#Dr Spencer Reid x fem!BAUreader
sreidlvewrites · 2 days
Spencer feels very protective of you !!
Survive Spencer read , ❀ [S.R]
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Fluff/Comfort Spencer Reid ..
Spencer Reid !x GnxBAUxReader
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Summary : You have been working for the BAU for almost a year now You haven’t gotten a chance to be as close to Spencer as you were hoping for , but you end up on a case together, and it's a tough case for you , Spencer has a crush on you but you don’t realize till the notes started to come in . “You thought it was way for him to tell you he liked you.
Paring Spencer Reid !x GnxBAU!xReader
S/c The BAU team . This is the early BAU team . This is inspired by S1-S5. We’re Rossi is in the BAU team .. Just saying poor Spence..
Waring , Comfort, fluff, lots of blurb , Tragedy , hurt , brokenness,
18+ only interact please…
Word count 4k close to 5k
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A/n : This really hits home .. this storyline idk why but I had to write this . I wanted this to be put into a case for the team to work on . This took three to four days to work on my apologies.
Side/Notes … This is the first piece I wrote to have a case involved please be kind I’m still learning as I go long
Your re-blogs and comments likes will be greatly appreciated .
How will I survive This after the effects
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Elevator … (Flashback…)
“You're thinking to yourself , Why am I so afraid to lose you ?When you're not even mine .
“You thought you had said , that to yourself , Spencer kept looking at you . This one of Spencer’s first sticky notes he had written you .
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BAU office ..
“You & Spencer had been asked to take a stake-out the unsub , you were excited because this was your first stake-out case, and you got to do it with the amazing genius . Hotch was giving you both instructions but Spencer was distracted by the fact Hotch just told you in him that he was going to be pairing up with you in a stake-out alone . He’s been sending you notes all week, leaving sticky notes even emailing you notes , some were even close to a paragraph , of his thoughts on stuff that was on his mind that day , you loved those ones , you saved every note of his cause you thought it was cute , — Spence you say are you ok you say he’s rumbling through his papers on his desk . Ya he says softly .
Isn’t it cool we are pairing up on a case Finley you say softly to him , he looks so nervous in you can tell , — Hey Spence you say it’s my first stake-out to but we got this you say , It’s not that he says softly, grabs his bag , it’s not my first stake-out he says . Oh you say sorry . As you're grabbing your stuff , you both start to walk towards the door— Spencer stops for a minute, Looks back at you , —- He tells , We need to talk he said sometime , — Okay you say softly with a smile , he looks so distracted, you thought. —You 're not together , but you always wonder what it would be like to be with him. You were walking so close behind him to the elevator, — He looks back behind, he’s wording what you're thinking . — “ You're about to be alone with him for the first time ever and it was about to be in the elevator , your heart is racing. You both get inside the elevator, - he presses the first floor, —“ You're thinking to yourself , Why am I so afraid to lose you When you're not even mine . -“ you remember it's one of the sticky notes Spence had left you . It was like one of the first sticky notes he left you . — “You thought you had said that to yourself , — Did I-I— I just say that out loud you look at Spencer who’s looking at you in shock , That wasn’t supposed to come out you say softly I don’t know why I say things out loud when I’m nervous , See being in elevators make me nervous you say to Spencer — Are you sure it’s just the elevators that make you nervous or is it me that makes you nervous he says softly .. — He kept looking at you , Spence, you said we needed to talk , I did but I mean later .—We gotta break the silence you say . “The elevator door opened to the first floor . Your heart is beating so fast . So I’ll see you on the jet , as you both are still in the elevator, waiting for one of you to walk out of the elevator, yes you say . - “ you walk out first, You see JJ you go up to her , I need to talk to you , you tell her , Spencer sees you both , everyone has reached the lower floor from the BAU office We ready Hotch says , —-
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Jet …
you all head to the jet . — Hotch so when we get to New York .. — Me Derek and Rossi will go to the crime scene . — JJ an em will go to the victim’s parents, He says — Y/n and Spencer will go stake-out the , Unsub , go talk to the neighbors and get as much information you can get if they noticed anything suspicious or unfamiliar , we need as much information we can get besides what we got so we can do a profile for the city got it, Spencer said. JJ — remember we got less than 72 hours till our unsub starts to makes her move again , JJ said ,
What We know so far is that the unsub likes to stalk her victims first and likes to keep larkin on their social media platforms before making her move, JJ says . She goes after short brown hair females. The last three victims have been short with brown hair. The last victims have been around 4”9 - 5 foot tall, Em explains. We don't know if she has a partner or not or if she’s doing this by herself, Em says .”Your thoughts are going everywhere has they profile, Your ex best friend , — If we don’t know the unsubs name , - y/s what makes this a BAU case , The team looks at you , your voice is little shaky as the case is being presented , Half the cases we work on , Rossi says we don’t know the name to but we still get them . You look at Rossi looking for more information, — You ok he says , everyone looks concerned , “You get up from the group, and go to the back of the jet to set down . “Spencer said I got this," he told the team . —- “How we didn’t know anything about this case before getting on the jet “!! You say , — You tell Spence.. “Hotch is listening to you talking to Spencer as he sits next to you . “ Would you have backed out , — “Hotch asked you? , — You look at Spence , you look back at Hotch , “ No Sir you say your voice so low .. — Spencer told Hotch. , “ I got this," he said looking back at Hotch .
“What’s bothering you, Spencer asks ? - You were scared and nervous to tell Spencer , “ This Case this profile we have , it—It— it sounds so familiar that it hits home pretty hard for me you say , I haven’t heard from her In ages, “ but this sounds like her , you say .. — “Rossi over, hears you tell Spencer. Hey kiddo , everything will be ok I promise if we only got less than 72 hours , “- you say with your voice a little shaky. I hope for your sake , it will be . “ You look at Spencer , “Sounds like my ex best friend, — Your voice is shaky as you tell Spencer . If it is her Spence we gotta be careful about this , —- She won’t stop till she gets what she wants., Spencer , I—I am afraid to ask what that is he said looking at you , “ Me ..—“ You say your voice is so shaky in low only Spencer here’s you ..
Spencer calls Garcia , “ Hey buttercup say something sweet , she says —- Um Garcia , You know the case we’re working on , Right ya sugar she says , — It’s creepy if you ask me , I need anything you can find for me , He says he’s voice is so shaky, — Dr Reid she says , That’s gonna take some time —“
I only know know what you guys know, What do you want me to find out , it would be easier, if we knew her name but as of right now , — we only have 72 hours garica Spence says … I know i'll do what i can , Spence she said . Thank you he says , —Look up anything , with the same motive, to our case , in New York or around New York in the past few years , I’ll see what can I do love she says hangs up — , “ Spencer gets up goes to the team , , Look we may have an issue Spencer says looking back at you in the team you get up, -You tell the team , What you told Spencer ,- “ If it’s her , then she won’t stop till she gets me .. - “Hotch will find her, he says . “You are very worried . . .
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New York ..
You get to , The BAU in New York, JJ introduces you all to the
SSA , of the New York BAU . I wish it was under better circumstances each say . “ Follow me," Ssa says. You all are in here , as Long we got a dry race board , — and markers Y/s we be good Spencer applies . —- “You and Spencer head out,” to where you think the unsub might be next .
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Stake-Out ..
Spencer been waiting to ask you this Question since you told him about your x-Bestfriend , Spencer -“Do you think she’ll try to reach out to you , he asks softly, looking at you searching for an answer, —- Umm if it’s her to be honest Spence idk I’ve blocked her on a lot things since our last falling out , I gave her three chances to make things right with me , an she kept doing the same thing over again she’s very toxic you apply, I hate putting people down like that you say softly to Spencer . — “in her mind she’s always right, never wrong you told him . - Garica calls , How much you love me she says as Spencer answers the phone,
—“ I found her who you're looking for, she Barrie’s her victims alive," Garica says , you hear her say the unsubs name , —Your face gets so white as ghost like you're gonna faint".. “Spence hangs up — “He calls Hotch, “Hey Hotch says what you got for me Reid, “ Garcia “ She’s sending over the “ Stuff she found , Hotch he says —- It’s —Her , Y/ns ex and she barriers her victims , Hotch finish Reids Sentence . He says , "We know Hotch says , we just found that out "He says. — “Sir Spencer says She plays mind-games Got it HOTCH says .Come back so we can give the profiler to the public, —- Spence looks at you , Can you do this he said softly, Yes you say to him .
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Back at the BAU office in NewYork
“Annoy’s message” — You get anonymous , message.. “You joined the FBI , I see .. You Think your agents “can Save you , it said !? —You show Spencer the message, Spence you were right you say . “ Hotch , Spencer says Y/n just got a message from her phone I thought she blocked everything I—I—I did , you said Sir ,its annoy’s .. Hotch looks at your phone , This changes everything Hotch says — if she’s staying here Spencer said so am I . He just new Hotch was gonna make you stay behind , — No I can’t just sit here Hotch you say this my team I’m not letting her get to me — “ I’m not scared any more I’m Mad , — Y/s to Hotch .. Ok what’s her next move , he asks you — If I’m right She’ll call here , asking to speak 🗣️ to me .. “ Do you think you can handle it , Hotch says You tell him yes Sir I can .. “If she calls I’ll be ready … It’s 2:30pm , Now we play the waiting game , still trying to beat her till she gets her victim, — This is her endgame you tell Spencer — what is her endgame Spencer says , Y/s Come on Spence read between the message .. He reads it again , “You Think your agents “can Save you.. “ Spencer Tells Derek that , the endgame is Y/n . He assures Spencer that everything will be ok .. — She texted y/n anonymous Derek , what if she texts again in doesn’t call , we know she likes to play mind-games with people so maybe this her way of playing is he goes on telling Derek , — “ You had Stepped out side for fresh air , Everything was overwhelming you but you didn’t want the team to discover that — “ A “ Anonymous message comes through 3:00pm , “You hadn’t change , it says . “ are you gonna let another victim, Die on your hands, or are you gonna follow my instructions .
“You go back in — “ you show Hotch the message , That means she’s watching you he says Softly, He’s Really concerned now .. The BAU’s phone rings , — Rossi kiddo you don’t have to answer if you don’t want too , Em I’m right here , You got this , phone rings one more time , — “ You pick up the phone, Hello “ You say softly this agent Y/n you say .. I know who it is “ You ex best friend voice is on the other line , — Your trying to keep it together, “ Why are you doing this you ask her , No words are said for like a minute, - you gotta come alone she says , “ They can’t follow you she talking about your agents . Spence is heated as she says everyone’s name . “ Meet , me , at the theater downtown, She says, — If anyone follows her she Dies the unsub said . She hangs up — “ You’re thoughts are everywhere, — how can she do this you thought. Spencer , We can’t just let her go alone — Look Reid you say I’ll be fine ok , you said your self , Your her endgame, He replied , you grab his hands look give me five minutes then come for me ok , five minutes he says —? Looking for backup— guys com on we know how these things work , - you look for Hotchs help - She’s right Reid he says , he lets go of your hands , “Fine , .
You head out , — We give her five minutes Spencer said .
You get to the theater, — Unsub looks like you followed directions very well at least once in your life she has a gun pointed at you , - You’re so nervous she’s gonna shoot you , — “ So this your big endgame, you ask her . To shoot me , this not much of an revenge you say to her , Oh no she says , I was half expecting that nice tall looking one to break the rules , - by now your heart is racing so fast , walk over here slowly she says . — by now the team is , walking towards the theater, since it was close to the BAU OFFICE in New York , Spence you say , stand down “ What she says - Nothing you say … “Heck No he says — Rossi , 1 2 3 … FBI , Put the Gun down Hotch says , — by now your ex-best friend has you , holding you hostage, -“ well looks like The nice tall one came to play after all - Spencer y/s get out go , No he says not without you , Derek kid , we aren’t leaving, — “ well then boys , Your ex-best friend had just shot you , — No— Spencer says you go down , Hotch fires at your best friend she goes down , Spencer runs up to you , — I’m — so sorry you tell Spencer
The team is in the waiting room
“ You’re at the hospital, — You have been fading in out , for hours .. — the Dr , tells the team go the bullet out of your shoulder , she tells the team that you were lucky it was close to your heart , she should be fine with a couple of weeks of recovery… ..
This took so time an effort I had fun with this piece.
Sometimes the villain wins , an other times The hero wins . This time it was the team of the BAU who won .
@hoe4hotchner thank you for telling me how to use dividers ..
Dividers, to the rightful owners .
This really took forever.. 😢😭😭 ..
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ladygenius · 2 years
Crimson Nights & Predators
Hiyaa. Since it’s been an eternity this one is a little on the longer side. Kind of an early mgg birthday celebration🎉💕 let me know if you need a part two! Also: sorry for portraying poor Andersson this way😂 inspo for the slow song:
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Description: Spencer enjoys Rossis wedding/the view of his favorite colleague. Then someone disrupts his bliss..
Pairing: Reid x female bau reader
Content: pining, jealousy, just protective cutiepie Spence
Warnings: toxic masculinity, disrespectful talk about women, alcohol consumption
Wordcount: 1900
"Damn, excuse my French but what I'd do to hit that..."
An almost snorting kind of spiteful laugh disrupted the harmony of the occasion and ripped Spencer from his cheerful thoughts.
It was Rossi’s wedding. He has been so happy for his older colleague and mentor all day, celebrating life with his favorite people. It didn’t matter they were work, it felt just like family. The kind of big chaotic family he himself never had.
It was only an added bonus that he got to admire his longtime crush and coworker y/n in a gorgeous, crimson-colored dress all day. Enhancing the curves around her waistline just beautifully. As much as he didn't want to focus on such superficialities, even he couldn't deny that thought. Every now and then catching one of her dreamy awe-struck glances when Rossi looked at his bride or someone held a romantic speech sends chills down his spine. Always earning one of her sweet smiles when their eyes met.
So, it was pretty obvious why he was having a great time even though he normally dreaded these kinds of social events.
But standing here, waiting for the bartender to fix him up with a drink whilst hearing somebody talk like that about y/n shot an arrow straight to his heart and made his stomach turn.
Talk he couldn't, in a million years, connect in his mind to y/n. No matter how desperately his infatuation with her - he found it a sin to degrade the depth of her beautiful personality and grace in such a vulgar way. Stereotypical macho assholes.
He couldn’t help but further overhear the conversation between the two men also working for the bureau, ignorantly sipping on their drinks just a few feet away from him.
"To be straightforward here, I've had my eye on her for quite some time now..", Andersson confessed to the other guy. "Ain't easy to enjoy that precious view all week without doing anything about it, I can tell you that!
"Well, then how come you haven't put your charms to work already, dumbass?
"Oh, believe me, I tried.. but that one is a tough nut to crack."
Spencer's jaw clenched automatically at their choice of words. He balled his sweaty fists next to his body.
"Is that so? The dark-haired man let out a low whistle. “Well, she sure doesn't look like that.. or dresses that way!" He purposely emphasized the last part of his sentence. Again, their ringing laughter echoed in Spencer’s ears like a siren.
“But considering you’ve already swayed her once on the dancefloor today, it sure shouldn’t be too much of a challenge to finally claim your prize tonight, don’t you think? After all, you know what they say about chicks at weddings.” The stranger nudged Andersson in his side while almost spilling his drink on him. “Especially if they're single, I mean.. she is single, right?” Andersson let out a long breath, “Well.. no one really knows, actually. She’s not exactly open about things like that. But considering the long hours she often stays behind in the bullpen, I just always figured she was.”
As he was just about to react to his theory, Andersson’s friend spotted Spencer at the bar.
“Doesn’t Daddy Longlegs here also work in her unit?”, clearly the unfamiliar hunk was already too drunk or just too ignorant to realize that he was talking more than loud enough for Spencer to hear him. “Let’s see what he knows.”
Timed perfectly, Spencer was just being served his dry martini - now he really thanked himself for choosing something this strong - as Andersson addressed him hesitantly,
"Um, hey, Reid. I was wondering.. If maybe you know something about y/n's dating life. You know, given the fact you work together pretty close.. is she, uhm.. available?"
Already in the midst of turning on his heel, he felt especially triggered by his choice of words and eventually couldn't help but address this.
"Well, first off all, Andersson, y/n is a person, she is not available like a stapler lying around, unoccupied. And second, if you're so interested in that matter, why don't you gather up the courage and ask her yourself? After all, you seem to be confident enough to inappropriately talk about her behind your back.
So if you'd excuse me."
He didn't even wait for either of them to react. Having his mind already made up about what he needed to do now, he quickly scanned the room for y/n.
And there she was, as radiant as ever. She sat at the BAU's table alone after just seemingly having declined Garcia's offer of hitting the bar for a refill.
Spencer's instinct of protecting her from what he just heard immediately set in. No matter how old-fashioned and stereotypical it might be - he knew she could handle herself very well on her own. But he couldn't help it. Be it the alcohol in his veins or simply his infatuation with her.
"Hey Spence!" her voice chirped, a little hoarse from the glass of sparkling champagne in her hand. The corners of her mouth curled up into a lovely smile upon seeing him approaching her.
But he wasn't smiling. His eyes hid the weight of a thousand worries, all stirred up by the conversation he had just overheard. Worries of her being taken advantage of by some douchey colleague whose only goal is to get into her pants, and probably even worse than that: the egotistic fear of her actually enjoying that kind of attention. Because if the latter was the case, he'd lose her right before his eyes. Losing her.. how would that even be possible? Considering his constant lack of acting when it came to y/n, he knew he had not the slightest right to feel possessive about her.
Her smile was slowly fading as her eyes widened in an expression of surprise or worry, mirroring Spencer's own.
"Would you consider- I-I mean.. do you wanna dance?" he blurted out, just when she was about to ask him what was wrong.
This certainly brought back the smile on her face while leaving her a little flustered at the same time.
"Oh.. Why, yeah, sure!", she resisted looking behind her to rule out the possibility of someone (Morgan) setting him up to that move.
As she noticed his hesitant glance at her hand y/n wanted to take the pressure from him. "You know, we can just dance like this", she reassured him as she placed her hands on his shoulders carefully, trying to read from the look on his face if he was comfortable with it. "Avoid the dangerous hand bacteria, right?". A proud smirk adorned her features. He smiled down at her.
Right. Of course, y/n had not the slightest clue that his only reason for hesitation was self-protection. Not from the potential bacteria on the palm of her hands though. When it comes to her, he has parted with his principles quite a while ago and grown more than fond of the idea of physical contact. A subject his daydreams not seldom evolved around.
His concern was much rather to protect himself from the effect her hands in his might have on his very being, let alone his concentration.
As if reading his mind and wanting to free him from his concerns all the same, y/n reacted instinctively to the next song which really slowed down the pace.
Carefully, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Is this okay?", she asked shyly as he noticed a slight flush on her cheeks, only adding to her loveliness. Must be the champagne, he thought. “Of course”, he muttered barely audible, his throat dry and his body practically burning with love and desire for the girl in front of him. The woman of his dreams and probably his best friend in the world.
"By the way", Spencer suddenly felt the need to clear his throat, "you look beautiful tonight." Again that lovely pink hue on her cheeks. "I mean, not that you wouldn't always look nice. It's just.. that dress really suits you."
"Thank you, Spencer" y/n responded immediately, reassuring him she got the compliment. Being used to her mostly calling him Spence, his full name on her lips caused his stomach to flip with adoration.
God, how he wanted to kiss her right now.
"You know, that's actually really sweet of you", y/n suddenly ripped him from his thoughts.
"What?", he was frowning his brow in bewilderment. Surely, she couldn’t have read him like that.
"Well, the Spencer Reid I've gotten to know and like wouldn’t exactly count dancing to his favorite activities.. and considering people’s excessive interest in your engagement in this activity, I sure do understand why."
Only now that y/n lead his attention back to the room he noticed how some of their team members were meticulously observing the two of them. Garcia cheered them on excitedly, almost spilling her glass of gin and tonic while Morgan steadied her in his grip, giving Spencer an impressed nod.
A small giggle escaped y/n's throat as she faced the floor for a split second, eyes darting up to meet Spencer's again. She shrugged, "Thanks for doing it anyways."
"Nothing to thank me for, y/n." Her name slipped from his tongue like butter. It always had.
“It’s my honor.. I-I mean, today’s so special, I wouldn’t have missed spending time with my favorite person for the world.” Spencer felt particularly bold this very moment with her hands wrapped around his neck.
“She beamed up at him, looking for words to say. But instead, her face froze as something or someone behind them caught her attention. Negatively.
“Did-did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean to-“, “No! Spence.. I’m glad I’m here with you too.. it’s just, I was especially relieved about your dancing enthusiasm today since it’s pretty sure saving me from some hungry predators waiting for the right moment to attack”, her eyeballs slightly rolled back at her comment.
Even though he knew exactly who she was referring to with her metaphor, he carefully adjusted their position to confirm his suspicion.
The two men, too, were observing them but were apparently oblivious to the amount of chemistry existing between y/n and Spencer. The unfamiliar guy was clearly instructing Andersson as to how strategically proceed in getting y/n to dance with him as soon as she and Spencer parted ways.
"Yeah, I-I've noticed. Is there anything I can do? Should I tell them to leave you alone?"
Y/n smiled at him gratefully, "Oh no, Thanks that's really not necessary." Her mind, however, seemed to completely trail off. Her eyes fixed on the small back door close to them.
"Well, actually, since you're asking already.. there might be one thing you could do for me." An almost childlike excitement stole onto her face.
"But you need to follow me, right away, alright? Do you trust me Spence?"
Okay, so now he really had no clue as to what she was up to, and even though he was a little nervous about her sudden change in demeanor, he still couldn’t help but feel intrigued by the mischievous look in her eyes.
Instead of answering verbally, Spencer decidedly took her hand into his and lightly nodded his head without ever breaking eye contact. “I’m right behind you.”
And all of a sudden, they took off. Y/n’s heels clicked loudly on the floor as they hurried their way toward the back door in long strides.
“Well, buddy, so much about your ambitions”, the dark-haired man patted Andersson on the back on the other side of the ballroom and downed the rest of his long drink.
What are these to goofballs up to? find out!
Part II | Part III
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moon-river-me · 4 months
A recommendation would be that the reader flirts with Spencer and he is very blushing because of it. The team would have fun with it haha.
Have a nice day!! 💖
ok so this is my first fanfic so i would really appreciate feedback(good and bad).
fem! BAUreader, awkward spencer reid, sfw. I imagined early seasons spencer but it is non specified.
551 words.
“Did you know that wearing a tie can reduce blood flow to the brain by 7.5 percent?” Ties. That was how this exceedingly embarrassing rant began, you did that thing you do were you randomly compliment spencer; he loves it and hates it at the same time. Which for someone like himself, a logical man who values concrete answers, does not appreciate. Spencer loves problem solving, he has always been an amazing problem solver, when there was an equation, there was an answer, when there was a question, there was an answer, but the random comments that never fail to tinge his cheeks a rose hue, Spencer Reid did not have an answer for that.
By now Spencer realized he has been spitting useless facts about ties for over 3 minutes, which resulted in his face turning an even brighter shade of red.
“Pretty boy, all she said was nice tie,” Derek’s belly laugh could certainly be heard through the entire bullpen. Great, and even bigger crowd for his humiliation.
You giggle, keeping your eyes directly on his, “no no I love your facts spence, as long as you don’t give me a statistic on coffee and its correlation to some unheard-of disease, I will happily listen to you talk.” You add a subtle wink when you finish talking. Spencer’s bashful expression morphed into one of shock.
“You do?” The pure confusion in his voice added to your melodic laugh.
“Of course Spence, it’s the best part of working here.” While light-hearted, he picked up on the truth behind your words, making a shy grin appear on his face. He pushed his glasses up before realising his hair had now fallen Infront of his eyes.
“Here let me,” and before he knew it, your hand was directly in front of his eyes, pushing his hair out of his view. Spencer couldn’t take his gaze away from you. You keep the silent staring contest between you going. You know you will win; you always do.
“Boy genius, you look like a tomato” Penelope states are she strolls past to Derek’s desk.
“Red? I- I am not red its just hot in here.” His voice goes up at least an octave, his hand automatically travels to his cheeks.
“Okay keep telling yourself that Dr Reid,” you whisper the last part so only he could hear. You hand goes and taps his shoulder, keeping it there for a second longer than what could be considered normal, before moving to your desk, which coincidently is directly opposite his.
“I wasn’t lying by the way. Your tie is really nice. Suits you.” You state nonchalantly, as if that sentence didn’t make Spencers stomach swirl and form knots.
“I like yours too! Wait no.” You were not wearing a tie. Great. His utter screw up made you throw your head back laughing, increasing greatly when you looked at his horrified face.
“Thank you, Spence.” Your laugh slowly morphing back into your staple giggle, “maybe I will wear one tomorrow, and then you can mean it.”
“I’m so sorry,” Spencer felt like a puddle on the floor, but the look of admiration in your face made that feeling run for the hills.
“Don’t apologise, it was very cute. you are very cute” You promise him, nodding your head to accentuate your point.
oh. oh.
ok so sorry this is so bad but feedback would be very very great thanks!! I have some Aaron Hotchner x readers' coming up <3
I did NOT proof read lets pray this makes sense :)
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ladygenius · 1 year
Crimson Nights & Predators Part II
Description: After sneaking away at Rossis wedding to escape from lurking predators y/n and Spencer discover a safe place for both of them
Pairing: Reid x female bau reader
Content: pining, jealousy, just protective cutiepie Spence
Warnings: alcohol consumption, a couple swear words
Wordcount: 1150
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Her serenading giggle echoed through the luxurious halls of the ancient building. Kings and Queens must have dined here some long-forgotten day, Spencer thought to himself. Her hand in his definitely made him feel as if being of Royal Blood himself.
As they were running through the halls and up a lavishly carpentered staircase their laughter almost managed to overshadow the splendor all around them, leaving even the countless portraits of ancient aristocrats staring down with jealousy. Jealous of those joys and passions only bodies of flesh and bone could be touched by.
But what had that to do with Spencer's and y/n's relationship?
Even now, it was obvious to him, that this was nothing but a dream, he would eventually have to wake up from. But right now he didn't care about the real world. The next day at work or his next awkward move when he felt self-conscious around her. Right now, he wanted this fairytale.
"Where are we going, y/n?", he couldn't help but be curious.
"Oh, you'll see.. Alright. It must have been about.. here!" After turning another corner, she made an abrupt halt in front of the most opulent-looking door they'd come across thus far. All the others were white but this one was made of elegant mahogany wood, all shiny and adorned with little golden ornaments. He had to admit, he was more than intrigued by the secrecy their little adventure had in store.
And y/n knew. She smirked at him proudly, as she admired his perfectly sculpted profile while he was admiring the sight of the mysterious door.
Oh, he'll fit right in there, she thought to herself with anticipation.
"Wait till you've seen what the inside looks like Doc", y/n gently slipped in front of Spencer, their bodies briefly touching.
Carefully she turned the knobs of the winged door and got them both open simultaneously with some effort. "Ready to have your mind blown?"
By god, Spencer was quite convinced he couldn't possibly be ready for anything this woman had in store. The luscious timbre of her voice alone was enough to make his head spin.
She stepped into the room confidently, darkness swallowing her at first, but the light thrown in from outside the window still allowed him to admire her perfect silhouette. He followed her cautiously, barely being able to make out a thing while y/n was clearly looking for the light switch. A sudden noise made them both startle, as the heavy doors to the room slammed shut. Y/n burst out into laughter about the high-pitched shriek that had just escaped her throat. Or was it Spencer's?
"Damn, I can't see a thing. Where's that goddamn light switch?"
"Woah easy, agent y/l/n. Weren't you here before?" He was quite amused by her sudden outburst.
"Why, yeah. But it's not where I remembered it somehow." As he was trying to help her find it, she almost stumbled over his feet, instinctively holding onto his chest to steady herself. 
"Careful there, Klutz." His strong grip on her waistline immediately sent chills down her spine. While his eyes were slowly adjusting to the lack of light, the two of them stayed like this much longer than it took for y/n to regain her balance. He could now make out the linings of her face again, losing himself inside the gleams of light reflected in her widened orbs. The crimson-colored fabric underneath Spencer’s fingertips almost seemed to vibrate against his skin as he felt his own flesh burning, melting until it could finally be one with her.
“Oh”, y/n’s hand reached somewhere behind his back, her chest leaning in on him closely. With a sudden clicking sound the room lit up in flames – that’s how badly the actually quite cozy sepia light dazzled his vision at first. “Found it.” She shyly took a few steps away from him, her cheeks tinted in a soft shade of rose.
It was only now that Spencer took notice of the imminent splendor that was the essence of the room - or rather - the hall around them. His face froze as he was admiring the endless sea of bookshelves filling every corner of what must have been the single hugest library he has ever seen his entire life. How could I not know about this? he asked himself.
“So?” y/n cockily folded her arms in front of her chest, observing him closely. “Is this awesome or is this like, awesome squared infinity?”
His heart lit up at the woman of his dreams being equally excited about this sight of pure pleasure to him: books as far as the eyes could see, stacked from ceiling to floor onto the most extravagantly looking bookshelves. Their copies protected by fancy leather and clothbound covers, some of them undoubtedly first prints or at least rarest collectors’ editions. Not even he could read all of them in a week.
“Oh my god”, was the first thing Spencer could utter after an eternity of simply staring in awe. “This is incredible, y/n. How on earth did you find this?”
“Well, it might be that earlier this evening as I was taking a little extra-long in the restroom to hide from certain coworkers of ours, I started strolling around. And I couldn’t get past this door without risking a look by the life of me."
Her fingers carefully ran along the curved surface of an expensive-looking globe in the library's center. The dreamy look on her face was a sight he couldn’t ever possibly get enough of.
“Knew it!” Y/n victoriously chimed as she got open the top part of the globe, literally splitting the world in half with just one move. Yeah, that depicts perfectly what she’s doing to his own on a daily basis. The inside of the globe revealed an old-school minibar. “You really wanna drink some of this?” Spencer exclaimed in his signature surprised high pitch as y/n was studying the different bottles inside.
“Oh, come on, Rossi pays this place a fortune for tonight anyway. I’m positive they can spare like two fingers of whatever this stuff is in here. Yuck!” She scrunched her nose disgustedly at smelling the bottle but went along pouring the dark liquid into two fancy whisky glasses anyway.
“This might be a little rough. But you know, we’re in a gentleman’s environment today, so we’re doing gentlemanly stuff. To going astray.” Her glass clinked against his own.
No. To going astray with you, Spencer thought to himself.
Final Part III
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