#Dr. Ugiene
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
Did someone call for a redraw?
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
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take this while I continue to slowly work on art
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
For the tf2 wheel thing
👁️👄👁️ hi
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Ayy hello my good fellow!
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Congrats on your new demon status lol
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
um hi red team I was wondering whats yours guys favorite food or drink also (hugs everyone)
Sorry bye
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We got some injuries this time ‘round…
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A hug from Nathan 😊
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tf2shit · 3 years ago
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Meet The Scout! The most laidback of the team (and the most traumatized...). He’s funny, chill, and incredibly friendly, he’s just a boy tryna live his life, although Tank makes that difficult...
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The Soldier. Miss Warhead. The Friendly General. Sweetums. She may come across as a little rude and mean, but she’s actually really nice, you just gotta get to know her. Besides her friendliness however, she is still pretty serious, unless she’s around Kira 💖.
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Last in our lineup of Offence, is The Pyro! G. Is a cuddly one, being the silliest and friendliest on RED. You ever need a silly lil friend to hang with, G.’s your pal!
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Demoman.... Evil, evil man. Tank is the WORST on RED, he puts Ugiene to shame! This man not only repeatedly stalks and harasses Nathan, but he also goes out of his way to hurt any and all of his teammates, both physically and emotionally. This demo is a brute
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The Heavy. One of two fathers on the RED team. Murray is very calm and collected, he knows what to say, what to think, and what to do, always. He’s even taken some of his teammates under us wing. Murray’s a real sweet guy.
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The Engineer. This guy. This guuuuuy. Ugiene would be the worst of the REDs if it weren’t for Tank. It’s cruel, rude, and pretty much evil, but it can be soft sometimes. Ugiene’s got a soft spot for it’s team, acting kind of like an older brother to a lot of them. Even though it acts tough, it’s really not that bad.
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The Medic. Vanya Yusevez. A former doctor and therapist with a heart of gold. Yusevez still dedicates his life to helping others, no matter the cost. He lost his eyes for a patient, and if he had to do it again, you bet your life he would.
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The Sniper. Kira isn’t the most socially aware. Usually doing odd and/or gross things around people and in places she shouldn’t. But she doesn’t mean anything bad by it, she was just raised away form all the other kids, so she doesn’t quite know how to fit in. Socially awkward or not though, Kira’s a loyal teammate, and an even more loyal girlfriend 💖
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The Spy. The opposite of his BLU counterpart, Matéo has been in the spy business for quite a while, but still holds compassion and empathy in his heart. He’s the second father of RED and the more laidback of the two. A proud father indeed :)
BLU’s info, over here! :D
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
#99 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 33!
33. Could they be considered lazy?
No. Ugiene’s constantly trying to improve and better itself in a variety of ways, it’s never not doing anything on its list. And if it is taking a break, that means the list was finished, and it’s currently writing a new one-
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
hold on to your horses lads...
#82 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 5!
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Not difficult, but not terribly easy either. Much like Elliot, Matéo believes everyone to be morally grey until proven otherwise. She’s not stupid though, Matéo does understand that the weakest looking animal could deal the worst damage, so even though she may see you or others as morally grey, she’ll put you six feet under if you’re not careful about your actions.
#83 goes to Nathan (Scout) for 28!
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
Nathan doesn’t like being lied to, he takes it as pity, and he never wants to be pitied. Nathan can handle the truth, no matter how harsh. He swears it on his life.
#84 goes to G. (Pyro) for 20!
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic, platonic and familial love, how would they do so?
“I’m pretty sure that romance means you wanna marry someone, platonic means you’re the bestest of friends and family!!! I wouldn’t know about ‘familial’ love though..”
#85 goes to Elliot (Soldier) for 32!
32. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things into melodies, etc)?
Elliot’s got a huuuuge family, so they have no trouble remembering long lists of names from large groups of people. It’s kinda second nature for them :)
#86 goes to Tank 🤮 (Demoman) for 27!
27. What causes them to feel dread?
#87 goes to Murray (Heavy) for 11!
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
He searches it up in his massive personal library. Simple.
#88 goes to Kira (Sniper) for 42!
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
She doesn’t have one....so.....
#89 goes to Yusevez (Medic) for 35!
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Yusevez does his best do be supportive in what ever his friends might be excited about, however, he doesn’t always come across as he means to.. (think monotone neutral voice)
he’s trying tho!
#90 goes to Dr. Ugiene (Engineer) for 16!
16. What makes their stomach turn?
Tank. Especially that time with.....well, you should know, shouldn’t you?
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tf2shit · 3 years ago
Daily RED
#5 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 15!
15. how do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Definitely rehearsed. Ugiene is very particular in the way it speaks, especially in relation to certain teammates, usually having something pre-planned to talk about with anyone. Some say it runs on a script, just like a robot.
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
#64 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 9!
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
It swears occasionally, usually when aggravated or when it’s trying to make a point. It’s first swear word was most likely “dickhead” towards a sibling.
#65 goes to Kira (Sniper) for 18!
18. What embarrasses them?
Talking about the more “lovey-dovey” stuff she and Elliot do in their private time-
#66 goes to Murray (Heavy) for 23!
23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
Murray becomes very unimpressed and distant for a while, before he finally gathers himself and realizes how petty he’s being...
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
#43 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 30!
30. Who do they most regret meeting?
Tank. Of course it does, who doesn’t regret meeting Tank? But Ugiene regrets meeting the man for a reason.
When Ugiene first arrived in Upward, it made friends with whoever seemed on equal footing to it. Whoever seemed like they were good enough for its friendship. And it made a grave mistake, of choosing Tank.
Ugiene thought Tank was like it, smart, crazy, but not a monster, but it was wrong. It found out after at least a few weeks of working for RED, it’s team wasn’t all that bad, and Ugiene found itself befriending teammates it thought were below it. But, it enjoyed their company nonetheless.
It had gone to tell Tank about how ridiculous the circumstances had become, and then it saw.
Tank. On the ground. Pinning Nathan down with all his might. While the Scout cried silent tears. The worst part of it all, the man smiled at it, and expected it to join him. That made it sick.
The Engineer has since done all it could to comfort Nathan, and does its best to keep Tani away from the poor mercenary.
Ugiene will never forget, what he saw that day
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
#91 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 32!
32. Do they have a go to story in conversation? Or just a joke?
Matéo has stockpiled thousands of stories and funny little tales from throughout her years, and if pressed enough, she will reveal all. :)
#92 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 26!
26. What’s their preferred mode of transportation?
A good train ride, or by bus does just fine for Ugiene.
#93 goes to Kira (Sniper) for 4!
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Fairly difficult. Kira doesn’t like people. At all. So naturally, she assumes that everyone is a terrible human and that they’re all out to get her. But if you do manage to earn her trust, you better not do anything to screw it up, otherwise, bye bye life, hello heaven’s gates.
#94 goes to Nathan (Scout) for 31!
31. Who are they most glad to have met?
Definitely ALL of his teammates on RED!
......well, almost all.....
#95 goes to Elliot (Soldier) for 24!
24. Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Talking about sex or sexual things doesn’t really faze Elliot, unless it’s with the person she has sex with. Then she’s all like: 😳😳😳
#96 goes to G. (Pyro) for 35!
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Hell yeah!!!! G.’s always supportive about whatever their friends like or are talking about!!! They’ll always want to hear everything!!
#97 goes to Yusevez (Medic) for 3!
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night?
He just lays down, and starts sleeping :/
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tf2shit · 3 years ago
#27 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 12!
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
Robots. Machinery. Any of it’s mechanical inventions really.
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tf2shit · 3 years ago
#20 goes to Emm (Engineer) for 13!
13. What colour do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that colour?
Emm thinks they look alright in blue, but wouldn’t be appalled at the sight of themselves in purple either.
And while others usually share Emm’s views, Tank would say they’d look better in red, while Ugiene.....
I suppose you could say it’d also like Emm in red.
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
#52 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 8!
8. What were they told to start/stop doing most often as a child?
Write. Everyone told him he wrote too much. Matéo wrote so much that his hand would cramp, that it seemed like his imagination was endless, that it seemed like paper and pencil were his one true love.
Matéo doesn’t write anymore.
#53 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 18!
18. What embarrasses them?
Personal stories. Of mistakes and such. Ugiene doesn’t like to remind itself nor others how human it really is.
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tf2shit · 2 years ago
I’m so late to this, another day has started :/
#54 goes to Kira (Sniper) for 31!
31. Who are they most glad to have met?
Elliot. Without Kira’s loving girlfriend, she swears she would’ve ended up dead.
#55 goes to Yusevez (Medic) for 2!
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Relatively easy, Yusevez has a keen sense of laughter and rather enjoys jokes. So making him laugh isnt tough, as long as you’re funny.
#56 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 8!
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
STOP. WEAPONIZING. THE. HOUSE. Ugiene was constantly, and literally, weaponizing everything it laid eyes on, much to it’s parent’s dismay....
#57 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 1!
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Y E A R S. Matéo has an ungodly amount of patience for pretty much everything and everyone.
#58 goes to Elliot (Soldier) for 3!
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night?
....Kira 😳😳😳😳😳😳
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tf2shit · 3 years ago
#17 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 36!
36. Do they actively seek out romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
If it spots someone who tickles it’s fancy, it’ll make wild and dorky attempts to get it’s special someone to return it’s feelings. Romance for Ugiene doesn’t happen often, but when it does, honey, you got a big storm comin.
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