#Doctor Who Christmas
magiccath · 9 months
A very Noble Christmas
tenth doctor x GN!reader
Summary: In which Donna is really fed up with her love-sick best friends and calls in Wilf for backup
A/N: if you're looking for a Christmas song to go with this I suggest "Christmas Tree Farm" by Taylor Swift and a steaming cup of cocoa. Happy holidays! xx
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“It’s so frustrating, Grandad,” Donna groaned, sandwiching her mobile phone between her shoulder and cheek so she could use both hands to fold laundry. 
“They’re not even subtle about it! They’re so thick they can’t even tell the other one has feelings for them.” she folded a shirt in one swift movement, placing it with the others in her laundry basket. She truly loved her best friends, but this was getting ridiculous. Having to deal with your level of obliviousness every day was starting to frustrate her.
“Have you done anything about it, darling?” Wilfred asked. Donna could hear a slight breeze over the phone. He was probably sitting outside, looking up at the stars. 
“That’s the thing,” she groaned, “I've done all kinds of things to push them together.” She finished folding her things and closed the dryer with her hip. She repositioned her phone to hold it with one hand and the basket in the other. 
“None of it has worked. Not even in the slightest,” she continued as she made her way through the winding halls of the TARDIS back to her room.
“Have you tried a romantic candlelight dinner?” he suggested. 
“That was one of the first things I tried. I made a reservation at a fancy Italian place so they could eat pasta and look into each other’s eyes lovingly.” 
“Aliens blew it up on the way over.” Donna rolled her eyes, even if Wilf couldn’t see it.
“It’s like I’m living in a horrible slow-burn rom-com,” she grumbled in exasperation. “I’ve done everything, Grandad. I don’t know how to get their thick heads to see it.” 
“Perhaps it’s time for my expertise…” Wilf whispered, deep in thought. 
“Huh?” Donna asked, frowning. 
“Christmas is next week. Bring them over for dinner, I can handle the rest.” Donna could hear the mischievous smile in his voice. Before she could respond or protest he had hung up. She pulled her phone away from her face slowly, staring at the blank screen before letting out a small laugh. 
She shook her head, there was no point in telling Grandad “no”. Plus, she really wanted to see you two together and her efforts hadn’t done much.  
Christmas might be a week away for Wilf, but Donna could just ask the Doctor to take you there now. There were some benefits of living in a time machine. Decidedly, she made her way out to the TARDIS control room. 
The Doctor was hunched over the console, fiddling with some buttons and switches. You were a little farther down the console, leaning against it. Your hands gestured wildly as you talked excitedly to him. The Doctor snuck small glances at you every now and then, a subtle smile taking over his face. It still baffled Donna that you failed to notice this, he was hardly incognito about it. The poor guy practically had heart eyes bursting out of his head.
“Can we go back to my place?” Donna asked, moving further into the room. “Grandad has invited us for Christmas dinner.” 
“You hate Christmas,” you pointed out with a frown. The Doctor nodded in agreement, both of you confused. Normally, you had to coerce Donna into Christmas dinner. 
“I like Grandad,” Donna shrugged casually. She hadn’t really thought about her distaste for Christmas when Wilf made the plans. She had figured that her biggest hurdle would be convincing the two of you to celebrate Christmas a week early, even if you both loved Wilf dearly. But, then again, the Doctor had no concept of when Christmas actually was. Hopefully, you wouldn’t see past her thinly veiled lie. 
You exchanged a suspicious look with the Doctor, determining whether you should trust her. Donna was known to get you all into trouble, even if she meant well. Silently deciding there was no harm in a Christmas dinner, the Doctor agreed. He’d been meaning to check up on the old man anyway.
“Alright,” he drawled, moving to flick some switches on the console. You watched him move about, your eyes following him as he rushed around the room. 
Donna really hoped that Wilf’s plan worked, she wasn’t sure she could handle another minute of this. It was like perpetually third-wheeling but so much worse.
The Doctor landed the ship with his usual flourish, turning to look at you with a wide smile, “The Noble residence, Christmas day,” he said dramatically.
He held his hand out for you and you took it without pause. Donna sighed before following behind you as the Doctor led the way out into the snow. 
The streets were dusted with a coating of stark white powder, a few boot tracks the only indicator that anyone was around. The snow was still falling, a gentle and soft flurry floating down to the ground. You smiled brightly and started to spin around in the falling snow, catching stray flakes on your outstretched tongue. 
Donna noticed the Doctor was watching you with an equally excited smile plastered on his face. He had a certain kind of smile that he only ever wore when looking at you. The best way Donna could describe it was lovesick, and it was starting to get pathetic. 
“Let’s go in before I freeze,” Donna urged, tilting her head in the direction of the door. 
The Doctor nodded, his brow suddenly furrowing. He moved closer to you, tugging the neck of your coat so it wrapped around you tighter. 
“Don’t want you to catch frostbite,” he whispered, adjusting your scarf as well. He stopped for a moment to look at you, your face flushed from the cold. A small smile tugged on your lips and he felt his hearts skip a few beats.
“We should go in,” the Doctor finally said, pulling back from you. His hand rested gently on the small of your back reassuringly, guiding you towards Donna’s house.
Wilf greeted you all at the door, a childish grin plastered on his face. A pair of reindeer antlers perched on this head, the small bells attached jingling quietly when he moved. He pulled each of you into an excited hug, squeezing tightly. 
“How have things been, Wilf?” the Doctor asked, instantly following him through the foyer. 
You hung back with Donna for a moment, putting your coats on the hangers and shaking out the small flecks of snow that had stuck to you. You slipped your boots off before padding down the hall after Wilf and the Doctor.
In the dining room, the table was set with nice plates and Sylvia was busy setting numerous steaming dishes on the table. You smiled and sat down in front of a bowl of potatoes, inhaling their scent with a small but satisfied smile. You loved Sylvia’s Christmas dinners and couldn’t wait to eat this one. The Doctor took a seat next to you, still deep in his conversation with Wilf.
Slowly, the rest of the food came out while the traditional Christmas crackers were opened. Wilf wasted no time perching the paper crown atop his antlers with a big, silly smile. On the other hand, Sylvia deemed them childish, and Donna didn’t want to mess up her hair. Still, you and the Doctor put your crowns on proudly. Once you had placed the brightly colored paper on your head you turned to the Doctor for approval.
“It’s a bit lopsided,” the Doctor commented, gently shifting the crown on top of your head. You felt a flush creep across your face at the contact, but the Doctor didn’t seem to notice. 
“Much better,” he grinned, leaning back to admire his work.
Donna cast a wide-eyed and frustrated glance over at Wilf with an exasperated sigh. Surely he could see how ridiculous this was. Wilf nodded in acknowledgment but didn’t do much else to ease her frustrations.
Dinner went by in a blur of smiles, laughter, and lingering touches between you and the Doctor. His hand would brush against yours slightly and hang there for a moment. You could even swear that the Doctor’s fingers brushed against the back of your hand in a comforting motion.
At one point, you even used your napkin to wipe a bit of sauce off of the Doctor. Donna practically got up and left the table at that. It was as if you were already a lovey-dovey couple!
Once more she looked over at her grandad, wide-eyed and aggravated. How could the two of you not realize?!
“Are you seeing this?” she whispered to him, gesturing aggressively over at the two of you. Somehow, you remained blissfully unaware of Donna’s angry whispers.
Donna could feel herself going more and more insane as the minutes crept by, and the two of you continued your usual longing glances. She looked over at Wilf numerous times for assistance or even reassurance, but he just nodded knowingly. As much as she loved her grandad, she was starting to lose faith in his matchmaking abilities. Perhaps it was a dauntless task after all. 
When dinner was through, you and the Doctor helped clean up the dishes on the table. You stacked the dirty plates and bowls, all the while happily whispering and laughing to each other.
You carried the stack to the kitchen with the intent to help with dishes before Sylvia yelled at you to get out. The last time the two of you had done the dishes there were soapy bubbles everywhere and only a fraction of the dishes actually got done. She learned her lesson long ago to not trust the pair of you with important tasks. 
As you sulked out of the kitchen and into the hallway, the Doctor paused slightly. 
“What’s up?” you asked, noticing that something had caught his eye.
His eyes drifted up to the ceiling, and you followed his gaze. There was a small bough of mistletoe tied with a brilliant red bow hanging above your heads. 
“Huh, I wonder why they put that up,” you questioned. Considering there were no couples in the house it felt a little silly. Still, you felt a thrill rush through you at the implications of the small herb.
“I believe the tradition is to kiss…?” The Doctor asked bashfully, a blush creeping across his cheeks. He could be quite bad at remembering Earth traditions, but he was fairly certain about this one. Honestly, he really just wanted an excuse to kiss you.
“I do think that is proper,” you flushed, averting your gaze. You would never admit it, but you wanted an excuse to kiss him too.
The holiday music drifted in from the other room, the soft and familiar tunes filling the silence between you. The twinkle lights in the hall cast a soft glow over the Doctor, making his handsome features more prominent. As far as mistletoe kisses go, it truly was the perfect setting.
The Doctor moved closer to you slowly, his lips hoving over yours while still giving you space to pull away. Gently, he pressed his mouth to yours lovingly. The kiss was short and sweet, over far before you wanted it to be. 
“That was-” you gasped, your fingers drifting up to your lips subconsciously. 
The Doctor looked at you worriedly, suddenly concerned he had done the wrong thing. Maybe he should have asked your permission before kissing you. Waves of anxiety crashed over him, his woes written all over his face.  
You took in his pained expression and furrowed brows and shook your head quickly, cradling his hand in yours softly. You smiled brightly, halting his worried thoughts. 
“Amazing,” you finished with a grin. The Doctor smiled back at you, a twinkle in his eye. It all felt like a Hallmark movie. The sort of scene that could only ever occur if it had been masterminded. It was almost better not knowing that it had been.
With a sly smile, you grabbed his tie to pull him in for another kiss, this one longer than the last. His hands wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him. You could have stayed there forever if it hadn’t been for Donna’s sudden appearance. 
“Bloody finally!” she cried out. 
You turned around in shock, the Doctor’s hands still resting firmly on your waist.
“Wha-?” you gasped, slightly embarrassed to be caught in the act. “What are you yelling about?” 
“I’ve been waiting forever for you two idiots to kiss!”
You and the Doctor turned a deep shade of scarlet and instantly avoided your friend’s gaze. The Doctor’s hands slipped away from you and you took a small step back from him. You stared at the floor, flustered. Next to you, the Doctor fiddled anxiously. 
Donna rolled her eyes in exasperation, of course, the two of you were still going to deny your feelings for each other. 
“I give up,” she groaned, throwing her hands in the air before stomping off in frustration.
You turned to the Doctor with a knowing smile before the two of you burst into bouts of hearty laughter. His hands naturally made their way back to your waist, pulling you into him. 
“How much longer do you think it will take her to find out we’re dating?” He whispered into your ear with a grin.
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inv1s1bleghost1345 · 9 months
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gallifreywhere · 9 months
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devilofwinterborne · 9 months
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Alien Incursion Tomorrow!
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the-officially-kat · 2 years
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Merry Christmas everyone~!! I'm still catching up on Doctor Who (I just finished series eight) and I found myself in love with Clara and Eleven <3
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wandersoul8 · 2 years
Made another one of those cards of a friends Dalek OC to send over to them for Xmas 🔥✨
I think I may be slowly getting better at drawing Daleks from the front onwards-
Emperor Omegus belongs to Emperoromegus on Instagram.
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hansoeii · 9 months
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The Doctor!
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ayo-edebiri · 10 months
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thelvadams · 2 months
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DOCTOR WHO Joy to the World
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death-by-sc0tland · 10 months
“david overshadowed ncuti blah blah blah” dude everyone in the fandom is falling head over heels for ncuti’s doctor just from the 15 minutes of content we’ve had with him plus ncuti himself got to act alongside his idol he grew up watching like i don’t think there were any losses here
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oldbookshop · 9 months
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DOCTOR WHO | The Church on Ruby Road
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13th-doctors-wife · 10 months
i love how weird early 2000s doctor who is. they were really like hey what if a christmas tree just fucking span at u like a beyblade
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penseesduncookie · 9 months
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Christmas invasion outfits are 👌
Nine’s clothes… pyjama…and his hairstyle too!
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expelliarmus · 9 months
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wandersoul8 · 2 years
Finally getting a roll on making some more Xmas gifts for my long distance friends! This time, it’s more digital art based as the other two Inked cards were sent off so that the recivers.
This gift here is for @alex-the-moss moss who is a huge inspiration to me and a wonderful online friend ^^ I really hope you like it!I drew one of her Doctor Who OC’s Satol who is an incredible OC.
There are more xmas gifts to come so stay tuned!
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notyoujamie · 4 months
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