#Dorothy x Lucas
oautincorrectquotes · 2 years
Ruby after the full moon: Im not talking to you
Dorothy: is it because i threw-
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begitalarcos · 2 years
An early Christmas gift for my lovely wifey <3
Love you bb
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konako · 5 months
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beautiful furry child immortalized in bronze for the 8 year anniversary
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skysglcw · 1 month
I’m not crazy (at least I think I’m not) but idk what you call a person who refuses to sleep even if it’s 5 in the morning and has done nothing but scroll through hundreds of posts of Blanche and Dorothy on Tumblr just to fangirl all over for them because you're too overwhelmed by their chemistry and the feeling just makes you hyped even more to the point where you can't sleep anymore because you're too excited although your eyes are burning from staring at the screen too long……
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astro-tag-9 · 6 months
couple req pls :)
me - cancer sun, pisces moon, gem rising
bby - libra sun, libra moon, scorpio rising
(we r both non-binary too if u wanna play into that <3)
thanks sm ^_^
❤️Ruby Lucas and Dorothy Gale❤️
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this-geek · 3 months
Do I have more than a few asks I should be getting on with? Yes. But unfortunately, I have brainrot for this song and Blanche/Dorothy so this is what you're getting first.
Good Luck, baby - E, Blanche/Dorothy. Smut and implications of internalised homophobia.
They were a complicated mess. It started on New Year's - doesn't it always - and finished with a wedding. Dorothy became a Hollingsworth just not at her side.
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lynnsartsworld · 1 year
Happy Seventh Year Anniversary
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Happy Seventh Year Anniversary to Ruby and Dorothy!!! Love you two for seven years!! I pictured them married as well, and they make a very cute couple so again, Happy Seventh Year Anniversary!!!! To the R.K. (Red Kansas)Fans enjoy 😉!!
@konako @lovecanbesostrange @crowwrites2140 @lunecorbeau
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luminoustarlight · 10 months
As Fate Would Have It | Chapter Two
It's your first day of work at Skywalker Enterprises.
◂ chapter one ▸ chapter three
rating: mature | pairing: dilf!anakin skywalker x afab!reader | wc: 3.7k | read on ao3
warnings: swearing, age-gaps, sexual fantasies
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The moms at St. Lucas Preparatory School are shameless. Single, divorced, and married women (and some men) alike can’t help but hold their breath when Anakin Skywalker steps onto campus. The dads are intimidated by him and the moms… well, let’s just say the moms have less than school appropriate thoughts about the billionaire. 
Anakin detests the end of the year. He hates being involved at the school. He doesn’t want to spend 2 hours of his day off packing meals in a crowded gymnasium with other parents who also don’t want to be there. 
He doesn’t want to make small talk or ask about Luke and Leia’s classmates because frankly, he doesn’t give a crap. The only children he likes are his own and he won’t pretend otherwise. 
“Mr. Skywalker,” Leia’s teacher, Ms. Clark sighs, “you are the only parent in my class who has yet to sign up for a slot at this year's Cranberry Sauce.” Cranberry Sauce is just the name the school gives the Thanksgiving Drive to make it sound more “fun”. 
Anakin gives his children a kiss on their foreheads and sends them through the school gates. Once they’re out of earshot, he addresses Leia’s teacher. “I already wrote a check to buy the damn food. Isn’t that sufficient?” 
“Mr. Skywalker,” Ms. Clark repeats with annoyance. If it were up to her, she’d let Anakin donate all of the money he wants in order to keep him from volunteering at school events. She thinks he’s arrogant, stuck-up, and far too handsome for any man to be. So she decides to loathe him since she can’t fuck him. But Headmaster Franklin is adamant Anakin attends the event. 
“I really insist that you participate for at least an hour at Cranberry Sauce next weekend. It is important for your children to see you involved at the school. At their school.” 
Anakin’s tall and broad stature seems to grow even larger at this statement. How dare this woman insinuate anything about him as a father? 
“You think I’m not involved in my childrens’ lives?” Anakin has just enough self-control not to completely raise his voice at his daughter’s fourth grade teacher. Especially since parents are continuing to drop off their kids. “You think I’m an absent father who gives the school money to compensate for my lack of paternal instincts?” 
“I didn’t say that,” Ms. Clark answers cautiously. “There is no need to make a scene. I have no doubts you are an excellent father, Mr. Skywalker. I don’t think Leia would be the young lady she is if you weren’t. One hour. That's all we ask.” 
Anakin raises an eyebrow. “We?” 
“Oh, um, well-” Ms. Clark stammers. Busted. She sighs with defeat. “Headmaster Franklin would very much like to see you there.”
“I’m sure he would,” Anakin replies smugly. Headmaster Franklin wants him there for publicity. Anakin should be more pissed about that than being accused of not being a present parent, but he’s not. He likes his ego stroked every now and then. “One hour.” 
“Thank you,” Ms. Clark smiles tightly. “Does 10-11 work for you?” 
“Fine,” Anakin waves his hand dismissively as he gets a message on his phone. 
Ben Kenobi 
Your new secretary is here. 
Shit. It’s Anakin’s first day without Dorothy. No wonder the morning has gone the way it has. Between Luke spilling orange juice on his shirt, Leia’s uncooperating French braids, and his conversation with Ms. Clark, Anakin can’t help but fear the change in routine with a new assistant. He types his response. 
Anakin Skywalker
Assistant. Not secretary. I’ll be there in 20 minutes. 
Ben Kenobi 
If you say so. 
Ben Kenobi is Anakin’s closest friend. Some might even call them brothers. Ben is fifteen years older than Anakin, married to the mayor, and enjoys fly fishing on the weekends. He’s also Luke and Leia’s godfather. Should anything happen to Anakin, there is no one else he’d trust to raise and watch over his children than Ben Kenobi. 
And Ben knows better than anyone that Anakin doesn’t like change. He’s been dreading Dorothy’s last day since she told him she was retiring a year ago. How was he going to find someone as good as her? Someone who anticipates his needs before he does? 
That’s why he tasked her with finding her own replacement. He’s just too busy to interview a replacement for Dorothy himself. He wouldn’t know what to look for, anyway. If he doesn’t know what he wants in a woman to date, how is he supposed to know what he wants in a new assistant? 
“Mr. Skywalker is not in at the moment. Can I take a message?” You’ve uttered that exact sentence at least seven times since you arrived at the office at 8:00 a.m. Now, as it nears 9:00, you expect to see your new boss very soon. 
Each time you hear the elevator ding, you look up with hopefulness at the arrival of the esteemed Anakin Skywalker. What will you say to him? How will you introduce yourself? Will he be nice and welcoming? God, you hope so. You’ve read just about every article, watched every interview, and listened to every podcast he’s done to prepare yourself for the job. The consensus is the same in all of them. 
Anakin Skywalker is generous, he’s polite, and generally gets along with everyone— if you don’t get on his nerves. And, according to Dorothy, he’s a charmer. 
“Yes, absolutely,” you say while taking notes of the message on a legal pad. Your head is down so you don’t notice Anakin walking out of the elevator. He stops 5 steps away from your desk. His ribs feel like they’re collapsing around his lungs because of that voice. Why does he know that voice? 
“I will let Mr. Skywalker know you called as soon as he gets into the office.” You hang up the phone and as you look up, there he is in all of his gorgeous glory. 
You actually have to tell yourself to take a breath because he’s even more handsome in person. Faint lines around his eyes represent years of life he lived before you were born. His dark blonde hair is combed back effortlessly and is it wrong that you want to run your hands through it? Yeah, probably. He’s your boss and over twenty years older than you. 
“It’s-” Anakin can’t even say more than that because holy fuck. Is he dreaming? He squeezes his eyes and then opens them, only to see you now standing with your hand extended to him. “It’s… you.” 
“Um, yes,” you say while awkwardly returning your arm to your side. “I’m Y/N. Your new assistant. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Skywalker.” 
“I- um, yes,” Anakin clears his throat. Christ, that wasn’t even a sentence. “I need to take care of something,” he says on his way towards his office. “I am not to be disturbed until I come out. Do you understand?” 
“Y-yes. Yes, sir,” you barely answer before Anakin’s office door is shut violently. Well, that certainly wasn’t the introduction you were expecting or hoping for. You’re starting to think not meeting him beforehand was a bad idea. It honestly should’ve been a red flag but Dorothy insisted it was fine. 
It doesn’t seem fine. 
And things definitely aren’t fine. For Anakin, that is. To say he’s freaking out is putting it lightly. He paces the length of his office, shoving his fingers through his hair and muttering to himself. “It can’t be. There’s no way it can be her.” 
Maybe he’s hallucinating. Maybe he’s having an incredibly vivid dream where his favorite OnlyFans performer, who he has known as HoneySuckle for the last three years is his new assistant. What did you say your name is? Anakin couldn’t hear you over the erection that was forming in his pants because he knows your voice. He’s cum from your voice alone. He’s cum because of you so, so many times. 
This can’t be happening. 
He’s never seen your entire face but he knows it’s you. He’d recognize your lips in a police lineup. He hears your voice in his wet dreams. He just knows it’s you. 
And the fact that he has a hard-on is a problem. A problem he wishes you could take care of but you can’t because now you work for him and he’s your boss. This is all so, so wrong. 
Anakin doesn’t so much sit on his leather chair as he does collapse into it. This was never supposed to happen. Yes, he has dreamed about meeting you on more than one occasion. He’s thought about telling you who he is during your countless direct messages so many times. He’s thought about using his infinite resources to find out who you really are on more than one occasion.
But he always concluded that it would be so insanely wrong and borderline creepy if he did that. You were always supposed to remain a fantasy. Just a nameless woman on a screen who doesn’t live in the same country, state, or city as him. 
Yet here you are— sitting outside of his office, taking his calls, calling him Mr. Skywalker and being even more beautiful than he could have imagined. 
You are no longer the woman on his tablet spewing filthy words as you make yourself orgasm. You’re tangible. You have a name- although he can’t remember what it is. He replays the interaction over in his head. The feeling he felt when he saw you was reminiscent of seeing his wife walk down the aisle at their wedding. He was a blundering mess then, just as he is a blundering mess now. 
He doesn’t even want to think about your first impression of him. He’s supposed to be Anakin Skywalker for crying out loud! The suave, handsome millionaire who has the ability to make men cower and women fall to their knees. The embarrassment he feels from that interaction is enough to subdue his hard-on. He pours himself a bit of Bourbon, shoots it back like it’s a normal thing to do at 9 in the morning, and prepares to reintroduce himself to you. 
Anakin smooths his hands down his slacks before opening his door. As his eyes are magnetized to you, his heart starts beating irregularly. Get a fucking grip. 
You stand attentively when you notice Anakin walking towards you. Worried you made a terrible impression on him, you wait to speak. But Anakin doesn’t say anything either and now he’s standing in front of your desk, all tall and lean and smelling like Cedar and Whiskey. He’s looking at you with an expression you can’t read. Did Dorothy tell him anything about you? Or did he go into this just as blind as you did? 
His eyes seem to dance all over your body which makes you feel like he’s studying you. Or criticizing every single thing about your appearance. From your simple burgundy dress to the pearl studs you bought with some of Skyguy81’s most recent (and overly generous) tip. 
Finally, because his gaze on you was becoming too much to bear, you are the one to talk first. “Is there something I can do for you, Mr. Skywalker?” 
Yeah, you can remind him of your name for starters. “Do you have messages for me?” is what he asks instead. 
“Yes,” you answer, picking up the pad you’ve been scribbling notes on for the last hour. “Rex sent over the final schematics for the 0525 project that needs your approval by 3 p.m. today in order to begin production. Mayor Kryze’s office called about the upcoming Gala in December and wanted to know if you would be in attendance. And if so, how many tickets should they reserve? Oh, and someone from St. Lucas Preparatory School called to let you know that your son ripped his pants and needs a new pair brought to school because they don’t have any new pants in his size.” 
Anakin taps his index finger on your desk while he listens to you. He barely registers anything you say because it’s really hard to hear your voice without getting aroused. It’s hard even looking at you without automatically picturing you naked. There’s not an inch of your skin he’s never seen. Well, except for the top half of your face which now, of course, he has seen. And God, does he love what you have to offer. 
You’re still relaying messages but suddenly you’re bent over your desk, gripping the edge of it with pale knuckles as Anakin slams into you over, and over, and over. He’s making you yelp his name so loudly the whole building can hear you. 
“Mr. Skywalker?” 
Anakin snaps back into reality where you’re still fully clothed and definitely not moaning his name. “What?” comes out a little harsher than he intended. And he immediately regrets it when he sees you visibly shrink right before him. 
“What- what would you like me to tell the Mayor’s office?” 
Anakin has gone as a bachelor to the last two Christmas Galas. Ben stays close to Satine the whole night and he really doesn’t see the point in asking a woman he has no interest in to be his date. Plus, going alone lets him leave the party with whomever he wants or to call it a night and go home early to watch ELF and drink peppermint cocoa with his kids. 
“Have them put me down for 2.” 
You nod whilst making another note on the pad. “And what about your son’s pants?” 
“Did they say where he ripped them?” 
“Right down the middle,” you answer. 
Anakin shakes his head. “Oh, Luke,” he mutters to himself. “Alright, I’ll go home and get him a new pair.” 
“Icandoit,” rushes out of your mouth. 
“Sorry, my mouth moved faster than my brain,” you reply, hoping Anakin will find it endearing instead of annoying. “I said I can do it. I don’t mind. It’s my job, isn’t it?” 
Anakin opens his mouth but doesn’t say anything. Yes, technically it’s your job to do this sort of errand. But Anakin doesn’t want you going to his house alone, sifting through his son’s drawers, and bringing him new pants to his school. 
Primarily because he’d much rather you be in his home under different circumstances. 
“We’ll go together,” Anakin decides against his better judgment. “I’ll drive.”
So, Anakin definitely didn’t think things through when he said he’d drive. 
In what world did he think sharing a close, confined space with you was a good idea? This whole morning has been a cluster-fuck. Honestly. He’s still struggling to wrap his head around who you are. When you announced Squirting for Sky was going to be your last video, he thought what a devastation it would be to not look forward to your videos every week. Who would’ve thought you’d be the one replacing his dear old assistant the very next week? The odds of it all are overwhelming. 
But isn’t this what he’s always wanted? The opportunity to meet you? To know your name and know you personally? Every wish of his has been granted— except for the fact that he is your boss and you are technically his subordinate. He says technically because Dorothy always felt more like family than an employee. 
You could be family. 
You could be so much more than his assistant.
Oh, Jesus Christ, Anakin. Be reasonable. She’s your employee. She’s practically a kid. 
Anakin looks over to you for the first time since getting in the car. You’re pressed against the side of the passenger door, knees angled away from him and arms crossed over your chest. “Are you cold?” 
“Oh,” you say, looking at him with a tentative smile. “A little.” 
“You should’ve said so,” Anakin turns on the heater and your seat warmer. “My kids call seat warmers butt toasters. Let me know if your butt gets too toasty.” 
You have to bite your lip to keep from laughing. 
There’s an awkward pause as Anakin realizes what he just said. He absolutely cannot think about your butt any longer than he has to because we all know how that will end.
 (A hard cock, in case that wasn’t clear). 
 “I mean, uh- shit,” Anakin briefly closes his eyes to compose himself. Let me know if your butt gets too toasty? 
“Just turn it off yourself if you get too warm.” 
Do you make him nervous? No way. You decide to let it go. “Kids? Plural?” 
“Yeah.” Anakin drapes his right arm over the center console and taps his fingers against the gear shift. Long, dexterous fingers at that. You have to look away before you start thinking about something completely inappropriate of your boss. “I have twins. A boy and a girl. Luke, he’s the silly one. Right now he’s big into archeology. He’s also pretty clumsy, hence the rip in his pants. And Leia, my daughter, she’s far too serious for any 9 year old to be. She says she wants to be a senator when she grows up.” 
This is the longest you’ve been able to look at Anakin without feeling your cheeks burning. Now, they’re just hot because of the heater blasting in your face. “You light up when you talk about them,” you say. “You must love them a lot.” 
“More than anything,” Anakin doesn’t hesitate. “Here we are.” 
You should’ve been paying attention on how to get to his house from the office. Surely, you’ll be running these errands on your own if things go well with your employment. Oh, well. That’s what the Maps is for. 
Anakin’s house is a stunning Eichler. It looks straight out of an Architectural Digest cover. The lawn outside is perfectly cropped and perfectly green but littered with a soccer ball, football, a baseball bat and whiffle balls. You wouldn’t have pegged Anakin for a mid-century modern kind of guy. You would’ve thought he’d opt for an insanely modern, sterile house. 
As you walk through the atrium and into the main body of the house, it’s clear it is a family home. Anakin uses his foot to sweep his kids’ shoes out of the way so you don’t trip over them. “Sorry about the mess.” 
“It’s okay,” you shrug. Anakin’s house isn’t even all that messy. It just looks like a home. There are so many pictures on the walls, it would be impossible to look at all of them in one go. One in particular, though, catches your eye. It’s the largest out of all of them and the only one in black and white. A significantly younger Anakin is at the bedside of who you presume to be his wife with two bundles of babies in their arms. They are both looking down and smiling. His wife was stunning. They definitely made an attractive couple. 
It’s not lost on you that there are no other pictures of Anakin’s kids with their mom. He’s only spoken about his wife’s death in one interview, about a year after her passing. If you remember correctly, she died shortly after the twins were born. 
You can’t imagine the kind of pain and heartache Anakin must have felt losing his wife. You don’t know what it feels like to experience that kind of grief. You want to tell Anakin you’re sorry for his loss, but what good will that do? Is there any consolation in that at all? 
You’re still looking at the photo when Anakin returns from Luke’s room with a new pair of tan pants. You can feel his presence right beside you and the silence is louder than words. 
He shouldn’t have brought you back here. It’s only your first day and you’ve already seen too much of his life. 
“Let’s go,” Anakin orders. You nod without a word and follow him out to the car. 
The tension in the air is palpable on your way to St. Lucas Prep. You feel like you’ve done something wrong by simply stepping foot in Anakin’s house. His whole demeanor shifted when he came back to the front room with Luke’s pants. Does he regret bringing you to the house? If so, why? Dorothy clearly laid out your responsibilities to you. Tending to personal matters at Anakin’s house is part of the job. You are not just a professional assistant, but a personal assistant, too.
You can’t stand not knowing why someone is upset with you. “Did I do something wrong?” 
Anakin’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. “No.” 
Wow, how reassuring. “Okay, then why do I feel like I did something to upset you?” 
You’re really pressing your limit with him right now. You’ve only just met 2 hours ago. See, this is why meeting him should’ve been part of the hiring process. You’d be a lot more acquainted with each other than you are right now. 
If only you knew how acquainted Anakin is with you… 
“You didn’t,” is all he says. But with a twitch of his jaw, you still feel like he’s not telling you the truth. 
“Look, Mr. Skywalker,” you begin. “I understand Dorothy meant a great deal to you, and her leaving is going to be an adjustment. But I promise you I am capable of this job. I’m never late, I’m up late all the time so if there was anything you needed, I’d be able to fulfill it. I love kids, I’m a hard worker and I would really appreciate it if you gave me a chance before making any decisions about me.” 
“You’re right,” Anakin says. “I’ll give you a chance.”  But he’s already made up his mind. He doesn’t have to ‘give you a chance’ to know that he wants you. He is crawling out of his skin with how badly he wants you. And he knows it’s wrong, probably immoral, but he really doesn’t care. Because now that you’ve been inside of his home, the boundary that should exist between him as your boss and you as his employee feels impossibly blurry.
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◂ series masterlist ▸ chapter three
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azrielslittleslut · 3 months
"The Lost Queen"- Music Playlist✨
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This is just a playlist of songs I listen to while writing this series. They capture the vibes and world-building, and some of them will go very well with certain chapters... they are not listed in any particular order, though!
Warnings: some of them contain language and dark/sexual themes
Deep end - Ruelle
How Villains Are Made - Madalen Duke
Control - Halsey
Survivor - 2WEI, Edda Hayes
Midnight Oil - Tommee Profitt, Fleurie
Start a War - Klergy, Valeri Broussard
Crazy in Love - Sofia Karlberg
Champion - Tommee Profitt, Nicole Serrano
In the Woods Somewhere - Hozier
Darkside - Oshins, Hael
Hunting Shadows - AURORA, Assassin's Creed
Darkness - X V I
Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
Tomorrow We Fight - Tommee Profitt, SVRCINA
All the King's Men - The Rigs
Fairytale - Gainsworth, Louis Leibfried
Castle - Halsey
Hoist the Colours - MALINDA
War Of Hearts - Ruelle
Run On - Jamie Bower, King Sugar
Soldier - Tommee Profitt, Fleurie
Paint It, Black - Ciara
Love and War - Fleurie
Sound Of War - Tommee Profitt, Fleurie
Heart Of The Darkness - Tommee Profitt, Sam Tinnesz
Big Bad Wolf - Roses & Revolutions
Little Girl Gone - CHINCHILLA
Devil's Backbone - The Civil Wars
The Is Only The Beginning - Steelfather
Part Goddess Part Gangster - Madalen Duke
No F.E.A.R. - Madalen Duke
Undone - Tommee Profitt, Fleurie
You're Gonna Get What's Coming - Klergy, VG LUCAS
Noble Blood - Tommee Profitt, Fleurie
Blood // Water - grandson
Ready For War - Tommee Profitt, Liv Ash
Come Fly With Me - Ruelle
Gun In My Hand - Dorothy
Chokehold - Sleep Token
Hypnosis - Sleep Token
Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier
You Put A Spell On Me - Austin Giorgio
Warrior (Remix) - Beth Crowley
Where the Dark Things Are - Kerli
Russian Roulette - Rihanna
bury a friend - Billie Eilish
Battlefield - SVRCINA
It Will Come Back - Hozier
Work Song - Hozier
Bring me to life - Miguel Owls
Snitch (Slowed) - Reyn Hartley
labour - Paris Paloma
you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish
Jenny of Oldstones - Florence + The Machine
Bow (Slowed) - Reyn Hartley
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lillie98 · 1 year
I grew up obsessed with “The Wizard of Oz,” so much so that I read some of the original L. Frank Baum books (which I highly recommend). The more I watch and analyze Stranger Things, the more similarities I see between the two stories. Gay people in the 80s referred to themselves as being “Friends with Dorothy,” so as not to be outed. I also believe each OG Party Member represents a different Oz character—which has huge implications for the overall story.
WILL: He’s our Dorothy (for the reason stated above). He’s on a journey to discover his power and strength, dreaming of a life far away from Kansas (Hawkins). He believes he needs his Ruby Slippers (El’s Powers) to save himself, but he’s always had THE POWER inside him. He can save himself. He meets a cast of characters along the way that teach him about the world and ultimately himself, giving him the strength he needs to defeat his grief and move on from his trauma.
ELEVEN: Eleven is Glinda. She meets Dorothy (WILL) on the journey and guides the Party through their tasks. She is wise and kind, helping Dorothy overcome his trauma and discover the power within him. El’s Powers are the Ruby Slippers, which Dorothy thinks he needs to defeat The Wicked Witch of the West (Vecna). By the end of the story, Glinda tells Dorothy he never needed the slippers and had the power within him all along. Glinda disappears and Dorothy returns to Kansas, stronger, surer, and finally processing his trauma.
MIKE: Mike is The Cowardly Lion. Stay with me here. I am absolutely not saying Mike is a wuss, because he’s not. He just thinks of himself this way because of everything people tell him. Lucas says he’s Hopeless, Dustin says he’s Oblivious, his parents say he’s a punk. Why wouldn’t he feel cowardly and afraid? It’s only when Dorothy (WILL) comes into his life and calls him “His Heart” that Mike finally understands his worth and takes up his mantle to fight. He also believes Dorothy needs his Ruby Slippers to win, but will soon discover Dorothy’s incredible powers.
LUCAS: He’s our Tin Man. Lucas loves loudly, but it doesn’t always come across that way. He’s brash and brutally honest, often refusing to sugar coat his words in favor of candor. He fears he is difficult to love because of this and closes himself off to potential love interests, thus becoming “rusty.” It’s only when the Oil Can (MAX) softens him up and accepts him for who he is, that he opens up and discovers the true meaning of love.
(I also think Max could share the Lion with Mike sine they’re basically same person different font)
DUSTIN: Dustin is the scarecrow. We all know Dustin is genius-level intelligent, but he sometimes gets carried away with his discoveries, going to great lengths to indulge his mind (including stealing books from the library). It’s not until someone falls in love with his incredible mind (STEVE) that the Scarecrow learns to harness his intelligence and use it to fight his enemies. His mind will be key in destroying Vecna. Remember the Forever Clock (perfect for the Apocalypse!!)
JOYCE AND HOPPER: Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. They’re Dorothy’s caretakers since his original parents (LONNIE) couldn’t care for him. They know Dorothy dreams of a life far beyond Kansas, but do their best to support him while he’s here. They’ll do anything to keep Dorothy safe.
SUZIE: Suzie is our Wizard. I love this one. The boys go on a journey to find her, she’s wearing green (like, come on), and her house is full of munchkins (literally). Lots of people have created analyses of SUZIE’s house, so I won’t go into detail here, but she is crucial to cracking this code. She’s a master hacker, able to change grades and possibly storylines. She’s not all that threatening, what with being a fourteen-year-old girl, but she holds insane amounts of power.
VECNA: The Wicked Witch of the West. The ultimate Big Bad, hell-bent on destroying Dorothy. Willing to do whatever it takes to bring him down, lest he destroy his plan. The witch seems unbeatable, always one step ahead, but Dorothy discovers his power and defeats the witch easily with just a bucket of water. Also the Demo creatures are Flying Monkeys. I will not elaborate.
I’m not sure about the rest of the cast, but let me know in the comments what you think! As far as the story itself is concerned, Dorothy needs to find out about his powers, and we’re so close!! The moment someone removes Soteria, Dorothy’s powers will be released, and Vecna will be toast. This does mean, however, some of our beloved characters will disappear, too—particularly Eleven. She’s Glinda the Good, spirit guide for Dorothy and his Party. Once Dorothy discovers his power, Glinda isn’t needed anymore. Does that mean she will die? Not necessarily, but I do think she will “ascend” to the newly-freed Upside Down (now Heaven instead of Hell) and rule it. She will always be there protecting and guiding them, but unable to cross back over. This is probably where characters like Dustin, Steve, Robin, Lucas? etc. will end up because we all know they’re going to die. It sucks but at least they have somewhere beautiful to go. Anyone not on the hill in the final shot is Fair Game for me, unfortunately.
Throughout this journey, Dorothy (WILL) has learned countless lessons from his friends and family that will ultimately fuel him to defeat his grief and trauma once and for all. The only character that will remain is Mike. Mike is more than the Lion, he is Dorothy’s lifeline. Mike makes Will brave. Without him, Will cannot survive. He may have all the power in the world, but that power means nothing if he can’t have Mike. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s beautiful.
Also, since The Wizard of Oz is a story within a story, this entire story of Stranger Things is either a DnD campaign Mike wrote for Will, or a Comic Book series the two boys wrote together. Mike does say he’s been working on a campaign for Will, so this might be what he’s referencing. Either way, it’s going to be incredibly emotional and beautiful, and I can’t wait!!!
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evita-shelby · 8 months
The ship names i came up for the eva ships
Teva (tommy x eva)
Luva (luca x eva)
Java (jack x eva)
Nameva (namor x eva)
Rova (robert fischer x eva)
Oz (Johnathan Crane x Eva, because adria arjona played dorothy gale and had a romance with the scarecrow in Emerald City and obv Johnathan is the Scarecrow)
Heava (@call-sign-shark heaven x eva)
Evsper (@cljordan-imperium Jasper x eva)
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konako · 2 years
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it’s their first time in Storybrooke together and Dorothy is still figuring out the fashion. Brought to you by The Storybrooke Giftshop. (and the discord server)
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skysglcw · 1 month
Picture it, the night after Dorothy’s departure. Blanche dreams of Dorothy comforting her after a nightmare but wakes up only to find out that it was just a dream, and Dorothy really was gone.
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pierre-reads-comics · 9 months
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Phoenix Song: Echo (2021) #2 — Rebecca Roanhorse, Luca Maresca & Kyle Charles
"Looks like we're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy."
God, this joke/reference needs to be retired.
Honestly, not really an enjoyable issue. Maya and her mother don't interact enough for her sudden loss to mean much, and Riverwalker's motives are confusing since I'm not sure how much he hasn't told Maya.
Which, I guess, is the point? But it doesn't make for enjoyable reading when I couldn't tell they were going for dramatic irony until nearly the end of the issue.
Also, hold the phone; the X-Men didn't make an appearance during this entire issue, haha. Whelp, I got my first misleading cover!
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styledbyanton · 1 year
Styling for Leo Ku MV 古巨基 X Delta T 《有少少愛》 (Love a little)
Directed by Dorothy Lau 劉君冬 @thedorothylau#GTDLcreative
Story | @pixelivan and I
Producer | Aj Avyon C. @aj_avyon_c Production Manager | Ricky Ng @ricky_nwk Production | Simon Lun @sction_l, Jake Wan @jake.w_21
DOP | Dave Cheung @davecheungy Gaffer | Fung Ho Ning Electrician | Kaho, San Focus Puller | Lam Kwok San 2nd Assistant Camera | Harry Chan, Cheung Yiu Chung
Art Director | Lit @lit_wh Art Team | Potato @llikaww, Sammy Yeung @sammyeung, Boy
Stylist (Leo) | Anton Mak @antonnmak Stylist (Delta, 應智越 and Jackie) | Ray Fu @rayfuxx@creer_styling Styling Assistants | Dorothy [email protected] & Lucas Cheng @yikchunpa___
Editing | Pixel Ivan @20thcenturyboys@pixelivan Colour Grading | fmlik @fmlik_ Title Design | whtihvdone @whtihvdone Additional Graphics | junhooo @iamjunhooo
Make up (Leo Ku) | Natalie Soo (ND&CO.) Hair (Leo Ku) | Mark Ip @HAiR
Make up (Delta) | Matt Li @mattlicmakeup Hair (Delta) | Ryan Fung @ryan_____fung
Make up (應智越) | Lulu Lee @lulee_makeup_artist Hair (應智越) | Lupus Chuu @lupus_c_hair
Make up (Jackie Tai) | Kae Li @kae.liii Hair (Jackie Tai) | Zenki Lau @Live.Once.Hair
Wardrobe (Leo) | ZEGNA, Loro Piana, Club Monaco, Mr P from Mr Porter, Midwest Vintage, Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin
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lynnsartsworld · 2 years
Here’s the playlist for Ruby❤️, Dorothy💙, Cassie💜 & Peter 💚!!
I hope you enjoy it and here’s the description too:
If your a big fan of Red Kansas then you’ll love this playlist that I made for both of Ruby, Dorothy and their daughter Cassie & son Peter!! Enjoy the playlist! Please go check it out, you might like the music you will hear on this playlist 
This is if Dorothy, Ruby, Cassie & Peter created a playlist for all four of them.
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