#Doc gets stuck in Cat Tier.
gravedigest · 6 months
Spins the Deimos dying in that Doing Something short fic and the relationships between him the others. Especially Hank who downright REFUSES to let Deimos die, unacceptable to them and practically in denial about it. Dei pilots Hank and I wonder if that caused some kind of semblance to attachment, from Hank for Deimos. People die, Hank kills them. What’s so different about Deimos dying compared to the rest? Too many resources? Because Doc or Sanford is attached? I feel like that’d be the coverup because there’s no reason to handle Dei’s rig so gently, it’s metal and wires it can handle some roughhousing. There’s no reason to take the rig at all if he’s replacement, another body. There is no reason to plug a cable into it after everything and once again declare that Deimos won’t die, cannot die. And just
They are fascinating to me. So so fascinating and I want to know what goes through Hank’s mind. I adore the harsh, coldness of Hank to Deimos while also tolerating him, their often intimidating interactions with him. It’s all so very interesting and I’m less than normal about them
(All good if you can’t tell bc if spoilers I’m just very very excited)
Pointing at you like a stage magician.
I thhhhink it’s not too spoilery, at least most of my thoughts here are just my own personal headcanons and vague reasoning along with things Krinkels has said.
Like, people have asked Krinkels why Hank actively protects Sanford in 11, to which he answered “Well, Sanford’s useful.”
Which is kind of my general basis for figuring out how much of an asshole to make him.
The more overtly useful something is, the further he goes out of his way to get it.
Or more fun. IE: Reaching for a chainsaw over a gun.
Like, in MPN, Hank humors Deimos. He can’t differentiate between Sanford and Deimos on the spot but he’s marked Deimos as The Funny One. He’s got a sense of humor and he’ll take on Deimos’ race to the top of the tower.
I don’t think I got to go too deep into it in Doing Something since it only takes place over a few days, but that hypothetical death scenario would probably be set further out, theoretically giving Hank time to categorize Deimos as Fun and Useful. He can take the brunt of the technical work off and it leaves Hank with the ability to just enjoy his side of the job, literally just dropping out the moment they have to do something he’s not interested in. The less Hank has to think about things he doesn’t want to think about, the better. And Deimos sure does a lot of thinking for a guy thats head is full of nonsense.
But Deimos is Fun and Useful.
Ergo, by Hank’s very normal and healthy logic, and because Doc has kind of made them each others problem by way of pairing them up in such a fucked up and entangled manner, Deimos is, objectively, his thing he wants to keep. That’s his Touy. No one’s allowed to 💥💥💥 his touy.
And when he does break it’s like a kid bringing their torn doll to their parents and being like “You have to fix it,” to Doc. There’s no room for not fixing it.
I have a set of targets all set up to mash them together further but that’s definitely spoilers and I’m loading Chekov’s shotgun and racking it for later.
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Before starting the ID I want to say there are some OC characters in this, and I’ve described their general appearance in this google doc for ref!
[ ID: Wide front view colored art drawn traditionally and colored digitally. Every character is in fullbody except Dr Habit whos drawn till above legs. In the scene many people are gathered out in the winter snow at a backyard. Snow falls everywhere. Overall pic is light blue toned. There is slight pale vignette around it.
Dr.Habit is looking away and wiping a tear, smiling. In the artists interpretation he has yellow fur, pink hair, stitches on hands, deep red nails.He wears long brown fur coat, big white knitted scarf, black fingerless gloves, black fur ushanka with orange fruits and green leaves design. Wears hair in a long plait. A dark grey maine coon leans into him.
Putunia is laying down, hands on cheeks making a ''ooo'' face in anticipation and glee. In the artists interpretation she has long dark brown curly hair. She wears a purple petunia shaped dress, blue pants, short brim straw hat with fake purple flowers,  thick yellow socks. Wears hair in big pigtails tied with pink bobble ties. She is looking at Lil Habby( the puppet) holding a fire gun to a melting chocolate bar, melting into a cup for making a drink. He wears the usual with a pink flower in hair. He has long thin simple shadow arms and legs here.
Marigold is sitting idle on the grass, looks curiously at snow on his petal hair, maybe even irritated. Near him on a pink cushy sofa with green highlights and little yellow flower designs sits Rose playing his flute eyes closed and legs kicking casually. In this picture his hair is longer. His hair tie rests on a sofa arm.
Behind him the Carlas are making a Snow Carla. Fortune Teller Carla is smiling and keeping a camellia on the snow figure. A red sleeveless dress and red gloves are drawn on her, wears hair in double buns with sparkling grey flower bands encircling buns, green eyeshadow. Another Carla laughs heartily, adding more snow.  A green buttoned dress with yellow ''fluff''  and striped brown cap with same fluff is drawn on her. The third Carla's face is away from viewer, she too is adding snow. A blue dress like Elsa's icy dress and a purple flower crown is drawn on her, though the cape is actually worn. The Snow Carla has one swirly eye dug in, a button eye with leaf lashes and branch eyebrow, carrot nose, red wax lips stuck on. From the camellia tree behind the red-clothed one, a pair of green cat eyes with thick brown brows stare.
Farther away on the other side Kamal is walking in, holding a half eaten pitha in hand while approaching. He holds a bag with a box saying ''To Kamal, with love''. In the artists interpretation his face is acne scarred. He wears a blue-black sweater, purple scarf, blue pants, brown winter shoes with white fluff at the top, one gold earring, frog shape chew necklace, hair is in a bun.
At the center Trevor is reaching up  with a stool and fiddling with a giant vibrating hot chocolate machine. He wears his usual coat with added blue jeans, red scarf with yellow and black stripes, leopard print heels, green goggles, mask for mouth, silver ear piercings. Hair is in a mullet and nails are sharp and black. The machine has a funnel streaming black smoke, and many bright devices on it. In the center of it is a radioactive symbol. On one side to its bottom is a part reading ''DEVIL MODE'' in allcaps with fire graphics, a big red button in a glass case is above it with a note that reads ''Never(underlined) touch'', stuck with a smiley face pin. There is a mounted fish figurine on one handle. The hot chocolate is fizzling over the brim.
Behind him a long table laiden with food is seen. There are swirl designs on the wood's sides. There are red and green apples, borscht, three colored drinks, yorsh, glintvein , 3 tier chocolate cake, shchi, cut open peaches, cut round bread, bowl with sweet bread cakes, three small buns, full breasted chicken in aluminium foil. Lily is looking over the table edge, grinning with the aim of stealing the cake.
There are plants around, a winter garden. In some places a green color overtakes the snow with grass growing. All over the yellow fence, to the left side, are huge clumps of winter jasmine.
To the horizon trees in blue-green shades with snow coverings are seen, closer and then farther and farther away. In that distance the silhouettes of Jimothan smiling and waving to Trencil, while dragging Parsley through the snow behind him are seen. Trencil stands and smiles, a little of his towering purple castle with red highlights, many turrets, visible.
end ID]
yisssss MFERS I made a winter piece before winter was FUCKING OVER sobsob
heres my yearly tribute to the season of nosebleeds cracked lips and flies aND SNOW!!!!!!!!(NOT WHERE I LIVE ;W;)
Also my birthdays really soon. Like next week soon
Ermmm ahffjd to talk a little about what I drew...hmmhfhg...well idk if the perspective( god i tried) makes this look different so ill just throw it out there thats Habits not looking at my sonaJDJVNJ hes looking away and crying due to found family feelings. Carlas doing some gay shit. Pabit+Putunia about to start a small localized natural disaster. I mean how else do u make hot choco without setting chocolate on fire tbh. Hotted chocolate. aNd YeS mY fAmIlY SeLf iNsErTs ArE ThErE tOo >:3. The machine will explode tommorow but its OK. They can make bath bombs from the carnage. Hrhggh I had a different idea but then my sis changed my HC so Im just gonna say Habit built it but with Trevors help hence the flashiness nd DEVIL MODE. Now that ive watched hlvrai i cant stop dropping references this series is so quotable .   Sawww those guys in the back? Honestly Trencils probably a winter person with the low light, fog and blocked sun.
I dont Expect a lot of notes or anything but I suppose its alright, one of the important things to me is just archiving my art somewhere.
I know the IDs long but I’d recommend reading through if u also wanna like know the specifics of what I drew, OVER 15 PLANTS I THINK   I’d be flattered,
If you reblog with tags i’ll be happy though!!
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[ID: The same drawing but with no editing- no vignette, snow overlay, blue overtone or color correction. end ID]
EDIT: Shortened the rlly long ID, but if someone wants to know the plants i drew under ‘winter garden’;  The flowers and plants visible at front are virginia rose, red chokeberry, snowdrops, a single frost covered rose, piers japonica in pots. To the middle inkberry, more snowdrops, colored hellebores patch,  glory of snow, black hellebores patch, pansies, cyclamens, yellow aconite, some more snowdrops. A little farther are two winterberry plants, a camellia tree, witch hazel, english primroses, staghorn sumac. 
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species-swap · 7 years
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You thought you were finally going to see what the rest of the crew was up to, didn’t you? Wanted to get in on some sweet ship shenanigans? (Not that kind of ship. Well, maybe some of that kind of ship? Who knows! Not you, since you’re not seeing into that window.)
That’s just too bad. Kind of a shame, really, considering how much time you’ve put into reading this thing. But the author got bored, so I guess that’s it. Them’s the breaks! Time to put aside this au, and get back to waiting for Hiveswap to come out.
...Oh, alright. A quick recap for the road.
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Species Swap began on November 19th, 2013, the birthday of no one in particular. One day prior, a Cascade of events occurred, culminating in a group of humans and trolls blasting off on a meteor that would soon pass through dream bubbles containing relatives of the trolls, later named “dancestors”.
While the beta trolls took this time to meet their dancestors (and the humans got to know trolls from both sides of the dancestry), a fuschiablood named Roxy was also just exploring the dreambubbles for the first time. We learned through her conversation with John that the beta trolls lived under the tyrannical rule of the Empress, a fuschiablood who made life difficult for mutantblood Dave, fuschiablood Rose, and limeblood Jade. While they had lusii thanks to the actions of their rebel ancestors, they were forced to live in secret, hide their blood colour, and in Rose’s case, surgically remove her fins. John, as an indigoblood, was safe.
John talked to Kanaya and Sollux briefly, who mentioned having seen one of the dead humans wandering the dream bubbles. Meanwhile, Roxy talked to Dave, further alluding to her ancestor’s role in her homeworld. She also mentioned the cherub she was looking for, whose role is exactly the same in this au for reasons that are mainly a lack of foresight and imagination.
Rose and Dirk met, and we learned that Rose’s alternate self served as a benevolent ruler to the alphas, letting mutantbloods Dirk and Jane walk freely, as well as Roxy despite her fuschiablood status and competition for the throne. In addition, hereditary symbols were mainly... symbolic, and many trolls picked something different for every day clothing.
Dirk also explained how Roxy’s alternate self, the Sufferer, came to be discovered as a grub by rebel trolls (as well as Jane’s alternate self, later known as the Picaroon, a rebel privateer who brought many of the Empress’s allies to ruin). The Sufferer began to remember her past life, and spread a message of hope for a world free of the Empress’s tyranny. She made her presence known by way of a symbol drawn in the dirt, which would become a symbol of the resistance after her death, and Rose’s symbol.
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Dirk didn’t explain his alternate self’s role, but we’re going to mention that anyway: The Summoner was born hundreds of sweeps later, around the same time as Jake’s alternate self, later known as the Champion. These two were figureheads in the rebellion, the Champion leading the battle, with the Summoner and his army of psychically controlled lusii at his side. The rebellion was, of course, crushed, the Summoner’s powers turned against them by way of cerulean manipulation, forcing the Champion to kill his former lover.
And then the Empress exiled all adult trolls to space yadda yadda you get the picture. Anyway.
Roxy found a door, had a somewhat meta conversation with Dave, who let her in through said door. Roxy found her shellphone, and we learned that her friend Jane was thoroughly sick and tired of Dirk and Jake’s drama. Probably fed up enough to agree to a certain human’s reckless plans...
Roxy encountered Jake and his travelling Adventure Trophy stand. (It had probably gotten a lot of mileage due to Jake’s efforts to avoid Dirk. Jake. Talk to him. Use your words.)
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We took a break from following Roxy to check up on the yellow ship! Wait, no we didn’t. Oh well, not that much happened, really. Jade, Karkat, and Aradiabot were stuck on a ship with a bunch of consorts... kind of a ridiculous number of consorts, really. That’s enough consorts to fill 12 planets. Far too many.
Also later Jade and Karkat dated for a bit? Then they broke up. Sure is awkward being stuck on a ship with just your ex, a robot, and a shitton of consorts. Consort is starting to not look like a word anymore. Consort, consort, consort.... (Don’t worry too much, they make up later. Eventually.)
Back to Openbound. Hussie bribed Dave with Mindfang’s Journal to let him steal Roxy’s lusus, despite Mindfang not being a character in this au and Hussie not being the author of this story. Oh and John made a bad joke.
Is that about it?
I guess we kind of skipped over a lot in the beginning. Who’s god tier in this au? How did Jade, Karkat, and Aradiabot get on the ship? Where are all the other humans, there is a distinctly skewed proportion of trolls to humans for reasons which are only partially because the trolls humans had such weird original sprites.
Let’s make this quick.
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Rose, John, Dave, and Jade play the game which we’ll still call SGRUB. John and Dave go godtier, mostly because those were the outfits their sprites were in when I started this. Bec Noir destroys the door to earth, John, Dave, and Rose escape into the meteor, and Bec (normal Bec) teleports Jade down to earth.
Jade stumbles on Nepeta’s home, stops Bec from tormenting Nepeta’s cat, and borrows a computer to contact her friends--who’ve started trolling the humans. Bec prototypes himself before Jade and Nepeta enter the medium (and Jade later double prototypes her stuffed dreamself with Becsprite. Why were you carrying that in your inventory, Jade. Gross.)
The humans still do a lot of killing prompted by Doc Scratch’s manipulation, some more accidental than others. Terezi, distressed by having killed Vriska and rapidly losing faith in her ability as a Seer, goes on a suicide mission to destroy the Green Sun. Kanaya goes after her. They go god tier. Gamzee is there? Fuckin clowns. God help us, he legitimately goes god tier.
Jade goes dog tier I mean god tier on Kanaya’s quest bed. She teleports to a dying Karkat and kisses him awake into his dreamself on the battlefield, then teleports herself and Aradiabot to join him, where they grab a shitton of planets and head window-ward.
Kanaya, Terezi, and Gamzee meet up with the meteor crew and a half-dead Sollux, and they blast off. Not gonna lie, most of these grouping decisions were made on the editablility of their sprites. And we never even got to see Terezi or Gamzee. Oh well.
...Alpha humans? Nah. We’re not finishing Species Swap with those guys as protags, god, can you even imagine? No, don’t even try. We’re done here.
==> Start over?
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