#Don't be a vet tech kids get a safe job
abbysimsfun · 2 months
Sims In Bloom: Generation 1 Pt. 18 (He's Getting Married?!)
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The Nesbitts returned from their winter getaway in Oasis Springs in time for New Year’s Eve – Heather, Holly, and River invited all their friends to the Gnome’s Arms to watch the countdown and dance all night, and they didn’t mind at all that their parents snuck across the street for some fun of their own. Heather learned Everett proposed to Spencer over the break, and despite any issues they may have had, Spencer accepted. The news hit Heather hard, and she cried it out alone under her covers, but she knew Everett was devoted to his religion. Heather knew he felt this was right, to marry young and walk along the path set out before him. Though her heart begged him to see her, she wouldn’t let herself say it.
On New Year’s Day, Heather and her family took the polar bear plunge for the first time. It was frigid, but invigorating. The shock to the system Heather needed. Setting aside her heartbroken ego, she congratulated Everett and Spencer on the engagement, and meant it when she said she couldn’t wait for the wedding.
(NOTE: Once again, no one's more upset than me that I was lazy on the screenshots over New Year's! I was also trying to hide the fact that I started a NYE party but could only host it in a nightclub, which Henford doesn't have, so it meant everyone was in Windenburg but that wasn't my headcanon.)
Holly confided in her older sister when she lost her virginity to Kris. They were seventeen, but they’d been together for years and knew it was right. Heather encouraged her sister to be safe, and even though she was a nineteen-year-old virgin pining for her own best friend, she was happy for her little sister. Kris was a sweet guy and he and Holly wanted the same things. She was sure it was only a matter of time before they were engaged, just like Everett and Spencer.
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(NOTE: I genuinely like to leave townies alone but I have always changed Alexander's nose and I'm sorry for anyone who finds it shameful that I don't embrace the nose the devs gave him.)
On a visit to Cassandra in Brindleton Bay, River brought Hazel and her friend Lydia Kim-Lewis – Spencer’s younger sister. Lydia’s parents had finally given in to her desire for a kitten, and River and Hazel knew the Goths had more cats than they knew what to do with. Their Siamese, Socks – who already had a daughter named Spatula – had twins Victory and Fabio with their rescue cat, Frankie. Lydia was instantly taken with Victory, but she was even more taken with Cassandra’s younger brother, Alexander. It wasn’t long before Lydia was spending less time with Hazel and more time with her new boyfriend. Hazel wanted to be jealous, but she was happy for her friend.
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(NOTE: This is Emi Kudo, a random sim assigned as a vet tech at Brindleton Pawspital. The backstory my sims were on the vet lot with their pets and Emi randomly started making out with the former creature keeper, Hayes Harms, who was absolutely cheating on his wife. I played with MCCC to make Emi pregnant by Hayes but had to move her onto a lot so the kid would age. I moved her to Evergreen Harbor and found her 'the dad who stepped up' from sims I had saved in my gallery - a modernized version of @rinseesims perfect sim creation from her incredible Ultimate Decades Challenge, and In Bloom, on YouTube. Usually known as Leoric and/or Leon, in this timeline he's Layne Wise and he adopted Emi's twin sons (yes she had two!) before he married her. With Gen. 3 set to take place in Evergeen Harbor, this is definitely not the last we'll see of him!)
On another trip to Brindleton Bay to take Boomer for his annual checkup, Daisy noticed that Emi Kudo, one of the vet assistants her pets always loved, was gone. The head vet, Sorrel Jackson, explained Emi got pregnant but then got depressed, quit her job, and left town without a trace before giving birth. No one had seen her. Daisy ran into Abby Goldbloom Harms at the clinic, and they embraced as old friends. They exchanged stories about their kids, but when Daisy brought up the sudden disappearance of Emi Kudo, Abby stiffly blew her off. She was surprised but didn’t press further. Despite the fact the new vet assistant was nowhere near as good as Emi had been, she trusted Brindleton Pawspital for all their family pets – Tut, Boomer, and Bernadette.
They adopted a one-year-old Shar Pei/Field Spaniel mix from the Delgatos in Brindleton Bay, after they, too, had a surprise litter with the family dog, Blue. Bernadette was adventurous and friendly and more inclined to fight with the cats than Ralph had ever been, but the family delighted in welcoming her into their home. They’d never replace Ralph, but they had so much love to give another four-legged friend – especially dog lover Neal, who took Ralph’s loss harder than anyone.
Daisy had known Surpriya Delgato for years, having met while both their dogs were at the vet, but now their children were old enough to meet each other. Hazel made fast friends with Surpriya and her husband Justin’s eldest son, Pierce, and had plenty of time for Pierce’s little sister, Evie. But her closest friends were Lydia Kim-Lewis and Nicola Moody-McMillan, and she loved spending time with them during and after school.
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Would Heather really be able to accept her best friends' impending nuptials? ->
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WCIF: Desert Springs Oasis Spa by sawdust123 in Sims gallery | Layne/Leoric by kayroonsee in Sims gallery (Include Custom Content!)
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hail-king-grimes · 6 years
tekehues replied to your post:  hows LIFE bitch...
how did you have two rabies scares what HAPPENED
So the first one was this like, REALLY old cat that was mostly indoor but escaped the patio from time to time, not up to date on rabies vaccine, and randomly presented with neurologic changes that declined over the course of several days. We were pretty sure he had some sort of brain lesion or something of the like. The owners elected humane euthanasia and because of the spotty vaccine history (and the fact that the cat had bitten them during transit) they chose to test for rabies.
No sweat, right? I mean, the likelihood of it actually being positive was low, so it was more of a precaution than anything.
The second one was a LITTLE more scary. Like, we were REAL concerned this one could actually come back with a positive result. This girl who works in reception found a little kitten with a puncture wound of unknown origin. Brings the kitten in, gets it checked out, does all the things you’re supposed to do as far as vaccine series, parasite prevention, etc.
Fast forward like 6-7 months, and said kitten starts having seizures out of the blue. Admitted for IV fluids and anti-seizure meds, but still declines dramatically over the course of days. The girl decides to take the kitten home so her mom can spend some time with her and bring her back first thing in the morning with the whole family to say goodbye. Overnight, the cat started having episodes of staggering, foaming at the mouth and straight up died before they could even get her in somewhere on emergency.
Now, here’s the thing. In areas where rabies is not at all prevalent (high vaccination rates, not a lot of wild animals, not a lot of roaming pets), you wouldn’t think of rabies right off the bat. Especially in an indoor cat who had been seen many times up to that point over the course of weeks, handled by practically the entire clinic staff, and seemed FINE up until the time that she wasn’t. 
But here’s the other thing. Rabies can take anywhere from 10 days to six entire months to show symptoms. That’s what made this whole situation a real bastard. An old cat who stays around the house most of his life and has some weird neuro issues, is not likely to be rabid. A young cat, found as a kitten living outside in a semi-rural area, with an unexplained puncture wound (fence wire? hawk talon? animal bite? WHO FRICKIN KNOWS MAN) with no other unexplained illnesses, going downhill like that? PRETTY HECKIN LIKELY.
So! The fun part. If an animal comes back with a positive result, ANY AND ALL STAFF who have handled that patient AT ALL have to receive those epic, pain-in-the-ass post-exposure vaccines. A bite or scratch isn’t even necessary at that point, you treat it as if you have been exposed to the virus. And my unlucky ass ended up assisting in hospitalizing BOTH patients and the first one scratched me and the second one got drool all over my arm so at this point if anyone comes in with a neurologic cat and asks me to hold it or place an IV in it I’mma be like “nah I’ve exceeded my quota for the year” 
Anyway tl;dr both were negative, and nobody ended up having to get post-exposure vaccinations but there’s just. A REAL AWKWARD TIME when you’re waiting to hear back from the lab and it takes 7 days to get results and your window of exposure to safely be vaccinated is like 7-10 days like??  
Anyway that’s my very long non-rabies rabies story. Veterinary medicine is fun, lmao.
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cafenzie · 3 years
sorry for the previous rant; also technically part of it is just the frustration because my mother seems to pretend to be "proud" of me and my achievements and respect my knowledge in animal care as a previous vet tech YET STILL REFUSES TO LISTEN TO ME.
Which tells me that she doesn't actually respect me.
Other people with narcissistic parents.......please note that. This isn't just about the animals thing, but also about how I have extensive knowledge about certain topics and I know I do, but my mother seems to "forget" or simply not care and would still rather listen to facebook or people like my sister in law who think oils cure autism.
What I've noticed, from my own personal experience, is that children with narcissistic parents who then grow up are often disrespected, yet parents like this do it in a back-handed way, often by pretending to be proud of accomplishments. Usually in the form of...
not actually even remembering the accomplishment Ex: ("what is it that you studied again, I just always forget what it's called!" hint, with sassy, sarcastic, or "fake" tone).
not listening when you explain something about your accomplishment Ex. ("honey you know I don't understand all that jargon, you get a little too excited about these things sometimes, it's so hard to follow along!" OR literally just..forgetting.)
bragging to others, but not acknowledging alone (hence, showing they don't care about me as an individual, but moreso as "eye candy" to show off to friends to feel good) Ex. ("oh she's just so smart and talented, we're so proud of her!")
critiquing your accomplishments in bits and pieces, usually about the future, double points if your parents are misogynistic and use the "woman" kind of card on you Ex. ("but how will you find a job? you're not going to make a lot of money? how will you ever find a husband? What about kids?" ....no comment. just fuck off.)
There's probably plenty more, feel free to add more. We should just make a bingo card at this point.
But anyways, the point is: If you or a loved one experienced this treatment, then buddy...I have some not-so-great news for you. Stand your ground, don't take that shit, but also it's fine to not want to interact or set boundaries as a result, PLEASE stay safe in all sense because narcissistic parents are possibly the worst and I understand.
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mikototsu-trash · 8 years
I don't know if you've ever been asked this question before, but what kind of jobs or careers do you think the HOMRA and Scepter4 boys would have if Kings did not exist? Main HOMRA and Scepter4 Trio, the alphabet boys, Kokujoji Daikaku, what do you image they'd be good at or interested in? We all know Mikoto'd love be a lion on the savannah, but in somewhat realistic ideas?
I don’t think I’ve been asked this one before ^^ Thank you anon~
Mikoto: I believe it was touched on in canon once (though I don’t remember exactly which side material it was?) that he had a part-time job as a bodyguard or a security guard or something like that once- I think this is the kind of work he’d continue with if Homra never came around. He’s intimidating and strong enough that he’d make a good bouncer or security guard- though not a police officer or anything like that. 
Izumo: Bartender, obviously
Tatara: I think he’d constantly be looking for a new job, wanting to try his hand at something new all the time and he’d never stay in one place for very long. He’d mainly want something that could support his hobbies and pay the rent and the bills. 
Misaki: I think Misaki would make a good chef. He works pretty well in high-pressure situations, and he’s canonically a good cook (see: the Fried Rice radio drama) with some good ideas. I don’t think he’d do anything fancy, but working at a diner or a café or even doing the food at Izumo’s bar if they ended up meeting even without the slates sounds like it’d be right up his street. 
Rikio: I really love the idea of Rikio as a nurse- he’s a very caring person, and he’s always willing to go above and beyond for others, no matter whether or not he’s obligated to do so. I think he’d do great, particularly as a paediatric nurse. He has a lot of love and care to give, and he’s great with kids. 
Kosuke: Definitely something with animals- I’m not sure what his grades were like, but if he did well enough in school to get into vet school, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did that, but if not (to be fair most of the Homra guys don’t seem like the types to get straight As) I think he’d probably work at some kind of animal rescue or as an animal control officer. 
Bandou: I think he’d make a good fire fighter. He’s quite a brave and self-sacrificing person; it seems like the sort of thing he’d be good at. I can also see Shouhei doing the same thing- they’re good friends so maybe they’d decide to go in to train for it together. 
Sceptre 4
Reisi: Invariably I think he’d end up in some kind of government office.
Seri: She’s a very intelligent woman (she dropped out of University to join Scepter 4) so I think a lot of paths would be open to her, but I think the most likely would be: Inheriting her family’s confectionery business, joining the Police force and working her way up the ranks, and possibly some kind of work in mental health, maybe as a therapist or a social worker. 
Saruhiko: he’d almost certainly work with computers, as some kind of coder or programmer. He definitely wouldn’t work in tech support though- the people he’d have to deal with would piss him off too much.  
Enomoto: however, would probably work pretty well in tech support. 
Zenjou: He’d probably work well in some kind of administration job, perhaps within the government. I think a civil service job would suit him well. 
I think it’s safe to say that most of Sceptre 4 would end up in law enforcement or the military- Sceptre 4 is basically already a police/military branch and everyone there seems to enjoy the work.
Other clans 
Shiro/Adolf: Canonically a scientist, and canonically becomes a teacher- I think he’d be a great physics professor, and continue his work as a researcher while also working as a lecturer. 
Kuroh: I also think he’d be a good teacher, either of literature or possibly martial arts? If it was realistic for him to support himself as a poet, I think he’d do so, but it’s very hard to make a living as a writer. Perhaps he’d work as a martial arts instructor, and moonlight as a poet.
Nagare: Likely the CEO of a successful internet startup company, the way he always was with Jungle. 
Yukari: I can see him being a great beauty and fashion blogger/vlogger. 
Daikaku: He seemed to do well in a position of authority, so similar to Reisi, I think he’d probably end up working in the government. 
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