#Do you think I want to roll the fucking roulette wheel with every forkful of fried rice
itsadamnbeehive · 5 months
picky eater rant lol
#dear reader:#I'm getting it fucking twisted.#I swear to FUCKING SHIT#how hard is it to listen to people when they fucking talk to you#I said VEGETABLE fried rice you mentally deficient troglodyte#I understand that every human being is the champion god-king protagonist of their own story;#and things can go unobserved when details do not stroke the ego#but you would think after literal YEARS of ordering the one of TWO dishes from this restaurant#BOTH WITH 'VEGETABLE' AS THE PREFIX TO THE DAMN MENU OPTION#SOMEONE WOULD FUCKING REMEMBER#My day overall has been quite enjoyable up until this moment#However whenever I think of a 'relaxing evening' eating anticipated chinese food#I do not envision fishing for CHICKEN CHUNKS IN MY GODDAMN RICE#IT COMPLETELY ALTERS THE FLAVOR IN A SUBTLE WAY#“Subtle? If it's subtle what does it matter” Listen here motherfucker.#Do you think I want to roll the fucking roulette wheel with every forkful of fried rice#"Will I get a delicious hunk of rice#or am I going to bite down into a boulder of FUCKING CHICKEN#This is making a mountain out of a molehill here people#But sometimes the little things hit you in a way that taps into a veritable Wellspring of stored resentment#now I have to get another bowl dirty cause I don't want to eat the chicken#And YES#Foodwaste is terrible#food-waste contributes to the planetary decay our society has inflected upon the earth#It's a shame they wasted all this chicken by putting it INTO MY FUCKING FOOD#GODDAMMIT#at least the beef stick was cooked right#Fuckinell man.#I just wanted some snap peas and celery and the occasional carrot#rant over
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