#Doit.im for Windows
doittips · 8 years
Announcing our Development Plan for the First Half of 2017
A lebanese user of ours once sent us a sincere mail, saying,
There is some magic behind Doit.im which makes us all return to it…I’m not concerned about the product new update as I'm concerned about the lack of "continuous updates”...I'll be happy to send some money to Doit for support so please let me know if you need help. Also after you update the App with improvements make sure to raise the cost for the subscription a bit.
That makes us feel warm. Though the words contain a little bit complaint because of our lack of major update during the previous year, I still feel we’ve been understood and trusted. More importantly, what he asked are just the direction we’ve set for ourselves. Also from the words of many other users, I see the same strength and love. Faced up with all these trust and understanding, we will make double efforts and continuous updates so that you may touch our amiable existence. For the first time in 2017, we are here releasing our general development plans:
1. A general new version of iPhone, Android is to be released first, which is just the one we’ve been testing on. (Here is the test version application.) For better user experience, our development engineers have almost rewritten the whole app. Surely there are still imperfections, which we’ve been modifying. On publication, it can be guaranteed to be a clearly laid-out, well-functioned version with various aspects improved.
2. The second version will also be for phones, focusing on pomodoro estimation. Since pomodoro estimation is a new concept, we will not release it mixing with other features, so that our users won’t be caught unawares. So for this version, pomodoro estimation will be the key.
3. The third version of phones will be added the feature of calendar. We may spend some more time on calendar because calendar-related viewing and editing would be totally different from the way lists are presented. Thus, calendar is the most crucial part in the third version.
4. Then continues the phone version, with various features optimized, as the fourth version.
5. Next comes Web and desktop — Mac/Windows version. It has been planned to improve the Web version first, also with a calendar to be added. But the final decision on which platform and which feature takes the priority depends on the newly raised needs from our users and our further assessment on each feature. Each piece of our users’ needs would be put in our Need Pool, from which we ponder over the needs before making each new development plan and pick certain ones into the new version development based on priority.
In Doit.im, you’re the protagonist!
If you have any ideas or opinions on our product, just post them in our Help Center, or send email to [email protected].
We appreciate you very much for your helping us grow in every one step! In return, let Doit.im help you live a colorful life!
May every one of you work with high efficiency and enjoy a better life in the new year!
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doitimguide · 12 years
The Guide of Doit.im for Windows
Get everything out of your mind and into Doit.im. 
1. Quickly and successively add tasks to your Inbox with ‘Smart-add’ and deal with them later. 
2. Smart-add allows you to create tasks and assign start times, contexts, projects, priorities, and tags quickly and easily to each task. 
Simply type “#” for adding project, “@” for adding context, “!” for priority, “^” for start time, “&” for tags.
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Process and Organize
After collecting your 'tasks', it’s time to process and organize them:
You can assign your tasks to various categories.
Put future dreams into Someday.
Click on “Edit” on the right click menu or the pen-shaped icon on the menu that appears when you hover the mouse over a task, and it will go to the task editing page. On the task editing page, set any box as its start time and it will automatically go to the targeted box.
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Finish 2-minute tasks and check them off.
Once checked off, tasks will move to the Completed box.
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Put date/time-specific actions into ‘Scheduled’ or ‘Today.’
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Put as-soon-as-possible actions into Next.
Daily Review: Review Today and Next tasks everyday so that you can remember what you need to accomplish today.
Weekly Review: Review Projects and Scheduled tasks every week so that you can make adjustments to some of your actions in case of unforeseen events. 
Periodic Review: Review your dreams listed in Someday so that they can be converted into actions, and moved to Next.
Group your tasks by Context, Project or Time and then select a most appropriate task according to your current context, available time and energy.
1. Set Task Priorities to determine the order to finish them.
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Other Features
Boxes and Filters
1. The boxes shown in the left-side menu are: 
Inbox, Today, Next, Tomorrow, Scheduled, Someday, Waiting, Contexts, Projects, Filters, Completed and Trash.
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2. In the left-side menu, right click a project or a context, you can select either to edit it or delete it.
View task details
1. Double click a task on the task list, and its details will be expanded.
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2. In the task list, when you hover the mouse over a task, two icons will appear on the right. One is for task editing, and the other one is for assigning the task to ‘Today’. If you are in ‘Today’ or ‘Next’, there will be one more icon, to assign the task to the “Doit Now” group.
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3. In the task list, when moving the mouse to a task and right clicking it, you can select either “Edit” or “Delete”.
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4. In the task list, there is a Comment icon on the right. Clicking it will open the Comment dialogue allowing you to add comments to the task.
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Group by and Tag filters
1. You can group tasks by Start Time, Deadline, Context, Project, and Priority.
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2. Also, you can filter tasks by tags.
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So download Doit.im for Windows now if you are a Pro user(Upgrade now!), and enjoy managing your tasks from your Windows desktop!
>>Click to download the latest Doit.im for Windows
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doittips · 8 years
New Year Preferential of Doit.im for January 2017
Happy New Year to you all!
What presents do you prepare for yourself in the brand new year? It can be a phone, a pretty dress, a pair of shoes, or more than that, it can be a whole year's high efficiency!
Click here to buy Doit.im pro so as to enjoy cross-platform synchronization among iPhone, Android, Mac, Windows and web versions, getting things done anywhere anytime!
To express our gratitude to our old friends, we’ve released the new year preferential:
* Period: From Jan 1, 2017 to Jan 31, 2017  * Targeted users: Those who had already brought Doit.im Pro for one year or more by Dec 31, 2016 * Instruction: The above mentioned users can be offered six months’ Doit.im Pro account as a gift if you buy one year or more during the above mentioned period. * Time to get the gift Pro: The six-month Pro will be added into your Doit.im account on Feb 14, 2017 * PS: The preferential may not be shared with other discounts or promotions.
Should you have any questions on the preferential, please don’t hesitate to send mail to . 
Thank you for your support and trust!
Doit.im helps you better enjoy your life in the new year!
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doittips · 11 years
Doit.im for Windows 1.5.7 Release Notes
>>Doit.im for Windows 1.5.7
Proxy is able to be set on the Login page.
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As you see, we now have three options, Disable Proxy, Use Browser Settings and Use HTTP Proxy. Here, on a side note, before using HTTP Proxy, please first set parameters for Proxy on IE. 
Bug fixes:
Fix issue with new tags being prefixed with "Create Tag" after saved.
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doittips · 11 years
How to Solve the "machine.config" Configuration Error that Occurred at Login Time
Recently, we received feedback from some users and they told us that they got the "machine.config" configuration error when they log into Doit.im for Windows.
Here is the way that could solve it.
1. Go to the directory in which the configuration file called .NET Framework 4.0 resides. Here is its default path:
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2. Open the selected file (machine.config) using Visual Studio or some other text editors. Then find and delete the <DbProviderFactories /> node. Please be careful not to delete the nodes that have contents. Only the blank node , <DbProviderFactories />, needs to be deleted.
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doittips · 11 years
About the Solution to Error 1001 that Occurred during Installation
When the installer of Doit.im for Windows encountered error 1001, please refer to the solution as below:
Turn off User Account Control (UAC) first and then turn on UAC settings after you've successfully installed Doit.im for Windows.
How to change UAC settings. (Here, we set Windows 7 as an example.)
1. Click the Start button, click Control Panel and type in "UAC" into the search box. You'll see a link for "Change User Account Control settings". Click "Change User Account Control settings".
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2. Turn off UAC: Drag the slider down to "Never notify" and click "Ok".
If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. You'll need to reboot your computer before the changes take effect.
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3. Turn on UAC: Drag the slider up to your ideal notified time and click "OK".
If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
Also, you can refer to the official notes from Microsoft
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doittips · 12 years
Doit.im for Windows 1.3 Update
>> Get Doit.im for Windows 1.3
Doit.im for Windows update notes:
1. Added the feature that tasks can be converted to projects if they need to be done with multiple steps.
2. Added the feature that tasks in Trash can be put back.
3. Added the feature that tasks in Completed can be archived.
4. Added the feature that tasks in Trash can be emptied.
5. Supported selecting and copying the text in Description and Comments.
6. Added the feature that tasks can be manually sorted in the "Doit Now" group.
7. Added the feature that projects can be activated or deactivated.
8. Supported the ability to batch drag and drop/delete tasks
9. Added completed tasks and archived tasks in the project viewing page.
Also, some bug fixes:
1. Fixed the bug that failed to log into Doit.im when using Proxy Server.
2. Fixed the bug that unable to install in some devices.
3. Fixed the bug that the year 1970 appeared in the time picker.
4. Fixed the crash bug may occur in some devices when adding a task.
5. Fixed the bug that the reminder didn't pop up at the predefined time.
6. Fixed the bug that one occurrence of a repeated task displayed incorrectly.
7. Fixed the bug that the context still existed even if deleted.
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