#Doctor Víctor is such an important person i had the luck if meeting
no-te-lo-voy-a-dar · 2 years
a small rant about pride over older ppl
today at the orchestra a trumpet fellow reminded me he studies at the same faculty as i did, and asked me what i was doing there since he saw me the other day
i told him I was visiting and doing left over bureaucracy things with my thesis advisor, a Doctor (well, PhD haver for English speakers??) i gold very dear to my life. he's a fantastic teacher and marvelous human and im lucky i did my thesis/dissertation with/under him. i had lots of fun and it was amazing to my mental health spending time at the lab let's not talk about how I'm doing now that I'm done
and i remembered he's in a semester where this Doctor gives classes and asked him if he had him as a teacher, and well, sometimes u forget your teachers names, specifically on first meetings, but when he saw his name under the class he lighted up and started telling me how cool he is, how prepared he seems to be in class and how well organized the lab time with him feels like
gotta add, this is a little sad because he's on his third semester and this shouldn't be a once every two semesters or every lots of classes thing. it should be common, but alas...
simultaneously, i couldn't help but feel like when you write someone puffs in pride and preens in happiness in fics over hearing him talk about how much he's been loving my thesis advisor/director's classes. i was like "hell yeah, that's my favourite teacher. that's the Doctor i worked under and someone i've grown to appreciate a lot." and have my judgement and experience being validated. to know he's still good at teaching and that the struggles regarding the politics of the faculty have not dimmed that energy he had when he entered the faculty
my group was the first one he had for a full semester, for when he entered the faculty he was handed a class mid semester and well, u can only do so much like that. so he basically saw us grow up and we saw him do his absolute best. he was my generation's beacon of light. he literally avoided many of my classmates and i from killing ourselves by being simply kind and a hearing ear
it's weird, feeling that way about someone older than you. or at least to me. most of the older people in my life don't make me feel like that. they either make me go "yikes. yeah, I'm related to them. yeah i meet them before" and others i feel so small under their stories and achievements
but this was like ...pride? idk if i felt pride over it. it's not something i've felt often enough in my life in a positive way to know. but it was nice
im just writing this in hopes of remembering it later. or just saving the memory. it was amazing.
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