sweetclinics · 5 years
Combine protein and carbs to shed holiday weight ....!! - Dr.Vinod Methil "Sweet Clinics"
Dr.Viond Methil, consultant diabetologist at sweet clinics in Vashi,Navi mumbai said that sweets bought from the market contain more calories due to the use of generous helpings of refine sugar and oil.The oils used to fry them are often reheated and used multiple times. Reheated oil releases toxins that have been linked to different types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson he said. For those who know no limit to their calorie intake during the festive season, a good detox is just what the doctor will order.really hard to refuse all those delicious looking sweets and snacks, but what we don't realise is the unhealthy route we take while indulging ourselves. Most people don't know that Bengali sweets are relatively healthier than north Indian sweets and other rich mawa based varieties. While the sugar content in almost all the sweets is the same, what makes Bengali sweets a tad better is that fact they are not fried which is a healthier option. Dr.Viond Methil, consultant diabetologist at sweet clinics in Vashi,Navi mumbai said that sweets bought from the market contain more calories due to the use of generous helpings of refined sugar and oil. The oils used to fry them are often reheated and used multiple times. Reheated oils release toxins which has been linked to different types of cancer and neurogenerative diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons he said. Olive oil, which has a higher concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, generates these compounds in smaller amounts, so in that sense it is the safest oil. But for the preparation of sweetmeats, vegetable oil is the preferred cooking medium,he continued. He added that wrong eating habits leads to diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Consuming unhealthy foods and not consuming nutrients vital for good health can reflect later after the festive season in the form of indigestion, constipation, weight gain, deranged blood sugars and cholesterol levels, heart burns, skin troubles like acne and inflammation. It is important to understand the importance of good nutrition after the festival season to prevent ourselves from further exposure to toxins,a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables and grain products should be sufficient to provide the body with the required amounts of B vitamins. "Drinking water in adequate amounts is necessary to flush out toxins out of the body via the excretory system. Water acts as a body purifier, by removing toxins and waste from your body. With inadequate amounts of water flowing through the body, these toxins can build up in the body and escape through skin pores. This can contribute to acne. Therefore, by flushing the body internally with water, acne breakouts are less likely to occur due to toxin release through the skin Rather than eat excessively, he recommends that to keep you free from weight gain and fluctuations in blood sugars, meal combination can be a good remedy. Combining protein and carbohydrate at meals and snacks can lead to a healthier life.Diabetologists in Navi Mumbai To prevent ourselves from the ill effects of overeating and indulging ourselves in unhealthy sweets/snacks after festival season, focus on fruits and vegetables to get the maximum benefit of antioxidants present in most of them. The best approach to detoxify after festive season is to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with regular physical activity. Know your calories- Besan ladoo - 153 calories Jalebi - 200 calories Rasgulla - 125 calories Small kaju katli - 58 calories Burfi - 142 calories Mysore pak - 357 calories Motichoor ladoo - 150 calories Gulab jamun - 150 calories Detox your body, Eat in moderation. Remember the idiom anything in excess is poison. Use low fat ingredients in your sweets like skimmed milk. Instead of refined sugars use honey, jaggery, fruits, or dates. Prefer dry fruits over deep fried foods. Drink water before meals, it reduces appetite helping you to consume less. Eat slowly Avoid second helpings. Say no to carbonated drinks. Lose the booze and tobacco. If you can part with caffeine then lose that as well. But if youre a coffee-junkie then try to cut your intake to half. Lose the meat and all processed foods. If you can't lose all the meat then cut down your intake and stick to grass-fed, organic meat. Add lots of fiber. Once again, plenty of organic fruits and veggies. Add lots of water and natural juices. Plenty of liquids are key to any successful detox so try to consume at least 12-16 glasses per day. Add some exercise, preferably yoga. If yoga is not your thing then walking for 20-30 minutes at a good pace should suffice. Try for 8 hours of sleep and basic relaxation if possible
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sweetclinics · 5 years
Exercise a must for people with diabetes..? Sweet clinics
Are you aware that India is the leading country for diabetes in the world? Currently over 60 million Indians suffer from diabetes with a projection of 109 million individuals with diabetes by 2035 as per the Indian Heart Association. That is a lot! Seeing as this condition affects over 7% of India’s adult population it is likely that you know someone with this disease.
Talk to them about their routine or steps they’re talking to manage their condition and they’ll surely tell you an earful. Dietary changes and their meal plans, the medicines they’re taking, how often they’re getting their tests done to check sugar levels and a whole lot more. But ask them about exercising and you’re sure hear something like ‘Oh no, it causes my blood sugar to drop low, or ‘I get too tired to exercise’ or ‘Where is the time’ or even ‘I don’t think I’m strong enough’. While some just don’t understand the importance of an exercise regime with diabetes, some are actually concerned that it may harm their health.
So what’s the verdict? Is exercise a must for diabetics?
The answer is a loud resounding YES!!Exercise actually helps manage your diabetes better by keeping your blood sugar levels in the normal range. Basically, in diabetes, the body has trouble processing insulin. Physical activity promotes insulin absorption in the cells thus avoiding excess insulin levels in the blood.
Another important benefit of exercising is weight control. Obesity is a major factor for diabetes as excess weight leads to increase production of insulin in the body. A regular exercise regime can help keep excess weight off which in turn helps keep diabetes in check.
People with diabetes are also at a higher risk for heart problems and high cholesterol levels. A regular exercise routine helps keep your heart healthy and increases good cholesterol in your body, keeping your levels in check.
Care tips and precautions before starting a new regime
Though exercise helps you lower your blood sugar but exercising when sugars are above 250mg/dl can make your blood glucose levels go higher.
Before you put on your shoes and decide to blast the excess fat away, it is advised to talk to your doctor. He may suggest certain suitable exercises, or change your medication timings to avoid low blood sugar levels or determine when to exercise in the day. He may also suggest certain foods before or after your activity. So be sure to plan your routine and discuss the same with your healthcare provider. In case you are worried about low blood sugar levels, ask for foods to keep with you at all times, especially during a workout.
Also be sure to maintain a journal monitoring your blood glucose levels before your regime and regularly once you start it this will help you and your doctor determine if you are on the right track or need to modify any exercises or medications.
If you are insulin dependent avoid physical activity when you have ketones in the blood or urine.
Which exercises should I do?
Note: Be sure to first discuss this with your doctor. People with additional complications caused due to diabetes may be advised against certain types of exercises.
Depending on your age, exercise history and other factors you can draw up a plan. If you are a beginner, take it slow. You don’t need to compete with your neighbour who looks like he was born lifting weights. Start with some light exercises instead like walking, stretching, climbing stairs, light dancing, yoga etc. and build up your stamina to include more.
In case you have a history of exercising, maybe do something a little more intensive like aerobics, cardio, strength training for improving muscle tension and brisk walking. While it’s always good to push yourself, be careful not to push too far. You can’t go from doing nothing to everything overnight. So take your time and be consistent for healthy blood sugar levels.Diabetologists in Vashi
Also, increase your activity levels throughout the day in simple ways:
Just get up from your couch and take a walk Spend some time playing with your kids in the neighbourhood park Take your pet for a jog in the evenings Ditch the elevators and use the stairs Make it a rule to stand and walk for a minute after every 30 minutes of sitting Walk to your neighbourhood grocery store So whether you have just been diagnosed with diabetes or have been living with it for a long time, exercise is a must. Even if you haven’t done it till now – talk to your doctor and start today! Not only will it help you look younger and healthier but feel better too. And at the same time, help control your insulin levels.
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