#Dominique x reader
amphibiahawks321 · 10 months
Parks Orlok : Did you finish the job?
M!Reader : Yep! I'm not gonna lie that Loup garou was really difficult
Parks Orlok : The beast has been going around destroying everything he sees for the past two weeks I can't blame you....
M!Reader : Tell me about i-
Dominique : Darling!
Parks Orlok : [sighs] again with the dramatic entrance....
[Runs to hug him immediately]
Dominique : How could that vampire make your cutie patootie face look so bruised up!
Parks Orlok : [sighs] Calm down miss domi his fin-
Dominique : Fine?!
[Holds her Y/N's face with one hand and facing it towards Orlok]
Dominique : You call this fine?! Look at this handsome man's face! It's all bruised up!
Parks Orlok : I can assure you miss domi your boyfriend is fine he just got bruised up a little on the face...
[looks at his face]
Dominique : ..........Ok fine maybe the scars on his face makes him look more hot!
M!Reader : ^////v////^
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dilucs-princess · 7 months
ooh i like domi too, and never see any reader stuff/fics for her! do you have any headcannons (nsfw or otherwise) that you've come up with or just think make sense for her?
Hi hi yes!! I have lots hehe
NSFW under the cut
Dominique de Sade NSFW headcanons
Defo has a bit of a mommy kink. Whether calling somone that or being called, either way hehe (mommy issues lol)
If she had a male partner, she would be very dominant. However, if she had a female partner, she would be submissive
But honestly, just wants you to be happy!
She would be against biting/marking in bed, doesn't want anything to happen that you may regret when you're not lust-driven
But she would be into spanking/punishments and wax play. She loves the pain and power it has/brings. It's something special to her. Only you can make her feel like that or vice versa
She is very good with her tongue/mouth. Will spend hours on her knees, overstimulating her partner and watching them squirm, desperate for her hehe
not a fan of using her fingers but will if her partner asks for it, She just doesn't see the appeal, she uses her hands for everything, it's not intimate
Willing to try everything, at least once. Doesn't really have any limits, just wants to be experimental hehe
She can cry very easily, she's vulnerable like that! So even if she is fucking you, she will most likely cry hehe
Aftercare with her is amazing! Where she may be unwilling to accept it, she loves giving it out! Loves cuddling her partner, washing them over and making sue they are hydrated too!
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glitch-karma · 1 year
~Vanitas No Carte Masterlist~
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-Vanitas x Sleep deprived reader
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Nothing here yet! Request~!
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Nothing here yet! Request~!
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Nothing here yet! Request~!
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Nothing here yet! Request~!
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Nothing here yet! Request~!
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Nothing here yet! Request~!
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Nothing here yet! Request~!
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Nothing here yet! Request~!
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Nothing here yet! Request~!
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megalony · 2 months
This is a new Dominic Luca imagine from Swat that I had an idea for, I hope you will all like it. Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff
@jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @itshamleth @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii
Swat Masterlist
Summary: While Luca is at work, his wife gets taken into hospital and he breaks down when he finds out she's gone into premature labour without him there.
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Luca could feel the bruises blossoming on his skin like malicious works of art. He knew the moment he took his shirt off, he would be able to see petals of blue and lilac painting his skin with leaves of mustard yellow. With centres of navy blue as dark as the Pacific ocean from the impact of the bullet lodging in his vest.
He knew the back of his right shoulder was going to be painted and he was going to see various other colours splashed across his left arm from where he collided with a coffee table when he took down one of the suspects.
He wondered if the impact of the bullet against his vest felt as bad as actually being shot. It felt like he had a bullet indent in his skin already, like there was a crevace indented deep into his upper back over his right shoulder.
His head hung down as he followed the team back inside Swat headquarters and his fingers worked hard to hook the keys of Black Betty onto his holster belt where they always stayed.
"You good?"
He felt Deacon pat his lower back, specifically avoiding his shoulder because they had all seen what happened.
All of them had reacted fast when a suspect went to throw down his weapon and accidentally set it off in the process. Luca and Hondo had their backs to the suspect, they had been advancing down the corridor when the bullet clocked Luca in the shoulder. And everyone had been surprised when he carried on with the job. They should see his arm shaking and his expression taut to hide the agony he had been in.
Putting on a brave face didn't wash with the team, but even Hondo couldn't force Luca to get seen by the paramedics. He could still move his arm and his hand and Luca had dealt with dislocated and broken bones, he knew his shoulder was fine. The worst he would have was a torn muscle and he dealt with those almost every other month.
"Battered and bruised, but I'm good." He gave his right shoulder a roll, clicking the joint into place and moving the muscles at the back which felt shredded.
"Surprised you can still drive, Luca." Chris commented as she passed him and overtook the team, taking the lead in walking through to the gym.
"Please, nothing gets between me and Black Betty."
Luca was their designated driver. No one touched the jeep when he was around. It was his preferred duty, he was their fastest and most efficient driver and everyone knew it. He knew all the back streets, the quickest routes, he could cut corners like a champ and he was good in a chase. And Luca didn't drive like he was on a heist. His driving was smooth and steady at the best of times especially in a panic which is precisely what they needed when they were on a chase or a time sensitive mission.
His shoulder had pained him when he was driving them back to headquarters, but Luca hated being a passenger. He didn't want to give the reigns over to someone else.
But Luca knew he was going to have to get a Hell of a lot of painkillers to dull down this ache and get him through the next few weeks at Swat. He might have to find one of those herbal remedies that always worked on his aches and sprains rather than an injection from the doctor. He didn't like needles.
He began to scratch the base of his neck as they rounded the boxing ring and aimed for the locker room. Everyone was slugging along by now, barely lifting their heads, dragging their feet, shoulders hung forward. Everyone needed to get out their protective gear and refuel in the kitchen.
"Tell me we don't have to cook anything." Street tossed his head back with a quiet groan, nothing but food playing on his mind.
"I think there's some leftovers in the fridge."
Luca continued to drag his nails back and forth along his neck, trying to work out the kinks in the muscles, but it wasn't working. He only seemed to relax when (Y/n) was around. He held tension until his wife was within his sights, and then he could somehow melt into a puddle beneath her touch. The last time she'd given him a massage he almost fell asleep straight away. He was always calm when he was with her.
The five of them trudged around the boxing ring, aiming for the double doors at the end which would lead into the locker room. But their walk slowed down until they were barely moving at all when a familiar figure walked towards them.
The commander.
He had one hand stuffed into his trouser pocket and his other hand wiping back and forth across his chin in that stiff, tense manner that indicated something wasn't quite right with him.
His eyes focused on the floor like he was calculating each step he took or working something out in his head. But when he finally lifted his head and looked through those narrowed eyes, his sights set on one person and one person only.
"Luca, can I have a word?"
That didn't sound good. Those words sent shockwaves down Luca's spine right to the tip of his toes like electric shocks beating through his nerves.
He hadn't done anything wrong. He shouldn't be in trouble for anything. He was one of the straight-cut members of Swat, he was third-generation and he was damn good at what he did. No one had a problem with Luca and no one had ever known him step a foot out of line or break the rules. He could get very fiery and worked up on certain subjects, but his heart was always in the right place.
"Uh, sure." His nails scratched a little too tightly down his neck as he dropped his hands to clench them together in front of his stomach. His hands began rubbing together and he raked his nails over his knuckles, doing anything with his hands to rid himself of his sudden nervous energy.
His back straightened and his shoulders squared up, despite the ache it caused in them. He veered away from his team which felt like falling out of sync as he moved to the right to stand in front of the commander.
"Everything okay, boss?" He refrained from scratching his hands and settled for clasping them together in front of his chest in one of his usual, nervous mannerisms. Something barely any of the team would take notice of, the only one who knew it was a nervous habit was his wife.
Had he done something wrong? Had Hicks found out that Luca got a bit ruffed up on this call and refused to be treated by the paramedics? Was he going to insist that Luca went to the doctor for an exam?
"(Y/n) called while you and the team were out, she was taken down to the hospital."
All of Luca's blood ran cold in his veins like he had been submerged underwater. He could feel his lungs stuttering in his chest, coming to a halt while his shoulders sagged and his lips parted, but he couldn't find the words he wanted or needed.
Hospital. (Y/n). That wasn't right.
"Why? What happened?"
"Her water broke, she's gone into labour." Hicks tried to speak as calmly as he could in a quiet voice so no one loitering about would be able to pick up on their conversation.
He'd been mulling over how to have this talk with Luca. He knew he couldn't waste any time, as soon as he knew the team were back he was on his way down here to tell Luca the news. But he knew it wasn't going to go down well and he could see Luca was already about to either blow up or break, he wasn't sure which.
"No." Something akin to a smile fluttered across Luca's lips as he shook his head, believing this to be some sick joke being played on him. "No. She- she can't, she's what, twenty nine weeks. She can't go into labour now."
That wasn't right. That wasn't possible.
They were only just at seven months, they weren't supposed to be thinking about labour for another eight weeks at least. Why was (Y/n) going into labour? What happened while he had been at work? Luca never thought it would happen this early, not when so far, everything had gone smoothly with the pregnancy.
(Y/n) had been fine, morning sickness had finally tapered off and at their last scan the baby had been healthy in every way.
Luca wasn't supposed to come on shift and worry about his wife going into early labour without him being there. (Y/n) didn't have any complications that would warrant this happening and Luca stupidly thought that something like this wouldn't happen to them because they had no other issues thus far.
His hands dropped from his chest to clench into fists at his sides that were shaking like he was desperate to climb into the ring and go five rounds with whoever dare oppose him.
"You need to go to the hospital, Luca. Captain Cortez already went down so (Y/n) wouldn't be on her own-"
"When did she call? Why didn't you tell me?!"
How was Captain Cortez at the hospital before him? No one but Luca was supposed to be at the hospital with (Y/n). He was her husband. This was his baby. He didn't even have a clue if (Y/n) was actually going to have the baby now or if she had just had contractions which the doctors might be able to stop.
Luca was supposed to be with (Y/n) if anything happened. He was supposed to have his hours cut down once (Y/n) hit thirty-seven weeks. They had planned for him to do less shifts during the week when she reached that marker so that when she went into labour, Luca had better chances of being home with her. He didn't want to miss a thing.
"You were in the middle of a raid, I couldn't pull you out Luca, I had to wait until the mission was complete-"
"Bullshit." The word spit like venom from his tongue and before Hicks could try to explain, Luca was gone.
He spun on his heels, his boots hitting the floor with vigour as he bolted from the gym, slamming through the double doors so violently they shook the walls and the foundations of the building.
Tears burned in the corners of Luca's bloodshot eyes that were stinging like they were full of acid. This couldn't be happening to him. This wasn't fair. Why him? Why couldn't this happen to anybody else? He and (Y/n) had done nothing wrong to warrant this. Luca didn't even know what he was going to be walking into when he got to the hospital. He could have missed something important.
Labour might have stopped when he got there, or it could have progressed. (Y/n) could be screaming out for him and Luca was still here.
They should have told him. Cortez or Hicks should have radioed through to Hondo and told him to cut Luca from the mission and send him back to headquarters. They could have continued the mission without Luca, it would still have been a success and worked without him. They had no right to keep this from him and put the mission before the sake of his family like that.
His presence in the locker room sent chills through everyone's blood and his raging temper could be felt in all of them.
Before he was three steps into the locker room, Luca whipped the bulletproof vest over his head, ignoring the ache in his shoulder which was nothing more than a minor inconvenience compared to the panic swarming his heart. He tossed the vest into his locker, along with the holster strapped to his waist. And his trembling hands fought to keep steady and find his car keys that were bundled up in his backpack.
He didn't have time to get changed out of his work clothes. He had no time to get his things in order or change into his sweatshirt and jeans rather than his cotton work shirt and cargo trousers he was still wearing.
He swung his backpack on his shoulder and kicked the locker door so violently it swung open and closed all of three times before finally staying shut. And there was a significant indent in the sleek grey metal from his boot.
"Luca… everything okay?" Street was desperate to reach out for him but he didn't dare. Luca didn't look like he was in the mood to be calmed down and reaching for him might just set him off.
They could all see the tears freely streaming down his face which was burning red like the fires of Hell.
It didn't take much for Luca to get emotional, especially about things that hit close to home for him. But it did take something extremely worrying or powerful to get him to cry so freely like this and right now he was one sob away from breaking.
"Luca, what happened?" Hondo closed his locker, taking precise steps towards the blond but he didn't get close enough before Luca was turning on his heels and sprinting for the door.
"(Y/n)'s having the baby."
Luca wasn't sure what he was going to find when he entered the hospital room. It felt like he was running in a nightmare. The corridors stretched on for miles, the numbers on the doors went in the wrong order and didn't make any sense and he could feel the seconds ticking by.
By the time he finally locked his eyes onto the right room and read the numbers over and over to make sure it was the right one, he couldn't breathe. All the blood drained down to his feet, his shoulder stopped aching and all Luca could feel was his heartbeat throbbing through every inch of his skin. No pain, no terror, no numbness, just his heartbeat and a wave of uncertainty overwhelming his senses.
Whatever he had been expecting on the other side of that door wasn't the sight he was faced with.
Luca felt the door swing shut behind him and it caused a shudder to vibrate through his skin.
His frantic eyes did a sweep of the room that was much calmer than he had been expecting. No nurses, doctors of midwives fluttering about. No frantic cries or panicked voices or beeping monitors.
His wife was laid in the middle of the bed, knees pulled up, arms around her waist and head burrowed down into the pillow. Tears stained her face, her eyes looked swollen and tired as if keeping them open was too much effort. And sat on the chair pulled up close to the bed was Jess, Luca's Captain.
The Captain looked the least held together Luca had ever seen her. He wasn't used to the panic in her eyes, the slight tremble in her hands and the lack of composure.
"I'll give you two a moment alone." She squeezed (Y/n)'s arm and forced the smallest smile she could before she got up.
Her hand found Luca's arm as she walked past and he couldn't find his voice so he settled on nodding. Hoping his expression was enough to thank her for staying until he could get here. She didn't have to come down and be with (Y/n), but Luca was grateful she had so (Y/n) didn't have to be alone.
When the door closed behind her, Luca forced himself to move, he couldn't stand in the doorway waiting for answers.
Luca slumped down on the side of the bed, feeling like he could just melt into a puddle then and there. But when his eyes suddenly set on (Y/n)'s trembling arms that were slowly moving up and down over her stomach, his head started to shake.
"It's a boy."
No. He'd missed it. He knew this would happen. Luca felt something shift when he got in the car and started his frantic drive down here. Something inside him started to scream that he wouldn't make it there in time, and he had been right.
She'd had the baby without him. They didn't tell him in time. Why didn't Corte or Hicks pull him off the mission? Why couldn't they have told him as soon as (Y/n) called so he could of been here?
This was their first baby. This was something Luca had been searching for his whole life, waiting to find someone to give his heart to and start a family with. He wanted to be a dad. Luca wanted to be a better dad than both his grandad and his dad had been. He wanted to be there for (Y/n) for everything with the pregnancy, but the birth was something Luca had been adamant he wasn't going to miss out on.
"W-where is he?" He was almost too afraid to ask.
It didn't seem to bode well that Luca couldn't see any nurses or midwives fluttering about the room. There was no incubator or baby in here. His wife had been crying for a while, judging by the tear stains on her face and her laboured breathing.
"The ICU… we can go see him soon."
"He's okay?"
Luca couldn't help the shiver that tore through him while he reached forward for her hands. He unfolded her arms from her chest and pulled her arms onto his lap while his thumbs began to brush up and down the back of her hands.
He waited as patiently as he could, watching (Y/n) as she tried to sit up straighter and lower her legs down. But moving made her ache and stretching out didn't feel good when all she wanted to do was curl up and make herself disappear.
"Too early to tell. H-he was so tiny." Another tidal wave of tears started to fall until (Y/n) was trembling, broken cries leaving her lips.
It broke her heart to see Luca bow his head and watch his broad shoulders begin to shake with each silent cry that wracked his body. His grip on her hands tightened and he pulled them closer until he was imbedding her hands into his lower chest, wishing it would do something to relieve the agony that was crippling him.
"We can see him soon though, right?" Luca lifted his head, unable to fight off the hope that dwelled in his eyes.
He had missed the birth, but he wanted to see his boy. He needed to. This wasn't sinking in and it wasn't going to cement in his brain that he was now a dad until he had his boy within his sights. It didn't seem right to look at (Y/n) now and see her stomach already in a different shape. He didn't like it. This was too early. Their boy was going to be so small.
His thumbs continued to glide over the back of her hands and she nodded, calming down one of the many nerves building up in Luca's chest. (Y/n) didn't know when they would be able to go down or when a nurse was going to tell them where exactly their boy was, but she knew someone would come and talk to them soon.
Once he had been taken to be examined, the nurse told (Y/n) that once he was cleaned up and weighed, he would be set up on any machines he needed and in an incubator. This hospital was going to be his home for the foreseeable future. But (Y/n) had been reassured that it wouldn't be long until she could see him and she could stay with him as long as she liked.
Another tear rolled down (Y/n)'s face and it broke Luca's heart. He took a deep breath before he let go of her hands in favour of cupping her face instead. His thumbs stroked lovingly beneath her eyes and he pushed forward until he could rest their temples together.
His lips tried to curve into a tepid smile when he felt (Y/n)'s hands clutching at his wrists, causing him to shake along with her.
"You w-were supposed to be here, with me. I was so scared, Luca." Tears fell down the bridge of her nose and trickled over Luca's hands.
She wanted him here. She had been screaming when Jess turned up in his place, assuring her Luca would be here as soon as he could. (Y/n) knew what that meant. He was on a mission that was 'too important' to jeopardise for (Y/n)'s sake. She had been put in second place, something that was never an issue before. But (Y/n) needed him.
She needed her husband here when she was told she was going into premature labour and it couldn't be stopped. She wanted Luca to be holding her and telling her it was going to be okay. She needed him beside her as their little boy was born, especially when she didn't know if their baby was going to be okay or not.
She tried to tilt her head down but Luca's hands prevented her from doing so. He kept their foreheads pressed together, swallowing down the cry burning at the back of his throat. He couldn't find the will to open his eyes because he knew looking at her was only going to crumple his composure and shred his heart into further broken pieces.
Their noses brushed together when Luca pressed his lips to hers, tasting the salt tears trickling across her lips and down her chin. He could feel her rapid, shallow breaths pausing while he kissed her, allowing her system to calm down. Her hands clutched his wrists tighter and her tongue battled against his and she leaned back into the pillows as Luca leaned further into her.
"I tried," He gasped against her mouth, his lips hovering so close they were still touching and his eyes bore into hers. "I came as soon as Hicks told me, I swear baby I swear I tried-"
"Swat comes first though, right?" There was something ironic, almost sarcastic in her voice, but no anger or malice like the words intended.
(Y/n) knew the game. She knew that the team always told their partners that Swat came first. During birthdays, parties, hospital visits, days off, school meetings and plays, if Swat called, it was prioritised. Family was put on the back burner and (Y/n) understood that.
All the dates they had cut short, their days off that turned into nights alone while Luca was called into work. The panic of wondering if he was going to be okay, the hazard pay that didn't make up for the threat of losing Luca every day he went to work. The amount of times (Y/n) had made a trip down to the hospital when Luca got hurt. The nights she had woken up to find him crying from bad memories or waking up from horrid nightmares.
She coped with it all because she understood. She understood someone had to do this job and Luca was one of those people. He looked after everybody, he protected people when no one else would and he loved his job like it was his family.
But today was the one day where (Y/n) wished she could of come first. She wished Luca would of been here, that he would of been allowed to be by her side. And she stupidly thought that maybe, just maybe, Luca would come to be by her side and favour her over the job.
"No!" The dark tone to Luca's voice made (Y/n) shudder and jump against him. "Not anymore. You always come first, you and him. You're more important to me than anything else in my life and if I knew, I would of left that mission without a second thought. I'll always choose you."
"Always. You understand me, you come first to me." He was at the point of almost shaking her head to get her to understand.
(Y/n) tightened her hands around his wrists but she nodded. She could see the resentment and the fury burning up in his eyes from not being here in time. From not being told on time.
If they told him straight away, Luca would have turned around and run back out that building. He would of come down here straight away because before (Y/n), Swat was his life. Luca had nothing but Swat and that was okay, that was enough. But now, now he had (Y/n) and their little boy and Luca knew from the beginning that he would always put them first.
If his family ever needed him, he would be there. This was no different. He knew now, he was here now and he wasn't going to let anything take him away from his wife and son. This was where he needed to be and this was where he was going to stay.
Tiredness ebbed away in the corners of Luca's eyes and at the back of his mind, but he tried to push it to one side and ignore it.
The first hint of a smile began to form on his lips when he looked down. He pulled the sleeves of his leaf green sweatshirt down until the cuffs were folded over his hands. His nails scratched into the worn material and he rubbed the cotton between his thumbs. An old habit he hadn't gotten out of, hiding his hands in his sleeves.
Both arms pinned over his chest like he was giving himself a comforting hug and he leaned forward until his nose was almost touching the plastic that separated him from his little boy.
His arms left his chest and moved down to press on the incubator, tapping lightly in time with the heartrate monitor.
He wasn't sure what to say. Was his boy going to hear him properly? Was he going to take notice of the sounds around him?
"Hey, little guy."
For what had to be the tenth time this morning, Luca carefully slid his right hand through the small circular opening in the side of the incubator.
His fingers skimmed across his little boy's chest, just a small, delicate touch that was barely there. Luca couldn't find it in himself to be comforted by the feeling of his little boy breathing steadily like this. Not when he knew it was the machine that was making him breathe. As soon as that tube was removed from his nose and he was breathing on his own, Luca knew he would feel a lot better.
He wasn't sure he'd ever seen a premature baby this small or this close up in person. None of his friends had ever had a baby this early and he was only close enough to his friends at Swat to know and be around their kids. Deacon's kids had all been born around their due date. Never like this.
It was unnerving to think that if he put both hands in the incubator, his son would barely fit in the palm of his hands. He only weighed two pounds. Luca had never seen a baby so small and lightweight. He was like a doll.
"We can hold you later, you know. God, you're so small."
The back of Luca's fingers skimmed across his boy's arm, up and down in a slow motion. It still didn't feel real. Luca never thought that when his first child would be born, they would be hidden away in an incubator like this, kept alive on wires and machines and barely the size of Luca's hands.
He thought he'd be cradling his son in his arms, surprised at how big he was and showing him off to friends and family. Waiting desperately to take him home. Not waiting five to six weeks for him to develop and get well enough to be taken home without life support.
It all looked so strange, considering Luca had never seen any neonatal equipment before.
The incubator was here to make his boy feel like he was back in the womb and to get him to grow and develop. Luca knew realistically that his boy wasn't going to feel frightened or as if he was on his own, but Luca hoped that his touch would help his boy somehow.
He stroked his thumb against the back of his hand, noting how his son's skin was like sandpaper. A bit gritty, somewhat coarse and extremely fragile. If Luca applied too much pressure he might break his skin.
"I don't know how to hold you though, I don't wanna hurt you."
He knew the nurses would get his boy out the incubator and show them how to properly hold him and get skin contact, but Luca was nervous. His boy had cotton wool over his eyes to protect them from the light so they could continue to develop. There was a breathing tube taped into his nose that was constantly making Luca's eyes well up with tears. He had a cannula taped into his head beneath the tiny hat to keep him warm. There were monitoring stickers on his chest, wires stuck to his skin and a tube through the cord where they would feed him.
"Your grandad's gonna come down and see you soon, and I bet the team will be asking about you and wanting to see you."
He couldn't quite get his head round the fact that he could now call himself a dad. He could tell people he had a baby boy. This little life right here, that wouldn't fit in his hands, was already alive and here.
This was his boy. This was the little person he was going to be cradling at night and settling to sleep and feeding and washing and dressing him up and taking him down to visit the team. This was the little boy that in a few years, Luca would be proudly showing off at headquarters and showing him where his dad and grandad had worked. Where Luca was now third generation.
He wasn't going to impose that on his boy, though. Both Luca's father and grandfather had drilled it into him that Swat was his legacy, it was what he should do with his life and it was luck that Luca never wanted to do anything else. He wasn't going to make his boy feel like this was where he belonged. As far as Luca was concerned, the Swat legacy could end with him. As long as his boy was safe and happy.
"I don't know how I'm gonna get through these next few weeks, I just wanna take you home already."
He was desperate. He felt like one of the robbers he was always taking down at Swat. He wanted to steal his son from the incubator and take him home. He wished he could of kept (Y/n) and their baby safe. He wished he could rectify things so their boy was born nearer his due date, when it was safe. But now he was here, Luca just wanted to pick him up and take him home.
He didn't know how the next few weeks were going to work when he and (Y/n) weren't going to be able to take him out of this. They would get to hold and cradle him for a while, they would see the nurses feeding him and changing him and checking his vitals. But they couldn't do anything from this side of the incubator.
Luca wanted his boy to know what a cuddle felt like. He wanted to be able to give him a kiss and hold him and let him know how much he was loved already.
"I must have had intuition or something, 'cos I already put the crib up last month. So that's ready for when we take you home."
(Y/n) had chided him for putting it up so soon, but now with the way events had turned out, Luca felt like it must have been a forewarning. It was one less thing to sort out, but Luca was going to need all the tasks and work he could find to get him through these next few weeks to tide him over until he could take his boy home.
Luca found it fascinating to look at the tiny nappy they put on his son. It didn't look right, being so small and compact and seeing such tiny legs sprouting out which only looked the length of Luca's index finger. And when his eyes trailed up to look at his son's small head, he was relieved that his boy now had a little lime green cap on to help keep him warm.
Luca didn't want anyone removing that cap. Not when he knew that was where the IV line had gone.
Everyone knew that Luca wasn't good with needles. If they were going into his skin he would throw a fit and lose his rag, but if he was seeing someone else get a needle or an injection, it made him queasy. He was relieved he hadn't seen the nurse put that cannula into his son's head, that would have given Luca a blackout.
He was glad the cap covered the IV line which could only be seen popping out the end of the cap behind his tiny ear that was smaller than Luca's thumb.
"I should of been there," His words were quiet and lost on himself and they brought tears to his eyes. "I wanted to be there… I'm sorry, little guy. I'll make it up to you, I promise."
He knew his son was never going to know or begrudge the fact that Luca hadn't been there at the birth, but it was something Luca himself was going to have to live with. He was never going to forgive himself for not being there, for letting (Y/n) down and making her think she came second to the job. Luca was going to be there for everything else. For both of them.
Anything and everything they needed him for, Luca would be there. He wasn't going to miss another thing in their son's life and he was going to make sure he was there for (Y/n) too.
Just as he slid his hand from the incubator and went to rest both arms on top of the plastic, Luca felt a familiar pair of arms circle around his waist. And a familiar face pressed into his back just beneath his broad shoulder blades. His lips curved into a grin and he slowly slid his hand down to hold onto (Y/n)'s wrist.
"Hi babe, you okay?" He twisted his body so his left hip was pressing against the incubator, allowing him to weave his right arm around (Y/n)'s waist and tug her closer.
She tucked herself into his chest with her cheek pressed against his sternum so her eyes could focus on the incubator in front of them. The feeling of Luca's hand feathering up and down her hip and the feel of his lips against her temple faded out when (Y/n) looked at her little boy.
"Hm. How is he?"
"The little trooper's doing good." Luca spoke against the top of (Y/n)'s head, breathing into her hair while he leaned back so she could slouch against his chest.
Tilting her head back, (Y/n) gently pressed her chin into Luca's chest so she could look up at him.
He had dark circles beneath his eyes and a hazy look in his pupils, showing off his desperate need for sleep. And the red rings beneath his eyes showed off the fact that he had been crying again. All he had done since he got here was cry, not that (Y/n) blamed him when she was much the same.
She could see he looked like he wanted to cry again so she started to slowly glide her hand up and down his back while she tucked herself further into his chest.
The way he slouched and grinned tiredly but endearingly made (Y/n) smile and attach her lips to his neck.
"We need a name for him." Her words were soft and her tone was even softer, melting along the edges while she smiled against his skin and grazed her teeth dangerously close to his throat.
They couldn't keep calling him baby Luca, it didn't sound right when (Y/n) was so used to using their joint last name to refer to her husband. Calling him Dom wasn't something (Y/n) liked to do because it didn't fit well when everyone else just called him Luca.
"What were you thinking?"
"I know you didn't want to name him after your grandad… but what about naming him after you?" (Y/n) could see her words surprised him. His hand tightened on her waist and his eyes shot down to look at her like she had spoken in a foreign language.
As close as Luca had been to his grandad when he was younger, they had their disagreements over the years and they had never been as close when he grew up. The one and only memory Luca was happy to think of these days was when he passed for Swat. He didn't want to name their baby after his dad or grandad, especially not if that would put a weight on their shoulders and make their son feel like he was obliged to join in the Swat tradition.
But (Y/n) thought it might be better to name him after Luca instead. She could already see that Luca loved their son to death and would do anything in the world for him.
"After me?"
"He's a fighter, like you. He needs to be strong, and you're the strongest person I know."
Luca tilted his head down and pressed his lips to the top of (Y/n)'s head, doing his best to ward off the tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to cry anymore, not today. He twisted so he was properly facing her and looped his other arm around her shoulders with his hand cupping the back of her neck. He felt her hands clutching at his back and he sighed into her hair, unable to stop himself from grinning.
"What about Junior?" Luca knew it would be too confusing to start calling their son Luca and Dom was more of an adult name. But they could call him Nick or Junior, the latter sounded more appealing to Luca. He could see himself walking into Swat, introducing everyone to his little double. His Junior.
A smile spread across (Y/n)'s lips as she pressed her face further into his chest, inhaling his scent as she kissed his sternum through his sweatshirt.
"I like it."
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achilles-rage · 3 months
Proud Boyfriend
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summary: even though you told deacon not to tell anyone, street finds out that you wrote and published a book, meaning the rest of the team quickly finds out as well. when you come to visit deacon at work, you find out that they know, allowing deacon (and the rest of the team) to praise you for all your hard work.
word count: 1.3k
A/N: this was requested by @twilightlover2007, this was so fun to write, i really hope i did the idea justice! enjoy<3
warnings: none, no use of y/n, plus size!reader, fem!reader, race inclusive!reader
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After finishing their takedown, Street and Deacon stand at their lockers, packing up their bags to go home. As Street says a quick goodbye to Deacon, he looks down at Deacon’s bag, noticing a book peeking out of it. He smirks, making a quick grab for it, looking over it.
“What’s this, Deac? Didn’t know you were a reader,” he teases as Deacon turns around with wide eyes, noticing what he was holding.
“Nothing. It’s just a book.” Deacon replies, trying to take it back as Street flips the book back over to look at the cover. He raises a brow, looking up at Deacon, a small smile forming on his face.
“Wait, did your girl write this?” Street says in disbelief, as Deacon sighs, shaking his head, a small smile making its way onto his face.
“Yeah, she’s been working on it for a while. Finally got it published. But she didn’t want me to say anything. Said something about it being awkward if anyone hated it, which is ridiculous,” he states. “I read it. It’s amazing,” he adds, nodding his head, his smile growing wider. 
Street laughs at your reasoning, shaking his head as he flips the book open, glancing over a few of the pages, Deacon watching proudly as he crosses his arms across his chest, standing taller.
“Look, don’t let her know I told you. And don’t tell anyone else, okay?” Deacon whispers as he hears Hondo, Chris, and Tan’s voices getting closer to the locker room.
“Don’t tell anyone what?” Tan teases, smirking as they walk in, walking up to the two as Deacon grabs the book back, trying to put it in his bag. 
Hondo raises his hands in mock surrender, noticing Deacon’s movements as Chris and Tan look over at Street, raising a brow.
Street shrugs, smiling at both of them, shutting his locker. Chris moves into his path to the door, crossing her arms, giving him a look. Street sighs, looking back at Deacon quickly before turning back to Chris.
“Deacon’s girl wrote a book.” he mutters, defeated. Chris scoffs, turning to Deacon, laughing softly.
“Why didn’t you wanna tell us? That’s great!” she says, Tan and Hondo nodding in agreement. 
“Yeah, man. I’d be telling everyone I know. I’m kinda surprised you’re not,” Tan tells Deacon, patting him on the back. 
“Believe me, if she’d let me, I would tell everyone. She made me promise not to. I’ve seen how hard she worked on it, and you should’ve seen how happy she was when she finished it. I even bought 10 copies when it was published, but I didn’t tell her. I wanna support her, but she’s being really lowkey about it, around people she knows, at least.” he explains, rubbing the back of his neck, smiling softly, finally able to talk about it with someone that will listen to his praise.
“That’s awesome. If I wrote a book, I’d make everyone I know buy a copy.” Tan jokes, opening his locker to grab his bag.
“Who’s writing a book? If it’s an autobiography you better make me look good,” Luca jokes, walking into the room, patting Tan on the back as he walks by. 
“Deac’s girl wrote a book,” Street says, crossing his arms over his chest as he turns to Luca.
“What? No way! That’s great, man,” he tells Deacon, wrapping his arms around him for a short hug.
“Yeah, I’m proud of her. She’s always wanted to be a writer. Honestly, I was gonna tell her it was good no matter what, but it’s really well done. I hope she changes her mind so you guys can read it.” Deacon replies, face growing hot, thinking of you.
“Oh, and before we go, I have to show you what we found on our other target. We were able to find his ex-girlfriends address, it looks like that was his old stash house. There’s some stuff we found that forensics wants us to see,” Hondo explains, the team nodding, grabbing their bags before following him to the lab.
As they walk out to the main area of the building, Deacon turns, seeing you walking towards him, a tupperware container in your hand.
“Hey, you said you might have to work late tonight, so I brought you some dinner just in case,” you explain, leaning into his embrace as he wraps an arm around your shoulders, kissing your forehead quickly before you back up.
You’re met with a chorus of hellos from the squad. You smile, waving at them all, saying a quick hi back.
“Hey, I heard about your book, congrats! When do we get to read it?” Luca says, taking a few steps towards you, wrapping you in a tight hug. Your eyes widen as he says this, hugging him back stiffly, giving Deacon a glare over Luca’s shoulder.
Deacon smiles nervously at you, before looking down, fingers moving to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Sorry, Street saw it in my bag, so he had to tell everyone.” he explains, looking back up at you sheepishly, before glaring at Luca as he lets you go.
“Was I not supposed to say anything? I thought you were excited?” Luca says, a confused expression making its way onto his face, his smile slowly disappearing as he looks between the two of you.
“Yeah, I guess you missed that part of the conversation,” Deacon says to Luca. “I’m sorry, I’m just proud of you, I wish you’d let me tell people,” Deacon says, turning to you. Your eyes soften as you smile softly, your face getting hot. 
“He’s right. You should’ve seen his face; he just wants to praise his girl.” Hondo jokes, putting an arm around you, giving you a tight side hug. “If it makes you feel better, we’re proud of you too. We’d love to read it. Someday,” he says, giving you a wink as the rest of the team hums in agreement.
“Yeah. Maybe I’ll let you read it. But don’t expect me to give you a free copy,” you tease, biting the inside of your lip as you fight back a smile.
The team laughs, Street rolling his eyes, teasing you. “Of course. Wouldn’t expect a friends or family discount or anything,” he says, Chris punching his arm, shaking her head, smiling.
You laugh, looking down, feeling your chest swell with pride and excitement. You didn’t know they would want to read your book that bad. You look at Deacon as he smiles at you proudly, arms crossed across his chest, standing tall. He nods his head, a hopeful expression on his face. 
“We’re not done with this though. We’re talking about why you had a copy of my book here when you know how Street is,” you tease, pointing a finger at Deacon’s chest as Street scoffs, feigning offense.
Deacon laughs, pulling you into his chest again, hugging you tightly. You put your head on his chest, letting out a long exhale, your smile growing. 
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” He whispers in your ear, loud enough for Hondo to hear from beside you.
“We all are. You’ve got yourself a talented woman there, Deac.” he says, looking at Deacon, a smirk on his face.
“I know,” he says, kissing the top of your head, “I know.” he says quieter, loosening his grip on you, looking down at you with his eyes full of admiration.
“Hondo just has to show us something in forensics and then I’ll be ready to go. Do you wanna wait and we can go out and properly celebrate your book?” Deacon asks you. You nod, smiling softly.
“Fine,” you say, faking annoyance, leaning up to kiss him softly. “I’m gonna go say hi to Cortez quickly. Come get me when you’re done.” You tell Deacon, turning to walk to her office as Deacon watches you walk away.
“You did good, Deac.” Tan says, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as they begin walking to the lab.
“Yeah. She doesn’t happen to have a sister or anything, does she?” Street teases, which earns him a shoulder check from Deacon as the rest of the team laughs.
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notes: likes/comments/reblogs would be much appreciated if you liked this<33
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meespresso14 · 3 months
Unexpected (Part 2)
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Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI
Warnings: mentions of sex, pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, medical issues.
Once things settled down and the hostages were rescued safely with only minor injuries and mental anguish, Hondo decided it was time to pull Luca. The team could finish up without him, it would be alright. Luca was working with Tan and Street. Hondo sighed, getting himself together. The adrenaline was still rushing through all of their veins. He walked over to the group.
“Luca, can we talk for a minute?”
The color drained from Luca’s face, his classic smile fading from his lips. Hondo noticed him swallow hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Yeah, boss. What’s up?”
Deep down inside, every bad scenario was running through Luca’s head. Was it you? Was it his parents? 
Hondo’s eyes panned over to Tan and Street before they panned back to Luca. Everyone was wearing a worried look. 
“It’s Y/N. Annie was on her way to the hospital with her. She passed out at home. I was waiting until things calmed down to pull you out as soon as I could.”
Luca’s blue eyes instantly filled with concern before he shook his head, attempting to pass by Hondo. “I gotta get out of here, man. Like now.”
“Listen, listen—I know, Luca.”, Hondo grabbed his shoulders, trying to center him. 
Luca was fighting back tears—he couldn’t show his emotions. That’s not how this worked. He was taught to be tough—even as a child. 
“Just be safe about it, man. She needs you.”, Hondo eyed Luca.
Luca couldn’t meet Hondo’s eyes. He only stared past him, however, Hondo could see the tears pooling in Luca’s deep blue eyes. He hated breaking bad news to his teammates. It seemed like only yesterday when Annie had her stroke and he had to tell Deacon. It was the worst part of being the team leader. 
“I know.”, Luca breathed, voice barely above a whisper.
He rubbed his hand over his face. “What happened to her?”
Hondo shook his head. “Captain Cortez didn’t give me any other details.”
“I gotta get down there. I need to see her.”
“I know. One of us can go with you—if you want.”, Hondo added.
Luca nodded. “Okay.”
Hondo nodded, finally feeling better about Luca leaving. It was decided that Deacon would accompany Luca since Annie was at the hospital anyway. Hondo told them both to be careful and to keep the team updated on your condition. Luca didn’t even take time to change out of all his tactical gear. He just cared about seeing you—making sure you were okay. Deacon noticed him shifting in the seat nervously. 
Luca felt like a cat on a hot tin roof. His face scrunched nervously and Deacon could tell he was spiraling. 
“You okay, man?”
Luca looked over at Deacon. “Honestly…..no.”, he sighed.
Deacon nodded. “It’s okay not to be okay. I was beside myself when Annie was sick.”
Luca nodded. “I’m just thinking of everything that could be wrong with her.”
“It could be something minor.”
Luca scoffed. “Knowing my luck—no way. I mean she’s the best thing to ever happen to me, Deac. She understands me.”
Deacon kept driving, determined to get Luca there as fast as he could. “I know.”
Deacon didn’t check his phone after texting Annie that he was on his way with Luca. Traffic was horrible as per usual in LA. Deacon was a good driver, used to dealing with the congested highway. 
“I could have driven.”, Luca grumbled, crossing his arms and shifting in the seat for the thousandth time. 
“Sorry boss’s orders.”, Deacon shrugged playfully, a soft smirk crossing his lips.
Luca slumped over against the door, his anxiety getting the best of him. He thought he would handle stress better than this. And to be honest, he was a little angry at himself for getting so worked up. But this wasn’t just anything—this was you, the love of his life. He had never felt this way about another woman. He was going to marry you. And soon, especially after this. If everything was alright with you. His mind was racing with possibilities, going through any and every scenario.
Deacon knew what he was doing. He had done the exact thing when Annie was sick. He knew Luca felt guilty about leaving you and going to work. Deacon weaved in and out of traffic in an attempt to get to the hospital faster. Luca huffed and puffed, silently cursing the traffic and hitting the dashboard of his truck. 
After what felt like a hundred years, they finally pulled up to the emergency room entrance. Luca hardly gave Deacon time to shift his truck into the park before he was jumping out. Deacon threw his hands up, making sure he was parked at least halfway decent before jumping out of Luca’s truck with the keys and running to catch up to Luca. 
Luca cleared the automatic doors, instantly going to the registration desk. 
“Can I help you sir?”
“My fiancee is here.”, Luca threw his hands down on the desk, tapping them nervously. 
“Your name?”
“Dominique Luca. I should be on her paperwork.” 
“What’s her name?”
Luca gave them your name. He wished in that moment you shared his. He wished he could call himself your husband. 
“She’s in room three. I’ll take you both back there.”
Luca nodded as he looked back at Deacon. 
“Want me to follow?”
“Yeah, man. It’s fine.”
Deacon nodded, imagining that Luca needed the emotional support. The registrar opened the door and met Luca on the other side before the door to the main emergency room opened. Nurses were running around like crazy, the desk right in the middle of the room. The registrar talked quickly to a nurse and she nodded, looking at him. Luca forgot he had left his SWAT stuff on. 
“Officer Luca?”, the nurse asked, holding her clipboard.
Luca nodded. 
“Your fiancée is in room three. The doctor will be in shortly to give you an update.”
“Great. Thanks.”
“No problem, follow me.”, she smiled softly and part of Luca wondered why she was smiling when his entire world felt like it was falling apart. 
Part of him felt angry but he decided to hold it together. Deacon was behind him as they snaked their way through the emergency department to room three. The nurse grabbed the blue curtain, pulling it back.
“I have a visitor.”, she sing-songed.
Luca held his breath. Were you awake? All these questions were running through his head and he was finally going to get his answers. There were a lot of sounds in the emergency room from young children crying, people moaning in pain, and all the alarms going off constantly. But it was like everything went silent as he waited for the nurse to move back to reveal you. His mouth pursed open, trying to find the right words to say. 
You were lying there with your eyes open, a small smile on your face. “Hey babe.”
Annie was beside you at the head of your bed, holding your hand. Annie was a great friend and you were very thankful for your SWAT family. Annie smiled, realizing Luca and Deacon had arrived. She let go of your hand and moved to give Luca room but he wasn’t waiting. He rushed over to you, tears forming in his ocean-blue eyes.
“Hey, baby. Are you feeling okay?”, he immediately asked, taking you in his arms. 
Your heart monitor was beeping in the background but neither of you was paying attention to anything but one another. He kissed your head, brushing through your hair before you both smiled at one another. 
“I’m so sorry for leaving you this morning.”
“Stop that.”, you whispered lightly. “Don’t beat yourself up. It’s not your fault.”
“It is—I should have stayed home with you. You needed me.”
“Baby, I would have never forgiven myself if something happened to you.”
“But I’m gonna be okay.” 
You smiled softly as you touched noses before sharing a small, soft kiss. Luca thought for a moment that he would never get this opportunity again. Your lips felt like heaven and he was so relieved. 
“So everything is going to be okay?”
“Mostly?”, Luca questioned, concern evident in his voice. 
“Sit down, babe.”, you rubbed his muscular arm gently. 
This was it. Luca felt his heart plummet into his stomach. This was the moment you were going to tell him—you were going to give him the bad news. Luca swallowed hard, his legs beginning to feel like jello. He was never this easily rattled. But this was you. It was a whole different ball game, it was okay to be vulnerable. A lesson you had taught him. Annie helped by scooting a chair closer to the edge of the bed so he could sit down beside you. If only he knew what she did. 
Luca took a seat, immediately grabbing your hand. Just as he did, the doctor pulled the curtain back, getting everyone’s attention. 
“Officer Luca?”
Luca looked up at him, and the doctor immediately extended his hand. Luca took it, shaking his hand firmly. “Glad you could join us. I’ve already talked to your fiancee’ but she wanted you present as well.”
“Sorry—my job is a little demanding.”, Luca laughed nervously. 
Luca’s blue eyes panned over to you, still managing to give you a soft smile as he squeezed your hand. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. 
“We’ll be outside.”, Deacon breathed softly, grabbing Annie’s hand and exiting the room as quietly as they both could. 
“Alright, well. First of all, her iron level and blood pressure were low upon arrival to the emergency room which aided in her passing out at home. We have already given her an iron infusion along with some fluids but are admitting her overnight for observation. She will possibly need another infusion next week depending on the results of her blood work. On to other news,”, he smiled softly.
Luca was confused while he was smiling. 
“Both of these were results of another finding.”
“And that is?”, Luca questioned bravely.
He needed answers. 
“Congratulations Officer Luca. Your fiancée is pregnant. HCG levels are perfect for an estimated four weeks pregnant.”
Luca’s eyes widened before he turned to you. Did he really just hear what he thought he heard? It was the sentence he had waited forever to hear. 
“Pregnant?”, Luca repeated. 
You smirked softly. “Pregnant.”, you whispered.
“What? Babe!”, he exclaimed, a relaxed feeling finally washing over him as his lips curved into a smile and his blue eyes softened before he immediately took you into his arms.
You giggled lightly, wrapping your arms around him. It felt nice to be in his arms and you closed your eyes, taking in this feeling. You always did—just in case there was a day he didn’t get to come home. You hated to even think about the possibility but you knew that was part of what you signed up for. You always prayed for his safety along with his teammates. He pulled back to look at you, tears in his eyes. 
“I’m really gonna be a dad?”
You nodded before both of you laughed easily. 
“Congratulations to both of you. We will let you know as soon as we get you a room upstairs.”, the doctor smiled before leaving. 
Luca turned back to look at you. “I can’t believe it—but I thought you wanted to get married first.”
You shrugged easily. “Life sometimes throws curveballs.”
Luca smiled, rubbing your cheek softly. “I never thought this moment was ever going to happen for me. I thought I was always going to be stuck as Uncle Luca.”
You both laughed before you began to speak. “You’re an amazing uncle, so I just know you’re going to be an amazing dad.”
Luca smiled brightly at the compliment. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too.”, you began. “But I’m not gonna lie I was a little anxious to tell you.”
You nodded again. “It’s just nerve-wracking. I mean I didn’t know if you wanted this right now.”
Luca sighed, shifting in the chair lightly. “I get it. I know you wanted to get married first. I mean—I know we weren’t being safe like we should but we weren’t exactly trying either.”
You giggled at the use of his terminology. “True.”
“Deacon and I even had this conversation this morning—and I thought there was no way in this world you were pregnant.”
“Me either, honestly.”
“But I’m thrilled. I can’t wait to be a dad—I can’t wait for you to start getting a little bump.”, Luca touched your flat stomach. 
You placed your hand over his. 
“Maybe we should move our wedding up.”, you smirked. 
“Sounds good. You tell me a date and we will make it happen, babe.”
You all shared another kiss before you began grinning widely. 
“Maybe we should let Deacon and Annie back in.”
“Yeah, maybe.”, Luca laughed. 
Luca let go of your hand just long enough to walk to the curtain and open it, telling Annie and Deacon they could come in. They followed him back inside the small curtained room. You could only hope that your and Luca’s relationship could be like Deacon and Annie’s—maybe even better. So far, he had exceeded every expectation. Deacon smirked at Luca and you were unsure if Annie had clued him in. 
“So Luca, was I right? Is there a chance we will have a fourth-generation SWAT member?”
Luca smirked back, elbowing Deacon playfully. “Maybe.”
You and Annie looked at one another, laughing while not being surprised by their horseplay. 
“Yeah, you were right Deac. I’m gonna be a dad.”
There were obvious tears pooling in his blue eyes and Deacon couldn’t help but smile as he pulled Luca in for a hug, patting his back. Annie couldn’t help but give a soft smile before her eyes panned over to you. You couldn’t help but notice the tears beginning to pool in your own eyes watching how excited Luca was. This was better than anything you could have imagined. 
“Well, guess it’s my turn to be an uncle now.”, Deacon smirked. 
"How long until we can tell the rest of the team?", Annie chimed in. 
You looked at Luca and he looked back at you, softly caressing his thumb over your hand. 
"What do you think, babe?"
You giggled softly before noticing Hondo, Chris, Jim, and Tan walking through the emergency room through the small slit in the curtain. "I'm thinking soon."
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writings-of-a-demigod · 4 months
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“Do you ever think…...”
“No, not really.”
“Let me finish….”
“You asked me!”
“Yeah, but I didn’t finish.”
“You don’t have to I already answered.”
“Not my question and maybe you should shut up and listen.”
You gasped loudly turning to look at him.
 “Did you just tell me to “shut up” Jimmy?”
“Yeah, I di……”
“That was not nice of you!” you commented.
“What wasn’t nice?” Asked Deacon as he caught the last part of the conversation between the two of you.
“Street just told me to shut up!” You answered very dramatically.
“You did what?” Deacon blinked twice looking at Street.
Street sigh “That’s not what happened….” He tried to explain his side, but you interrupted him.
“That exactly what happened you told me to shut up.”  You pointed at him.
“Whoa whoa whoa what’s going on in here?” Luca came in with Hondo.
“Street told her to “shut up”” Deacon informed them.
“That’s not what I said!” Street said loudly.
“Hey that’s rude dude” Luca told him.
“I agree with Luca you should apologize to them.” Hondo crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Street stood there with his mouth hang open “What the hell is going on in here?” he whispered to himself.
You turned to look at him with your eyebrow raise. “So apologize Jimmy.” You told him.
He looked at you then at the three men standing there waiting for him to say ‘sorry’.
“Absolutely not! I didn’t do anything wrong!” he stormed out.
They all looked at you “This is the last time we ever back you up when you two bicker.” Deacon told you.
You smiled at him “Oh come on you love it when he looks so defeated.”
Luca put his arm around your shoulder “I really do love that look on him” he smiled down at you.
“Unbelievable.” Hondo shook his head chuckling.
*Gif is not mine*
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unreliablesnake · 5 months
Withdrawal (Dominique Luca x reader)
Summary: Weeks without sex make you grumpy and needy.
Note: Don't look at me, I was bored at work.
Warnings: MDNI. Mentions of fingering and pregnancy.
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You were alone in the locker room at the end of your shift when Luca walked in. He flashed a smile at you before opening his locker and changing his shirt, a series of actions that was perfectly normal in this room. He took off the old one, then spent a good minute or two looking for a fresh one that was obviously right in front of him.
“I hate you,” you mumbled loud enough for him to hear you.
With a laugh, he walked over to where you were sitting, standing in front of you with his hands stuffed into his pockets. Just two colleagues talking, nothing unusual. “What have I done?” he asked innocently, his blue eyes fixed on you with that mischievous glint.
“Three weeks, Dom. Three.”
“You can’t be that desperate.” When you hooked your finger under his belt to pull him closer, your free hand pushing up his shirt so you could place soft kisses across his skin, he let out a laugh then gently grabbed your chin to make you look up at him. “You know the rule.”
“Come over tonight. Don’t make me beg,” you added with a small smile.
Luca crouched down in front of you and steadied himself by putting his hands on your knees. “I love it when you beg for something,” he pointed out, but when he saw the angry look you shot his way, he let out a sigh. “I’ll be there. Happy?”
And so in the evening you were wearing a set of lacy lingerie you had picked just for him, completed with the black dress he loved so much. If he still wanted to play his stupid game with you after seeing you in these, you would sure as hell break up with him, no matter how much you loved him. According to him, refusing to have sex with you for weeks was his way of teaching you patience, but if anything, it made you extremely frustrated, which happened to affect your work performance too.
Every time you snapped at someone from the team, Street made a joke about how you needed to get laid. And every time he said that, you wished you could have just strangled him on the spot. That goddamn handsome smile of Luca’s was only fuel to the fire too, and you wanted to yell at him right in front of everyone, telling him it was his fault you were so grumpy.
You didn’t know what took him so long, but despite the promise to be there by six, he was nowhere to be found around eight. You were planning to change into something more comfortable when you heard the key turn in the front door, which soon revealed your boyfriend whose face lit up at the sight of you. Without hesitation you rushed over to him, your arms immediately wrapped around his neck as you pulled his face down for a kiss.
“I love you too, baby, but we need to talk,” he said as he let you go and took a step back.
We need to talk. You never liked that sentence. Hell, nobody liked that sentence. Your smile disappeared without a trace before you bit on your lower lip and nodded, urging him to go on. Luca took your hand and led you to the couch, making you sit down in the middle before he sat on the coffee table in front of you. For a while he didn’t say a word, only toyed with the remote that he picked up after taking a seat.
But then he let out a sigh and reached into his pocket to pull out a small box of chewing gums. “This thing between us,” he began slowly with his eyes fixed on the plastic box, “it works, right? It’s not just me thinking we’re good together.”
A frown formed on your face upon his words for a moment. “Good is an understatement,” you offered with a smile as you reached out to envelope his calloused hand with your delicate fingers.
He let out a quiet chuckle before his gaze slowly turned to you. You tilted your head to the side as you studied his expression, having a hard time figuring out what this conversation was about. Was he about to break up with you? It didn't make sense, although the lack of sex in your relationship could point in that direction. Did he not love you anymore?
Before you could get lost in your spiraling thoughts, he squeezed your hand to get your attention, then handed you the plastic box he was holding. “Thanks, but I'm good,” you told him softly, but he shook his head and moved his hand a little to make you take it.
You took the box and opened the lid to get a chewing gum out of it. A part of you hoped this would finally make him talk, but you weren't ready to see what was inside. Because there was no chewing gum, there was only a ring in there. Your eyes widened as you looked over at him, and when he nodded with a smile, you took out the piece of jewelry.
“That's why I was late. I wasn't sure if I should ask you, if our relationship was at this stage already, but when I drove past this jewelry store, I felt the need to stop and take a look at the rings,” he explained.
There was a wide smile on his face that reached his eyes, showing how happy he was at this moment. You couldn't hide your own smile either, so while he struggled to finally pop the question, you looked down at the ring in your hand. It was white gold with a small stone in it; the perfect choice for you. Luca wasn't the type who would try to buy your love with expensive things, which was one of the things you loved about him.
“What do you say?” he asked you hesitantly.
You raised an eyebrow as you looked him in the eye. “You didn't ask me anything.”
He took the hint and within a second he was kneeling in front of you, nesting himself between your legs while he wrapped his fingers around your hand. “Will you marry me?” You nodded without thinking, and soon your head was pulled into a passionate kiss while his other hand moved up your thigh. “I’m lucky to have you,” he whispered against your lips.
When his finger pulled your panties aside, your breath caught in your throat, but when he pushed his finger between your folds, you couldn't bite back a loud moan and a string of sentences as you begged for more. He let out a quiet chuckle while he pushed you back on the couch and dived between your legs to place soft kisses along your inner thigh.
After weeks of withdrawal, it was so damn nice to have him touch you again, to feel his lips trailing across your skin. You were on cloud nine and you didn't even want to return to reality just yet. But the universe had other plans, because the alarm on your phones went off just when you got close to your climax.
“We gotta go,” Luca noted once he read the message.
Nodding, you straightened up on the couch. “You go ahead, I'll change into something more comfortable.”
But he only shook his head before he stood up and extended his hand to help you up. “I'll wait,” he said.
“They'll be suspicious if we arrive at the same time.”
“We just got engaged. They would find out sooner or later anyway.”
He was right. This wasn't how you wanted them to find out, but maybe not making a big deal out of it was the way to go. So you gave him a quick kiss then headed to the bedroom to find something casual to wear. You knew you were both in a hurry, but you couldn't stop yourself from staring at the ring with a wide grin on your face.
This man was the love of your life and there was nothing he could have done to get rid of you now. You were forever connected whether or not he wanted it. The question is, who's gonna be more surprised in the end. You after he proposed, or him when you finally told him you were pregnant.
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quintessencewrites · 1 year
Yes, Daddy pt. 4
stud! Riri x stud! Shuri x black! fem! reader
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Who else did they take together in the backseat of Shuri’s SUV?
How many times did Riri use her tired-ass pick-up lines?
How many girls had gone to Wakanda and been fucked in Shuri’s childhood bedroom?
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Warnings: ANGST!! SMUT!!! 18+, spanking, degradation, explicit language, praise kink, daddy kink, mami kink, dom! Shuri, switch! Riri, sub! reader, mentions of cheating, reader gets with a man..., rough sex, edging, oral sex (reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving), choking, strap slinging Riri, alcohol use, squirting, fluff, probably some that I missed
Word Count: 13.1k + (you guys have no idea how excited I am about that)
Tags: @inmyheadimobsessed @shurislover @6-noir @ihearttish @vampzxi @verachii @phantomof-themcu @taiiunknown @pocketsizedpanther @shuris3leg @bellaallebbella1
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Riri couldn’t remember a time when she’d slept so soundly. Nightmares and restless nights grew up with her, and slumber evaded her, creating a habitual insomniac out of the poor girl. Shooting up from bed in a cold sweat and slight shiver wasn’t out of the ordinary. The creak in Riri’s bed, when she tossed and turned through the night, is what finally caused her roommate to abandon ship and move out.
Riri was free to ignore sleep all she wanted in the comfort of her loneliness. She could turn and toss without complaint. Her bed could squeak and creak as much as she pleased. She could flip her pillow to the cool side over and over and over until the sun came up.
But at that point, why try to sleep at all? 
It didn’t make much sense, so she didn’t. Instead, she filled her night with bodies. A presence to ward off the loneliness. Something to do in the darkness. 
Her bed still creaked and squeaked, and she still tossed and turned, but this time, she wasn’t alone. 
It didn’t matter much to her who the person was; she wouldn’t remember their name in the morning anyway. 
And they’d be out of her bed long before that. Riri didn’t do sleepovers.
Then came along Shuri Udaku.
And Riri had her first sleepover since childhood. 
And her first friend.
And the sleepless nights got better. The nightmares didn’t go away completely, and some nights, sleep still dodged her, but with Shuri present, Riri could rest, really rest, for a few hours. 
They could be at each other’s throats all damn day, but when night came, they held each other in silence, bodies together, fingers laced. The only sound Riri focused on was that of Shuri’s heart against her ear.
On the nights that Shuri spent in her own room, keeping her own company, Riri went back to strangers in her bed to keep her sane until the sun came up.
But those nights were so long gone that she couldn’t even see them over the horizon. Years of doctors and sleep aides, essential oils, and so much melatonin when all she needed was you. 
The weight of your body atop hers, the slow, steady rhythm of your breaths, the way you sighed in your sleep and curled into her. Damned be to the prickles in her arm when your head rested upon it for too long and the way your legs tangled beneath the sheets. 
She didn’t sleep well unless you were in her bed, and she wasn’t afraid to admit that she needed you there. 
The first time you fell asleep there, you saw Riri’s brows relax, the permanent wrinkle that resided between them fading. You made it a habit to take up space in her bed whenever you could, to watch with a slight pride, knowing that wrinkle only disappeared for you.
Riri welcomed the feeling of waking up to you beneath her, your hair in her face, and the scent of you in her bedding. She could wake up with that for the rest of her life and die a happy woman.
So, waking up without you that morning was jarring. The wrinkle returned, and confusion clouded her sleepy eyes. 
You were there when she fell asleep; she was sure of that. The sound of your light snores caused her to doze off. Your bonnet lay abandoned on your pillow.
It only took a moment for her coppery gaze to focus, and when they did, you came into view.
You paced the other side of the room in silence, a trail of heat following the path you’d made in the carpet. Your knee-length braids swung behind you in the rhythm of your movements. The screen in your hand illuminated your darkened face with a faux blue light, but it was enough for Riri to notice the pinch in your brows and the way they drew together the more you scrolled. 
You were far too engrossed in whatever held your attention to notice Riri sit up and rub the sleep from her eyes. Worry was pooling in the depths of her stomach as she looked over at the clock on her desk. The LED numbers were too fucking bright, 1:15 am blaring across the screen.
A groan crept from the back of her throat. You two had only slept two hours, and that itself was a blessing; Riri could kiss her chances of falling back asleep goodbye. 
“Why are you up, ma?” Her voice was deep, groggy, and soft as it traveled across the room toward you. 
Your head snapped in her direction, but only for a moment. “Our phones been blowing up,” you replied lowly, talking more to the phone than to Ri. “Surprised that didn’t wake your ass up.”
Riri glanced at her phone on the desk next to the clock but made no move to grab it. “It couldn’t wait til the sun was up?”
Your silence wasn’t an adequate answer, and dread rose with Riri’s worry. “Is it Shuri?”
She was a part-time college student, part-time princess, and she still had duties back home that couldn’t be tended to across oceans. It was supposed to be a short trip, only a few days to handle her shit and return. But a few days was now two weeks with no end in sight. 
Both you and Riri were feeling the effects of Shuri’s absence, though Riri wouldn’t outwardly admit it. The distance was hard, and the time difference was harder. Days would go by before any of your schedules aligned for so much as a twenty-minute FaceTime. 
Even now, it was nearing the thirty-hour mark since either of you had spoken to the princess.
Riri didn’t think that anything was wrong; Shuri could sure as hell handle her own, and what she couldn’t handle, the Dora Milaje could.
Your scoff was an ugly sound, anger embedded within it, and Riri flinched. “What’s wrong, y/n?”
You crossed the room with quick steps, falling to the bed beside Riri and shoving the too-bright screen in her face. 
“You seen this?”
Riri peered at the phone behind squinted eyes, hoping the blurry image would adjust. 
When it finally did, Riri found herself staring at a video. It was hard to see, clearly taken from the phone camera of a fan’s shaky hands in a dark nightclub. 
Shuri was never hard to spot; Riri had grown accustomed to having to pick the princess out in crowds swimming with people. She looked good, and Riri’s heart beat a bit harder beneath her chest. Shuri sported a black suit like it was uniform; she never failed to impress in them. Dark shades were glued to her face despite her being indoors and it already being dark. 
Riri couldn’t help the brow that shot to the top of her head at the scene playing out for her. She knew Shuri could catch ass; she’d witnessed it more times than she could count, but goddamn.
“Goddamn,” her words parroted her thoughts, strained and breathy. She took the phone from your hand and brought it closer to her face. Ass was being thrown, and Shuri was catching it expertly. They moved in tandem, Shuri with one hand laced around the girl’s waist, the other in her hand. 
Riri couldn’t count how many times she watched the video; she just knew the two of you sat there in silence while it played. That was, until you broke her trance, scrolling further down until an image appeared. 
And once again, it was Shuri, head held high with a jawline sharp enough to slice and a slick smirk accentuating her cheeks. The girl sitting in front of her was resting her head against the panther, eyes shut, lips pursed. Riri’s eyes were bugging out of her head at this point. She was fully awake. 
“Kehlani?” Her gaze shifted between you and the photo, eyeing it as if it would come to life. “She catching ass from Kehlani?”
Your lips were pursed, and you were quick to snatch the phone back from Riri. “It’s all over the place. Twitter, Instagram, damn TMZ.”
“What the hell?” Riri whispered, mostly to herself. How Shuri always found herself in these lucky positions, she had no clue, but Ri made a mental note to start accompanying her on business trips.
“And we getting tagged in this shit across the board, Ri. They calling Shuri greedy, saying she got a harem and shit.”
“What the hell?”
“Some of ‘em saying she cheating on me with you, you with me, and both of us with fucking Kehlani.”
“She ain’ cheating on nobody-” the words trailed off into nothing, Riri stopping short at the venomous look you were currently throwing her way.
“You okay with her catching ass from Kehlani?”
Riri could’ve laughed out loud; what a fucking sentence. 
“Nigga, it’s Kehlani-”
“So, I wish I was catching ass from Kehlani-”
Riri wasn’t getting a word in inch-wise in this conversation. You cut her off again, “Okay, let’s say it’s not Kehlani. You okay with her catching ass if it ain’ from me or you? You think she fucking her?”
Riri shrugged, finally reaching for her own phone. “You just described Shuri’s weekends, baby.”
You went silent for so long that Riri looked up from her device to make sure you were still there. She wasn’t expecting to meet your gaze. Your mahogany eyes, usually lit up with a smile, were dull and hot with the inferno that burned behind them. “What?”
Riri recoiled, thrown by the way your question burned her. She rose from the bed slowly, readying herself to backtrack, though, truth be told, she wasn’t sure what she’d said wrong. “What, baby?”
“So when she not here with us,” your index finger pointed from Riri back to yourself. “She catching ass from other bitches?”
“Catching ass, getting ass.” Riri had the audacity to shrug again. “Not like she used to, but-”
Poor Riri should’ve just put her foot in her mouth at that moment. You stepped forward, closing the space between the two of you, and Riri allowed her hands to rest on your hips. The breath she didn’t know she was holding released when you sunk into her touch.
“And you’re okay with that?” 
Riri tilted her head to the side, her tongue swiping her lips before she responded. “We ain’ never been exclusive, baby-”
“We who?”
Riri had to suck back the sigh she was about to release. “Me and Shuri-” 
“It ain’ just you and Shuri no more, Riri-” 
She was unaware of how rough her movements were, of how she lightly scratched you when she reached to cup your cheeks. “Quit interrupting me, baby.” 
You tore Riri’s hands from your face like they burned and shoved her back a step. She stumbled, and you almost reached out to catch her before she steadied herself. Her shocked eyes met the fight building in yours. She could see the deep red line, only about an inch long, that lingered on your cheek where her hands once were. “Shit, baby-” She took a step toward you and you took a step back. “I-I’m sorry.”
Her apology went in one ear and out the other while you tried to level your breathing. The two of you stood perfectly still, gazes locked on one another. 
“So Shuri ain’ just fucking me or you? There are others?”
Riri knew there wouldn’t be any good way to answer, but you gave her no chance to anyway.
“Are- are you-?” You glanced over to her bed, imagining how many other bodies had taken up space in it, wondering how many had lately. 
Riri’s voice was small, pleading, “We ain’ never-” She stumbled over her words.
Your anger was growing, your nostrils flared, and your eyes narrowed. Had you been a cartoon character, steam would have been blowing from your ears. “The two of you gave me the fucking silent treatment until I agreed to go public with you, but we not fucking exclusive?”
Riri had never been so silent, so unsure. 
“Shuri been fucking outside of us? You been fucking outside of us?”
Riri just stared at you. That’s okay, though. Her silence was enough of an answer. 
She felt her heart physically break when your voice did. “And y’all okay with that?”
Riri found her tongue, though it probably would have been better had she not. “You not?”
Her body visibly recoiled when a deep, insincere chuckle left your parted lips. Panic flooded her tiny body when you started moving about the room, collecting your belongings and throwing them into the black duffle you’d arrived with. 
She took barely two steps to reach you, reaching into your bag to throw the contents back to the floor. “Stop, baby, stop!”
You just silently collected your items, not wanting to stay any longer. 
Riri snatched the bag from your hands and turned it upside down, dumping all of your things onto the floor. “C’mon, baby. Listen-” She might as well have been talking to a brick wall, and her already damaged heart broke further at the sight of you on your knees, picking your possessions up one by one.  
She dropped to her knees with you, trying desperately to grab for your hands, which you kept snatching away from her. “Listen to me, baby. Stop, please-”
Her beg was so pathetic it froze you in place, and you allowed yourself to look at her through your lashes. 
“Me and Shuri been doing this for so long, baby, we didn’t know-” She stopped short, halting her words behind her bit bottom lip. 
Riri started again. “I didn’t think-”
She ignored your jab and continued. “Me and Shuri ain’ never been exclusive, baby-”
The rest of her sentence floated through the air, never reaching your ears. Her and Shuri. That’s all you were hearing; it sent ice through your veins. Her and Shuri were never exclusive. They weren’t exclusive before you, and they wouldn’t be exclusive during you. 
What a foolish girl you were, to have found this out so late. For a year and nine months, they’d been fucking you and each other, and Bast knows who else. 
Who else did they take together in the backseat of Shuri’s SUV?
How many times did Riri use her tired-ass pick-up lines?
How many girls had gone to Wakanda and been fucked in Shuri’s childhood bedroom?
You searched for the answers behind Riri’s eyes but found nothing. 
She bit back a sob when your hand slipped from hers, but the shock in her face when she saw yours bore a smile dried away all her tears. “Baby?” she whispered.
Your eyes were sad, and your cheeks strained, but the smile never fell. “It’s cool. We not exclusive; you and Shuri never was.”
Riri’s brows drew together. “Did you even hear me-”
One hand rose to silence the girl before you while the other went back to gathering your items from the floor. “I get it.”
Riri’s voice was full of sorrow. “Then why you still packing?”
“I think I wanna sleep in my room tonight-”
Something deep in your chest panged hard, hearing your real name roll off her tongue with such dejection. It took everything in you to swallow the feeling down. Your tongue felt like lead, weighing heavy with your next words: “It’s alright. You’ll find somebody else to fill your bed tonight.” 
Your hand waved the words away as though they meant nothing, but they knocked the air straight from Riri’s lungs in a gasp that pained you to hear. 
She watched with wide eyes and a face full of hurt as you stood, turning towards her with your bag thrown over your shoulder and a smile that didn’t reach your eyes. 
“It’s cool, Ri.” You whispered with such false confidence you didn’t even believe what you said. “I’ll hit you up later.”
Panic rose like bile in Riri’s throat when you reached for the doorknob. “Baby-“ she tried again. Her plea was so soft it actually stopped you in your tracks. Fictitious hope washed over her when you took a step back, walking toward her. 
Her arms reached toward you out of instinct, waiting for you to fall into them. 
But you didn’t. 
Your lips pressed to her cheek softly, and Riri held her breath. In 21 months, she’d welcomed your kisses, the feeling of your lips on any part of her body. 
This time, she hated it. 
It felt so empty, so final. 
Riri hated it more when you pulled away, further and further, until you were out the door, and there she stood in her dark room, alone, with the video of Shuri at the club playing on her discarded phone on a continuous loop. 
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The weight of the world rested heavily on the Princess of Wakanda’s shoulders. She’d only been home for three weeks, but every second there reminded her why she’d left. 
Sure, she missed her family, and she sure as hell missed her lab, but nothing soothed the ache in her chest that came with missing you. 
And yeah, she missed Riri too, but Ri would have to pry that confession from her. 
Shuri had been slacking, which was an unusual occurrence for the girl. She hadn’t come close to keeping her promise of constant contact while she was away, not even daring to count the days since she’d last spoken to either of you. 
That would all change soon, she thought. The Talon Fighter was growing closer to campus, and she could not wait to get back. 
The moment her feet touched American soil, they took her in the direction of Riri’s room. Every time she had spoken to the two of you, that’s where you were residing, so with any luck, she would be greeted with a welcome committee. 
It was the middle of the day, and campus was crowded, with frantic students rushing to class or somber ones leaving. Regardless, it took Shuri close to fifteen minutes to reach Riri’s door in what should have been a five-minute walk. 
Her knuckles rapped against the solid door with urgency. 
When it didn’t open right away, she raised her hand to knock a bit harder, but the door swinging ajar stopped her short. 
Riri had opened the door and walked back to her desk, more interested in whatever she was working on than on who was visiting her. 
“What kind of ‘welcome home’ was that?”
Shuri’s smooth words pulled Riri’s head from her computer, but only for a moment. She didn’t pay the Wakandan any mind as she slipped into the room, shutting the heavy door behind her. “Ri? Hello?”
Riri barely mustered out a “Hey. Welcome home.”
Shuri peered around the room with a raised brow. “Where’s y/n?”
Riri lifted her head long enough to glance at the clock on the wall. “I’m assuming class.” Her voice was whispered and muffled and just didn’t sound like Ri at all. 
She sounded more like the girl Shuri had found crying in the hall all those years ago. 
And that caused the pit in Shuri’s stomach to swirl with dread. 
When Riri stood to retrieve something from the other side of the room, Shuri followed. “You not happy to see me?” She teased, trying to edge Riri back into their usual banter. 
She didn’t take the bait, ignoring Shuri instead. It didn’t look purposeful; Riri just seemed too engrossed in her own thoughts. 
Shuri stepped closer to the smaller girl, closing the space between them until Ri’s back was pressed against the wall, and Shuri’s hand on her waist kept her there.
The other hand trapped Riri’s head in place, palming the wall beside it. Shuri bent from her full height, leaning until she and Riri were face to face, so close that Ri was forced to stare into the mocha chasm that was Shuri’s eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” Gone from Shuri’s voice was the sarcasm from before. There was no teasing, no short quips. 
Riri sank into Shuri’s touch, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak. 
It was a rare intimate moment between the two, and Riri would rather relish in it, even if for a moment, than ruin it with words. 
But Shuri wasn’t letting up. She removed her hand from the wall, moving it to grip Riri’s chin, forcing their faces closer until their foreheads kissed. 
“What happened, Ri?”
Riri welcomed the softness, even basking in it for just a second before she lightly pushed Shuri away. 
Shuri took the hint, taking a step back but not allowing the space between her and Ri to grow too large. Her eyes swam with concern, searching Riri’s face for an answer her lips weren’t providing. 
Riri’s tiny frame shook with emotion. Her fingers tensed, her hands running across her face with such a desolate sigh it almost sprang tears to her eyes.
“I ain’ seen y/n in bout a week.” Her confession only rang slightly true; she’d seen you around campus, between classes, and in the caf, and each time, you acted like you hadn’t seen her. 
Like you couldn’t feel the intensity of her stare on your back, burning a Riri-sized hole into you with a fiery glare. 
You hadn’t texted, hadn’t called. When she went to your room and knocked, you didn’t answer. 
It scorched Riri to see you going about life without her. Almost like you hadn’t needed her to begin with. 
But Bast, did she need you. Riri hadn’t slept all week, and she knew it was written all over her face. 
The dark circles that decorated her under eyes looked as though they weighed a ton, and the wrinkle in her brow had taken up a permanent residence. 
Shuri paused for a moment, letting Riri’s words settle in the air between them. 
“Fuck you mean you ain’ see Y/n in a week?”
“Exactly what I said.” Riri fell into the chair behind her desk with a thud. 
“How you ain’ see her in a week, Ri? Last time I talked to you-“
“Over a week ago-“
Shuri continued as though Riri hadn’t spoken. “You two were here. Together, I saw you.”
Riri took a beat to take a deep breath and released it slowly before replying. “Yes. And she saw you.”
Confusion riddled Shuri’s sharp features. “She saw me?”
“Yeah, nigga, she saw you. The whole damn internet saw you.”
Shuri was stunned into silence. She knew exactly what Riri was talking about, and wave after wave crashed over her. Embarrassment, disappointment, and confusion rippled, and Shuri’s eyes squeezed shut, hoping to escape the uncomfortable feeling.
“And it upset her?” The end of her sentence fluttered upwards with perplexity. 
The princess hadn’t seen a problem with her actions at the time. She partied often, and she partied hard. Shuri was known for catching ass on a good Friday night, and this had been just that. 
Sure, more girls had seen the inside of Shuri’s dorm room than she might have liked to admit, but she hadn’t been ashamed of it. 
Not until she learned it upset you. 
She really had slowed down, though, since becoming involved with you. Hell, she’d slowed down since she and Riri had started fucking. What used to be one or two girls a night quickly morphed into none over multiple months. 
But Riri didn’t know that. She still thought Shuri’s reputation preceded her, imagining that she was keeping the same company as before. 
In reality, the Wakandan native’s interest in anyone else was long gone. 
Images of your face that night flashed through Riri’s memories. 
You, pacing the room, looking absolutely heartbroken.
You, on your knees, picking up your things. 
You kissing Riri’s cheek before pulling away from her. 
Riri’s poor heart ached at the thought, and in came the now familiar feel of her throat growing tight and her eyes stinging with salty tears. 
She quickly blinked them away, turning to face Shuri with a sigh that sounded like it contained all the world’s sorrows. 
“Yeah,” she nodded slowly. “Yeah, man, it upset her.”
Add disgust to the abundance of emotions Shuri was currently feeling. She cursed herself aloud for making you feel that way. She could just imagine the way you held your head high, refusing to cry with a quiver in your lip that only she would have noticed. 
How you probably departed with a broken smile on your face.
It was eerie how right she was. 
She gulped, attempting (and failing) to wet her suddenly very dry throat. “Did she say anything?” Shuri asked through the scratchiness.
Riri looked over with blank eyes. “Said so much I couldn’t get a word in.” A hush fell between them before Riri spoke again. “We gave her the silent treatment until she agreed to go public, but we ain’ commit to her.”
Shuri winced. Yeah, they had done that…
“She ain’ asking for much, man. She just want us.”
Shuri’s long legs carried her to Riri’s bed with ease. She fell to the mattress with a soft thump before speaking. “Okay,” she said plainly. 
“Okay, what?”
“Okay, Ri. She want us,” Shuri’s shrug left Riri speechless. “She got us.”
Riri’s mouth fell open with the weight of Shuri’s words. “Simple as that?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
Riri stood to her feet, letting them lead her to Shuri, still on the bed. Her hands hesitated for a moment before resting on Shuri’s clothed knees, her eyes shining with forgotten tears. “Nigga, don’t play with me right now.”
A small smirk threatened to curve the ends of Shuri’s lips upward. She used one hand to support her weight on the bed and the other to push Riri’s kinky curls away from her face. 
Riri was getting ready to ease into the gentleness of Shuri’s touch when the princess tangled her fingers at Riri’s scalp and pulled hard.
Ri’s head fell back with a sharp tug from Shuri, exposing the entire length of her neck. Her lips parted in shock, and the breath she inhaled had no way to escape with Shuri’s lips so dangerously close to Ri’s ear. 
“You got soft while I was away,” Shuri whispered. It was just the two of them in the small room; no one would have heard her. 
Riri fixed her mouth to say something smart, but Shuri cut her off. “I missed you.”
It was a sincere moment. Shuri’s voice still hadn’t reached octaves above a whisper, and the look she gave Ri was enough to send a tingle down to her toes. 
Shuri hopped from the bed, her hands steady on Riri’s hips before releasing them with a prompt nod. “C’mon. Let’s go get our girl.”
She’d barely made it two steps before Ri’s tiny hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her back. “Wait,” she called. 
Shuri turned, her eyes landing on Riri with the same intensity as before. Her chest caved with each deep breath, and her expression looked pained, scared even.
“We doing this? We getting serious bout each other?”
Shuri truly moved with the grace of a panther, retreating swiftly, encapsulating Riri’s face cupped in her hand. 
They were so close they stole each other’s breath. Shuri’s gaze flickered between Riri’s lips and her eyes, not able to decide which was more worthy of her attention. 
Riri’s breathing paused altogether at the sound of Shuri’s chuckle ringing in her ears. “We been doing this how many years, Ri?” Riri’s bottom lip tucked into her mouth clenched between her rows of perfect teeth.
Shuri tutted quietly, using her thumb to roll Riri’s lip back out. 
She didn’t move her finger nor her gaze from Riri’s deep brown lip before she spoke again. “Who’s to say I wasn’t already serious about you?”
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The knocking at your door hadn’t subsided, and it was driving you fucking insane. You burrowed further into your comforter, tugging at the heavy blanket until it swallowed you whole. 
You made no conscious movements to answer it. Getting up and going to class had exerted all of your remaining energy this past week, and you didn’t have any left to entertain company. You weren’t getting up until tonight when it was required of you. 
Maybe whoever it was would take the hint and leave. 
They didn’t.
Muffled voices on the other side of the door were your only warning before it opened so harshly that the handle indented into its adjacent wall. 
Your body shot straight up, speechless. The blanket fell, pooling at your hips, and your eyes widened three sizes. 
Riri’s footsteps were nearly silent as she strolled in, hands in her pocket, with a stoic expression. 
Shuri stepped in behind her, and your already large eyes grew to the size of saucers. Hers were glued on you, noticing the way they sparkled at the sight of her. 
The steps she took toward you were timid, and your breath collected in your chest the entire time it took her to cross the small room. 
“Sthandwa,” she spoke directly toward you, her native tongue sounding so much stronger after the time she spent home. 
The tiniest whimper escaped your lips, and the irritation on Shuri’s face was wiped away with a smirk. Her hand made its way to your face, cupping your cheek and smiling even wider when you fell into her touch.
“You missed me,” Her words were low, for your ears only. 
The moment that passed was a shared one, just between you and Shuri. 
You almost nodded, admitting how badly you had missed her.
And then your eyes closed.
And you remembered why you’d put yourself through a week of hell.
You remembered why you were avoiding Riri, ignoring Shuri. 
You remembered why you were going out tonight with someone who wasn’t them. 
And what was a soft smile on your face curled into the nastiest of snarls. 
Your body straightened, pulling your head from Shuri’s hand and retreating until your back touched the wall, and a mountain of pillows distanced you from the princess. 
Her demeanor just about crumbled when your eyes cut sharply from her and landed on Riri, who still stood a couple of feet away with an unreadable expression etched across her features. 
“Y’all broke into my room?”
It was more an accusation than a question, and it oozed with venom. Shuri fought back a flinch, and Riri dug her hand from her pocket, revealing a gold key swinging from her index finger. 
“Not breaking in if I have the spare.”
“It’s breaking in if you weren’t invited.”
Riri tossed her hand back in her pocket and joined Shuri beside your bed, leaning forward until her elbows dug into the mattress. “We ain’ come here to argue with you, y/n.”
Ri had spoken your name more times lately than she had all the months you’d been together, and you hated it. The hairs on your arm stood on end, and your vision turned blood red. 
“Shouldn’t have come at all-” 
Shuri’s hand around your neck evaporated whatever else was about to roll off your tongue. You begrudgingly focused your gaze on her, shocked to see amusement swimming in her eyes. “Who are you talking to like that?”
Your lips remained sealed in defiance, and Riri shook her head with a scoff directed towards you. 
Shuri’s fingertips were digging into the side of your throat, tugging you toward her. It was a gentler touch at first, but then you had to be hard-headed and try to fight it. Her hands gripped tighter, pulling you harder, and the dark spots that started to attack your vision told you to obey. 
You fell on all fours, staring up at Shuri behind lashes so long, they almost touched your brows. She removed her hand, allowing air to reach your lungs again, cursing under her breath. 
“Fuck,” she breathed out. Even Riri had to bury her bottom lip between her teeth to avoid speaking her thoughts aloud.
You looked fucking delicious, seated on hands and knees, glaring up at them. Heat burned deep in Shuri’s chest, heaving with deep inhales. “Come here,” she commanded.
Shuri’s tone left no room for attitude, but that didn’t stop you from having one. Your eyes rolled, and your knees planted in place with a wiggle of your hips.
Even Riri’s brow rose at the action, and she turned to Shuri with a question behind her eyes.
Shuri’s glance at Ri was quick and filled with an unfamiliar husk. She looked back at you, speaking to Riri while her eyes burned such heat into yours that you had to look away. “She wanna be a brat? That’s fine-” The smile that Shuri bore filled your stomach with fear. “We can tame a brat.”
She opened her mouth again, this time to speak to you. “Come. Here.” Her words sent a noticeable chill through your body, and you rose to just your knees, getting ready to swing your legs around and scoot to the edge of the bed, where Shuri and Riri stood.
“Uh, uh,” Shuri shook her head at you, smiling wider at the confusion on your face. She stood taller, shoulders back, spine straight, chin tilted, truly like royalty. “Crawl to me.”
This time, it was your brows that shot to your hairline. The heat that was burning in her belly moved south, and with a gulp, you found yourself crawling, slowly and seductively, until you were face-to-face with Shuri’s torso.
You stared at it for a moment too long, and she fell into a squat, aligning her face with yours. She was so close, the smell of her cologne almost bringing tears to your eyes. You inhaled deeply, wishing you could commit the scent to memory for the next time Shuri left. 
“What’s wrong with you, baby?” She asked sweetly. “Hm? Why you acting like this?”
You were still. 
A minute passed, then another, and you refused to part your lips and address her. 
“Silent treatment, baby? Forreal?”
The room was quiet.
“You being childish,” Shuri mumbled, standing to her full height again. 
She moved to sit beside you, and you watched with interest.
With swift movements, Shuri was next to you, reaching for your wrists.
It all happened so quickly, her tugging your arms sharply until you laid on your belly across her lap. You gasped, further pressing your torso into Shuri’s thighs.
One hand held your wrists out in front of you as though you were swimming while the other caressed your ass through your shorts. 
Her touch was too soft, a stark contrast to the rest of her movements. You made the mistake of relaxing in her grasp, allowing your guard and attitude to fall completely. 
Poor you. 
A sharp slap sounded throughout the room, followed by the sharp sting that radiated through your right ass cheek. And just as quickly as the strike came, it went, covered by Shuri’s soft massage. 
The way your mout h fell open to form a little “O” was so cute.  Shock, and anger, and desire all fueled the fire that was burning in your lower belly, igniting and growing it further.
“We gonna work on you and Riri’s ‘Welcome’ next time, baby” Another harsh slap, this time to the opposite cheek. 
Riri spoke up, her voice sounding like a squeak. “You could always take us with you next time.” She barely got the sentence out without a moan escaping. Her eyes bore into the scene before her, wanting so badly to rub away the pain Shuri was inflicting. 
Shuri smirked at Ri before turning back to land another hard clap on your ass. “What you think, baby? Wanna come with me?”
Her words and her actions weren’t lining up. The way she spoke to you was so tender, as though the three of you sat in a coffee shop having a pleasant conversation. 
The way she assaulted your ass said otherwise. You were writhing under her touch, with a wetness that pooled between your clenched thighs uncomfortably. 
Another slap, then she continued. “We spend weeks together, relaxing by the water. I could take you on the Royal Talon Fighter. Fuck you right on the floor while we’re in the air”.
Another slap. “Riri fingering you in the pool.”
Slap. “I’ll sit you on my throne, where you belong, and eat you until you cry.”
Slap. “Sound like a plan, Ri?”
Riri was in a fucking daze. She could smell your arousal, and it was so hard to resist planting her face between your legs, inhaling your scent deeper. She struggled to mutter so much as a “yeah” in response to Shuri’s question. She wasn’t even sure she’d been listening. 
Shuri’s attention fell back to you, and a deep groan escaped her chest. You were a mess. She could feel how hot your body had grown in the short time you’d been pressed against her. You were still quiet, but her ears picked up on the soft whimpers that you thought no one could hear. Your body was practically vibrating.
An insatiable need swam in your eyes, falling over your cheeks and down the side of Shuri’s leg. 
“That sound like a plan, baby?”
You remained quiet, the sound of her hand clapping your ass echoing in the room. 
“I don’t like being ignored, y/n.” Shuri must’ve lost her mind and left it in Wakanda, using your real name like that. It just made you dig your heels in further, refusing to give her a verbal response.
She shook her head, turning to Riri to speak again. “I been gone three weeks, and you let her get all defiant and shit.”
Riri snapped out of her trance at the accusation. “I ain’ let her do shit-”
“You did,” Shuri removed her hand from your ass to point toward your nightstand. “Grab her vibrator from the drawer and come fix your shit.”
Your head shot up at Shuri’s words. A part of you was relieved the attack on your now swollen ass cheeks had stopped. The other part was full of dread. You needed to fucking come, but there was no way Shuri was going to make it that easy on you. 
She lifted your limp body with ease, shuffling around until you were in her lap, back pressed to her heaving chest. You winced a bit at the stinging sensation that traveled down the back of your thighs, but Shuri’s padded fingertips drawing circles in your abdomen was enough of a distraction for you to relax a bit. 
Her lips peppered up and down the length of your neck, stopping every now and then to nip at your tight skin. “Imma hear that pretty voice one way or another, baby.”
She grinned at the shiver her words sent down your spine and lifted her head to see Riri starting back toward your bed with your massive pink wand in hand. Your knees lifted to your chest without thought, and Shuri planted her hands on them,  prying them apart until the wet spot in your shorts was visible to Ri. 
Her breasts bounced with the way her chest heaved at the sight. Your grey shorts were noticeably darker around the spot that bore your cunt, and your dark thighs glittered with your own slick. 
The sudden cool air that hit your pussy shocked you, and your thighs clenched, trying to close in response. They barely moved with Shuri’s hands in place.
She didn’t even acknowledge your failed attempt, instead nodding her head at Riri. The smaller girl looked as though it pained her to look away from you, and it did. 
“Come here.” Riri glanced over you one more time, then started stepping closer to the bed. Shuri ducked her head, taking your ear lobe between her teeth before speaking lowly. “See how she listen the first time?”
Riri rolled her eyes but climbed onto the bed anyway, kneeling beside you and Shuri’s bodies flush against one another. “What?” she asked again.
Shuri let go of your thighs, snaking an arm around your torso to hold you in place while the other tugged on Riri’s curls, luring her closer and closer and closer until she and Shuri’s breaths became one.
Shuri leaned up, pressing her lips against Riri’s with a moan. The delicacy of the kiss didn’t last long, and the strain in your neck as you turned and watched them wasn’t enough to peel your eyes away. 
Riri’s tongue darted out first, sloppily tracing over Shuri’s before she reached to grasp the back of her head and deepen the kiss. 
Your moan at the sight was music to their ears, and Riri pulled away, gracing you with a smile before Shuri’s hand on her chin pulled her back. Shuri’s lips brushed Ri’s as she whispered, “I ain’ get to kiss you properly since I been back.” She let her gaze linger on you with a side-eye before she turned back to Riri. “We had other things to deal with.” 
Riri’s nose scrunched up, her curls swaying to and fro with the shake of her head. “And I’m the one who got soft?” she asked with a scoff. 
Shuri ignored Ri. “Lemme taste her off your lips when you finish.”
Riri’s stare at you was hungry. She hadn’t had a taste of you in so long. Her mouth watered, and her tongue swiped across her lips, leaving behind a sheen. “I’ll think about it,” she mumbled, hopping from the bed.
With the click of a button, your vibrator roared to life, and the whimper that left your mouth was pathetic. Riri stood patiently waiting while Shuri pulled your legs apart once more. Her hands on you felt like fire, and your head fell back onto your shoulder. Her chuckle rang loudly in your ear. “We ain’ even touch you yet.”
But then Riri’s hand grazed your thigh, only enough to pull your shorts to one side and expose your needy center. “Oh, baby, you’re fucking soaked.”
Your hips jutted forward, an impatient exhale sharp in your chest. You knew you were soaked; you needed them to do something about it. 
Riri’s delicate fingers brushed over your lower set of lips before stopping to gently slap it a few times. You splashed around her harsh hits, hissing and curving your hips, hoping to catch her fingers at your entrance. 
Mm, Riri hummed. “This ain’ enough.” She nodded to Shuri, “Lift her legs up.”
Shuri’s hands went from your inner thigh to hooking underneath, folding you in half. Your knees almost aligned with your shoulders, and Riri nodded, satisfied. “There she go. All on display for me.”
She brought the vibrator to your clit without warning, and you screamed. “There go that pretty voice, too,” Shuri stated, levity and lust dripping from her accented words. 
You didn’t have the strength to stay silent anymore. Riri had the violently vibrating toy pressed hard against your swollen bud, and she made no move to let up. Your cunt splashed around the rapid movements, and you knew your orgasm would come fast and hard. 
“So pretty,” Riri parroted lazily. The wetness between her own legs was growing uncomfortable, but her focus right now was wholeheartedly on you.
Your pussy clenched around nothing, and your head dug into Shuri’s shoulder with a dull pain that would become prominent later. “Oh, fuck,” you breathed out, repeating the phrase like a broken record.
This time, it was Shuri and Riri who were quiet, listening intently to your voice and the way its crescendo was built. 
Your chest heaved, and your abs contracted, and you could feel your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach. “Shit, shit, shit-” 
And then it was gone. The vibrations stopped, and the glorious orgasm that was about to wreck you washed away. A desperate cry fell from your lips, your glossed eyes staring up at Riri with so many questions. 
“Nah, ma. That was the lowest setting.” She bent down to kiss your cheek. “You don’t gotta come yet.”
Your head shook so fast, it made you dizzy. “I do, I do.”
“Oh, you do?” She was mocking you. Your mouth opened with a smart-ass response that was quickly forgotten when stronger, harsher movements attacked your clit. 
Riri had turned the intensity up, and the vibrations were radiating through your abdomen and your thighs. Your head fell back once more; your jaw stuck slack. “Oh fuck,” you roared. There was no way the people minding their business in the halls weren’t hearing you, but Bast, did you not give a fuck. 
“Fuck, Ri, fuck,” you drawled out with a whimper. Her name had fallen from your lips with ease, and both the girls focused on you moved quickly to correct that. 
Shuri’s hand roughly grabbed a handful of your braids and pushed your head forward at the same time that Riri pulled it forward with her hand on your chin. She hit the button on the vibrator, and the intensity increased once more. 
Their hands on you wouldn’t allow your head to fall. The spew of screams and curses uttered from your mouth while Riri’s eyes dug into yours as if she could see past them. “Yeah, let’s try that again, baby girl.”
Up another setting the vibrator went, and the cry that came from you sounded like that of a wounded animal. “What’s my name?” Riri asked with all the sass in the world, watching you with stern eyes. 
You didn’t answer, too afraid you’d say the wrong thing. There wasn’t a sane thought in that pretty brain of yours right now, and though you searched and searched, your own name didn’t even come to mind at the moment. 
The intensity climbed higher and higher until Riri hitting the button was mundane. The vibrator was on the highest possible setting, and she was proud of you for handling it. 
Your orgasm didn’t creep back on you with ease; it was about to hit you like a train. Your splashing grew, throwing your slick on all three of you. Your stomach was so tight, you were sure you’d have a six-pack after this, and your body shook like you were possessed. 
Your head was still aligned with Ri’s, but your eyes were long gone, rolled back into your skull. A quick tap at your cheek pulled them back, and you stared at Riri, taking in her tiny frame, covered in sweat (or was that your cum?), with a look so sharp, it cut your gasp short. 
“My name, baby,” she growled out at you, but it was too late. You were coming, soaking the sheets beneath you and Shuri with a long, drawn-out cry. Your body was trembling, a shaky “Ooh, shit,” the only thing that you could think well enough to say. 
Riri held the vibrator flush with your cunt, letting the mix of you squirting and the vibrations splash your taste right to her awaiting tongue. 
The moment felt like it lasted forever, and when you finally did start to come down, Riri removed the vibrator from you, turning it off and discarding it on the floor. 
Shuri sat whispering something in Xhosa in your ear, tracing lines up and down your still shaky legs. 
Your body gave out, relaxing into the curve of Shuri’s before Riri’s tight grip around your throat reawoke reality around you. Her eyes darted around your face, her lips tight, and her brows drawn. She yanked you away from Shuri and closed the space between you and her. 
“What is my fucking name?” She questioned harshly. You’d never heard a sound so sinister come from her, and it turned your good mood foul. 
“Red,” you spat at her. 
In the next instant, her hand released your neck, and she took a step back, eyes still racing, breath still raging.
Shuri removed her hands from your thighs, backing herself into a corner of your bed until she was no longer touching you. “Sana-” she started gently, but you barely heard her. 
All of your rage from before was back, and now Riri was the unfortunate target. “That’s not fucking fair, Riri!” 
She remained silent tense brows raising as she watched you jump from the bed onto wobbly legs. You stumbled but stood your ground. “Yeah, you’re Riri now.”
She wasn’t deterred when you started toward her, hands drawn in fists at your side and chest poking out. “You been calling me by my government since that night in your dorm room, but it’s a problem when I do it?”
Riri's mouth opened, starting to speak, but the look on your face advised her not to. “It’s always a fucking problem when I do it, huh?” You were in her face at this point, and she could see the tears glistening behind the anger in your eyes. 
“You two ignore me for a fucking week until I say okay to the whole damn world know I got not one, but two ‘girlfriends.’” Your hands uncurl to throw air quotes around “girlfriends.”  A grizzly laugh escapes your lips, and the tears start to fall.
“But they not even my girlfriends. I-” Your voice broke, and so did the girls’ hearts. “I ain’ nothing but one of many to them.” You sniff before continuing. “And when I try to get a week to figure that shit out, to process it, you break into my fucking room!”
“You break in and fuck my fucking brains out.” Your hands are shaking as they reach up to wipe away the steady stream of tears. “But you gonna leave here and give the same thing to who the fuck ever.” 
Riri’s silence is starting to irritate you, so you direct the rest of your wrath to the princess. The pillow on your desk chair flies toward her, landing with a thud, and you wish you had the balls to throw something heavier. “And you-”
Shuri watches you cross the room toward her, stopping just short of the bed. “You got me out here looking fucking stupid!” Snot and spit mix with your tears in what you only know as the definition of ugly crying, but you do not fucking care. 
“You got a harem, Shuri? Hm?”
“No-” Her words were drowned under yours. 
“Kehlani, nigga? I can’t-” Your voice cracked further. “I can’t fucking compete with Kehlani. I can’t even compete with the other girls on campus, can I?” You whispered. 
Your hand flew to point at Riri, and she flinched, certain that you’d just flung something in her direction. “She the only one who don’t got any competition. It’s always been Ri and Shuri.” You chuckle again. “Y’know what she told me?” Your laughter grew until you were hiccuping behind giggles and sobs. “When I was in her room upset about the viral video of my ‘girlfriend’ dry humping somebody else in the club? She kept saying ‘Me and Shuri’ this and ‘Me and Shuri’ that.”
You looked back toward Riri. The venom in you had run dry, and all that was left behind was sadness. “‘Me and Shuri ain’ never been exclusive’” You took her words and threw them back at her; it was the worst thing you could’ve thrown. 
“‘Shuri catching ass, getting ass; those are just her weekends,’” you repeated what Riri had said to you with bile in your throat. “She laughed about it.”
Shuri’s eyes darted towards Riri, who looked as though she were about to crumble to the floor. 
You closed your eyes, refusing to look at either of them any longer. “Get out,” you whispered.
Shuri rose from your bed, taking tender steps toward you as if you would explode if she were to move any faster. “Baby, I- We-”
You sighed, rubbing your eyes until they were red. “There it go again; ‘we’. ‘We’ is not Shuri, Riri, and me. ‘We’ is Shuri and Riri. It’s always Shuri and Riri.” You shook your head, your braids swinging around you. “I’m not doing this no more. Get out.”
Your voice was eerily calm. As though you were making small talk about the weather and not breaking their hearts. 
“No-” Shuri spoke again. “Baby, listen-”
You glanced at the clock above Riri’s head, avoiding looking at her altogether. “Get. Out.” You emphasized, stalking past them both until you were entering your bathroom and starting the shower. “I need to start getting ready. Thanks for ruining my nap.”
“Getting ready for what?”
You looked at Shuri deliberately as the next words from your mouth rang through the air. “I have a date.”
“Like hell you do.” 
Both of your heads whipped to Riri standing on the other side of the room. Your confession had broken her trance, and she approached you quickly, grabbing for your hand. 
“I do,” You snatched away from her touch roughly. “And I need to wash you off me. Both of you.”
“Y/n, you play too fucking much-” 
Your neck snapped toward Riri. She didn’t back down when a scoff fell from your lips, and you walked to her until your chests were touching, and she had no choice but to look up at you. 
Sadness still decorated your pretty brown eyes, but Riri was more focused on the growl deep in your voice. “What’s the matter, Ri?” You darted your gaze back to the clock once more. “Your eight o’clock cancel on you?”
Your hair whips her in the face as you turn back to Shuri. “Kehlani couldn’t make it?”
Neither of them speaks, just watching you head back to your bathroom door. “I’m getting in the shower,” you announce. “Can’t have all this dried cum on me.” The door starts to close, but not before they hear the last of your sentence. “He might want a fresh slate.”
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Riri sat in the VIP box of a club she did not want to fucking be in, nursing a glass of rum that she was barely sipping on. Anger on a sober Riri was enough to land her in jail; she didn’t need to be drunk tonight. 
Shuri sat across from her, eyes scanning the crowd below them as she threw back another shot, growling with the burn cascading down her throat.
She lifted a hand to fix the blazer on her shoulder before looking over to notice Riri had abandoned hers. A dark, lacey fabric clung to Riri’s bosom like a second skin, and Shuri gulped before turning away again. 
“Why are we even here, Ri? She said she was done.”
Riri’s eye-roll was almost audible. “You wasn’t saying shit when you snuck the Kimoyo bead in her purse.” She brought the cup to her lips again, allowing the sour liquor to run over her tongue before swallowing it harshly. “Ion give a fuck what she said. She’s not done; she’s ours.”
They watched you with fury burning behind their gazes as you gyrated in a crowd full of people. Shuri had to convince Riri to remain glued to her seat when your dress rode up a bit, and luckily, you’d pulled it down before Riri had a chance to expose that she and Shuri were spying on you.
They were just there to make sure your date was respectful. You could have this cute lil date, even if it boiled their blood. They’d make sure your clothes stayed on, and you got home safe, and then try talking to you again tomorrow. Or the day after that, or the day after that.
Except, Riri was finding it really hard to stay under the radar. Every time your date slipped his hands around your waist or brought his face a little too close to yours, her feet begged her to move, her fist itching to hit him. 
Him. Of all the ways you could have chosen to spite them, this was by far the fucking worse. 
You’d never shown interest in a dick, yet here you were, grinding up against one. 
Shuri wasn’t sure how much more she could take. She struggled to read your lips from up here when you brought them to his ear to whisper something or when they spread into a grin. The glass cup in her hand was in danger of breaking; Shuri’s grip just kept getting tighter and tighter. 
And even though you weren’t dancing for them, they were mesmerized by you. Your hair was gathered into a high pony, your eyeliner deep and dark, accentuating your big, round eyes. The dress you chose was sinful. It stopped just under the curve of your ass, exposing the length of your thick thighs for him to touch. Had it been any tighter, your breasts would have spilled right out of the deep plunge that reached your belly button; instead, they sat high and (mostly) covered, aside from your pierced nippled poking through the thin fabric. 
Riri had groaned when you first walked in, and that quickly turned into a growl when she noticed the nigga’s hand resting on your hip. 
That was nearly two hours ago, and her expression had yet to change. 
“You don’t wanna chop his hands off?” she asked Shuri over the rim of her glass.
“Of course, I do, sana-”
“Good, then go do it.”
Shuri sighed, putting her drink down and peering over the railing back down at you. Your ass was rolling into the curve of his front, and he was enjoying every bit of it, with one hand on your hip and the other gathered in your hair. “I’m considering it.”
Riri was about to comment when her body ran cold. A slow song rang through the speakers, something much more sensual than the ass-shaking anthem that was playing before. Her eyes ran back to you, and she watched, frozen.
You’d stood back up to your full height, turning to face him with your arms thrown around his neck. 
Your bodies ground together in sync with the rhythm of the music, and Riri’s mouth fell open when your head fell back with a moan, and he leaned down to kiss your throat. 
She was already on her feet by the time he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours as he practically fucked you through your clothes on the dance floor. The angle put your left breast in danger of being exposed and Ri could see the dark swirl of your areola bouncing free. 
“Fuck no.” Riri was gone, and Shuri wasn’t too far behind her. They pushed through the crowd, ignoring protests coming from every which way. Ri’s vision was blood-shot, her body shaking with rage. 
Her fist was already formed and she stalked toward you, on a mission. Shuri’s voice in her ear caused the smaller girl to stumble. “Do not hit him,” she commanded with a growl.
Riri reached you first, uncurling her fist and reaching up to snatch you by your hair, breaking the now deepened kiss between you and him. Shuri followed closely behind, nearly clipping your heels and already digging her keys from her pockets. 
He stood there stunned as you were pulled away and lead through the front doors without anyone so much as glancing your way. Ri took her hands from your hair and put them around your hips, lifting and flinging you into the backseat of Shuri’s SUV. She hopped in behind you, and Shuri jumped into the driver's seat, pulling off with a loud skid as her tires kissed the pavement.
Riri was livid, shaking in her nearly naked form, and it pissed her off even more to see the smugness that was embedded into your features. Her intentions weren’t to scare you but the fact that you didn’t even show an ounce of fright enraged her. 
“Breaking and entering and kidnapping on the same day? Must not be the first crime the two of you have-”
Riri’s hand was around your throat before you could finish your sentence, pressing your body harshly into the leather seats until your head bounced against the headrest, locking you in place.
“You must be out of your fucking mind,” she hurled at you. Your pompous attitude was gone, and fear danced in your gaze. You’d never seen Riri so angry; you didn’t know lividity was a feeling she was capable of. 
She didn’t give you a chance to speak, staring at your lips in disgust before she continued. “I hope you happy, baby, because you just cost that man his life.”
Your eyes widened further with horror, and Shuri called out Riri’s name in warning. 
Ri scoffed. “Oh, I don’t gotta do shit,” her grip tightened. “Wakanda got a whole ass army who would kill to protect you.”
Alarm bells were ringing in your head and your vision was starting to blur with the lack of oxygen your brain was receiving. You knew you shouldn’t push Riri any further, but the words were out without a second thought. 
“They kill for all your hoes?”
Shuri’s foot came down hard on the brakes, and you and Riri jerked forward, but her eyes never left your face. All around you, horns blarred angrily with the Princess’s driving and you could see the swing of headlights from behind as they swerved to avoid ramming into the back of it, but Shuri continued as if she didn’t almost cause the world’s biggest traffic accident. 
“You fucking-” Riri’s lips curled. “There are no hoes, y/n. It’s just you, only you.”
She turned to look out the window, seemingly analyzing your surroundings, then spoke to Shuri, “Go to my garage.”
The only response she got back was a silent nod, which she ignored anyway. Riri looked hard at your face, glancing back and forth between your lips and your eyes. “Lick your lips,” she commands.
You do as you’re told, surprisingly, and dart your tongue out to swipe over your lips once, twice, three times. Riri groans at the way they shine once you finish, wet with your spit. “They taste like him?”
Shuri watches through the rearview mirror as you hesitate, then nod. Riri crashes her lips into yours in a harsh kiss. She wants to wipe away any trace of him, any taste, any memory, any thought.  She swallows your tongue, moaning as you swap spit, and you bring your arms around her neck to pull her closer. 
Riri resists, though, drawing her body back and creating an unwanted distance between the two of you. “What about now?” She asks through pants. “They still taste like him?”
You lick your lips slowly, savoring the taste. Your head shakes from side to side. 
“Who they taste like?” She demands. 
“You,” you reply breathily. 
Before Riri has a chance to respond, the car comes to a stop, and Shuri cuts the engine off. You look around, recognizing the alley that leads to the back entrance of Riri’s garage. 
Shuri hops out of the car first, walking around to open your door and offer her hand to help you. 
Riri’s already out of the car, walking over to unlock the well-secured garage and stepping inside the darkness. 
She swipes a bunch of papers off the thrifted couch that sits next to her desk, and they flutter to the floor like snowflakes. 
She pushes you into the cushions, watching your body land with a bounce that exposes your right breast in all its pierced glory. 
Riri’s stare at you is lustful and rageful, shaking her with an unusual intensity. Shuri stands beside her, both of them glaring at you, but neither of them moving. 
It isn’t until Riri breaks the trance, shaking her head and walking away. “Handle her, man. I need to calm down some before I touch her.”
Now you and Shuri watch as Riri retreats, guilt building up in your little body. You turn back to see Shuri approaching you, unbuttoning her blazer until it swings open. She stops in front of you, fingers toying with the spaghetti straps of your dress. “He touched this,” she states simply.
You nod, “Shuri, I-”
The sound of ripping fabric echoes off the metal walls, and you look down to see Shuri’s torn your dress straight down the plunge. 
You can only muster out a pathetic squeak at the sight of what was your favorite dress. Shuri is so close when you look up that you almost headbutt her. 
“What is my name?” She growls, accentuating every word. 
“D-daddy-” you manage to stutter out.
Mm, she hums, and you shrink into yourself. No ‘good girl’ or praise. Just a hum.
You hadn’t really deserved the praise lately, though. 
Her head buried in your neck pulls you away from your thoughts. The feel of her lips and her tongue traveling along the softness of your skin causes your head to lazily tilt to the side, giving her more access. 
Her finger juts out to point in the direction Riri wandered in. “And you are hers,” she says with such a harsh bite that you cry out. 
She licks away the pain a moment later, “And you are mine.”
Shuri reaches down to pull the shredded dress away from your body and starts kissing down the length of your collarbone. “I’m sorry that video upset you.” She emphasizes each word with a kiss. “And I’m more sorry that my actions upset you.”
Her kisses trail to the valley between your breasts, and your fingers find her curls tangling in them and pressing her closer. “But I am all about you, baby.” 
Her kissing stops as she spots your underwear. It’s nothing but a black piece of string tied around your hips and thighs. The thinnest fabric in the world barely covers both your lips down there, and even now, it’s twisted to the point where your slit swallows it. 
“You wore these for him?”
You shake your head, missing the feel of her lips on your skin already. “Wore them for you; knew you were there.” 
“How-” Shuri starts.
“Your bead. Found it in my purse before I even left the dorm. Spotted the two of you a few minutes after we got to the club-”
Her face twists into an unreadable expression. “You knew we were there and gave us a good ole’ show, baby?”
Your cheeks grow hot, and Shuri shakes her head. “You really were trying to get that man killed.”
She lets her hand trail down your thigh, stopping at the crevice where they meet. You're already so wet, your little cunt drenching your sorry excuse of panties. 
One harsh tug, and those too, are nothing but shredded fabric. 
The only part of your outfit that isn’t torn and tattered are your heels and when you ask Shuri if she’s gonna go for those next, she ignores you. 
“You owe me new clothes,” you grumble under her attack of kisses on your thigh. You whine when she pulls away, sitting up enough that your gazes are aligned. 
“I don’t owe you shit but an apology.” Her slender fingers run down the length of your slit, coming back up dripping in your essence. You’re hypnotized, watching in fascination and lust as she brings them to her lips, licking them clean of you and groaning at the taste. “But I’d buy you a closet full of clothes if you asked me to.”
Your thighs part and her head descends between them, licking up the wetness that coats them. “And no,” she says with a breathy moan to your twitchy clit. “I don’t do that for all my hoes.”
And with that, her tongue attacks you. There's nothing but a sense of urgency in the air as Shuri laps at you as if the taste would disappear if she didn’t appreciate it enough. Your moans ring through the garage, loud and echoing. 
Shuri’s tongue on your clit is merciless, swiping and sucking. She dips lower, licking a fat, long strip up your slit and her moans tickle you from the inside out. Your thighs on her shoulder are clenched tight around her head, but she couldn’t care less.
You taste like heaven and Shuri never believed in such a place before you. Her tongue stiffens, and then, it’s in your cunt, fucking you feverishly. Your eyes roll and you’re trying so hard to keep them on Shuri. 
The sight of her fucking your pussy, drowning in it, is one the tabloids would have never been able to imagine. If they thought an ass-catching princess was scandalous, they’d drop dead at the sight of this.
Movement from the corner of your eyes catches your attention, and it takes all your strength to pull it away from Shuri long enough to notice Ri in the corner, back pressed against the wall, arms crossed in front of her. 
Your eyes lock, and you stare at Ri as you pant and groan, as if they were directed towards her. And maybe they were. She shifts uncomfortably at the sounds you make, reaching around to adjust something in her, now unbuttoned pants, but before you have time to question it, Shuri’s tongue in your pussy is replaced by two fingers.
They stretch you out deliciously, and she pulls her head away to admire the way you clench around her. “Demethi, nkosazana,” she mumbles under her breath. 
You’d heard her speak enough Xhosa over the years to be able to translate that one. “I’m the princess now?” you stumble and stutter through the question and a red-hot fury makes itself known in your belly with the way she curved her fingers and looks up at you. “My princess,” she responds.
Suddenly, her fingers pick up speed, and she’s added a third, scissoring into you and grinning at the way you stretch around her. “Good girl,” she praises. “Good girl, go ahead and open up for me, hm?”
Ugh, they way they talked to you during sex.. Their words were fucking filthy and the moment they opened their mouths, you knew you wouldn’t last much longer. 
This time was no different. You had been so focused on Shuri, that you didn’t notice Riri stalking toward you. 
Shuri noticed, but she was intent on making you come apart before she handed you over. The taste of you was still on her tongue and she signaled Riri to ‘come here’ with a curled finger, while the other mirrored the action deep within your walls. 
Riri headed over to Shuri, and upon reaching her, took her chin and tilted it upwards so she could capture her lips in a kiss. You watched as they shared your taste between the two of them,  moaning at the sight. 
Shuri pulled away first, feeling the way your walls began to swell around her hand. Your orgasm was coming (pun intended), and as much as you wanted to keep your eyes on them, you couldn’t. Your head fell back, and your eyes shut so tightly, they were just slits. 
Riri just stood and watched, hands tucked in her pockets, and Shuri sang you praises. 
“There you go, baby. Let it out.”
You began to splash around her fingers. 
“Good girl, nkosazana yam, keep going.”
Your wetness had picked up, as did your cries. Shuri’s forearm was soaked, along with the front of her blazer.
“I’m- fuck! I’m com-” Your sentence was nothing but fragments, but Shuri understood it perfectly well. 
“I know baby, come for me,” she cooed. “Umhle kakhulu (So pretty).”
You were already in the midst of coming apart, and Shuri’s fingers didn’t let up, fucking you through your climax. It was such an intense feeling. You felt so full, like the pressure was too much, but Bast, it was so delicious, you didn’t want her to stop. 
You wanted your orgasm to keep coming so Shuri’s fingers never left. Unfortunately for you, your well began to run dry and your screams died down to panting breaths. Shuri’s hand slipped out of you with a loud squelch and she lifted them so you could see how much of you was actively dripping from her digits. “Messy girl,” she stated cooly, rising to her feet and taking a step back.
Your thighs were still sky-high and your breathing hadn’t quite leveled out before Riri stepped to where Shuri once stood. She reached into her pants, pulling out a dildo you’d never seen before already strapped to her hilt. 
It was made of vibranium, that much was obvious with the deep purple glow. Most of the toys the three of you used were, but this one was different. First of all, it was thick. Fuck the fact that it was already a good 8 or 9 inches long, it wasn’t much smaller than the width of a fucking soda can and you could hear a slight buzzing come from it. 
The look on Riri’s face gave away the surprise. It was vibrating, harshly against her clit and when she pressed the tip to your slit, you could feel the vibrations on your end too. 
Fuck, she was about to tear you apart. 
“You seemed to have wanted dick so damn bad tonight, baby,” her words were still angry as she pushed into you at a snail’s pace. 
The stretch was too much, but it felt so fucking good. Your cunt swallowed every inch of her, pulling her in further.
She could feel just how wet you were, how tight you were, having just come. The way you clenched around her almost knocked the wind from her little body, and she had to will herself to take it slow. 
“Shit, baby,” she hissed, eyes closed, breathing staggered. 
“Riri-” Shuri’s voice sounded out from somewhere in the room, but you were too focused on Ri to search for it. 
“What?” She sounded like she was in pain, and still, she wasn’t even fully in you yet.
“Fuck her.”
Riri opened her eyes, burning a hole through yours. Her hips shifted, and she was in you even deeper. “No shit. I ain’ taking orders from you right now,” she growled lowly. 
The only warning you got before she buried her entire cock into you was a hand on your hip as she steadied herself. Your scream rang through the room in agony and Ri’s moans harmonized with yours. 
The two of you sat, stuck for a moment as she took a few deep breaths, allowing you to adjust.
And then she pulled out, leaving you feeling hollow. The feeling didn’t last long because she thrust back into you, this time much easier than the first. 
“Fuck,” you cried, and she did it again, and again, and again, until she’d picked up a steady pace. 
Sweat poured down her forehead as she fucked you with the restraint of a fucking God. You were so tight, so wet, so warm. A week was much too long to go without being buried in your cunt and the fact that you’d almost willingly given it to a nigga earlier that night angered her. 
Her movements were harsh and rough, and so good. This wasn’t love making, it was fucking. 
The kind that sent a tingle to your toes and arched your back to extremes that you didn’t know you were capable of. It was the type that warranted multiple orgasms and the first one ripped through you with a vengeance.
Riri felt it; she felt the way you clenched around her and how your screams pierced the air. She could feel your slick collecting on the pants that she hadn’t bothered to pull all the way down before taking you.
And she didn’t let up. No recovery time this time around. She fucked you through that first orgasm and continued fucking you toward the second. 
Your legs clamed around her waist and your arms trapped her face right in front of yours. You could inhale her pants as she dug into you, reciting elements on the periodic table so she didn’t come before she wanted to. 
“You been playing games with me, baby,” she whispered to you through her thrusts.
You were too dick-crazed to fully process her sentence at first, but once you did, you responded, “No different than the games you and Shuri been playing.” You sounded like a drunk, but Riri understood every bit of what you said. 
Your eyes wandered, rolling back as that second orgasm approached. 
“Look at me, baby,” Riri commanded, and she smiled when you obeyed, locking your lust-blown eyes on hers. “There ain’ nobody else, okay?” Her forehead pressed to yours. “I ain’ fucking nobody else like this.” At that, her hips curved and her cock hit the spongy part of your cunt that was the only thing responsible for holding your orgasm at bay. 
The second one rolled through you, yet Riri continued as if it hadn’t. She groaned, listening to you moan right in her ear. “That pretty sound right there, fuck. I wanna hear that shit for the rest of my life.” She couldn’t hold back any longer. She was about to come.
Her thrusts slowed and she shuddered, sinking into the suppleness of your touch as your legs kept her buried in your cunt and your nails dug into her back, scratching hard enough to draw little beads of blood. 
Shapes, letters, she didn’t know what you were etching into her skin, and it didn’t matter. She groaned, legs shaking as she struggled to stay on them. 
Your lip rolled into your mouth at the feel of Riri’s warmth on your inner thighs. “That’s it,” you muttered, low enough for just her to hear. “Come on me, ma.”
Neither of you knew who’s come was who’s on your thighs and neither of you cared. Riri fell apart in your arms, finally coming down long enough to press your lips together in a kiss that was much softer than her thrusts had been. 
“You’re mine,” she said against your mouth. “You’re barely hers-” she pointed back at Shuri and wrapped both arms around your middle to press you further against her, as if your bodies could fuse and become one. “Because you are all fucking mine,” she growled and you smiled at her words. 
Shuri walked over, slapping her palm against Riri’s ass with a warning. “Watch yourself.” Her head tilted, focusing on Riri’s back and your smile morphed into laughter. Shuri copied you with a chuckle. “Did you write your name in her back, baby?”
You nodded, still laughing, feeling gleeful for the first time in days. “I did,” you stated proudly. 
Shuri chuckled again, shaking her head before eying you. “It’s sideways.”
You shrugged, “It’s there.”
“Well,” Shuri declared, moving her fingers to shake off her blazer, letting it fall to the floor. Her eyes never left yours as she shrugged her shirt over her head. “Guess I need one to match.”
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lyfeofbilly · 2 months
mistress!riri x married reader
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warnings: smut, smut, smut! (minors do not interact!)
summary: infidelity had snaked its way into your crumbling marriage. another night with your favorite mistake couldn’t hurt…..right?
author's note: my first time writing smut, so pleaseee bare with me. this is soooo fucking trifling i know, lmao. to them anons, this for yall.
taglist:@koffeesfancy @bubbleblowinggirl @pvnks0ul @solanaszn @onyxstones-world @blacksapphhicmaddonna
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Rianna smirked at her phone as she read your text.
You up?
It had been weeks since you last seen her. The clock read 3:15 AM and you were craving her. Your body aching just to feel her touch again, the mere thought of it making your skin grow hot. Ever since you first got a taste of her you’ve been hooked. Her kisses were laced with a drug that you could not get enough of.
You never wanted it to go this far, to be in so deep. You loved your family- well your children. You and your wife have been on a rocky road for years now, "We're just in it for the kids." y'all would say. The both of you knew that excuse was bullshit. It caused more harm than good and your kids noticed. The resentful arguments, passive aggressiveness, and cursing matches were something that you wished your children would not have had to witness.
Your wife sent the kids to her mother's house while she disappeared to Lord knows where. You stayed home under the guise of having to work early mornings for the rest of the week. It was all just an excuse to have her. Your need for intimacy overtook the guilt you would normally feel in this situation.
You were sprawled across the bed, awaiting a response from Rianna. An hour had flown by since you sent your initial message. She wouldn't deny you and you knew that, she just loved playing the cat and mouse game. The excitement and sneakiness of it all ignited a fire deep within her. The three dots eventually turned into a text, causing your phone to ding.
The Mrs gone tonight?
Your eyes rolled at her text. The pettiness that woman possessed was something that needed to be studied. Her slick remarks and snide comments were something you hated yet loved about her. Another text came across your screen shortly after.
Leave the door open for me baby, I'll be there soon ;)
That sentence alone caused an ache between your legs. The power that she had on you was something else.
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A sly smirk was plastered across Rianna's face as she tiptoed through the front door, softly shutting it behind her. Pictures of you and your family were displayed all around the living room. The image of you and your wife engulfed in a kiss is what caught her eye the most. The two of you looked young, happy, so in love. The frame had your anniversary date engraved on the bottom. It made Rianna sick, she wondered when exactly did your marriage turn sour. What was the straw that broke the camels back?
Rianna sighed and shrugged her shoulders as she placed the picture face down, "Fun while it lasted."
You nor Rianna would have ever thought things would get as deep as they were. Your relationship was innocent, at least that's what you thought, at first. You tried to play the flirting off as being friendly for your conscience's sake. The seductive stares, unnecessary touching of each other, playing footsy under the table, the list goes on. Cheating had never crossed your mind, no matter how bad things had got, but when you found yourself face down in the back of Rianna's car after a night of drinks all of that flew out of the window.
Truth is, Rianna wanted more. More from you, to be more than a late night endeavour, to be more than the other woman. She was more jealous than she would like to admit. The thought of you even laying next to your wife made her seethe with anger.
She continued throughout the house, strutting down the hallway, and finally through your bedroom door. When she entered, there sat you on the edge of the bed, body bare and exposed, anticipating her arrival. One thing that Rianna loved about you was your obedience. Your habit of doing anything that she asked and melt at her words boosted her ego by a thousand percent.
Your bottom lip trapped between your teeth, chest heaving up and down, eyes glued to her. A sight that Rianna loved to see, you so eager and ready for her. She slowly made her way over to you, taking your chin into her palm, her grip was anything but gentle, forcing your face up towards her.
"Three weeks and I don't hear from you?" She growled as her eyes burned holes into you. You would be lying if you said it didn't turn you on tremendously, "What kinda shit is that?"
A whimper left your throat as her hand travelled down to your neck, squeezing the sides of it. Your hips rolled against the comforter underneath you, your clit was throbbing, begging for the tiniest bit of friction.
Her head dipped to your neck, breath hot against your skin, "Missed my touch that much, baby?"
You so desperately wanted it, you needed it. Having her was the only thing that would calm the excitement between your thighs. Her touch alone pushed you more and more over the edge. The spot where you sat became drenched in your arousal.
Her lips began to attack your neck hungrily, and they felt amazing. She nibbled and sucked, sure to leave marks by the next day. Her free hand roamed your body before it grazed the inside of your leg. She drew circles agonizingly slow. Her fingers wandered up, running between your soaked folds. She strategically avoided your clit, wanting to push you to the edge, and boy was she succeeding, "You so damn needy, I ain't even fucked you yet."
With that she suck two fingers into you, causing you to let out a cry, "i nee-fuck!" You threw your head back into the pillows behind you, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
Your slick made it easy for her to open you up. She scissored her digits into you with precision, a loud sloshing sound filled the room, your juices drenching her hand. Her eyes met your half closed ones, "Hm? what you needed baby?"
She watched you struggle underneath her, your legs shaking and face contorted into one of pure ecstasy. She knew you were close, "Tell me what you need mama." You were at your peak, your walls clenched around her digits. A strained cry leaving your throat with every thrust she did.
A wave of dissatisfaction hit you when she snatched her fingers from your center. "P-Please baby i was so close." You whined.
Rianna took her silky fingers and ran them across your lips before sticking them in your mouth. Drool ran down the valley of your breasts as you sucked your juices off of them. She grinned before pushing them farther down your throat, causing you to gag, "Imma give you what you need baby, I promise."
She removed herself from you and stripped, revealing a scarlet red lingerie set that hugged her toned body. The arousal between her thighs dampened the middle of the thong she wore, strings of wetness connected it to her aching pussy as she dropped them to her ankles. She lay her self on the bed legs wide open so you could see all of her, and God was it a sigh to see. Your eyes were her stuck to her, mesmerized by the sight that lay before you.
You crawled towards her, hair falling and framing your face. In this moment you would do anything she told you, entranced in a spell of hers. You dipped your head into her sex, tongue swirling around her clit ever so slowly. her taste possessed you, you would stay down there all day if you could. you moaned as you sucked her throbbing bud, the vibration sending Rianna into a frenzy. She took your locs in a fistful and stuffed your face deeper into her, rocked her hips into you.
"You mm- you like this shit dont you?" her breasts bounced up and down, a layer of sweat starting to form on her skin. Her bottom lip was trapped in between her teeth, eyes locked onto you. Rianna loved watching you underneath her, seeing you please her drove her crazy, "You l-love getting your face fucked d-don't you?"
The grip on your hair got tighter as you continued to coax out her orgasm, "Eating it so g-good f'me baby. "The rocking of her hips became spasmodic as her thighs began to clench around your head, "Shi-shit, oh fuck!"
Her body stilled and her legs shook as she stopped to catch her breath. She pushed your head away and walked over to the bag that she brought. A few moments later she came back with her strap attached to her waist.
"You know how i want you."
You happily obliged as you got on all fours, arching your back so she could have access to all of you. Arousal dripped from your aching pussy down to the sheets. Your body shuddered in anticipation, waiting for her to fuck you silly. She rubbed the tip against your bundle of nerves, resulting in a gasp. Rianna was such a tease. She wanted to make you squirm and whine before she fucked you, needing to see how your body reacted to her.
"S-shit! ri p-please!"
A low chuckle left her, "please what? tell me what you want baby."
She was being mean and she knew it. A smack came down hard on your ass, and another right after. When it came to sex Rianna got off on hearing you beg, she wanted you to tell her everything you desired from her. Silence was never an option when it came to being intimate with her.
“Wa-want you to- ah fuck!”
Rianna teased your entrance with the tip of the dildo, slamming it in seconds after. You could’ve swore you saw stars. She was stretching you immensely, and you loved every second of it. A low chuckle left Rianna's lips, one of satisfaction. She began to push deeper inside you, massaging your gooey walls, hitting your spot just right.
“S-shit ri!” The covers underneath you began to tangle in between your fingers, “J-just like that!”
She gripped both of your forearms, pulling you back up towards her. Your head rested in the crook of her neck as she pecked wet kisses along your jawline.
“Doing so good f’me baby." she rasped in your ear.
Rianna's speed was killing you. She made your pelvises kissed with every thrust that she did.
"F-fuck ri baby please!" Your pleads held no weight with her. She had you right where she wanted.
"You look so fucking pretty when you beg."
the coil in your stomach was threatening to snap. The speed nor force of her drilling never let up.
Your orgasm was creeping up on you and Rianna could tell. Your breath hitched as you clenched around her, "Im about to f-fucking come!"
"Let that shit out," The sound of your bodies slapping against one another filled the room. "Tell me, that bitch fuck you this good?"
It felt like all the air had been knocked out of your chest. Between the pounding you were receiving and that question, you forgot how to breathe. Dirty talk wasn't new to you and Rianna, you fucking loved it. She knew exactly what to say to make your fountain run over. You and your wife's sex life wasn't an exciting one to say the least. It felt like a monotonous chore.
You shuddered against her, "Mmph- fuck!"
"I asked you a question." One hand snaked down your front and swirled your swollen bud in between her fingers, "She fuck you like this baby? She make that pussy feel good like i do?"
You hated to admit it, but your wife had nothing on RIanna, nothing at all. "Fuck n-no! She don't m-make me feel like you do baby!"
Tears ran down your cheeks as your orgasm washed over you, the coil in your stomach finally snapping. After a few more thrusts she pulled out of you, caressing your back as you came down from your high.
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Steam filled the bedroom as the bathroom door swung open, out came you in a towel that clung to your dripping body. Rianna lay sprawled out on the bed, typing on her phone. You two knew the drill, she had to be out by noon.
"Alright Ri.....you already know how this go."
She cut her eyes at you and sighed, irritation beginning to rise. She pretended like she didn't hear you, initially ignoring you. The typing on her phone becoming more aggressive.
11:15 came and she still made no attempt to get dressed and out of your home. She did this every time, wanting to get you back in bed again and not worry about the responsibilities you had to face after your rendezvous.
"Rianna, seriously get dressed."
A groan left her mouth as she tossed her phone on the side of her, "This shit again? When you gone leave her? Ain't like y'all a couple anyway."
"Excuse me?"
She stepped toward you, her being short in stature didn't affect the intimidation that you felt in the moment.
"Don't give me that shit. Y'all don't even sleep in the same bed, and you want me to be gone before she get here? What type of shit is that!"
She was right. You and your wife haven't shared the same bed in months, let alone even touched each other.
"That's my wife rianna!"
She scoffed, "Yea a lousy one. That bitch can't do half the shit I do for you, yet you still fucking stay."
You threw her shirt and pants at her, "Get fucking dressed. You were supposed to been gon-"
The bedroom door swung open, a loud slam following behind it as it hit the wall. There stood your wife, arms crossed and face red with anger.
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Let Me Help
Requested Here!
Pairing: Dominique Luca x fostered!SWAT!fem!reader
Summary: When Los Angeles is hit with a freak cold front and your apartment loses heat, you don't ask for help. Luca sees how sick you are and pays you a visit which ends with him taking you back to his house to heal.
Warnings: reader was a foster kid, angst, sickness (pneumonia), fluff and comfort! there's also several Batman references. oops.
Word Count: 2.6k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Luca Masterlist | Request Info\Fandom List
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In hindsight, becoming a member of S.W.A.T. may have been a mistake. Not because you don’t enjoy the work or get along with your team but because your past makes certain things hard for you. Growing up in the foster system is a lot of things, and it caused you to be incredibly self-reliant. You learned to be responsible and take care of yourself at a very early age. More than that, you were led to believe that no one would ever want to help you. So, now that you are an adult, you find it hard to ask for help. No matter who it is, asking for assistance or backup is not easy, which makes it hard to be a member of 20-David sometimes.
When you’re in the field, you can switch that part of your brain off, and become a S.W.A.T. officer rather than a foster kid. But the moment you get back to HQ and need your teammates’ help, the words seem to disappear, and you forget how to ask people to be there for you, even those closest to you.
Joining 20-David, however, saved your life. Before S.W.A.T., you were, for the most part, alone and lost. They gave you a home, a family, and everything else you never had before. While every team member cares about you, Luca shows you what it is like to be loved and appreciated.
“It’s freezing out there,” Hondo complains as he enters HQ.
“Coldest winter in history according to the news,” Street replies. “Which means desperate, cold people and more calls for us. Any chance this is like Batman, and Alfred can make us special winter uniforms before the first one?”
“Sure,” you answer. “I’m sure that’s precisely what Hicks is doing right now.”
“What am I doing?” he asks as he rounds a corner.
“Nothing,” you and Street answer together.
“Alfred,” Street whispers to you.
You press your lips together to keep yourself from laughing while suppressing a shiver. It is certainly cold, and the heat in your apartment complex went out in the middle of the night. Most people then left and found somewhere else to stay, but hotels are booked, and you can’t find the right time or words to ask your team to lend you a hand or a place to stay.
“Sorry I’m late,” Luca says as he joins your side.
He rubs his hands together to warm up and smiles at you. Hicks gives you information on a fugitive warrant and pulls up a blueprint of the man’s house. There are several points of entry, but the man knows how to barricade all of them, so your team will have to take a unique approach.
“Cut the power and wait for him to get cold,” Deacon suggests.
“Man, what do you have to complain about?” Hondo asks. “You’ve got a wife and four kids to keep you warm.”
“Really?” Hicks asks. “You wanna bring up body heat, playboy?”
You chuckle and stick your hands farther into your pockets. Luca shakes his head beside you before lowering his voice to ask how you are.
“I’m alright. Ready for sunny Los Angeles to get sunny again,” you answer. “What about you?”
“I’d have to say the same. If you want to come over for my world-famous hot chocolate tonight, feel free,” Luca offers.
“Hot chocolate?” Street asks.
“That got his attention better than I ever have,” Hicks grumbles.
“Luca’s hot chocolate is like Christmas and happiness and pure warmth in a cup. And I do pay attention to you, Commander, but my eyelids are frozen shut.”
“Just, go execute the warrant and get back. It’s going to be a long week with this cold front,” Hicks interjects.
“Yes, sir,” Hondo replies. “Let’s roll.”
When you open your locker and realize you forgot your second long-sleeved t-shirt at home, you lean your head against the locker door.
“Here,” Luca says as he extends a jacket to you. “It’s an old one, but I accidentally picked up both.”
“I can’t accept that,” you begin.
“I don’t need it. Seriously, I’ll feel better knowing you’re warm. Work with me?”
Luca smiles, and you accept the jacket with a smile. It’s warm and smells like Luca’s cologne, so, once it’s on, you regret arguing against it. If you could live in this jacket, you would.
“We got this,” Luca reminds you as he walks by your side to Black Betty.
The following morning, when your alarm goes off, you feel like you can’t wake up. Your apartment is still without heat, and the permeating cold sucks the energy out of you. When you finally pry your eyes open, you remember that you are still wearing Luca’s jacket, and that gives you the surge of energy you need to get out of bed and get ready. You’ve been sleeping in too many layers, and with each one you strip off, you feel the cold settle further into you. Your joints are stiff, your nose is runny, and you can’t shake the tiredness caused by the dropping temperature. Something needs to change, but you don’t know how to fix it. There has to be a trick to surviving this without help… if only you knew what it was.
In the warm locker room, you scroll through your phone in a sad attempt to find a hotel or rental house you can afford. They’re all booked through the end of the week or ridiculously overpriced, so you turn the phone off and lean back against the bench.
“How are you?” Luca asks when he enters. “The jacket looks good on you.”
“Oh, do you need it back?” You sit up as you ask, but Luca smiles and waves you off.
“No, keep it as long as you want. Can’t remember the last time I wore it. Everything okay on your side of town? Some of the buildings in my neighborhood lost heat during the night.”
You shake your head as you prepare to lie. “Everything’s good.”
Luca nods but glances over when you sniff. The cold can be blamed for some of what is happening in Los Angeles right now, but Luca suspects there is something that you aren’t telling him. He’s repeatedly told you he’s here for you, but Street explained that foster kids aren’t great at reaching out, no matter how close someone is. So, Luca will wait for you to come to him, and his arms will be open when you do.
By the end of the week, you are miserable. The cold front has stalled, so meteorologists have little idea about when it will warm up again, and your apartment is getting colder every day. You’ve been able to sleep despite the conditions, but each morning, waking up is harder than the day before. You’re constantly tired, and your sniffles worsen, becoming an ache in your chest. The joint pain has worsened, and while it eases at work, it only intensifies each night you return home.
Luca keeps a close eye on you and can tell you’re tired, but he doesn’t want to push you to talk. If he could convince you to tell Street what's up, maybe you’d be more open, he thinks. You interrupt his internal debate with a deep cough. It rattles your chest and hurts your body as it escapes.
“That does not sound good,” Luca says as he turns toward you.
You’re shivering and can barely keep your eyes open, but you shake your head and reply, “I’m good. The cold is just bothering my allergies, I think.”
Hondo yells for you, and you stand quickly, ignoring the pain as you do so. Luca watches you go and grows more concerned for you. He asks Deacon if he’s noticed you acting differently and Deacon immediately answers that he is nearly certain you are getting sick. They both know you won’t tell anyone, preferring to risk your safety at work rather than asking for assistance. It’s part of your personality, even if it worries them.
Out of stubbornness and not recognizing that your team is worried about your well-being, you brush off their questions and concerns about your health. You’ve been living in the cold for nearly a week now, and you are sure the heat will be fixed soon (even if you have to figure out how to repair it yourself). So, you return home to a freezing apartment and silently hope you wake up in the morning.
Not only do you wake up, but you wake up while it’s still dark out because you’re coughing and shaking. You’re burning up, which is the first of many clues that you are not okay. After picking up your phone, you find Luca’s contact and sit with your finger positioned over the call button. He would happily come to get you and let you rest in his heated house, but when you imagine him answering, you no longer want to admit you need help. So, you get up and slowly get ready before driving to S.W.A.T. HQ. At the least, you can sit in a warm room before your shift starts.
When you enter, Rocker’s team is about to start a training exercise and invite you to join. You have an hour before you have to be in uniform, so you agree, mostly so they don’t get as suspicious as 20-David already is.
At the end of the exercise, you are holding your coughs in and fighting to hide how hard your arms and hands are shaking. You feel terrible, and anyone who looks at your target from the shooting range will be able to see that it’s affecting your work.
You don’t notice Luca standing at the edge of the rink, and when Rocker knocks you to the mat with a single hit, he jumps onto the mat beside you.
“Hey,” he calls as he gestures for Rocker to step back.
His words don’t reach your ears over your coughing, but you see him and force yourself to calm down. Luca and Rocker stand over you, clearly concerned, and you smile as you accept their help.
“I’m fine,” you promise. “Just wanted to see if Rocker would pull his punches for a girl.”
“The fist of justice is unisex,” Rocker replies sarcastically.
“You and Street should have a Batman marathon,” you reply as you follow Luca to the locker room.
“I’m just going to be direct,” Luca begins once you’re alone. “I’m really worried about you.”
“Luca, I’m just not doing well with the cold. I’ll be fine, though. I appreciate the concern, but it’s unnecessary.”
You stand, and Luca says your name. Stopping, you can’t decide if you want to let go and tell him everything or push him away like you normally do.
“Luca, I am fine.”
“You clearly are not.”
“I know that you care, but leave it alone, Luca.”
You walk away before he responds. As you pass Deacon, you realize that Luca touched your skin, so he probably suspects you have a fever. However, your conversation with Luca makes you feel worse, so you decide to power through the day and then call your landlord about your heater. Again.
Luca watches you leave the minute your shift is over. You don’t change or wash up, and he decides that he can’t leave it, or you, alone any longer. As he drives to your apartment, Luca plans to remind you that you need to rest and take care of yourself, especially in this weather. He sees a drugstore and stops quickly to gather a few things he thinks may help you feel better. Maybe you’ll surprise him by accepting his offer to help you care for yourself.
When Luca pulls into the parking lot of your apartment, he’s surprised to find it nearly empty. He parks behind your car and rushes to your door. His concern grows with each moment he waits for your answer.
You continue to shiver painfully despite being dressed in your tactical uniform, plus several sweatshirts, Luca’s jacket, and a blanket around your shoulders. Someone knocks on your door, and the only reason you force yourself off the bed is out of hope that it is the heat repair guy. When you open the door, you can’t decide to be happy or disappointed that it’s Luca.
Your voice is broken up by your harsh shivers as you ask what he’s doing there. Luca immediately feels how cold your apartment is and pushes inside. He sets a plastic bag on your counter before walking into your bedroom. He moves silently around your home like he belongs there and gathers your things as he goes.
“What are you doing?” you ask quietly.
“Are you out of your mind?” Luca replies. Despite the harshness of his question, his voice is soft, if a little annoyed. “How long has your heat been out? You said the cold was getting to you – because you let it in. Living like this is the reason you are sick! You should have told me, any one of us, so that we could help you. My house is always open to you, you know that.”
You get confused watching Luca gather your things while ranting about how you should have told him something. He reprimands you and helps you at the same time, it seems.
“Let’s go,” he says as he puts the bag he brought in your stuffed backpack.
“Where?” you inquire as you pull the blanket tighter around you.
“My house. Someone has to help you overcome the pneumonia you probably have.”
“No more buts,” Luca declares. “I’m not asking, babe.”
The pet name catches you off guard, but you take Luca’s offered hand without question. You didn’t ask for help, but accepting it isn’t necessarily easier than asking for it. Once you’re at his house, he makes you comfortable on the couch before bringing you a warm drink and some medicine. His requests are soft-spoken, and you obey wordlessly.
“Thank you,” you murmur when he finally sits beside you.
Luca shakes his head and clenches his jaw quickly. “I’ll always be here to help you. I enjoy protecting you, caring for you, all of it. But you have to stop acting like it’s an imposition.”
“I can’t tell if you’re being sappy or are just really annoyed with me.”
“Both!” Luca exclaims. “Look, I can understand being independent to a degree, but living like that could have been so much worse than this, and this is bad.”
You nod and look down at the blanket. “I have trouble asking for help,” you admit. “Growing up, I didn’t have people I could ask for help. The few that I did ask wouldn’t help me, so I just learned to do everything by myself. Finding the words, the opportunity to ask… it’s hard.”
Luca’s eyes soften as he lays his hands over yours. “I promise that I will always be here. I will always be ready, able, and willing to help you. I want to help you because I care about you.”
“Why am I so important?” you whisper as you look into his eyes.
Luca licks his lips before deciding to tell you a version of the truth. “Because I care about you. More than I’ve ever cared about anyone before.”
He says care, but he thinks love. Maybe after he’s gotten you healthy again, you can have an open and honest conversation with one another. For now, though, you close your eyes and lean against his shoulder, warm and happy. 
“I care about you, too. More than I should,” you mumble against Luca's shirt before falling asleep.
Luca smiles and tugs the blanket tighter around your shoulders before kissing your forehead. He will help you until he can’t help you anymore and love every moment of it, he thinks.
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chxxms · 7 months
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219 notes · View notes
pvnks0ul · 9 months
me and mrs. wolf (18+)
❊ werewolf/shifter!riri x fem!reader
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sypnosis: Riri ends up having to find a creative way to keep you warm during your first camping trip together, you get more than you bargained for.
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⚠︎: little plot ⁴ 🌽, kinda terotaphilia¿¿, mentions of hunting & eating wild deer(sry), dirty talk, readers really fucking cold, dom!riri + sub!reader, enlarged clit/girldick, several rounds, use of *mommy* + breeding kink, married au, amateur writing ! + bad descriptions of camping cause im js not built for that lifestyle!!
a/n: this was originally based off that one twilight scene (iykyk🧛🏾‍♀️) but shit really do be happening...🥲
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There was no denying the early morning view when you'd first arrived. Selfoss was..beautiful, without a doubt one of the most Ethereal landscapes you'd ever seen but no amount of breathtakingly clear skies or eye watering fields of perfect green grasslands would ever be worth catching pneumonia in the booty hole. You didnt know how much longer you could take before calling it quits and ditching to whatever was closest to a ' 4 seasons round here—quite honestly you were probably already there.
The fire outside endlessly crackled, only reason for it not being put out was because Riri wanted to keep it burning so she could surprise you with dinner. The problem being she waited till the sun had already set to go hunting... Was it obvious she did not have the privilege of cooking very often?
You watched the blurred flames quiver and roar from behind the tents sheeted walls as your teeth clattered at an alarming rate, limbs shivering so hard you'd began jolting randomly to make sure you'd still had control over your own body. But you honestly wouldnt be surprised if they'd all just froze and fell off right about now.
You tried to roll closer to the side nearest of the fire but it's distant warmth only baited you to come outside and embrace it.
And you were so close to giving in if only the sun hadnt already went down, the light from the full moon only something dim compared to the dark forests surrounding you. Riri'd originally asked if you wanted to come with but truthfully your legs were already tired from gathering all the sticks for the pit. The relief she felt when you said you werent feeling up to the chase, especially since you wouldnt be of much help anyways, didn't go unnoticed.
So the agreement was, you'd stay in the tent where she felt you were safest and she'd go hunt alone. A very simple and easy task.
You sat up on the thick foambedding Riri had laid ontop of the built in matt so you wouldnt be laying completely on the ground. And although stocky, the comforter did little to protect you from the chilly air, you had on both your winter coats and one of Riris leather jackets underneath but it was clear no amount of layering would save you— or atleast not with the clothes you'd packed.
you smacked your forehead multiple times over like that would help as you cursed yourself for not going with her. You probably could've convinced Riri to carry you around on her back, if you had.
You poked your head out of the tent and it was nearly pitch black outside, now. The firepit lit up the inside of the empty but tiny lot, just enough to see a few trees surrounding.
The wind blew once more and your ears were starting to burn slightly from how cold it was, even with your beanie on.
By the time your brain had registered what you were thinking about doing, you'd already gotten up & were planting yourself on one of the logs that assisted as chairs. Gloved hands reached out to the fire and only then could you finally feel the slightest umpth of warmth.
You don't get to enjoy the heat for long when a snap of a branch comes from your left, pass the entrance of the camping site and you freeze in place. You try to write it off. You had to remember you were literally in the middle of a forest, it was a given that some wild life would lerk about— and you tried hard to convince yourself that's all it was.
It comes again but dangerously close and your hands drop to your sides faster than your heart to the pit of your stomach, your eyes are wide open, you weren't sure if you were prey but you weren't going to stick around to find out and before the third one can come you've already dashed it back to the little pavilion.
Zipping it up as quickly as you could with shaky hands & thick gloves, covering yourself in the comforter as a shield from whatever could be coming incase it followed you in.
Your breath hitches in your throat as the footsteps near and all you can think about was how much you wished Riri was here to protect you.
The soft thud of something weighty being dropped near your tent makes you jump and freeze out of pure unbridled fear. You have yet to blink, irises shaking and again you feel stupid because the only thing you had to defend yourself with was a lousy clothespin in the front pocket of Riris jacket.
The familiar sound the zipper sliding down sends shivers down your spine and you clutch the small needle tighter, at least you'd be going down with a fight albeit not alot.
You're too scared to even move an inch when you feel a fluffy but ice cold touch on your shoulder. You yelped, moving to a crouch as you held your clothespin infront of yourself.
"Baby, what are you doing?" Riris voice booms & vibrates against you. You can tell she's holding back a laugh by the condescending tone.
You squirm in her grip, trying to turn around in her strong arms,disbelief written all over your face, "You scared me!" you reply with a huff before hitting her hard chest, "Why didnt you say anything when you saw me running?"
"Cause I like the way you run off when you know you're not supposed to be doing something." She chuckles before kissing the side of your face, "Like doing the exact opposite of what was asked when I–"
"Ok, yeah, i get it, damn." you huff and drop your head at the lecture only for her to lift your chin so she can look you in the eye.
She pecks your cheek with chapped lips, forgetting what she was gonna say. Leading you to scoff when she releases her firm grip so she could remove her fuzzy noggin, “But...you were taking too long and i was freezinggg in here."
Riri quirks a brow, smirk festering to the surface, "I took not even 15 minutes."
You smack your teeth at her excuse, "you wouldn't understand." she laughs bolsteriusly, all whites showing as she tosses the hat to the side before seating herself against the back of the tent.
Riri pats the area beside her, "C'mere."
You crawl over to your wife, very tempted to climb into her lap but opting to just let yourself be enveloped when she wrapped her arms around you.
"Fifteen minutes feels more like forty-five when you're dying of frost-bite." you mumbled still not over it yet, snuggling into her, hogging her warmth for yourself.
"Mhmm.." she sighs. She knows that technically human bodies are much more vulnerable than one of her... stature but she also knows when her wife is being dramatic. Her hands rub up and down your back, earning a satisfied hum in response.
Your legs were stretched under you as her thumbs stroke at your cheeks, leaving goosebumps in their wake from how hot they were and it seems the both of you completely forgot about dinner.
She snorts at you before blowing air, "Well, I'll tell you what..If you miraculously manage to make it through the night, I'll get you the finest suite money can buy– in one of those what'd you call if? 4 springs? Gonna get you some proper breakfast and—"
"Mmm, thank god." You quipped before she could finish.
Riri smacks her teeth gathering you at the same time. "Yeah Anyway...all you'll have to do is sit pretty in bed and let me spoil you since you were willing to do this for me." she replies behind a smile before landing a fat peck to your temple, you moan approvingly, nodding as you clutched her shirt in your fist.
"I don't think you understand how much i appreciate it." You lift your head after a few seconds passed and she didnt let go only to find hungry dark orbs staring back at you, falling to your parted lips and then back up. Heat rushes to your face as you look anywhere but at her, "I- I do." an odd burning sensation sets in your core racing all the way up to your tummy.
"Yeah? I bet you still want me to show you though, huh?"
Riri wonders if it'd be selfish to have you right here and now, with how frozen to the touch you were just a second ago.
You grab at her arm, that doting look in your eye that you get when you're too shy under her gaze to speak your mind and she hastly decides it's not. That infact, the little action she's seeking would be helping you in the end.
So she drops her arms from around your body, shaking her jacket off and quickly undoing your puffy winter coats.
She pushes you onto your back without a word. You make sure your silence isnt mistaken for no, helping her in her mission to unbutton the first layers of jackets and slide them away.
Riri bellows at this. You always looked so pretty under her and it was a sight she'd never want to forget. She wastes no time climbing over you, straddling your thighs between her spread legs and leaning down to help.
She doesnt even need to survey once, rough hands just pulling and popping the zippers on the last few, "Ah–! Hey-" Riri brings her lips to yours in a means to shush you but she can't stop herself from the wantonly aura that read it was her who wanted more, her thumbs fumbling with the end of your shirt before yanking it up & over your bra. She grunts into your kiss a subtle, "Shut up, you won't even need them."
Your eyes flutter shut as you arch into her and there's no further argument. Just you kissing back with just as much fervor now, your hands grabbing the back of her neck and holding her closer. Riris hard fingernails scrape against your stomach as they made their way up to your breast, she fondles you gently through the fabric, circling her thumb in search of your nipple and pinching it between her index when she finds it.
You whimper into her mouth desperate for more but all she responds with is before doing the same to the other breast and pulling your bra down under the cusps of them once they'd pebbled hard enough.
She leaves you with a sweet kiss, then a peck that has you blindly chasing after her but you can't get far with the way she holds you down. You whine, bucking your hips up mindlessy absolutely desperate for any kind of friction. What you find in it's place takes you by surprise. You gasp before feeling at the bulge in her pants. Riri tenses on the spot, cursing under her breath before grinding into your palm.
"You brought your strap all the way out here, Ri?" you giggle while tugging on the tent in her pants.
Riri shakes her head, "No, I–!" she shudders when your hand moves even just a little bit, "No. It's all me." your eyes widen at her words.
You're immediately curious, feeling her up through her pants. Your fingertips going over her print and it's long, the thickest you've ever attempted to wrap your hands around. Your hands move lower and riri twitches up again. Right between a familiar set of puffy lips is where it sprouted and you're still a little in disbelief.
Riri holds your wrist in place, guiding it up and back down to the curved base. You can feel her hardening under your touch and it's oh so surreal. After a few more strokes you're already huffing under her, pupils pitch black & fully blown and she knows you're getting just as worked up.
And the shock of it all is not what you choose to focus on, if Riri says it's all her then you believe her. But that also means she must feel so suffocated in her tight-fitting boxers.
The first time you tried to move your hands away to pull at her pants, your reprimanded immediately. She takes it upon herself to push your wrists over your head, holding them in one hand, her extended claws were sharp and marking the skin just a little.
"Need t-to know if i can fuck you..." she whispers directly into your ear, your thighs clench beneath her at the blatant vulgarity.
Your words were caught in your throat in the middle of all of this. Riri takes advantage it, kissing over that side of your face multiple times before making her way to your neck, you gasp, opening your legs mindlessly and Riris already centering her bulge in the middle of your covered achy lips.
She whimpers because of how sensitive you managed to make her, abusing your swollen clit through damp fabric, frantic for a release and she needs to know if you're ready now more than ever.
Riri holds onto the back of your thighs, rolling her hips "Please.." she begs for what seems to be the first time, big brown eyes darting everywhere on your face, bursting with impatience, she felt like she was going to throb herself into a slow release.
You nod your head quickly, she could have whatever she wanted from you right now. Riri sighs before releasing your hands and you already know not to move them.
Riris anxious fingers fumble around for your leggings, tugging and tossing them to the side somewhere.
Your scent is strong and it takes over her senses completely, she almost puts her own needs aside just for a taste, an you can see the complexity in the pinch of her brows as her figure loomed overtop of you.
Evidently she made up her mind as the pads of her fingers now slid down to the edge of your panties and you can see her physically fighting the animalistic urge to rip them off of you. She utilizes her middle & ring, roughly dragging them to your ankle, letting you kick them off before she dips them lightly between your sticky lips, you hiss, giving it your all to not shut your legs around her fingers as she enjoyed the slick.
She decides it was enough with the waiting, you clearly needed this just as bad as her. Riri unbuckles her cargos, sliding off her boxers aswell.
Small desperate pants slip past your lips at the sight of your wife, taking in her muscular form but, what really captures your eye is the pretty little trimmed patch of curly hair sprawled down her abs. Your hands have a mind of their own as you grab her hips with one and claw at her toned tummy to her sport bra with the other.
She bites down on her bottom lip before swatting at you, "Fuck– Alright baby..." she speaks as she collects your wrists in one of her hands... again. She maneuvers your legs up to your chest, so she could appraise your gaping hole; so patiently awaiting her arrival.
Riris holds the tip of her erect clit in her hand, bringing it over yours and rubbing it in the wad of spit she just landed there, letting you grind up as you pleased till she had to go back down.
"Oww– huuh, ohh!" You whimper out the first words you'd spoken since she started this whole thing as she smoothly inches her way pass your entrance. Riri herself, is left hissing when she finally breaks through the ring, grazing each side of your walls effortlessly.
Your head tilts back upon entry, mind going blank as you grasped the comforter under you, needing something to keep you afloat. You're suffocating her and she's barely had a taste. she pushes further until your pelvics meet, bottoming out in one strained push.
"G–god damn." Her clit throbs inside of you, giving you more to stretch around in case you were becoming too accustomed with it the first time.
Riri murmurs more curse words under her breath from the way you clenched and halted her in place when she attempts to move. Only wanting to set a slow but satisfying rhythm to get you both used to the other.
She holds you down with one hand to your waist, pulling out to the rim of your pussy and then slamming back in. She moans louder, getting loss in the immediate pulsing of your gooey walls.
"Yes, Riri~–!" Your eyes roll as she starts to pick up the pace, fucking you harder into the matt. Not even her biggest faux piece had made you feel this full— you want some more and right now.
Her labia kisses yours as she digs deeper into you, strings of your arousal mixing with her own. "Fuck y/n." she whispers your name behind an exasperated grunt, pounding into you harshly as she held onto your waist.
Your face feels like it's on fire and your belly is rapidily turning, you were right on the cusp of an orgasm and too fucked out to warn her.
Yet you tried. You tried jerking on her clit to still her movements. But it only excites her more. She growls in response, "Mmmn—!" slapping your breast and biting her lip till she could taste iron when it bounced, ignoring your yelp completely, "Keep pulling on my shit, baby."
It grows again, the heads vibrating as your pussy adjusted around it and if it weren't for the constant sloshing from the mix of both of your releases against the other, you probably would've heard the humming.
You cry out at the stretch, pushing at her lower stomach to slow down but she simply smacks at your hands, "Nah, this is what she wants– look how she takes me. Don't be greedy, babygirl." Riri taunts referring to the loud squelch of your pussy every time she thrusted just a bit.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she shook the whole damn mat, "Riri—! I can't—" you try to fixate on the place where your body met hers, clenching around her again, throwing her off balance and she gives up on the steady strokes, "Gonna nmph—! Fucking fill you deep if you do that shit again, Mhmm.." She starts pistoling her hips into you, sloppily creating a dripping mess between your bodies, "..make you have all my babies."
You probably looked like a googly eyed fool with the way they rolled to the back of your head at her rambling, you want it all so bad, you felt delirious.
Your legs lock around her hips as you moaned out a chant of her name, clamping down on her clit with a deadly vice and her head falls back instantly, she lets you have it. Riri holds your lower stomach with her palm, hips stuttering as she ruts against you, desperately using you to empty all her nut into.
The silky straws of her cum are so warm and it makes you have an explosion on your own, your cream gushing and mixing with hers, leaking out of your pussy straight down onto the flat bed because that's you were too stuffed to keep any of it in.
And eventually all of the thick liquid combined slowly pushes her out completely.
Riri looks down to find her clit twitching, absolutely drenched in cum—she's not sure who's– still dripping from the ring formed near the base and that was surely your work.
She gets more aroused at the thought. Rubbing at your sensitive inner–thigh, ready for another round and apparently you were too by how they ease open for her.
"Can you give me a color baby?" fingers moving up to your silk-covered folds.
You blink slowly at her, nodding as you grabbed at the wrist of her curious fingers, "g–green.."
Riri bobs her head, trying not to let her smirk suffice. You're shaking, still on the cusp and yet you want more? what a slut. she hides it by kissing all over your face, making you whine when she got everywhere but your lips.
Your arms are quick to wrap and lock around her neck, pulling her down to you and Riri has to stifle a laugh at how desperate you were acting. Knowing she can't go on long when trying to resist you, she let's you win this battle.
This kiss was different then the first, you had her by the little strands of her neck hair, moaning into the hot kiss when she bit down on your lip, your mouth opens, accepting her tongue and you can feel her shaft poking and twitching with want against your lower stomach as she licked & searched every bit of it..
This kiss was messy & frantic, something that described the both of you to a tee in the exact moment.
Riri growls again, muffled but it still makes your head spin. You arch your back into her, the bottom of her clit rubbing ontop of your own and you have no choice but to leave the kiss, your head falling back in defeat as she kept rolling her pelvic against you.
"Ri! Wait, please–! just wait!" You were gonna cum if she kept going and hard, your body wouldn't have been ready for that yet.
You're flanking against each rushed thrust, as she panted heavily, "shit!shit!shit!" grunting lowly but with your constant running the satisfaction wouldn't be the same.
So Riri stops, she unravels your arms from around her body and sits back on her knees, "Come ride me." she bids, eager to have you all over again while licking at her lips, moist with your spit and cherry balm.
Your mouth gapes open as you stared at her. She purposely moved to the opposite end, knowing you would struggle to make it over there. Ri sits flat down on the mat now, her legs spread and clit swaying proudly over her lap and all you can do is bat your lashes pathetically.
You felt as if you were glued to the bedding with the way you body refused to move. Riris mean– she's so mean when she laughs at you. Shaking her head and crawling back over to you on her knees.
She stays silent as she pulls you into her chest before maneuvering your body the other way around. She pushes you roughly back down into the sheets, "Since you don't wanna listen."
Your brows raise for the first time as you weakly held yourself up on your elbows. You almost speak up but you're interrupted by the sound of a loud moan when she enters you again, moving without giving you a chance to adjust.
"Never gonna be able forget what this pussy feel like, baby." she murmurs softly despite her hard & cruelly plodding pace.
Her hands dig back into their designated slots on your waist and you drop your head, admittedly liking the harsh way she fucked and used your body for her own selfish needs. "Feel so good!" you mumble drunkenly.
The outburst earns you a slap to the round of your ass. You yelp, pulling off to the tip of her clit. "Eugnh! Fuck!" Sticking your back out, approvingly.
"Who told your ass to move?" she growls while roughly yanking you back to her mound, you mutter a meak apology that means nothing to riri as she clenched her teeth, watching you make a mess of her clit. She plays with the globes of your ass, spreading them pleasantly as you formed an unnatural arch trying to push back into her, feening for it.
"Yeah, baby? You like this position, huh? Dirty girl."
You only nod but riri corrects you, a crackle hits the air when she drops her open palm on your ass again, "Talk back to me."
You whine, arms giving out and slumping down to just your elbows, "f-fuck yes, mommy!"
Riri coos before slapping your ass again right in the middle as she snapped her hips, "You want it faster? Huh?"
You moan, "Yeah–!"
"Work for it then." riri sighs out cooly while stopping immediately against you.
Your knees shake pathetically as you immediately try. You throw it back for the first time, just tightening around her and hoping it'd be enough.
Riri squeezes the flesh of your ass in her hand in return having you curl into yourself at the satisfying burn, she bumps you against her until you were able to fuck yourself off her.
"See– shit! You know what you're doing baby."
Riri catches what you throw, grunting dirty pleasures into your sweaty neck, as you led her closer to a final climax.
"My good girl..Damn.", "Fuck, look how you working this shit."
You were brought to the final straw when she brought her hands under your body, pushing her way into your sloppy folds so she could rub at your small clit and ease your nerves. It jolts you again, but you don't run this time, just grinding down into it. You're sure to alert her though. An ear shattering, "M'gonna cum so hard mommy shiiit!"
"And mommy really wants your cum, pretty." She fucks you harsher, pulling you back and forth on her clit so hard you were gasping out at each one, the head tickling your cervix and pushing you further into your orgasm. "C'mon then."
"Ahh! Oh! M'gonna–so close shitghh–!"
Your orgasm racks through your body hard, you can't even keep up with riris strokes, letting her fuck you through your high and then you're clawing at your pillows tryin to get away. She keeps going until her hips stutter into an climax, exploding and pounding it into your coated walls until the high had escaped her.
You cry out finally sliding off her piece and closing your eyes, thighs still shaking just a bit as you went through the motions all over again. Your stomachs twisting and pulling and you dont even feel like turning around the right way– just wanting to catch your breath.
You're trembling slightly when her eyes set back on you, she can tell you're not all the way back yet. She moves between your legs to rub at your thigh and she finds it burning to the touch, problem solved, she smirks proudly.
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Riri sits on the same log you had, the muscles in her biceps bulge as she grips the buck by its front and back legs, laying it flat with a thud much louder than before, using her extracted nails to get rid of the rope she tied it's ankles with in one simple swipe.
When you finally come to and realize she's not by your side, you're immediately jolting up, thinking she left you again. You're quick to take notice of the thick comforter keeping you tucked in. It still hurt to move, your body was so sore but you were more determined to go find Riri.
You toss the blanket over, revealing a fresh set of the aforementioned girls sweatpants snug on your legs and you can't seem to remember how you even got then on.
you groan obnoxiously, lifting yourself up to properly rub the sleep out of your eyes, "Riri!?" your voice was hoarse from *the possible* hours before.
You hear a faint "outside!" and have already kicked into your winter boots. And Riri doesn't need an announcement of your presence, she can feel you idling close by and pats her thigh, you gladly squeeze your way into her bulging arms, wrapping your own around her waist but under her puffer so you could steal some of her body heat.
Riri gets side tracked once again, with your weight ontop of hers, completely forgetting about dinner for a split second as she wraps her arms around you and hoists you further into her lap, her head falling comfortably ontop of your chest while your arms become a cloak around her neck.
She breathes in your scent a little and goosebumps are sprouting under the thick garments now, "Don't you wanna know what happened?"
"mhmn." you shrug your shoulders, you weren't really sure at all, mind still hazy and too busy dozing off in her arms. She was naturally very warm & cozy, almost like a living teddy especially when wearing the fluffy coat you got her and your thoughts becoming pinkish brown mush, vision slowly becoming black dots filling in a canvas as you pressed tighter into her hold, were evidence of that.
The doe-like fluttering of your lashes has her stumped, she's not going to make you stay up since it was her fault you were so worn out in the first place but, she was going to make sure you ate first.
Apparently, you ended up falling asleep against her somewhere down that line anyways because when you next open your eyes, its with a tubberware bowl full of some sweet smelling soup in her lap and a silver utensil, pokin your lip. You furrow your brows, still not all the way up yet and Riri chuckles, "Try it. It'll warm you up a little bit more."
You happily encourage her spoonfeeding it to you after this sliver of information, humming at the unique taste once it hits you. How she was able to skin and gut that deer with you in her arms the entire time, still unbeknownst to you.
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This was supposed to be for Halloween but.. Well, I'll think of an excuse & comeback later 😚
🔖: @sapphicbarbz @shurislover @s0lam33y
(ty @lppriceisright for proof reading another fic for me!)
255 notes · View notes
astoldbylanii · 9 months
dealers!shuriri x black!reader
warnings: smut, cursing, reader has a kid
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-------------- "Is everyone clear on instructions?" Your professor asked from the front of the classroom. There were whispers among the class but ultimately everyone answered yes. Prof. Diggs nodded, giving permission to start the project before he took a seat at his desk. He was your art teacher, as calm and chill as they come. He was one of your favorites considering he wasn't always jumping down his students throats.
As you finally started to get into the flow of your sketch, his phone rang. He picked it up, muttering a few words before he stood from his desk, clearing his throat.
"I have to run down to the front office real quick. Best behavior please, lord knows I don't need miss Mulligan asking about my teaching capabilities. Again." He said, throwing on his suits jacket and tightening his tie. "Until I come back, ask your neighbor for help and if they can't I'll answer your questions when I get back." He instructed, saluting goodbye before he left the room. 
Immediately, the room was filled with chatter. You sighed, throwing down your pencil, your thought process now thrown off.
"What's wrong?" Your friend, Eden asked from beside you. She was already well along with her drawing. It looked like it was going to be of her late brother.
"This finna be hard as hell. You know I don't mess with that hyperrealism shit." You said, rolling your eyes as you picked up your pencil, twirling it around your fingers.
"Well, just draw someone but like, abstract. We're in the second semester, by now Diggs knows your style." She suggested, starting to blend her own piece at some points. You shook your head at her idea.
"Nah, he specifically said he wants it to look like he can touch the person. I don't know, I think I might just settle for a nice D at this point." You shrugged, staring at the circle on your page. You took the paper off, crumbling it in your hands and replaced it with a fresh one. After that you didn't pay any more attention to it, pulling out your own sketchbook instead.
"Shii, I could settle for some good D too." Eden joked, smacking your hand down when you playfully shoved her, laughing too. "I'm not kidding!" She said, glaring at you with an offended look when you continued laughing. She rolled her eyes, going back to her drawing as you went back to your sketch.
Some minutes passed by and you two sat there in silence, surrounded by chatter. You were looking for inspiration in your old works while she was focusing on her new one. You were confused when out the corner of your eye you saw her put down her pencil too. Thinking she might've been done already, you looked over to see it unfinished. But maybe that was the look she was going for. You went to ask about it when she spoke up first.
"Girl, who is that fine ass specimen walking towards us." She asked, gawking over whoever it was. You were sure they couldn't have been that good looking that she had to stop drawing, but you stood corrected when your gaze met Riri's. She had been surveying the room for you, and once the two of you made eye contact she started making her way up the stairs to you. "Wait why she coming up here? And why y'all staring at each other like y'all know each other? Wait, bitch, you know her?"
"Shhh!" You hushed, staring at Riri in shock as start to get closer to where you were seated. Why in the hell why she in your class? Much less in your building? You quickly fixed your shocked face when she stood in front of you, her hands in the pockets of her plain grey nike sweatsuit as she stared down at you. "The fuck is you doing here?" You whispered, looking around for any watching eyes.
"Since when you think it's ok to curse at me?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. You stayed silent, leaning back in your seat as you mugged her instead of apologizing. She chuckled down at you, obviously a little surprised at your attitude but she didn't mind it, knowing it'd be fixed in no time. "You haven't been answering our texts, mama."
"Yeah, I know." You said, rolling your eyes and going back to your sketchbook. Duh, why tf she staring the obvious like you don't know what you've been doing. You knew exactly what you were doing. Being petty. But ain't no way you was gon watch them sit there and talk to that girl and not react. This was you reacting, and they caused it so they can fix it.
Now you were starting to tick her off. You could tell you were. The way she rolled her tongue against her cheek as she looked down at you. The way her hand clenched up inside of her pocket. The way she softly scoffed under breath when your attention went back to your book. You could tell. It was because you knew how to piss her off. No eye contact, attitude, basically just being disrespectful. She was big on respect.
A hand came between you and your book and before you could stop it, it was snatched from your grasp. Your gaze snapped to her as you stood, trying to reach over the desk to grab the book but to no avail. She kept it out of your reach, using her free hand to grab your own, keeping you in place just from that grip. She leaned her head over your shoulder so her mouth was right by your ear.
"I don't know what you're trying to pull, but you're lucky your in class right now. When this class is over you're coming to The Palace. By then I want what ever you got going on fixed." She leaned away from your ear so you were face to face, looking you in the eye. "Or, I will fix it for you. Ok?" She warned, waiting for an answer. You nodded, though you changed to a verbal yes quick after you saw the look on her face. She smirked, pecking your lips before she pulled away. She caught sight of Eden, who's jaw had dropped at the affectionate action. Riri waved, knowing who she was to you before she took her exit, taking the sketchbook with her.
You assumed she took that for assurance that you'd actually show up at The Palace. She knew you rarely went anywhere without it. 
Finally relaxing again with her gone, you slumped in your chair. You groaned, dragging a hand down your face as you thought about how the rest of your day was going to go. If God was on your side today, you'd still be able to crawl come tomorrow. But it was Friday. Meaning you didn't have class for the next couple of days meaning both Riri and Shuri were less likely to take pity on you. Damn you fucked up. Why couldn't Riri have came on a Teusday?
"Bitch, you know Riri? Wait never mind, you fuck Riri? I couldn't tell that was her at first but you're with Riri? Wait a minute don't she got a girlfriend? And you bottom too? I knew you was just shit talking all them times you-"
"Eden!" You interrupted her, not enjoying the rant that was soon to come. "Yes, I'm with Riri. Yes she has a girlfriend, I'm with her too. Also no one needs to know about the whole bottom shit, you know? We can just...keep it to ourselves." You admitted, looking around the room for anyone that might've been watching the whole interaction. Why did she have to pull that in front everyone? She could've pulled you outside, texted you. You know what, maybe she did text, you had been ignoring her to be fair.
"We gon circle back to the bottom thing but girl you're with two fuckin drug dealers?!" Eden whisper-shouted but still you shushed her, not exactly fond of the idea of them getting caught. "I am shushing! How did you even manage to- wait how the fuck did she get in here?" She asked, looking around like she felt unsafe now.
"Girl first of all calm down. Acting like someone coming to kidnap your ass. They don't do that type of shit anyway. And that front office call was more than likely her so she could make her way up here. I also heard there was a tour or something today? She proli pretended to be apart of it." You answered, still stressed about what you were going to do after this class. You hoped it felt as long as English usually did, the longer you have to form a plan the better.
"Don't she go to MIT? The hell is she doing on Harvard campus?" Eden asked, but more to herself. For the first time since Riri left, she turned to look at you, seeing the nervous look on your face. "Girl why you shaking in your boots for? You bout to get your doonies beat down goodt. By two people! I'd be clacking my heels."
"I'm not even sure that's what's gon happen for real. That's what's making me nervous." You replied, taking your nail into your mouth to bite. Your best friend shrugged, going back to her painting.
"Well either way if you're not here next week I'll tell your teachers you had some sort of accident. Maybe one about your legs not working." She said, giggling to herself. You looked at her with a fake annoyed face, holding in the smile that threatened to show itself.
"You think you funny, huh?" ---------------- Finally, your last class was over. Usually you'd be happy but unfortunately it did not go by as slow as you had hoped. You had no plan. You'd have to go to The Palace.
"I still can't believe you ain't tell me." Eden said, packing up her bag. You rolled your eyes at her dramatics, hearing her sniff like she was crying. You swung your own bag over your shoulder, waiting for her to be finished.
"Girl please. Like you be telling me every person that be dicking you down every two to five business days." You scoffed. Eden paused her actions, lifting her eyes to stare at me.
"You ain't een had to do that." She shook her head, finally fitting that fat ass computer into that small ass bag. She threw her bag on and we started to head to the door. As soon as we turned into the hallway we were face to face with Riri. She had been posted up on the wall checking her watch. Eden looked between the two of us, quickly dismissing herself while wishing me good luck. 
Ri watched her leave before turning back to me, pushing herself off the wall. She was in the same outfit from before, except now her gold chain was untucked, and you could see what shoes she was wearing. They were just some dunks, ones Shuri bought all three of y'all so we could be matching. Coincidently, you happened to be wearing yours too. Riri leaned in closer to me, You thought she was going to greet you with a kiss. At the last minute, she swerved her head, reaching out and pulling my book bag from off your shoulder.
Yeah. Deserved that one.
She pulled your bag over her own shoulder, reaching her hand out to grab yours and smiling when you took it.
"I see ya attitude fixed." She said, using my hand to pull me so I was walking in front of her, then dropping it. "For now anyways."
"How you even here? I'm sure you got classes or something." You asked, wrapping your arms around yourself when you made it outside. It had gotten colder since morning. You'd forgotten to check the weather again and were wearing a short sleeve shirt. It was a little big too, which made it easier for the win to blow through.
"I got my ways. You of all people should know that by now." She answered shortly, giving you just enough for it to pass as an answer. You felt a soft fabric touch your shoulders and looked behind you to see Riri now in a grey shirt, continuing to make sure her hoodie was covering your shoulders.
"Thank you." You smiled, sticking your arms through the sleeves of the sweater. You zipped up the hoodie, leaning into the girl as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder, now next to you. She leaned down to press a kiss to your temple.
"'Course, ma." She muttered, using her free hand to take her phone out. You sunk into her some more. As petty as you had been, you'd miss her. You'd miss them. Of course you did, but you still weren't happy about the girl. You knew, however, there was no competition. Riri and Shuri would never do that to you. It was just the mere fact that they had entertained her. That's the part that bothered you.
You went to turn into the parking lot, only to be pulled in another direction by Riri. You looked up at her confused, but followed her nonetheless. She led you to some field on campus where a group of white guys were hanging. Some throwing a football, others just sitting and talking. She went up to one of the ones that were sitting, snatching the phone out of his hand. Your eyes widened, stepping behind her a little as she dropped her arm from around you, using both hands to type on his phone.
"Yo! What the fuck?" He yelled, standing up so his height difference was apparent. Riri was unfazed, continuing to type something on his phone. You looked over her shoulder, only to see her stuck on his cashapp, he was signed out. Obviously she didn't know the boy's password.
"You owe me." She told him, muttering something else under her breath as she turned the phone to him. "5k."
"5- what?!" He gritted his teeth, glancing around to make sure no one heard what they were talking about.
"I supplied your entire party white boy. That's how much you and your frat bros snorted. Pay up." Riri demanded. One thing you were quick to learn about her, there were three things she didn't play about. One of those being her money. She was gonna get it one way or another and when the boy didn't move you had learned that today it was going to be another. 
You could see Riri getting even more irritated than she already was about the payment being late in the first place. You saw her survey the place one last time before lifting her shirt just little, flashing something. You couldn't see it from behind her but the look on the boy's face told you what it was.
"Ok, damn." The boy agreed, snatching the phone. Riri dropped the end of her shirt, watching as he typed in the information. Soon he turned around the screen to face the two of you, showing that it was sent.
"Good, next time you do a deal with me again, have your money with you. I'm not doing no more after pay with you." She said, not waiting for a reply before she grabbed your hand again and started walking away. 
She led you to a familiar foreign and flashy car, opening the door for you to get in and crawling in after you. You could see Okoye, their right hand women, in the driver's seat through the divider of the front and back of the car. You waved shyly and she smiled at you through the rear view mirror.
"I thought you wanted me to meet you at the club, not pick me up." You expressed with slight confusion in your voice. Riri finished typing some things on her phone, sliding it back into her pocket to give you her undivided attention.
"So now you wanna listen?" She questioned, doing the same tilt with her head that she always did when she was mad. So she was definitely still mad. Okoye voided her eyes of the situation after hearing Riri's words, sliding the divider closed. You looked down at your hands, picking at the fresh polish on your nails. Only looking up when you heard Riri snickering. "Clearly I had some business to handle, figured I'd might as well pick you up too. That way I knew you couldn't avoid us. Not that you could even if I didn't."
You rolled your eyes at her cocky behavior, pulling out your own phone from your pocket. You typed in some things, noticing Riri looking at your screen from her position. Dialing your sister's number, you put it up to your ear waiting for her to pick up. "Hey Bianca!" You greeted once it finally did.
"Hey y/n, what's up?"
"Do you have any plans for this weekend? I'm gonna be running a little late tomorrow night, but I don't want you to be staying up late if you do have something to do." You questioned, feeling slightly guilty to be asking this of her.
"No no, it's fine! He can stay longer, it's no problem." Kylie answered, you could practically hear the smile in her voice. Man she must love kids. Asante had been staying there for a week now. Bianca had practically begged for him to come over and spend some time with his cousins, of course you said yes. She didn't live far from you so it wasn't like he couldn't attend school, and you could seen him whenever you liked. He'd been staying there since Wednesday now.
"Ok, thank you so much! I'll send you guys more money for some food and stuff. Could you please put Asante on the phone?" You asked, deciding against ending this call just to call the 6 year old's iPad. The babysitter agreed, and soon you heard your son's voice.
"Hi mommy!" His preppy voice blared through the phone, making you slightly pull the phone away from your ear in surprise.
"Hey baby." You giggled out, putting the phone against your ear. "Mommy's gonna be a little late coming home tomorrow. Do you think you'll be ok? Bianca's gonna stay with you a little longer."
"Yes! I love Aunty Bey, she bought me a new toy car! Does this mean we can have pizza for dinner?"
"Yes, you can have pizza for dinner." You agreed, laughing at his celebrations over the phone. "Okay, when I take you home you can tell me all about school today. Call me if anything happens, okay? I love you."
"You can tell me about yours too! Love you mommy, bye bye."
"Bye, 'Sante." You sighed, hanging up the phone. You put your phone away, looking at Riri after feeling her eyes on you the whole time. "What?"
"Asante could always come to the house, if you want." She offered, not trying to pressure you. You shook your head, laughing at the suggestion.
"No, thank you. The boy hasn't even met you yet, love." You denied, rubbing your hand over her knee. Riri shrugged, throwing her arm to rest on the back of the seats.
"Who's fault is that?" She taunted, watching as you turned your head away from her. She used her hand to turn your head back to her, wanting you to see that she was serious. "Me and Shuri plan on making you a wife. We aren't going anywhere, y/n. We care about you, which means we care about Asante. But, he's your son, we're not going to pressure you into meeting him. Just know that we want to." She assured. You smiled, pulling her in for a hug which she graciously accepted, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her head on your chest.
"Thank you."
It's not that you didn't want them to meet Asante, your feelings were growing stronger by the day. You didn't stop they'd ever stop growing, really. You were just worried. You didn't want your son hurt. Emotionally, you didn't want him to get attach only for them to not come home one day, a job gone wrong. Physically, they protected you already, and you knew they would protect him even more. But still, there was always room for human error, and you didn't know if that was a chance you were willing to take. 
You loved them, but you would always love your son more. Who would you be to purposely put him in harms way for your own gain and comfort? Sacrifice was something you were used to when it came to Asante. But isn't that what mothers do? Then again, maybe there was supposed to be a certain balance. One that you didn't have. --------------- The Palace. It was their club, also their headquarters. It was protected and secured by all women bodyguards, Okoye being one of them. It was also where you met them for the first time, but that's neither here nor there.
You, Okoye, and Riri made your way through the entrance, the metal detector going off as you walked through, but no one said anything. Once you were inside, Riri pressed a small kiss to your head, making you turn to look at her questioningly.
"Go find Shuri, baby. I got something to handle real quick but I'll meet with y'all as soon as I'm done." She stated, signaling Okoye to follow her. You pressed a short kiss to her lips, wishing her luck with whatever she had to do. Then, both her and Okoye left your side.
You never felt scared to be alone in their club. You knew for a fact more than half of the guards were watching your every move, knowing they'd probably suffer consequences if anything happened to you under the roof of The Palace. 
Anyway, back to the problem at hand.
You did not want to find Shuri. She was more than likely pissed. Just like you knew what made Riri mad, you knew what made Shuri mad. And one thing she hated was being ignored by anyone, and you were no exception.
There was also that fact that she was the harsher one out of the two. Usually, you could always pull one over with Riri. Talking back, rolling your eyes, smacking your lips, the whole nine yards. At least, for a while. After a certain amount of times she'd get mad too. But with Shuri, she'd be mad if she even heard you thinking about talking back.
You weren't scared of her by any means, you knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt you purposefully. Intimidated though? Oh yeah, 100 percent you were shitting your pants. 
But their was no doubt Shuri had been alerted of your arrival and was keeping and eye out for you. So either she knew where your were and was on her way, or she was already here.
You sighed, excepting your fate as you made your way over to the stairs. She usually stayed on the upper two levels as they were more secluded and had some VIP sections. You climbed all the way up to the third level, hoping for some time to prepare yourself before she caught you.
Your hope was crushed when a hand wrapped around your throat, your back being pressed up against the wall behind you harshly. You were going to let out a panicked scream when your eyes met her familiar chocolate ones, a cocky smirk that her and Riri shared spreading across her face.
"My y/n." She greeted with a light smile, letting you catch a glimpse of the gold grills she wore today. You reached up to grab the wrist of the hang currently around your throat. Shuri noticed, loosening her grip just a little with caution. "What a surprise it is to see you here after what I think was-" She pretended to count on her free hand. "Right. Three weeks."
"It was actually two and a half weeks. Unless you rounded-" Your sentence was cut off when she tightened her grip once again, a silent warning that she was not in the mood for your slick comments today.
"Still a smart aleck." She observed. Her eyes trailed down your figure to take in your outfit, Riri's hoodie that was now open had fallen to an off the shoulder look, showcasing the cropped short sleeve you had on. Other than that, you just had on some simple ripped jeans with writing on them. 
Her eyes returned to yours, a certain glint in her eye that made you nervous. Just like Riri had, she leaned in closer so that her lips were right next to your ear as she spoke, her tone sending shivers down your spine. "I want you to tell me why you think it is ok to ignore me. To ignore Ri."
Keeping your act up, your turned you head away so she wasn't right next to your ear. Shuri only chuckled at your defiance, taking the opportunity to mark up the now open side of your neck. The hand that was once around your throat moved down so it was on you hip, keeping you pinned against the wall as her lips trailed down, pressing light kisses to your neck that you knew would get harsher soon.
Shuri moved her head so she was in your line of sight again.
"Things haven't changed since you were gone. When I ask you something, you answer." She said, watching as you turned away from her again, crossing your arms. She took your chin in between her thumb and finger, forcing you to look at her. "What happened to my good girl, baby?" She asked, swiping her thumb over your bottom lip. For a second, you almost fell for it. But you snapped yourself out of it, ripping yourself from her grasp and quickly walking away from her before she could react.
You were confused when you didn't hear her footsteps following after you. She could easily catch up as you were still very in her line of sight. But soon your question was answered when Riri appeared out of nowhere, turning a corner and backing into the same position you were just in. Pressed against a wall.
"Such a fucking brat. Walking away when we're talking to you, talking back. What are we gonna do with you?" She asked rhetorically. She gave you a smile, letting her hand come up to pull at one of your hairs that had fallen out of the bun you made. Shuri came to stand next to her and you pressed yourself further into the wall, if that was even possible. Separately, you were willing to pull almost everything. But when the two were finally together, you knew better than to try anything.
Unfortunately, it was too late for anything else. You had to continue. Gots to see it through my boy.
You were gonna 'see it through' alright. ---------------- "Please, I came already." You whined, trying to push Shuri's head away as you came down from your high for the umpteenth time. Riri's hand grabbed yours, pulling them away while she kissed on your neck, trying to calm you down.
"Cum again." Shuri muttered, pressing a wet kiss to your overstimulated clit, chuckling when you jumped from how sensitive you were.
You three had been going at it for what felt like forever. After the whole confrontation, they drove you to their house, teasing you the whole way. Once you did get there, they spared no time getting you to the bed. Since then, it felt like you had done everything under the sun but stop.
Literally, everything. You'd lost count of how many times you'd came, but you knew for a fact it had to be in double digits. You could only imagine how you looked.
Hair frizzy, sweaty, tear stains running down your cheeks, cum around your lips that you were unable to wipe yourself. Riri and Shuri didn't bother to either, quite liking the look on you. You were exhausted, overstimulated, and clinging on to consciousness by a pinky toenail. But they never stopped. There hasn't been a break since you walked through the door. 
At first, you were conflicted. You couldn't tell if you even wanted them to stop. It hurt so bad that it started to feel good. The pain blended in with the pleasure and you couldn't help but ask for more. But when you felt another one of Shuri's digits dip in for another round you knew something had to give.
"Okayyy, I'm sorry. Please." You begged, seeing your vision get cloudy as more tears appeared. Riri's voice came from behind you, you could feel her warm breath on your neck though you could barely make out what she was saying.
"Sorry for what, mama?" She pressed. All that came from you were mumbles of an apology as you still tried to break your hands from her grasp. 
In the moment you weren't in a good position to realize it, but the fact that she could keep you pinned down with just her own strength was making you even more wet than you already were. Shuri realized though, smirking between your legs as she slowed down her pace.
Shuri used her free hand to push herself up from the bed, kissing up your body and over fresh marks until she met your tired eyes. "What are you sorry for?" She repeated, looking down at you with lidded eyes of her own. 
You began to reply but only a groan left you when you felt her purposely angle her fingers at your favorite spot. "Hm?" She mocked, still waiting for an answer.
"M'm sorry for- fuck, sorry for ignoring you." You apologized, your head falling back onto Riri's shoulder as your eyes rolled behind your lids, feeling Shuri speed up once again, targeting that same spot. "Shit, Shuri please."
"Please what, baby?" She teased, tilting her head with a mock of confusion. You whined again, frustrated with her taunting.  
She shared a look over your shoulder with Riri, who released your hands and started to pin down you hips instead. Your hands immediately flew out for something to ground you. The first things you could get your hands on being Shuri's wrist and Riri's hand.
"Do you want her stop or do you want more? You're confusing her baby." Riri added, watching closely at how your brows furrowed and your back arched when she applied the slightest amount of pressure to your abused clit, practically shoving you over the edge.
"Stop! I want her to stop." You mumbled, finally able to get your thoughts together enough to make a complete sentence. Having some pity, Shuri slowly dragged her fingers against your walls while she pulled out, curling them one last time just to see you squirm. 
Just as slow, she brought them to her lips. Feeling both your and Riri's eyes watching her carefully, she decided at the last second that she wanted you to take them instead. She tapped them on your close lips, watching as you opened them to take in her coated digits.
Taking the sight in, she hums, obviously please with your obedience (as it did take a long time to get back). That was all the acknowledgement she gave you before she and Riri made eye contact over your shoulder again, and Riri's hand began to circle your bud again. 
You whimpered, trying to back yourself into the girl to get away from her touch. They both ignored you in their own conversation about what to do with you, Riri keeping you in place while Shuri forced her fingers further down your throat, making you gag.
Suddenly, the feeling of Shuri was ripped from your mouth and replaced with Riri's tongue as they tried to distract you from the feeling of Shuri's slender fingers dipping back into your already sensitive hole. You immediately pulled away, already feeling yourself starting to ache.
"Shuriii." You dragged, watching as the girl lowered between your thighs again. She shushed you, placing a delicate kiss to your thigh, though dangerously close with your entrance.
"Just one more baby, I promise." She soothed, caressing the same thigh she had kissed with her free hand. "Can you do that for us, love?" She spoke softly, taking one of your hands in hers to kiss.
"You've been doing so good for us tonight, pretty girl. We just wanna make you feel good one last time, can you let us do that mama?" Riri coaxed from behind you, rubbing soothing circles on your stomach to calm you. Debating, you took Riri's hand in your other one, trying to relax yourself into her. "One more, we promise." She whispered, pressing a sweet kiss right under your ear.
"Okay." You agreed. Your words came out mumbled but they both understood you. Shuri smiled up at you, pressing another kiss to your thigh as a thanks before she joined her fingers that had never stopped moving.
The second her tongue makes contact with your clit your hands are fisting through her hair, pulling around the tight coils on her head.
There are a few more strokes of her tongue before she wraps her lips around your awaiting clit, your slick coating her tongue as she swirls it around your clit just before wrapping her lips around the bud.
Her fingers are buried deep inside of your cunt as she sucks your pulsing bundle of nerves into her mouth. There's a second where she sucks just hard enough to make your vision go white at the same time Riri decides to pinch and rub on the sensitive buds on your chest.
Feeling the coil in your stomach tighten, you let out a load moan when Shuri curls her fingers against your g spot one more time before you let go, clenching the sheets in your hand. Riri whispers sweet praises in your ear, rubbing soothing circles on your hips to calm you down while Shuri fingers you through your high, waiting for your legs to stop shaking before she pulls away, your essence coating both her fingers and lips.
She slipped the drenched fingers between her lips, licking your cum from between her fingers before leaning over your frame to trap Riri's lips in her own, who moaned at the familiar taste of you. Though you were drained, you still manage to keep your hooded eyes open long enough to watch them swapping your cum with each others tongues, eventually swallowing when they had enough.
"Are you ok baby?" Shuri checked, rubbing your side comfortingly. You nodded, sinking into Riri more as she rubbed your thighs. Shuri leaned down, pressing multiple kisses to your forehead, cheeks, and nose, making you laugh tiredly, pushing her away. She smiled, leaving you to go get some new sheets, clothes and something to clean you up.
"It wasn't too much, right?" Riri asked softly. Confused by the question, you craned your head to look up at her, not even wanting to attempt to move your bottom half. Riri had already been looking down at you. "I mean, you didn't pass out this time, but still, we didn't overdo it too much?"
"No, Ri," You answered, reaching up with one of your hands to smooth over her cheek. "It felt good, I promise. Even though there was one point where I was fighting for consciousness." You joked and she smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of your head. "To be fair though, it was supposed to be a punishment so I figured it wouldn't be all love making and soft caressing."
"Yeah, why were you ignoring us in the first place?" She questioned. You shrugged distractedly, running your thumb over her furrowed brow. "y/n, I'm serious." She said, taking your hand from her face and holding it in her's. You let out a dramatic groan. She was ruining the vibes.
"I got mad because y'all were talking to that bitch Ashley." You mumbled, playing with the hand that had took yours. Before she could even respond you continued on, defending your actions. "But I had a right to be mad, I mean y'all went into a whole ass private room with that chick. Without me!"
"Ok, first off, Okoye was in there so we couldn't have done anything, not like we would want to. We only talk to Ashley about business, that conversation wasn't any different. But, if it helps whenever we talk to her again, we'll make sure you're there too." She compromised and you agreed, thanking her. You two continued talking until Shuri returned with a wet cloth, some sheets, and new clothes.
And the night ended with a nice warm bath. Which you fell asleep in. ----------------
You groaned waking up to the sound of your ringtone. You stretched, feeling a certain weight on your chest. Looking down you saw Riri sleeping soundly with one hand up your shirt and on your boob, Shuri spooning her. You smiled at the sight, reaching over to your nightstand for your phone. You wondered how two supposedly high alert dealers hadn't woken up from the sound, but no matter.
"Bianca?" You mumbled, messing with the features on Riri's face. Two big and bag drug lords and yet they looked like puppies in their sleep.
"y/n, when are you coming to get Asante? No rush, because I'd keep him around forever if you'd let me, I just wanna have him packed up and ready to go." Your sister asked, you could hear your nieces and nephews running around in the background. You pulled the phone away from your ear, checking your phone and groaning once you saw how close it was to noon.
"I'll be there at like, one. I still have to shower and everything." You said, rubbing your hand down your face. You and Bianca chatted about some smaller things before she finally hung up, giving you time to get ready. You smiled at the two next to you, leaning down to press a kiss onto both of their lips, even though they weren't awake to respond to it.
You pulled Riri's strong grip off your titty. She was holding on it like a hungry newborn. You replaced yourself with the pillow behind you, slipping out of the bed, only for you to stumble into the nightstand when you did, startling both of them awake. 
The two sprung up from their place as if they weren't just knocked with drool in the corner of their mouths, searching the room frantically until their eyes settled on you, who was currently using the nightstand to stand. They turned to look at each other, holding in their laughs. You glared at them, trying to keep yourself upright so they took your next words serious.
"Both of y'all shut the fuck up and come help me to the bathroom."
"We ain't een say nothing." Riri protested, though she swung her legs to the side, getting up to come help you.
"You ain't need to, your face said enough." You said, holding your hand up for her to help you. Riri disregarded your hand, her small frame bending down to toss you over her shoulder. "Riri!"
"You told me to help you, now you mad I'm helping you. You just acting like this cause we fucked ya lace front off and now you walking like there's an earthquake." 
"Shut the hell up and take me to the damn bathroom, Riri!" You demanded, smacking her back and flipping off Shuri who watched on from her position in the bed, clearly amused. ----------------
BRING BACK SHURI AND RIRI X READER ALL 2024!! I'm jumping into the writing scene because i honestly miss the era where everything was about them, and i miss some of my fav writers😔✊🏾
anyways hope yall enjoyed
thank you guys for the inspiration, whether old fics or new @shinsousliya @inmyheadimobsessed @quintessencewrites @saintwrld @marsolgy @pinkwright @vixentheplanet
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megalony · 3 months
You Keep Me Safe- Part 2
As promised, here is the second part of my first SWAT imagine for Luca. I hope you will all like this requested part.
Any SWAT requests would be great as I'm really into writing for them at the moment. Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @itshamleth @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter
Main Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: While out with the kids, someone tries to take (Y/n) and Luca's daughter. When they go to Swat and Luca finds out what happened, he isn't pleased.
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A deep grumble vibrated past Luca's lips when he heard the alarm blaring out. His brows furrowed and both arms felt unusually numb as he tried to move them so he could switch the alarm off.
His head tilted down and he did his best to crack his eyes open, his head pounding as it felt like he'd had one hours sleep rather than a full nights sleep.
His right arm was pinned down to the mattress and when he lifted his left arm up to turn off the alarm, Luca realised why he felt so tense and numb.
Lottie was next to him.
More specifically, the five year old was burrowed into his chest. Her face was meshed into his bare chest, pressed right up into his abdomen. Each slow, methodical breath she took fanned against Luca's chest and tickled his skin now that he was awake to process it. Both arms were coiled in between them with the pads of her fingers twitching against his abdomen in her sleep.
When the alarm was off, Luca moved his hand to rub against the corners of his eyes and wake himself up a bit more.
He sighed to himself and clicked his spine into place, trying not to move too much and move Lottie who was somehow still asleep despite the alarm on his phone that should have woken her.
"Morning girlie," He trailed his hand up and down her back, pressing his chin into the top of his chest so he could look down at her.
A quiet murmur passed Lottie's lips, but she made no attempt to open her eyes or look up at her dad. She stayed cuddled into his chest, nudging her knees into Luca's thighs as she wriggled on the edge of the bed. The little girl was usually in the middle when she wormed her way into her parent's bed, but for some reason, she had climbed in on the edge. And worked her way under Luca's arm so she could be tucked into his embrace.
Leaving Luca to be wedged into the middle of the bed, sandwiched between his girls because he could feel (Y/n) close against his back, her face smothered against his shoulder.
"Baby, we gotta get up. Time for school." Luca feathered his hand across Lottie's cheek and waited patiently until she finally cracked her bleary eyes open to look up at him.
He should have known she would worm her way into the bed last night.
For the past week since the man at the park had tried to snatch her, Lottie had spent every night in (Y/n) and Luca's bed. They tried to get her settled in her own bed and for an hour or so she stayed there, but then she would scream. She couldn't sleep. She didn't like being on her own in the dark. She didn't feel safe.
Last night had been the first night that Luca climbed into bed and didn't find his daughter already asleep in there. He went to sleep with his arm around his wife and woke up with arms around his daughter instead.
"School?" Lottie's voice was shallow with a sudden air of panic. And she shuddered when Luca slowly pushed up so he was sitting up in bed.
His hands moved down to grip Lottie's sides and he sat her up next to him and stretched his arms over his head, waking up as quickly as possible.
"Yeah, baby, school today." Luca twisted his head to the left, locking eyes with (Y/n) who slowly sat up and perched her chin on his shoulder. They both knew how this was going to go today.
Lottie hadn't been to school for a week. She hadn't been sleeping properly and she didn't want to leave the house in fear of someone snatching her from the street. If either parent tried to leave her alone she would scream. She was following Luca around like a shadow when he was home and when he was at work, she clung to (Y/n) and wouldn't let her out of her sight.
But they needed to get Lottie back into her routines. They had to get her back to school and start taking her outside and show her that she was safe. They weren't going to let her go out on her own, she was always going to be with someone and they were all going to protect her. But she couldn't hide away inside to try and stay safe, that wasn't going to make things any better.
"Go wake Jake and get dressed for me, girlie."
The uneasy look on Lottie's face made Luca's stomach churn but he kept a calm smile on his face and watched her shuffle off the bed and sluggishly wander out the room.
"You think she'll make it through the whole day?" (Y/n) leaned forward and looped both arms around Luca's neck and attached her lips to the side of his neck. She felt his hands come up to squeeze her wrists and he leaned back into her, leaning his cheek against the top of her head.
She wasn't so sure if their daughter was going to last a full day at school, but even half a day would be going in the right direction. Slow and steady was their best bet and they needed to try.
"I hope so."
Luca got himself up and dressed in his basic work clothes, consisting of a pair of black cargo pants and a black cotton shirt with the Swat logo over the left breast.
He headed out the bathroom, smiling and reaching out to ruffle Jake's hair as the eldest shot past him to head downstairs for breakfast.
Just as Luca was about to head downstairs, he stopped and peered into Lottie's room. His head tilted to one side and he folded his arms over his chest, leaning against the door with his eyes set on his daughter. She was dressed in her uniform, pulling the sleeves of her jumper down over her hands, but the moment she noticed him in the doorway, her arms bound around her waist and she meekly rushed over to him.
"Shall we get some breakfast?" He reached his hand down to card through her hair when she pushed forward against his legs and pressed her face into his abdomen.
"Don't feel well, daddy. Feel sick."
Luca rolled his lips together and crouched down on his heels in front of her. His hands reached out for her sides and he gently tugged her to stand between his parted knees. He pressed their temples together, smoothing his thumbs up and down her sides as a tender look flashed across his face.
"Baby, you love school." Luca knew out of Jake and Lottie, she was the one who preferred going to school. Jake was dyslexic, he took after Luca in that respect and he found it hard to concentrate and reading and writing was hard for him. But Lottie loved being at school, she was a social butterfly with her friends and she loved learning new things.
Her eyes stayed downcast and she unravelled her arms from her waist to hold onto Luca's forearms.
"Don't want to go, feel sick."
"Sick, or nervous?" When she didn't answer, Luca's smile softened and he reached out to press a finger beneath her chin, tilting her head up so she was looking at him again. "Why don't you want to go, hm? Talk to me."
Lottie's eyes cast down until Luca brushed his thumb over her chin to gain her attention. She could talk to him, she could tell him why she didn't want to go and he would try to help. But he couldn't just keep her home because she was nervous and she couldn't tell them she was sick in order to stay home.
"You and mummy won't be there, I won't be safe."
Tears threatened to fall down Luca's face. He did his best to push them away as he flopped his head back and looked up at the lilac ceiling. He took a deep breath, taking his time to collect his thoughts and try to think what he cuold say to prove to his daughter that she was going to be safe.
He couldn't have Lottie thinking she was never going to be safe again after what happened. He couldn't have her going about each day wondering if someone was going to try and snatch her or take her away from them or hurt her. His daughter was five, she shouldn't have these kind of worries.
"Baby," He gave her sides a squeeze and forced himself to smile. "When you're at school, you have lots of adults there, all those teachers. They won't leave you on your own, they are there to look after and protect you. And you know no one gets into school if they're not supposed to be there."
Lottie seemed to mull over his words, but he could tell she wasn't entirely convinced.
"I wanna stay with you… the man, the bad man, if he comes back, you'd arrest him."
"Me, auntie Chris, uncle Hondo, we're all gonna find him and make sure he can't hurt you again, baby girl. I promise. And he can't get to you at school, that's a really safe place, I'll take you to school, and mum will pick you up. Someone's always gonna be there to protect you, okay?"
Lottie didn't answer, but she didn't protest either. Her arms moved up to loop around his neck and Luca obliged, winding his arms around her waist to lift her up and settle her on his hip.
He had a feeling he might have to bargain or fight to get her into school this morning and get her to let him leave her there, but he had to try. He had to try and get Lottie back into her routines and make her feel safe somehow.
(Y/n) cast her eyes down to the watch on her wrist and she pursed her lips. She had another hour until she had to go and get Billy from daycare and another few hours until she would have to go and get Jake and Lottie from school. She had kept her phone on her all morning in case the school rang and said she needed to go and pick Lottie up.
But so far, so good. (Y/n) hadn't had any calls from the school which meant Lottie was doing okay. Unless Luca had caved and taken their daughter with him to the Swat headquarters, which (Y/n) highly doubted.
She continued walking and passed through the doors, leaving work and stepping out into the blinding sunshine.
Running her fingers through her hair, (Y/n) tilted her head back and sighed as the sun beat down on her. It felt like she was walking through a sauna out in this heat and she was going to melt at any given moment.
She would probably head home for an hour before she went to get Billy and when he had his nap this afternoon, (Y/n) would probably join him.
(Y/n) rounded the corner and made her way down the secluded street, aiming for the car park at the back of the building.
The car park came into sight, but (Y/n) didn't get one foot on the gravel before she was being pulled on her back foot.
Her arms swatted out at her sides and a choked scream left her lips when she felt hands on her shoulders. Her balance was set off and her upper body smashed back into a hard chest that pushed her forward.
The hands that had been on her shoulders were suddenly fumbling behind her and (Y/n) realised whoever it was now had their hands around her bag. Were they trying to rob her? She didn't have much of value in her bag. She had her phone and her purse, there wasn't a lot of cash in her bag and she could easily cancel her cards if they took them. It wasn't worth it. Why aim for her? Why was she being targeted?
She felt her bag that strapped over her shoulder being pulled up and she flung her elbows behind her to try and catch the person in the abdomen.
"No- get off-"
She couldn't breathe.
Her bag strap twisted round from her shoulder around her neck and fright surged through every nerve in (Y/n)'s body when it pressed into her trachea. Her breathing was cut off. The strap dug so tightly into her throat that she was tilted backwards again and it felt like her throat was being cut apart.
Tears welled up in her eyes and began trickling down her face but she snapped her eyes closed to try and gather her senses, but all she could feel was panic. Her jaw hung down, her throat tensed and spit welled in the corner of her mouth, but the back of her throat started to turn dry from lack of air and want of trying.
Her heels dug into the floor, one hand grabbed the strap to try and loosen it from her throat and her other hand flung behind her and her nails scratched down her attacker's face.
What was happening?
Why was (Y/n) being targeted? What had she done to deserve this? Why was someone attacking her? Was this because of something she had done, or was this just a chance encounter where someone thought they would just hurt her because she was there passing by?
If she didn't get any air soon, she was going to pass out. (Y/n)'s head was already throbbing and pounding and she could feel each blood vessel swelling up and pulsing throughout her head. She was floating like she was made of helium. Her body was starting to lag and flop.
"If I can't hurt Luca's little girl, I guess I'll have to settle for his wife instead."
Cold dread pooled in (Y/n)'s stomach as her body turned rigid.
Was this the same man that had tried to kidnap Lottie last week? He knew them. He knew Luca's name and his family. He had known who Lottie was last week when he tried to snatch her, he had a plan. He hadn't just been a chancer who thought he'd take the closest child he could who hadn't been stood right next to their parent.
He had gone after Lottie specifically and he almost got away with her. What would he have done to her if he caught her? What was he clearly trying to punish Luca for?
With her upper body leaning back into whoever was yanking on her bag to strangle her, (Y/n) let herself fall. She bent her knees and slammed all of her weight onto whoever was behind her, hoping it would catch them off guard. And it did.
Both of them stumbled backwards and it gave (Y/n) enough chance to catch her breath when the strap loosened around her throat.
(Y/n) sucked in whatever air she could manage, fighting off the tears streaming down her face as she pushed all of her energy into her left elbow which she thrust into the person's abdomen.
Strangled gasps and sound spluttered past (Y/n)'s lips as she clenched her hands around her bag and yanked it forward to allow herself to breathe. She felt her bag slam into the back of her neck and shoulders and he sent her stumbling forward a few steps. But her body faltered when the man's hand curled into her hair and he yanked her backwards.
"Wh-what… why?" She couldn't breathe, she could barely speak and her voice was croaky and hoarse.
"Because he deserves it."
Gathering as much strength as she could muster, (Y/n) bent forward and thrust her elbow back into the man's groin as harsh and swiftly as she could.
It allowed her to turn around and step back, trying to see the face of her attacker while her trembling hand traced the wall at her side. She needed to get into the car park and get in her car so she could be safe and make a quick exit.
"No!" Her hand reached out to slap him across the face but it didn't stop him from scrunching his hand in her hair and slamming her head into the brick wall beside them.
She felt her head splitting apart like a coconut. Blood steadily poured down the right side of her temple and she snapped her eyes closed so none got into her eyes and made her cry tears of blood.
Her knees caved in and she slumped down. She tried to recalibrate her body, get her lungs working, make her ears work, stop the trembles rattling through her. But she could barely breathe. Tears and blood poured down her face and horrid gasps clawed past her lips as she pinned her arms over her face for protection. Her fingers dug into the back of her head. She couldn't take another blunt force to the head. He would knock her out if he did that and God only knew what this insane man would do then.
Why was he doing this? What had happened with him and Swat for him to attack Luca's loved ones?
"Get a-away from me!" (Y/n) spat in his direction, but she could barely keep her eyes in focus.
Why didn't she ask one of the girls if they would walk out with her? Why didn't she follow someone out instead of walking out alone? How did this man know where she worked?
"Tell Luca that Daniel said hi."
He let go of her hair when she slapped him across the face, hard enough to make his face flush beet red like he'd gotten a rash and his cheek began to swell on impact. Her eyes barely got to focus on him before he was retreating back to the main road and then he was gone from sight.
Who the Hell was he? Why did he do that? Why had he left without putting up more of a fight? Did he just want to scare (Y/n) or did he not expect her to fight back? Was she not worth any more hassle?
Tears streamed down her face, blending in with the blood trickling down from her temple and she cradled the side of her head, groaning at the splitting agony that burst through her head when she touched the wound.
Horrid gasps bubbled past her lips and she fumbled around with her bag that was hung loosely around her neck and shoulder. Her fingers trembled as she found her phone and tried to get her vision to focus so she could find Luca's icon and call him. There was no way she could drive herself home in this state.
Her knees were aching against the pavement and (Y/n) slumped around to sit properly instead of awkwardly kneeling and leaning against the wall. Her head hung down, her arm bound around her waist and she shakily held her phone to her ear, listening to the horrid ringing that droned on and on.
He didn't answer. A burning sob left her lips. She needed help. She needed her husband.
(Y/n) swiped her hand along her cheek but a gurgling, spluttering cry left her lips when she saw burnt orange blood tainting her hand from a mix of blood and tears.
She called Deacon. (Y/n) had to get help somehow and she had to get hold of Luca.
Her eyes closed tight and she focused on trying to breathe and get her system working again. Her chest was heaving, trying to make up for all the air she had lost and her throat was raw. There would no doubt be a line around her neck where the strap had cut off her air supply and (Y/n) could feel that line pulsing and splitting apart like her neck had been sliced with a kitchen knife.
"Hey (Y/n), how are you?" It wasn't usual for Deacon to get a phone call off (Y/n) unless they were organising a party or a sleep over between the kids. But he was happy to hear from her nonetheless.
She took a gasping, hitched breath and tried to collect herself enough to talk. "C-can you help me?"
"Are you okay?"
"Someone attacked me." She knew her voice sounded awful and scratchy and she couldn't help the sob that tumbled past her lips.
"Attacked you? Oh God, tell me where you are and we'll come get you… let me get Luca."
"First my daughter, now my wife. Who's next, my boys? What the fuck is going on?"
Anger rattled through every inch of Luca's skin like ants were crawling beneath his uniform and nipping at his skin. His feet juttered up and down against the floor of the swat car and his hands clasped tightly in his lap. His nails scratched the back of his hands with his knuckles close to popping and a deathly white shade.
He was riled enough that he couldn't drive the squad car, something Hondo was now doing the honours of.
Last week his daughter had been hurt. This week his wife was calling saying she had been in some kind of attack. Luca couldn't help but think there was some kind of target on his back and his family were being picked out one by one and he couldn't do anything about it.
No one had a response for him, they didn't know what was going on either and they had no words that could calm Luca down or reassure him.
"What did she say?" Luca slammed his back against the wall and braced his shoulders while his hands moved to run up and down his knees.
It felt strange being in the squad car without full uniform on. He wasn't wearing his vest, his holster around his waist, no hard helmet or goggles or pack with gas cylinders or a gas mask. And he didn't have his taser or usual sniper strapped to his shoulder.
Luca was in his plain and simple uniform with a standard handgun strapped to his belt. Minimal protection because Deacon told them the threat had disappeared. (Y/n) assured him she was alone and therefore didn't need a full Swat team coming to her rescue. She just needed help, and her husband.
"Just that someone had attacked her outside of work, Luca I swear that's all the information I could get out of her… she was really shaken up."
Deacon ran his hands up and down his thighs and hovered his fingers near his gun in his holster. He didn't know any other vital information that he was holding back. All he knew he had relayed to both Luca and Hondo and Hondo had quickly told the team to get in the car. They couldn't let Luca go alone in case (Y/n) needed any medical assistance or the person came back and Luca took things in his own hands and started a fight.
The car couldn't have pulled up a moment too soon and Luca was the first one to barge the back door open and climb down.
His eyes were rabid and his hand curled around the handle of his gun while he rapidly looked around the street to find his wife. They were parked right up front of the building she worked at, and Luca knew the car park was just round the back.
There she was.
His feet were moving before he had chance to catch up and Luca bolted down the street, hearing the team in tow behind him.
"Baby! Baby, we're here. I'm here." A jolt ran down Luca's legs when his knees hit the pavement. He sank back on his heels, his hands already stretched out towards her and he cupped her face as soon as she was within reach. His thumbs smoothed over her cheekbones and he tilted her head up, wincing at her expression.
Luca had seen her cry hundreds of times over the years, he had seen her cry out of happiness, sadness, fright, panic and adoration. This was one of those times he hated to bear witness to her crying in agony and fright.
He swiped his thumbs beneath her eyes, collecting the fresh tears streaming down her face but his nose crinkled when he saw the blood staining the right side of her temple.
"What happened?"
(Y/n) let her head flop to the left and leaned into Luca's palm, nudging her nose against his skin. She could feel her breaths hitching and running away without her again and both trembling hands came up to curl around Luca's wrists, keeping him as close as she could get him.
Their knees were rubbing together but all (Y/n) could focus on were those ocean blue eyes. His pupils were blown, leaving only a small ring of blue around the pools of black which were roaming all over her frame to find any injuries and try to work out what had gone on.
"Someone grabbed me, h-he used my bag, to…" She couldn't bring herself to say the words, but she tilted her head up out of Luca's grip until his sights set on her throat.
It didn't feel like her throat was swelling yet, but she was sure it would soon. There was a discoloured mark around the centre of her throat and her ragged breathing gave away what happened, especially when she pointed to the bag strap draped loosely over her shoulder as a reminder of what she had gone through.
"Oh God." Luca's hands moved down from her face to trail across her cheeks and down to her throat. His thumbs feathered over the mark and his fingers felt her pulse and checked if her breathing was laboured or evening itself back out again.
He was about to ask what happened to her forehead that was smeared with blood, but when Luca glanced his eyes to the left, he felt a growl vibrating through his chest and out his throat.
There was a patch of blood caked into the brick wall. It didn't take a genius to guess what had happened there.
"Do you know the bastard who did this?" He moved his hands up to cradle her face once again and he inched closer to kiss the side of her temple that wasn't lathered in blood or starting to swell.
"I-it was the same man… Luca, t-the man who tried to take Lottie." Tears started to well over in (Y/n)'s eyes and she leaned forward, burrowing her face into Luca's shoulder despite the pain it ignited in her temple.
(Y/n) let go of his wrists to loop her arms around the back of his neck and she shuffled closer until she was practically sat on his thighs. Her chest pushed forward into Luca's and she felt bad for all the tears she was shedding against his neck and onto the collar of his shirt. No doubt she was going to leave a blood stain on his shirt too.
His hands moved instantly and his arms wove their way around her waist, keeping her safely tucked into his chest. He kissed the back of her head, inhaling her scent to try and calm himself down, but all Luca could see was red.
The same person who tried to take his daughter had now attacked his wife, and he had no idea why or how.
His hand slithered up to cup the back of (Y/n)'s neck and he began mumbling a quiet round of 'okay' into her hair before he twisted to look over his shoulder at the team.
Deacon had the medical kit from the car in his hand and he was hovering close by, waiting for the go ahead to assess and try to patch (Y/n) back up. Chris was stood close behind Luca, hands clasped together in front of her and a pained expression painted across her face. Luca and (Y/n) were like siblings to her and seeing either of them struggling really pained her heart.
"Tan, Street, patrol the neighbourhood look for anyone matching the sketch, ask around to find out if anyone saw anything. I'll radio through to Cortez, we need more patrol down here." Hondo gave them their marching orders and the pair were off.
Everyone had seen the sketch. As soon as Lottie spoke to the police last week and talked to a sketch artist, Luca had snatched the first copy. He had it pinned up at home- out of the way so Lottie and the boys didn't have to stare at it and become traumatised all over again- but Luca need it. He had to have that picture ingrained in his mind so he knew who he was looking for.
He wasn't going to stop until he had that tormentor in custody and he could tell his kids that they were all safe and sound.
There was a copy of the sketch pinned to the fridge in headquarters and everyone knew why and what it was about. They were all on red alert, on the look out for the one who had traumatised one of their own.
"Baby, how'd you know it was him?" Luca tilted his chest back so he could look down at his wife and he curved his hand round from her neck to cradle her cheek.
Luca knew Lottie had been the only one to see the man who tried to snatch her. (Y/n) never caught sight of him, so how did she know it was the same man who had attacked her today?
"He told me."
"What did he say?" Hondo took a step closer and crouched down near Luca, he didn't want to overwhelm (Y/n) but they needed to know what they were up against here.
"He said h-he tried to hurt Luca's little girl," A shudder ran down (Y/n)'s spine when she felt Luca tense up against her and his chest puffed out. His arms tightened and his head snapped up to lock eyes with Hondo. "And to tell Luca, that… that Daniel said hi."
(Y/n) pressed her cheek against Luca's shoulder and trailed her shaking fingers up and down the back of his neck to try and calm him down and stop him from exploding. She had no idea who the man was or how he knew her husband, but from the way Luca bristled and Hondo turned to disappear at the other end of the street to talk into the radio in hushed tones, (Y/n) guessed they all knew who he was.
His jaw clenched from side to side and he moved one hand to drag down his face, smothering his lips so he didn't scream or let himself explode.
"We did a drugs bust a few months back, he got out on bail, but I got his visitation rights cancelled. That's why he tried to hurt Lottie, I want that fucker arrested-"
"We're on it Luca, we'll get him." Chris rested a hand on his shoulder, her expression enough to tell him to calm down. They would get Daniel for this. They would find him and make sure he didn't get away with terrorising Luca's family.
Luca had been the one to pin Daniel down during the raid and get him taken down to be interviewed. And once he was on bail, Luca helped his wife find a safe house and get all Daniel's visitation rights to his two kids cancelled. He was a danger around the kids and he shouldn't be anywhere near them, which a judge had agreed to.
But since then, Luca hadn't given Daniel a second thought. He hadn't considered the person who tried to take Lottie had been someone he might know, someone with a grudge against him. Luca thought it was some pervert who wanted to mess with kids and cause torment. He thought it was a chance encounter, someone who saw Lottie and just tried to snatch her on a whim without thinking it through.
This had been methodical. Daniel had tried to target Luca's family specifically, he was trying to hurt Luca and he was doing a good job so far. But Luca wasn't going to let him get away with this. They would find him and he wasn't getting out on bail after this. He was going away so Luca could tell all his family that they could go out without the threat of being hurt or snatched or strangled in the street. They had every right to go out and expect not to get hurt.
"Okay (Y/n), let's patch you up." Deacon lowered down to crouch beside the couple and he opened up the lime green medical kit, scouring through for what he needed.
Some antiseptic cream and swabs got most of the caked blood off of (Y/n)'s temple and the side of her face. Leaving a few smudged streaks in his wake, but it was good enough for now.
(Y/n) leaned herself back into Luca's chest and held onto his arms when he bound them around her waist. She tried to tilt her head forward to make it easier for Deacon to help her but she kept jerking back into Luca when the pain made her flinch away and go dizzy.
"No stitches needed." He dabbed at the wound and stuck a large patch of gauze to her temple to stem the bleeding that had almost stopped. And he took out a pen torch and shone the light across her pupils, happy with the constricting response. "Pupil response is normal, the emergency room is entirely your choice."
They didn't necessarily have to take (Y/n) to the hospital if she didn't want to go. Her wound didn't need stitches and she didn't have any bad responses with her eyes or her breathing and she was coherent. Deacon couldn't see any signs of a severe concussion or a bleed. If (Y/n) felt the need to get checked out and get a scan that was entirely up to her, but it wasn't strictly necessary if she just wanted to go home.
And there was no damage to her throat or neck and she was back to breathing and alert and responsive. If she had passed out, they would of been on their way to the emergency room already. She had been very lucky today.
"Home." Her head tilted back on Luca's shoulder and she looked up at him with a pleading look in her eyes.
He nodded, pressing a tender kiss against her temple as he closed his eyes and squeezed his arms around her waist. He would take her home. Luca would take her home and look after her and the kids who he would pick up from school soon.
"Alright babe, let's get you up." Luca's arms stayed around her waist and Deacon reached forward to hold her hands. The pair of them slowly pushed up and eased (Y/n) to her feet between them.
She was shaky once she was up, her knees close to buckling and her weight pushed back into Luca, but he held her up easily with his lips against the back of her head.
Part of Luca wanted to stay out on the streets and find Daniel, but he knew the team would make this their first priority. And he knew once they had him, which hopefully wouldn't be too long, they would call him. They might not let him question Daniel himself, but at least Luca could witness the interviews and see what Daniel had to say for himself.
He could see him locked up behind bars and sleep better tonight knowing his wife and kids were going to be safe.
He wasn't going to let anything else happen to them.
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achilles-rage · 2 months
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summary: you're a part of 50 squad, but with street being your best friend, you spend more time with 20 squad. after a rough day at work, street invites you out with the rest of the team. when tan and luca notice you talking to a man at the bar, they take matters into their own hands, knowing that you're both too dense to realize the other's feelings.
word count: 3.1k
request: @heypeople2 - hi! i’d love a friends to lovers fic with street where the reader is on mumford’s swat team, but is friends with all of street’s team and hangs out with them often. maybe two oblivious lovers? if that makes sense!
A/N: i had no idea where i was going with this at first, but i like how it turned out! enjoy<33
TW: none, allusion to smut, no use of y/n, plus size!reader, fem!reader, race inclusive!reader
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You still remember every single thing that happened on your first day with 50 squad; it was a stressful day, and you weren’t even supposed to go into the field that day because you had suffered a shoulder injury and were still a few days from being cleared for going out into the field. The universe had different plans, however, and both 50 squad and 20 squad were called to the same place. They needed all the people they could get, so you were quick to tell Rocker you could step in. He wasn’t going to let you, not wanting to go against protocol, but the situation was extremely important, so he finally agreed.
You had a group of hostages with you, trying to take them down to the main floor of the building and to safety, when you saw another SWAT agent fall into the hallway a few feet in front of you, who you now know was Street. It was almost a blur how fast you moved, quickly ushering the hostages into the room you were in front of and moving to cover him, taking down the two suspects that had managed to get the upper hand on him.
From that day on, he was smitten. He was impressed by your skill, of course, especially after he learned that you were still injured, but he also thought you were gorgeous. If it wasn’t an active shooter situation, he would’ve had the time to watch your plush body maneuver through the doorway and take down two targets, how strong your thick thighs looked, how your gear clung to your soft belly and chest. Instead, he noticed after all the shooters were taken into custody, when you came over to ask if he was okay in the sweetest voice he’s ever heard.
You had noticed how attractive he was too, his broad shoulders, his lean torso. When you went to make sure he was okay, you were asking out of concern, but also because you were curious about him. He immediately continued the conversation when he told you he was alright, wanting to know everything that he could about you, and the rest is history. The rest of 20 squad quickly picked up on this new friendship, noticing the way your eyes would find each other in a room when the other person isn’t looking, and the way you talk to each other. They also quickly realized how truly oblivious you two were, as it seemed that neither of you knew the other person’s feelings.
Now, over a year later, you and Street are best friends, and it’s because of this that you find yourself hanging out with 20 squad more often than 50 squad outside of work, although you still love everyone on your own team.
“Rough day, killer?” you hear from across the parking lot as you step out of the armoured vehicle, groaning softly as you feel the pain in your shoulder. It may have been over a year ago, but after an especially hard day of work, your shoulder still gives you some trouble. It’s nothing some painkillers and a heating pad can’t fix, but until you get home and get them, the dull ache remains.
“You have no idea.” Street chuckles at your response, taking in your figure. He notices the way you’re holding yourself, he’s seen it before, he knows your shoulder is giving you trouble.
“We just got back a few minutes ago, we’re all going to get drinks. A drink or two might help with that.” he tells you, a smirk on his face as you walk over to him, starting to take off your gear.
“Yeah, alright. But it’ll be an early night. Want to share an uber over there? I don’t want to leave my car there overnight.” You want nothing more than to go home and lay on the couch with a heating pad over your injury, but as soon as the option of spending more time with Street appears, you can’t help but say yes. He shakes his head at your words, scoffing.
“I can just take you on my bike. I’m not drinking tonight.” he tells you nonchalantly, trying to ignore the feeling in his chest as he imagines you pressed against him on the back of his bike. He imagines your thick thighs wrapped around him, your torso against his back, even though he knows he shouldn’t be thinking about his best friend like that.
You tense at his words, your breath catching in your throat. You’re imagining the exact same scenario as him, but you can’t help the slight insecurities that race through your brain at the image. Your soft body pressed against his. He’d be able to feel every curve of your body, even the ones you usually keep hidden, knowing that although you’ve grown used to them, and are beginning to like your body again, not everyone likes to see them. You also think of having to sit on the tiny seat of his motorcycle, him having to hold up the bike along with your added weight, and you can’t help the nerves twisting at your insides. Imagining how you’d look squeezed onto the back of his bike is something you really don’t want to have to think about, so you’re quick to respond.
“No, that’s okay. I don’t want to-” He cuts you off, shaking his head as he speaks.
“Don’t worry about it. You don’t need to be spending money on an uber when you can just ride with me.” he tells you, but a hopefulness breaks through his features, lighting up his eyes ever so slightly. You pick up on this, and let out a sigh, knowing he won’t let this go. Maybe you can do it just this once, and then tell him it was too scary and you never want to do it again, you think. Maybe then, he won’t ask again.
“Alright, fine. I’m just gonna take a quick shower and change. I’ll meet you out here in 15?” you tell him, smiling softly as he nods. You turn and quickly walk into the building, making your way to the locker room.
The nerves are taking over every inch of your body as you rinse off quickly, your brain going into overdrive as you think about having to ride on Street’s motorcycle. It’s a short distance to the bar you guys usually go to, but it’s still a decent amount of time to be pressed up against Street.
Once you’re showered and changed, you go out to the parking lot, letting out a shaky breath before you get close enough to Street for him to hear it. He notices the way you’re still holding your arm a little awkwardly, and he feels a little bad for inviting you out.
“You take some painkillers already?” he asks softly, worry spreading across his face as you shake your head.
“I ran out. I’ll have to get some on my way home.” He turns and reaches into his bag, taking out a bottle of the same meds he’s seen you use. He never told you, but he went out and bought some when he found out which ones you prefer. He knows how much your shoulder bothers you after rough days, and he wanted to make sure you never have to go without them should you run out.
Your eyes soften as he pulls them out, and you take them from his hands. You take one quickly, then hand them back to him, thanking him softly.
He hands you his spare helmet once he puts the pills back in his bag and gets on, holding a hand out for you to get on behind him.
Your ascent is a little awkward, but you finally manage to get on with his help, your cheeks hot as embarrassment fills your stomach.
He finally starts to drive and you put your arms around his waist tightly, feeling your breath pick up as he turns onto the road. You know he can sometimes be a crazy driver, but he seems to hold back today, perhaps picking up on your nerves.
Street has a hard time focusing on the road as he makes his way to the bar; having you pressed up against him so tight has him fighting every urge to drive right from work to his house and dragging you upstairs to bed. The way your arms are tightly wound around him also gets him a little riled up; how you’re putting so much trust into him. He makes sure to take it easy. If anything were to happen to you because of his driving, he doesn’t think he would ever recover.
When you finally make it to the bar and walk in, Tan and Luca are quick to look over at you two, their eyes immediately going to each other with raised eyebrows as they see the way Street’s hand is on your lower back, and the way you’re looking over at him with twinkling eyes. They’ve been trying to get you two together for months; and they feel like tonight is finally the night they can make it happen. You catch up with the rest of the squad for a few minutes, before you lean to whisper in Street’s ear that you’re going to go get a drink.
“You want me to come with you?” he asks over the music and chatter of the bar, but you shake your head, giving him a soft smile. You tell him you’ll just be a minute before you turn and walk over to the bar, waiting for the bartender to finish with another customer.
“That’s a nice bike you rode in on. What year is it?” you hear a voice beside you speak. You turn with a raised brow, looking up at a man who came into the bar just after you, seeing you getting off of Street’s motorcycle.
“Oh, um, I have no idea.” you tell him, giving him a small smile.
“It’s a nice one, your boyfriend hasn’t told you anything about it?” Your breath catches in your throat at the word boyfriend. You feel embarrassed, but also a sense of pride that he thinks you’re dating him. You shake your head, letting out a soft laugh.
“He’s not my boyfriend, and he doesn’t talk much about it to me.” you admit sheepishly. The man gives you an awkward smile, shrugging his shoulders.
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry, I just assumed-” he trails off, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. You give him an earnest smile, putting your hand on his arm as you tell him that it’s alright. You can sense he’s a little embarrassed, and that wasn’t your intention. It was an honest mistake.
You’re so focused on the man that you don’t notice that Luca and Tan’s eyes are glued on you the moment the man walks up to you. Smirks break out onto both of their faces as they watch, both of them having the same idea.
“Hey, Street. I think that guy’s trying to steal your girl away from you.” Luca teases Street as he motions over to you at the bar. Street turns in the direction Luca’s pointing at, about to tell him that he doesn’t have a girl, but his words fall short. He looks over just in time for you to give the man a smile as you place your hand on his arm, and he can feel the jealousy bubbling up inside him.
“Yeah, man. You should go get her, before he tries to take her home.” Tan chimes in, smirking as he sees Street’s fists clench at his sides and his jaw clenched. Street is seeing red at this point, imagining you going home with that man instead of him.
He marches over to you quickly, unaware that the rest of the squad’s conversations have died down, and they’re all now looking at the situation unfolding with smirks.
“Hey babe.” he purrs, wrapping his arms around your plush waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. He smirks at the man as he sees his brows furrow, feeling like he’s already won, but wanting to take it further.
“Uh, hey, Street. What’s up?” you ask, confusion laced in your voice as you turn your head to look at the side of his face. You’re used to his flirty tendencies, but this is definitely different than you’re used to.
“Just wanted to see if you were ready to go home.” he says in a low tone, kissing your neck softly. His eyes are trained on you, but he watches the man from the corner of his eye, his smirk widening as he sees the confused expression on the man's face and the way he takes a step back from you two.
“What are you talking abou-” You’re cut off by Street’s lips on yours, his hand coming up and using two fingers to tilt your head towards his. Your eyes widen in shock for a moment before you finally return the kiss, closing your eyes. He’s not sure what came over him at that moment. He’s wanted to do that since he met you, and watching you with another guy at a bar finally sent him over the edge. You pull back after a moment, turning back to the man, but realize he’s already walked away. You turn in Street’s arms, your eyebrows raised.
“What was that for?” you ask, your whole body feeling like it’s on fire, still reeling from the short kiss.
“He was flirting with you.” he states, as if that’s the only reason he needs. You laugh softly, shaking your head.
“He wasn’t flirting with me. He was asking about your bike.” It’s his turn to be confused. He stays silent for a moment, starting to think more clearly about what he just did. He kissed you, and you kissed him back, and you weren’t flirting with the man at the bar.
“Oh.” he says softly after a moment, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. You giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck, his own still wrapped firmly around your waist despite his racing thoughts.
“Yeah, ‘oh.’ Why did you do that?” you ask, tilting your head to the side as you look up at him. You think you saw jealousy in his eyes as he approached, but you’re afraid that you’re just seeing what you want to see.
“I don’t know. I had to. I don’t want to see you with someone else.” he says, just loud enough for you to hear over the music. Your drink is long forgotten now as your heart seems to beat louder. Is he saying what you think he’s saying?
“Why not?” You match his volume, and he almost has to bend down to hear you. He can see the glimmer of hope in your eyes, and he thinks that since he’s already gotten this far, he should just tell you the truth.
“I want you all to myself.” he states, smirking as he sees your eyes widen. Your lips part slightly as you try to think of what to say. He’s your best friend, and as deep as your feelings are for him, you’ve never had trouble speaking to him until now.
His eyes search yours as he waits for your response, and he sees the way your lips are beginning to twitch up into a smile and the way your eyes flicker down to his lips for half a second, so he takes his chance.
His lips meet yours again in a soft kiss, and it takes everything in him not to push you against the bar and take you right there. One of his hands reaches up to your jaw, tilting your head up into the kiss, deepening it. He smiles against your lips as you let out a soft whimper, and his other hand moves to squeeze your hip softly.
Your mind is reeling as you kiss him, and you’re not even worried about the way his body is pressed against yours as you get lost in the kiss. It’s not until you hear a loud clinking of a group cheersing their drinks that you pull back, breathing heavily. You have matching grins on your face as you stare into each other's eyes. Street’s eyes dart around the room before they land back on you. He leans in and whispers in your ear.
“You want to get out of here?” You bite your lip as you nod, neither of you even bothering to say goodbye to the squad as you make your way to the door.
The team have been watching the whole time, and they all fight back cheers as they finally see you two give in to one another. Chris chuckles as she watches you two leave, nudging Tan’s shoulder as she speaks.
“Finally. I was beginning to think your ideas were trash.” she teases him, which makes him shrug with a smile.
“They’re both idiots, but they’re perfect for each other, I guess.” The rest of the team agrees with Tan, and their conversations slowly move away from you two to other things, but none of them can wait to tease you two tomorrow.
When you get back to Street’s apartment, he immediately pushes you against the wall, his hands moving to your face as his lips meet yours in a searing kiss. You put your hands on his chest as he slots his knee between your legs, making your whimper softly.
“God, you’re gorgeous.” he murmurs against your lips, hands going down and clawing at the hem of your shirt, desperate to see all of you.
You smile against his lips, raising your arms as he pulls your shirt over your head. His lips are back on your in an instant, trailing down your neck to your chest. He nips and sucks at the exposed parts of your chest, and you tilt your head back to give him more access, one hand traveling to the back of his head.
“Please.” you manage to get out through pants, and that’s all he needs to haphazardly guide you down the hall to his bedroom. You bump into a few things on the way, but as soon as he has you sprawled out on his bed, everything else in the world is forgotten.
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notes: likes/comments/reblogs would be much appreciated if you liked this<33
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