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gothabilly-kitty · 5 months ago
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guitboxer007 · 10 months ago
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I have talented friends!
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ribcageteeth · 1 year ago
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katethefae · 2 years ago
Listening to she by dreadlight is like accelerating your car for one and a half minutes until you’re going 120 mph and then run into a brick wall
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gaycactusscoundrel · 1 year ago
Song of the Day 01/15/2024
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baby-dango · 1 year ago
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mercysheart · 2 months ago
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thatone-churro · 1 year ago
omg creepy crawlers christmas songs when 👀
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ninjasmudge · 2 months ago
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i couldnt stop thinking about the idea of a toww whos *extremely* manipulative. ive always seen narinder (when he was toww) as a prick, yeah, but fairly straightforward with lamb.
this version (mahendra, a genet) seems very nice on first meeting, and goat (ezra) was completely taken in, but he considers all his vessels to be his playthings. its a big shame he started falling for this one because they make him SO mad just by existing.
ezra is basically the opposite to lamb, hes not a natural at managing a cult, he uses fear to keep people in line but quitly finds it kind of distasteful, and he was completely duped by mahendras story of being the victim.
ezra cant help but let her live once defeated, and she wastes no time getting back to being smarmy. the two of them have a horrible but hot situationship going on
songs for vibes include grenadine by dreadlight for mahendra and used to the darkness by des rocs for ezra
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omniblades-and-stars · 8 months ago
Uh oh guys I listened to Grenadine by Dreadlight so you know what that means!!
Shameless plug for my own stories time!
Go read it because I told you to! Go read it because it's funny! Go read it because you like either Zaeed or Garrus! Go read it because I spent nearly 1000 words describing Garrus's outfit and a car.
But don't take my word for it! The reviews are in:
Also fuck you for making me crave duck while I can’t eat it
Perfect. I want seven more fics of Massani-Vakarian Bounty Hunting and Stairwell Blowjob Service LLC
Warning: Reading this fic may cause the following side effects:
Choking on laughter
Spitting your drink out on your expensive computer
A weird and hard to define horniness for transition cards?
Craving for duck
Addiction to the word "goddamn"
Sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure
Carnal desires
Hives maybe? I don't know I'm not your doctor
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haveyouheardthisband · 10 months ago
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1horrormoviewhore1 · 2 years ago
When everyone on the internet thinks you and your band are a coven of witches even Colby's starting to think the rumors are true
It was our last set for our U.S mini tour as the hex girls. Our last leg of shows landed us in our home state of California and Nevada for some of our friends like Colby,Sam, and Kat sam's girlfriend. After this we would go on a 5-6 month hiatus to freak everyone out our adoring fans and it was a pr move to get the sales up for our new album coming out when we got back.
Sam, Colby, and Kat were probably our only true friends. Let's be honest here everyone else in the celebrity and influencer world were a bunch of fakes and then you had that handful of people who were true friends they were actually real towards you no matter what happened, who had your back in the biggest fights so on and so forth.
For us going on this hiatus is risky but the good kind of risky. You have to do what you have to do sometimes in show business even if that means people think your band is a coven of witches I mean it matched the vibe we set out but that doesn't mean we were or do it. I mean when we do witchcraft it isn't even bad just some manifesting among other things like spell jars but that's pretty much it.
People are going around the internet saying we're devil worshippers and satanists and that we eat babies to stay mega young and that's why we have such baby faces. Like no Martha we just do skin care and go to the gym often like the fuck.
Anyway as we get ready to perform a fan favorite song Hex Girl (ironic that it's a fan favorite huh) I see Colby in the crowd with Sam and kat they have white claws in their hands am I surprised no. I give him a little side smirk as the lighting changes and I get ready to sing. I take a little breath in and close my eyes to get ready for the music to play I hear the drums and guitar and I know it's show time.
As I see Y/n standing there on stage she gives me a little smirk as she closes her eyes and the music starts to play.
"I'm gonna cast a spell on you"
"Oh no it looks like the hex girls have him under their spell Sam " kat giggled as she nudged her boyfriends side with her elbow
"your gonna do what I want you to"
"oh no is right look he's literally drooling over her I've lost my best friend to the witches of the music industry" Sam laughed as he patted me on the back
"mix it up here in my little bowl"
I pull my eyes away from her even if I didn't want to. I looked at Sam and kat
"what did you guys say?" I asked as they looked at me dumbstruck
"say a few words and you lose control"
"oh he really is whipped for her" Sam said as he took a drink of his white claw while tugging kat into his side by her shoulders and she snuggled up into his side
"Im a hex girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you"
"what are you guys talking about I'm not whipped for her" I glared at Sam and kat as they looked at me for a second before laughing at me like I had just said the funniest thing in the world. I scoffed at them and turned back to watch Y/n sing
" Im gonna put a spell on you"
"you guys dont know what you talking about I'm just supporting our friends" I scoffed at them and turned back to watch Y/n sing.
"Im a hex girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you"
Her words echoed in my mind. I don't know if that's how it was supposed to be but it felt like she was staring directly at me as she sang
"You'll feel the fog as I cloud your mind you'll get dizzy when I make the sign"
After she sang those words I felt weightless, like I was floating above the crowd like she put some spell on me I couldn't shake the feeling
"You'll wake up in the dead of night"
After I really let it sink in as I watched her do the sign I could only assume to be the band logo it almost all made sense like she had written this song bout me or what she planned to happen to me
"Missing me when I'm out of sight "
I had liked her ever since I had met her since kat had introduced us at her release party for lala land about ...... Ago she had caught my site as soon as her, her sister daisy, and their band mate dusk
" I'm a hex girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you"
I remember it like it was yesterday kat had introduced us and then we just kinda broke off from the group and stayed in the corner of the room talking and drinking the night away
"I'm gonna put a spell on you"
I felt like I had known her for years after that night like I had just rediscovered an old friend from back home we practically hit it off and we exchanged numbers and now ..... Later as I stood here in the crowd of her show mesmerized by her as she stared at me dead in the eyes
"I'm a hex girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you"
Maybe the rumors online about them being witches were true. I felt weightless like she had me on a string and she had me by her pointer finger and thumb
" With this little cobweb potion"
She kept staring at me , me doing the same not being able to look away it felt like we were connected in some type of special way, maybe she likes me the same way I liked her maybe she wanted to be with me just as bad as I wanted to be with her
" you'll fall into dark devotion"
Her eyes got darker the longer we kept staring at each other just as I felt like something was going to happen she broke eye contact with me and looked off stage at who I could only guess was a stage hand
"if you ever lose affection"
"look who decided to come back down to earth after that insanely tense staring match with his girlfriend" Sam said as he and kat laughed at the teasing at my expense
"I could change your whole direction"
"I was not staring at her" I said with a huff as kat giggled at me
"ya know I could put in a good word for you with her if you really wanted me to" kat said as she put her hand on my shoulder
"Wait you would really do that!?" I said a little too quickly for my liking
"HA I knew he had a crush on her did you see how fast he perked up at that" Sam said as he pointed at me " you owe me 5 bucks my dear Katrina" he said with his hand out
"wait you guys bet on me having a crush on Y/n" I asked
"yep" kat said popping the 'p'
" we sure did brother, so when are you going to grow a pair and ask her out" Sam asked as he pocketed the 5 bucks kat gave him out of her purse
" Im a hex girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you"
"I have no clue to be honest I don't even think she likes me that way" I said as I signed and looked up at the stage catching Y/n's eye once again
"I'm gonna put a spell on you"
She winked and smirked at me as she sang so I could only thank God that the lights were red so Sam and kat couldn't see me blushing at our small interaction
"I'm a hex girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you"
"you should do it after the show at the after party I'm sure we could find some flowers or something at a corner store for her" kat said as she looked at me then to the stage as me and Y/n kept our little staring contest going
"we're gonna put a spell on all of youuu"
As she sang those last words smoke bombs went off in front of her,Daisy, and Dusk as they raised their hands and crossed them over their chests. Then as the smoke cleared everyone cheered as they had seemingly disappeared behind the cover of smoke
As the lights of the venue returned to normal so people wouldn't trip on their way out after the show. All I could think of was what and how I was going to tell Y/n how I have the biggest crush imaginable on her and I've had it since I met her and that I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with her.
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ribcageteeth · 8 months ago
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shipmanl0ver · 14 days ago
ok so first off. shauna "tongues and teeth" by the crane wives. HARDCORE. theeeee most shauna song ok. following that, "running with the wolves" by aurora, "lost again" by rachel rose mitchell, "monsters" by ruelle and "opheliac" by emilie autumn for literally all of them.
ok so next, uhhhh here's some suggestions per character. i have a TON so i'm bolding the ones i'm really passionate about:
Shauna Shipman: "Hushh" (AViVA); "Volunteer" (Bitter Ruin); "See Ghosts" (Chenayder); Copycat (CircusP); "Bottom of the River" and "Fire" (Delta Rae); "Dead in the Water" (Ellie Goulding); "Scavenger" (Emilie Autumn); "Monster" (Epic the Musical); "Hunger" and "Sky Full of Song" (Florence + the Machine); "Arsonist's Lullabye" (Hozier); "Supposed to Be" (Icon for Hire); "All At Once" (Kaleah Lee); "Become the Beast" (Karliene); "Glory and Gore" and "Yellow Flicker Beat" (Lorde); "Left for Dead Lullaby" (Mori Calliope); "My Skin" (Natalie Merchant); "How to Return Home" (Natalie Weiss); literally ANYTHING from Next to Normal but "I Dreamed a Dance", "You Don't Know", "Aftershocks", and "Superboy and the Invisible Girl" [in terms of callie] are all hardcore her; "brutal" (Olivia Rodrigo); "Villains Aren't Born (They're Made)" (PEGGY); "The Monster They Made You" (Rachel Rose Mitchell); "Play With Fire" (Sam Tinnesz + Yacht Money); "Point of No Return" (STARSET); "Frozen" (Within Temptation)
Jackie Taylor: "Spiderhead" (Cage the Elephant); "Good Luck, Babe" and "Kaleidoscope" (Chappell Roan); "Clocks" (Coldplay); "No Light" (Denai Moore); "Asleep" (Emily Browning); "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" (Eurythemics); "No One Knows Who I Am" (Jekyll & Hyde); "Little Miss Perfect" (Joriah Kwame); "All the King's Horses" (Karmina); "Spiderwebs" (No Doubt); "Little Talks" (Of Monsters and Men); "Can't Catch Me Now" (Olivia Rodrigo); "I Walked Alone" (Rachel Rose Mitchell); "Sulky Eyed Creatures" (Satin Puppets); "There Was Something Behind You" (SHUDDER); "Jenny" (Studio Killers)
Taissa Turner: "Take Me To Church" (Annapantsu version, or any version sung by a woman honestly); "bury a friend" (Billie Eilish); "Fall" (Chenayder); "Wolf at Your Door" (Chloe x Halle); "The Crooked, The Cradle" and "The Garden" (The Crane Wives); "City of the Dead" (Eurielle); "Rule #21 - Momento Mori" (Fish in a Birdcage); "Control" and "Empty Gold" (Halsey); "My Ego Dies At The End" (Jensen McRae); "Heavy Handed" (Kaleah Lee); "Big Bad Wolf" (Lilith Max); "VOID" (Lil Nas X); "Here Come the Wolves" (Lola Blanc); "I Only Paint in Red Now" (Lydia the Bard); "Takes One To Know One" (Maria Mena); "Haunted House" (Neoni); "Doormat" (No Doubt); "To Feel Alive" (Percy Jackson); "The Howling" (Within Temptation)
Natalie Scatorccio: "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" (ADONA); "End Song" (Alex G); "Purple Phase" (Arlo Parks); "Moral of the Story" (Ashe); "Runaway" (AURORA); "my strange addiction" (Billie Eilish); "Just a Game" (Birdy); "Have To" (Blue Kid); "Runaway" (Bon Jovi); "They'll Clap When You're Gone" (Chelsea Wolfe); "Recovering the Satellites" (Counting Crows); "Misery Loves Company" (Emilie Autumn); "Seventeen" (Heathers); "kit snicket didn't get a happy ending either" (Hollie Polluck); "Running Up That Hill" (Kate Bush); "We Must Be Killers" (Mikky Ekko); "Teenagers" (My Chemical Romance); "Daddy Issues" (The Neighbourhood); "Wish I Were Here" (Next to Normal); "last woman on earth" (Paris Paloma); "Oops!... I Did It Again" (Reinaeiry version); "Raining" (Rocky); "Lost Boy" (Ruth B); "Winter" (Tori Amos); "I'm Still Here (Jim's Theme)" (Treasure Planet); "Volcano Girls" (Veruca Salt); "Entertain You" (Within Temptation)
Misty Quigley: "Copycat" (Billie Eilish); "An Unhealthy Obsession" (The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra); "Grenadine" (Dreadlight); "Good Kids" (Helena Ruth); "I Know Your Secrets" (Katie Garfield); "Start a War" (Klergy + Valerie Broussard); "The Mad Hatter" (Linda Eder version); "You Belong With Me (Minor Key)" (Lydia the Bard); "God Syndrome" (Madame Macabre + Ashe); "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" (My Chemical Romance); "ballad of a homeschooled girl" (Olivia Rodrigo); "The Cult of Dionysus" (The Orion Experience); "Willow Tree March" (The Paper Kites); "The Wolf" (PHILDEL); "Secret" (The Pierces); "The Witching Hour" (Rachel Rose Mitchell); "Cheshire Kitten" (SJ Tucker)
Lottie Matthews: "Back from the Dead" (AViVA); "The Sound of Silence" (Disturbed version); "No Longer You" (Epic the Musical); "Rule #43 - Chosen" (Fish in a Birdcage); "Cassandra", "Jenny of Oldstones" and "What the Water Gave Me" (Florence + the Machine); "Rotting Fruit" (Kaleah Lee); "Shatter Me" (Lindsey Stirling); "Afraid of Quiet" and "Are You Listening?" (Lydia the Bard); "Come Away to the Water" (Maroon5); "The Mind Electric" (Miracle Musical); "Wish I Were Here" (Next to Normal); "Windmills of Your Mind" (Noel Harrison); "River Run Red" (Rachel Rose Mitchell); "Quagmire" (Satin Puppets); "Astronomical" (SVRCINA); "Winter's Song" (Tomee Proffitt + Fleurie); "Mother Earth" (Within Temptation)
Van Palmer: "Hazy Shade of Winter" (The Bangles); "Dreams of an Absolution" (Bentley Jones); "Mr. Jones" (Counting Crows); "Curses" (The Crane Wives); "Lady of Death" (I the Mighty); "Stairway to Heaven" (Led Zeppelin); "Clarity" (Madilyn Bailey + Clara C version); "It Must Have Been Love" (Maria Mena); "Ex-Girlfriend" (No Doubt); "Twist of Fate" (Olivia Newton-John); "Wish You Were Here" (Pink Floyd); "Dance With You" (The Prom; if you can find the Promposal duet version that's a good one); "Wolves" (Sam Tinnesz + Silverberg); "The End of the World" (Skeeter Davis); "Female of the Species" (Space); "I Think We're Alone Now" (Tiffany); "Hey Jupiter" (Tori Amos); "Deeper Conversation" (Yuna)
Laura Lee: "Not About Angels" (Birdy); "My Immortal" (Evanescence, specifically the Synthesis version); "Human" (Gabrielle Aplin); "Sinners" (Lauren Aquilina); "Prayer for the Dying" (Lisa Hannigan); "Last Words of a Shooting Star" (Mitski); "Hey Alice" (Rachel Rose Mitchell); "Mama Who Bore Me" (Spring Awakening); "Big Houses" (Squalloscope)
Akilah: "Out of Body" (Kaleah Lee)
sorry for the infodump i like sharing music <3
I’m gonna violently hug you and eat you. WHAT?! GHIS IS SO GOOD I LOVE YOU?! 😭🙏
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scaryscarecrows · 10 months ago
Dead Man Walking
DAEZD-Dead Man Walking
You Me At Six-Fresh Start Fever
Metric-Gold Guns Girls
Young Guns-Bones
Three Days Grace-Chalk Outline
Nothing More-Go To War
Architects-Seeing Red
Breaking Benjamin-Crawl
Alice in Chains-Red Giant
Disturbed-Shout 2000
AC/DC-Hells Bells
Deftones-Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)
Sixx: A.M-Life is Beautiful
Architects-Black Lungs
In This Moment-River of Fire
Nine Inch Nails-The Hand That Feeds
Linkin Park-Bleed It Out
Daughtry-It's Not Over
Beware of Darkness-Muthafucka
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fandaniel · 3 months ago
OHHHH this is good this is good. i can see this well. guy who its not out of character for him to bust into a musical number under the moonlight moment for sure
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