praxcrown5 · 10 months
The world of Disney/Pixar Cars has insane science fiction potential…especially when you delve into reproduction, and whether or not they're fully biological creatures wearing car-shaped mech-suits or integrated techno-organic constructs.
God, I love writing fanfiction for this universe even more than Transformers.
Here's a little snippet that I'm working on:
Context: Doc Hudson's Mom and Grandfather are retrieving him from the Hudson Motors Factory. The year is 1937
It was mid-November and Annette and her father rolled to a stop just outside the Hudson Motors Factory gate.
It was a large, imposing metal door emblazoned with the factory logo: two ships and two towers separated by a diamond-esque trapezoid and the word “Hudson.”  The door, itself, was a solid slab of steel with no discernable hinges or seams; Annette hypothesized that it slid sideways to open, maybe even tucking into the perimeter wall.
To the right of the gate was something that she’d never seen before.  It resembled the digital readout of an oscilloscope, but larger and backlit broadcasting a message in at least ten different languages.
“Access limited.  Trespassers will be met with lethal force.”
“Kinda hard to trespass…” Annette said letting her eyes follow the imposing, concrete and steel perimeter wall towards the horizon.  Even a fully-loaded semi traveling at top speed couldn’t hope to smash all the way through.
“What goes on in a factory is one of life’s greatest mysteries…” Otis explained, gaze distant.  “Loads of folk have given up their own lives trying to scratch that itch.”  He tapped his daughter lightly on the fender and gestured towards the left side of the gate.  A chrome button sat smartly atop a low, marble platform.  “We probably shouldn’t linger too long.  This button should open the door.”
“Wait…” Annette shook her front end.  “You mean…we just push it, and they let us in?”
“That’s how it was when your Ma and I went to the Cadillac factory.  Though, I gotta warn ‘ya…” He looked at her, sternly.  “The button activated some sort of…device, with technology that was more advanced than anything I’d ever seen.” He smiled as if revisiting a happy memory.  “It scared the heck outa your Ma.”
Annette nodded and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. 
The button made a pleasant click as it was depressed. 
She expected a long wait, but the response was instantaneous.  A panel on the door opened and a strange looking cable appeared, angling down towards her and her father.  Then an image of a car appeared in the air above her hood, like a living, three-dimensional photograph.  It blinked and breathed and tracked her movements as if it were actually parked there with them. 
An angel… Annette marveled, taking a moment to study its chrome finish and unique design.  It had a low-slung front end with a split grille, turbine-finned wheels, and a curved rear window above where the trunk would be on a normal person.   
The sudden appearance of a red beam of light stopped her thoughts cold.  It passed over her body, and the angel said: ‘CS621949346CU07221925 Cycle 9, Rotation 195 Batch 46A.”  It’s voice was…angelic, for lack of a better word.  Deep and oddly soothing.  “Designation: Annette Elizabeth Longhauler, nee Glenrunner.”
The beam passed across her father.  “O05E1927185CU05121905 Cycle 9, Rotation 183, Batch 12B.  Designation: Otis James Glenrunner.”  The angel looked at them and seemed to smile.  “Plasma Carrier Signal detected.  Please follow the designated markings to Bay Twelve.”
The cable disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and the door slid sideways, opening just wide enough for Annette and her father to pass through side-by-side.
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