#Domino's power was always my absolute favorite when I discovered X Men. This logically extended to Xeno a.
sannyo-appreciation-posts ยท 3 months
Xeno a
Since I use them so much, they probably deserve some form of introduction.
This is Xeno a:
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Xeno a is from Len'en Project. A Spellcard Shoot em up series inspired by Touhou Project
They are the Extra Stage boss for the neutral route of "Brilliant pagoda or haze castle"
They also have one of the most epic and snazzy boss themes in all video games.
Xeno a is considered to be one of the most powerful characters in Len'en Project. This is because they have the power to manipulate probability, on a mostly unconscious level to an absolutely broken extent.
For Xeno a, coins land on their side, sickness never affects them, everything with a non zero possibility will happen in their favor. This ability makes Xeno a effectively immortal, essentially unbeatable, and extremely bored. In a way, sort of cursed because their luck effectively makes others around them unlucky by extension.
Xeno eventually got a job working as a dealer at Dhanya Nakta Hotel & Casino. Both as it's just an insanely practical job for someone with their power and as a way to avoid boredom.
Being a corrupt dealer eventually got them into a fight with an extremely powerful character named Tsurubami Senri. So powerful that it overcame Xeno a's power. This caused Xeno a to flee for their life experiencing fear for the first time ever. Xeno a became addicted to the feeling and became long time evenly matched sparring partners with Tsurubami. Until they left
(]This is a very abridged introduction[)
Here's a Wiki link:
Xeno a doesn't really have anything in common with Sannyo beyond being a dealer, but I like Xeno a. So I play with them anyway.
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