#Doppio Venegar×reader
dance-bones · 10 months
Love Swarm|Jojo's Villains (Part 2)
Inspired by: Holding a Moth
That's about how your first meeting happened.
You may ask, what is it? And this is a whole little swarm of your new lovers. Anthropomorphic moths are not only firmly entrenched in your house, but also gave you a lot of trouble. Why did you leave them, well, not to say that you had a choice. It's worth introducing you to your new boyfriends, as they call themselves.
°Dio Brando°
Death's Head(Acherontia atropos)
Actually, he was the first person you saw, and who saw you. He told the others about you. Why? Because he wanted to show you off as his future property. Brando never expected that the others would be interested in you too.
He is quite possessive of you and loves physical contact. Dio doesn't even hide it, he just comes up when he wants attention and takes you with one pair of hands and caresses your face and hair with the other. And he frankly doesn't give a damn what you were doing, even if it was important to you. But you made a note that it would be better to allocate time to him, and then you will not be interrupted from business.
You usually talk about the books he borrows from you. You can also philosophize. He likes to listen to your opinion, although sometimes he may disagree with you, just because he wants to hear your arguments.
Since Dio is a butterfly, he has beautiful yellow-black wings, which he often flaunts. He also loves your compliments to his wings, especially if you think he's the best. It caresses his ego, and you probably don't know it-it's huge.
The problems with a blonde are not only in paying attention, but also in eating. You see, he is not only a butterfly, but also a vampire. And he has blood in his preferences. So another reason for Brando to get to you is feeding. But at the first mention of it, he convinced you that he would not take much, although this is an outright lie. Dio not only drinks your blood to dizziness, but also does it on exposed areas of the skin. Pain is also present, but here you can thank him, because the vampire is aware of this and approaches his meal a little more gently.
He sits you on his lap and slowly sinks his fangs into your skin, but at such moments you feel all four hands gently caressing your body. It is distracting and helps not to feel acute pain. He can also resort to pheromones, which work very well, but I'll talk about them later.
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(Hypolimnas bolina)
Another owner on your head. He does not like your absence from home, and often watches you, especially if you return from work late at night.
Just like Dio can grab you without words and put you on the couch next to him. As with the gorgeous hair on his head, Kars has fluffy purple fur around his neck and on his chest. You often fall asleep on it or just lie down. He's soft. And given the fact that Kars doesn't say anything about it, he either doesn't mind, or feels a pleasant feeling about it, but he won't tell you much about it, because he doesn't have to, but you don't have to tell him the whole biography, that's what you were born for.
Kars immediately explained that he did not need food, but you did not mind getting rid of an extra consumer. But that's not the problem, when you cook, he can come to the tasting, and, believe me, he will not stint on criticism. Again, you will get used to it, because Kars criticizes almost everything and everything.
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°Kira Yoshikage°
Hawk moth(Smerinthus ocellatus)
He's taciturn, but that doesn't mean he won't chat with you. Kira loves it. You will be asked about your preferences, about life, about feelings, while turning over your hands in their four.
Yoshikage also watches you a lot, and looks into your eyes during the same conversation. It bothered you at first, but then you kind of started loving it. But what you never want to do again is quarrel with him or annoy him in some way, and it's not because he can do something to you, no. At such moments, this lepidopteran opens its wings, gazing intently into the eyes. His eye pattern on the wings is intimidating and makes him look more gloomy.
Specifically on food. Kira likes to cook with you or you. He is excellent at this. One day, you asked him to teach you how to cook a dish, so he came up to you from behind and took your hands, starting to drive them and comment on the cooking process. You couldn't see his face at that moment, but he was almost ecstatic. Yoshikage will find a couple more recipes and invite you to try to learn how to cook them, under his guidance, of course!
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°Venegar Doppio°
Wine hawkmoth(eilephila elpenor)
The most clingy and cute moth in your house.
Literally constantly flutters next to you and pokes at you with his antennae. They tickle your cheeks, making you giggle. You can be found working or relaxing on the couch, and Doppio will lie on your lap and purr. Yes, you didn't know that moths can purr, but Doppio will reveal to you all the delights of a relationship with an anthropomorphic moth.
Our moth likes sweets or something Italian, because he will assure you that he is from Italy. At such moments, he is happy, especially if you share a plate with him. Venegar can also grab a cutlery and start feeding you, or ask you to feed him.
The only thing that can make him leave you for a while is Diabolo. Doppio loves you, of course, but he doesn't want to annoy his boss.
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Variegated Turkmen (Zygaena truchmena)
He's watching while you're not looking.
First of all, you didn't look at him at the first meeting because he was hiding in the shadows. Your next meeting happened in the attic when you wanted to take some things. Let me explain that the attic is designed as another good and comfortable room, except that it is dark there.
Once inside, the door closed behind you. That's when you heard him. The devil wrapped his wings around you and brought you closer to his soft fur on his chest, which was soaked in his pheromones. It smelled sweet and then you got dizzy. Well, that's probably what he wanted, because he leaned over and kissed you passionately and even in a proper way. Of course, then he let you take the thing you needed, you chatted for a while and left. However, you have remembered that the attic is no longer yours.
By the way, Doppio warned you that his boss is somewhere nearby and that he is always watching.
You thought he was always in the attic until the food on the table began to disappear. Moreover, you found out that it was him, because after your cooking, Doppio comes and asks for Diabolo, specifically the dish from which the sample was taken. So you started bringing him food, and then he started coming himself.
You often come to the attic in the evenings to keep him company. For Diavolo, this is a sweet gesture, although he, like Carse and Dio, believes that it is your duty to devote time to him. He is the emperor, after all.
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°Enrico Pucci°
He cares about you the most.
He almost worships you. You hear compliments from him, and you like to do it in return. Pucci is dependent on your praise, although it greatly embarrasses him. He tries to look strong in front of you.
You can approach him when he is napping on the couch and get under his wing. Enrico is literally a fluffy moth. You also love stroking his mustache. They are quivering very nicely. Well, you also love listening to him, especially when he talks enthusiastically about paradise.
Regarding food, he prefers fruits, but you are sure that he secretly cracks a mulberry tree that grows nearby. But do not bring up this topic, the moth does not really like to be embarrassed in front of you, no matter how often this happens.
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°Diego Brando°
Oleander hawkmoth (Daphnis nerii)
The most unusual lover. Double rituals!
Since Diego is not only an anthropomorphic moth, but also a dinosaur, then get ready for the most exciting consequences of an open window that evening.
They literally hold you in their arms and fly with you. He loves you madly and will kiss your whole face. And yet, Diego loves touching himself and literally melts when you stroke his tail or mustache on his head.
You used to have a fumigator, but you got rid of it because of your lovers. You were very afraid that mosquitoes and flies would interfere with you, but Diego made it easier for you.
You also had special stones in pots, he ate them, and even during the winter, you took flowers from the street, he ate them too..
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°Fanny Valentine°
Comet moth (Argema mittrei)
Literally a moth in your house.
You love his hair, and he loves yours. He allows himself to be braided, because he likes to feel your gentle hands in his hair.
Valentine is punctual and he has a schedule, which he has involved you in, partially so far. Specifically, a 30-minute nap..with him, of course. He usually lies down and pulls you to him, hiding you from the rest in his wings.
It feels like he hasn't come out of the moth larva period. At some point, you found him in a circle of expensive, fabric, napkins that you were looking for so hard. He slowly picked them up and chewed them. When asked why he was doing this, you got something like "It's delicious" and "They smell like you, I can't resist." Now, before you go to work, make sure that you hide napkins and handkerchiefs from him.
In general, he has a sweet tooth, watch his diet, or you will be left without sweets.
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Well, your lovers also have a few principles in common. And one of them is pheromones. They act as something relaxing and sometimes intoxicating, and each has its own smell.
When you first felt them, it felt like expensive perfume. And that's fine, because you no longer need to spend money on perfume. And not to say that you use them like bottles with wings, in any case! They do it themselves. And someone alone. You can come to work every day with a new smell, similar to some Dior. It makes your colleagues think about your earnings, but it doesn't matter.
When you get home and take a shower, the first thing that happened to you was a new batch of pheromones. You literally open the door and you are immediately grabbed and pressed to yourself. Whoever gets there first, that's what you'll smell like until the next shower.
It annoyed you a lot, you could at some point wake up at night and find the same Diego above you, who is trying to rub his scent into you with his antennae.
But after a general conversation, you agreed and made a schedule, just for the sake of them and your peace. Now after the shower, you just go to the one whose turn it is. For example, the Devil. You approach him, climb onto his lap, and you are slowly caressed with tendrils, covered with pheromones. At the same time, in a relaxed state, your butterfly guys can do this for 10-15 minutes.
Another thing you came across a little later is the mating rituals. God, you held back your laughter at first when they opened their wings and started dancing, but then it started to fascinate. They have always tried, they are trying and they will try for you. Their wings and dances are really beautiful, after a while, even you got involved in them.
Your lovers also try to make a nest for you, but you are against it, because they use silk and the like, and you do not welcome it on your clean walls. But, they have found another use for it, now they bind you with it. Just like that, or so that you don't twitch and let them touch you, anywhere, but they're still gentle. Or if you just want it. Silk is quite soft and pleasant to the touch, you found out from Pucci when he was embarrassed by your compliments. In order to comfort him, you decided to take him by one of your hands. And at that moment, you felt the sticky and soft substance of silk. But fortunately, Enrico explained everything and helped to get rid of the clump.
One big problem that you have to face is hygiene, because they can't wet their wings, so they just clean themselves. By the way, it looks funny, especially when cleaning the mustache. But you asked them to do something about it, and they just learned how to take a shower without touching the wings, everything else is solved with a hairdryer.
And probably the last one. If anything, they respect your time for each other, well, or at least they are not jealous of you, no, they can interact with you several at the same time, and this will also be normal for everyone.
And the coolest thing is cleaning! Everyone has 4 hands, most of them are excellent assistants.
So, they stay with you, or you stay with them, it doesn't really matter. It is important that you are surrounded by the love you deserve. Rest assured, no guy will give you as much trouble and happiness at the same time as your love swarm. And believe me, your lovers will still show how good they are in bed.
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