simsadilla · 9 months
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Polished floors and broken promises
Kelela and Mai Linh get an eyeful... and Dr.Nolan... well chile. Skills labs are supposed to take up most of everyone's down time.
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simsadilla · 8 months
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Inerys attempts to plant a seed....
Consistently drunk but the board's favorite Dr.Howlett, is confronted by his granddaughter and head of obstetrics about her very impressive boyfriend (Dr.Burrows) and he was not having it.
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simsadilla · 8 months
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A hopeful check-in...
The previous irritating conversation left space for Dr.Howlett reeling for a check in with the hospital's favorite resident.
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simsadilla · 9 months
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Kelela's Anatomy - POV: Vihaan
Vihaan meets with Dr.Nolan for their usual date- that she is usually late to and learns she has plans- for his plans? Since when did his career plans include her own personal wants? He thought they were dating - not that their careers were dating too....
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simsadilla · 10 months
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Seeking Potential
Vihaan aids the OB attending with the selection of a possible protégé.
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