#Doug penhall x oc
mrsstan21 · 2 months
If Only He Knew
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GIF credit: @teabights
Doug Penhall x Reader 
A/N: As much as I adore Officer Tom Hanson, I also adore Officer Doug Penhall just as much lol. Since getting back into writing and watching the 21 Jump Street series I don’t see a whole lot of Doug Penhall fanfiction. So here’s a quick drabble! Hope you all enjoy :) 
Warnings: None! just fluff
Word Count: 1,047 :)
A day in the life of an undercover cop usually meant late night stake outs on a crooks hiding spot. Or in some cases, trying to blend in with the rest of the average day folk while trailing behind a potential suspect. 
No where in the job description did it mean dressing up as a seventeen year old party girl attending the local high school. 
Only Jump Street Chapel of course. 
I was fixing my very short skirt by my open locker when suddenly the door was slammed shut. 
I jumped as an instinct and saw a pair of green beady eyes examining me from head to toe. 
Jake Russel was the captain of the Riverbank High School’s football team. A classic jock, ladies man, and potential drug dealer. 
About a month ago we got a tip that some of the local high schoolers were found dead by their parents. 
Cause of death: drug overdose 
Captain had put me and Penhall together and with some assistance from the local sheriffs department they lead us to Riverbank High. 
“So good lookin’ you coming to my party tonight” 
Russel leans in from his flirty stance and corners me in-between the lockers. 
I wanted to hit’em where the sun doesn’t shine. 
“Of course silly! Where there’s a party I’m always there” I tired to match his tone of flirting while focusing on his letterman jacket. 
“Will this party have fun things to do” I finally meet his eyes only to see him staring at my chest. 
“Of course…there will be lot’s of new things to try if you know what I mean”.
He takes a step closer and the gap that was between us no longer existed. 
I wanted nothing more than to shove this kids face against theses lockers. But before I could speak, my prayer had been answered. 
I watched as Russels face was pressed ever so hard against the metal of the locker doors. He tried to escape the persons gasp, but it was a failed attempt. 
No one could escape the wrath of Doug Penhall. 
“I see you touching my girlfriend again I will personally break your arms in half. Am I clear?” 
Doug’s tone was laced in venom as he harshly spoke into Russels ear. Even with half his face smushed I could see the fear in his eyes. 
Where’s I can see the possessiveness in Doug’s. 
“Yes…” Russel whispered before Doug eventually let him go. 
He made no effort to try to fight back considering Doug was twice his size. He wouldn’t stand a chance anyway. 
I felt Doug wrap his arm around my waste and lead me away. 
His touch alone lit a fire on my skin. 
We made it into the locker room with no one in sight. 
I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a pointed look. 
“What?” He asked surprised. 
“Doug I didn’t get much information out of him besides there would be a party tonight”. 
He looked down at the floor for a moment before making eye contact with me again. 
His stare was more intense and somehow always gave me butterflies. 
I knew Doug since we started the academy together. We eventually got close and bonded with one another. Upon graduation we were offered joint positions at Jump Street Chapel as undercover cops. 
It didn’t come to anyone’s surprise that we became partners. 
Everyone at the chapel calls us “partners in crime”, because we make a really good team. 
Even outside of work Doug is one of my best of friends. Every Friday night we go to the movies and then head to Carla’s for ice cream. 
We know each other's deepest secrets, desires, and interests. We come from a similar background, as we both know what it’s like to loose someone we love. 
Our bond over the years has only gotten stronger. And lately for me, that bond has taken a much different course. 
I don’t know when it started, but lately I’ve been seeing Doug in a new light. One where my heart skips a beat and I find myself blushing at all his complements towards me. 
Hobbs has noticed my strange demeanor when I’m around him and has called me out on it. 
I’ve tried to ignore it, but when he does things like this…it becomes a challenge. 
“I’m sorry it’s just…he was getting handsy and I lost my cool”. 
His tone was smooth and soft. He let out a small smile and I noticed one of his dimples popping out. 
Why is he so cute….
“You know I can handle myself, besides you’re supposed to play the ‘not so caring boyfriend’ so I can get closer to Ryan” I pointed out. 
When Captain mentioned we’d be playing a couple I felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on me. 
Doug of course didn’t see the issue. 
I was by no means necessary prepared for the occasional hand holding, sweet nothings he’d whisper in my ear, and the occasional kiss on the tip of my nose. 
Sure Doug and I have hugged before, and sometimes he kisses my check. 
But this time around was a whole new experience for me. 
One I wish was a reality. 
“I know, I know you can take care of yourself, but you’re my best friend Y/N and no creep is going to  disrespect my partner on my watch”. ‘
I was so torn. 
It’s sweet that he wants to protect me, but it also hurts to know that he’s only doing it because he’s being a good partner. 
“Thank you anyways Doug, you always have my back” I smiled trying to hide the fact that my checks suddenly felt warmer. 
He stares me at me for a moment before taking steps towards me.
I can suddenly hear how fast my heart is beating. 
He takes my hands in his and rubs his thumbs over my knuckles.  
“You matter a lot to me Y/N, I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you” he looked into my eyes and spoke with such sincerity. 
“You mean a lot to me too” I whispered. Afraid if I spoke any louder my voice would crack. 
If only he knew the reality of my words.
That I was falling in love with him. 
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dawnfire12 · 2 years
Lust or Love
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Summary: Doug Penhall needs some comforting after he feels like no one in the police force believes him about the dirty cop Adabo. 
Doug Penhall x reader
Warnings: Smut. Unprotected sex.
A/N: It’s based off the Besieged episode. I was sad that there isn’t a lot of Doug Penhall fanfic really anyway so I created this one shot. I may be posting a story about him and this character if I have time, highly doubtful, therefore this one shot exists.
“Hey, Doug. Come in.” I swing my apartment door open and wide so Doug can walk into the room. His comforting and musky cologne scent whiffs off him as he passes me to go towards the couch. He’s wearing his leather jacket, a tight black t-shirt that shows off his muscles and blue jeans. 
He makes his way into my living room which is about 50 steps away from the front door. My living room has a long dark green couch that leans against a window with closed curtains and has only three gold pillows and two dark blue chairs on either side of the couch. By the chair closest to the window is a blue lamp that can turn off with just one click. A glass coffee table that is gold and has gold butterflies engraved in it sits in front of the couch.
“Do you want something to drink? A beer or glass of wine?” I ask while making my way to the kitchen.
“I’ll take a beer.” He calls from the living room.
I open the fridge door and take out the beer. I pull open the silverware draw with a hard yank as it constantly gets stuck to get out the beer opener. I place them on the kitchen tabletop and take out the cork from the bottle of wine that has been sitting on my counter since I came home from the chapel. I was already planning on having a glass of wine before Doug came over. I pour the wine into my glass, pocket the beer opener in my jacket pocket and carry the beer in my other hand towards Doug. 
He stands up when he sees me with my hands full and takes the beer from me, “Thank you.”
I nod and take the beer opener out from my jacket pocket, handing it to him,”No problem,” I take off my jacket and throw it on one of the chairs.
He opens the bottle which lets out a little hiss and takes a sip, “What’s with your look?”
I look down at my skirt and blouse, “What do you mean what’s with my look?”
“You normally don’t dress like that.” He gestures to my outfit.
“Are you saying I don’t dress pretty or I’m not pretty enough to wear this?” I raise my eyebrow.
“No, you’re pretty and it’s a pretty look. It’s not your normal look.”
I smile,”I know. I’m just teasing. Judy and I are working of the murder case of the drug dealer Ozzy. We are posing as his friends to his girlfriend to see if she knows anything. She is such a lovely girl and has an adorable daughter but she’s hooked on heroin. We saw her trying to offer her body in exchange for heroin and it broke Judy’s heart so I took Judy out to lunch to try and help her feel better. Sorry, I’m rattling off while you came here to complain.”
“Nah, it’s okay.”
“What? You got no complaints now? Come on Doug. Talk to me!” I take a sip of my wine.
“It’s just uh nobody believes me.” His eyes are downcast like a depressed puppy.
“Okay, elaborate.” I motion with my hand.
He shifts so his knees are facing mine and places his one arm around the back of the couch while his other arm lays in his lap, “I thought this guy, Adabo, was like the best you could ever be. He’s the guy I wanted to be. And now I think he threw a dealer off a roof,”  He pauses for a second, “Or not.”
I place my hand on top of his hand that’s on the back of the couch.
“And I got Hanson riding around with him and he probably thinks I’m crazy too. Fuller thinks I’m crazy. IAD thinks I’m crazy. Maybe I am crazy.”
“Do you think you’re crazy?”
He shakes his head,”No. I think I’m right.”
“Well, okay.” I tilt my head.
“Do you think I’m crazy?”
He smiles and doesn’t say anything. The silence fills the room and my cheeks start to feel flush. I never took the time to appreciate how handsome Doug looks up close with his hair all slicked back and the gold chain that peeks out from the neckline of his shirt.
He pushes up and moves his face closer to mine before connecting our lips. Our lips move in sync and I grab ahold of the bottom of his shirt. He licks my bottom lip and I open my mouth so our tongues can meet in a delicious kiss. I tightened my grip on his shirt as the kiss became deeper and almost impossible to breathe. He swallows my every breath while his tongue slides over mine. He leans over me more until I’m laying fully on my back.
I open my legs and prop my knees up so he can fit between my legs better. Our lips part and he kisses the right side of my neck slowly. He kisses a particular spot on my neck above my collarbone where he licks and sucks the skin. I gasp, clawing his shoulders and moving my crotch against his.
He leans up, bringing his hands to the hem of my shirt and looks at me for permission. I nod and he takes my shirt off my body. I sit up, reaching for his shirt to take off when he pushes me down and takes it off himself. He leans back down and kisses my chest, passing my boobs and going down towards my stomach. He kisses the skin above where the skirt lays and pushes himself down the couch to kiss me from my right leg up to my underwear. He kisses me through the underwear and I gasp out a moan. He moves the underwear to the side a little and licks me.
I grip onto the back of the couch and moan,”Doug.”
He looks up at me from underneath my skirt and proceeds to give another long lick. I moan and tilt my head back, then I fumble with the zipper of my skirt and pull it down. I try to pull the skirt down my legs but Doug has a hold on my legs.
He looks up at me and I whimper,”Doug please. Take it off of me.”
He leans up to kiss me while his one hand tugs my skirt off of my body. Once it’s off, he throws it somewhere in the living room and wraps my legs around his waist. He places his hands on my back and sits up, making me be a little bit taller than him. I break our lips apart and kiss down his neck. He stands up and walks towards my room. I kiss the left side of his neck until he drops me onto my bed. He moves to lay on top of me but I put my foot on his hard cock.
“Take it off.” I rub my foot on his cock.
He groans and steps away from me, unzipping his pants and kicking them to the side. I open my legs up and he lays back on top of me. He reconnects our lips and takes off my bra. He cups my one boob and brushes his hand over the nipple. I gasp into his mouth. He lowers his mouth down to my nipple and sucks on it. I moan at the feeling of his warm tongue. He does the same to my other boob before heading down towards my underwear, where he drags it down to my feet with his teeth. 
He stands up looking at me,”You are beautiful.”
He takes off his boxers and hovers over me while his fingers make their way up to my entrance. He pushes his first thick finger into my clenching pussy and thrusts it. I moan and grip onto the sheets. He adds another to stretch me out and I grip the sheets tighter. My eyes are closed shut until I feel him remove his fingers. 
I open my eyes to see him licking his fingers, “Sweet.”
He crawls on top of me and wraps my legs around his waist before thrusting. I gasp out as he sheathes himself to the hilt. He groans before pulling out and shoving it back in. 
“Doug.” I moan out and grip his arms. 
He thrusts hard, gripping onto my waist and I throw my head back. I tighten my legs around his waist and I move my arms around his back. He drives himself into me and his gold chain dangles in front of me. I dig my nails into his back and he hisses, going faster. I feel my pussy clenching and the pleasure building up more.
“Don’t stop Doug. Please make me cum.” I gasp out as the pleasure builds faster while he grabs my waist harder. He lifts my hips up a little more and thrusts a few more times making him go deeper and it makes the steady pleasure of my orgasm crash so fast that I see stars in my eyes.
He fucks me through my orgasm and turns over so he’s laying on his back and I’m on top. I breathe in and out quickly trying to regain my breath before placing my hands on his chest and moving my hips. From this angle, I can feel him in my stomach. I scratch my nails into his chest as I move my hips in a fast circular motion. He sits up and holds me close to him.
“Doug, please.” I plead into his mouth and kiss him. 
He starts thrusting from below and it makes me cry out. He shifts so his knees are up and it helps him thrust inside me better. He thrusts my waist down onto his dick over and over again. I gasp, moan and cry out when my second orgasm washes over me. As I come down from my high, Doug loses control over his thrusts and comes inside of me. He thrusts lazily before pulling out and laying me beside him.
I catch my breath and kiss him one more time before resting my head on his chest and falling asleep for the night, not ready to deal with the consequences that will come from our actions.
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