#Don't shoot me I know Athena had nothing to do with marriage
backpackingspace · 3 months
Athena marrying odysseus and penelope: I now pronounce you cursed
Odysseus: uM goddess I think there's been a mistake
Athena: I said what I said
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Doing Good [Evan Buckley & Eddie Diaz]
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Based off: S2 E8 ‘Buck Actually’
A/N: ✨bonk✨
Warnings: gun violence, blood, gun assault, hospitals
Post Date: 8/30/21
Word Count: 1.4K
Pairing[s]: Buck x Reader x Eddie
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I served out the plates for midday breakfast, Eddie serving me that charming smile as Buck hurdles up the stairs, Hen just behind him as she rolls her eyes at the mans behaviour. "A beautifully perfect way to get the day going! Breakfast with the best girl and family." I smiled, shaking my head as I took my seat at the table.
Happy and light hearted chatter swarmed the table and ensued even more once Athena arrived, giving Bobby that soft, loving look. About half way through food, the alarm screamed out loud, the intercoms calling for us and giving us the leading directions. It was a woman who had stuck herself up on a sign on the freeway with a painted banner screaming "SEE ME NORMAN"
--- --- ---
We pulled out the giant plush landing pad keeping a steady eye, other people further back in the traffic jam yelling for us to hurry. "No!" Lola shouted when she saw the landing pad, shooting at it, two bullets piercing into it and one lightly grazing my arm, making me hiss in pain as I instinctively put my hand over it, the blood nothing too bad.
I took the speaker piece from Athena, focusing my attention up and turning it on. "Lola. Hi Lola. Listen, you're rightfully upset, okay? You feel alone and that's a strange feeling. I mean this fully when I say I understand how that is." I gulped back a lump in my throat as the gun was now pointed to me, she shouted in response. "You're just a child though! You don't know anything! You don't know the feeling of marriage!" I took in a few breaths, looking at Buck & Eddie, lightly nodding.
"Lola.. I may not know exactly how you feel but I get how scary that feeling of be-" I was cut off, the sound around me turning to static on a TV as I looked to the right side of my lower torso, feeling nothing but warmth trickling down my side before I fell, colliding my body with the road, staring off in the sky. I could but I couldn't feel the pain as I looked to the source of the blood and watch it pool, soaking and staining my clothes. I can't tell how much longer it had been until gentle hands picked me up and placing me onto a gurney, voices panicking in the noise muzzled background.
"Hold on, (Y/N)! You need to, please.." My eyes started feeling heavy, my head bobbing around as I was then staring at the clean ceiling of the ambulance before peaceful darkness blanketed me and the pain was then just gone.
When someone you love is in the hospital, the wait seems eternal, never ending. We were all grouped together, my eyes stuck on the door for who knows how long. Nurses & doctors gave us looks of sympathy as tears had been stinging my eyes for who knows how long. A hand held my own as I looked to Buck giving me a soft smile, "It's gonna be okay. She'll be out of here before the week is over, I bet." I nodded with a sigh.
A doctor slowly stepped out of the room as I shot up to my feet, Buck still gripping my hand "So..?" Buck pressed, his eyes bloodshot and wide, the doctor smiling lightly "She survived the surgery and it's really a miracle. The bullet entered her body at the waist area, grazing the bottom of her right lung just enough to open it and then stuck in-between her back ribs. You can all go see her but separately as to not overwhelm her when she wakes." I embraced Buck tightly, letting out a shaky breath of relief.
We looked at the others, asking if they wanted to go first but they heavily insisted we do it as we'd be the people she wants to see and speak to first. I had to stop, staring at what I could see through the little window on the door before letting myself in. I'll admit, she looked peaceful while sleep, probably the most peaceful I've ever seen her. We both sat on either side of the bed, the only sound was the monitor beeping.
I held her hand, placing a gentle kiss on it. "You got lucky amor, we're all very worried." Her chest heaved gently with each breath, her skin a little lighter then usual but she did seem to lose a decent amount of blood. "I'm thinking that when you're doing better, we all take a vacation and go somewhere nice. Just the three of us, Christopher too" Buck questioned nicely.
Speaking of, "Dad!" I turned in my seat, smiling at the the little voice "Hey buddy! Thank you Carla." I smiled to her as she returned the smile. "Anything for you Eddie. How's your lady doing?" I sighed, picking Christopher up on my lap "She's obviously still asleep but she made it good through surgery" She nodded, fixing herself up a bit "Well, Christopher really wanted to see you all" Carla then exited herself out of the room.
My head screamed, pounding with an unexplainable pain. Beeping and three different voices filled my mind, a hand gently holding mine. My eyes fluttered open slowly before I grasped that I was in a hospital room. "Awake!" I looked to my side to see a smiling Christopher who gently threw himself onto me. I sighed, gently rubbing his back as I look to my other side, seeing a delighted Buck.
"I feel like I ate a firecracker" I groaned with a small laugh. I enjoyed the moment between the four of us silently, Buck placing a kiss on my knuckles. "You are a miracle doll" I smiled, shifting myself to sit up more. "I don't feel like it right now." The door opened, letting in an even brighter light from the hallway in the room.
"Oh good, you're awake. How do you feel?" I shrugged at the doctor "My whole torso feels numb and on fire. In general, fine I guess" The doctor nodded, jotting things on her clipboard down before giving me a smile, "There's some more visitors nervously waiting if you'd like to see them now" I rolled my eyes, helping Christopher off the bed as I sit up more, nodding at the doctor with a playful sigh "Send the circus in"
Not even half a second later, the rest of the 118 hurdling in and tackling me with hugs. I groan loudly as they all, mostly Chimney meekly apologize. We all talked amongst each other between the doctors and nurses coming in to check on me and my vitals, making sure nothing was going wrong or would go wrong. "So Ms. (L/N), you wanna try walking?" I nodded, sitting up fully and pushing the blankets from my legs. Eddie quickly stood up, putting one hand on my lower back & waist area, his other arm taking my left one and wrapping it around his neck.
Slowly he helped me up as I held onto him, staring down at my socked feet. I stumbled a few steps before regaining my composure and balance better.
--- --- ---
To no surprise, a welcome back party was held for me, the entire 118 department shouted welcomes and good wished for me when I pulled up, a big smile spreading on my face as I throw down my bag in a corner. "I've only been out a month guys" Buck practically throws himself at me as I hug him back, taking in his sweet smell. "We know but those two would almost never shut up about you even if we were on a call!" Hen exclaimed, stealing me from Buck to hug me.
It was refreshing, a nice feeling to finally be back to the place I called home. We sang horribly to karaoke, ate Bobby's amazing cooking, Athena stopped by. It was definitely a good welcome back as any other we've had before. The loud bell rang, annoyed sighs, my own included mixed with the alarm as we all huddled down the stairs and throwing our full uniform on. "How you feeling?" Bobby asked, patting my shoulder "Doing good. Refreshing to be back Cap."
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