King of the shooters, looters, boosters, and ghettos poppin'
King of the past, present, future, my ancestors watchin'
King of the culture, king of the soldiers, king of the bloodshed
King of the wisdom, king of the ocean, king of the respect
King of the optimistics and dreamers that go and get it
King of the winner's district and geniuses with conviction
King of the fighters, king of the fathers, king of the belated
King of the answer, king of the problem, king of the forsaken
King of the empathy, your resentment, king of remorse
King of my enemies, may they fall defeat, I rejoice
King of the skyscrapers, dodgin' haters, broke religion
Nine faces, go against 'em, I erased 'em with precision
I embrace them with collision, kings did it
King's vision, Black Panther, King Kendrick, all hail the king!
{ x }
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spacesuitsforemergency · 3 years ago
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Queen of the filthy, Queen of the fallen, we living again
Queen of the shooters, looters, boosters, and ghettos poppin'
Queen of the past, present, future, my ancestors watching
Queen of the wisdom, Queen of the ocean, Queen of the respect
Queen of the otimistic and dreamers that go and get it
Queen of the skyscrapers, dodging haters, broke religion
I am T’Katie!
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spy-in-the-house · 3 years ago
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Brief bio of a DJ/Producer:  WTF IS TEKNOBRAT? Hailing from Montreal yet currently living in Ottawa, Thomas Stepien aka Teknobrat has been in the scene since 1987! His prior musical training includes having studied the trumpet and piano at the Musical Academy in Canterbury High School in Ottawa. And he has worked for 11 years at ABM Records in Ottawa, a dance music record shop selling all kinds of electronic discoteque music and with several European techno/house distributors such as INDISC, PIAS, PRIME, CYBER and KUBIK. At this time, Stepien had an ever-growing music library comprising of an astounding 5.000+ albums. The early Detroit Techno sounds are in his blood and soul as well as the early Chicago Acid House and Ghetto Trax sounds from the end of the 80's early 90's. A a DJ and recording Artis as well he can been seen weaving Techno, House, Electro, Minimal, Deep House, Detroit TechnoBass & UK/EU style Techno plus essential Underground Disco Classics at the leading and underground parties. Teknobrat recently also holds a DJ residency at Mercury Lounge one of the most mythic House Music venues of Canada's Nations Capital. In addition to playing these venues, he used to have his own Techno/House music radio show, LA TEKNOSPHERE RADIO SHOW on CHUO 89.1 FM, Ottawa, wich aired from Sept 1997 to February 2005. Also he was the main host of the legendary techno house music radio show, PLANET RAVE, aired on CKCU 93.1 FM Ottawa, from 1991 to 1997. Today he's still busy at Otztawa's VANGUARD PULSE radio. By the way, Stepien has been appearing worldwide as a serious producer of House, Acid and Techno tracks on labels such as Komatsu, Ascend, Hemisphere, Missile UK, Communique US, Soiree Rec.Int. and Psycho Thrill Recordings since 1997. And this journey is not over yet but continues tirelessly ...
without the past … there’s no phuture … these alltime top20 faves in no particular order
01 BLACK DEVIL [BERNARD FEVRE]: H Friend [ A1-track from "Disco Club" RCA PL-164 FRA LP | 1978 ] 02 RHYTHIM  IS RHYTHIM [DERRICK MAY]: It Is What It Is _ Juan's Majestic Mix [ A-side from "It Is What It Is" Transmat MS 6 US 12" | 1988 ] 03 JESSE SAUNDERS: On And On [ A-side from "On And On" Jes Say Records JS-9999 US 12" | 1984 ] 04 UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE: Jupiter Jazz [ A2-track from "World 2 World" Underground Resistance UR-020/ Submerge US 12" | 1992 ] 05 3 PHASE [SVEN RÖHRIG] feat. DR.MOTTE [MATTHIAS ROEINGH]: Der Klang Der Familie [ Transmat MS17/ Tresor US 12" | 1992 ] 06 LFO [GERRARD VARLEY, MARK BELL, MARTIN WILLIAMS]: LFO _ The Leeds Warehouse Mix [ A-side from "LFO" Warp Records WAP 5/ Outer Rhythm UK 12" | 1990 ] 07 PHUTURE [DJ PIERRE, EARL 'SPANKY' SMITH, HERBERT 'HERB J' JACKSON]: Acid Trax [ Trax Records TX-142 US 12" | 1987 ] 08 KEBEKELEKTRIK [PAT DESERIO & GINO SOCCIO]: Magic Fly [ A1-track from "Kebekelektrik" Les Disques Direction Records DLP-10005 CAN 12"/LP | 1977 ] 09 GIORGIO MORODER: The Chase [ Casablanca NBD-0146 US 12", single sided Pitman Pressing | 1978 ] 10 DREAMER G [J.GORDON]: I’ve Got That Feeling [ Madhouse Records, Inc. KCT-1001 UK 12" | 1992 ] 11 DONNA SUMMER: I Feel Love _ Patrick Cowley MegaMix & Edit [ Casablanca FEEL-12 US 12" | 1982 ] 12 [MARC] CERRONE: Supernature [ A-side from "Supernature/ Give Me Love" Atlantic K-11089 UK 12" | 1982 ] 13 PLASTIKMAN [RICHIE HAWTIN]: Sheet One [ Plus 8 Records PLUS8028/ Intellinet 2x12" | 1993 ] 14 M.F.A. [JÖRG BURGER, WOLFGANG VOIGT, CEM ORAL]: Music For Assholes on Blue [ Blue BLUE-001/ Blue German Electronic Foundation GER 2x12" | 1992 ] 15 X-102 [JEFF MILLS, MIKE BANKS, ROBERT HOOD]: Discovers The Rings Of Saturn on Tresor [ Tresor ‎4 GER 2x12" | 1992 ] 16 NEIL LANDSTRUMM: Brown By August [ Peacefrog Records PF-040 UK 2x12" | 1995 ] 17 CHOICE [LAURENT GARNIER & DIDIER DELESALLE]: Acid Eiffel [ A-side from "Paris EP" Fnac Music Dance Division 590155 FRA 12" | 1993 ] 18 DAPHNE ORAM: Oramics on Young Americans [ Young Americans YoungAm-001 RE UK 4x12"/ Album | 2013 ] 19 KRAFTWERK [FLORIAN SCHNEIDER, EMIL SCHULT, RALF HÜTTER, WOLFGANG FLÜR ]: Trans Europa Express [ Kling Klang 1C-064-82-306/ EMI GER LP/Album | 1977 ] 20 LIL'LOUIS & THE WORLD [MARVIN LOUIS BURNS]: Blackout [ FFRR LILLP-1 UK Promo-12" | 1989 ] #teknobrat #bookmarks: FACEBOOK | ARTIST | INSTAGRAM | DISCOGS | SOUNDCLOUD MIXCLOUD | VANGUARD PULSE | YOUTUBE | TWITTER BUBBLE WERKS EP | DEFCON ALERT EP
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zoragrdn · 4 years ago
“alphabet” by inger christensen
apricot trees exist, apricot trees exist
bracken exists; and blackberries, blackberries;
bromine exists; and hydrogen, hydrogen
cicadas exist; chicory, chromium,
citrus trees; cicadas exist;
cicadas, cedars, cypresses, the cerebellum
doves exist, dreamers, and dolls;
killers exist, and doves, and doves;
haze, dioxin, and days; days
exist, days and death; and poems
exist; poems, days, death
early fall exists; aftertaste, afterthought;
seclusion and angels exist;
widows and elk exist; every
detail exists; memory, memory's light;
afterglow exists; oaks, elms,
junipers, sameness, loneliness exist;
eider ducks, spiders, and vinegar
exist, and the future, the future
fisherbird herons exist, with their grey-blue arching
backs, with their black-feathered crests and their
bright-feathered tails they exist; in colonies
they exist, in the so-called Old World;
fish, too, exist, and ospreys, ptarmigans,
falcons, sweetgrass, and the fleeces of sheep;
fig trees and the products of fission exist;
errors exist, instrumental, systemic,
random; remote control exists, and birds;
and fruit trees exist, fruit therein the orchard where
apricot trees exist, apricot trees exist
in countries whose warmth will call forth the exact
colour of apricots in the flesh
given limits exist, streets, oblivion
and grass and gourds and goats and gorse,
eagerness exists, given limits
branches exist, wind lifting them exists,
and the lone drawing made by the branches
of the tree called an oak tree exists,
of the tree called an ash tree, a birch tree,
a cedar tree, the drawing repeated
in the gravel garden path; weeping
exists as well, fireweed and mugwort,
hostages, greylag geese, greylags and their young;
and guns exist, an enigmatic back yard;
overgrown, sere, gemmed just with red currants,
guns exist; in the midst of the lit-up
chemical ghetto guns exist
with their old-fashioned, peaceable precision
guns and wailing women, full as
greedy owls exist; the scene of the crime exists;
the scene of the crime, drowsy, normal, abstract,
bathed in a whitewashed, godforsaken light,
this poisonous, white, crumbling poem
whisperings exist, whisperings exist
harvest, history, and Halley's
comet exist; hosts exist, hordes
high commanders, hollows, and within the hollows
half-shadows, within the half-shadows occasional
hares, occasional hanging leaves shading the hollow where
bracken exists, and blackberries, blackberries
occasional hares hidden under the leaves
and gardens exist, horticulture, the elder tree's
pale flowers, still as a seething hymn;
the half-moon exists, half-silk, and the whole
heliocentric haze that has dreamed
these devoted brains, their luck, and human skin
human skin and houses exist, with Hades
rehousing the horse and the dog and the shadows
of glory, hope; and the river of vengeance;
hail under stone skies exists, the hydrangeas'
white, bright-shining, blue or greenish
fogs of sleep, occasionally pink, a few
sterile patches exist, and beneath
the angled Armageddon of the arching heavens, poison,
the poison helicopter's humming harps above the henbane,
shepherd's purse, and flax, henbane, shepherd's purse
and flax; this last, hermetic writing,
written otherwise only by children; and wheat,
wheat in wheatfields exists, the head-spinning
horizontal knowledge of wheatfields, half-lives,
famine, and honey; and deepest in the heart,
otherwise as ever only deepest in the heart,
the roots of the hazel, the hazel that stands
on the hillslope of the heart, tough and hardy,
an accumulated weekday of Angelic orders;
high-speed, hyacinthic in its decay, life,
on earth as it is in heaven
ice ages exist, ice ages exist,
ice of the arctics and ice of the kingfisher;
cicadas exist, chicory, chrome
and the chrome yellow iris, the blue iris; oxygen
indeed; also ice floes in the arctic ocean,
polar bears exist, as fur inscribed
with an individual number he exists, condemned to his life;
& the kingfisher's mini-drop into the ice-blue rivers
of mars exists, if the rivers exist;
if oxygen in the rivers exists, oxygen
indeed; exists indeed there where the cicadas'
i-songs exist, there indeed where chicory
heaven exists blue dissolved in
water, the chrome yellow sun, oxygen
indeed; it will exist for sure, we will
exist for sure, the oxygen we breathe exists,
eye of fire crown of fire exist, and the heavenly
inside of the lake; a handle infolded
with bulrushes will exist , an ibis exists,
and the movements of the soul inhaled into clouds
exist, like oxygen storms deep inside Styx
and in the heart of wisdom's landscape ice-light,
ice identical with light, and in the inner
heart of the ice-light emptiness, live, intense
like your gaze in the rain, that fine life-
iridescent rain where gesture-like
the fourteen crystal lattices exist, the seven
crystalline systems, your gaze in mine,
and Icarus, impotent Icarus exists;
Icarus swaddled in melting waxwings
exists; Icarus pale as a corpse in
civvies exists, Icarus all the way down where
the pigeons exist; dreamers, dolls
exist; the dreamers' hair with cancerous tufts
torn out, the dolls' skin pinned together
with nails, rotting wood of the mysteries; and smiles
exist, Icarus' children white as lambs
in the gray light, will indeed exist, indeed
we will exist, and oxygen on oxygen's crucifix;
as hoar-frost we will exist, as wind we will exist,
as the rainbow's iris, in the shining shoots of
mesembryanthemum, in the tundra's straw; small
we will exist, as small as bits of pollen in peat,
as bits of virus in bones, as swamp pink maybe
maybe as a bit of white clover, vetch, a bit of chamomile
exiled to the lost again paradise; but darkness
is white say the children, the darkness of paradise is white,
but not white as a a coffin is white,
that is if coffins exist, and not
white as milk is white,
that is if milk exists; white is white,
the children say, darkness is white, but not
white as the white existing
before fruit trees existed, their flowering so white,
darkness is whiter, eyes melt
june night exists, june night exists,
sky finally as if lifted up to celestial
heights and simultaneously pushed down as gently as when
dreams are visible before being dreamed; a space like
swooned, like saturated with whiteness, a timeless
knell of dew and insects, and nobody in this
gossamer, nobody understands that
autumn exists, that aftertaste and afterthought
exist, only these restless lines of fantastic
ultrasounds exist and the bat's
jade-ear turned towards the ticking fog;
never was the globe's inclination so beautiful,
never were the oxygenated nights so white,
so dispassionately dissolved, softly ionised
white, and never was the limit of invisibility so nearly
touched; june, june, your jacob's ladders
exist your sleeping beasts and their dreams of sleep
exist, a flight of galactic germs between
the earth so earthy and heaven so heavenly,
the calm of the valley of tears, so calm and the tears
sunk back, sunk back in like groundwater again
underground; earth; the earth in its revolution
around the sun exists; the earth in its itinerary
through the milky way exists; the earth on its way
with its load of jasmin, and of jasper and iron,
with its curtains of iron, its portents of joy and random Judas
kisses and a virgin anger
in the streets, jesus of salt; with the jacaranda's shadow
on the waters of the river, with falcons and hunters
and january in the heart, with the well of Jacopo della Quercia
Fonte Gaia in Sienna and with july
as heavy as a bomb; with tame brains,
with heart jars or heart grass or berries,
with the roots of ironwood in the exhausted earth
the earth that Jayadeva sings in his mystic
12 century poem; the earth with its coastline
of conscience, blue and with nests
where the large heron exists, with its neck curved
blue-gray , or the small heron exists, mysterious
and shy, or the night heron, the ash-colored heron exist
and the degrees of wing beats of sparrows, of cranes
and pigeons; the earth with Jullundur, Jabalpur and
Jungfrau exists, with Jotunheim and the Jura
exists, with Jabron and Jambo, Jogkarta
exists, with earth-swirls and earth-smoke exists
with water masses, landmasses, earthquakes exists,
with Judenburg, Johannesburg and the Jerusalem of Jerusalems
atom bombs exist
Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Hiroshima 6
august 1945
Nagasaki 9
august 1945
140.000 dead and
wounded in Hiroshima
about 60.000 dead and
wounded in Nagasaki
frozen numbers
somewhere in a distant
and ordinary summer
since then the wounded
have died, many at first, indeed
most, then fewer, but in the end
all; in the end
the children of the wounded,
stillborn, dying,
many, continuously,
some, finally the
last ones; in my kitchen
I stand and peel
potatoes; the faucet
runs and nearly
covers the noise of the
children in the yard;
the children yell and
nearly cover the noise
of the birds in
the trees; the birds
sing and nearly
cover the murmur
of the leaves in the wind;
the leaves murmur
and nearly cover
the silence of the sky,
the sky which is light
and the light which since
then has nearly
resembled the fire
of the atom bomb
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com4tableinyourskin · 5 years ago
Wait King of my city, king of my country, king of my homeland King of the filthy, king of the fallen, we living again King of the shooters, looters, boosters, and ghettos poppin' King of the past, present, future, my ancestors watching King of the culture, king of the soldiers, king of the bloodshed King of the wisdom, king of the ocean, king of the respect King of the otimistic and dreamers that go and get it King of the winners, district, and geniuses with conviction King of the fighters, king of the fathers, king of the belated King of the answer, king of the problem, king of the forsaken King of the empathy, you resent me, king of remorse King of my enemies, may they father feed, I rejoice King of the skyscrapers, dodging haters, broke religion Nine faces, go against 'em, I erased 'em with precision I embrace them with collision Kings did it, king vision, Black Panther, King Kendrick All hail the king, I dropped a million tears I know several responsibilities put me here I don't pedal backwards but I live old-fashioned The lens that I'm looking through Won't prescribe me the right glasses, masses are now free Ashes I'm dumping out, 'bout to spread all 'cross seas Sisters and brother in unison, not because of me Because we don't glue with the opposition, we glue with peace But still'a fuck up your organization if any beef What do you stand for? Are you an activist? What are your city plans for? Are you an accident, are you just in the way? Your native tongue contradicting what your body language say Are you a king or you joking, are you a king or you posing? Are you a king or you smoking bud rocks to keep you open? Because the king don't cry, king don't die King don't lie, king give heart, king get by, king don't fall Kingdom come, when I come, you know why King, king, king, king I am T'Challa
Kendrick Lamar
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egoschwank · 5 years ago
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #858
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first posted in facebook june 30, 2020
daniel gwynn -- "where's daddy" (2008?)
"i am daniel gwynn. i am on death row in PA for a crime i did not commit. for 23 years i’ve been sitting here trapped in a box where the days just tick away, the walls closing in like a trash compactor crushing all hopes dreams and life. i paint to heal and survive. this is my art. this is my story" ... daniel gwynn
"if you’re black you might as well not show up on the street ’less you wanna draw the heat" ... bob dylan
"i was born in philadelphia, PA. i was raised by my maternal grandmother. my mother had been married to an abusive man who didn’t want me in the picture. my father lived a few blocks away with the family he chose to be with" ... daniel gwynn
“and why does it make you sad to see how everything hangs by such thin and whimsical threads? because you’re a dreamer, an incredible dreamer, with a tiny spark hidden somewhere inside you which cannot die, which even you cannot kill or quench and which tortures you horribly because all the odds are against its continual burning. in the midst of the foulest decay and putrid savagery, this spark speaks to you of beauty, of human warmth and kindness, of goodness, of greatness, of heroism, of martyrdom, and it speaks to you of love” ... eldridge cleaver
"painting has enriched my life - i’ve been blessed to able to use my art to work through my pains and accomplish great things to help others. where i once thought that all hope was lost, i’ve been able to open my heart to a variety of good people who had the courage and compassion to take a chance on me. i don’t believe i could have survived this situation on my own. i am so grateful for my friends, my surrogate family. they have embraced me and supported my fight for justice. together, as a family, we fight for my freedom" ... daniel gwynn
"ghetto prisoners rise rise rise ghetto prisoners rise rise rise ghetto prisoners rise rise rise ghetto prisoners.. get up, wake up, rise" ... nas
"just treat human beings like human beings" ... al janik
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