#Don't ask why nico's in cabin 7 at 2 am lmao
sprucestairs · 12 days
pjo incorrect quotes part 4
I couldn't think of a funny title cause I'm sick
Clovis, in game chat: how do I play?
*Clovis has drawn first blood*
*Clovis is on a killing spree*
*Clovis is on a rampage*
*Clovis is unstoppable*
*Clovis is dominating*
*Clovis is godlike*
Clovis: lol don't worry, I figured it out.
Annabeth: why do I always try to tell people we're cool? We are so very uncool.
Nico, sleep deprived: do you think different paints have different tastes?
Pollux: they do.
Lou Ellen: why did you say that with such confidence?
Connor: my head hurts.
Malcolm: that's your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
Percy: is five a lot of followers?
Drew: it depends. On instagram? No, five isn't a lot of followers. In a dark alleyway? Yes, five is a lot of followers.
*At 2 am in cabin 7*
Austin: what if food had people names and people had food names?
Kayla: hey spaghetti, we're having Austin for dinner.
Will: what is wrong with you two?
Nico: shut up, chocolate.
Drew: it's illegal to look better than me.
Sherman: guess we're all going to jail then.
Percy: petition to remove the 'd' from 'wednesday'
Clovis: wednesay.
Percy: ...not what I had in mind, but I'm flexible.
Clarisse: when life gives you lemons, what do you do?
Katie: make lemonade!
Clarisse: no, you throw the lemons back up in the sky and make life deal with it's own shit.
Chiron, trying to fill out legal paperwork: were you AMAB or AFAB?
Lou: bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Castor: I was created in a lab.
Nico: I just straight up spawned in.
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