#Drake is so perfect he does not need a redesign
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kazu-le-dork · 1 day ago
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taliaquinn · 5 years ago
Why Me!? Chapter 11
True Bee: I have been abandoned Betrayed UNLOVED                       
Maribug: I haven't even been gone for FIVE minutes, Didn’t Juleka confiscate your phone privileges?  ��                                                                               
True Bee: Right now she's occupied keeping the class from killing each other  
Maribug: You should be helping her!!!                                                          
True Bee: I am, I'm giving the others the glare                       
True Bee: Wait Aurore and Kagami just stormed in                                       
True Bee: ooooo now Kagami is yelling at Adrien                                   
Maribug: Does she have her Saber? Please TELL ME SHE DOESNT!!         
True Bee: Aww Aurore pulled her away before I could check :(                     
True Bee: Wait No, Now Aurore is yelling at Adrien                                 
Maribug: Why the heck isn't Bustier doing anything!?                                   
True Bee: Man I should’ve brought popcorn                                                 
True Bee: Oh Snap Mendeliev just walked in to pull Aurore and Chloe away
True Bee: Oop she’s glaring at Bustier and Alya now 
True Bee: Lila is being Lila
True Bee: Not even 10 minutes and the class is already in Chaos without you   
True Bee: Speaking of DUPAIN CHENG I  EXPECT A MORE THOROUGH      EXPLANATION!!                                                                                       
Maribug: Woman keep people from killing each other and I’ll Tell you soon   
Maribug: Actually no keep the people we like safe, I Don't care about the rest   
True Bee: Yes Ma'am    
Maribug: Good Luck  
Marinette felt bad she really did. But then again now the class wasn't her problem anymore and she felt joy. She prayed Chloe could keep the class together for a while. With a sigh, she walked up to her room to finish her packing. Her Maman was now busy calling Mr.Wayne  to ask about the arrangements. Dick said that if Bruce wasn’t ready she could stay with him at Bludhaven in the meantime.  Damian was texting her about the “rules”.
No mistreating his pets, Don’t try to become Graysons Favourite sibling  “because that spot is already filled”.  Don’t try to seperate Tim Drake from his Coffee, Cassandra Cain is dangerous but awesome  and Jason’s Existence was to not be mentioned outside of the manor. 
What was even that family? Seriously she knew that they all had interesting backgrounds but Wasn't Jason Todd murdered by an Arkham Crazy a few years ago? Seriously that family sounded like a perfect base for a Buzzfeed Unsolved episode. Huh maybe her secretly being a superhero won't be the strangest thing in the family.
Marinette quickly packed her sketchbook and made sure to put the horse miraculous box into her purse. Master Fu was updated to an extent that she was going to be out of the country, out of continent really, for a few weeks.  Luckily she had Kalki to help with teleportation. She didn't have to panic about customs or anything. Mr.Wayne had a Private Plane. She’ll be flying over to Gotham with her parents and they'll be staying at a hotel for a few days. Get her “acclimated” to an American city and the customs. Paris will have to go without delicious sweets and treats for a few days.
Taking a final glance around the room Marinette was suddenly filled with a sense of homesickness. Didn't matter that she hadn't left,she didn’t even know when she'd come back. Sadly she had to leave some of her sewing and designing things. She had made sure to finish all of her commissions. However only a quick glance at her emails and her MDC website revealed that a lot of purchases and commission inquiries were being made. As soon as she gets to Gotham she will have to try a good fabric store and buy a new sewing machine and mannequin. She wasn’t a fool, she is definitely taking some of the expensive fabrics, Alexeis Fencing uniform was safely packed along with her saber. 
Taking a final glance around the room Marinette was suddenly filled with a sense of homesickness. Didn't matter that she hadn't left,she didn’t even know when she'd come back. Sadly she had to leave some of her sewing and designing things. She had made sure to finish all of her commissions. However only a quick glance at her emails and her MDC website revealed that a lot of purchases and commission inquiries were being made. As soon as she gets to Gotham she will have to try a good fabric store and buy a new sewing machine and mannequin. She wasn’t a fool, she is definitely taking some of the expensive fabrics, Alexeis Fencing uniform was safely packed along with her saber. 
With a final glance around she crawled down. And let the door shut with a final click.
Gotham City                                                                                                  U.S.A                                                                                                              2:30 pm
“Sabine Sabine Sa- Of course, Marinette can stay with me for a bit longer. Yes yes, Dick already told me the basics about the situation. Are you sure you don’t want me to get involved? You really should get the police involved. I don’t like bullies or liars.” Bruce stated. Seriously Bruce was really tempted to fly over to Paris and press charges against those little demons. Heck, he wants to press charges against the foolish teacher and idiotic principle.
“Bruce calm down, trust me I will handle the school and the bullies, right now I want to get Marinette away from them” Sabine stated with a growing smirk. Oh, don’t mess with her.  Bustier and Damocles are going down. However, she had to be a little patient and play the long game. She knew Marinette wanted to handle her classmates. 
“Fine don’t worry about it,  what are you two planning to do about school?” he asked, a bit concerned. Seriously another one of his kids was getting bullied and harassed. 
Bruce was having flashbacks to the bullying and harassment Dick and Jason went through when they went to school.  Dick dealt with months of being called things like gypsy trash, charity cases, and circus brat before he finally built up the courage and told Bruce. Jason on the other hand, Bruce found out really quickly about his bullying. Mostly because Jason would get into fights. Tim didn't deal with bullying that bad, sure he got called a nerd and orphan trash but Bruce handled that very quickly because by then he was an expert. Bruce wasn't willing to put Cassandra through school. No one dared bully Damian Al Ghul Wayne. 
“We actually haven’t thought that far,” Sabine admitted sheepishly. “But we have the necessary paperwork prepared”
“Why not enroll her in Gotham Academy along with Damian?” Bruce suggested
“It's a private academy, the tuition is in the 30,000’s” Sabine suggested exasperatedly. 
“You’re kidding right?”
“I’m just saying I don’t think Marinette would be comfortable with going to a school like that.”
“She went to school with a Model, The Mayor's Daughter, and a comic book artist”
“I’m just saying Gotham Academy has already been the school where all of my older kids have attended, plus it has the best security due to the fact that I funded it.” Yes, Bruce was an overprotective parent. Sue him. 
With a sigh Sabine couldn’t help but give in she was also an overprotective parent. “Fine but You’ll be the one to deal with her freakout over the costs”
Orly Airport                                                                                                    Paris, France                                                                                                5:00 pm
With a quick hop, Marinette couldn’t help but gape at the private jet with the blaring WAYNE INDUSTRIES on the side. Once they were inside they made sure to get comfortable. It was going to be at least an 8-hour flight. Marinette took out her sketchbook and quickly sketched out a few new future designs. however, she took a quick glance at her parents and saw that her mother had dozed off on her father's shoulder. She quickly flipped a page that revealed a few ideas for an altered ladybug outfit. She needed a redesigned outfit.  No more skin-tight suits or pigtails. She's doing a loose outfit and braids, being a superhero with loose hair was plain impractical.  
Seriously there is a reason why all superheroes either have short hair or have their hair tied back.  With a few final touches, she was done with the redesign, now all that was left was to show Tikki the new design. That's another worry for Marinette.  Finding time to talk with Tikki was easy enough to do with her parents. They were bakers who had to wake up early so they usually went to sleep really quickly and early plus she was also an only child, which made it easy for Marinette to slip away for her Ladybug nightly adventures and talk with Tikki. How is she gonna manage that in a house filled with a bunch of people?
Marinette flipped to another page and decided to start sketching a new dress design. She’s curious about what type of colors she wants to use. Maybe Marinette should make it all black? No, too dark. Maybe a few touches of blue? Nah. Red? Nope, she has enough red clothing. Purple? Yuck. Red and Green? Nope, she doesn't want to look like a traffic light. Gold!! Black and gold would be perfect!! Cape? Wait no, Edna Mode the animated icon made a good point on why capes should be banned.
Taking a quick glance around she finally risked taking a peak on Tikki. Tikki was comfortable situated and munching on a bunch of sweets. Marinette softly closed the purse and decided that sleep was the perfect course of action. Wrapping her sweater around herself she allowed the warmth and darkness to overtake her.
Cesaire Apartment Paris, France 7:30pm
“Okay listen up gang since Marinette abruptly dropped out, it’s up to us to raise the money for the school dance and the end of the year field trip which is a few months away,” Alya said. 
Lila was quick to point out how horrible and awful it was for Marinette to leave them with all the work. 
Alya couldn’t help but notice that only a few people showed up to the meeting. Noticeably absent was Chloe, Juleka, Sabrina, Max (who said Markov needed a reboot or something) and Ivan. Alya couldn’t help but be concerned by the absences. They needed their help to get all the planning ready and everything. 
Rose was squealing at a thought of being able to decide on planning the theme of the dance. “Oooohhhh I can’t wait for the dance, do you think Marinette would still make me a dress?” Rose asked while glancing around. Sudden realization seems to hit them all. This year they will most likely have to pay and buy their own dresses and suits. Marinette always made them their outfits and that was part of the reason that they became the talk of the school after a dance. They always looked stunning.
“Rose Marinette wouldn’t dare not make you a dress, you’re one of the sweetest girls in the school if she refuses to make you one then she is Heartless” Lila stated fervently. Oh, Lila was making sure to get her claws completely in the class, she didn’t have an obstacle anymore.
“Lilas right, Marinette would always help you no matter how mad she is at you.” Adrien chimed in. All of a sudden their phones started pinging. Adrien quickly took out his and gaped at what he was reading in the class group chat.
Sabrina has left the Chat
Ivan has left the Chat
Juleka has left the Chat
Max has left the Chat.
Chloe B: Max, Sabrina, Ivan, Juleka and I have made the collective decision to transfer to Ms. Mendelievs Class, Our Transfers were approved quickly, thanks to yours truly :)
Chloe B: Have fun figuring out how to pay for everything Your end of the school year class trip :) :) :)
Chloe B: Oh Marinette is no Longer doing free commissions, have fun with dress and suit shopping :) :) :) :) :))))
Chloe B: Toodles~ you will all haunt my nightmares for years to come
Chloe B has left the chat
Hi guys, I don’t know what happened but suddenly theirs more of you :D. Thanks for taking a chance on me. Hope y’all like today's chapter. I wanted to quickly post for my insomniacs. Please Like,Reblog, comment and Follow :)
@damianette-is-life @amayakans @parallelparabox   @miukiiu  @valeks-princess @toodaloo-kangaroo
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