#Dr. Raoul Ricci DDS.
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tjkiahgb · 6 years ago
Episode Recap: 3.19, “A Moving Day”
Can you believe we only have 50 or so minutes of content left with this show?
I want to love every single one of them and not take any for granted. Each minute feels truly precious.
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Never mind.
Folks... we got ourselves a Toast-Off!
Cyrus has brought Jonah, Buffy, and Andi together to make toast. I wish I had more here, but that’s the extent of it.
Jonah presents his toast first. It’s burnt.
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Andi says toasters are the trickiest appliance in the kitchen, which is true. Sure, anybody can figure out how to put the bread in, but when it comes time to select between the settings of Light, Medium, and Dark, too many people just twist the dial all the way past dark to Burnt to a Crisp. Avoid that setting. That’s where most people get tripped up.
Jonah advises Cyrus to not eat his burnt bread, and Cyrus agrees.
Buffy presents her toast, which is more like the concept of toast.
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Buffy claims it wasn’t fair because Jonah was using the toaster. To think, if only Jonah had used the toaster less, both he and Buffy could’ve made decent toast and been in the running to win... I don’t know, something. I really don’t know what we’re doing here.
Anyway, because Jonah sabotaged both his and Buffy’s chance to win the Toast-Off, Andi can walk away with the competition if she’s just made a piece of non-ruined toast.
And, of course, Andi went extra and made some kind of toast chicken coop.
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Seems like an easy win, but Cyrus can’t declare it thus until he’s had a taste.
He thinks it’s pretty good, but there’s a flavor on it he can’t place. What is that, he asks.
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Cyrus spits it out as Jonah and Buffy chuckle about one of their friends almost poisoning their other friend.
I guess it was only right to get one last random cold open in before the show ended. Here’s to the nonsense cold opens: the Toast-Offs, the extended oral hygiene montages, the projects for school about eggs, the bad coffees made, the phone chargers stolen, the games of Scrabble played, the times the Mack family argued about what to eat or what to watch or who stole clothes from whom. Oh, random nonsense cold opens, you were always... there, and we shall sometimes remember you.
49 or so minutes left. Each one from here on out? Truly precious.
At Celia’s, Celia has gathered her family around to do an aggressively large jigsaw puzzle.
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Frankly, I’m a bit worried for her. This puzzle size is the type you buy when you want to make a statement: No, I don’t have anything better to do and no, I don’t plan on leaving the house for the next week! This puzzle is my life now.
Bex comes walking in, finishing a phone conversation. She tells the family she won something. The family guesses what she won, but they don’t come anywhere close to the right answer, which is a free meal cooked by famous chef Raoul Ricci. No one’s heard of Raoul Ricci, not even Celia, which you might think would tip them off that something’s afoot here, but no one seems interested in digging for the truth.
Even a quick Google search would’ve told them that something was wrong, as it seems the only known Raoul Ricci is an Italian dentist.
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Or, as they call them in Rome, a dentista.
Anyway, Bex explains, through a long and bewildering story, Raoul Ricci was famous and had restaurants, but then he didn’t want to have restaurants anymore, so he left to be a hermit.
Andi’s like...
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...oh, can we keep him?
Bex explains the prize is that he’s going to cook for them. They just have to go out into the forest and find him. Once they do, though, he’s going to make them the meal of a lifetime.
I can’t stress enough how shady this sounds. There’s a 75% chance this ends with Raoul Ricci chasing the Macks through the woods in some kind of “Most Dangerous Game” type scenario.
Bowie and Andi are in. Celia’s like, this sounds like an awful pain.
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Bex warns her if she doesn’t go, the whole family is going to “rhapsodize” about this meal forever. Quick question: where does Bex get off? Just dropping rhapsodize in a sentence like that? Who does she think she is? I’m offended for Celia and I’m offended for us.
Celia is still not interested, despite the threats of rhapsodization, so Bex turns to Andi and Bowie for help. They basically say they’re not going to do puzzle-time with Celia unless she goes with them to the woods, so she relents, with one condition.
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A puzzle so big it causes you mental anguish just thinking about it. It ain’t a real puzzle unless your fingers are bleeding by the end.
Meanwhile, Cyrus, Buffy, and Jonah walk around, somewhere, and talk about that “thing” they all have tomorrow. Jonah’s worried he won’t be able to make the thing because his family is moving. Cyrus and Buffy agree to help him move, but Jonah asks Buffy if she will be able to, given her foot and all.
Buffy’s like, of course I can...
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Okay, but I’m pretty sure a strong gust of wind could lift Cyrus. I would require stronger proof. Jonah, however, doesn’t need to see more than that minor show of strength, and agrees to let them help.
The next day, the Mack family is all loaded up in Celia’s SUV that we’re seeing for the first time this entire series in the penultimate episode. Celia goes through a long series of things to get ready to leave: moving seats, checking mirrors, putting on gloves, searching for sunglasses. It’s agonizing.
Eventually Celia puts on her suit of knight armor and night-vision goggles and chugs an entire large coffee and she’s ready to operate a motor vehicle.
I do want to warn her though, she should make sure all those production lights and reflectors are moved out of the way before she starts driving.
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Wouldn’t want to run over one of the crew members.
Celia drives off. They head for the mountains.
And in a hurry, too. Celia seems to be doing at least 80 on these winding mountain roads.
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Me? I’d be worried about ice or sudden hazards or taking a turn too fast, but I guess the Macks trust Celia’s driving ability more than I trust my own.
The Macks all sing songs and make jokes and-- OH MY GOD!
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The family survives that hairpin turn, though, and makes it up to Mount Washington, named, of course, after America’s most famous obelisk.
Bex leads them onto the trail at Panther’s Hollow, which naturally leads Celia to ask if there are panthers around. Bowie’s like, no, no. Well, maybe one.
And then he scares the hell out of an already nervous elderly woman.
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Everyone has a good laugh about it and they set off walking to find the hermit.
Then we get about twelve minutes of footage of the Mack family walking through the woods. I’m not going to include screencaps. I’m just adding that for posterity’s sake.
Over at the storage unit the Beck family rented to put all their stuff in, Cyrus and Buffy help Jonah move said stuff into trucks.
Cyrus comes across a crate of old VHS tapes and DVDs and screams when he sees their contents.
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He calls Buffy over to show her.
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It’s Judy Bartholomew!
Who’s Judy Bartholomew? She’s an old workout video lady who became a meme. Cyrus feels like he has to show Buffy the video, so he pulls out his phone.
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They both have a good laugh about it. Cyrus is surprised to learn she’s real. He’s like, I can’t believe how big a fan Jonah’s mom is. She must be to have the entire Judy Bart collection like this.
Then Jonah’s mom shows up and she’s like, hey Jojobear, can I finally meet your friends? The ones you’ve been good friends with for like a year and a half now and that you won’t let me be around for some reason?
She walks over to Cyrus and Buffy who are shocked to see the Judy Bartholomew standing right in front of them.
Jonah’s like, yeah, it’s her.
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Honestly, I’m impressed Jonah’s been able to hide his mom from his friends for this long. Did they never hang out around his family? Did she never come to pick him up from some place?
And doesn’t she wonder who his friends are? When he’d talk about the stuff they’d done together, would she just sit there going, “Oh, that sounds nice, Jonah. Sure would like to meet some of your friends one of these days.” And would Jonah be like, “Uh huh, yeah, you should,” and then he’d just continue putting it off for 15 months? Just kept kicking that can down the road?
Anyway, I still appreciate the show broaching this subject. Media so often lacks in representation of children whose parents have become internet memes.
Back out in the woods, the Macks walk through the woods. All but Bex grow restless. They ask her for proof that she knows where she’s going, like a map.
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This doesn’t make them feel comforted.
Bowie pulls Bex aside and asks her what’s really going on. Bex is like, you trust me, right? Bowie says of course. Bex is like, okay, good, back into the forest we go and she walks off.
Bowie tells Andi and Celia it will all be worth it, like a liar, and they start another walking through the woods montage. Bex carries Andi. Bowie carries Celia.
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This episode has more characters carrying other characters than any other episode the show has done.
Back at the storage unit, Judy Bart teaches Cyrus and Buffy how to trot.
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She’s doing like this locomotion move, very simple.
Cyrus is like, AM I DOING IT?!
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As he twists his body back and forth and throws his arms out.
Like, no, man. You can’t tell that what you’re doing is nothing like what Judy is doing? That it’s like, almost the opposite of what she’s doing?
Judy tells Jonah to show them how to do it, so Jonah steps up and does a whole dance routine that I’m also not sure is what Judy was doing.
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But it looked good and had a nice finish, so whatever.
Jonah says he’s been doing that since he was six and it’s permanently ingrained in his head now like so many childhood scars.
Then Judy’s like, hey, didn’t you kids have to be in the mountains right about now? And they’re like, oh yeah, we have to get changed and get to the mountains, so they leave her in the storage unit.
Speaking of the mountains, the Macks find rocks.
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They collapse on the rocks.
Bex is like, no, don’t sit on rocks now! We almost made it. The family doesn’t want to believe her, but she convinces them it’s true. She leads them around the bend where they find a fancy set up and...
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You see, Cyrus, for three years now, has been posing as celebrity chef Raoul Ricci and sneaking off to the mountains to prepare three course meals for random tourists.
No, wait.
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Buffy appears from out of nowhere and this whole thing reeks of a setup.
How in the world did these two get up here so fast from the storage facility? Helicopter?
Andi’s like, what is going on? Where is the hermit I was promised?
Bex tells everyone there’s no hermit. This was all made up to trick everyone into going to the mountains. Bowie asks why.
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Bowie’s like, oh, is that back on?
Cyrus and Buffy bring them rings and flowers.
Bowie’s says finally and they embrace.
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They all head for a gazebo.
Jonah plays Bowie’s song, “You Girl”, on the guitar.
Andi walks Bex to Bowie.
The two take each other’s hands as the officiant begins doing his officianting.
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Where did he come from, too? Did Jonah and Buffy and Cyrus ride up here with him? Carpool?
The wedding goes as weddings do. You know, rings and stuff. Bex and Bowie are about to kiss when--
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Everyone looks around trying to figure out whose phone that is before Andi realizes it’s hers. She shuts it off and the music and kissing starts again.
They complete the kiss this time.
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Bex is like, I know... it’s been a lot. Thanks for not fleeing.
Later, Bex and Bowie delight in calling each other husband and wife. Everyone is sort of shocked it actually finally happened.
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The Mack family (the ones we’re still counting) share a hug.
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That night, Cyrus shows Andi the Judy Bart videos and then he brags that they spent the day with her. Jonah says he introduced her to them. Andi doesn’t believe he knows her, but Jonah’s like, yeah, I do.
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Andi’s stunned. She feels bad, but, in fairness to Andi, it’s super weird that Jonah kept her hidden this long anyway, especially from Andi of all people. She couldn’t be expected to make that guess.
Jonah’s like, don’t feel bad, the whole thing is funny. He used to be embarrassed about it but he’s over it. Andi says she can’t wait to meet her. And then they talk about meeting Jonah’s dad. Buffy makes a joke about his dad being one of the hairy guys from the workout video and Jonah’s like, yeah, he is.
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Everyone sits around thinking about this for a second before they all decide Jonah’s joking.
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He’s not.
I don’t know what makes them think Jonah has suddenly acquired a subtle sense of humor. Jonah’s idea of jokes are jump scaring Andi and “S’less.” You really think he’s got a level of clever beneath all that that he’s been hiding for a year and a half as if it was his mother?
Jonah leaves without saying another word.
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Can I just take a quick second to try to piece together the history of the Beck family, because I find it fascinating.
So, sometime in the 1980s/early 1990s (I assume based on the fashion), Judy Bartholomew makes it big as a workout video star. Jonah’s father, Mr. Beck, is hired at some point to be a background guy in one of her videos.
I assume this is where they meet and fall in love. Later, they get married and have Jonah.
In the years that follow, Jonah’s dad undergoes a full-body transformation, getting buff and changing hairstyles and retires from the workout video business to coach little league, and, I guess, control the finances of the Judy Bartholomew workout empire.
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Eventually, Jonah’s dad invests the Judy Bartholomew fortune unwisely, and the family loses their house, and they’re homeless until very recently when he gets a new job. Doing what? I have no idea. I can’t begin to assume what his area of expertise is.
I guess my question is this: does any child in this town have a quiet, average family? Buffy’s mom spends half her life in foreign countries doing work for the military and Buffy’s family is still somehow the most normal of the group’s.
Later, Andi wanders off from the group and checks her phone. That call earlier? It was from SAVA.
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The school left her a voicemail. Andi listens to it and gets sad, but I don’t think in the “rejected from a school” way.
Plus, I don’t think schools call you just to tell you to screw off. “Hi, this is Caroline from SAVA. Is this Andi Mack? Okay, great. Just calling to tell you you weren’t good enough to get into our school. Have a nice evening.”
Bex and Bowie sneak up on Andi and scare her.
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God, this poor girl must live in constant fear. Why is everyone always doing this to her?
As the episode ends, Bex and Bowie talk about how happy they are right now. Andi says she is, too.
Though, as TJ would say, “Tell your face.”
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Speaking of TJ...
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Aww, this is the last time I get to be excited about seeing TJ in the scenes from the next episode.
One more to go, people. One more.
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