#Don't think I'll send anyone it bc idk who'd want me to send it to them bdhshsjs
r0bee ยท 2 years
Pass the happy! When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications. (You dont have to if u dont want to tho ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ˜Œ)
1) You <3 /p (and Taylor but she's not on tumblr djshshsh)
2) my special interests
3) rn I'm pretty happy about the way my comics are arranged on my wall bc my mum finally got me some blutack and I just moved some stuff around
4) the risotto I just had it was yummy
5) the pretty lights they put up in town that I get to see when I'm going home after college :)
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cakesexuality ยท 1 year
Idk how much I wanna talk about it rn and I might end up discussing it a bit further when I make my next "estrogen is slapping" post but
I got the call on Monday from the hospital
Basically, they're putting my file on hold until my dietitian and I can figure out more of the foods that are making me sick
My dietitian doesn't wanna take anything out of my diet while my ED is acting up unless we have REALLY good reason to believe it's making me sick, like she's okay with me not eating walnuts bc it seems clear that my body doesn't like those anymore, but she wants me to keep eating wheat for now bc my body seems mostly fine with it so sticking with wheat is better than risking me going down a restriction spiral
They seemed to be implying that my issue with accessing healthcare is social skills, I guess?? And that DBT would help with it?? When I said that the problem is that I live in a society that doesn't value disabled people, the social worker said "I know that's how you feel" when it isn't how I feel, it is the behaviour that abled people have demonstrated and the words they have spoken time and time again
I've had medical professionals tell me to my face that they didn't plan on giving me adequate care just bc I'm mentally disabled
People who are autistic and/or schizophrenic (and this applies to fat people, too, but I'm not in that group) are more likely to die of COVID not bc of any biological factor but bc of access issues
There was a man who went to Humber River Hospital in 2018 and got turned away after presenting with severe leg pain just bc he has bipolar disorder and they thought it was part of his mental illness after one (1) test came back with nothing, so they let him spend 20 minutes crawling to the taxi pickup, and they had a nurse stand over him to shoo him out as if he was a stray cat who'd wandered in, only for another hospital to tell him not long afterwards that it was caused by an autoimmune disease and could kill him if left untreated
Outside of the medical world, I've had more than one teacher try to deny me the accommodations that I was legally entitled to as a disabled student
I go to pride events where the only accessible bathrooms are in the 19+ section or where the "accessibility section" serves no purpose other than giving you a worse view of the drag show, and I go to Drag Race viewing parties where the organizers choose to leave the subtitles off (apparently the gays cannot relate whatsoever to being discriminated against for something they can't change about themselves)
I think I'm just done with receiving mental health care from this hospital, I've never had a good experience with their psychiatry department, I don't know anyone who's had something positive to say about that psychiatry department, and I've told my local CMHA that if they ever legally had to send me to a hospital that I want them to send me basically anywhere BUT this particular hospital if they can help it
I found another ED program who can even offer virtual care so they've sent me their referral form and I'll have my GP do it when I see her in a few days, and I'll be talking to my gynecologist and social worker this week too and then my psychiatrist next week
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yourfriendlyenby ยท 2 years
yes hi hello I saw ur classpecting hermits post and I have many thoughts,
1. voidrot mumbo is So Good like genuinely i feel people dont touch on the troll lore hiveswap gave us all that much so to see it has me frothing at the mouth
2. rainbow drinker Cleo is just so cool, Cleo gets to glow, as a treat OH AND with purpleblood joe they could have an agreement where joe from a moral stand point doesnt like killing but like feferi hes okay with doing it out of necessity and to help a friend (which in turn helps him but he doesnt like to think about it)
3. okay I'm going to seem like im just saying this bc yellow is impulses thing but goldblood impulse would honestly make more sense? mostly because he is a redstoner before builder and hes not the best at pvp (applicable bc indigobloods are known for strength over most other things) also as a nod to s8 his colors could be purple and yellow
3b. actually tbh the longer I think about it the more okay I am with him being an indigoblood actually but I still wanna throw my 2 cents out there
4. scar should be an oliveblood purely because certain bloods tend to have certain lusii and his lusii should be a big jellie also because I think it fits trickster personality :]
5. TEALBLOOD CUB Bro. tealblood cub thats so smart and Perfect I literally cannot explain how much i love that cub has Strong tagora vibes so it just Fits
okay anywyas sorry for just. dropping a shit ton of words on u I was hyperfixated on homestuck for like at least 4 years then hermitcraft for the last 2 so my brain just went crazy
Oh dang uhh
First of all thanks for sending me an ask since I don't usually have those XD I'll put a somewhat organized list of my thoughts and such
I added voidrot Mumbo not because I was going through Hiveswap lore but because I was going through Subgrubs and Snazzards since someone in the tags of my post told me about that, and as soon as I read that description I was like "oh Mumbo definitely sounds like someone who'd say 'I'm dying constantly all the time' not even as a troll just in general"
I added rainbow drinker Cleo because 1) rainbow drinkers are described as like vampires and vampires are undead, and so are zombies so yeah. 2) because yeah Cleo deserves to glow and drink blood as a treat. Idk too much about what you said about Joe so I'm just gonna nod and smile
Now with Impulse I'd have to agree a bit about how he'd be gold since that's sort of his color as well as being sort of tech-based, but 1) I tried using the gold color given when I was trying to draw characters and oh my gosh why is it like that I want to use it as sparingly as possible I need help in a good shade, 2) I wanted to reference the original fanart in my post and Impulse was an indigoblood there. Obviously there are better reasons but I'm not too far deep into Homestuck to know what they are
Olivebloods are stated to be more comfortable with things they are familiar with and are alarmed by new ideas. We never see this in Scar, he actively embraces changes to keep things fresh each season. And indigobloods are actually stated to be sporadic and change often, careless, and surprise friends often which are all things we see in Scar a LOT. And also they said that, and I quote, "being around a well-adjusted indigoblood is always a good time" which I mean like. Cmon. I can't say no to that. Although I will say the whole lusus thing might've swayed me a little but shhhhhhh we can make our own canon and I didn't have time to think of lusus and also they had a trend to just die a lot and I don't want that for Jellie soooo
I literally just based off tealblood Cub after the original fanart I have no idea what tealblood's deal is, so if anyone has an idea as to why tealblood Cub is good please let me know
Anyways, for putting up with my rambling, have a wip for something I'm doing for 413 :D
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