#Drabble {Aria Amberlight}
chamgomlem · 5 years
Traveling Eastward {Aria}
Soft, light fleeting footsteps gently thrum against the dirt road as a slim figure presses herself against the crevice of a tree. Her breath quiet, whispering, the ranger became a literal statue as an array of barbarians came trudging along the pathway. Frantic, wide eyes shot around madly as they herd themselves in single-file.
Obviously, they were searching for her. Why? No other reason other than that she had stepped on the wrong territory, and that they were out to teach her a lesson for disrespecting their rules.
Thankfully they had moved on, leaving an air of quietness and the pounding beat of Aria’s heart in her ears. A sigh of relief, and the ranger stepped out of the shadows. Pattering behind her was a young wolf pup, who had long since became an expert of hiding and blending into their environment just as much as his Master had.
Tail wagging, the pup had stared up at the elf. She knew what that look was for.
“Look, you and I both know that we would not have enough power to take down three of them. It’s easier to hide and sneak by instead.” She had justified, her hand coming up to tug down her hood that hid her orange hair within its shadows.
Now that they had avoided danger, Aria can begin forward on her way to her next destination; her temporary home of Silverymoon, Luruar.
Its been so peaceful here ever since she had made it a temporary ‘base’. It wasn’t like home-home, per-say. Buildings and horses were different from tree skylines and wooden bridges, but to her, it was home. She had been here for so many years, she could only imagine herself walking up to the bustling town seemingly yesterday.
Even if it was more than twenty years ago.
Adjusting her bow to fit properly on her back, Aria’s eyes sparkled as she smiled at the few silver Knights that had passed by her. It’s so different compared to how the elves lived- and honestly, what was so bad about all of this? Humans, half-elves, dwarves here, too, were widely accepting of her so far, and she felt a lot more... free?
Is it odd to feel free when inhabiting a supposedly ‘closed off’ place like this? If only her parents could see this place, then maybe they could reconsider...
It’s too late to think about that now, though. Despite how happy she was to finally experience a place like this, it was time to move on. She needed to see more of this world, and her natural explorer in her was screaming at her to follow where the wind was taking her.
That’s why she was heading back to Silverymoon. Returning from a day of hunting around for necessities made it essential for her to travel non-stop for a few days. She was going to continue walking until her feet ached, in hopes of searching for that one thing to fill in the void that she had been searching for so long for.
The void of wanderlust. A Connection. Something that told her that ‘she belonged here’. A home is a home, but the sense of ‘belonging somewhere’ was an itch that Aria needed to scratch at.
“Yes, i’m coming!”
Honestly, the wolf pup could be so impatient sometimes, but Aria loved her travel companion. She couldn’t help but give him a nice scratch on the scruff of his neck before finally entering through the doors of her makeshift home.
It will be vacant in the next few minutes, but honestly, Aria never really needed a lot of space or ‘objects. Except, of course, her traveling packs and her weapons. Food, too, and any precious items her hands managed to grab without other enemies knowing.
“Let’s go, boy. It may be comfortable here, but we have to show home that there’s more out there than a wall of trees!” Yes, that confident spark is bright, just as is the shine in her eyes and smile!
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chamgomlem · 5 years
Wanderer of the Shadow Wolf {Aria Amberlight}
An fury of blackened claws raked against a wall of armor as the paladin shields the attacking shadow wolf against an unsuspecting Aria. Nina had already instinctively pulled out her bow in order to retaliate with an array of arrows in order to keep the wolf’s pack mate away from their blind spot. It had only been a few minutes after the trio had entered the den in order to find the source of dark magic, and already it felt as if the energy had sensed their arrival.
No matter. The fine traces of energy, although not sentient, were very influential among wildlife around them. It took little to no effort in order to taint and take control of some of the most powerful forest dwellers into a mindless killing machine!
Snapping out of her stun and surprise, Aria quickly drew her own bow and readied her own arrows to rain upon the shadow wolf pack with a speed as fast as sound itself. Each arrow pelts with heavy collision as they made their mark, successfully rounding the wolves towards Nina’s location.
The other elf was more than ready, and with a sudden step back, pursed her lips and aimed her bow at the sky. With an explosion of thunderous lightning, the arrow shot through the sky and crackles into a surging storm.
Strike after violent strike, the wolves were struck with a powerful blast. Pain filled howls and ravenous snarls rip from their fangs as they instinctively charged for the biggest threat in their sights; Dewolf. He had been ready for this. All three of them worked together and, as if reacting upon their combined strengths, drew out his sword and hoists it forward. A divine golden light pierced the dark aura spiraling towards him, nailing a couple of the wolves and sending them into a wisp of smoke.
One more to go, and it seems to be the pack leader. Bright crimson eyes glares at the paladin. It’s fur spikes as it stands menacingly. Lips curling to flash white fangs, the shadow wolf suddenly launching itself as Dewolf swipes his sword to the side. The paladin obviously ready to smash the blunt side of his blade into the wolf’s side.
“Wait-!” The sound of Nina’s bow drawing backwards suddenly silenced as she tips her head to the side. Aria’s voice breaks both of their concentration as her eyes locked onto the shadow wolf. Her bow dropped, the elf slowly draws forward.
She can feel it. The panic. The sadness coming from this one that wasn’t apparent in the others. It’s teeth were raised nice and sharp, but it’s body posture was tight. Almost as if attempting to appear small.
“That one almost took your face off, Aria.” Dewolf interjects with a rather flat frown. Nina, too, shares the same hesitating stare, but instead lowers her bow as Aria’s hand comes out forward. It’s target, the wolf, is approached and soon grazing against the fine spiked fur of the forest creature.
Shaking, the wolf obviously let’s out a quiet whine. Aria had gotten down on her knees, her hand gracefully caressing the dark mane to underneath the wolf’s jaw. This tainted beast, she could feel, is nothing more than scared of them than they were of it.
“...I’m going to keep him.”
“Aria, I don’t think-“
Aria turns to look at the both of them. Her eye holding determination and confidence. “They are tainted, and he cannot live in pain like this. Please, at least let me keep him until we can find someway to heal him. Please?”
The wolf’s head is raised and his fangs are threatening to tear into flesh, but otherwise he makes no move to attack. Both Nina and Dewolf exchange looks, although Nina’s lips were pursed.
“He can accompany us... but we will see how he does. If he attacks either of us, then it’s a no. If he does not, then I don’t see why not.” Besides, Nina is a forest elf too. She too can see the obvious pain and struggle the woodland creature was going through.
“It’s settled then! We will take good care of you.” Aria’s smile is small yet warm, and her hand is placed on top of the wolf’s head.
“Us?” Dewolf interrupts.
“Of course! Unless you can do it alone!” The emotion Aria was feeling is really strong, she could feel the sting in suffering that was leaking from the aura. However, this just meant that they were able to help the wolf hopefully return to its normal state in the future. Hopefully.
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chamgomlem · 5 years
Guild Introduction {Aria Amberlight}
She had only been in this area for an hour, and already she felt like the murk and sludge that had polluted the waters of Blacklake had stained her skin and clothes. So much for finding a new and brilliant place for a temporary stay, this place was in the middle of a rebel war. Keeping her profile low and slipping through the shadows, the elf's eyes pierce through the dark. It's lucky that she had great vision in a situation like this, it truly came in handy for hazards.
Unfortunately just because she could SEE well, did not mean that she could avoid everything well enough. One slip of a single foot, and Aria found herself stuck in sludge. Seriously, no matter how hard she tried to pull herself out, the sludge was stuck to her like glue. Her jaw tightened, the wood elf settled her weaponry down in order to wipe away some of the nasty gunk. Her wolf, meanwhile, stood on guard. Ears pointed upward, tail still motionless to hone in on his focus.
"Hey, quiet down, pup. I'm trying to get out." Aria hushed her comrade, her attention turning back to the stinking muck. Just one more good kick, and she SHOULD be able to slip out...
"Shh, quiet!"
Quickly, hearing her wolf suddenly burst into a loud snarl, Aria's eyes darts up in time to meet a rotting corpse with the most rank stench that had ever hit her nose.
Body suddenly recoiling back upon instinct, the Ranger felt her hand reach over for her weapons that she had settled down. At the same time, while her wolf had jumped up to take a nice nasty chomp of the zombie's leg, an arm had shot out from the muck and scum.
Startled, a surprised scream rips from the elf's lips when the hand grasps her own arm. The same black goop had dribbled down the sickly pink skin, and with great strength, the zombie's arm attempts to pull her in one direction. Its plan, she could register, was to get her to suffocate in the muck by pulling her in!
"Gross! Get away from me!" Lack of knowledge of such a creature made the Elf scared. Her free hand grasping the hilt of her sword, she swiped and sliced the zombie's arm clean off with one fellow swoop.
A brilliant idea, because now she was free!
A horrible idea, because now the zombie's arm was still latched to her, and it was digging its nails right through the fabric of her leathered shirt.
Cringing in fear, Aria was about to call for her wolf when suddenly-!
WZZT-! A sudden rain of fire arrows came spouting out of nowhere, clipping the zombie arm and causing it to fall right off of her. The rest had made their marks on the sludge zombies in front of her. Each one casting a crimson glow as their bodies burned into a crisp; a scream ripped out from their jaws as her wolf finished the job and tore them apart.
"Hey-! Are you ok? If you can fight, pick up your weapon! There's more incoming!"
The voice-! Aria's attention draws to a pirate-dressed elf who had halts her step right next to her. Her posture tense, arm pulled back as another arrow released from the elf's bow and straight into a zombie's skull. Such a handling of a bow at an expert level, Aria finally snaps her attention to her bow and grabs for it. Her foot pulled free, Aria quickly mimics the other elf's stance.
"I can absolutely fight!" Her words housing confidence, Aria released an array of arrows towards the newly formed sludge zombies. Except, most of them missed... except for one, which had nailed one zombie in the knee. Her wolf, with its fur bristled, tackled the zombies she had not hit, and with the last shower of arrows from the unknown elf beside her, the zombies quickly dissolved into nothingness.
The fight was over before she had the chance to even blink, and still she stood in silence. Simply put, she was bewildered by what she had just seen.
"There. Watch where you're going next time, alright? Next time there might not be another fellow elf to help you out of your sticky situation." A tone that could have been serious, but the other elf's tone held a sense of a knowing tease. Aria should have felt embarrassed by being saved by another person, but in reality, she felt gratitude.
She needed to know how to use her bow at that level, and perhaps... she could help her.
The elf had stopped in her tracks, her head turning as a brow raised in curiosity and confusion. Why had Aria stopped her? 
“Please... if it’s not too much trouble, would you guide me to somewhere safe to rest for tonight?” The request is shy, and Aria already felt a heat of embarrassment rise up from her face.
“I know it’s a tall order, but i’m a little desperate... I don’t have much, but I can offer my skills however much you need. I’m great at hunting, and I can weave together some durable clothing made from the cold forest itself.” Her offer fell embarrassingly off her tongue and the elf looks at the other for a quiet moment.
“I promise I won’t get in the way.” 
The expression upon the other elf’s face was unreadable at first. Lips pursing, finger coming up to stroke the side of her chin, she seemed to be contemplating something. The wait was agonizing, and Aria could already feel herself sweat. Her wolf, who had shook the blood off of his fur, had politely settled down by her feet. He, too, was watching the other elf with raised ears. 
Then, she finally spoke. 
“Alright, I think I know where you can stay for now. In fact, I think a guild like mine can use someone like you. Come, I’ll lead the way and show you. Then, when you’re rested up, you can show me what you know based on your bow there.” An arm came forward, awaiting for Aria to grasp the owner’s hand- to which, she did without hesitation. She was not going to miss this moment. 
"I promise you won't regret this! I, Aria Amberlight, shall be as useful as I can be! Mark my words on it!" Her smile couldn’t be happier, and her wolf already sprung to his feet with an excited wag. 
“It’s a pleasure, then! You may call me Nina, and while we’re at it, let’s get out of this stink hole.” A pleased grin on her lips, the two shook hands proudly. Ah yes, this was going to be absolutely perfect for all of them! 
Curious eyes widened in awe, Aria almost collapsed due to exhaustion, tiredness, and bewilderment from hearing about this supposed guild from Nina. Both had found a safe haven away from the monstrosities that lurked in the darkness; gathered by the fire, Aria had questioned where Nina was from, and what life was like here. 
She had answered back about the guild, their mission, what their goals were and what she had been doing here. It all sounded like some kind of fantastic dream, that Aria couldn’t even rip her eyes away from the story telling elf. The way she made it sound was as if the guild was like a home- 
No, not just a home. A place where people were needed.
People like her, and those that needed it. People like herself, too. 
“I would be honored to join, if I may.” Aria began as she began to sip on a wooden cup of water she had been handed. 
“I have actually been searching for so long for something like this.” A sad smile on her lips, the ranger placed her cup down and smiled sincerely at Nina. 
“I may not have a lot to offer... but even though we just met, I will help you fight for the cause. Who knows, maybe a skill or two I have learned from the cold forest will bring you many victories!” She chuckled. Of course, hopefully, that would mean she wouldn’t step into anymore traps! 
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