#Draconia Family Series
hanafubukki · 8 months
Happy Birthday Malleus Draconia 💚💕
Summary: You kidnap Malleus Draconia.
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Sebek knew it would be a tiring day when he saw a letter placed on his wardrobe table.
It had decorative little crocodiles and squirrels all over with his name written in your writing.
He could already feel a headache incoming.
He’ll wonder how you snuck into his room to place said letter later, he was more interested in the message you had to say.
“Dear Knight,
Your Lord has been kidnapped. He is mine for the day.
Sebek rushed out of his room, running to the Diasomnia waiting room where his lord would sit and enjoy tea at this time.
…only to be met with a giggling Lilia and a napping Silver.
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“Did you have to tease Sebek?”
“It’s all in good fun Tsunotaro.”
“I see.”
While Malleus ponders your answer, you plopped down right next to him on the couch.
“What does this…kidnapping entail?”
You could tell Malleus was humoring you. He found this whole situation funny and yet intriguing.
“For you? Just sit there look pretty and enjoy all the snacks, games, and movies I have.”
Malleus laughed lowly, “YN, I do have duties to fulfill. I can’t just sit here.”
You shrugged, “One day without work won’t bring down your dorm. Besides, all work and no play make dragons go cranky.”
Malleus laughed freely and you joined him this time, “Is that so? Then I shall join in this activity with you.”
You laid the nearby comforter over you and Malleus before starting your T.V.
It would be a good day; you would make sure of it.
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“This warrior does not speak?”
“Kind of. He talks he’s just not voice acted, but he does make sounds when you attack with him.”
“Interesting. A silent and courageous warrior who will save his kingdom and the princess.”
“Reminds you of someone?”
“This Link reminds me of Silver. They share many similar qualities.”
You joked, “Are you the princess then?”
“I am a prince, am I not?” Malleus replied, before softly continuing, “and Silver has saved me, from myself.”
You bumped your shoulder with his, “That’s love for you.”
“Yes, it is.”
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“That crocodile and that pirate…”
“Funny, isn’t it?”
“Yes, especially as Kingscholar dressed as one during Halloween.”
“Does the crocodile remind you of Sebek?”
The glint in Malleus' eyes answered your question.
You can only imagine Sebek's reaction if he knew, “Well with the way Sebek is always barking at Leona, I can't blame you for thinking it.”
Ah, you were going to hold this over Sebek's head forever.
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“Those fairies should have never been given the child.”
“They haven’t properly fed her, even Lilia knew to feed a baby!”
“She almost fell off the cliff!”
“I know. They suck.”
You tugged at Malleus’ hair, “At least she had someone to take care of her, two of them in fact.”
Malleus calmed down knowing exactly to whom you referred, “Yes, those days were filled with laughter and warmth even amidst the chaos. How…nostalgic.”
Malleus leaned towards you; a mischievous glint in his eyes, it reminded you of a certain pink-streaked fae, “Want to hear an embarrassing story grandmother told me about Lilia?”
“Yes! I’m all ears!”
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You watched as Tsunotaro enjoyed Toothless and Hiccup's adventures.
You knew he would like this series.
You wondered how Sam had the trilogy.
…you would question him thoroughly later.
You were content to watch Tsunotaro be happy.
His family is never far from his thoughts as he is never far from theirs.
You felt happy to be part of his family.
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“YN, is there a reason to why we are making cupcakes this late at night?”
He didn’t know.
You hid your smile as you put the tray of goodies into the oven.
Malleus must have enjoyed his day if he forgot why tonight would be special.
“Anytime is a good time for cupcakes, just like how you can have ice cream even during winter.”
“I thought it was easier for human’s teeth to decay due to late night sugary treats?”
“We’ll be fine! Just make sure to brush your teeth and don’t tell Trey -senpai.”
You went over to the nearby drawer. The confetti poppers were there as planned, just a few more minutes before the time came, so you snuck them into your pocket discreetly.
“Let’s go play more Zelda.”
You and Malleus moved towards the lounge; you eyed the hallway clock on the way.
Less than a minute.
You took out the poppers from your pocket.
You pulled the poppers out just as he entered the ramshackle lounge.
“Happy Birthday (Lord) Malleus!”
Malleus was shocked as confetti rained on him from all sides.
Lilia, Silver, Sebek, and you surrounded him as the day turned over.
His surprised face broke into a wide smile before an unrestrained joyous laughter filled the lounge.
What a beautiful start to today.
The day Malleus Draconia was born.
A day filled with endless love.
Happy Birthday Malleus.
Resounded affectionately in all the hearts of everyone present.
May you always be filled with happiness and love.
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Silver came to you as you watch Lilia bear hug Malleus. It was funny how someone so petite wrapped all four limbs on someone so tall.
Silver hesitated.
You knew.
“He baked a cake, didn’t he?”
Silver sighed, “Yes. We tried to stop him.”
You laughed and shook your head.
“It’s okay. Toxic waste it might be, but it is something Lilia made with him in mind. Malleus will love it nonetheless.”
You bumped shoulders with Silver, whispering, “We made cupcakes.”
Silver’s grateful smile had you hugging him.
No one will get food poisoning today, not on your watch.
You hoped.
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coralinnii · 9 months
Congrats for reaching 2.7k followers !! Do you think you could do either Silver or Sebek (or both if it’s not too much >_<) for the Villain/ess AU? Again, congrats!!!🎉🍾🎈🎊
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‧₊˚✧Being Reincarnated into a New World as the Bad Guy‧₊˚✧
↳ villain/ess au series
feat: Silver ❋ Sebek genre: enemies(?)-to-something more Silver ver, comrades-to-something more Sebek ver., slow burn romance,  note: no pronouns used, prejudice against humans, reader is a fae in Silver ver., reader is a human in Sebek vers., Sebek’s reader is just done with Lilia’s shenanigans, set in the same universe as Malleus' and Lilia's ver. but not necessarily simultaneously,
Villain/ess au masterlist 2.7k followers writing event
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If you look past the whole…absurdity that is being reincarnated into a dating simulation of your previous world, you'd say you hit the jackpot here.
You suddenly found yourself as a minor antagonist who was supposed to be love obstacle to one of the popular targets of the game, the venerable Dragon Fae King Malleus Draconia. As such, you became a stereotypically beautiful but unbelievably vain fae character of high social standing, an antithesis to the lovable and modest main protagonist. 
The heroine can have the dragon king, you thought. You’ll just dab away your tears while you bathe in luxury.
If you could have one complaint…it would probably be your “original” personality. 
You and your family were infamous for their stance against mixing with humans. Coming from a long line of pure fae blood, your original character held hostility over “pathetic parasites leeching off the purity of the faes.” 
Oooff, what a piece of work you apparently were. 
It was this prejudice that your family demanded the engagement between you and Malleus, and the reason for the vicious treatment of the main heroine…which inevitably led to the loss of your golden spoon, and imprisonment of you and your family. 
Oh, screw that! Absolutely not! 
Thus began the start of your total image revamp. You were going to prove that you definitely won’t be an obstacle for the unity of human-fae harmony, or if the dragon king were to suddenly bring a human as his consort-to-be. 
But sadly it was easier said than done. 
“What is that person doing here?” 
The patrolling knights whispered to themselves as they narrowed their gaze towards your back. Their searing glares felt burning to your very being, but you smiled through it as you carried a large basket of goodies.
“I wish to do my part as a noble and help sponsor this orphanage, and I brought some sandwiches if the children would like some.” 
“Hah! Do you even realize what kind of orphanage this is?” One of the knights sneered at you. This was one of the few shelters that was willing to house human children that turned up in the forest near the kingdom’s borders, often abandoned and left to perish if not for the Vanrouge family who founded this orphanage. 
Unfortunately, the duke family is its only sponsor as prejudice still runs strong in many noble families, yours included. 
“I’m aware, and I want to assist with the upkeep of this orphanage.” You asserted your stance. “I understand that the Vanrouge family is very busy so I volunteer my assistance since my manor is close.” 
Many of the knights aren’t convinced. They stood in the way of the orphanage as though they’re guarding from someone dangerous. Some tried to whisper stealthily amongst each other but your fae ears could pick up their words.
“This is probably a cruel trick.” “Maybe the food is poisoned.” “How terrible.” 
“If you gentlemen would like, you are free to try some of the sandwiches.” You offered kindly, but your smile was strained and your fingers tight around the basket’s handles. 
You expected this, but the building frustration and humiliation is hard to suppress. You knew your family’s reputation precedes you and their doubts are valid, but to suspect that you are some sort of monster who could harm children for simply being human? You would never, how could they…
“Thank you for such kindness, your grace.”
Your bitter spiral broke at the sound of a clear voice, strong but warm at the same time. A hand reached out to pick out a small sandwich, which your gaze followed to meet a pair of the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen. 
To the shock of the other knights, this man unhesitantly took a large bite of the handmade sandwich, then cleanly finished it in a few more bites. His auroral eyes shone with such warmness as he thanked you once more. “It was delicious.”
“Silver, careful!” The knight called out to the mysterious man before you. “You shouldn’t trust anything from that snake-“ 
“Hold your tongue, sir.” Despite showing nothing but kindness before, the fair-haired knight was quick to sternly reprimand his comrade before he turned to you to bow his head. “I apologize for my comrade’s rude behavior. I will accept any punishment in his stead.” 
Flustered, you replied quickly. “Please think nothing of it! I know of my family’s… notoriety, so I understand the suspicions you and your knights have.” 
“I’d rather judge someone by their actions rather than their family.” He smiled, and you swore your heart nearly stopped for a moment. What an unfairly beautiful man, you thought. 
Like a practiced knight, the beautiful man offered you a hand. “Allow me to carry the basket for you. The children will be excited to see a new face.” 
Wordlessly, you gave the basket to him and proceeded to walk towards the orphanage, ignoring the stunned faces of the speechless men, not that you cared to acknowledge them anymore. Afterall, your attention has been stolen by this mysterious man next to you. 
You were surprised how such a handsome and kind man liked him to show up. The way the other knights were quick to obey him, he was probably of higher standing or reputation. From his visuals to his manners, you thought he was definitely target route material. So, what was he doing as a minor NPC? 
“What was his name? Silver? Was there a character like him in the main story?” You racked your brain for an answer. Surely a catch like him wouldn’t be left in the sidelines, unless…
As though one of Malleus’ lightning struck you, your body broke out in cold sweat as you finally recognized the suspiciously attractive knight beside you. 
Silver, one of Malleus’ most trusted knights and the heroine’s closest friend in Malleus’ route. Believed to hold unrequited love for the protagonist, he swore to protect her, and eventually helped to capture and prosecute the love rival’s family for their wrongdoings. 
In short, this good-looking man will be responsible for sending you to jail for bullying his one-sided love.  
Oh, fu-
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Was this punishment for making fun of your friend for liking this dumb dating sim game? If it was, this is a bit much, isn’t it? The muscles in your body screamed for mercy as day after day, you were put through hellish training, stared down by an unmoving commander.
You vaguely remembered the plot of the story, but couldn’t figure out who you were, or if you were of any significance to the plot. For all you know, you were some human soldier for the fae kingdom, currently going through hell.
As a commoner human amongst fae, you were treated with jeers and insults from your so-called comrades. Some of your peers were more affable but there were some poorly made characters clearly just there to make your life miserable.
“Is this my villain arc? Is that it?” But you were barely above it all, since the soldier’s pay was decent, and all the school-ground taunts were easy to ignore. Honestly, there was only one person that really grinds your gears. 
“You are insulting Lord Malleus’ great name if this is all you can do!” 
That loud voice, now unmistakable to you, belonged to the obnoxious soldier Sebek Zigvolt who seems to live off proving his worth to the king of this kingdom. 
“The goal was to do 100 push-ups, and that’s what I did.” 
“Hah, that is mere child-play. I can go on for a hundred more!” If you have to give him something, he puts his money where his mouth is as the green-haired man then proceeded to continue on with the workout. 
Be it a cruel joke or karma from your past life, you became partners with this loudmouth half-fae. The commander, Duke Vanrouge reasoned that it was to learn comradery and to balance each other’s flaws, but you suspect that there was more to it. But screw it, you don’t have the energy to pursue the real reason. 
And so, you were stuck in this partnership/rivalry with Malleus’ most loyal soldier. 
“We’re wasting time, weak human!” 
You should get a hearing check after this, as you were unfavorably close to your partner, who despite telling him to stay quiet, continues to scream right into your ear. 
“The course just started, you lousy crocodile.” You sighed as you knew Sebek wasn’t happy when you forced him to hide in the large grass. 
As a surprise, your division was given a training course with color-coordinated powder pellets and painted rubber blades as ammo. The goal was to find and strike as many painted targets in the forest, with you and the other soldiers included as targets. 
In addition to the stationary targets, it meant that you had to look out for other soldiers to target you for points. Fair enough, but while the instructions were straightforward, the one who devised this course was the Duke Vanrouge. 
“I don’t trust a single thing that old fart comes up with.” You mumbled as you surveyed the scene. You expected traps, decoys, even surprise bears to jump up out of the blue, because anything is possible with the eccentric former general. 
Then, a rustle from afar. 
Before you could react, Sebek was quicker as he wrapped his arm from behind you, pushing you down with him as a pellet burst with colored powder above you. You heard cursing and more rustling from a close distance. 
“Watch your surroundings, human!” Your green-haired yelled at you, as he effortlessly pulled you to your feet. The way he scanned your person, you almost made the mistake to think he was worried about you and you almost felt warm over that non-existent concern. 
Both of you perked up to the sound of footsteps and turned to another pair of soldiers in front of you. To your luck, there were some of the soldiers that often taunted you. 
“Hah, it’s the halfling and the leech.” The soldier sneered and started to run towards the two of you, using the course as an excuse for violence. 
“Hmph, you’re no match for me.” But before Sebek could charge, you pulled him back with all your strength. It causes the tall soldier to stumble back and lean onto you, your hands on his chest and waist. You didn’t take notice, but Sebek felt a startlingly warm sensation with his heightened senses feeling your closeness to his sturdy figure, his skin burning where your hands lay flat on him.
“W-What are you doing, human! How dare you-“ 
Yells interrupted Sebek’s embarrassed tirade as the two foolish soldiers disappeared, with a large hole in front of you and Sebek. Cautiously, you stepped towards the manmade hole to see your “comrades,” bruised but alive for the most part. 
“Pit traps… should have known that the commander would pull some looney tune crap.” Pulling out a few pellets, you threw it straight at the trapped men and dusted them with your color. “Man, that’s cathartic.” 
You turned to your partner, who was staring at the pit which he nearly ran straight into. You were worried that the prideful half-fae was actually scared before he scared you instead with revigored energy. 
“Of course, the great Lilia would challenge us to the fullest. I will not fail his faith in us!” He then sharply looked to you with a satisfied smirk. “Impressive, human. I commend your sharp eye, but I will not fall for such traps from now on!” 
“Pfft, what was I thinking he’d be scared?” You thought, chuckling to yourself. It just wasn’t Sebek to back out of a challenge regardless of how insane or stupid it was. This training course was no better than a paintball game, but the straightforward Sebek would give his all no matter what. 
“It’s almost cute.” Keeping that last tidbit to yourself, you started walking towards your partner. “Well, let’s keep going. Like you said, we’re wasting time.” 
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nymphbroadcast · 2 months
I had no idea how to go about this, but if it isn’t much to ask, could I request the Diasomnia boys with a Twilight Sparkle! Yuu/Reader headcanons. Romantic or platonic is completely up to you.
(P.S.A. Is it alright to put General Lilia instead of Present Lilia? I just really love Lilia in his General era, you don’t have to do this though.)
Diasomnia x MC! Like Twilight Sparkle
Sinopsis⊹ೃ🐉⋆ The Diasomnia boys with a MC! / Yuu Or S/O like Twilight Sparkle.
⊹Relationship⊹ೃ🐉⋆ Fall in love/ Free of interpretation.
⊹¡FEM! MC/Yuu/Lector ⊹ೃ 🐉
⋆⊹Clarifications: AAAAA I really loved this idea! Thank you anonymous for your request! Twilight is my favorite of the Mane Six and who I identify with sometimes, so I was really excited to imagine an MC! like Twilight with the Diasomnia boys, especially because of the plot that surrounds Twilight during the series, I kept many canon things about Twilight and Yuu from the game and the mangas, enjoy your request! PD: I'll also add Spike, because I love the older sister-little brother or mother-son relationship they both have ;)
⊹Twilight's Context⊹ೃ 🐉⋆
• Twilight is a character with great duality, she is very skilled in magic, she is intelligent and is always willing to acquire new knowledge, but that made her focus too much on just her studies and leave aside her social life, It is reiterated on several occasions that Twilight represents the Element of Magic and Dircord mentions that Twilight is the embodiment of magic, and in the comics Twilight's true magical ability is explored. On the other hand, more familiar, Twilight belongs to a family of high aristocracy, with her parents in noble positions and her brother as captain of the royal guard and she as the private student of Princess Celestia, who would later be her heir... At the beginning Twilight was apathetic to social events and even teamwork, which over time she began to fall aside and accept that friendship was not something like a distraction but rather an instrument to grow, both personally and intellectually. Twilight is a great leader, said on many occasions, she is able to recognize her mistakes and weaknesses, she also knows when to stop and does not put her pride before rationality for the common good, Although that does not mean that she does not have her negative sides, she can also worry too much and her tendency to worry about others often makes her fall into despair and paranoia, as well as when she is given a task of great responsibility and In her anxious process she begins to plan excessively and put all the responsibility on herself. Although as shown in the series, she always learns different lessons from her friends, who also help her constant personal improvement and as a future ruler.
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Malleus Draconia
🐉 Oh someone catch this cute dragon boy because he's falling in love!
🐉 You are like a gift that his own magic has brought to him, you are so similar to him but so different from him too...
🐉 Something to sayis that you both are solitary (at least at the beginning) although you did it of your own free will and because of your desire to study, unlike him... Although that no longer matters, now you are his friend! and maybe... something else ;)... Something else that you both also share is your prodigiousness with magic, although since you were little you have the desire to learn more and you are talented and skilled through your own efforts and not just because you were born special.
🐉 Technically you come from a very high society, since being a star student of a famous princess **insert ur fav disney princess** surprises Malleus with your incredible social and magical position.
🐉 As your relationship progresses you introduce him to your little dragon companion, Malleus goes blank when he sees the young dragon even without his wings fully developed (don't even think about introducing him to Lilia, because Malleus's adoptive father will release the baby album Malleus) However, due to your friend's young age, Malleus does not see him as competition or in a jealous way. Over time, he may even come to see him as a son, believe me, he will become fond of him when he sees him being so close to you. and seeing you as a mother or older sister will soften Malleus' heart... Although, when you tell him that technically the little dragon is your son since as proof of the talent of your magic Malleus does not know what to say, since he has not even done something like effecting the birth of a being, he begins to respect you when he sees the magnitude of your knowledge and magic.
🐉 Although, returning to your flaws... Malleus doesn't know exactly what to do when he sees you enter a nervous and almost psychotic state when something happens that upsets you, he has never had to calm someone down before and the fact that that someone is you... Malleus decides to follow his instincts and Lilia's advice, words of comfort and physical touch, he hopes that that and his presence will calm your turbulent mind and to no one's surprise, it works.
🐉 As both have great magical potential, it would be necessary to see who has more knowledge, since Malleus has had some of the best magicians as teachers, but you have a Princess as a teacher and you have mastered countless spells with little effort, even mastering the light and dark magic (The return of the Crystal Empire, Twilight replicates Celestia's spell to open the door, in fact it is King Sombra's magic) and you handle different situations very well, which not only depend on your magic... Although anyway, you and Malleus meet to read and practice magic especially, since the magic that the Draconia possess makes you very curious and Malleus actually loves that instead of fearing his magic, it makes you very thirsty of knowledge.
🐉 Malleus is surprised how in a short time you have managed to learn the history of Twisted Wonderland and many of its nations, in fact you may be one of the few who really don't get bored in Professor Trein's classes, which is already an achievement, but see that you are seriously capable of storing all that data in your memory really amazes Malleus.
🐉 (Only a variant of the 'Cutie Mark' and a small suggestive hint are described here) Due to the type of NRC uniform your body is not exposed enough, but if you both reached 'that' moment, Malleus would quickly notice a cutie mark. a star and others around it on your hip, although he does not ask you directly, he investigates about this brand and discovers that in Twisted Wonderland this brand has been used multiple times to represent absolute magic, which leaves Malleus speechless and with heart pounding... Seeing that you are practically the incarnation of magic, he feels luckier that you are his and promises to take care of you and love you forever.
🐉 You are definitely someone very interesting in their eyes, in fact too much, you are always thirsty for knowledge and surrounded by books of all kinds, however from your side more people can see that you are a born Leader, loving and empathetic but firm and strict in the Maybe, for some reason, he feels that destiny has prepared a future for you as Ruler and he deeply hopes that it will be by his side.
🐉 Assuming that your promotion to princess would be soon, as well as Twilight's, you will have the big dragon boy attached to you for good and shouting to everyone in Twisted Wonderland that you will be his wife, he hugs you and coos at you whispering compliments and loving words of congratulations on your new status: "I always knew you would make it", "You look so beautiful even before you were an official princess" and "Now there is no excuse to hide that I love you, that we love each other, my dear~"
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Lilia Vanrouge
(Present and General Lilia!)
🩸 The current Lilia would be fascinated in a good way by you, in his eyes he can really distinguish the pure magic that makes up your being and it amuses him to see how others seem to ignore it, even knowing that although you do not "belong" to Twisted Wonderland you are perfectly capable of using spells the size of Malleus himself.
🩸 While General Lilia would be intimidated and defensive, he is also able to sense your magic due to his proximity to Maleanor, but not knowing you or your intentions, it is normal for him to believe that you want to attack them, since that happens in wars and even more so. in one like that.
🩸 The present Lilia would have a lot of fun watching you deal with the Overblots and challenges that exist in the NRC, especially when you don't know the things like traditions and customs of Twisted Wonderland.
🩸 We already saw how shameless and to some extent cruel General Lilia can be, so don't be surprised when he doesn't believe that you are the student of a powerful princess or that you are equal or superior even in terms of magic to the Draconia.
🩸 The present Lilia would be absolutely delighted when she meets your baby dragon and memories of baby Malleus come like a waterfall, he does not stop fawning over the dragon and telling you anecdotes about when Malleus was a small lizard that barely existed (because don't tell me he didn't , there was nothing in that Malleus baby head) and also praise you because unlike the one who took 200 years to make Malleus born by giving him his own magic, you did it in an instant and without sacrificing your magic.
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🩸 Unlike General Lilia, he doesn't know what to say about your little dragon companion, he's obviously not a draconian and although there are other dragons in Twisted Wonderland it's hard for him to associate them with the little one and he's even more stunned when he hears that your own Magic was what caused the birth of the dragon.
🩸 Lilia can see your strengths and vulnerabilities, he sees your constant anxiety and can't help but come to calm you down with words of support and, if necessary, knock you out so that your mind can rest, even for a minute. (In the case of General Lilia, he only use the last option.)
🩸 Although in the end, he ends up liking you for your duality in any way, he feels that somehow you will be someone great in the future and he hopes to be able to see you when that time comes.
🩸 In case you go out with one of his three sponsored children, Lilia would feel proud to see how you are a balance between 'humanity' and 'magic' and how honest you are in your affection towards the boy, and it has just been proclaimed adoptive grandfather of your little dragon.
🩸 On the other hand, if you are his partner, he will promise to take care of you and pamper you, make you feel at home with him and be a good father to your little dragon.
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⚔ For Silver, you're so... Strange... In a good way, we all know he's not very social, so I don't think he's ever met anyone with as much thirst for knowledge as you.
⚔ However, if there is something he admires about you, it is your great capacity for leadership and self-sacrifice. Silver fully trusts you to wake him up if he falls asleep... Eventually.
⚔ In his free time, Silver likes for you to read a book aloud, it helps him relax and sleep better, regardless of the topic, Silver loves to listen to your calm and at the same time very interested voice in the topic of the book. +Bonus points if you let him put his head on your lap!
⚔ At the same time, you are incredible in magic and unlike General Lilia and Sebek, Silver has no problem comparing your magical potential with that of Malleus, for him you are actually admirable, given that you must not be more than 100 years old unlike Malleus. and yet you can cast spells of his Young Lord's level effortlessly.
⚔ Although more than your magical talent or the magic that emanates from you, what attracts Silver to you is how capable you are of facing situations that you possibly never thought you would experience.
⚔ It's not hard for him to believe that you're a student of a famous princess, considering he's seen you deal with Overblots and Dire Crowley's irresponsibility with ease.
⚔ Although it takes a while, he eventually becomes convinced of your magical power when he meets your little dragon companion and learns that you caused his birth and is practically like your son/little brother, Silver loves animals of all kinds as can be seen when he they surround him while he sleeps, so he will eventually become attached to the little dragon.
⚔ Although he won't believe you when you tell him that you used to be extremely asocial before coming to Twisted Wonderland, since he has always seen you accompanied by another first-year student and one of your two (Grimm and Spike) creature companions.
⚔ Although like Lilia and Malleus, Silver also notices the negative side of your personality, you are extremely anxious and prone to panic, not to mention when Crowley puts something important on you because he doesn't want to, although Silver wants to be careful and gentle when dealing with you to calm down, thanks to being educated and raised by Lilia, he ends up being a little... Brusque... With his words, although it surprisingly works. (Imagine Applejack kind of scolding Twilight, more or less)
⚔ Silver may be a lost prince and possess great magic from his dynasty, but even in his 'ignorance' he manages to identify your brand as the representation of the concept of magic itself and that makes him feel luckier to be with you.
⚔ Silver recognizes you as a great Leader, full of unknown potential and an attractive personality, even with flaws, Silver continues to see you as a beautiful balance between Magic and Humanity, something that attracts him more deeply to you, He promise to be the Knight to your future as a Princess, from now on. (And Malleus, of course)
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Sebek Zigvolt
🐊 Sebek... Sebek... This is a complicated boy, at first he doesn't see you as anything more than a curious human with inferior, otherworldly magic.
🐊 And I'm sorry to tell you that this would be like this for a long time, until I can see more of your true identity and your magical power and as a person.
🐊 Rather, in Chapter 7, when he sees you fighting with your magic and comforting and helping Silver and Lilia.
🐊 Seeing you like this will make him remember your attitudes and why he suddenly changes his mind about you.
🐊 He understands your almost endless thirst for knowledge, he has seen you a couple of times in classes and admires that about you, no matter the subject you are always attentive, even with your energic friends on top.
🐊 Also remember your anxious side due to your worries and take note to help you (in your own way) with your anxiety attacks when you witness them, trust him, he is skilled with comfort even if it doesn't seem like it.
🐊 He obviously knows your little dragon and to be honest... He likes him much more than Grimm... He, incredibly idolizing Malleus and the Draconias themselves, will be incredibly delighted with your little friend, praising him for his helpfulness to you and his 'worthy' nature... Although he stiffens when you tell him how he was born, he slowly accepts that maybe... Just maybe... You could be much more skilled with your magic than he thought... Even almost like his Young Master.
🐊 Although yes, he is a little suspicious when he sees the symbol that you usually wear, he quickly recognizes it as the representation of magic itself and in reality, Sebek doesn't know what to think so he is patient.
🐊 Don't worry because this guy is slowly maturing and will eventually find you worthy of admiration and affection, without or with magic.
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Nymph's Note:
I still don't know how to write to a romantic or loving Sebek, sorry T-T and sorry for take me too long, but I'm back again ♡
I hope you enjoyed!
Remeber to tune in, end of this broadcast!
Diasomnia Dorm x MC! Like Twilight Sparkle Done!
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maythearo · 1 year
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" Welcome back to Night Raven College's "Ghostly Gossip"! The school's unofficial main online source for the latest news, articles and trending topics circulating around campus! "
" now introducing our second student entry for the blog... 'some guy I found on my grandma's attic'-- huh..? Wait, who wrote that down?? "
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R. Rosehearts - T. Clover - C. Diamond - A. Trappola - D. Spade - L. Kingscholar - R. Bucchi - J. Howl - A. Ashengrotto - J. Leech - F. Leech - K. Al Asim - J. Viper - V. Schoenheit - R. Hunt - E. Felmier - I. Shroud - O. Shroud - M. Draconia - L. Vanrouge - S. Zigvolt - Silver
Messy (but progressively getting better) design notes:
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Epel was one of those designs that just clicked instantly with me, I had a vision of the basics I wanted all sorted in my head even before I gathered most reference pics. I don't expect this to happen again to a majority of the remaining cast though 😫
Watching those doll restoration/repainting videos while drawing helped me set the general mood I wanted for him, even though the final result doesn't show much of this inspiration, at least in my opinion... I love the makeup and face painting details these artists put on the dolls, but I was afraid too much of that would make his design too heavy-looking combined with the rest of the outfit. If I ever decide to design alternative outfits for this series, I'll try to show off more of this lost aspect there
For the character in itself now, I imagine him in this AU to be more free to do and act however he wants compared to his og universe counterpart. Still being supervised by Vil, but not in the same level as before. Probably the reason why he got all those scratches and cracks on his body, I like to think he's having a little more fun with being a gremlin and running around all he wants lol. And due to that, his skin care routine baisically consists in Elmer's glue, to stick any broken porcelain shards together. Vil is not exactly content about that, but he lets most of it slide at this point 👍
Epel's totally the type of kid who goes around the gardens to casually collect bugs like he's in animal crossing. Like this video I found on reels, which I don't reccomend watching if you have a phobia of spiders/insects/bugs/snakes/frogs/etc cause, you know. But anyway I think MH Epel holds this exact energy and it's- kinda terrifying! In a good way though. come on let this kid be a kid for once. I also think this more playful part of him fits well with the fact that he's a little doll. OH and the fact that og Epel grew up around the elderly back in his hometown kinda makes sense in this universe too, like, he's the type of doll some grandparents would keep in their old house as a family relic or something. Could very much be the beggining of a horror story.
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cursedcola · 4 months
I just had such a wild idea and I’m so mad I didn’t think about it earlier
Ya’ll know my marriage series, right? Well, can I just propose that for the band of Malleus’ ring, it’s constructed using one of his scales?
Draconic scales are super rare in fantasy, right? They don’t grow back and usually have a remanence of power inside them. It’s why you see them looted off dragons in video games to be turned into armor. Aka - they’re extremely precious. Perhaps even sacred.
I just think it would be a neat headcannon that the Draconia family has a tradition where a member smelts their betrothed’s ring using one of their scales. Kind of like sharing power and whatnot. Insert brain rot yadayada
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bluesylveon2 · 3 months
A Love as Sweet as This
Summary: When Queen Draconia demands for cake, it is Sebek's duty to get it for her.
Note: royal au, fluff, Vanrouges giving love advice, and cameos from other Diasomnia fics in this series. For the sake of this fic, Malleus' Yuu/Reader did not lay an egg, but (SLIGHT BOOK 7 SPOILERS) her pregnancy shares some characteristics of how dragon faes develop.
Warning: fem Yuu/reader, pregnancy (for Malleus' Yuu/reader), not beta read, mini Book 7 spoiler, oc child, and possible ooc characters
Word Count: 5.1k
Masterlist: here, Series Masterlist: here
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The Zigvolt family has been known for protecting the Draconia family since Baur Zigvolt first joined. The youngest grandson, Sebek, loved hearing stories about how his grandfather worked alongside Queen Maleficia. He decided that he would be the same. Sebek would do anything for the Draconia family.
Malleus needed some tea? Sebek was there to brew it.
Someone tries to stab Malleus? Sebek would take the hit instead. 
Malleus told him to jump off a cliff? Sebek would do it like he was platform diving.
Nevertheless, Sebek's loyalty to the family was very high. 
"Sebek, it is not the end of the world. I'm pregnant, not terminally ill. I want some cake."
Human Draconias were now included.
Said human frowned as she walked side by side with Sebek. He did not understand why she insisted on this rather than the knight carrying her and flying. 
"Your Majesty, you are carrying the future heir of Briar Valley! Because this is the child of you and the Young Master, they are my responsibility, as are you now. I assure you, we are almost at the castle. I can ask the chefs to bake you some and the staff to massage you."
"I don't have time to sit and wait." The Queen whined. "This baby wants one now, and Lilia said that bakery nearby is to die for." She said, pointing at a quaint bakery that was not busy. 
Sebek looked at the place with uncertainty. The Queen sighed. "You don't have time to think about it. The lunch rush will start soon, so let's go before we lose our chance. This baby needs food to grow!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bakery.
"Your Majesty!" Sebek exclaimed, a blush evident on his face. "The child needs love to grow."
"This child won't get love if I don't get a slice of cake and fast." The Queen cheerfully grinned as she pulled her retainer. Who knew the grandson of the great Baur Zigvolt would get dragged around by a human, his Queen nonetheless? Said grandson would rather go through this than besmirch his Queen. 
A bell and a faint "coming" brought Sebek back to reality. Oh, what would Malleus say when they came back late? 
(Little did Sebek know that Malleus would cling to his wife when she stepped inside the palace.)
"Sebek, I was thinking about getting this cake." Queen Draconia said, pointing at a small green cake topped with fruit and green flowers. 
"Good choice, Your Majesty! The green really matches the Young Master's eyes." Sebek exclaimed and walked up to the counter to order, unaware of the Queen muttering about how the fruit was shaped like a crocodile. The Queen chose to sit down and rest a bit. 
The back door opened, and a new figure appeared. The newcomer was female, had some icing smeared on her cheeks, and was dressed in a uniform that matched the aesthetic of the bakery. Like the Queen, this woman was also human. 
"Hello! Are you ready to order?" 
"Yes, human. I want an order of this cake!" Sebek said, pointing at the picture his Queen pointed to earlier. 
"Alright, anything else?" 
Sebek stared at the menu behind the woman. "A small cup of black coffee." 
"Alright, your total will be 12 thaumarks." The woman said with a smile. Her eyes shifted slightly to the Queen behind Sebek. 
"How sweet. You are such a doting husband to your wife."
For a brief moment, Sebek thought he heard thunder in the distance. 
"SHE IS NOT MY WIFE! I AM NOT WORTHY ENOUGH TO BE MARRIED TO HER MAJESTY!" He exclaimed while frantically waving his hands, causing the Queen to laugh loudly. 
The woman winced at his volume. "Okay, I get it, but quiet down a little before I lose my hearing."
"How dare-" Sebek stopped when the human raised her hand, silencing him. How could a human do something like that to him? The retainer to the great Waka-sama???
Sebek quickly put the payment down and glanced at his Queen, who had a smirk on her face. "I apologize, human. I did not mean to yell at your establishment."
"It's Yuu." 
Sebek's eyes widened, and he swore he heard a snicker behind him. "I'm sorry?"
Yuu pointed to her herself. "My name is Yuu, not human. And I will call for you when your order is ready…"
Sebek stood up proudly. "Sebek Zigvolt, a loyal retainer to the Draconia family!"
Yuu giggled. "Sebek. I'll make sure to remember that. I'm new to the area, so I'm still learning."
Yuu removed her hands from her ears. "Alright. Why don't you tell me more about him now while you get your order?"
Sebek smirked proudly, unaware of his heartbeat slowly increasing as he stared at Yuu. "Of course! I shall educate you about the wonders, okay, how great Waka-sama  is!" Sebek exclaimed before heading into a tangent about the Malleus as Yuu worked. 
Meanwhile, the Queen smirked and laid a hand on her stomach. "Oh, little one, hopefully you get a cousin soon."
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Sebek continued to visit the bakery for many months. He and Yuu had come to an unspoken agreement: he would passionately share his knowledge about the Draconia family with Yuu, and Yuu would give him a slice of cake to eat. Normally, people who listened to Sebek's rants gave not even decent praise about Malleus, but Yuu would listen to Sebek and ask questions when needed. 
More humans should be more interested in Malleus like Yuu!
The knight shook off his thoughts and flew to his Queen's side. The palace roses she was admiring shook slightly from Sebek's movement. "Do you need something, Your Majesty?"
The Queen smiled as she let her finger brush against a rose petal. 
"I do." She turned to Sebek. "I would like some more cake." 
Sebek looked up in shock. It all started when Sebek decided to bring home the cake slice Yuu gave him instead of eating it at the bakery. He did not think about it, but when the Queen noticed the treat in his hands, she demanded more (not for free, of course. She insisted on paying!). It was not like Yuu could say no! In the end, the human added an extra slice just for the Queen. This did not go unnoticed as King Malleus grew concerned for his wife, and she burst into tears when he confronted her about it. 
At least the bakery was high on business. Malleus learned to never question his Queen again. 
"Very well." Sebek nodded stiffly. "Is that all?"
The Queen shook her head. "I'm thinking about throwing a party in honor of my future child—a baby shower, as humans call it." She snapped her fingers, and a servant holding an envelope appeared by her side. She picked it up and handed it in Sebek's direction. "I want you to deliver this letter to Yuu because I want her to make the desserts for the party."
Sebek grabbed the letter like it would disintegrate from his touch. "You Majesty, that is such a high honor! Are you sure she is capable of the task?" 
The Queen smiled gently. "Of course, I always enjoy eating her cakes. Speaking of, I am craving some right now, and I would appreciate it if you got me more cake coming back."
Sebek nodded. "Very well. I shall see this plan through."
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Sebek should not be feeling nervous. 
For crying out loud, he is a knight of the great Draconia family and a descendant of Baur Zigvolt! All he had to do was deliver something to a human. It would be a short interaction, and then he would be back in the castle. 
But why does he feel like there were butterflies in his stomach?
"Tsk. How dare these insects get to me!" Sebek complained as he flew to the bakery. "Maintaining this condition will not make me serve the royal family at my highest potential. I shall get rid of them at once!"
As Sebek flew down the streets, he spotted a flower shop with a colorful display on the window. Some flowers around the bakery could brighten the atmosphere more. Would Yuu like flowers? What kind does she like? 
"WHAT AM I THINKING?!" Sebek exclaimed, startling the townsfolk as he passed. 
Sebek felt the butterflies increase as he stepped away from the door. The poor knight was confused. What was it about the bakery that made him so nervous? Was it the comfy atmosphere the moment a customer walked in? Was it the smell of fresh fruit and bread? Was it the human who ran it? The same woman who actively listened and asked Sebek questions during his talk about Malleus-
"NO! She cannot be in my thoughts all the time!"
"Who can't be in your thoughts?" A female voice asked, causing Sebek to scream. 
"Human?! How long have you been here?" Sebek asked frantically. 
"Not long. I was restocking when I saw you standing outside from my window." Yuu began to smirk. "You know you can walk in without forcing yourself to."
"I know that!" Sebek looked away and followed Yuu inside.  
"Still, I can't help but wonder who the female you were referring to earlier is," Yuu questioned aloud as she closed the door before leaning close to Sebek. “Is there someone you fancy?" She grinned. 
Sebek gulped. The close proximity made Sebek blush even more. Was her eyes always sparkling like diamonds? Did she always have a beauty mark on her cheek?
"I was referring to Her Majesty. The new prince or princess is coming soon." Yuu let out a laugh that sounded like music to Sebek. "Here!" Sebek pushed the letter into Yuu's hands. "A letter from her."
"Wow, that's important. I hope im not in trouble," Yuu joked. She carefully opened the envelope and scanned the contents. Her eyes widened, and she dropped the letter. Sebek watched as the paper fluttered to the ground. 
"Yuu?" He snapped his fingers in front of Yuu's frozen face. Her eyes trailed from the letter to Sebek. Suddenly, she jumped on him and pulled Sebek into a tight hug. 
"YES! YES! I will be honored to help the Queen on her big day!"
"Of course!" Sebek huffed. "It would be foolish to not accept this opportunity from a Draconia." 
"Oh, there's so much to do!" Yuu pulled away and began to freak out in excitement. "What desserts does the Queen want? More important! What gender is the baby so I can plan accordingly!"
"I assure you, another knight, Silver, or I will come to get you to discuss these matters with the royal family." 
Yuu smiled brightly, almost like the sun. She pulled Sebek in for another hug. "Thank you for bringing me the news, Sebek." The next thing Yuu did caused Sebek to blush wildly.
She kissed his cheek. 
Sebek felt his body freeze and heat up simultaneously. His cheek felt warm, and the knight put a gloved hand against it to see if he was dreaming. 
At that moment, Sebek's stomach decided to make itself known. 
Yuu giggled, her smile brightening, and her eyes were focused on Sebek's growing blush. 
"Well, let's get you something to eat before you go back. I was about to close for lunch anyway."
Sebek could not believe his ears. Him eating with Yuu? Alone?! Oh, what would Malleus think if he or his wife saw them? "I don't want to impose on your busy schedule."
"Nonsense! I prefer your company, honestly." 
Sebek's heart could not handle it. His heartbeat increased, and he was sure Yuu could see how red his ears were turning. Sebek slowly backed his way to the door. "I should go-AH!"
Sebek was too stunned to speak. He did not expect Yuu to shoot a hand out behind him and use her body and the door to stop him. Technically, Sebek could use his strength or leave through the opening Yuu left, but he was too astonished to move. 
"Sebek, please stay for lunch, and then you can go back to the castle." Yuu pleaded, her eyes staring into Sebek's for the second time that day. 
The knight was relentless. He should not give into a human and return to his duty. However, Sebek would not admit it outloud, but he could stare into Yuu's eyes all day. Moments passed when he gave in. 
"Fine, human. I shall join you today. Don't get any ideas."
Yuu could not stop the grin from forming on Ber's face. "Thank you!" She grabbed Sebek's hand and dragged him to the back. C'mon! Tell me what you want, and I can prepare it. You can also help me start planning, and I will make sure to pack a cake for the Queen before you go!"
Yuu broke into a carefree laugh as she continued listing her plans. Sebek's face turned red again as Yuu's attitude got to him. No wonder he grew to love it and would not mind seeing it more often. 
Oh no.
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"Sebek? Can I come in?" Silence. If Sebek said anything, Silver did not hear it. "Sebek?" Silver knocked. There was a loud groan in response. Silver started to get worried. This behavior was unusual for Sebek. "I'm coming in."
Silver peeked into his brother's room to find said male lying flat on his bed, his face buried in his pillow. Sebek shifted so his yellow-green eyes met auroral ones. 
"Please leave, Silver. I need a day to lay here, and then we can talk."
"This is important." Silver sat down on the side of the bed and rubbed his hand against Sebek's back for comfort. "Father mentioned you were having issues regarding matters of the heart."
Sebek sat straight up and surprised Silver, who put his hand on Sebek's shoulder. "Master Lilia knows?"
Silver nodded. "He said that you had an expression similar to what Malleus and I had before."
Sebek groaned into his hands. He was usually great at being stoic. His grandfather trained him on it if he ever met a foe on the battlefield. How could a human make him feel this way? Sebek couldn't make sense of what he was feeling. The butterflies had increased his presence. "Oh, how could I show that out in public!"
A small smile adorned Silver's face as he rubbed Sebek's shoulder. "It's better I talk to you about this than Father. Luckily for me, he was too busy doting on the Queen or my sister and not asking when I would give him grandchildren."
"But you haven't proposed to your partner yet."
"Exactly," both Silver and Sebek chuckled. The brothers let the moment pass until Sebek finally addressed the elephant in the room. "Silver, how did you know when you…" Sebek felt a lump form in his throat. "When…" he began to struggle to form basic sentences. 
"When I?" Silver asked, confused. 
"LIKEDYOURPARTNER!" Sebek hid his face in his hands. There, he said it. The cat was out of the bag. 
Sadly for him, Silver did not know where the cat was. "Can you repeat that?"
Sebek's hands immediately fell to his lap, and he turned to Silver with a shocked expression. How did Silver not understand his predicament?
"How did you know…when you had feelings for your partner?"
A genuine smile graced Silver's lips, and the boy folded his hands together to think. "You will know it on your own. However, I started to know when my partner continuously occupied my thoughts. The next thing I knew, I wanted to care for her and go through life with her by my side. I wanted to protect her from anything or anyone that may harm her."
"I see…" Sebek murmured, igniting Silver's curiosity. "Is the girl you fancy a human or fae?" 
"A human. A beautiful and talented one." Sebek said with a certain softness Silver had heard before from Lilia and Malleus. 
Silver could not hide his growing smile. Oh, how you've grown, Sebek. "What is the issue, Sebek? I think that you should court her."
"But what will the others think?" Sebek frowned. "You know how people reacted to my mother marrying a human." He did not say it aloud, but Sebek cared for Yuu enough that he would protect her from the prejudice of some faes. 
Silver grabbed Sebek's shoulders and looked at him dead in the eye. "And they have a happy marriage and wonderful children. Same for Malleus. People opposed his marriage, but now the newest heir is coming. Things have changed, and who cares what blood is running through this girl's veins." Sebek frowned like an internal argument was happening in his mind, causing Silver to sigh and pull Sebek in for a hug. "Look, you like her for who she is; she probably feels the same. Don't let others dictate your happiness. Be her knight in shining armor."
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"Your Majesty, you are absolutely glowing!" Yuu squealed while maintaining a reasonable distance away from the royal couple. 
Many months had passed since the big announcement, and Yuu still felt nervous whenever she entered the castle. Sure, she met everyone within the walls but was surrounded by famous names such as the Vanrouges and the Zigvolts. Yuu felt that a tiny mistake could end with her being zapped by lightning. 
"Thank you, Yuu." The Queen smiled and caressed her belly. "The baby is surrounded with love from their family. They are very active. Probably gets it from her father." She turned to her husband, who sat on his throne beside her, with a teasing look. 
Malleus smiled. It surprised Yuu how someone as intimidating as the King looked at his wife with adoration. "The baby also got her mother's love for sweets. I wonder how she did not get heartburn." He whispered low enough for Yuu to hear. 
"What did you say?" 
"Nothing, my love." Malleus placed a kiss on his wife's temple. "I was just discussing the cake for the party."
"Yes!" Yuu nodded in agreement. "It should be at the garden for later."
"I'm so excited!" The Queen squealed. "I'm sure it will be a boy!"
Malleus grabbed his wife's hand and squeezed it. "Well, I think the baby will be a girl."
"I have to disagree with you, Malleus," another voice added. Yuu watched as Lilia floated down to the Royals. Another woman holding a sleeping baby appeared by his side just as the fae's feet touched the floor. "I think the child will be a boy. Don't you agree, dear?" 
His wife rolled her eyes in exasperation and handed her baby to Lilia. She stepped towards Yuu and pulled her into a friendly hug. "It's nice to see you again, Yuu. Why don't you save yourself from this endless argument and walk around the garden? It sure is lovely to see the roses without extra people roaming around."
"I heard that," Lilia interrupted as the royal couple continued their discussion in the background. 
"I know, dear," Lady Vanrouge laughed as Lilia wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close for a quick kiss. Yuu felt a slight feeling of envy form in her chest. Oh, how she wished for her knight in shining armor to sweep her off her feet. Yuu's eyes shifted to see how Malleus looked at his wife gently as if she were a star in the sky. 
Maybe she could have something like that with a certain green-haired, loud-mouthed knight-
Yuu's eyes widened. Don't think about it! She looked at her exit in a hurry. A simple stroll will help her clear her mind. 
Lady Vanrouge spoke up, interrupting Yuu's thoughts. "Yuu? Do you want to go to the gardens?"
"Yes!" Yuu exclaimed until she reminded herself about where she was. "I mean, ahem, yes. I would love that."
The woman smiled. "Wonderful!" She turned her attention to Lilia. "My love, can you escort Yuu to the rose garden? I will mediate the other two."
"Of course," Lilia handed the baby to his wife and extended an arm towards Yuu. "Let's go, Yuu."
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The "walk" to the garden did not help Yuu at all. The girl prayed that Lilia could not feel her stomach churning or feel her clammy hands. 
Since her arrival, Yuu had not seen Sebek or a speck of light green hair. Typically, Sebek was around the King and Queen to protect them at a moment's notice. Yet, Silver (who was sleeping) was in his spot instead.
An angel appeared on Yuu's shoulder. "He could be swamped today. You never know what could happen," the angel suggested. 
"Please!" A devil appeared on Yuu's other shoulder. "Clearly, he is avoiding you because he doesn't want to be seen with you."
"You don't know that!" The angel argued. 
"It's because she is a human. H-U-M-A-N."
"I think Sebek likes her for who she is."
The devil rolled its eyes. "Say what you want, but you know that is untrue."
"Yuu?" The angel and devil poofed away, leaving Yuu to look at Lilia's concerned face. "Are you okay?" 
"Yes…" she started, but Lilia's face remained unchanged. "No. No, I'm not."
"Do you want to talk about it? I can listen," Lilia's face became serious and sympathetic, simmering Yuu's nervousness.
"Yes. I would like that."
"Very well," Lilia grabbed Yuu's hand. He skillfully navigated his way around until he stopped in a quiet hallway. He let Yuu go in first and turned around to check the area. "There. No one should be coming by anytime soon." He turned his attention to Yuu. "Now, what seems to be the problem? You seemed lost in thought earlier."
Yuu sighed. Here it goes. "It's about Sebek."
"Oh," Lilia tilted his head and had a clueless look on his face. "What about him?"
"I may have developed….feelings for him, but I don't know if it is mutual."
Lilia could not hide the smirk growing on his face, so he hid it behind a cough. "I see. Tell me, dear. What is it about Sebek that you like?"
Yuu chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, there are many things."
"I'll say!" Lilia exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with mirth. Finally, after seeing two of his sons find love, it was Sebek's turn! Wait till Baul hears about this. "Is it the grumpy way he talks?"
Yuu laughed, reminiscing about her first meeting with Sebek. "Not really, but I thought I would lose my hearing there."
"Is it his dashing looks?"
"Or that he's socially impaired?"
"Or the one time he tinkled in his bed?"
"Lil-wait, what did you say?"
Lilia gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. "I said too much." Yuu didn't have to know that he was smirking, too. How boring would it be to not share the juicy stories? 
"It's not all of those, although I don't want to know what that last one was." Yuu took a breath before continuing. "it's his devotion."
"Oh," Lilia raised a brow in interest. "Tell me more."
"Well…" Yuu blushed before continuing. "He is very devoted to the King and the Queen. He was attentive to the Queen since they first entered my bakery." Her eyes met Lilia's. "If he can be like that to them, then surely he would be as devoted to a significant other."
"Fufufu, I see. Then you must make haste and tell him your feelings!" Lilia urged, but Yuu shook her head. 
"I would, but," Her eyes shifted away, and uncertainty crossed her face. Could she really face Sebek and spill everything? "Can I take some time to process this?"
Lilia smiled gently. "Of course. Take as much time as you need." He quietly led Yuu back toward the garden. "You know, I once worried about how Sebek would react to the new queen, given that she is human."
Yuu jumped out of her thoughts and eyed Lilia curiously. "And how did he react?"
Lilia stopped before a set of doors leading to the garden. "He kneeled before her and dedicated his life to protecting her."
Yuu smiled, her heart lighted with hope. "Thank you, Lilia, for your wisdom."
"You're welcome, Yuu. I will see you at the party." Lilia smiled before opening the door and vanishing in thin air, leaving Yuu alone. 
Yuu turned to the doorway, and her jaw fell open in awe. The garden was indeed a sight to behold. The bright red roses oddly complimented the dark and eerie atmosphere of the castle's architecture. There were paths with hedges leading to the center and a fountain with a statue of the former Queen, Maleanor. The moonlight blanketed the flora by outlining each plant in a silver glow. 
"Woah…" Yuu followed a path to get a closer look at the statue. According to a past visit from Sebek, the King had commissioned the statue to be built in honor of his late mother and Lilia's friend. 
If only he had met her.
"I should court her now. I should not court her later…"
Yuu's ears perked up at the sound. It sounded like it was coming from nearby. Yuu could not shake the feeling that she knew it from somewhere. 
It won't hurt to take a peek. Yuu quietly tiptoed to the source. 
"I should court her now. I should not court her later…" Yuu stepped even closer, luckily not alerting the person. She leaned in slightly and saw a mop of yellow-green hair.
No. Way. 
"AGH!" Sebek screamed. "When did you show up?" He frantically threw the rose he held earlier over the hedge. 
"I just got here-" Yuu tilted her head. "Although I want to know what are you hiding back there?"
"Nothing!" Sebek replied rather quickly. "Shouldn't you be with Her Majesty? I'm sure she needs your assistance."
"No, Sebek. I wanted to take a stroll and look for you," It's not like she has something important to say first. 
Sebek felt his heart race. "ME?! YOU SHOULD FOCUS ON HER MAJESTY OR YOUR FOOD!"
Yuu felt her patience wearing thin. "Sebek, other people do that for me."
"But Her Majesty could be injured; we will not know unless we are there! 
"Honestly, being a part of these festivities is the highest honor in Briar Valley-" 
"SEBEK!" Yuu exclaimed and attempted to trap him against the hedge. Except, the "wall" she was supposed to hold on to was not wood like last time, but shrubs. "Ah!" Yuu screamed and shut her eyes, bracing her landing on the ground. 
But it never came. She felt something firm around her waist, tugging her body close to a firm surface. Her arms also wrapped around the figure.     
Yuu opened her eyes to Sebek, who was red and very close, so close that Yuu could see how his slit pupils and long eyelashes. 
"Yuu! Answer me!"
"First, you need to turn your voice down, or else I will lose my hearing before the party starts."
Sebek blushed out of embarrassment and nodded. He still remained close to Yuu and did not move. He could not move even if he tried. It was as if there was a magnet forcing him to stay still. 
"Second, I want you to listen to me carefully because I will not repeat this."
Sebek audibly gulped, his throat bobbing in anticipation. Yuu took a breath. It's now or never. 
"I like you, Sebek, and I have for a while now." Yuu briefly looked away from Sebek before continuing. "You don't have to reciprocate it; there's no pressure. I just wanted to let you know what's been going on in my mind for the past few days."
Sebek remained quiet, his heart racing. Here was the woman of his dreams confessing to him before he did. It did not matter anymore. It was not like he considered making his confession dramatic, like in the books he read. He could save that for another day, but this is now. 
"Yuu, I also want to tell you that I have gained feelings for you," He reached over and gently grabbed Yuu's hands, holding them close like they were made of feathers. "I wish to court you if you allow me."
Yuu felt her heart explode into a million pieces out of pure joy. Her smile grew wide, and she nodded. That was all Sebek needed as he pulled Yuu close, and their noses were almost touching. 
"Is it okay for me to kiss you?' Sebek asked shyly, and Yuu nodded, finding the question cute. He stiffened as Yuu gently caressed his face in her hands. "Let me know if you don't want this or if I overstep your boundaries."
Yuu chuckled. "Just kiss me, Sebek!"  
The knight obliged and closed the remaining distance with the baker. His eyes closed instinctively, and he tilted his head, lips meeting hers in a tender kiss. 
One of many more to come.  
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Malleus and Lady Vanrouge watched from a nearby sofa as their respective spouses sobbed from their hiding spots within the castle but with the couple in their view. Both faes glanced at each other nervously. Luckily, no one besides the sleeping Silver and Aurie was around to see this embarrassing moment. 
"My love," Malleus called and summoned handkerchiefs to hand to his wife and Lilia. "We need to get ready for the party."
"I know, I know. Let me just-" The Queen blew her nose loudly and wiped the tears off her cheeks. "Okay, now I'm ready."
"Very well," Malleus hugged his wife and teleported them away, leaving the Vanrouge family behind. 
"It feels like yesterday when I purposely scared Silver and Sebek for fun. Now he is going to have a wife soon! Oh, I need to tell Baur the news when he arrives!" Lilia bawled and blew his nose into his handkerchief. 
Lady Vanrouge sighed. With one hand, she held her daughter and ran her fingers through Silver's hair with the other. Was it too late to take a nap with her children?
"My love, if you continue crying, you’ll wake the children up."
"I can't help it! Now we have two things to celebrate today!"
Lady Vanrouge sighed for the nth time today. Adding Sebek's new relationship on top of the upcoming heir will cause some waterworks among the guests. The woman looked up at the new couple and smiled. 
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A/N: WHY IS SEBEK HARD TO WRITE??? I swear he is a lot easier to write when he is with a chaotic group like the first years. Anyways, sorry for the long wait! Hopefully I get more out with the other characters soon!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-24. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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ashensgrotto · 6 months
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Why, greetings my dear anon! I’m happy that you enjoyed the ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’ to read it that many times - and I apologized that I haven’t been able to get started on the Scarbia segment yet (between that and Raison D’être plus work & other stories… and GloMas, I really need to get my priorities straight seriously -_-). However, I do intend on working on it as soon as I can so I can get it out sometime this month or in December - I mean, I think that would be the most logical since that one takes place during holiday break, right?
Now, for your request - I hope head cannons are alright for the time being. I’ll try to come back to them and do short stories for each of them that follows the same concept design as “Am I Feeling Love?” - which is the first installment of the Yandere!Azul series. I'm also going to divide this into two parts - about halfway through I realized I hadn't posted anything in a while and thus, I want to make it up to all of you for not writing or posting anything for some time.
Part 1 (Here) will feature Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, and Jamil Viper
Part 2 (Here) will feature Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, and Malleus Draconia
Vil Schoenheit
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Vil is a combination yandere - he is both a studdle stalker type, but also a projection type. Of course, in his youth, he was an up-and-coming movie star… famous for the villainous roles he played. This caused a lot of grief in his childhood, not to mention some of the trauma he had endured from other children who believed everything they saw on the big screen - thinking it was real, even though it was just special effects and players playing their roles on the stage. And, even though Jack Howl became the closest thing he had to a friend, there was nothing that he could do to shake the fear of wanting to be ‘the good guy’, the ‘hero’... to be the most beautiful of all.
As a junior in Night Raven, Vil and the rest of Pompfiore were just as shocked as the rest of the school when you appeared. At first, Vil was not interested in what you may have to offer - but ever faithful Rook was the one to point out certain features you had; soft cheeks, a creamy complexion, eyes wide and filled with wonder - not to mention a figure that would’ve had some acting agencies dying for; you almost reminded him the the princess the fairest queen had raised years ago. Vil was reluctant, but stepped forward and offered the headmage a place for you to stay in Pomfiore until you could return home. 
It was at this point that Vil realized that you were more than what you appeared. Whatever he asked of you, you did it - to nearly perfection. Scrub the ballroom flooring? It shone brighter than diamonds when you were done. Wipe down the windows? Clear as crystals. Tend to the gardens around the dormitory? Neat and tidy without a single flower or bush out of line. This, of course, caused Vil to backpeddle a little bit - if anyone from outside the dorm found out about how well you followed instructions (specifically a certain lion or scheming octopus), there would be trouble. Hence, Vil decided to try and keep you close, luring you in like the villain he was always meant to play.
He learned quickly that your home in your world was… chaotic. You often traveled back and forth between two families, plus your grandparents. If you had a choice in the matter - you would’ve stayed with your father and your stepmother full time as your mother and her on-again-off-again boyfriend often mistreated you. You were in charge of the cooking, cleaning, and caring for the home while under your mother’s care and were often trapped in her home more times out of the year. Vil had remembered about Niege LeBlance’s situation when the two stars were children - he could sympathize with your situation - and decided to take you under his wing. Vigorous training began shortly thereafter, and you soon found yourself secured under Vil’s thumb. You, along with Epel, were put through beauty regimens regularly, vocal and annunciation lessons followed classes and chores, and fashion and gossip columns replaced your books at night; and if either of you tried to escape or slip out of something, ever faithful Rook brought you straight back to Vil - a disapproving scowl on his face, arms crossed over his chest, and heeled foot tapping, looking very much like a disapproving mother.
With the arrival of spring and the fast approaching date of the Cultural Fair, Vil’s energy became more focused on the SDC - working long hours into the night perfecting the team for the competition. You did try to help sooth much of the stress that had fallen on the headwarden and offered your assistance in any way you could, Grim acting as your assistant under the watchful eye of Rook. It was also here that things slowly began to take a turn for the worst - after the mention of Neige LeBlance, Vil had begun turning to his phone more often, asking it every day who was the most beautiful of all. Mira always answered… Neige LeBlance.
The last straw was when you and Rook attempted to stop him from poisoning Neige, the vice warden ordering Neige to run and evacuate the premises. The other members of the team rushing in at the sound of Rook’s shouting. Vil couldn’t forgive himself for what he had attempted to do… he was as ugly as the poison that he created. If only he was the fairest… if only Neige LeBlance hadn’t walked into his life again… if only you could understand what it meant to be… the fairest one of all…
Idia Shroud
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Idia would also be a combination type yandere - possessive and clingy on a short list, with subtle stalker on the longer list. Not that anyone can blame him of course - his childhood was spent in it’s entirety on the Island of Woe, the next Shroud in line to take up the mantle as the Watchman of the Underworld. He, and his little brother Ortho, were the only children that lived in the facility, spending their days playing video games, reading manga and comic books, as well as creating original characters of their own. However, tragedy struck when the two boys snuck out of their room during a routine lockdown and one of the phantoms possessed the younger brother - Idia’s grief and self-blame pushed him away from others, even after he was able to reunite with his brother… in a technological sense.
Years later, during his junior year at NRC, Idia was surprised when Ortho volunteered to bring you into Ignihyde - as many other students were. When Idia demanded an explanation - Ortho explained the scan he did on you indicated that you had a lot of the same qualities as many of Ignihyde's students. What a drag - but what's done is done, and Idia found himself, not only in charge of a dorm, but an unexpected guest as well.
For the first few months, Idia holed himself up in his room - trying to avoid an encounter with the ‘normie’ of the dorm; the magicless guest of Ignihyde. Ortho attempted over and over again to get him to come out and meet the new member, telling him all about how interested you were in manga comics, fantasy RPGs, and the like - but Idia always refused… until one night during a routine midnight snack run, he ran into you. You were smaller than he expected you to be, the dorm’s heavy leather jacket baggy over your form - also swapping the typical heavy denim jeans and boots for leggings and slippers. Idia was even more surprised when you offered him a large roll of chocolate chip cookies you had picked up from the school store, a smile on your face, “Hello, I’m (y/n). You must be Idia, right?”
And following that first encounter, Idia slowly began to warm up to you. He was drawn to your sassiness and imagination, especially when the two of you talked about video games - Idia even went as far as to introduce you to his online friend, Muscle Red - the gamer excited about having another runner in the mix for events. 
However, what no one knew was that Idia slowly began to worm his way into your online presence. He hacked into your computer that Ortho had provided for you and watched when you were online, who you interacted with, and what you talked about. At first, Idia reasoned it was a way to get to know you - the best way to find out the internal workings of someone was to figure out about the mask you wore, right? But even so, the real pusher was when he was spying on a chatroom you were a part of and one member began insulting you - saying that you weren’t really a gamer, that you didn’t know anything about online gaming, or anime, and that you were a fake… a ‘normie’. If Idia had been standing next to you, you would have seen his typical calm blue hair turn red hot - hotter than the flames of Tartarus. No one was going to get away with calling his friend a ‘normie’ - magicless or not.
In the months that followed, Idia began to slowly attach himself to you - spending more time in your presence than ever before. Then, when he was summoned back to the Island of Woe to test the students that had overblotted, he brought you along with him, keeping you close as each test was conducted, examined, and recorded. The look on your face and the questions you asked him, yes, brought him joy.. But also made him worry - what did you think of him now that you knew what he was doomed to become? Would you eventually end up like Ortho because of his mistakes? Idia didn’t want to think about that… but even so, to be free of his responsibilities… to not have to be the caretaker of the Phantoms any longer… to reset the world… maybe then, you would be safe…
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus follows the same combination style - he’s definitely the obsessive, the stalker, and possessive style. Living in Briar Valley, it’s no secret that as the next in line it is his duty to help provide an heir that will take over for him when the time comes. As his mother and father had loved each other before him, Malleus often wished for the same kind of companionship that they had - however it is hard with Lilia away caring for a young human and Sebek, hence the only thing Malleus has is the comfort of his dreams. He dreams a lot, images of a fair young human traveling through the forests of Briar Valley playing in his mind - Malleus far too fearful to approach.
Many years later - during his junior year at NRC - Lilia informs him of a strange individual that has arrived - a magicless guest that is to be taking residence within the Ramshakle dorm that was on the school campus. Of course, Lilia had known about Malleus’ tendency to spend quiet nights in the dorm, listening to the sounds of the old building creek, the windows rattling against the wind… the silence and stillness of the place. Even so, Malleus does continue to travel to the dorm at night, walking around the premises like a dragon guarding his hoard. One night, however, he encounters you - the child of man with no magic abilities whatsoever - and is surprised by how easily you talk to him, without any fear in your eyes, even more so when you nickname him ‘Tsunotarou’. It slowly becomes a habit for him, heading to the Ramshakle dorm each night daily to spend time with you and talk to you - the first friend he has outside of the protection of Silver and Sebek. 
Malleus often sends Lilia to keep an eye on you, much to the chagrin of Sebek - the elder warming up to you and sharing everything he finds interesting with you with his charge - how you love visiting the other dorms, spending time with Ace, Deuce, and Grim, the struggles you encounter… never mind each of the overblot incidents that cause destruction and harm. Malleus then uses the reports to gain your trust, always lending out a hand to help when needed and offering comfort when there was none to be had. You slowly became his secret treasure - something he wanted to hide away, to protect endlessly until the end of your days.
But still… to a fae, a hundred years can pass in the blink of an eye… a thousand years was just the same way… And when the revelation of Lilia’s powers slowly depleting became noticeable, Malleus became lost for words. He was losing the closest thing he had to a father… and you were close to finding a way back to your world. He couldn’t allow that - he couldn’t lose anyone that was close to him.
When the others attempted to stop him - Malleus easily overpowered them. After all, he is one of the top five mages of the world - his power as a Draconia was more than enough to defeat an army, let alone students in a magic school. With ‘Fae of Maleficence’ casted, darkness covered the school - pulling everyone into slumber and keeping them as they were indefinitely. Everyone could be the protagonist of their own story… everyone could be happy… to live in their current state… and he would never be alone again…
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linkemon · 1 year
Confession headcanons
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
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Other headcanons from this series can be found here.
Part 2 | Part 3 of the confession headcanons.
This part contains: Malleus Draconia, Idia Shroud and Kalim Al-Asim.
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Malleus Draconia
• Malleus' confession of feelings involved a number of obstacles and misunderstandings, although happily resolved.
• He wrote about you many times in letters to his grandmother. And although it made him realize the fragility of relationships with humans, grandma was also very happy knowing that her grandson had experienced such deep love. She really wanted to meet you, even though you didn't know it at the time.
• Draconia's biggest fear and block from telling you how he felt was the fear of loss. In various aspects of it. He was aware that he would certainly outlive you, and from time to time the thought of you returning to the world you came from floated in the back of his mind. In addition, you were his first real friend, not counting the people who were with him every day. Rejection could cost him the entire relationship.
One most ordinary night, he simply realized that the risk was worth trying to tell you how he felt.
• Malleus sprang into action with eager vigour. Unfortunately, these efforts were somewhat misdirected. It took Lilia to clearly explain to him that the customs adopted among fae do not necessarily translate to humans. He was forced to do this, as it were, because after you threw away his family generational necklace, the clouds over Diasomnia were darkening day by day and a disastrous downpour with lightning was brewing.
Meanwhile, you were simply afraid that Grim would destroy such a valuable and expensive gift. You had absolutely no idea of the additional meaning it carried.
• The second attempt was definitely more successful. Malleus gave you the rose seeds he grew in Briar Valley. Planted in Ramshackle, with his magic they turned into a field of red flowers. Combined with the moonlight and the fireflies dancing around you, it created a wonderful atmosphere that you will remember for a long time.
It was then that the fae confessed to you that he had been smitten with you from the very beginning but it was your friendship, so precious to him, that turned into something more. The fact that he knelt down in front of you and promised to give you everything you wanted made you think for a moment that he was going to propose to you. Initially, that's what he planned, but Lilia talked him out of it...
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Idia Shroud
• It's not that Idia didn't know what love was. He had played so many otome games that while he wasn't an expert, he certainly wasn't a noob. However, without Ortho's help, he would not have correctly recognized its signs in real life.
• He started by avoiding you. The rapid heartbeat and red tips of his hair were becoming more and more frequent and it was difficult for him to control them. So he found the best solution he could come up with, which was to lock himself in his room. He avoided you as much as he could all over campus.
• His brother, although he quickly understood through data analysis what was happening to him, did not think it was good to raise the topic too early. Initially, he wanted to give Idia time. Time was clearly running out because the robot, seeing you once again look sadly at the tablet and gave it a wide berth, decided to act. He prepared a series of tests to convince your older brother that you reciprocate his feelings. Of course, Shroud hid under the blanket, mumbled to be left alone. Although he pretended to be uninterested, the speech actually sparked hope in him.
Maybe this time he wasn't a total knight nerd and side hero? Maybe he could play the lead role for once?
• He did what he does best. He designed a program that allowed him to send a request if you wanted to be his girlfriend. At worst, he was going to pretend it was a mistake.
When he saw that instead of checking the tick box, you had come to Ignihyde, he immediately paled. You had to knock on the door, telling him that you wouldn't leave until he explained to you what was actually going on and how this confession related to his constant avoidance of you.
Idia just stuck his head out of the crack, stammered and said that he was like the worst NPC you've ever seen but if you let him have some time, maybe he'll become a main character worthy of you.
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Kalim Al-Asim
• Friendzone should be his middle name. From the beginning of your relationship, he sent you signals that you considered romantic. Until you started spending more time with him around others and you found out that Kalim treated them the same way he treated you. That's when everything started to get confusing for you.
• When you tried to tell him that you liked him very much, he replied that he liked you too. When you said more, he said more, more. And when you said he was more than a friend, he said you were his best friend. He did all this with such a wide smile on his face that you didn't have the heart to explain to him the true meaning of your statements. You knew the sincerity of his words. Few people in the NRC matched him in truthfulness. But it was incredibly frustrating for you.
• Grim knew exactly what was happening, seeing your hearty eyes every time you left the desert dormitory. He calculated in his head how many cans of tuna he would get if you got together with the prefect of Scarabia. This prompted him to not-so-subtly blurt out to Kalim that you were romantically interested in him. In return, he received a promise of a container of fish delicacies.
• The boy was in great shock but in a positive way. He didn't know what to do with all his joy, so he grabbed the first flowers in a vase he had at hand and ran towards the flying carpet. You weren't expecting him at all in the evening, dressed in your pajamas and ready to go to bed. He hugged you so tightly that he almost knocked you over and that was before he even remembered that he hadn't told you why he actually came...
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haru-natsuka · 7 months
Welcome, readers, to the grand gallery of history. Everything in this collection is a record of all that has written, both factual and fantastical. Discover the truth of the world, the fiction of legends, and the possibilities of the future!
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Second Male Leads Are all Yanderes but I Won't Rest Until I Win My Love Back [Ongoing Series]
The one that should raise to the throne not him. The one who should be the empress not her. The fate laid in front of them should be different but they lived in that kind of fate where a new hope should be blessed...
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The fate (Anastacius x Female Reader x Claude) [Ongoing Series]
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Ahh... My dear esteemed benefactor, a lovely and noble flower of evil. Truly, you are the fairest one of all. Those who are guided by the dark mirror, reveal to you the visage you seek, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror. Join us in the realm of villainy, and allow us to show you the true path to a happy ending.
Slipped (Ace Trappola x Crush Reader), Angst
Consolation (Riddle Rosehearts x Wife Reader), Romance
Left with father (Riddle Rosehearts x Your Child), Family
Left with father (Trey Clover x Your Child), Family
The Unending Daze Part 1 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 2 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 3 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Extra (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
Rejection (Deuce Spade x Female Reader), Angst
Changing fate (Trey Clover x Female Reader), Romance
Forgotten (Trey Clover x Wife? Reader), Romance
Complicated feelings (Ace Trappola x Reader), Romance
Only mine (Cater Diamond x Female Reader), Slight yandere
First night interview (All Heartslabyul)
First step (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader), Romance
Last step Part 1 (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader), Romance
Last step part 2 (Leona Kingscholar x Wife Reader), Romance
Stolen (Ruggie Bucchi x Female Reader), Romance, fluff
Fetish (Jack Howl x Soulmate Reader), Romance
Consultation (Azul Ashengrotto x Female Reader), Romance, fluff
Interest (Floyd Leech x Female Reader), Romance
The Visit (Jade Leech x Female Reader), Romance
Not funny (Floyd Leech x Female Reader), Romance
Secrets (Kalim al-Asim x Crush Reader), Romance
Confusion Part 1 (Kalim Al Asim x Wife? Reader x Jamil Viper), Romance, poly, kids
Confusion Part 2 (Kalim Al Asim x Wife? Reader x Jamil Viper), Romance, poly, kids
Fascinated (Jamil Viper x Wife Reader), Romance
Kiss-o-meter (Kalim Al Asim x Female Reader x Jamil Viper), Romance
Naive (Kalim Al Asim x Wife Reader), Romance
First night interview (All Scarabia)
Family tradition ( Kalim Al Asim x Female Reader)
Painful Growth (Malleus Draconia x Crush Reader), Angst
The Past (Lilia Vanrouge x Wife Reader), Romance, Angst
Technology (Sebek Zigvolt x Female Reader), Romance
The Rhyme (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader), Fluff
Left with father (Malleus Draconia x Child), Fluff
The Unending Daze Part 1 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 2 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Part 3 (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
The Unending Daze Extra (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader x Ace Trappola), Yandere
My Love (Malleus Draconia x Wife Reader), Angst
Time (Silver x Wife Reader), Romance
Never Again (Tanjiro x Demon Reader), Angst
Memory of fireworks (Akaza x Female Reader), Angst
Kikufuku (Gojo Satoru x Female Reader), Angst
By his side (Yushiro x Female Reader), Slight angst
Family tradition ( Kalim Al Asim x Female Reader)
Week 1: Twisted Wonderland x Female Reader
Week 2: Second Male Leads are All Yandere but I Won't Rest Until I Win My Love Back (OCS x Female Reader)
Week 3: The Fate (Anastacius x Female Reader x Claude)
Week 4: Resting time >.<
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dotster001 · 1 year
hello! can i request lilia or leona for how you met/enemies to lovers series?
How You Met/Enemies to Lovers; Lilia Edition
A/N: god, I forgot how long these get 😂 For obvious reasons, Leona's is going to be in a separate post on a later date, so keep an eye out. Also, hope you're still here anon, cause this is an old request 😬
Other Versions: Vil Malleus Crewel Crowley Rook Idia Leona
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In hindsight, it wasn't his brightest hour.
Maybe he was truly going senile in his old age…
"Malleus Draconia is twice the king you will ever be!"
"Shut up," he heard you mutter through gritted teeth, but the sands were already rising and swirling around him as Leona Kingscholar spiraled out of control.
It was the very first thing he taught his soldiers during training. Don't provoke cornered prey, because it's capable of great things.
But he couldn't stand the thought of this brat trying to grievously injure his son! How dare he!
But you didn't know his family situation…what you saw was a stupid college guy not knowing when to keep his mouth shut. Ah well. You weren't running in his social circles anyway. And he didn't care what people thought of him. It'd be fine.
"I haven't seen you this nervous since you were a hatchling. What's the matter?" Lilia asked his silly king, who was standing nervously in the doorway, and clutching something in his hands.
He hesitated, before walking further into the room and handing Lilia an envelope.
"My Ramshackle friend has not been around, and I wanted to give them a holiday card. I was wondering, if you crossed paths with them of course…could you possibly…" Malleus trailed off.
Lilia stared at the envelope for a moment. The initials M.D. were on it.
"Have you told them who you are yet?"
"No. And I'm not scared to tell them, if that's what you're implying, old man."
"You should probably tell them soon…"
"I will…when I'm ready…"
Both men sat in silence, before Lilia laughed lightly.
It was two days before you returned to Ramshackle, and you looked exhausted.
You didn't say anything, just looked at him with dead eyes.
"Someone has been disappointed that you haven't been around to hang out with over the winter break."
"Oh, shoot, tell Hornton I really wanted to hang, I just was, well, a little tied up."
"Hm," he hummed before giving you the card.
"He'll tell you who he is soon. Have a good night," he paused and gave you another once over. "Try to get some rest."
"Have I been reduced to your errand boy?" Lilia asked, shedding a fake tear.
"More like an errand grandpa," Malleus snickered, dodging the pillow Lilia threw at his head.
He then handed the not so concealed gift bag to Lilia.
"Please give this to-"
"Y/N. I know. They know who you are now. Why am I delivering your presents?"
"No reason," Malleus said, before vanishing in a flash of green fireflies.
Lilia sighed to himself, before staring at the gift bag.
Over the course of delivering present after present to you, he'd been able to get to know you better. He knew your likes, your dislikes, your favorite colors, what you liked to do for fun, what you missed back home…everything. And he could see why Malleus would fall for you.
Although, the thought of him being with you filled his mouth with a metallic taste. He had to laugh at himself. It had been a long time since he had had a crush on someone. But it would fade. He was old enough to know that.
And besides, he wasn't one to stand in the way of what his king wanted. Which meant that when your initial distaste over how he handled the overblot wore off, and you started to seek him out as a friend, he knew he had to scare you off.
It started simple. Just being a nuisance, or making his pranks go a tad bit too far. But that didn't do much, aside from make you wary. Pretty soon, it was full on bullying you, and you quickly stopped coming to him. 
It was when Malleus came to him, one day, that he knew he'd pulled off what he set out to do.
"Y/N doesn't want you to give them my presents anymore. They think you hate them. I told them that was ridiculous, as you have no cause to feel as such, but they were insistent."
"One thing you'll learn about humans, my young king, is that they are fickle creatures, and very sensitive. You never know how they are going to feel about someone," he said, as though it wasn't entirely his doing that made you feel this way. "But if it makes Y/N more comfortable, I'll stay away. Perhaps you should deliver your own presents from now on."
Malleus didn't get the hint that day, instead opting for Sebek to start delivering gifts, but at least it was clear you didn't feel any particular way about Sebek. And now Lilia could let his little crush die, until you and the young King were together, as the seven no doubt intended.
"Thank you for meeting with us at such short notice, General Vanrouge."
Lilia bowed deeply to his Queen,  before taking a seat in the chair next to her. It had been nearly three years since his graduation from NRC, and he didn't seem to have aged a day, opting only to swap out his dorm uniform in favor of his military garb. He had decided, during his four years in college, that he quite liked his cute form. It made it easier for people to trust him.
"It was no trouble, your majesty. What can I do for you today?"
The queen sipped some tea before fixing him with a scrutinizing look.
"My grandson has requested to officially adopt Y/N L/N into the royal family. His argument is that he is an only hatchling, so he needs someone to be next in line should something happen before he has his own hatchlings," she smirked, "As though that would ever be an issue. But he also says they have no family in this world, and are of noble character. He says he is determined to have them as his family, whether he has my approval or not. But I thought I would ask your opinion, since you are my most trusted advisor, and spent a year with them, as well."
As family.
Oh fuck.
He fucked up.
He fucked up so bad.
"They are as he says, a human of excellent character. Our young king has done well to choose them as his foster sibling."
The queen smirked again. "You are certain this has nothing to do with your goal to unite our people with humans?"
"No," he said playfully, acting as though he wasn't slamming his palm against his forehead in self hatred.
"Then it shall be done. Thank you for your input."
Sevens. He fucked up.
"Avoidance is not the way to solve your problems, father," Silver said, with a judging expression on his face.
"Whatever do you mean, my darling son?" Lilia said with a light laugh.
You'd moved into the castle three weeks ago. And, yes, he had been avoiding you.
He hadn't planned to.  He had been there at the ceremony where you'd been officially inducted into the family, and been legally renamed Y/N L/N Draconia. But when his eyes had met yours, he'd been rocked by the resentment yours held for him. But that wasn't the only thing that rocked his world.
What had truly shaken him was that his "crush" was still alive and well.
And someone as old as him knew, that a simple crush didn't last for four years.
He was in love with you.
"Father, Y/N is reasonable, and so are you. I know you would never have been cruel to them if you didn't have a reason, and if you explain that to them, they will understand."
Lilia sighed.
"Why did I have to raise such a wise and perfect son?"
Silver blushed and looked away.
"I'm simply saying what you would say to me."
"Fine, fine, I'll talk to Y/N," he groaned, standing up and leaving the room.
It wasn't too hard to find you. Most of your time was spent in Malleus' study, taking lessons on etiquette and the kingdom. Being newly royal, lessons filled most of your days.
Luckily, being general of all the kingdom's military gave him a few perks.
"I deeply apologize for the interruption, but I need to have a word with their highness."
The tutor fled without a complaint, and the two of you were left alone, you eyeing him warily, him nervously clasping his hands behind his back.
"I'm sorry."
Your eyes widened, and your mouth parted a little. 
"I acted foolishly at NRC. I didn't want to get between you and Malleus. He," Lilia needed to choose his words carefully, lest he sound like a fool about your relationship with Malleus. "He has such difficulty interacting with new people, I worried that if I grew close to you, he would feel like I was trying to steal you from him."
You stared at him, looking a little confused, but on the whole you seemed to understand.
"Anyway, since we are going to have to interact a lot, from now on, I wanted to apologize, and extend an offer of friendship."
You bit your lip, weighing your options. He couldn't blame you. Some of the things he had done or said were pretty terrible. After a moment, though, you hesitantly nodded.
Three more years. 
It had taken three more years for him to reach this level with you.
"How do I look?" You spun around for him, showing off your Valley of Thorns celebration outfit.
"Beautiful," he hummed, before floating over to you and excitedly fixing your hair. Not that it needed it. He just wanted an excuse to touch you.
"You're sure? It's not everyday a brother gets married," you asked.
Lilia cupped your cheeks, and stared deeply into your eyes.
"You look absolutely radiant."
Your eyes flickered away from his, and you gave a cough. Lilia could feel your cheeks burning under his hands. And he couldn't be more delighted.
Three years to get here….
"Thank you, " you muttered, before pulling away. "Now let's go, Malleus will probably throw a tantrum if we're late to his wedding."
The wedding went off without a hitch. Malleus and his new spouse made their vows, then greeted their people. You shone as well: greeting the guests, appeasing members of the court, giving a speech, you were the perfect representative of the Draconia family.
But you were only human.
As the night drew on, he noticed you stepping outside. He followed. 
You were leaning against the railing looking up at the stars. You turned to him with a soft smile when you heard the door.
He bowed low, and extended a hand.
"May I have this dance, your highness?"
You giggled, as you took his hand, and responded, "Why, of course you may, my good General."
You both turned in slow circles, dancing to the music in your minds.
At length, you asked softly, "I wonder when we'll see you married."
Lilia burst into laughter. "You've been spending far too much time with her majesty, if you're asking questions like that."
"Well, she is my grandmother now. And being at a wedding makes you think, you know?"
"It makes you think about me getting married?"
You rolled your eyes.
"No, I mean it makes you think about happy endings, and what kind of person you'd want to settle down with."
He twirled you, then hummed, thoughtfully.
"And who could you see yourself settling down with. What kind of person would beguile our precious Y/N?"
"Hm…" you tilted your head to the side, pretending to think. "Perhaps he is someone who can be serious, but is usually a playful scamp."
"He sounds amazing already, fu fu."
"And maybe he is a terrible cook…"
"I don't know anyone like that-"
"Maybe he was a decorated war general, then raised a couple sons of his own."
"I'm in love with him already," he giggled, only now noticing that neither of you were moving.
Your eyes were solely on him, your face slowly moving closer to him, as though drawn by a magnet.
"Maybe he is wise, but also a complete moron."
"That's awfully harsh," he said lowly, his own face drawing closer to yours now.
"Maybe he is super into heavy metal," you whispered, your lips barely an inch away from his.
"I bet he's an excellent singer," Lilia whispered back, before pressing his lips to yours, smiling into the kiss when he felt your hand work their way into his hair.
Your arms wrapped around each other, and Lilia realized that even though seven years was a long time to get here, it was well worth the wait.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll
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Malleus requests: Reader and Malleus have been together for a long time and all topics have come up, especially children. Reader never wanted any, but one day she sees a small Fae child and stares at it. Those big round eyes, those cute little pointy ears... those cute pointy teeth. Reader runs back to Malleus, slams the door open and yells, "malleus! i want children! now!"
Kinda like the Baby Fever series fic, but in reverse! I like it!
Children Of Man (and Fae) (Malleus)
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
— (っ˘ω˘ς )
Malleus had a really hard time communicating properly when your relationship started, so you took it upon yourself to start the important talks in your relationship and guide him through them.
He has gotten much better over the years you two have been together, and definitely more approachable, much to his delight.
One topic at a time, you two discussed every part of your lives. Your world, his position as Crown Prince, you being human, him being fae, your different lifespans (that one was heartbreaking and you two avoid a repeat of it as much as you can), your future marriage (drawing nearer and nearer everyday, it has been a dream and a nightmare)...
And, of course, children.
You have no interest in them. Period.
Not because you hate them, who could hate children? No, no, you just don't think you'd be able to raise a kid. Taking care of Grim and the other first years had been overwhelming enough, and they were all (technically) grown ups.
Of course, if in the future you must provide the throne with a heir, both you and Malleus agreed on adopting an older child from a noble's house with blood connection to the royal family. But otherwise, no children.
Malleus is fine with it, the sweet dragon, placing your happiness and your relationship first. You're always so grateful for having such an understanding soon to be husband.
"You're so pretty!"
What's that? That's the sound of all your plans going down the drain? And it sounds like a child?
"... Thank you! You're very cute!"
Yep. It is exactly that.
The little one stares up to you with big, shining eyes, and you immediately feel enamoured. They're so cute, with their pointed ears and pointy teeth, smiling shyly at you. And the old fashioned fashion of Briar Valley means they're wearing a cute frilly shirt with shiny buttons, really, they're just a little gentlefae.
Then the child's mom comes to take them away, apologizing for "bothering" the future Crown Princess, which you of course denied, assuring her that her kid is the sweetest little cupcake you've ever seen and she must be very proud of them, which then started a quite long conversation about children and raising children.
A conversation that only ends when you look at the clock and gasps, noticing how late you are to meet Malleus. You excuse yourself, wishing both mother and child well one last time, before scurrying back to the castle.
You can hear Sebek hollering and Lilia laughing when you run past them, but you don't care.
No, right now you're on a mission.
Throwing the door of Malleus' office open, you don't even wait for him to put down his teacup.
"Malleus, I want children! Right now!"
And maybe you are a genius for not waiting. It's not everyday you see Crown Prince of Briar Valley Malleus Draconia choke on tea.
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rayroseu · 1 year
💚 Mallevan/Levanoa Headcanons (Part 3/3)
PART 01 PART 02 PART 03⬇️
the last one from these series of doodlesss ✨✨✨ I cant wait for malleus mama reveal JSJAJJA 😭💖💖💖 we're going to see where that draconia rizz originated from 😂
• • • Headcanon 3
Levan was interested in Architecture so that he could build a castle which would never crumble under his wife's "little tantrums." 
Its said by Lilia that Malenoa when angered would really destroy her own castle. (i fear for this woman's period mood swings😂 (if female dragon faes have that))
So, I like to believe that for Malenoa to be "herself" (or not containing her emotions just so she wouldn't be harming anything), Levan aspired to build a strong castle that would withstand his wife's strength.
Its also a nice gift for Malenoa since he wanted to build their home as well— Since he's the husband and father of the strongest fairies, its just sensible to gift them something crafted and durable, could be with them their whole long lifespan, and can shelter his family. 
Its also nice to have an unbreakable castle so that the servants wouldnt live in anxiety about having to repair half their castle for the 60th time this century.
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For Malleus, his tantrum can summon an instant storm. For Malenoa, her tantrums can summon a super typhoon. That's why there's an enormous amount of gargoyles around Briar Castle because it strengthens the drainage system so that it wouldn't flood because of the excessive rainstorm. 
(From someone who lives in a typhoon-prone/flooding-prone country (philippines yo), I can't stress enough how valuable it is to have good drainage system😭)
Also, I imagine that the current Briar Valley Castle (named as Black Scale Castle according to Silver) was the castle he designed for Malenoa and Malleus.
The original name of the kingdom that the Draconia rules is Land of Briar and they used to manage the entire continent (Baul protested that no land is owned by Silver Owls, the entire continent is of Land of Briar) but now they're just situated in a portion/valley of it, presumeably because Silver Owls keeps claiming their land and also because Land of Briar seemingly lost to the war.🥲
That's why I believe Briar Valley's Castle is like a lesser version of the Wild Rose/Briar Castle (Malenoa's castle). They're kind of near from each other as well??? I think this "castle that Levan designed" acted as a refuge for the Land of Briar when Silver Owls ambushed Malenoa's castle.
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Speaking of servants fearing Princess Malenoa....
I think its only the regular folks or servants that has an anxious time approaching Malenoa. For other soldiers, they don't fear her like that since they encounter her frequently as the military strategist of their kingdom.
So, most often......
The servants particularly always approach Levan as much as they could in matters of pacifying the princess or delivering a message that they would assume she wouldn't take well. 
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Because Levan looks more approachable and knowledgable with dealing with the Princess given that his job is to literally talk to people based on politics.
Also, headcanon that at one point, Malenoa and Levan paralled that scene from Malleus Dorm card where Malleus was upset his smile was terrifying that's why people don't approach him, but Lilia just says "No such thing! You have such a lovely smile you know!" but Malleus actually smiles terrifyingly XD but Lilia doesn't fear it because he knows Malleus... 🥲💖💖
Like, how no matter how terrifying Malenoa is to others, Levan will never be afraid of her.
actually going to die if malleus' parents are not narrated as sickenly inlove with each other 😂
plus!! it just makes sense for them to be expressive in their devotion yk since their dynamic literally revolves around "dragons only love one person" and "they can't mate with another if there's no love".
... Plus its another factor why Lilia seems tired of these two, theyre like lovebirds and you know how Lilia hates all those domestic sappy stuff like family... children... and love... aha 🥲💔
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frie-ice · 4 months
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This Disney Twisted Wonderland collage is par of a series that showcase the parallel comparisons between the original TWST characters with the classic Disney villain characters (or trademark items) that they are based on upon and inspired from. In which has those Twisted Wonderland characters be seen as the TWST counterparts of those Disney characters. I got the idea for this series after seeing Tumblr posts of the TWST Housewardens and Vice-Housewardens being featured beside the original Disney characters that they represent, and I didn't want to limit myself to the Dorm Heads and overblot victims, but also for the other TWST characters. That's why I didn't leave out Lillia Vanrouge, Sebek Zigvolt and Silver (like I did with Jack Howl and Ortho Shroud). Although it has been clear that Malleus Draconia and the Diasomnia dorm are modelled after Maleficent, who the other three are based upon is a bit of a mystery.
From what I read on Google, they say that Lilia's bat motif is a reference to dragon!Maleficent, Sebek is of Maleficent's thorn and lightning magic and Silver's tiredness is a hit to the spindle of the Spinning Wheel that put Sleeping Beauty to sleep. Spoilers from chapter 7, however, has me question these claims and I don't really trust the source that this information came from. In case I turn out to be wrong and there might be some truth to this, I featured the three in the same collage to be safe. It is also why I dubbed the collage as "Magic of Diasomnia."
If you want my opinion, I believe that Lilia might have been inspired from one of Maleficent's goons, the same with Sebek. The reason for this thought is due to face of the goblin-like goon being part of Lilia's Pop Music club wear and Lilia was a knight who served the royal Draconia family. The same with Sebek's grandfather, and there is Maleficent goon that has a crocodile-like face. Sebek is also the name of an Egyptian god with a crocodile face, unless it is only Grandpa Zigvolt alone who is based on that Sleeping Beauty character.
Another group is saying that Lilia's character could be a reference to the bat style of Maleficent's throne, or that part of his character is drawn from the Three Good Fairies. Since Silver has some Aurora-like traits, not only does be nod off and animals are drawn to him, but it is mentioned that Lilia raised him a prince. If you take a look at the later parts of chapter 7, you'll see that the story of how Lilia came to be Silver's father paradelles with the 2014 Maleficent film. There was also a reference to the Three Good Fairies in a chat between Silver and Lilia about Lilia's cooking, from how he placed candles on a cake when it was still being made and put eggs in the bowl without taking the eggs out of their shells. Along with Lilia's groovy Platinum Jacket card having him looking at a portrait of the three fairies in question.
If you don't think any of these are the case, please share your thoughts and keep them kind. I'm still new to the TWST fandom, and still learning about it.
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Soul Match AU Masterlist
The Soul Match AU is basically my version of soulmate AUs. All of these works can be read as familial, platonic, or romantic; you are the decider of your own fate (also I started this series during Pride Month, so yee). All works are gender neutral with you/they/them used for the reader's pronouns.
The added thoughts portions are just my own reblogs with memes explaining my thought process, and in some cases, photo references.
As a note, do not put my work into AI. If you want to see more content, from myself or other creators, read through their old content, like AND reblog, and ask (if they are accepting asks).
The Song We Are Drawn Towards
"A song rests in the heart, calling out to the one who completes the harmony. Their match pulls at them, as the moon does the tide."
Azul Ashengrotto (includes prologue) & Added Thoughts
Jade Leech & Added Thoughts
Floyd Leech & Added Thoughts
Though the Path May Be Long, I Shall Find You
"A path lies ahead, some are more treacherous than others. At the end of the winding, coloured footsteps is where they can rest; a bird directing them forward, made out of precious stone."
Leona Kingscholar (includes prologue) & Added Thoughts
Ruggie Bucchi & Added Thoughts
Jack Howl & Added Thoughts
Through the Labyrinth the Thread Guides
"Strings tie together fates. Strings build fates. But should the thread unravel, will your fate follow?"
Idia Shroud & Added Thoughts
Of Truths and Dreams
"Dreams can tell a lot about a person. Their wants, their fears. But sometimes they can tell you the truth, and sometimes it isn't pretty."
Lilia Vanrouge (includes prologue) & Added Thoughts
Sebek Zigvolt & Added Thoughts
Malleus Draconia & Added Thoughts
Side Note; I have not decided if I'm going to include other characters at the moment. In the future there is a possibility of some characters being included, but there is no guarantee. Really depends on engagement.
Link to main masterlist~
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artsybelle1015 · 1 year
I had an idea for a Twisted Wonderland romance series for the Housewardens. So first of all each character is set in the universe of their respective villain and yk have lore of it.
Lemme tell u about each idea I have:
Riddle Rosehearts- Reader finds themself in the world of Wonderland where they meet Ace and Deuce who have a crazy strict Queen, Riddle. Rather than a bunny who’s late, it’s Grim! He’s late to get food!!
Leona Kingscholar- Leona was outcasted from his family and lives on the other side due to nearly killing his Brother. The reader was an abandoned baby adopted by a lovely lion couple also so is an outcast in their own way but still accepted. As Reader befriends the king (Leona’s Brother forgot his name too lazy to google) being a caretaker of Cheka with Jack. One day the reader spots Ruggie stealing some food and follows to the other side. 
Azul Ashengrotto- Had turned the sea kings daughter into sea foam for not getting true loves kiss, so the sea king gave him the same fate. Azul now unable to speak and fully human has to find true love. Luckily the Reader works for the palace and finds him, taking care of him.
Jamil Viper- The reader falls for Jamil at first sight when he saved them from guards when they stole. As they tried to pursue Jamil, Jamil was planning to take down Sultan Kalim with mind control, so he could become the king.
Vil Schoenheit- After being found in a cave with Grim by Neige and the seven dwarves, the reader eventually finds out this new world where they’ve never been and hardly remember anything and would eventually meet the evil queen, Vil.
Idia Shroud- A character based off Hercules has swooned the reader, to which Idia kidnaps the reader to mess with the guy and distract him from his goal of taking down the phantoms. Eventually the reader and Idia get along and he lets her go because he realizes it’s wrong, only for the reader to come back.
Malleus Draconia- This one is kinda hard to make lol, but anyways Malleus cursed the king and queen neighboring Briar Valley for not inviting them to where their first child will prick their finger on a spindle hitting their (insert whatever birthday u want) birthday. Lilia felt awful and offered to hide the baby from the palace for the meantime until their (insert the next year of cursed birthday), the baby is of course the reader and lives together with Silver as siblings until Malleus finds the reader and doesn’t know he cursed them.
Not full ideas but yeah there u go i’m too lazy to do it rn tho since i’ll have to rewatch and reread sm…
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coralinnii · 2 years
Malleus Draconia (dragon god!Malleus x sacrifice!reader)
genre: angst?, revenge?, budding friendship?
note: mentions of abuse of power from religious figures, allusions to mansl*ugther, allusion to mindsets similar to dangerous nihilism
summary: Traditions must be upheld, even at the expense of morality as you were led to what many said was instant death. It didn’t matter to you, you were willing to give yourself to a being of inhuman power.
series index
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No matter the advances of humanity, all is moot when facing the force of nature. Your village was situated in the outskirts of the capital of your land, away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities and still dependent on the mercy of nature. For centuries, the townspeople pray to the deities who reside in the large forest just beyond your village for a successful harvest and kind weather. 
However, it seems that the powerful ones were not merciful lately as your village suffered a dreadful drought these past seasons and the villagers were desperate, which was why the coveted priests decided to resort to their last option; a sacrifice. 
That’s where you, a recently orphaned resident, was sent to the forest, escorted forcefully by the village’s strongest to ensure you would not escape, not that anyone would blame you if you tried. The last humans in your position that were sent to the forest were never seen again and the villagers assumed the worst. 
Not that you cared to run anyway. As stated, you had no relational ties to the village anymore and you knew why the village chose a lowly orphan to take on this supposedly important role. 
In short, you were a burden to the village finally removed. 
The men stopped at the threshold of the forest and pointed their weapon at you. 
“Keep going, and do not come back to the village or else” 
“Or else what? You’ll kill me?” You snickered sardonically at their attempt at intimidation but proceeded to venture into the woods. To you, anywhere would be better than going back to that wretched town. 
The priests of the village held all the power, dictating what was right or wrong in the land and condemning those that went against them, including your family who came from a different land. 
“They must be celebrating that the outsider is gone” 
You kept wandering around the dense forest, casually surveying the fauna for anything edible. You weren’t sure what lived in these woods but deity or not, you might as well plan your life accordingly. 
That was until you came across…you weren’t sure how to describe it. You were faced with a section of the forest that seems different from everything else you have seen. The air felt dense but it didn’t feel unpleasant, as though the environment felt richer in a sense. Unconsciously, you reach your hand as though to grasp this feeling when a voice calls out to you. 
“Another lost child?” 
You turned to see a tall figure. You realize the intensity of the air is coming from this man before you. You figured he must be powerful, otherworldly, and potentially dangerous. Not that you longer cared. 
“You are the god that resides in this land, I presume?” 
The mysterious man raised his brow at your apathetic response. You held the scent of the humans from the nearby village but your reaction is different from the centuries of visitors they have sent. 
“Are you here to request from me?” The draconian deity questioned you back which made you ponder. 
You had no intention of being a pawn to that accursed village but you were in front of a powerful being unlike anyone you have ever met so, colour you curious. 
“You have blessed that village for centuries. How do you do it?” and why? You asked which if not for your keen eyes, you would have missed the raised brows of the tall being before he righted his features. 
“You are the first to ask such a thing, human” he mused at you. “To put it simply, my emotions dictate the surrounding environment and the air. If I were saddened or enraged, the clouds gather and the skies weep” 
“So…you cried for the sake of that village?” 
“I would not say I was saddened the state of your village, but I do pity you humans” 
“Hmm, seems fair, considering our actions” you immediately accepted his reasoning which further intrigued Malleus.
He has seen many visitors from that land come through these woods in search of him. Some had begged him to save their village, others have even tried to threaten him. 
“Such humans are utterly disgraceful, my Lord! Such impudence!” His aide yelled out at the selfishness of humankind. Not once have they offered to assist or connect to their kind other than to ask them to bestow kindness upon them. 
Humans are weak, and Malleus grew tired of them. Which was why he turned away from that village that lost his favour.
But you seemed different. Upon your first meeting, you treated him much differently than any human he encountered. Instead of fear or foolish arrogance, you spoke to him like you were starting chit chat with a common stranger.
“I ask you again, strange human” Malleus spoke to you, and you felt a wave of power coursing through the air. He seems to be testing you. “Are you here to request from me?” 
Unperturbed by the energy swirling dangerously around you, you took your time to choose your words. It does seem like his emotions affect the land and sky as he said, and if what he said was true about rain appearing in times of his sorrows or pity, then… 
You smiled brightly, the first sign of a positive emotion from you that the dragon-like being has seen since your meeting. You kneeled down on one knee and bowed your head, presenting your neck as a show of voluntary submission. 
“My request is to allow me the honour of making you the happiest man in all the lands” you proclaimed proudly, with a smirk gracing your lips. “Let no moment of despair ever befall the great dragon god” 
You were sent to appease the gods, right? So be it and let the village receive the results of your sacrifice.
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