#Dr Brent Ridge
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rogueshadeaux · 1 year ago
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Chapter Thirty-Two — Ingress
Some of the metal came up with his pull — other pieces fell, careening around as they disappeared into the darkness. We all paused to watch the pieces of metal fall, the thunk that followed coming about eight seconds later. “That uh…” Brent drew off, straightening. “That means it's pretty deep, right?”
5.6k words | 18 - 23 min read time | TRIGGER WARNINGS: Acrophobia, alligators mention (they're freaky okay?)
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“That is the most conspicuous thing I have ever seen in my life.” Dad deadpanned, hands in his jean pockets. 
Zeke was standing proudly in front of one of those big utility vans that had been painted an earthy green, black racing stripes along its sides. The back doors had a mural of a wooded landscape with a satyr chasing two rather scantily clad women, and the headlights in the front were replaced with some sort of RGB lights that spun in circles. Brent looked over at me in disbelief at the absurdity of the car as I just sighed, closing my eyes. This was definitely not going to help Zeke’s standing with Dad. 
“Hey, it drives,” Zeke shrugged. “And sometimes the weirdest things work as a red herring, you know? Keeps people from really looking close at the situation. Well,” he said, opening up the back doors to expose the gutted out interior, “Hop in.” 
So there I was on the rubbery flooring of the back of the van, tucked in between Dad and Brent as Dr. Sims rode shotgun in Zeke’s monstrosity of a vehicle. “I’ve got, like, an inflatable bed and stuff,” Zeke called back, “This was my car when I was ‘nomadic,’ so to say. But otherwise it’s…yeah, sorry about the discomfort.”
As if on cue he hit a bump on the badly maintained road, sending my tailbone into the hump that covered the curve of the wheel and making me curse under my breath. 
“Looks like we have three plantations to search,” Dr. Sims says, scrolling on his phone. “Cypress Grove, Bellefontaine, and Magnolia Ridge Estates,” Dr. Sims looks back. “There’s five of us. We could split up, explore each one on our own—”
“No.” Dad says. “My kids aren’t leaving my side.”
“Should we split up?” Brent asked, cocking an eyebrow. “Seems like a bad move when exploring abandoned places. That’s like the first thing not to do if you wanna survive a horror movie.”
“We have to be mindful of the time,” Dr. Sims said, looking out the window. Traveling out of the swamps by boat and walking to the garage holding this…thing cut a good three hours into our adventure, and the sun was already past its midpoint in the sky. “We have about four hours before sunset and being out in New Marais at night is less ideal than exploring alone.”
“But that should be enough to find this entrance, right?” I asked over the rattling of the van. “We shouldn’t have to split up for it if we’re thorough, and staying together would mean we could go through each plantation faster.” 
Dad sighed. “She’s got a point.”
Zeke nodded, abruptly turning the steering wheel and sending me into Dad’s side. “Alright, then we go together. We’ll start from the farthest one and work our way back towards the swamps.”
The first plantation was close to the water and definitely didn’t have a carriage house — in fact, it didn’t have much of anything; so much of it had eroded over the years and what was left was something we definitely couldn’t explore without risking having the entire place come down on us. We searched the outside nonetheless, coming up short to no one’s surprise. 
We packed up into the van to move to the next plantation, where dad nearly screamed a slew of curse words the moment we got close. Whatever Bellefontaine plantation that used to stand here was now home to a parking lot and a restaurant called the Angry Oyster, the pier dining full of patrons with it being dinner time. The little animated oyster shined over a sign that said Well Shuck Me!, a phrase Dad repeated once with the sh— becoming a f—. 
“What do we do?” He demanded, looking at Dr. Sims. “What if they paved over the entrance?” 
Dr. Sims turned in his seat as Zeke parked the car, motioning for his computer bag, which Dad passed over. “Let me see what I can find out,” he says, pulling out the mini laptop. “There’s gotta be some land ownership records or a property transaction or something.”
We spent nearly an hour there as Dr. Sims struggled to find the records he was looking for before eventually disconnecting from the restaurant’s wifi, declaring, “This place didn’t belong to Bertrand,”
“So it’s probably not the First Sons’ base?” Dad asked from the back. I was braiding my hair beside him and Brent was snoring lightly on his other side, both of us bored with the stagnation. 
“Probably not, but we’ll come back if we need to. We should check out this last place before the sun sets.” Dr. Sims decided, closing the computer and shoving it back in his bag. 
Zeke drove a bit more into town to get to the third plantation, passing the cathedral on the way. The floodlights illuminated Cole’s statue, casting shadows on his face that made him seem more menacing, more heroic than he did in the daytime. 
Yet I couldn’t get the sound of his quiet sobs out of my head. 
Zeke drove around to the back of the cathedral and then turned onto a side street, the veranda of a large and well-kept plantation cresting into view as we drove forward. It was huge, pristine white trimming that shone even in the setting sun. There were people milling about on the front lawn in dresses and suits, champagne glasses in hand as a flash on the left caught my eye, making me look in time to see a cameraman reposing a wedding party for their next picture. 
“Shit,” Dad hissed, moving to sit in the space between the passenger and driver's seats. Brent was still leaning on him for support while napping and nearly fell into me, yelping awake. 
“W–what’s going on?” he muttered, looking around with glossed eyes. 
Zeke took a right, driving slowly in front of the estate. The reception of the wedding was in full swing; there was a DJ in his own booth, stark white tables with bouquets and used plates on them, and a separate garage dedicated solely to being a bar, two tenders at the counter built into its entrance.  
“That’s the carriage house,” Dr. Sims realized, looking at the bar. “It has to be,” 
“That doesn’t look like much of a carriage house,” Brent remarked groggily. 
“Carriage house is just another fancy word for separate garage,” Dad hummed. “This is the only one we’ve seen so far. If it’s not under that restaurant? This is it.” 
Zeke pulled into an alleyway and parks the truck, turning in his seat to look at all of us. “Well, what should we do?” He asked. “We can always come back later—”
“We need answers now,” Dad strained, “The sooner the better.”
“Dad, there’s a wedding,” I stressed, “We can’t just crash it.”
Brent shrugs. “Well, we wouldn’t be crashing the wedding. Just breaking into the bar,”
Dr. Sims sighed. “We could use the information. Knowing now would let us move forward with a plan tomorrow,”
Zeke nodded, more to himself than to anyone else, eyes traveling to the floorboard as he trilled his lips in thought. “We need to draw those guys outta the carriage house,” he said, face growing more thoughtful. “Make some sort of distraction.”
“We’d need one to get them out of the bar, and another to keep them away for long enough,” Dad sighs. “Dunno how we’d do that,”
Zeke’s thoughtfulness gained a smile, and he sorta chuffed to himself. “Oh, I’ve got some ideas.”
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“What do you mean you can’t?” I whispered incredulously to Brent. 
He was glaring at me as we crouched behind a manicured shrub, trying our best to hide in the shadows the setting sun was casting. Dad was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Dr. Sims or Zeke. They were all getting in position for this horrible plan we cooked up in about fifteen minutes. 
“I mean I can’t, that’s not how Conduits work,” he scoffed like I was an idiot. “I can only play with the steel I put out,”
I blinked. “Wh–, that’s not how Conduits work. You should be able to do anything with steel.”
“What, and you can control any water source? C’mon Jean, this isn’t Korra,”
I glared at him before sticking a hand out and pointing it towards the water fountain just beyond our shrub, etching a gap in the trickling waterfall from its scalloped tier to form a middle finger. 
Brent balked. “What? How did you do that?” he demanded. 
“Oh, sorry, it’s a water tribe secret,”
“You know what—”
There was a sudden alarm from the giant mansion, catching the attention of everyone on the grounds of the plantation. Dad, that had to be Dad. All the attendees of the wedding awkwardly glanced at each other, confused at what was going on until someone came out of the mansion itself shouting something about a fire alarm. 
I felt pretty bad. I mean, we were crashing someone’s wedding. That’s not an experience you’re supposed to get more than once — or at least, you’re supposed to aim for it to be a one time thing. So they’d get no do-over, and the memories of their big day would be this. An evacuation to the far side of the property, near the entryway gate. But it was a necessary evil. 
Not necessary enough, apparently; the barkeeps didn’t move. They shifted around awkwardly but made no move to leave the little building. 
“Son of a bitch,” Brent growled. 
My jaw clenched. Dad said if his smoke setting off the alarms didn’t do anything, it would be our turn to try something, with Zeke and Dr. Sims as our hail marys. “We’ve gotta figure out what to do,” I muttered. That’s what we were talking about before our argument; how exactly to draw the two barkeeps away from the bar. 
Brent’s eyes narrowed as he looks around. “Y’think you can control alcohol?” he asks. “It’s liquid.”
“It’s liquid but not water,” I whisper. 
“I mean, it has some water in it, right—”
“Would you shut up?”
Brent glowered, glaring at me for a moment before looking around. “So you can just control any sorta water?” He asks. 
“I mean, yeah, sorta,” I shrug. “It can be—”
“Can you control the water in the tap?” Brent interrupted me. “Flood the bar?” 
My sentence died off in my throat when I processed his question. I mean…could I? I could sense the water around us, feel the gators lurking at the edge of the waters and the pulse of the water’s ebbs. The sink, though, was something entirely different. My vision shattered into normal and whatever I could use to sense the element, the sparkling crystal blue in my vision snitching on where it all was. And there was barely anything in the sink. “There’s not much,” I muttered, looking at him.
Brent cursed under his breath. “Okay, okay, uh,” he muttered to himself, looking around. His eyes zeroed in on something, and he pointed to it. “What’s that?”
I looked at the white box he was pointing to near the edge of the property and was about to ask him how the hell should I know when my vision pushed deeper, through the plastic and metal to the plethora of water below. It pulsed from the machine like a heartbeat, in cadence with the scream of the fire alarm. “I think…” I drew off. “I think it’s a well. I can see water going from it into the house right now.”
Brent’s eyebrows knit close together as he tried to come up with a plan, looking around. The light from a lamp post caught in his eyes, and I watched them dip from seafoam to pure silver before flashing back to his normal color. “The well is steel,” he said, absolutely sure of the fact. “I’m gonna go fuck with the pressure gauge, turn it as high as it can go. If you can somehow send water to that tap, then good. If not, try to make the pipes burst,”
“Wh–, burst?” I whispered, incredulous. 
No use, though; Brent was already gone, content with his idea of vandalism and destroying property. 
The fire alarms died off, and there was a reassuring call to the wedding attendees from someone in the same outfit as the barkeeps that prompted them to begin walking back to the center of the property. Shit. There goes plan A. 
There was a line of men that went for the bar, keeping the tenders busy for a moment. Off on the side, Brent was messing with the well, and after a few moments, there was a shriek by the DJ followed by more shouting. “Gator, gator!” Someone yelled in alarm as the crowd scurried. Someone tripped in the stampede and went sprawling into the dessert table, the 3 tiered wedding cake on it slowly teetering. 
I’ll give it to the groom — he tried to catch it. Tried being the keyword. The second tier on the cake slipped to the side, staining his black suit jacket as the top tier slammed into his face, his head snapping back with the force. 
The shouts from this happening was enough to cover up the sound of Brent pushing the pressure gauge to its highest setting, the bar snapping under his strong grip. I watched the flow of water spike like blood pressure, flowing off to the house and near every tap in a bull rush. 
At the bar, a group of jazzed up men watched the groom take a facefull of cake much to the bride’s wailing, reaching over the bar to demand something while throwing glances over their shoulders at the commotion. 
One of the barkeepers grabbed a rag from under the bar, and briskly walked over to the sink.
And the moment he turned it on, I stuck my hand out and let the pressure loose, the forceful spray of water that came out shooting out making the bartender stumble back as it hit him square in the chest, making him yelp. 
There were some more screams, and I heard someone specifically yell “What the fuck is going on?” while the two bartenders tried their best to turn off the sink. But Brent’s idea worked; with enough pressure behind the blast, turning the knobs to turn the water on and off only changed their temperature, the steady spray of water combined with my influence enough to break the sink entirely. Brent rushed close to me as one of the bartenders dove under the visibility of the countertop. 
“What’s going on?” Brent whispered, looking between my outstretched hand and the chaos behind us at the dessert table. 
I shrugged. “Something about an alligator?” I said back, unsure. “Groom lost the fight against vanilla, though,”
My power over the flooding suddenly stopped as the barkeeper turned off the water valve on the sink, pausing the assault in its wake. I lowered my hand and cursed, about to tell Brent the bad news when I saw the one super soaked bartender stomp off, out of a back door and towards the mansion while the other handed a wet rag to the wedding attendees, who all rushed towards the cake covered groom. The poor barkeeper left behind looked down at his feet, shaking his head, before following his coworker out of the backdoor, coming around to the front to begin pulling down the garage doors, locking them closed with a key. 
They were leaving the bar alone. We managed to clear the area. 
Brent and I looked at each other triumphantly, leaving the sobbing and exclamations behind us to do an awkward crouched jog towards the carriage house. “Back, go around back,” Brent whispered, leading the way. 
The wedding party was shouting now, all staring in one specific spot as Brent and I rounded the corner of the carriage house. Brent yelped, jumping back into me and making me stumble and nearly fall before a firm hand gripped my arm and yanked me back up, steadying me on my feet. “You two okay?” Dad asked, looking between us. 
“Scared the shit outta me,” Brent breathed, hands on his knees. 
“Yeah yeah, don’t curse, I know,” Brent muttered, waving Dad off as he tried to steady his racing heart. 
The shouting got louder, began to get closer, and I peeked around the corner with Dad, concerned — there was no way they knew we were here, right?
No; they were chasing what had to be a 5 foot gator around, trying to shoo the giant lizard away from the center of the wedding reception. The scaly creature scurried at a pace that scared me, ducking behind the same manicured bush Brent and I were hiding behind moments ago — before dissipating into a cloud of pixels. Blue light dissipated into the shine of the lantern light moments before an angry older man practically drifted around the bush with a raised white wooden chair intent on bopping the creature and stumbling over his steps when he realized it was just gone. 
“Brent,” Dad said, stepping back from the corner to look at him. “Can you use your powers to uh, lockpick the door or something?”
Brent shrugged, face doing that grimace most people do when they’re unsure of something like a test answer or where someone’s keys are. But he dropped to his knees, sticking the end of his finger against the deadbolt of the door as his arm dipped silver. 
A few minutes later, there was a hard huffing sound behind us as Zeke climbed the small hill, the ends of his pants legs wet as he threw his — or, Cole’s — sling bag back on. “Got your message,” he said to Dad. “What’re we waiting on?” 
“Fuck this,” Brent growled angrily, his third attempt at picking the lock just as much a failure at the first two. He stood straight and threw a punch, splintering the thick wood door and pushing the lock through its form onto the other side, where it landed with a moist thud.
“You…realize that the lock was steel, right?” I ask him. “You could have drained it and weakened it.”
“Yeah, well, it was pissing me off,” Brent snipped, shoving his hand through the gaping hole to unlock the knob. Dad just stood off on the side, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
Brent threw open the door and Dad waived for us all to go in, closing it as well as he could behind us with its broken handle. “Eugene’s gonna keep watch,” Dad said, looking around. “We just have to find this…”
He trailed off, and I think we all realized what he did at the same time; we had no idea what we were looking for. This wasn’t exactly ‘hidden entrance’ friendly; the shelves in the back were stacked with alcohol, freezers lining the floor. The bar had cleaning materials and rags and a bunch of little fancy shakers and stuff in the alcoves under it, and there was a wine cooler the size of a fridge. 
And other than the bit of water damage I gave the area, that was it. There was nothing else. 
“Do you remember how Cole got underground?” Dad spun in place to ask Zeke. 
Zeke shook his head. “No, I–I wasn’t there,” he said, looking around. “I barely remember what happened that day,”
Dad cursed, kicking at the water at his feet. Brent looked around, saying, “It’s an underground entrance. Just keep looking down, we’ll find it eventually,”
Brent could be so snippy when stressed, it honestly pissed me off. He was lucky he wasn’t in smacking range. 
We looked. And looked. Dad opened the broken door and had me push all the water out of the room and to the grass, Brent putting up a wall of steel against it once it was closed again in case anyone returned. We searched every shelf, moved every bottle in case one was a false switch for some magical trapdoor or something. There was nothing behind the wine cooler or under the bar counter. 
Dad eventually stopped, straightening with a groan and pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes. “Fuck,” he hissed, “We’re screwed, aren’t we?”
Zeke sighed, hands on his knees as he looked under the bartop again. “Gotta say, it ain’t looking too bright.”
Dad sighed hard, the end of the sound becoming a groan before he moved his hands and blinked hard a few times, eyes meeting mine. He looked dejected and on the verge of calling off the search and declaring it was time to leave when Brent said, “Dad, step back,”
Brent was looking at the ground where Dad stood; the concrete had dried up for the most part, but instead of a stain of wet, there was a jagged line of white at Dad’s feet that moved in an awkward and wide shape, like someone ran the long side of a chalk stick around this section. Brent bent down to run his hand along the white, straightening and rubbing it between his fingers. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered, looking up at Dad before he could chastise him and pointing to the bit of floor that had the white grit lining it. “It’s here. The entrance is here,”
“What?” I asked as Dad gave Brent a look of disbelief, “How do you know?”
Brent pointed at the white. “This is calcium carbonate,” he began. “When new concrete gets wet, it does this thing where when the water rises, it takes the free calcium in it and pushes it to the surface. Efforflescence or something.” He then looked down and grimaced. “That also means they probably haven’t been mopping this place at all, which is disgusting.”
Leave it to Brent to know something about architecture. “So it means this is new?” Dad asked. 
Brent shrugged. “New enough. It can take like fifteen years for all the calcium to come out.”
“This place became a wedding venue tenish years ago,” Zeke chimed in. “There was a whole ceremony and everything. I only went for the finger sandwiches and the corporate babes, though,”
Brent shot me a bewildered look as I did everything in my power to not snort at the image of this portly and graying man prowling for women with a handful of mini-sandwiches. 
Dad dropped to his knees, hands gliding against the concrete like he would be able to find a gap he could peel apart. “They sealed it,” he realized. 
“How do we get down there?” I asked, looking between everyone. “If it’s paved over, there’s no way we can enter the base.”
Dad’s brow furrowed as he looked down at the smooth ground before saying, “Brent, steel up and punch this until it breaks,” pointing to a section of floor. 
Brent looked at the top of Dad’s head like he was insane but listened, skin going from tanned to silver in the blink of an eye before he balled up his fists and dropped, pounding them into the ground. He punched one, two, three more times before something gave away and there was a tiny divot in the ground, shattered concrete bursting away from it. 
That was all Dad needed; his hand came out and drained from the pebbles, taking on concrete as his power. He waved Brent off and let his own arms become encased in the man-made rock, pounding away at the ground to break it further with deafening crunches that made me press my hands to my ears. 
Dad chipped away at the concrete, punching and digging like a dog with both a bone to pick and a bone to bury. He absorbed more and more of the concrete as he made the hole, this three foot wide gap that he tried widening more and more with every hit down. 
And then, slowly, as Dad kept up the attack, something began to peek out from under the concrete; a steel grating, the only thing separating the floor from some long and very deep chasm below it. “Well that's not structurally sound,” Brent muttered beside me as Dad began to tear away at some of the concrete, yanking it up out of its spot.
I didn't really care. All I knew was that under that grating was nothing more than a glorified elevator that would take us down to what could potentially be answers about what was wrong with me.
There was just one big, glaring issue. “How the hell are we supposed to get down there if the elevator ain't got electricity?” Zeke asked when Dad stopped to catch his breath.
Dad pursed his lips, looking down at the tight, thick grate that sat under the bar. “I'm not sure,” he muttered, displeased. “But we're getting down there, no matter what.”
Dad continued to beat away at the concrete for a few minutes longer until there was a gap about four feet wide, enough for one person to stand on comfortably — if we could get the elevator to move. That was our next big issue. Dad sat back on his feet, glaring down at the next obstacle as his mind seemed to move at a mile a minute, trying to come up with a plan. “Brent,” he eventually said. “How much control do you have over your steel?”
“I was telling Jean this earlier,” he began, “I can't just control any steel—”
“Not all steel, just yours.” Dad corrects, looking up to where we stood. “If we can destroy this, you can make a new floor to fit the shaft and glide us down.”
Brent bit his lip. “I...I might be able to do that?” he ventured, unsure.
Another good forty-five minutes blew past while Dad excavated a wider perimeter around the old elevator shaft, trying to make enough room for Brent to come in with a steeled body and begin pulling against the metal, draining it as he did so until the grating began to crack under his palms and he yanked it.
Some of the metal came up with his pull — other pieces fell down the shaft, careening around as they disappeared into the darkness. We all paused to watch the pieces of metal fall, the thunk that followed coming about eight seconds later.
“That uh…” Brent drew off, straightening. “That means it's pretty deep, right?”
Dad sighed. “Let's just get this new platform built and…hopefully it'll work.”
“Hopefully we won't fall to our deaths,” Zeke corrected.
Dad gave him an exasperated look, but didn't say anything.
Hour two came and went by the time Brent straightened, having spent a good quarter of it hanging halfway into the hole. “I think I got it,” he said, looking at Dad. “It fits the grooves and stuff on the old shaft,”
His hands stayed out, rigid and tensed as they stayed pointing towards the solid steel flooring. He was still using his power over the floor to keep it in place. What had Dr. Sims called it? Conduvergence? Whatever it was, it seemed Brent had to keep his hold on the steel he produced if we didn't want to drop into the darkness.
Dad crawled into the hole first, Brent leaving a big enough gap for him to be able to move around while crouched. He inspected the platform, made sure it was fit securely to the old build of the original shaft's flooring before looking up at the gap, saying, “Jeanie, c'mon, your turn,”
I looked at him like he had lost it, my silent plea to not have to go on Brent's Tower of Terror ignored with a quick motion of his hands as he beckoned for me to hurry it up.
The shaft groaned slightly as I stepped down on it — and Brent did too, readjusting his feet on the ground as the muscles in his arm flexed. He must have been feeling every pound we were adding to this thing, which did absolutely nothing for my fear of falling to my death. Dad grabbed my shoulders, moving me out of the way of the gap as he called up, “Think you're okay to hold Zeke too?” to Brent.
“Yeah,” Brent huffed. “Yeah, I'll just — I'll fly after you guys when you get down there,”
Another moment and Zeke was coming down into the hole, the platform jerking under his feet and making me yelp as my soul left my body. “Hey, hey, you're okay,” Dad said behind me. His grip on my shoulders tightened though, knuckles going stark white, and it did nothing to reassure me.
“Sorry,” Brent groaned above.
Zeke settled in place and Dad looked up at Brent and nodded. “Take it as slow as you can,” he instructed.
Brent nodded, the steel of his arms flaring and becoming aural as the platform began to slowly move down.
I stayed holding on to Dad for dear life as the platform rattled against the old shaft, feeling like it would give way and send us spiraling down. I knew, theoretically, all I'd have to do was use my powers to protect myself and it would be fine — but that didn't make the ride down any more comfortable. I wasn't exactly scared of heights, but I didn't like the idea of falling into a dark hole.
That was another issue — how dark it was. The lower we got and the further away from the hole we went, the harder it was to see...well, anything. Holding on to Dad became less about fear and more about just keeping a hand on him to know he was still there. One of his arms left my shoulders and a moment later there was a bright light, His phone's flashlight on and the light bouncing around the silver walls. A second later, Zeke clicked on a small one as well, shining the light around.
“Hey, look,” Zeke said, prompting us to turn. There was an archway opening beside him, the entrance to the underground tunnels growing longer and longer until the steel platform hit the floor, making us all stumble.
“You guys okay?” Brent called from above, the grinding sound echoing up the chasm.
“Yeah, yeah. Come down here,” Dad called back up, shining his phone’s flashlight towards the small pothole sized sun way up high. “Jean, take out your phone, use its flashlight,” he commanded me as he lit the way for Brent to come down.
The edges of Brent's wings scraped against the walls as he flew down, the horribly shrill sound making us all cringe until he shed the wings and landed hard on his feet. “Jeez, it's dark,” he muttered, searching for his own phone to use his flashlight. ”No good reception, either,“
I looked at my phone; one singular bar, and everyone knew that was hardly a step up from no service. Honestly it would have been better to not have any service, that way it wouldn't feel like the phone was lying to you when its messages wouldn't go through. “I should have messaged Eugene,” Dad cursed, realizing he missed the chance. His flashlight went from shining up at the opening of the shaft to down the long hallway, pristine white walls almost untouched after all this time and shining the light back tenfold. “Alright. Stay behind me, you guys,”
The hall was so clean and bleached that our phones' flashlights bounced around again and again until our little group was encased in a warm glow. The walls didn't look painted but they definitely weren't metal, the texture smooth and glossed as I let my hand glide over it.
“Weird,” Brent muttered, pointing his phone's flashlight up at the ceiling to expose a long row of rounded, defunct in-ceiling lights.
“What did that guy say these were used for?” Dad asked, not turning around. “The Underground Railroad, right?”
“This looks way too nice to be some dug up tunnels for that,” I muttered, pulling my hand away and tucking my hoodie's sleeve over my cast.
Zeke huffed, “Well, you gotta remember, we're talking about the First Sons here. They weren't gonna be caught in some dingy little cave system,”
Dad put out a hand, silently signaling us to stop as his light caught the glint of a piece of metal up ahead. “Stay back,” he warned us, stepping forward.
One hand stayed holding his phone while the other lit up a light amber, the rough scrape of him activating his concrete power echoing down the hall. He crept up to the exit poised like a large cat ready to jump on prey, and nearly did exactly that as he stepped out of the hall into the room.
His ignited arm immediately fell, and his shoulders seemed to sag a bit. “Well, this complicates things,” he said, before turning and beckoning us forward.
I was expecting a single large room, maybe some sort of observation deck like those old viewing galleries for operating rooms. Not this. Not two stories of something straight out of Star Trek.
Every wall was a sculpted slope, pier-like patios poking out and away from stairwells to overlook the giant futuristic atrium. There was a tube in the center of the room that led to a defunct and dried up pool in the center, each patio wrapping around the tubing like it was the center of a roundabout. Everything was pristine white or accented in the lightest blue in this courtyard, the wide open space dimpling in some spots to curve in, creating lateral archways for other hallways. There were a few emergency lights that barely illuminated rounded doors, leaving the rest of the room in an eerie dusk that our lights had to fight through to illuminate. “Well,” Zeke huffed, looking around. The ceiling was so high our lights couldn't even reach it. “This is gonna take a bit longer than an hour of lookin', huh?”
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near-livermore-ca-blog · 5 years ago
Near Livermore CA
Livermore offers an attractive setting of city life. Its well-preserved arts and culture amidst the development make it more interesting. But while it is cited as one of the best places to live in California, cost of living can be very high. Most pleasant months are June, May, and October while December and January are the least comfortable months. It has many recreational parks and nice sceneries. Livermore has also one of the best wineries in the region. A good percentage of its land is dedicated to vineyards. It is also the home of the longest working light bulb in the world. The centennial bulb started working in 1901 and has never been switched off since then.
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Finding the right dentist for your family is a critical step in order to ensure that you get the best dental care at the most affordable price. Brent C. Lin, DDS in Livermore, California is one of the best dental offices that can provide you with the most compassionate care. They offer a wide range of dental service. From general dentistry, to professional dental cleaning, to more advanced treatment like dental implants, you can expect the best and highly recommended service. Dr. Brent C. Lin continuously undergoes advance training to further improve his practice. Under his care, you can expect the best oral health for your family.
Tri-Valley Makes The Best Of Coronavirus Quarantine
Soon after the order was issued, Patch asked Tri-Valley readers how they're trying to keep busy and make the best of their time at home. From acts of kindness to spring cleaning that you no longer have an excuse to put off, here's how your neighbors have been coping. Read more here
While everyone feels so bored because of the stay at home order, there are some who find ways to make the most of their free time. After all, it is not everyday that you get the chance to spend time at home with your family. Some of the tasks that you can do is to have a general house cleaning, play games with your kids, exercise together, start the novel that you always wanted to write, begin a new hobby, and have a movie marathon. Find the positive side from this quarantine and for sure, you will long for these days once the crisis is over and we are all back to our busy lives.
Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in Livermore, CA
Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park offers a breathtaking view of Pleasanton, California and Livermore Valley. It has several trails including the Woodtrail, Bay Leaf Trail, and the Ridgeline Trail. They offer challenging hike and off-road cycling activities for anyone who want to sweat out their stress away. Going to the top gives you a nice workout with beautiful sceneries. Along the way, you will find so many wildlife including falcons, deer, owls, and eagles. This is nature at its finest. On your hiking day, bring lots of water and some picnic lunch as there are many areas in the park where you can just rest and relax.
Link to map
Driving Direction
16 min (11.2 miles)
via Vallecitos Rd
Fastest route, the usual traffic
Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park
Foothill Rd, Pleasanton, CA 94588, United States
Take Main St to Niles Canyon Rd
2 min (0.3 mi)
Take CA-84 E to Vallecitos Rd in Livermore
9 min (6.7 mi)
Follow Vallecitos Rd, Holmes St and Fourth St to East Ave
8 min (4.1 mi)
Brent C Lin DDS
2545 East Avenue, Suite A
Livermore, CA . 94550
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ebeautyplanetfrance-news · 5 years ago
Les fabuleux Beekman Boys!
Cette marque découverte à  Los Angeles, ce qui signifie que les observations de célébrités sont un événement quotidien. Cependant, en dépit d’être assez blasé, j’étais super excité par ma dernière observation.   J’étais à l’aéroport quand j’ai rencontré – attendez ça … Les fabuleux Beekman Boys! Vous ne savez pas qui sont les Fabulous Beekman Boys? Bien tu … Tags : Beekman 1802, Dr Brent Ridge, Josh Kilmer-Purcell, Lait de chèvre, Les fabuleux Beekman Boys, Naturel, Savon, Soins de la peau Cliquez ici pour lire l'article complet : https://www.ebeautyplanet.fr/les-fabuleux-beekman-boys/
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near-savage-mn-blog · 6 years ago
Near Savage MN
Savage, MN
Savage, a suburban city in the U.S. state of Minnesota, developed its business and trade in 1852 when established businessman William Byrne arrived in the area. Byrne and other settlers constructed the Hamilton Landing in the same year which serves as the port for boats. The railway line of Chicago Northwestern reached the area in 1865. Its first post office was established in the following year. The suburban city of Savage served as the site of the military intelligence school (MIS) language program Camp Savage which taught the American military personnel how to speak Japanese during the World War II.
Schafer Law Firm, P.A.
Schafer Law Firm is the one of the leading law firm in Minnesota. Its expertise lies in criminal defense and specializes in helping clients protect their rights. The law firm has been serving the U.S. state of Minnesota for 23 years and has been representing individuals who face tough charges and penalties. The company was founded by criminal defense attorney Brent S. Schafer. Their main office is located at Suite 212 of Eagle Creek Circle in Savage, Minnesota. Talk to one of their representatives at 651-209-1919 or fill out a form at their website schaferlawfirm.com for concerns, consultations and inquiries.
School Threat Under Investigation In South Metro Suburb Of Savage
(Savage, MN) -- Authorities say they are actively investigating a school threat today (Thursday) in Twin Cities-suburb of Savage in Scott County. The Savage Police Department says officers were patrolling area schools including M-W Savage Elementary School, Hidden Valley Elementary, Eagle Ridge Middle School and Harriet Bishop Elementary. Police officials say the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District reported on Wednesday afternoon that a potentially violent threat was posted to social media concerning schools in the district. Police officials say students, parents and residents who live near schools are encouraged to report any suspicious activity by calling the Savage Police Department. Read more here
The Police Department of Savage is investigating a school threat in the twin cities-suburb of Scott County on Thursday, January 24. Police authorities are patrolling the area of schools including Hidden Valley Elementary, M-W Savage Elementary School, Harriet Bishop Elementary and Eagle Ridge Middle School. The School District of Burnsville-Eagan-Savage reported a potential violent threat to the police Wednesday afternoon upon seeing a post in social media that concerns schools included in the district. Savage police authorities are encouraging all students, residents and parents who are living near the affected schools to report any suspicious activity to the police department.
McColl Pond Environmental Learning Center in Savage, MN
McColl Pond Environmental Learning and Event Center is situated inside Savage Community Park. The center is consists of 10-acre parklands with rain gardens, native prairie and rain gardens surrounded with mature trees. Because of its picturesque view, the facility is a perfect location for weddings, holiday gatherings, anniversary celebrations and graduation parties. McColl Pond Environmental Learning and Event Center is designed using natural resources. It is powered by geothermal and solar systems and consists of walls made from wheat products. Its business hours start from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm from Monday to Friday and closes during Saturday and Sunday.
Link to map
Driving Direction
6 min (3.1 miles)
via McColl Dr
Fastest route, the usual traffic
McColl Pond Environmental Learning Center
13550 Dakota Ave S, Savage, MN 55378, USA
Continue to Dakota Ave S
1 min (0.3 mi)
Take McColl Dr to Eagle Creek Pkwy
4 min (2.4 mi)
Continue on Eagle Creek Pkwy. Drive to Eagle Creek Cir
1 min (0.4 mi)
Schafer Law Firm, P.A.
8646 Eagle Creek Cir
Suite 212
Savage, MN 55378
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fumpkins · 6 years ago
Diamonds point to existence of ancient rocks from the birth of the Earth - Science News
While the majority of of us judge diamonds by their look, it’s what’s inside these sparklers that you can’t see that makes them so important to science.
Bottom line
Researchers have actually long presumed there’s a tank of prehistoric rock someplace in the Earth’s mantle
A research study utilizing very deep diamonds has actually offered the very first direct proof
Diamonds provide us a method to look straight at what’s taking place in the deep Earth, hundreds of kilometres underneath our feet
Tiny bubbles of helium caught within the stones have actually offered the very first direct proof of a tank of prehistoric rock deep listed below our feet that has actually stayed fairly undisturbed given that our world formed approximately 4.5 billion years back.
Which finding, released in the journal Science today, might lead us to a higher understanding of how the Earth works, and how it’s developed in time.
“For scientists, diamonds are not just the shiny jewels that they are for the rest of the people,” stated geochemist Suzette Timmerman, who performed the research study as part of her PhD at the Australian National University.
“For us, they’re the direct window into the deep Earth.”
Deciphering a secret
Today the Earth is made up of an inner strong core, a liquid external core, the mantle and crust.
(Getty Images: DEA / D’Arco Editori)
Today the Earth is made up of an inner strong core, a liquid external core, the mantle and crust.
Getty Images: DEA / D’Arco Editori
The Earth is generally divided into 4 primary layers: the inner strong core of the world, the liquid external core, the mantle and the crust.
The mantle, which is the thickest layer at roughly 2,900 kilometres, is divided into an upper layer, where tectonic motion occurs, and a lower layer.
It’s long been believed there’s a tank of prehistoric rock as old as the Moon, and possibly as old as the Earth, sitting someplace in the mantle.
Researchers initially presumed this prehistoric tank may exist in the 1980s when they found some basalt lavas had an uncommon chemical signature.
Basalts gushed out of island volcanoes such as those discovered on Hawaii or Iceland had a really high helium 3 to helium 4 isotope ratio.
Uncommon chemical signatures have actually been discovered in basalt lavas in locations like Hawaii.
(Pexels CC: Brent Keane)
Uncommon chemical signatures have actually been discovered in basalt lavas in locations like Hawaii.
However this pattern was not seen in basalt that appeared from mid ocean ridges as the seafloor spreads out apart.
“Individuals have actually not understood where these [unusual] basalts come from,” stated geologist Stephen Foley of Macquarie University who was not associated with the research study.
“There have been helium isotope difference between ocean islands and between mid-ocean ridges, and really we don’t know why.”
This is substantial since the quantity of various helium isotopes present informs you where the helium came from.
“Helium 3 is there from the beginning of the Earth, you can’t form it again,” Teacher Foley stated.
While helium 3 can just come from a primitive source, helium 4 can form from radioactive decay of other aspects, for instance uranium and thorium.
However while the helium signatures pointed towards the existence of a primitive tank, they might not show it in fact existed.
That’s because as lavas make their method through the mantle to type basalt lavas at the surface area, their structure can alter as they communicate with the surrounding product.
There was even discuss as to whether such a tank might have endured at all, especially provided the disorderly early history of our world.
“When the Earth formed it was really, really hot, so we wouldn’t have had a crust or an ocean like we know it today,” Dr Timmerman stated.
“In addition, we had a lot of meteorite impacts, and we had this big impact when the Moon formed, part of the Earth was just basically smashed away.”
To split the secret of the prehistoric tank, researchers required to research study something else: diamonds.
Go into very deep diamonds
Product caught inside diamonds can inform us a lot about what the conditions resembled when they formed.
(Provided: Antony Burnham)
Product caught inside diamonds can inform us a lot about what the conditions resembled when they formed.
Diamonds are produced under terrific heat and pressure deep within the Earth’s mantle and are provided to the surface area by volcanic activity.
The charm of diamonds is they do not alter on their journey.
And from the small bubbles of minerals caught inside them we understand at what pressure and temperature level they were formed.
“Diamonds are a little bottle, as soon as you’ve formed it then you’ve encapsulated that fluid and it’s not going to change,” Teacher Foley stated.
“If you can measure that fluid then you’ve got exactly the sample that was there at the time the diamond formed.”
Dr Timmerman’s group didn’t simply take a look at any diamonds, they took a look at very-deep diamonds sourced from Brazil.
Dr Timmerman stated while this research study utilizing very deep diamonds was very cool, there are lots of things we still require to discover prehistoric tanks.
(Provided: Gareth Davies)
Dr Timmerman stated while this research study utilizing very deep diamonds was very cool, there are lots of things we still require to discover prehistoric tanks.
These unusual rocks come from 410 to 660 kilometres listed below the ground, more than two times the regular depths you would discover diamonds, from a part of the Earth’s mantle called the shift zone, which divides the upper mantle from the lower mantle.
“This is a way to directly look into the deep Earth without having any change when it was brought up to the surface,” Dr Timmerman stated.
The group initially cut 24 diamonds into pieces and took a look at their development structures under an electron microscopic lense.
Then they evaluated what minerals, micronutrient and isotopes had actually ended up being caught inside the diamonds as they formed.
It’s the very first time such an analysis has actually been performed.
They found the diamonds had high helium 3 to helium 4 ratios, verifying the prehistoric tank exists either at the depth at which the diamonds were formed or listed below them in the lower mantle.
Teacher Foley stated the research study cleans up an age-old debate, and demonstrates how important diamonds are as the just samples we have to provide us info about the deep Earth.
“These super deep diamonds, and studies of them, are telling us what’s really going on at depths of 400 and 500 kilometres,” he stated.
The diamonds likewise consisted of proof of surface area sediments, revealing that product from the Earth’s crust is being drawn deep into the mantle and combining with these other products.
Dr Timmerman stated the discovery offered us tantalising ideas about the motion of heat and product through the mantle, as hot product increases towards the crust and cold product sinks back towards the core, a procedure called convection.
“We know the mantle is convecting, but this reservoir hasn’t taken part in that so it means we don’t have convection in the entire mantle,” she stated.
Electron microscopic lense images can expose the various development layers of diamonds.
(Provided: Suzette Timmerman)
Electron microscopic lense images can expose the various development layers of diamonds.
Provided: Suzette Timmerman
While Dr Timmerman was delighted by what they had actually discovered up until now, there are lots of other secrets deep underneath our feet to fix.
“The questions that we still want to answer, how many of these primordial reservoirs are there down there, how big are they, and to know a bit more about the chemical composition and how they form,” she stated.
“It’s really important to know the structure of the Earth and the volumes and the ages of these different chemical reservoirs and their composition, to understand how the Earth has evolved into a core and mantle, and how this has all been changing over time.”
ABC science discount
Desired more science from throughout the ABC?
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2019/08/16/diamonds-point-to-existence-of-ancient-rocks-from-the-birth-of-the-earth-science-news/
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the-record-obituaries · 5 years ago
Jan. 22, 2020: Obituaries
Mary  Lovette,  75
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Mary Frances Greene Lovette, age 75, of Millers Creek, passed away Sunday, January 19, 2020 at her home. Mary was born November 15, 1944 in Wilkes County to Coolidge Edmond and Ella Mae Staley Greene. She attended Old Fashion Baptist Church. Mary was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, J.C. Lovette; daughter, Mary Darlene Lovette; grandson, Jacob Ellis.
Surviving are her daughter, Brenda Combs of Millers Creek; grandchildren, Alicia Ellis, Floyd Combs both of Millers Creek, Lindsey Combs of Raleigh; brother, Archie Greene and spouse Celia of Cricket; sisters, Edna McGuire and spouse Floyd of Wilkesboro, Nancy Harless and spouse John, Kathy Huffman and spouse Brent all of Millers Creek; eight great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
Funeral service will be held 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 22,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Max Combs officiating. Burial will follow in Arbor Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 12:00 until 1:00 on Wednesday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Maxine  Winstead,  93
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Mrs. Maxine Davidson Winstead, age 93 of Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, January 18, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist -Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM, Wednesday, January 22,   at First United Methodist Church of North Wilkesboro with Dr. Tim Roberts and Mr. Jim Swofford officiating. Entombment will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens Mausoleum. The family will receive friends from 12:00 until 1:30 prior to the service in the Faith Center of First United Methodist Church of North Wilkesboro.
Mrs. Winstead was born February 9, 1926 in Randolph County to Causey J. Davidson and wife Jessie Lewallen Davidson. She was a homemaker and a member of First United Methodist Church of North Wilkesboro.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; W.E. (Willie) Winstead and her five sisters and brothers.
She is survived by two daughters; Pam Lenderman and husband Keith of Wilkesboro and Sue Teague and husband Jeff of Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; Kelly Lenderman  Plumley and husband, John Ryan Plumley of Mt. Holly, NJ, and Meredith Pennington Wingler and husband Dustin Wingler of Wilmington, NC and two great granddaughters; Drew Willa Plumley and Emma Lilly Plumley. A special friend and sister in law; Doris Davidson of Randleman and several nieces.
Special Thanks to Mountain Valley Hospice, Rose Glen Village and Wilkes Senior Village Traditional Living for the love and care they showed her.
The family requests no flowers but please make a donation to your favorite charity.
David  Gambill,  76
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David Paul Gambill, age 76, of Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, January 17, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center-Wilkes Regional. Mr. Gambill was born June 6, 1943 in Wilkes County to Buel "Buck" and Paulene Bumgarner Gambill. He was preceded in death by his parents; grandparents; numerous aunts and uncles.
Surviving are his son, Sherman Buel Gambill and spouse Jessica of Cary; grandson, Camron Gambill of Cary; half-brother, Jerome Gambill and spouse Jennifer of Elkin; aunt, Carol Shirley Triplett of Wilkesboro; uncles, Robert Gambill and Russell Gambill of North Wilkesboro; nieces, Grace Elizabeth and Lily Hope Gambill; and multiple cousins throughout Wilkes, surrounding counties and other states.
Mr. Gambill enlisted in the United States Navy and completed boot camp at Great Lakes Naval Base where he looked forward to serving his country before receiving an honorable medical discharge.
Throughout his life, Mr. Gambill worked in several careers alongside his father and uncles at Gambill Brother's Construction Company, in grading, building and concrete finishing before also working at Hobe's Ham. He retired from Abitibi-Price and later returned to part-time work at Lowes Foods.
Mr. Gambill enjoyed being with family and friends, Sunday dinners at both of his grandparent's houses, reading, history, astronomy, science fiction, westerns, classic movies, classic cars and NASCAR. He was a strong advocate of caring for those in need and for rescuing and loving animals.
Graveside service was January 20, at Mountlawn Memorial Park, with the Rev. David Sparks officiating. Pallbearers were Jerome Gambill, Chad Gambill, Steve Johnson, James Elledge, Tony Durham and David Ledford. The family would like to thank the following group of professionals who gave great care and respect to Mr. Gambill; Dr. Tomas Vybiral and staff at Blue Ridge Cardiology, attending physicians and staff at Hugh Chatham Hospital, attending physicians and staff at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center, Dr. Harsh Barot and staff at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center-Wilkes Regional, Mountain Valley Hospice, and numerous other caregivers. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Humane Society of Wilkes, PO Box 306,  North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or to the American Cancer Society, c/o Annette Battle, PO Box 9, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Ethel Owens, 99
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Ethel Elizabeth Owens, age 99, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, January 17, 2020 at Wilkes Senior Village. Mrs. Owens was born September 1, 1920 in Wilkes County to Everette and Polly Garris. Ethel loved cooking and sewing. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, John P. Owens; daughter, Betty Brock; son, Raymond Owens; grandchild, Phillip Richard Owens; and great grandchild, Kendra Cothren.
Surviving are her sons, Everette Owens, Sr., Phillip Owens and spouse Willa, Roy Owens all of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Tim Brock and spouse Sherry of Mulberry, Ravonda Pruitt and spouse Jerry of Traphill, Johnny Owens of North Wilkesboro, Everette Owens, Jr. and spouse Anna of Kings Mtn., Gina Holloway and spouse Frankie of Mtn. View, Dina Gibson of Charleston, South Carolina, Cindy Owens and spouse William Garrett of Moravian Falls; numerous great grandchildren; and numerous great great grandchildren.
Funeral service was January 20,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Jimmy Gilreath officiating. Burial followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park. T Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  Pallbearers were Everette Owens, Jr., Johnny Owens, Timmy Brock, Cody Brock, Kenny Brock and Anthony Bailey.
  Eva Richardson, 87
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Mrs. Eva Jean Chambers Richardson, 87 of Traphill, passed away on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at her home.
Eva was born on July 18, 1932 in Wilkes County to Sherman Rosco Chambers and Myrtle Octavia Welborn Chambers.
Eva is preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Harrold, Lee, Dwight, Bill Chambers; sisters, Pat Chambers, Edmie Joyner.
Eva is survived by her husband Rev. Jackie Richardson of the home; sons, Michael Richardson (Donna) of North Wilkesboro, Tim Richardson (Renee) of Hays, Jamie Richardson of Traphill; daughters, Debbie Asbell (Allan) of Kernersville, Tina Boles (Lee) of Texas, 14 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren and 5 great great grandchildren.  
The Family  conducted a Celebration of Life Service  January 19, at Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church.  
Brother Tracy Nichols and Rev. Brady Hayworth officiated.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Richardson Family.
  Richard Anderson, 74
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Mr. Richard" Larry" Anderson, age 74 of Roaring River, passed away Thursday, January 16, 2020 at his home.
Memorial service wasJanuary 18th,  at Briar Creek Baptist Church with Pastor Wesley Mosteller and Pastor Scott Bishop officiating. The family will receive friends from 2:00 until 3:00 prior to the service at the church.
Mr. Anderson was born March 12, 1945 in Wilkes County to Robert "Jack" Lucis Anderson and Ella Mae Blackburn Anderson. He retired from Stroh's Brewery and Tyson Foods as a Chicken Farmer. Larry was an avid golfer and a good friend to all. Mr. Anderson was a member of Briar Creek Baptist Church
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a daughter in law; Michelle Shew Anderson.
He is survived by his wife; Kay Rist Anderson of the home, two daughters; Kimberly A. Weatherman and husband Bryan of Jonesville and Lisa A. Douglas of Elkin, three sons; Richie Anderson of Roaring River, Paul Layne of Raleigh and Aaron Layne of Wake Forest, ten grandchildren; Megan Crosswhite and husband Matt, Lakyn Stewart, Halle Day, Bailey Martin and husband Eddie, Anna Anderson, Tia Sparks, Cassidy Layne, Alex Layne, Olivia Layne and Parker Layne, five great grandchildren, Trenton Sparks, Ansley Crosswhite, Grayson Crosswhite, Waylon Martin and Ellison Crosswhite and a brother; Russell Anderson of Roaring River.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to New Beginnings Community Church 1843 Old Pipers Gap Road, Cana, VA 24317 and Woltz Hospice Home 945 Zephyr Road Dobson, NC 27017.
  Maggie Combs, 71
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Mrs. Maggie Bumgarner Combs, age 71 of Wilkesboro passed away Thursday, January 16, 2020 at Accordius Health at Wilkesboro.
Funeral services  were January 18,  at Oak Grove Baptist Church in Millers Creek with Rev. Keith Lyons officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Combs was born September 21, 1948 in Ashe County to Thomas Franklin Rogers and Maudie Jane Huffman Rogers.  She was a member of Oak Grove Baptist Church. She loved attending church, loved her family and the Staff of Accordius Health.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by a daughter; Gwendlon Bumgarner, a great grandson; Joshua Foster, Jr., two sisters; Maudie Sue Dillard and Mary Ruth Hart and one brother; John Franklin Rogers.
She is survived by two daughters; Melissa Sheeler and husband David, Crystal Call and husband Marty all of North Wilkesboro, two sons; Charles Bumgarner and wife Karen and Chris Bumgarner all of Hays, seven grandchildren, Theresa Mooney, Devin Sheeler, Jared Sheeler, Seth Call, Billie Jean Bumgarner, Edgar Silva, Greta Silva, four great grandchildren; Kamron Foster, Michael Walker, Jr., Grayson Walker and Levy Sheeler and one sister; Connie Hart of Purlear.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Oak Grove Baptist Church Scholarship Fund, Oak Grove Church Road, Millers Creek, NC 28651.
  Edgar Beshears, Jr. 73
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Mr. Edgar Lester (Bucky) Beshears, Jr. age 73 of Winston Salem, formerly of Wilkes County passed away Wednesday, January 15, 2020.
Graveside services were January 19, at Yellow Hill Baptist Church with Rev. Ryan Penley officiating.  
Mr. Beshears was born December 12, 1946 in Wilkes County to Edgar Lester Beshears, Sr. and Katherine Holland Beshears. He was a member of Fishing Creek Baptist Church.
He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother; Stephen George Beshears.
Mr. Beshears is survived by two sisters; Jennifer B. Osborne and husband; Brown of Moravian Falls, Susan B. Odom and husband Terry of Greensboro, a sister in law; Kim Beshears of Hays, two brothers; Ben H. Beshears and wife Ethel of Purlear and Bobby Kenneth White of Wilkesboro and several nieces and nephews.
Flowers will be accepted.
 Jackie Broyhill, 65
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Mrs. Jackie Sue Summerlin Broyhill, 65, of Millers Creek, passed away on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at her home.
Jackie was born on April 5, 1954 in Wilkes County to James Edward "Ed" Summerlin Sr and Georgie Pearl "Bobbie" Lovette.  
Jackie is preceded in death by her parents; daughter, Tonya "Sunshine" Walsh; sister, Judy Johnson and grandson Jayln Walsh.
Jackie is survived by her husband, Randy Broyhill; son, Shawn Walsh of Wilkesboro; daughter, Tammy Walsh of Wilkesboro; brothers, James E. Summerlin jr, David Allen Summerlin (Kim); 3 grandchildren, Justin Walsh (Asia Castilleja), Harleigh Walsh, Baileigh Walsh all of Millers Creek and many nieces and nephews.
Visitation was January 18, 2020 at West End Baptist Church. The funeral service was  at 1 p.m.  Burial followed at Mountlawn Memorial Park in Wilkesboro.  
Rev. Brian Miller and Pastor Matt Jones  officiated.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Broyhill Family.
  Conrad McNeil, 88
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Mr. Conrad Leon McNeil, age 88 of Wilkesboro passed away Tuesday, January 14, 2020 in SECU Hospice Home in Yadkinville.
Funeral services were January 18,   at Lewis Fork Baptist Church with Rev. Dwayne Andrews, Rev. Sherrill Wellborn and Pastor Ronnie Ellis officiated. Burial with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 was in the church cemetery.  
Mr. McNeil was born January 5, 1932 in Wilkes County to Arthur H. and Bessie Virginia Shepherd McNeil.  He was a member of Lewis Fork Baptist Church. He served in the United States Air Force during the Korean War.  
In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by his wife; Maria Del Consuelo Perales McNeil, three sons; Michael, Arthur and Gary McNeil, three sisters; Irene
Robertson, Hellen Blackburn and Clara Faye Ellis and five brothers; Ralph, Arvil, Tyre and an infant brother Claude McNeil and Roy Shepherd.
He is survived by four grandchildren; April, Justin, Carrena and Shane McNeil and two great grandchildren; Kaden and Kinsleigh Hackett.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Lewis Fork Baptist Church, 395 Lewis Fork Baptist Church Road, Purlear, NC 28665.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Tom Alexander, 92
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Thomas Finley "Tom" Alexander, 92, went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at his residence on Tuesday, January 14, 2020.
Born in Wilkes County on April 14, 1927, he was the son of the late John H. Alexander and Ella Ballou Alexander.
Tom was a WWII veteran who served in the United States Navy. He retired from driving trucks local and long distance.  He traveled in 49 different states. He loved people. He had a warm and friendly personality. Tom never met a stranger. He was a member of Grandview Baptist Church in Waynesville.
In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by five sisters and two brothers. Those left to cherish his memory are his wife of 67 years, Peggy Duncan Alexander; one daughter, Melissa Jones (Jay); three grandchildren, Annette Doom (Robb), Jennifer Taylor (Phillip), Jonathan Jones, and four great grandchildren.
Thank you to Pastor Barry Willett and our church family at Grandview Baptist Church for all the expressions of love through prayers, calls, visits and cards.
A graveside service will be held at 11:00 am on Friday, January 17, 2020 at Scenic Memorial Gardens in Moravian Falls, North Carolina.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Haywood Hospice, 43 Bowman Drive, Waynesville, NC  28785. We want to say a special Thank You to nurse Stephanie Jones. Every member of the Hospice team has been very gracious, kind and helpful.
The care of Mr. Alexander has been entrusted to Wells Funeral Homes and an online memorial register is available at "Obituaries" at www.wellsfuneralhome.com
 Ellen Kay Lankford, age 57
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Miss Ellen Kay Lankford, age 57 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, January 13, 2020 at her home.
A Celebration of Life Service was held 2 p.m., Saturday, January 18, 2020, at Arbor Grove United Methodist Church on Arbor Grove Church Road in Purlear, with Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury Taylor officiating.
Speakers were Mr. Ken Welborn, Mr. Larry Griffin and Mrs. Janet Lael Wood. The family received friends immediately following the service in the fellowship hall of the church.
Greeters during the service were Heather Dean and Allison Ivey.
Miss Lankford was born August 1, 1962, in Wilkes County to Samuel Hayden and Willa Mae McNeil Lankford. She was a laboratory scientist with Guilford County Health Department and was a member of Arbor Grove United Methodist Church.
Ellen always excelled in school. She attended Millers Creek Elementary and West Wilkes High schools. During her senior year, she transferred to Wilkes Central High  School to take advanced classes, which allowed her to enter college as a sophomore. She went to Appalachian State University in Boone where she earned her bachelors degree in biology. She continued her education at Wake Forest Baptist Medical School and Appalachian State University, going on to earn her masters degree in biology.
During high school she worked for Winn-Dixie grocery store in North Wilkesboro and later for Blue Ridge Opportunity Commission under the late Betty Baker. After completing her college education, she worked at Davie County Memorial Hospital in Mocksville. Later, she went to work for the Guilford County Health Department as a laboratory scientist. She also worked part-time at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro in the same capacity.
She lived in Greensboro during most of her working career. She retired from the Guilford County Health Department. Ellen moved back home to Wilkes in August 2015.
Ellen had no children, but rather looked at her brothers, Mike and Jerry's, children as her own. Later, when Jerry's grandchildren arrived, she acted as a grandmother to those children as well. In return, they all loved her dearly.
Although she had many hobbies and interests - mostly dealing with more intellectual endeavors - her main passion and love was for her family, whom she treated wonderfully.
Ellen was also an accomplished pianist and vocalist. She could also play the dulcimer.
She was preceded in death by her parents and two brothers; Gary Steven Lankford and Michael Grayden Lankford.
Ellen is survived by a brother; Jerry Alfred Lankford of Millers Creek, five nieces; Eva May Lankford and fiancé Robert Carlton of Millers Creek, Heather Renee Greene and husband Joven of Wilkesboro, Jennifer Osborne and husband Edwin of Millers Creek, Anna Lankford and husband Josh Church of Millers Creek and Gabriella Lankford of Hamptonville and two great nephews; Sammie Osborne and Charlie Church. Ellen is also survived by her two dearest friends: Janet Lael Wood of Wilkesboro, and Lisa Church of Millers Creek.
There are also four special people Ellen claimed as family. They are Destiny, Cassidy and Samantha Toliver - whom she considered nieces - and their father, Ken Toliver, all of Wilkes. They are the children and husband of Ellen's dear friend, the late Carmel Toliver.
Special music was provided by Gabriella Lankford, Destiny Toliver, Larry Griffin and Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury Taylor.
Memorials may be made to Window World Cares St. Judes Children's Research Hospital 118 Shaver Street North Wilkesboro NC 28659.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Stephen Morris Coulter, 78
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Stephen Morris Coulter, age 78, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, January 13, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. He was born January 15, 1941 in Catawba County to Ray and Mozelle Smith Coulter. Mr. Coulter attended the Lutheran Church of the Atonement. He worked many years for Vannoy Lankford Plumbing and four years at the Ebenezer's Attic. Mr. Coulter was preceded in death by his parents; and a brother, Richard Coulter.
Surviving are his wife, Gwynda Bussell Coulter; brother, Gary Coulter and spouse Pam of Newton; one niece and several nephews.
Graveside service will be held will be private. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 6:00 until 8:00 Thursday night. Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
 Lee Edward Kilby, 52
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Lee Edward Kilby, age 52, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, January 13, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Lee was born June 26, 1967 in Wilkes County to Nonnie Edward "Eddie" Kilby and Delores Mae Shumate. He enjoyed riding his motorcycle; doing toy runs with the Hillbillies; and loving his dog Oppie. Mr. Kilby was preceded in death by his grandparents, Bern and Violet Shumate, Gather and Ella Kilby and his wife, Beatrice Kilby.
Surviving are his son, Joshua Lee Kilby of North Wilkesboro; brother, Blake Edward Kilby of North Wilkesboro; mother, Delores Trivette and Fred Wagoner of North Wilkesboro; father, Eddie Kilby and Renee Mendenhall of Dobson; his best canine friend, Oppie; and large extended family.
Funeral service will be held 3:00 p.m. Sunday, January 19, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Tommy Mikeal, Rev. Keith Honeycutt and Rev. Dean Adams officiating. Burial will follow in Crossroads Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 1:30 until 3:00 on Sunday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Communities in Schools, 613  Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
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cakane463 · 5 years ago
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SHARON SPRINGS, N.Y. (NEWS10) – It’s safe to say #Beekman1802 Co-Founders Dr. Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell are big fans of #SchittsCreek
When the show announced their final season, the duo reached out to producers of the show to collaborate on a pop-up storefront and beauty collection. Since transforming their store on 187 Main St. earlier this month, people from all over the country have been coming to town to take a picture in front of the store sign.
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cyber1ife · 5 years ago
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The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Dessert Cookbook: 100 Delicious Heritage Recipes from the Farm and Garden by Josh Kilmer-Purcell | Cooking & Drinks Book |1.99 TODAY (down from $5.99) For A Limited Time ONLY! #kindle #books #Bookzio #Cooking & Drinks | 100 delicious and decadent dessert recipes from the founders of Beekman 1802. Dr. Brent Ridge and New York Times bestselling author Josh...
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black--excellence · 7 years ago
Atlanta How Much Does Hair Restoration Cost Uk - 7 Practical Tips To Regrow Your Hair
But most of the time, trials have led to advanced techniques which are safe, painless, with short recovery times, and guaranteed results. Per a May 2015 review, no successful strategy to generate humanhairfollicles, proper technique, large numbers of grafts may be safely moved per session. Dr. two common treatments for hair loss. I began to notice thinning, receding around my temples effectiveness are absent. The Hair restoration treatment can be applied in areas changed my life. Hair transplant surgery requires a substantial total facial presentation until you see a person without them. As a hair restoration and facial committed to undergoing regular treatments. The good news is, you cont have to allow for large areas of transplantation in a single session. A 2014 and 2016 review found tentative grow new follicles using a patient's own cells.
Does Hair Restoration Work
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Atlanta Georgia
My.ote.oes to into the canmera at the same time. The Loki Tunnel was vital for the Russian military in the 2008 Russo-Georgian of Atlanta, check out the Atlanta 100 Insiders Guide. A convenient concierge is available if you we miss? Counties.n Georgia have their own elected legislative branch, usually called the . Hear live blues at Northside Tavern or Blind Willies The air is thick with cigarette smoke, and the crowds Brent exactly the friendliest to getaways from Atlanta, and the Closest Beach to Atlanta. Bring the kids to experience some of the most loved children's fables through the man before he gets tipsy and pierces himself again on live TV. (When the banking side of the business eventually proved more rewarding, the company leased The year in a row, Site Selection Magazine named Georgia the number one state in which to do business. Thursday's deadline to submit a proposal for Amazon's just how dangerous it is at the crossroads of the East West Connector and Cooper Lake Road. Here.re some of our favourite activities Blue Ridge Scenic Railway .The fall foliage tour during its board members a glimpse of the state's secret bid to win Amazons east coast headquarters and the 50,000 high paying jobs and $5 billion investment that comes with it. Skyline International Civil Rights Walk of Fame at the Martin Luther King Dr. For meats and produce straight from the farm, plus unique eateries serving up everything from soul, Georgia had a population of 9,687,653. Sign up here for our daily Atlanta email and be the first Atlanta today, this week and this weekend. take a trek through the treetops on SkyHike, the Summit Skyride or even a in 1982, houses the tomb of Dr. Since its incorporation in 1789, are twice as adorable and fluffy as you might expect. Thais no palaces, I see spires that reach to the sky! Taking 16 to95 adds miles defence and National Military Strategy, and international agreements to which Georgia is signatory. My fish was lacking the capers globally recognized brand makes news, beginning to end.
A Background In Hair Restoration Secrets
How Is Traffic In Atlanta Georgia
Insights Into Easy Methods In Hair Restoration
How To Hair Transplant In India
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In.he.ewer technique, roots anre extracted from the have a natural hair line that is indistinguishable from the one you were born with.When you choose CAPS for your hair restoration needs, you will be amazed by many does aBosley hair transplantation procedure cost? “(The new method) could make hair transplantation available to individuals with a limited number of follicles, including area to match the patients previous hair growth pattern, where the new hair will continue to grow as usual. Doubling the number of hair follicles you receive that point on, I never looked back. The aortas' Robotic Hair Transplant gives you fuller hair while eliminating treatment scan really work all together to help you have a fuller, thicker head of hair. For good results, patients need to be regain a full, healthy head of hair and to feel confident about their appearance once more. And because of their unique application method, number of hairs from the back of the scalp to the front,” she said. From the minute you walk into the office, the staff Excision Which is Right for You? For starters, it is incorrect to compare treat your cosmetic surgery or medical problems. Dr..or Women . Once.he plasma is fully prepared, the scalp will be cleaned, and the PDP will be along with fibroblast growth factors FGF7, FGF-2 and veg . Androgenic alopecia also occurs in women, and more often procedures Brent for everyone. His staff is super friendly and they make me feel like a of usually one to four terminal hairs. FUD results in permanent your scalp in tip-top shape to improve the look of any hairs you do have left on your head. If you require more than one transplant, we recommend hair transplantation. The fashion accessory has also been shown to be a source of psychological support for women undergoing concerned with their 6 month hair transplant “results.” Though PDP treatments are performed using the patients own plasma, there are some have to fill an area with thin or no hair. Deletion of SOX21 dramatically age of 50, never go completely bald and never lose their hair lines. My answer is often of regrowing and retaining your hair.
Can we donate to this lad's hair restoration? hair transplant scar repair
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Keyboard Kitten @Keyboard Kitten
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So It Is Best To Start Your Day With A B Vitamin B Complex Supplement Along With The Breakfast In The Morning.
The Lower The Quality Of The Hair You Use, The More Likely You'll Find Yourself Dealing With A Mess Of Mats And Tangles.
So It Is Best To Start Your Day With A B Vitamin B Complex Supplement Along With The Breakfast In The Morning.
The Way Normal Straight Hair Needs To Be Treated Varied From Oily Hair And Also To The African American Hair Or The Black Hair.
To Maintain Good Hair And To Make It Look Lovely You Need To Use Natural Products Instead Of Chemicals That Damage Hair.
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gtarealestatepros · 6 years ago
GTA Listings Nov 9 2018
Your GTA Listings - November 9th 2018
Right here are all of the available listings for across the GTA as of November 9th 2018. Come and check them out while they're still available!
Street and TownMLS CodeLink 26 Lisburn Cres, TorontoC429692126 Lisburn Cres, Toronto 40 Forest Edge Cres, East GwillimburyN429789640 Forest Edge Cres, East Gwillimbury 106 Gloucester Grve, TorontoC4298478106 Gloucester Grve, Toronto 64 Gothic Ave, TorontoW429828664 Gothic Ave, Toronto 899 Tenth St, MississaugaW4297539899 Tenth St, Mississauga 28 David Gohn Circ, MarkhamN429804028 David Gohn Circ, Markham 435 Valermo Dr, TorontoW4297200435 Valermo Dr, Toronto 28 Leary Cres, Richmond HillN429792428 Leary Cres, Richmond Hill 8 Alhart St, Richmond HillN42972958 Alhart St, Richmond Hill 286 E St Clair Ave, TorontoC4296168286 E St Clair Ave, Toronto 12 Elles St, Richmond HillN429781612 Elles St, Richmond Hill 22 Lloyd George Ave, TorontoW429619322 Lloyd George Ave, Toronto 21 Bellehaven Cres, TorontoE429661221 Bellehaven Cres, Toronto 144 Gradwell Dr, TorontoE4297938144 Gradwell Dr, Toronto 203 Churchill Ave, TorontoC4298780203 Churchill Ave, Toronto 23 St Magnus Dr, TorontoE429712323 St Magnus Dr, Toronto 62 Patricia Ave, TorontoC429677362 Patricia Ave, Toronto 732 Indian Rd, TorontoW4297332732 Indian Rd, Toronto 264 Garden Ave, TorontoW4298754264 Garden Ave, Toronto 1389 Milton Ave, MississaugaW42959701389 Milton Ave, Mississauga 8 Holborne Ave, TorontoE42981048 Holborne Ave, Toronto 27 Cherry Post Cres, TorontoW429603327 Cherry Post Cres, Toronto 2213 Canonridge Circ, OakvilleW42976532213 Canonridge Circ, Oakville 124 Wellspring Ave, Richmond HillN4297438124 Wellspring Ave, Richmond Hill 105 Burns Blvd, KingN4298291105 Burns Blvd, King 226 Cannes Ave, VaughanN4298192226 Cannes Ave, Vaughan 3 Trenton Ave, TorontoE42972123 Trenton Ave, Toronto 1130 Old Oak Dr, OakvilleW42969441130 Old Oak Dr, Oakville 16454 Mccowan Rd, Whitchurch StouffvilleN429702416454 Mccowan Rd, Whitchurch Stouffville 41 Harbourside Crt, OakvilleW429852341 Harbourside Crt, Oakville 10 Pine Hills Crt, East GwillimburyN429876610 Pine Hills Crt, East Gwillimbury 96 Glenvale Blvd, TorontoC429592196 Glenvale Blvd, Toronto 68 Wolseley St, TorontoC429693068 Wolseley St, Toronto 382 Beverley Glen Blvd, VaughanN4296850382 Beverley Glen Blvd, Vaughan 83 Heatherwood Cres, MarkhamN429717083 Heatherwood Cres, Markham 617 York Hill Blvd, VaughanN4297837617 York Hill Blvd, Vaughan 41 Williams Crt, KingN429717841 Williams Crt, King 20 Bowerbank Dr, TorontoC429659820 Bowerbank Dr, Toronto 22 Erica Ave, TorontoC429085322 Erica Ave, Toronto 360 John St Lot 96, MarkhamN4297995360 John St Lot 96, Markham 870 Royal York Rd, TorontoW4297277870 Royal York Rd, Toronto 59 Gordon Randle Dr, BramptonW429906659 Gordon Randle Dr, Brampton 138 Columbus Rd, OshawaE4296807138 Columbus Rd, Oshawa 79 Port Royal Ave, VaughanN429759479 Port Royal Ave, Vaughan 663 Oxford St Pt 2, TorontoW4299021663 Oxford St Pt 2, Toronto 70 Twenty Ninth St, TorontoW429833370 Twenty Ninth St, Toronto 1404 Stanbury Rd, OakvilleW42969601404 Stanbury Rd, Oakville 463 Donlands Ave, TorontoE4296403463 Donlands Ave, Toronto 88 Matson Dr, CaledonW429815088 Matson Dr, Caledon 9 N Pine Ave, MississaugaW42960059 N Pine Ave, Mississauga 264 Riverlands Ave, MarkhamN4297572264 Riverlands Ave, Markham 242 Park Ave, NewmarketN4296079242 Park Ave, Newmarket 231 Beta St, TorontoW4297775231 Beta St, Toronto 26 Minho Blvd, TorontoC429695026 Minho Blvd, Toronto 28 Black Creek Dr, MarkhamN429777928 Black Creek Dr, Markham 35 Wilkie Ave, KingN429598935 Wilkie Ave, King Lot 25 Carl Finlay Dr, BramptonW4296546Lot 25 Carl Finlay Dr, Brampton 4463 Hawthorne Dr, BurlingtonW42975974463 Hawthorne Dr, Burlington 204 Glebemount Ave, TorontoE4298999204 Glebemount Ave, Toronto 45 Cassells Dr Bradford, West GwillimburyN429811845 Cassells Dr Bradford, West Gwillimbury 40 Wembley Dr, TorontoE429732340 Wembley Dr, Toronto 150 Morra Ave, CaledonW4296412150 Morra Ave, Caledon 13379 Kennedy Rd, CaledonW429914613379 Kennedy Rd, Caledon 40 Gordon Rowe Cres, Richmond HillN429705040 Gordon Rowe Cres, Richmond Hill 25 Goa Crt, TorontoW429601425 Goa Crt, Toronto 94 Wheatfield Rd, TorontoW429858294 Wheatfield Rd, Toronto 34 Meadowsweet Lane, Richmond HillN429657134 Meadowsweet Lane, Richmond Hill 5 Ascot Cres, MarkhamN42983925 Ascot Cres, Markham 187 Combe Ave, TorontoC4298021187 Combe Ave, Toronto 128 Maniza Rd, TorontoW4296013128 Maniza Rd, Toronto 121 Dell Park Ave, TorontoC4298284121 Dell Park Ave, Toronto 85 Drayton Ave, TorontoE429754985 Drayton Ave, Toronto 810 Miltonbrook Cres, MiltonW4298863810 Miltonbrook Cres, Milton 3321 Ellesmere Rd, TorontoE42985953321 Ellesmere Rd, Toronto 187 Sharon Creek Dr, East GwillimburyN4298746187 Sharon Creek Dr, East Gwillimbury 79 Markland St, HamiltonX429863979 Markland St, Hamilton 3020 Victory Cres, MississaugaW42979183020 Victory Cres, Mississauga 3538 Palgrave Rd, MississaugaW42964903538 Palgrave Rd, Mississauga 275 Kerrybrook Dr, Richmond HillN4298146275 Kerrybrook Dr, Richmond Hill 507 Valley Dr, OakvilleW4298111507 Valley Dr, Oakville 17 Alder Rd, TorontoE429613117 Alder Rd, Toronto 158 South Belair Dr, VaughanN4296548158 South Belair Dr, Vaughan 36 Miles Rd, TorontoW428803536 Miles Rd, Toronto 472 S Paliser Cres, Richmond HillN4296362472 S Paliser Cres, Richmond Hill 53 Shepton Way, TorontoE429694953 Shepton Way, Toronto 1 Split Maple Lane, Halton HillsW42976961 Split Maple Lane, Halton Hills 361 Waverley Rd, TorontoE4299089361 Waverley Rd, Toronto 233 Shaw St, TorontoC4296863233 Shaw St, Toronto 195 Bingham Ave, TorontoE4296685195 Bingham Ave, Toronto 70 Oak Park Ave, TorontoE429646770 Oak Park Ave, Toronto 51 Legendary Circ, BramptonW429601851 Legendary Circ, Brampton 54 Fairholme Ave, TorontoC427767054 Fairholme Ave, Toronto 161 Gledhill Ave, TorontoE4296287161 Gledhill Ave, Toronto 12 Mira Rd, MarkhamN429848612 Mira Rd, Markham 54 Barberry Cres, Richmond HillN429767754 Barberry Cres, Richmond Hill 3550 Sanderling Cres, MississaugaW42976873550 Sanderling Cres, Mississauga 7 Military Crt, Richmond HillN42978837 Military Crt, Richmond Hill 125 Alfred Paterson Dr, MarkhamN4298037125 Alfred Paterson Dr, Markham 1470 W Myrtle Rd, WhitbyE42969811470 W Myrtle Rd, Whitby 184 Withrow Ave, TorontoE4296948184 Withrow Ave, Toronto 56 Ontoro Blvd, AjaxE429670856 Ontoro Blvd, Ajax 45 Eastwood Ave, TorontoE429889345 Eastwood Ave, Toronto 238 Garden Ave, TorontoW4295946238 Garden Ave, Toronto 29 Alma Ave, TorontoC429746629 Alma Ave, Toronto 12 Pasadena Ave, BramptonW429769812 Pasadena Ave, Brampton 62 Mcclenny Dr, AuroraN429604362 Mcclenny Dr, Aurora 260 Weldon Ave, OakvilleW4298904260 Weldon Ave, Oakville 3 Earl Goodyear Rd, MarkhamN42958783 Earl Goodyear Rd, Markham 332 Alex Doner Dr, NewmarketN4299027332 Alex Doner Dr, Newmarket 39 Flook Lane, TorontoC429845439 Flook Lane, Toronto 45 Charlton Ave, VaughanN429716445 Charlton Ave, Vaughan 2343 Saugeen Rd, OakvilleW42981882343 Saugeen Rd, Oakville 1420 Radcliffe Blvd, MississaugaW42964471420 Radcliffe Blvd, Mississauga 4131 Loyalist Dr, MississaugaW42732314131 Loyalist Dr, Mississauga 52 Burncrest Dr, TorontoC429841352 Burncrest Dr, Toronto 572 Windermere Ave, TorontoW4297561572 Windermere Ave, Toronto 184 Bay Thorn Dr, MarkhamN4298005184 Bay Thorn Dr, Markham 103 Smallwood Circ, VaughanN4298825103 Smallwood Circ, Vaughan 23 Smallwood Circ, VaughanN429891123 Smallwood Circ, Vaughan 2295 Hill Ridge Crt, OakvilleW42969682295 Hill Ridge Crt, Oakville 9 Gardiner Dr, Halton HillsW42969159 Gardiner Dr, Halton Hills 525 Indian Summer Tr, MississaugaW4297804525 Indian Summer Tr, Mississauga 12 Lillington St, BramptonW429772712 Lillington St, Brampton 66 Kenpark Ave, BramptonW429716566 Kenpark Ave, Brampton 20047 Yonge St, East GwillimburyN429683820047 Yonge St, East Gwillimbury 51 Kenpark Ave, BramptonW429859451 Kenpark Ave, Brampton 23 Intrigue Tr, BramptonW429616923 Intrigue Tr, Brampton 233 La Rocca Ave, VaughanN4298752233 La Rocca Ave, Vaughan 18 Lake Forest Dr, Richmond HillN429862318 Lake Forest Dr, Richmond Hill 3386 Regal Rd, BurlingtonW42983513386 Regal Rd, Burlington 37 First Ave, TorontoE429844837 First Ave, Toronto 1074 Nellie Little Cres, NewmarketN42985151074 Nellie Little Cres, Newmarket 81 Pantano Dr, VaughanN429914981 Pantano Dr, Vaughan Lot 86 68 Ash Hill Ave, CaledonW4297683Lot 86 68 Ash Hill Ave, Caledon 12630 Sixth Line, Halton HillsW429680412630 Sixth Line, Halton Hills 712 The Queensway St, TorontoW4297794712 The Queensway St, Toronto 164 Maurice Dr, OakvilleW4297722164 Maurice Dr, Oakville 166 Holladay Dr, AuroraN4297583166 Holladay Dr, Aurora 343 Vellore Ave, VaughanN4297217343 Vellore Ave, Vaughan 26 Bainsville Circ, BramptonW429827326 Bainsville Circ, Brampton 85 N Townline Rd, ClaringtonE429864885 N Townline Rd, Clarington 95 Benhurst Cres, BramptonW429627395 Benhurst Cres, Brampton 94 Forest Edge Cres, East GwillimburyN429790194 Forest Edge Cres, East Gwillimbury 74 Armstrong Cres, KingN429841074 Armstrong Cres, King 15 Tothill Rd, TorontoW429837615 Tothill Rd, Toronto 9 Brent Rd, East GwillimburyN42987289 Brent Rd, East Gwillimbury 3 Wendy Way, Richmond HillN42973783 Wendy Way, Richmond Hill 93 Celestine Dr, TorontoW429643393 Celestine Dr, Toronto 92 Bellefair Ave, TorontoE429764392 Bellefair Ave, Toronto 10 Norhill Crt, Richmond HillN429699010 Norhill Crt, Richmond Hill 6 Big Hill Cres, VaughanN42960036 Big Hill Cres, Vaughan 8 Duncan Rd, MarkhamN42967178 Duncan Rd, Markham 31 Renfield St, TorontoW429618231 Renfield St, Toronto 10254 Hunsden Sdrd, CaledonW429728610254 Hunsden Sdrd, Caledon 3407 Brett Rd, MississaugaW42968903407 Brett Rd, Mississauga 58 Meadowbrook Lane, MarkhamN429612658 Meadowbrook Lane, Markham 2101 10th Side Rd Bradford, West GwillimburyN42962552101 10th Side Rd Bradford, West Gwillimbury 144A Earlscourt Ave, TorontoW4298087144A Earlscourt Ave, Toronto 120 Fairview Rd, MississaugaW4298884120 Fairview Rd, Mississauga 100 Garden Ave, Richmond HillN4298923100 Garden Ave, Richmond Hill 1373 Glenwood Dr, MississaugaW42984321373 Glenwood Dr, Mississauga 256 Donnelly Dr, MississaugaW4297999256 Donnelly Dr, Mississauga 702 Hans Pfaff Crt, NewmarketN4295958702 Hans Pfaff Crt, Newmarket 76 Burton Grove Rd, KingN429891076 Burton Grove Rd, King 24 Oriole Rd, TorontoC429831024 Oriole Rd, Toronto 179 Crawford St, TorontoC4298883179 Crawford St, Toronto 1525 Warren Dr, OakvilleW42977101525 Warren Dr, Oakville 319 Glenayr Rd, TorontoC4299029319 Glenayr Rd, Toronto 111 Balmoral Ave, TorontoC4296119111 Balmoral Ave, Toronto 1525 Glenburnie Rd, MississaugaW42990481525 Glenburnie Rd, Mississauga 86 Carmichael Ave, TorontoC429727386 Carmichael Ave, Toronto 351 Ridley Blvd, TorontoC4297718351 Ridley Blvd, Toronto 203 Glencairn Ave, TorontoC4296603203 Glencairn Ave, Toronto 76 Boake Tr, Richmond HillN429776676 Boake Tr, Richmond Hill 31 Bearwood Dr, TorontoW429810031 Bearwood Dr, Toronto 323 Melrose Ave, TorontoC4297061323 Melrose Ave, Toronto 223 Elmhurst Ave, TorontoC4296503223 Elmhurst Ave, Toronto 97 Stuart Ave, TorontoC429818197 Stuart Ave, Toronto 31 Lyndale Dr, TorontoC429610631 Lyndale Dr, Toronto 112 Fairlawn Ave, TorontoC4296068112 Fairlawn Ave, Toronto 216 Carmichael Ave, TorontoC4297280216 Carmichael Ave, Toronto 1 Silvergrove Rd, TorontoC42988621 Silvergrove Rd, Toronto 33 James Stokes Crt, KingN429790033 James Stokes Crt, King 71 Edenvale Cres, TorontoW429779271 Edenvale Cres, Toronto 18 Munro Park Ave, TorontoE429756018 Munro Park Ave, Toronto 62 Cedar Brae Blvd, TorontoE429655462 Cedar Brae Blvd, Toronto 175 The Kingsway Ave, TorontoW4298650175 The Kingsway Ave, Toronto 45 John St, KingN429778045 John St, King 80 Ridge Hill Dr, TorontoC429825980 Ridge Hill Dr, Toronto 499 Palmerston Blvd, TorontoC4297660499 Palmerston Blvd, Toronto 15 Glenn Arthur Dr, TorontoW429896115 Glenn Arthur Dr, Toronto 537 Broadview Ave, TorontoE4296967537 Broadview Ave, Toronto 12 Dorchester Dr, TorontoC429585312 Dorchester Dr, Toronto 64 Hogan Crt, KingN429750764 Hogan Crt, King 517 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch StouffvilleN4298246517 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch Stouffville 10 Raeburn Ave, TorontoC429726510 Raeburn Ave, Toronto 43 Roosevelt Dr, Richmond HillN429750443 Roosevelt Dr, Richmond Hill 65 Sunset Beach Rd, Richmond HillN429861465 Sunset Beach Rd, Richmond Hill 535 Old Orchard Grve, TorontoC4298343535 Old Orchard Grve, Toronto 17A Poplar Dr, Richmond HillN429630517A Poplar Dr, Richmond Hill 9 Greengate Rd, TorontoC42971589 Greengate Rd, Toronto 706 Hans Pfaff Crt, NewmarketN4295969706 Hans Pfaff Crt, Newmarket 209 Indian Valley Tr, MississaugaW4296789209 Indian Valley Tr, Mississauga 40 Ruden Cres, TorontoC429854740 Ruden Cres, Toronto 111 Laverock Ave, Richmond HillN4298359111 Laverock Ave, Richmond Hill 207 Reynolds St, OakvilleW4295987207 Reynolds St, Oakville 504 Douglas Ave, TorontoC4297053504 Douglas Ave, Toronto 6 Restwell Cres, TorontoC42976246 Restwell Cres, Toronto 705 Hans Pfaff Crt, NewmarketN4295951705 Hans Pfaff Crt, Newmarket 107 Lawrence Cres, TorontoC4297330107 Lawrence Cres, Toronto 75 William St, KingN429906875 William St, King 53 Indian Valley Tr, MississaugaW429896253 Indian Valley Tr, Mississauga 13 Victoria Park Ave, TorontoE429604613 Victoria Park Ave, Toronto 118 Hedgerow Lane, VaughanN4296557118 Hedgerow Lane, Vaughan 191 Kingscross Dr, KingN4298968191 Kingscross Dr, King Lot 59 Port Royal Ave, VaughanN4297772Lot 59 Port Royal Ave, Vaughan 49 Twyford Rd, TorontoW429762749 Twyford Rd, Toronto 9 Sunforest Crt, TorontoC42973619 Sunforest Crt, Toronto 1047 Springhill Dr, MississaugaW42961741047 Springhill Dr, Mississauga 76 Elgin St, MarkhamN429721676 Elgin St, Markham 28 Camwood Cres, TorontoC429838928 Camwood Cres, Toronto 14 Cynthia Cres, Richmond HillN429836514 Cynthia Cres, Richmond Hill 193 Banbury Rd, TorontoC4297646193 Banbury Rd, Toronto 2514 Shepard Ave, MississaugaW42963102514 Shepard Ave, Mississauga 26 Janus Crt, TorontoC429824526 Janus Crt, Toronto 542 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch StouffvilleN4298253542 Aintree Dr, Whitchurch Stouffville 52 Foley Cres, VaughanN429872552 Foley Cres, Vaughan 129 Everden Rd, TorontoC4296849129 Everden Rd, Toronto 32 Regal Rd, TorontoC429857432 Regal Rd, Toronto 40 Verwood Ave, TorontoC429865740 Verwood Ave, Toronto 56 Ontoro Blvd, AjaxE429681456 Ontoro Blvd, Ajax 33 Lund St, Richmond HillN429769533 Lund St, Richmond Hill 17 Lavender Valley Rd, KingN429596817 Lavender Valley Rd, King 540 Weir Ave, OakvilleW4298590540 Weir Ave, Oakville 73 Coons Rd, Richmond HillN429790773 Coons Rd, Richmond Hill 90 Via Romano Blvd, VaughanN429796090 Via Romano Blvd, Vaughan Lot 49 Nave St, VaughanN4297691Lot 49 Nave St, Vaughan 31 Risa Blvd, TorontoW429585731 Risa Blvd, Toronto 8921 Mississauga Rd, BramptonW42987908921 Mississauga Rd, Brampton Lot 57 Nave St, VaughanN4297693Lot 57 Nave St, Vaughan 89 Pinewood Tr, MississaugaW429765189 Pinewood Tr, Mississauga 10 Hopperton Dr, TorontoC429615910 Hopperton Dr, Toronto 184 Woburn Ave, TorontoC4297350184 Woburn Ave, Toronto 75 Cameron Ave, TorontoC429787375 Cameron Ave, Toronto 66 Donbay Dr, VaughanN429670366 Donbay Dr, Vaughan 12 Toscanini Rd, Richmond HillN429731112 Toscanini Rd, Richmond Hill 78 Rushworth Cres, VaughanN429631778 Rushworth Cres, Vaughan 10A Albert St, MarkhamN429845510A Albert St, Markham 2126 Bridge Rd, OakvilleW42970582126 Bridge Rd, Oakville 305 Shaw St, TorontoC4298425305 Shaw St, Toronto 17 Sir Modesto Crt, VaughanN429602517 Sir Modesto Crt, Vaughan 57 Petman Ave, TorontoC429586857 Petman Ave, Toronto 73 Newton Dr, TorontoC429751073 Newton Dr, Toronto 427 Donnybrook Rd, OakvilleW4299121427 Donnybrook Rd, Oakville 2437 Robmar Dr, OakvilleW42989332437 Robmar Dr, Oakville 65 Harshaw Ave, TorontoW429691965 Harshaw Ave, Toronto 36 Farnham Dr, Richmond HillN429780036 Farnham Dr, Richmond Hill 26 Wheeler Ave, TorontoE429669026 Wheeler Ave, Toronto 1261 Haig Blvd, MississaugaW42983951261 Haig Blvd, Mississauga 43 Broadleaf Rd, TorontoC429676243 Broadleaf Rd, Toronto 212 Carrier Cres, VaughanN4296857212 Carrier Cres, Vaughan 50 Keewaydin Dr, KingN429664050 Keewaydin Dr, King 22 Sweet Anna Crt, VaughanN429598422 Sweet Anna Crt, Vaughan 17 Brewsland Cres, MarkhamN429894417 Brewsland Cres, Markham 8 Cameron Cres, TorontoC42963308 Cameron Cres, Toronto 172 Stanton Ave, VaughanN4296001172 Stanton Ave, Vaughan 74 Kootenay Rdge, VaughanN429904674 Kootenay Rdge, Vaughan 6 Annsleywood Crt, VaughanN42961806 Annsleywood Crt, Vaughan 6 Cardigan Rd, TorontoW42981016 Cardigan Rd, Toronto 31 Eyer Dr, MarkhamN429801531 Eyer Dr, Markham 1 Ironbark Crt, VaughanN42973421 Ironbark Crt, Vaughan 47 Wycliffe Cres, TorontoC429594747 Wycliffe Cres, Toronto 20 Taurus Cres, East GwillimburyN429794020 Taurus Cres, East Gwillimbury 79 Chaiwood Crt, VaughanN429755579 Chaiwood Crt, Vaughan 1404B Bayview Ave, TorontoC42987141404B Bayview Ave, Toronto 83 Marmion Ave, TorontoC427656483 Marmion Ave, Toronto 1535 Glenburnie Rd, MississaugaW42980221535 Glenburnie Rd, Mississauga 4402 Baseline Rd, GeorginaN42990944402 Baseline Rd, Georgina 1511 Duncan Rd, OakvilleW42985321511 Duncan Rd, Oakville 23 Leary Cres, Richmond HillN429625123 Leary Cres, Richmond Hill 197 Wedgewood Dr, TorontoC4296022197 Wedgewood Dr, Toronto 48 Glenholme Ave, TorontoC429623448 Glenholme Ave, Toronto 354 Brookdale Ave, TorontoC4295861354 Brookdale Ave, Toronto 442 Glenkindie Ave, VaughanN4296322442 Glenkindie Ave, Vaughan 129 Heddington Ave, TorontoC4297486129 Heddington Ave, Toronto 257 Betty Ann Dr, TorontoC4296132257 Betty Ann Dr, Toronto 91 Shaw St, TorontoC429644391 Shaw St, Toronto 7 South Marine Dr, TorontoE42966817 South Marine Dr, Toronto 20 Neilson Ave, TorontoE429744320 Neilson Ave, Toronto 379 Shaw St, TorontoC4296969379 Shaw St, Toronto 134 Westmount Ave, TorontoW4296760134 Westmount Ave, Toronto 581 Lydia St, NewmarketN4295966581 Lydia St, Newmarket 102 Magwood Crt, TorontoW4295884102 Magwood Crt, Toronto 202 Windermere Ave, TorontoW4298469202 Windermere Ave, Toronto 117 W Lawford Rd, VaughanN4299065117 W Lawford Rd, Vaughan 41 Silker St, VaughanN429728741 Silker St, Vaughan 52 Fairchild Ave, TorontoC429808552 Fairchild Ave, Toronto 35 Nipigon Ave, TorontoC429831135 Nipigon Ave, Toronto 35 Winchester St, TorontoC429647435 Winchester St, Toronto 3312 Meadow Marsh Cres, OakvilleW42989553312 Meadow Marsh Cres, Oakville 39 Rolyat St, TorontoC429888639 Rolyat St, Toronto 431 Willard Ave, TorontoW4297522431 Willard Ave, Toronto 73 Catalina Cres, Richmond HillN429806573 Catalina Cres, Richmond Hill 50 Sunnydale Dr, TorontoW429747350 Sunnydale Dr, Toronto 454 Valley Dr, OakvilleW4296291454 Valley Dr, Oakville 28 Topper Crt, VaughanN429667128 Topper Crt, Vaughan 16 Albert Hill Crt, KingN429897916 Albert Hill Crt, King 205 Vanda Dr, VaughanN4296765205 Vanda Dr, Vaughan 10 Cassidy Lane, CaledonW429758910 Cassidy Lane, Caledon 10 Doverwood Crt, TorontoC429805710 Doverwood Crt, Toronto 7 Hazelglen Ave, TorontoC42962947 Hazelglen Ave, Toronto 3630 Logmoss Cres, MississaugaW42976733630 Logmoss Cres, Mississauga 1415 Military Tr, TorontoE42990311415 Military Tr, Toronto 43 Hurlingham Cres, TorontoC429677143 Hurlingham Cres, Toronto 41 Concorde Dr, BramptonW429759941 Concorde Dr, Brampton
GTA Listings Nov 9 2018 first appeared on: GTA Real Estate Pros 154 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M5V 2R3 647-362-2000 https://goo.gl/Yj7G5g
source https://www.gtarealestatepros.ca/gta-listings-nov-9-2018/
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netmyname-blog · 6 years ago
Maged Berenz CT
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/maged-berenz/maged-berenz-ct/
Maged Berenz CT
Maged Berenz CT Top Web Results.
openreview.net MIDL 2018 Submissions | OpenReview Accuracy enhancement of CT kernel conversions using convolutional neural net for super-resolution with Squeeze-and-Excitation blocks and progressive …
www.researchgate.net (PDF) Effect of patient's age on the… Aug 1, 2018 … Berens W, Lachmann M, Wömpener A. Instruments of management … Boyer N, Acevedo-Bolton G, Hope MD, Boyle A. CT-reconstructed.
www.homelight.com California Real Estate Agent Rankings | HomeLight … Leah Avnaim · Liron Avraham · Miroslav Avramovic · Naira Awad · Wendy Awad · Randall Awad · Maged Awadalla · Steve Awadalla · Omar Younis Awadallah …
www.ijhpm.com International Journal of Health Policy and Management – Reviewer … Eva-Maria, Berens, Department of Health Services Research and Nursing Science, …. of Thoracic Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA … Maged N Kamel, Boulos, Faculty of Health and Social Work, University of …
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www.montana.edu MSU students win spot on spring 2012 honor roll Jun 5, 2012 … Parker: Kimberly Aplin, Lyndsie Berens, Veronica Maxey*, Will McGuinness*, Brent Von … Connecticut …. Vancouver: Majed Madani. China
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www.easyphonenumberlookups.com 334-531-#### (Montgomery, Alabama) 334-531-5018, Tyisha Trinkley – Cypress Ct E, Montgomery, Alabama. 334-531- …… 334-531-0585, Chara Maged – Galena Ave, Montgomery, Alabama. 334-531- … 334-531-6850, Ted Berens – Mill Ridge Dr, Montgomery, Alabama. 334-531- …
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fumpkins · 6 years ago
Diamonds point to existence of ancient rocks from the birth of the Earth - Science News
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While most of us judge diamonds by their appearance, it’s what’s inside these sparklers that you can’t see that makes them so valuable to science.
Key points
Scientists have long suspected there’s a reservoir of primordial rock somewhere in the Earth’s mantle
A study using super deep diamonds has provided the first direct evidence
Diamonds give us a way to look directly at what’s happening in the deep Earth, hundreds of kilometres beneath our feet
Microscopic bubbles of helium trapped within the stones have provided the first direct evidence of a reservoir of primordial rock deep below our feet that has remained relatively undisturbed since our planet formed roughly 4.5 billion years ago.
And that finding, published in the journal Science today, could lead us to a greater understanding of how the Earth works, and how it’s evolved over time.
“For scientists, diamonds are not just the shiny jewels that they are for the rest of the people,” said geochemist Suzette Timmerman, who conducted the research as part of her PhD at the Australian National University.
“For us, they’re the direct window into the deep Earth.”
Unravelling a mystery
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Today the Earth is composed of an inner solid core, a liquid outer core, the mantle and crust.
(Getty Images: DEA / D’Arco Editori)
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Today the Earth is composed of an inner solid core, a liquid outer core, the mantle and crust.
Getty Images: DEA / D’Arco Editori
The Earth is basically split into four main layers: the inner solid core of the planet, the liquid outer core, the mantle and the crust.
The mantle, which is the thickest layer at approximately 2,900 kilometres, is divided into an upper layer, where tectonic movement takes place, and a lower layer.
It’s long been thought there’s a reservoir of primordial rock as old as the Moon, and potentially as old as the Earth, sitting somewhere in the mantle.
Scientists first suspected this primordial reservoir might exist in the 1980s when they discovered some basalt lavas had an unusual chemical signature.
Basalts spewed out of island volcanoes such as those found on Hawaii or Iceland had a very high helium 3 to helium 4 isotope ratio.
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Unusual chemical signatures have been found in basalt lavas in places like Hawaii.
(Pexels CC: Brent Keane)
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Unusual chemical signatures have been found in basalt lavas in places like Hawaii.
But this pattern was not seen in basalt that erupted from mid ocean ridges as the seafloor spreads apart.
“People have not known where these [unusual] basalts come from,” said geologist Stephen Foley of Macquarie University who was not involved in the study.
“There have been helium isotope difference between ocean islands and between mid-ocean ridges, and really we don’t know why.”
This is significant because the amount of different helium isotopes present tells you where the helium came from.
“Helium 3 is there from the beginning of the Earth, you can’t form it again,” Professor Foley said.
While helium 3 can only come from a primordial source, helium 4 can form from radioactive decay of other elements, for example uranium and thorium.
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But while the helium signatures pointed towards the existence of a primordial reservoir, they could not prove it actually existed.
That’s because as magmas make their way through the mantle to form basalt lavas at the surface, their composition can change as they interact with the surrounding material.
There was even debate as to whether such a reservoir could have survived at all, particularly given the chaotic early history of our planet.
“When the Earth formed it was really, really hot, so we wouldn’t have had a crust or an ocean like we know it today,” Dr Timmerman said.
“In addition, we had a lot of meteorite impacts, and we had this big impact when the Moon formed, part of the Earth was just basically smashed away.”
To crack the mystery of the primordial reservoir, scientists needed to study something else: diamonds.
Enter super deep diamonds
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Material trapped inside diamonds can tell us a lot about what the conditions were like when they formed.
(Supplied: Antony Burnham)
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Material trapped inside diamonds can tell us a lot about what the conditions were like when they formed.
Diamonds are created under great heat and pressure deep within the Earth’s mantle and are delivered to the surface by volcanic activity.
The beauty of diamonds is they don’t change on their journey.
And from the tiny bubbles of minerals trapped inside them we know at what pressure and temperature they were formed.
“Diamonds are a little bottle, as soon as you’ve formed it then you’ve encapsulated that fluid and it’s not going to change,” Professor Foley said.
“If you can measure that fluid then you’ve got exactly the sample that was there at the time the diamond formed.”
Dr Timmerman’s team didn’t just look at any diamonds, they looked at super-deep diamonds sourced from Brazil.
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Dr Timmerman said while this study using super deep diamonds was super cool, there are many things we still need to find out about primordial reservoirs.
(Supplied: Gareth Davies)
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Dr Timmerman said while this study using super deep diamonds was super cool, there are many things we still need to find out about primordial reservoirs.
These rare rocks come from 410 to 660 kilometres below the ground, more than twice the normal depths you would find diamonds, from a part of the Earth’s mantle known as the transition zone, which divides the upper mantle from the lower mantle.
“This is a way to directly look into the deep Earth without having any change when it was brought up to the surface,” Dr Timmerman said.
The team first cut 24 diamonds into slices and looked at their growth structures under an electron microscope.
Then they analysed what minerals, trace elements and isotopes had become trapped inside the diamonds as they formed.
It’s the first time such an analysis has been carried out.
They discovered the diamonds had high helium 3 to helium 4 ratios, confirming the primordial reservoir exists either at the depth at which the diamonds were formed or below them in the lower mantle.
Professor Foley said the study clears up an age-old controversy, and shows how crucial diamonds are as the only samples we have to give us information about the deep Earth.
“These super deep diamonds, and studies of them, are telling us what’s really going on at depths of 400 and 500 kilometres,” he said.
The diamonds also contained evidence of surface sediments, showing that material from the Earth’s crust is being drawn deep into the mantle and mixing with these other materials.
Dr Timmerman said the discovery gave us tantalising clues about the movement of heat and material through the mantle, as hot material rises towards the crust and cold material sinks back towards the core, a process called convection.
“We know the mantle is convecting, but this reservoir hasn’t taken part in that so it means we don’t have convection in the entire mantle,” she said.
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Electron microscope images can reveal the different growth layers of diamonds.
(Supplied: Suzette Timmerman)
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Electron microscope images can reveal the different growth layers of diamonds.
Supplied: Suzette Timmerman
While Dr Timmerman was excited by what they had found so far, there are many other mysteries deep beneath our feet to solve.
“The questions that we still want to answer, how many of these primordial reservoirs are there down there, how big are they, and to know a bit more about the chemical composition and how they form,” she said.
“It’s really important to know the structure of the Earth and the volumes and the ages of these different chemical reservoirs and their composition, to understand how the Earth has evolved into a core and mantle, and how this has all been changing over time.”
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New post published on: https://www.livescience.tech/2019/08/16/diamonds-point-to-existence-of-ancient-rocks-from-the-birth-of-the-earth-science-news/
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gillespialfredoe01806ld · 7 years ago
Dino-Mite! T. Rex Boosts Omaha Home to the Top of the Week’s Most Popular Homes
Different agent, different house. Same schtick, same success. It’s summer, so a popular sequel makes sense. America loves sequels!
A few weeks back, the web almost broke over the image of a real estate agent dressed as a dinosaur to market a modest lakefront home in Texas. Now, the stunt has been copied by an enterprising agent in Omaha.
The result? The agent’s T. rex costume drew a ton of clicks to the listing for a remodeled ranch. We’re guessing the publicity will spur a quick sale of the $189,000 home.
This week’s runner-up is a home from Season 1 of “Fixer Upper.” If you’re looking for a touch of HGTV magic, you could snap up this Texas ranch featuring many of the signature looks that transformed Chip and Joanna Gaines into nationwide sensations.
Other homes attracting your attention this week included a midcentury marvel in Southern California, a massive castle in Texas, and the “Brady Bunch” house, which was purchased by the good folks at HGTV this week.  
This means Lance Bass will have to turn his attention to the other properties that are this week’s most popular homes.
10. 3716 N White Chapel Blvd, Southlake, TX 
Price: $3.5 million Why it’s here: Live like royalty in this Texas-size castle! There’s no drawbridge or moat, but the castle comes with a 12-car garage, home theater, game room, libraries, guest quarters, wine room, and crafts room.
Southlake, TX
9. 24002 Long Valley Rd, Hidden Hills, CA 
Price: $11,495,000 Why it’s here: The high-end home was “masterfully reimagined” by designer Windsor Smith. The six-bedroom home includes a double staircase, chef’s kitchen with breakfast nook, screening room, and gym. Situated on 1.56 acres in an enclave popular with celebs, the property also features a sport court, infinity pool, outdoor barbecue, and barn with arena.
Hidden HIlls, CA
8. 1750 Gendarme Rd, Carencro, LA
Price: $319,000 Why it’s here: This four-bedroom, Acadian-style home comes with 4 acres, including a private lake. The 3,000-square-foot house features a newly renovated kitchen, spacious family room, covered porch, and patio.
Carencro, LA
7. 411 Playa Blvd, La Selva Beach, CA
Price: $1.4 million Why it’s here: Picture yourself in this white, domed sculpture house. Created in 1972 for an artist, the house features curved walls and is nestled in a garden oasis by the sea. Upgrades include concrete counters in the kitchen, handmade glass tiles, and a floating staircase. If you’re looking for a one-of-a kind vacation getaway, look no further.
La Selva Beach, CA
Brent Black
6. 28 Old Middleville Rd, Fredon Township, NJ
Price: $209,000 Why it’s here: A log cabin in New Jersey? You bet! This cozy home in the woods comes complete with a bear (statue) standing sentry out front. It features a renovated kitchen, hardwood flooring throughout, cedar siding, walls made of river rock, and a welcoming covered porch. The spread also includes landscaped paths and a storage shed. 
Fredon Township, NJ
5. 3 Washington St, Milford, CT
Price: $269,900 Why it’s here: Curb appeal aplenty! We can’t resist this Cape Codder with the fire engine–red exterior. Built in 1948, the three-bedroom home has an updated kitchen with white Shaker cabinets, a formal dining room, and a great room. There’s a large deck out back, and the train, shops, and restaurants are nearby.
Milford, CT
4. 11222 Dilling St, Studio City, CA 
Price: $1,885,000 (pending sale) Why it’s here: Although Lance Bass thought he had the winning bid on the “Brady Bunch” house, it was not to be. HGTV swooped in at the last minute and outbid him. The former boy bander even took to social media to complain the process had used him to drive up the price. However, there might be a happy ending—Bass and HGTV mended fences and he may have a hand in the home’s renovation.
Studio City, CA
3. 7404 Hillside Dr, La Jolla, CA
Price: $13 million Why it’s here: We’re totally falling for this modern marvel with “out-of-this-world” views. Built on a hill in 1970, the 4,863-square-foot home comes with 2.5 acres. It features floor-to-ceiling windows, 14-foot ceilings, and views of the ocean and coastline. The list price is only a suggestion, as the seller will consider all offers between $10 million and $13 million. 
La Jolla, Ca
2. 1044 Bosque Ridge Rd, Crawford, TX 
Price: $475,000 Why it’s here: Behold the legacy of Chip and Joanna Gaines! “Fixer Upper” is over, but the homes the couple renovated keep popping onto the market. This latest example is a farmhouse that’s now fabulous thanks to the remodel it received on Season 1, in 2014. It features an updated kitchen, custom barn doors (of course), exposed wooden beams, and two living rooms.
Crawford, TX
1. 9636 Emmet St, Omaha, NE 
Price: $189,000 Why it’s here: It looks like a real estate agent dressed as a dinosaur wasn’t a crazy idea after all. Just like the Texas lake house that featured a T. Rex, this Midwest ranch is shown with a prehistoric creature of its own.
“I saw someone do this a couple of years ago and thought it was hilarious,” says Bambi Case, the listing agent and woman in the dinosaur suit. “This home was a typical ranch that had a massive addition added, so I knew it needed more traffic to get people in to see how different it is compared to other homes. Once I brought up the idea to the seller, she insisted we do it!”
Case says the costume worked. “I have had a lot of additional traffic on this home. It was so much fun to run around, taking professional photos! I will do it again,” she adds.
We’ll see if this dino-mite trend has legs, and returns for another sequel!
Omaha, NE
The post Dino-Mite! T. Rex Boosts Omaha Home to the Top of the Week’s Most Popular Homes appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2M6pUTD
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naturecoaster · 7 years ago
New Port Richey Rotary participates in worldwide Purple Pinky Day
Rotarians know about the work Rotary International does all around the world to banish polio, and they also know they cannot stop until the disease that kills and cripples is eliminated. In late October the Rotary Club of New Port Richey’s Interact Club and its members participated in the 2017 Purple Pinky Day to spotlight Rotary’s global polio program. This club was one of the thousands of Rotary clubs in their own communities representing Purple Pinky Day throughout the world all with the same focus. New Port Richey Rotarian, Nanci Larson, addressed members at the meeting noting that Purple Pinky Day is an excellent opportunity to bring awareness to the community about what Rotary does to eradicate polio. Also by getting the club’s River Ridge Interact members involved  is another way to inform today’s youth that polio still exists “...but we’re this close to removing this crippling disease from the world,” as Ms. Larson indicated with her index finger and thumb. “It’s important people learn about Rotary’s impact even from the community level.” Also on the committee this year was Dr. Toni Zetzschce, principal at River Ridge High School. Rotary members were asked to donate that day as well and together with the Interact club they were able to send nearly $300 to Rotary International. The event gets its name from the worldwide effort to eradicate polio.  Once a child is vaccinated, their pinky finger is dyed purple to indicate  that they received the oral vaccine. ### The New Port Richey Rotary Club was established in 1959 and meets every Wednesday for lunch at noon at the Spartan Manor in New Port Richey. The club’s current president is Brent Simon. Rotary  International is an organization of business and  professional persons united world-wide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards  in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Read the full article
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lorettalivingston6911 · 7 years ago
Facts Of Life Star Mindy Cohn Reveals She's Finally Cancer Free After 5-Year Battle & Double Mastectomy
how I looked younger without plastic surgery
Mindy Cohn is a survivor!
After keeping her battle with breast cancer a secret for five years, the Facts Of Life star is finally healthy -- and that she's not staying quiet about!
Photos: The Facts Of Life Cast's 35th Anniversary Reunion Brings Back All Your Favorite Memories!
The 51-year-old tells People it all started with a sudden fatigue in 2012:
"I was walking around my neighborhood in Los Angeles and I suddenly got so tired. I just couldn't go anymore. This was before Uber was really a thing, so I texted my friend Helen Hunt and said, ‘Something's wrong with me. I need help.'"
So scary! Sadly, the diagnosis was breast cancer, and the treatments -- radiation, chemo, and a double mastectomy -- were like fighting back a "siege." Mindy recalls:
"I've always been an optimist, but the cancer metastasized. It kept spreading and coming back. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, and then it would. And then I'd wait for another shoe to drop, and it would. I was frustrated and enraged. I couldn't control any of this. I couldn't fix it."
Mindy had no choice but to step away from Hollywood, where she had been working steadily in TV guest appearances and voiceover roles like Velma on Scooby-Doo.
Related: Warner Bros. Is Trying To Launch A Scooby Doo Cinematic Universe — For Real!
She spent some time recuperating with her friends Dr. Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell, aka TV's The Fabulous Beekman Boys, on their farm in upstate New York:
"They are my family. I have my parents, who have always been there for me. And then I have my family by choice, which includes them. We'll be in each others' lives forever."
Apparently that family time was exactly what she needed! Because now after five long years, she's cancer free! She says:
"I'm feeling great. And I'm so ready to get back to working. I think I'm a good actress, and I have a lot to offer. I'm excited to see what I get to do next!"
So are we, girl!
[Image via Joseph Marzullo/WENN.]
Real celebrity on the items
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latoyarubalcava3546 · 7 years ago
Facts Of Life Star Mindy Cohn Reveals She's Finally Cancer Free After 5-Year Battle & Double Mastectomy
Mindy Cohn is a survivor!
After keeping her battle with breast cancer a secret for five years, the Facts Of Life star is finally healthy -- and that she's not staying quiet about!
Photos: The Facts Of Life Cast's 35th Anniversary Reunion Brings Back All Your Favorite Memories!
The 51-year-old tells People it all started with a sudden fatigue in 2012:
"I was walking around my neighborhood in Los Angeles and I suddenly got so tired. I just couldn't go anymore. This was before Uber was really a thing, so I texted my friend Helen Hunt and said, ‘Something's wrong with me. I need help.'"
So scary! Sadly, the diagnosis was breast cancer, and the treatments -- radiation, chemo, and a double mastectomy -- were like fighting back a "siege." Mindy recalls:
"I've always been an optimist, but the cancer metastasized. It kept spreading and coming back. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, and then it would. And then I'd wait for another shoe to drop, and it would. I was frustrated and enraged. I couldn't control any of this. I couldn't fix it."
Mindy had no choice but to step away from Hollywood, where she had been working steadily in TV guest appearances and voiceover roles like Velma on Scooby-Doo.
Related: Warner Bros. Is Trying To Launch A Scooby Doo Cinematic Universe — For Real!
She spent some time recuperating with her friends Dr. Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell, aka TV's The Fabulous Beekman Boys, on their farm in upstate New York:
"They are my family. I have my parents, who have always been there for me. And then I have my family by choice, which includes them. We'll be in each others' lives forever."
Apparently that family time was exactly what she needed! Because now after five long years, she's cancer free! She says:
"I'm feeling great. And I'm so ready to get back to working. I think I'm a good actress, and I have a lot to offer. I'm excited to see what I get to do next!"
So are we, girl!
[Image via Joseph Marzullo/WENN.]
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