#Do you love me like that?// If I keep on driving // Would you hold me when we crash or would you let me go?
joonieskinks · 2 days
biker!simon riley x professor!reader
warning: swearing, seggsual tensionnnn
You met when you were running late to your next lecture across campus. You decided to take a short run in the rain outside rather than take longer inside going through the connected buildings.
A mixture of your hair in front of your face and trying to keep your papers from falling out your hands, he was this close to running you over.
“Fuck me!” You screech out just before the bike tire could meet your legs, halting suddenly. You whip your hair out of your face and eyes meet a black helmet, a void glaring back in your direction. Quite a bike for a big man, a man who is covered in tattoos. If you weren’t so pissed off, you’d probably think his physique attractive.
“My God, you almost hit me!”
“‘Yer the one who dashed out ‘nto the road, love.” He states cooly, completely unmoving.
“Just- watch where you’re going, okay?.” You scoff, tidying your blazer before you started walking away.
“Right back at you, sweetheart.” The biker mumbles, but you hear him loud and clear. You toss an annoyed look over your shoulder, and he revs away after eying you up and down.
The second time you met was on your way home at a bus stop on campus. You were waiting on the sidewalk, which just so happened to be next to a set of lights.
Lucky you, looking up from your phone at just the right time to stare right at the black helmet of the man on the motorcycle, stopped at a red, looking right back at you.
The begrudgingly hot guy from before. Of course. You struggle to not roll your eyes.
“‘Thought you profs made at least ‘nough to ‘fford a car.” He yells a bit over the sounds of traffic.
This time you really do roll them.
“I’m not far from here, I don’t need a car.” You state, going to look back at your phone.
He takes off his helmet and suddenly his voice is so much clearer.
“‘Then lemme take you home.”
Your head shoots up and you’re met with the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen with the prettiest eyes. And naturally, he’s smirking. You can tell he likes the effect he so clearly has on you. It’s ridiculous that you’re reduced to a nervous mess just like that.
“Wha-?” You start, but he quickly hurries you.
“Well come on then, we gotta go.” He tilts his head back to the traffic waiting behind him as the light turns green.
You don’t even think twice, just hop on the back of this man’s bike, holding against him so tight with your legs wrapped around him. You can smell him, he’s so warm and firm under your touch, you wonder what he would feel like without all his layers. It sends shivers down your back and makes your thighs clench at the thought.
“I felt that.” He chuckles a bit and you can feel a deep blush setting in.
“Hold on,” he quickly outs his helmet but on and revs off. The quick motion forces you to grip him tighter, a small yelp leaving your lips.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, why the heck did you do this, you don’t even know this man! He could be a serial killer for all you knew and here you are rubbing up against him for crying out loud.
“Hey, you gotta focus, love. Gotta tell me where to go.” He yells over the wind, his hand coming to rest on one of your own to help get your attention. You hesitate to respond and he picks up on it rather quickly, slowing down a bit so you can hear him.
“‘Names’ Simon Riley,” he starts. “I work with the army on the base just outside of town, I drive around to clear m’head.”
He hesitates briefly before finishing.
“I’ve never done anything like this before. Just liked you when I saw you in the rain.” Simon finishes and you’re feeling that warm stir in your chest. It was clear he was trying to make you feel more comfortable, more at ease. It was sweet and for you, it went a long way. You tightened your grip on him, almost as if you were hugging him as a thank you.
“More like when you almost hit me.” You quip back and Simon laughs again, the vibrations coursing through you.
You tell him your name, what you teach and finally the directions to your place. You two laugh about it being in the complete other direction he’s been driving, but Simon just smiles about it. He finds you oddly charming, you’re incredibly intriguing to him, endearing already just from a few exchanged sentences.
Then he says something about how he gets to spend more time with you this way. It makes you bite back a smile and blush, you’re just glad he can’t turn around and see it right now.
When you arrive at your place, a part of you hesitates to get off of his bike, you don’t quite want to leave his presence yet. He feels too good, smells too good, a perfect little moment, a rush of excitement. Simon feels it too, that’s why he helps you off his bike, reaching out for you to take his hand. Any excuse to touch you after all, he doesn’t wanna let go either.
His hand in yours feels so good, something so simple and minimal, but he can’t help but want more. Still, he’s a gentleman, he won’t overstep and scare you off. You’re too much of a catch in his eyes to get ahead of himself.
Once you’re settled back onto the pavement, you hesitate to let go, fingers brushing his hand before you reluctantly let go. You smile at the ground, desperately trying to compose yourself, and he does the same, removing his helmet and fiddling with it.
“Can I-“
“Would you-“
You both start at the same time, laughing it off. You look back into his eyes and it takes everything in him not to look away in embarrassment. You’re just too pretty for him, he’d stare for hours otherwise.
“Simon,” you start sincerely. “Would you like to go and get dinner sometime?” Playing with your fingers nervously. Your heart was in your throat, you don’t usually do anything like this ever and-
“Pick you up tomorrow at 6? I’ll bring my spare helmet for ya next time.”
You nod as controlled as you can, not wanting to seem too too eager…
(Simon doesn’t have a spare helmet, he’s actually gonna go out and buy one tonight just for you, but you don’t need to know that yet.)
You go to tuck a stray hair behind your ear but miss, it falling back in your face. He notices and steps forward to tuck it for you. Again, any excuse to touch you. It’s nice to be this close to Simon again, you can smell him and it makes you feel dizzy.
“I’d love that.” You reply and he holds your cheek for a brief second, then he lets go. The smallest gesture from him already getting you to clench your thighs again.
You’re fucking hooped.
Simon boldly comes forward once more to whisper in your ear-
“Saw that, princess.” He kisses your cheek softly, then moves to put his helmet back on and starts his bike back up.
“See you tomorrow then.”
And just like that, he’s gone. Leaving you alone on the street, a blushing mess. Left with an ache to see him again already and a wetness between your thighs.
No, you’re fucking fucked.
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myladysapphire · 2 days
His Sapphire Princess (X)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 4.127
CW: MDI, 18+, oral (f reciving), violence, angst, incest, not proofread!
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part l next part
disclaimer: i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
(smut is between the dividers by @zaldritzosrose)
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The reminder of that week Aemond rarely strayed from Visenya’s side, at first it started with daily dragon rides. Vermithor and Vaghar riding side by side.
It had been the first time they had flown on their respective dragons, when before Aemond had claimed Vaghar, Visenya often took Aemond on the back of Vermithor, and now seeing him atop his own dragon was a strange experience. He looked so strong and proud. He was born to be a dragon rider.
Long gone was the shy and nervous Aemond, who feared never riding a dragon of his own, the boy who would hold his dragon egg over the fire day and night in hopes it would hatch. Now he seemed to share a deep bond with Vaghar, though she had joked that perhaps the old dragon had mistaken him for her first rider, Queen Viseyna.
“It would make sense, you both had long silver hair, Valyrian features-“ she had started as they walked the halls of the keep, having returned from their dragon ride.
“I am sure she doesn’t think me to be the conquer” Aemond dismissed, shaking his head, “ as much as I am flattered at the notion, I am sure Vaghar can tell the difference.
“Really? She is what, 150? Surely riders blur together after a time” She jested.
He hummed “And how are we sure Vermithor does not mistake you for old King Jaehaerys?”
She gasped in shock, “are you calling me and old man?” She laughed, “no offence to our great grandsire but, I highly doubt we had much in common, bar our Valyrian features”
“Was that not your driving point for me being mistaken as Visenya?” He hummed.
She scoffed in jest, “It was a compliment!” She insisted, walking towards Aemond, “Do you not remember our lessons? How you said if you were to have a wife you would have one like Visenya, a fierce warrior?” She hummed.
“I do, and tell me, sweet Visenya, have you become a fierce warrior?”
“You think I would have spent years in the north, where woman are encouraged to train with shield and sword, or with Daemon on Dragonstone and not be taught at least the basics?” She asked.
“I suppose I should have guessed” he said as they approached the entrance to the training yard, “mayhaps you could show me your skills?”
She smirked, leading the way.
Luckily she wore her riding leathers, allowing her more movement than her typical gown, with trousers and tunic she was offered the same mobility as Aemond, though he was much taller than her. As they stood sword in hand ready to face the other, he seemed to tower over her, and even his steps seemed more graceful as they began to curl each other, waiting for the other to make a move.
He eventually acted first, his sword clashing with hers as her quick reflects deflected his attack.
Their swords clanged against one another, neither making a move as each attack was deflected or treated with its own attack in kind. It wasn’t until Visenya decided on a new tactic that an attack (though with training swords) was truly struck. She stepped back, circling him before turning her body in a quick flourish, her sword bashing his, and her swords tip pressing against his chest.
He hummed, seemingly impressed, though not for long as he quickly regained momentum of his sword and attacked her sword with his own, the sword nearly flying from her hand and she once again moved in a flourish, this time to defend rather than attack.
They circled each other once again, their swords drawn, waiting for the others next move.
An audience had gathered now. Sending him a smirk she started  her next round of attacks.
Their swords clanged loudly thought the courtyard, their bodies swerving each attack, barley dodging each others sword.
They seemed to circle the other for hours, though only minutes passed. Their eyes locked, their glaze seemed taunting, teasing. She bit her lip, causing his eye to be drawn to her lip, his gaze heated.
She used this opportunity to knock the sword from his hand, and bring in her her own to his neck.
Applause sounded around the courtyard.
She laughed, lowering her sword.
“I hope you do not wish to join our wedding tourney with those skills.” She joked.
He hummed, “you are impressive” he mused, taking their swords and placing them on the rack. “Mayhaps you should enter the tourney”
She laughed “and loose the chance to win the queen of love and beauty? I think not”
He smiled, “I shame I hate tourneys, or I would have assured you the crown”
“You do?” She asked, face dropping a little, “I always thought them romantic”
They started to walk back through the keep, set to return to their chambers before their engagement feast tonight, “I suppose Cregan will at least enter, and he shall crown me upon his victory.”
“Cregan? Cregan Stark?” He sneered the question “you still talk to him?” Jealousy clear in his tone.
“Of course, he is my dearest friend”
“But your mother wished to marry you both.” “So? He has had a wife and a son since then, and I, in case you have forgotten thought to stay betrothed to you!” she glanced at him, his face was set in a sneer, jealously clear in his features. She laughed “the love I have for him is simply platonic, I can assure you”
“Hmm…perhaps I shall enter the tourney, it is only right I crown my betrothed personally”
She laughed “of course, Aemond.” She said once they reached the door to her chambers, “I shall see you at the feast”
That nigh the halls of the red keep were packed full of lords and ladies from throughout the realm. The feast was grand, with food from the best cooks from throughout the realm, no expense was spared, with the most famous bards playing her favourite songs, and the ladies and lords dancing and laughing as they all filled their stomachs with food and wine.
And yet as she stood saying pleasantry after pleasantry, answering the same questions again and again she did not find any joy. She had not eaten or drank a thing, despite the feats being hallway through, and Aemond had still yet to arrive.  
The few moments she had spent escaping her quests were spent comforting Heleana as she had quickly grown overwhelmed with the noise.
Heleana had tried to stay as long as she could, but the second the first hour ended, Visneya saw it fit for her to leave. She loved her aunt, her sweet friend and though she hated the lack of her presence at her ceremony, she hated seeing her discomfort more.
She felt a sense of loneliness with her gone. Finding her eyes dancing around the room in search for a friendly face, for Aemond’s face.
And yet the closest she got to Aemond, was Aegon.
Aegon’s eyes always followed her, words always seeming to be on the tip of his tongue anytime she neared him. He had quickly gotten drunk, sat in a corner with his friends, Leon she believed one of them to be called. And yet she could feel his eyes on her. Watching her.
For years he had been the closest she had gotten to Aegon, having become a dear friend and confidant, but seeing him in person, he was entirely different to the Aegon she knew.
He was still obsessed with her, more than ever. His eyes always on her. Or Always finding her when she was alone.
But Aegon had changed drastically, he was a drunk and a terrible husband. Ignoring Helaena in favour of whores and wine, she had not seen a nice word shared between them. Her was a good father though, with the twins often in his company, when he was sober that was.
And though his eyes seemed to invite her over, she stayed put. Continuing her endless conversation with some Redwyne lord.
“Senya!” she heard a voice boom, and suddenly she was turning around the see Cregan Stark.
“Cregan!” she boomed back, excusing herself from lord Redwyne. “I thought you would not be here till tomorrow!”
“aye, we were meant to arrive later this evening, but decided to rush here. Couldn’t miss your feast now could i?” he spoke, smiling.
“I am glad, I have missed you.”
“aye, as have i.” he said, before starting to look around the room “nowhere is this betrothed of yours? About time I made an introduction.”
She scoffed, “I do not know!” she shook her head, “he hasn’t shown up yet”
Cregan send her a confused look, “and here I thought I was late! How can he be this late to his won feast”
“how should I know?”
“well I suppose this means you have yet to take to the dance floor then?”
She smiled, “why is Cregan Stark asking me to dance?”
He laughed, “aye, about time I did.”
She laughed taking his outstretched hand.
“tonight has been dreadfully dull” she spoke up, as they took the floor, “I was hoping for some kind of commotion”
He laughed, “well from the look on your uncle Aemond’s face I would say one might be coming soon.” “oh, Daemon always looks like that, always looking for a fight” she laughed, as they continued their dance.
The pair caught up, though with their constant letters there was little to catch up on, though Cregan seemed happy with her and Aemond finding away to reconcile. He had known her angst, her years of feeling alone and had hated how she had been forced to leave the north. She seemed to fit in perfectly in the north, with her snow kissed hair, she seemed to blend in to even the summer snow.
As the dance came to an end, the doors opened and Aemond finally strolled in. Visenya slowly separated herself from Cregan, as Aemond approached her.
Her carried a gift with him, and a smirk.
“betrothed” he said in greeting.
“Aemond” she greeted in return, “you are late” she scowled, moving them away from the prying eyes of the gathered lords and ladies.
“Apologies, I… I had something to do.” He presented her his gift, a jewellery box “here, one of the many gifts I plan to give you.”
She looked unsure as she grabbed the box from his hand, opening it she saw a sapphire necklace.
The necklace had five layers, the last three encased with sapphire jewels. A  large sapphire lied in the centre, with smaller sapphires placed side by side it, encased in their own ring of gold.
She gasped as she opened it, “its beautiful”
“just like you, my Sapphire” she smiled shyly, motioning Aemond to place it on her.
She had forgone a necklace tonight, finding little need for it, but as Aemond placed this necklace on her next her attire felt complete, as if she had forgone the necklace in preparation for Aemond, though he had left to hints to gifts.
“come” she motioned Aemond, gripping his arm as she led him to the table. As always their family sat on one long table, facing out onto the crowd, her grandsire sat in his chair, adjacent to the iron throne. On his left sat Alicent, and on his left sat her mother Rhaenrya.
As the family all moved to sit, though Heleana’s seat was left empty. Her grandsire stood to speak.
“I am most joyous to welcome you all here today.” He smiled, looking over to where she and Aemond sat. “today we celebrate the betrothal of my granddaughter, Princess Visenya, the future heir to the iron throne, and my son Prince Aemond, her future consort.” Applause sounded, as the king continued “today we celebrate the start of their celebrations, before they marry at the end of the week!” more applause sounded, “tonight we feast and fill our bellies and tomorrow the tourney shall start!”
Aemond looked over to where Cregan sat at the news of a tourney. He sent him a smirk, though not that Cregan seemed to care as he simply laughed at the princes jealousy.
“Aemond” she started, grabbing his hand as the room once again filled with music, dance and laughter, “do you wish to dance?”
“no” he spoke quickly. Causing her to thrown.
“oh” she said dejected. He looked over at her, frowning at her own frown.
“I do not like to dance, my Sapphire”
“of course” she said, as she started to fill her plate.
She turned to face Jace, who wore a scowl.
“is something wrong brother?”
“no, just I had thought the wedding celebrations were to happen over a moon”
“no, you are staying a moon, but I marry at weeks end.”
He sent her a dejected look, as if he had some plan that was now ruined. He quickly replaced his frown with a smile, “would you like to dance?”
“yes!” she said gleefully, sending Aemond a look as he scowled.
She and Jace must have danced for five songs before finally retuning to their seats. She was out of breath as she started to speak to Aemond. But Aemond wasn’t listening.
No, his attention was solely focused on the pig that had been placed before him and the laugh on Lukes face.
He slammed his fist against the table.
“Aemond” she whispered, “please don’t”
He looked at her, sneering. Though it was not directed at her, at least she hoped not.
"not in front of all these people Aemond, please"
He ignored her "I would like to make a toast to my family, for today we reunite after years apart, I hope our bond will grow...hmm.. Strong" he stopped, looked at Luke and Jace, then continued'' I have missed my nephews, I hope that we will once again be able to rebuild a strong... bond we shared in our youths"
Naive to what had just happened her Grandsire cheers, happy at Aemond seeming making amends.
Her brothers were struggling to keep calm knowing a public reaction could be all the confirmation the court needed for the rumours to become the truth.
Jace flinched, realising what Aemond’s speech was saying and how the court could take it, so he declared his own toast "thank you, uncle. I cherish the memories we shared in out youth, and now in honour of your betrothal to my sweet sister" he stops, stares at her, thinking his words through " i-i raise this toast to you to wish you and my sister congratulations, may your marriage be fruitful, and your bond remain strong" he sneered the last word, hating the very word.
She stood up "thank you dear brother" she says to Jace before turning to the hall "today is a joyous day, and it is only the beginning of what I can only hope will be a marriage of unity for our house” she seemed to displace the tension that was building in the room, with a small round of applause sounding.
Glares were sent around the table, and though their guests acted naïve to it as they all went about continuing in the festivities, they all seemed to be waiting for a fight.
She looked down, a nervous look filling her face as she started to pick at her food.
Dread filling her body as she saw Aegon move down the table, wishpering something in his ear. And before she knew it Jace was punching Aegon square in the jaw.
Gasps were sounded from the crowd, bets being placed as she saw the exchange of bags of coins between tables.
Aemond stood up, pulling Jace of Aegon, only for Jace to turn around and punch square in the jaw.
A chuckle escaped him, unbothered by Jaces punch and simply pushing him to the floor.
The guards move forward, separating the pair as Luke attempts to get to Aemond
She scoffed as Aemond laughed at the state of her brothers.
She looked around the room, many of the guests had started their own fight, many were trapped, trampled, punched and kicked. Guards trying their best to separate them.
If Visenya had bothered to stay longer, perhaps she could have seen the outcome of the night. But the second the king dismissed the hall, she had left. Not bothering what had happened or was going to happen. The only thing she cared about was going to sleep and dealing with the problems in the morning.
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She was awoken a dawn to the sound of a wall being pulled open.
Sitting up in her bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she came face to face with Aemond, a sheepish look on his face and a bouquet of Azaleas, her favourite flower.
“Aemond?” she asked, trying to wake herself up “what are you doing here?”
“i- I came to apologise” he looked down, almost sheepishly, “my actions…I regret them. I acted in jealousy and anger and I have come to beg for your forgiveness.”
“What you did last night, in front of all those people…It was reckless and idiotic.” She shook her head “I would have expected such a thing for Aegon, but you? I cannot say it didn’t hurt. To hurt my own brother, to tease their legitimacy, it was ridiculous and i… I know you have changed but I did not think you cruel”
“have I not told you I have grown cold? I did not jest when I said it, and though I do not harbour kind feelings to your family….i shall not act upon them again, though my behaviour, I can not say it will not happen. I am jealous and reckless. If I am offended I will not sit by and let myself nor you be insulted.” He moved towards the bed.
“I- I understand that Aemond, but please keep your anger away from the prying eyes of the realm”
“I will, I am sorry, truly” you reached for the flowers in his hand, sniffing them and smiling at the gesture.
Her duvet had fallen to her waist, leaving her chemise on show. With the hot weather she had worn a thin, near sheer chemise to bed, one that made no efforts to hide her from.
She blushed as Aemond looked at her, his eyes drawn to the outline of her breasts.
“Aemond?” she asked, trying to capture his attention, he looked up, a blush of his own on his cheeks as he moved forward and kissed your lips.
It was the first kiss you had both shared, though it was clear that he had more experience than she did, as his mouth quickly dominated hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth, causing her to moan softly.
She fell back in the bed Aemond falling with her.
The kiss was soft and yet full of passion.
“Visneya” he whispered against her lips as her pulled back from her. “I need to taste you”
She hummed, “i- you wish to…”
He smirked, pulling the covers of the duvet fully back, and moving to position him self down her body. He looked up at her as he played with the hem of her chemise.
She smiled, moving to lift it up and bare her wet cunt to him.
He moaned at the sight, and quickly buried himself between her thighs.
He licked her slit teasingly, realising in the moans he let out at the feeling of his tongue against her slit. She grew wetter and wetter with each motion of his tongue, her moans increasing as he started to focus his attention on her clit. Gripping her hips he started to  gave small yet fast licks at her clit, his eyes meeting hers as she gripped the bedding, moaning in pleasure.
He started to move his tongue faster, moaning at he taste of her.
“Aemond” she moaned as she reached forward and gripped onto his hair, grinding her hips into his face, causing him to groan.
Her movements became erratic, her peak fast approaching.
Aemond buried himself further into her thighs, determined to make her cum all over his face.
And soon enough he felt her legs squeeze his head as she finally peaked.
“gods” she moaned, lying back.
Aemond smirked, look over her pleasure ridden face, “Am I forgiven now?” he asked teasingly, his own response was a slap on the arm, causing him to laugh.
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He had left her rooms once her maid came to wake her, promising to return for breakfast. Where he once again brought her a bouquet of Azaleas.
Breakfast had passed quickly, and before she knew it she was making her way to the royal box for the first day of the tourney.
She had made a favour in hopes Aemond had meant what he said about entering the tourney and crowing her the queen of love and beauty.
She had chosen blue and white ribbon, she herself, though not the best with needle and thread, had embroidered dragons across the fabric, trying her bets to capture the likeness of Vaghar and Vermithor.
The Tourney was to be a three day affair. With men from throughput the realm filling the lists. The winners of each round would go against the other winners the following day, and on the third and final day the winner the winners would once again face one another until a victor was declared.
The first day was often long and uneventful. That was until it was Aemond’s round. He was pitted against his own brother Aegon.
Aemond had galloped into the arena, atop a white horse, his armour black and red, with the Targaryen crest carved across his chest.
Her rode up to the royal stands, Visenya sat front row with Heleana on one side and Belea then Rheana on her other. The rest of the family sat behind them, Deamon was not there however, having entered the tourney himself.
Aemond approached them, his horse stopping before Visenya, "my betrothed, I am sure to win this tourney with your favour".
She sent him a smile as she walked over to him placing her favour on his lance. “of course, I wish you luck, my prince”
"I do not need luck, my sapphire, not with your favour”
Visenya knew of Aemond skill, and Aegon’s lack thereof. He did not need skill for this joust, but for tomorrow he would.
He charged at Aegon, and though they both new Aegon cared not for the tourney, having been forced to entre by Alicent once she heard of Aemond’s entry, he was not expecting Aegon to try, and yet it seemed he was. As Aegon charged at him, aiming for his torso.
Their lances clashed one another’s as Aemond was forced to bend back to avoid being hit, and direct his own lance at his brother his lance flung to the side, Aemond’s grip was weak, but stayed he manged to stay in place.
They circled back, charging each other once more , this time Aemond’s lace, aimed under the horses head, causing the horse fell back and Aegon to fall.
Defeated and unbothered Aegon simply lay there, waiting for his brother to drag him up, laughing at his loss.
Aemond continued to win, having been victorious against Loren Lannister and Damion Veleryon as well as many aspiring knights. He eventually found himself in the final round, the last day of the tourney. And his opponent, Creagan Stark.
Aemond was fuelled with jealousy.
He had heard Visneya cheering for Cregan, her compliments of his skill and her teasing on how he would surely crown her if Aemond was not victorious.
Aemond had charged at Cregan, and Cregan, never one to back down from a challenge only acted with the same force as he did.
They were both thrown from their horses, before calling for their swords and declaring one on one combat.
The arena held a bated breath as the pair faced off.
Unlike when Visenya had spared with Aemond their was no circling, not waiting for the other to make a move. Instead Aemond simply attacked. His movements were fast and relentless, but Cregan was undeterred, easily defending himself against Aemond’s strikes.
In fact it was Cregan who disarmed Aemond, knocking him to the floor.
But Aemond did not accept defeat, pouncing on Cregan landing punch after punch.
With Cregan pinned, it was declared Aemond to be the winner, though it took the guards dragging Aemond away to stop the fighting.
He smirked as he once again took to his horse, grabbing the crown of love and beauty and riding up to Visneya, crowing her and pulling her down for a kiss in front of the crowds.
“you were a bit brutal, where you not?” she whispered as they broke apart, looking over to Cregan, who despite the broken nose seemed fine, and unbothered with his loss. In fact he had even joined the cords in the cheers.  
Aemond looked over to Cregan, shrugging “he seems fine to me”
She laughed, moving back to sit back in her seat.
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saenari · 3 days
my princess ♡
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au : divider by v6que !! okay so basically this was a rly cute req , ellie williams takes u out on a first date n gives u kinda princess treatment !! no smut but you do get a kith ,, i hope u guys enjoy i will write smut soon enough i just have writers block for it auhhgggh ♡
cw : fem reader x kinda masc ellie , (idk) ellie is ur best friends other friend , intentional lowercase , age of both characters not specified , both u and ellie are in college , i proofread this time hehe
wc : 1.1k ♡
♡ ellie had seen you around campus multiple times in the past few months . she knew that you liked to hang around a lot of people , which was charming , but also excruciating , because she could never seem to get you on your own .
♡ one day , after class , your best friend dina was walking with ellie , and they were chatting animatedly . "hey dina!" you said enthusiastically . "who's your new friend ?"
♡ ellie eyed you up and down , a little bit nervous but definitely intrigued . she wanted to get to know you better . dina must've known ellie had a thing for you , because suddenly you and ellie found yourselves … very much alone …
♡ "so … i've seen you around campus a lot ..." ellie said as she rubbed the back of her neck . "i know you don't know me .. but would you like to get coffee sometime ?"
♡ now , you weren't a lonely person by any means , or even someone desperate for a partner , but there was just something about ellie ... the way her auburn hair fell around her ears ... the way her emerald eyes shone in the sun ... you just couldn't say no to her offer , simply because you too , were intrigued .
♡ ellie gave you her phone number and you two worked out all the fine details , deciding that saturday afternoon worked best for both of you . you decided that you'd waste no time at all in looking cute and put together for the date .
♡ you got out of bed and put on some denim shorts, a black tube top , black hair clips , white frilly socks , and some black shoes . you took care on putting all your jewelry on , putting on gold bracelets and earrings , with a heart locket necklace you had been gifted a while back .
♡ dina had offered to drive you to meet ellie , to which you happily accepted , and before you knew it you and dina were stopping outside the coffee shop . "thanks dina !" you shout before stepping out of the car and walking inside the cozy atmosphere of the place .
♡ ellie is there and she immediately waves at you and gestures for you to sit down . "hey there ... you look good" she said , while pulling out your chair so you could sit down . even though this was a casual date, nothing fancy, you still wanted to put your best face forward . ellie took care in noticing how you held yourself as a person , your likes and dislikes , your woes about school , and friendship troubles . she wanted to remember everything about you .
♡ after you two finish your coffee and chat for an hour or two , ellie suggests you two take a walk downtown . it's getting dark now , so ellie gives you her jacket to keep warm while walking .
♡ as you walk around downtown , you spot a cool shop that has antiques in it . "oooh, i totally wanna get dina something here , she'd love it" you say as ellie opens the door for you and lets you inside .
♡ the inside of the shop is super cozy n filled with all sorts of trinkets . you pick out a small ceramic figure of a girl holding a guitar , which you thought looked exactly like dina .
♡ ellie picks up a small necklace , that has a locket on it , almost like the one you were wearing , but the heart was smaller and was engraved with fine details .
♡ "i know you already have one ... but maybe you could wear this too ? just something special to remember this date by ." ellie says as she smiles . you almost pass out from blushing and nod your head . "yes, id love that" you say , flustered .
♡ you two walk out of the store a little bit later , ellie holding the door open for you, and you decide to walk down to the pier to look out on the ocean .
♡ ellie comes up behind you and moves your beautiful hair out of the way , and tenderly puts the locket around your neck . you grab it gently and smile. “thank you , ellie " you say while looking at it .
♡ ellie smiles at you and then puts her hands on your waist . "i'm glad you like it ... would you maybe … like to do this again sometime ? i had a lot of fun just chatting with you today .." her voice trails off . you immediately respond with a yes .
♡ "would it be alright if i kissed you ?" she asks, hands still wrapped around you in a loving embrace . "yes, i'd like that .” you say as your own hands cup her face . you and ellie kiss, smelling the ocean and feeling the breeze as both of your arms wrap around the other , pulling each other closer . ellie was warm , and felt like home to you .
♡ you pull away from the kiss to look into ellie's emerald green eyes . "thank you ... for everything today .” you say , while looking up at her "really, it was a gift for me .” ellie says. "let me take you home."
♡ ellie's hand comes down to hold your own , and she rubs the side of it before interlocking your fingers together and planting a kiss on your cheek . the two of you walk back down the long dock from the pier , hand in hand . something told you that you'd be seeing a lot more of her in the future .
♡ aughhhh thanks for reading if u care about me babbling hahahahas so during writing this fic it just threw itself in the garbage ,,, ummm so i wrote this fic around three times help me . i will write smut in my next fic i swear i promise i just am having such a block 4 it tbh ….. like i cannot bring myself to write it . help me anyways i proofread this like three times but there’s probably still stuff wrong LOL ty for reading i love you sm !! ♡
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bloatedandalone04 · 10 hours
Crossing that Line
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➪the one where you and bradley drive each other crazy in more ways than one, but would do anything for each other, and all it takes is one confession to solidify your places in each others lives.
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, swearing, fluff, hint of angst, pining to the max, a whole lot of smut tbh
Word Count: 6.1k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | Happy Birthday, Rooster !
The relationship you had with Bradley was…a weird one, to put it simply.
He pisses you off more than anyone you’ve ever met, and you drive him up the wall nearly every day, but you also couldn’t stand to be away from one another. He was your person, and you were his best friend; you would do anything for each other without an ounce of hesitation. 
It was stupid, how hard you found yourself falling for him. The guy who had more confidence than he should, the guy who’s saved your ass more times than you can count, and the guy who’s taken hits for you during training, just so you wouldn’t have to hear about it later from the other guys. 
The only thing is; you had no idea how he felt about you. He was cocky, confident and hid his feelings annoyingly well, you had no clue if the shared stares meant the same thing to him that they did to you, or if you were mistaking his comments for shameless flirting. 
You couldn’t lose him, so you kept it bottled up for the last two years, and it’s been complete and utter hell. But you’d keep doing it. Because there was no telling what he was thinking sometimes, and if he was thinking about you. 
The day was slowly coming to an end, and nearly everyone was heading to the barracks, but not you. Instead of going to your room, you made your way to the hangar, knowing who you would find in there. You turn the corner and lean against the wall, crossing your arms as you watch Bradley mess around with his  F/A-18. 
You tried not to focus on the way the muscles in his neck flexed with every move of his arm, the small amount of oil littering his skin making him shine a bit as the sun set behind you. “Hey, Bradshaw,” you greet before he could turn and catch you staring at him. “Nice flying today.”
You could see the way his body shifted in recognition of your voice, and when he turned to glance over at you, he was smirking. “Hey there, Y/n/n,” he said, wiping his hands on his flight suit. “Nice to see you haven’t crashed and burned yet.”
Shaking your head, you ignore the fact that it was just you and him left in the hangar now. “Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
Bradley shrugged, grabbing a cloth from off a table and wiping his hands. “Could be kinda entertaining,”
You gasp, placing your hand over your heart. “Wow, ouch,” you mumble. “And here I am thinking I’d probably be heartbroken if the same thing were to happen to you.”
He laughed, turning to face you. “Please, we both know you’d be the first one to poke fun at me for crashing,”
You press your lips together and shrug. “Yeah, probably, but I’d also be the first one to make it over to you,”
Really, you’d probably die of a broken heart if something were to happen to him, but he didn’t need to know that right now. Or ever. 
Bradley’s smirk softened and he looked down at his boots. “I know you would,”
And now you were picturing what it would be like to live without him, and you could feel yourself beginning to panic a bit. 
Smiling, you shake your head again before giving him a conflicted look, wanting nothing more than to walk over to him and press the neediest kiss to his lips and tell him you were so fucking in love with him. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Bradley,” you say quietly, watching as his brows furrow.
“Wait,” he said, making you hold off on leaving just yet. “Something on your mind?”
“No,” you say too quickly for it to sound true. “Nope. I’m fine, Rooster. I’ll leave you alone now.”
His eyes narrow and he throws the cloth somewhere behind him as he steps towards you. “Why are you lying to me?”
You let out a surprised laugh, pushing yourself off the wall. “I’m not,”
“Uh huh,” he hummed, moving so he’s standing right in front of you. “You’re a terrible liar.”
Your face heats up and you quickly look away, squinting as your gaze meets the bright sunset. “Okay,” you trail off, glancing at him one last time before stepping away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Bradley.”
He looked like he wanted to say more, maybe continue to call you out on your awful attempt at lying to his face, but his shoulders dropped slightly as he nodded casually. “Yeah, okay,” he agreed, moving away from you and back towards his jet. “See you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
Oh, how you loved and fucking hated when he called you that. It made you crave him even more than you usually do, and it also made you want to punch him square in the face for having such a strong effect on you. 
“Don’t overthink too much,” he added, glancing back at you with a teasing smirk. 
“I’ll try,” you whisper, and no more words are shared as you leave the hangar and quickly walk across base and towards the barracks. 
Bradley knew you weren’t telling him something the second he saw your conflicted look before you tried playing it off right after. He wanted to push you on it more, but wasn’t sure if he even had the right to since it was pretty rare for things to become serious like that between the two of you. 
He was still in the hangar, the arms of his flight suit now tied around his waist as he finally decided to stop touching his jet and leave it alone for the rest of the night. Like usual, his thoughts were taken over by you, and he wondered what would’ve happened if he didn’t let you leave so easily earlier. What could he have gotten you to say? Why did you suddenly become so closed off and serious in the middle of your usually playful banter? 
He almost didn’t want to know, but he also kinda wanted to know. 
It was late, but not too late for it to be deemed unacceptable for him to stop by your room before retiring to his for the night. So instead of taking the first hallway in the barracks corridor, he went past it and turned left a few feet down the hall, instantly recognizing your room without him even meaning to. 
Bradley debated on whether or not he wanted to intrude on your night or save it for tomorrow, but with you he often found himself saying fuck it and hoping for the best. So he knocked.
After waiting for only a few seconds, the door opened and you poke your head out with guarded eyes, your gaze softened once you saw that it was him. “Bradley?” 
He smiled, crossing his arms and leaning against the frame, mirroring your stance back in the hangar. “Hey,” he greeted. “Hope I’m not bothering you too late.” 
You shake your head and smooth out your messy hair, and he knew you were probably in bed, trying to sleep but failing miserably to do so. During one of your thousand talk sessions, you mentioned how much you hated sleeping in the small, single beds here and couldn’t wait to start looking for apartments in the area. Bradley hated them, too, not because he couldn’t fit properly in them, but because whenever he laid down for the night, he was reminded of just how fucking lonely he really is. “No, you’re fine,” you give him a tight smile, one he knew was played up. Still, it was a pretty one nonetheless. “What’s up?”
Bradley’s gaze raked down your body, subtly checking out your attire of a loose, long sleeve button up and leggings. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. You seemed off the last time we talked,”
“What, a few hours ago after a day of being in the air?” You laugh, running your hands down your face as you avoid eye contact with him. Now he knew you were hiding something for sure. “Yeah, I’m good. Great, even. I’m great.” 
Bradley raises his brows, a huff escaping his lips after. “You are such a terrible liar,” he grunted, watching as you immediately looked down to the floor. “See, you can’t hide anything from me, sweetheart. Just tell me what’s up.”
You looked up at him with an expression he’s never really seen on you before, and it had him straightening up a bit. “You’re really not going to drop this, are you?”
You glance down at the floor, pulling at the sleeves of your shirt. “I didn’t mean what I said earlier,” you confessed quietly. 
Bradley’s gaze softened and he tried to get you to look at him, but you weren’t letting up. “What part?”
You shrugged, keeping your head down. “About how I would laugh if you crashed and burned,” you whispered. “I wouldn’t laugh.”
Bradley tenses up a bit at the sudden change in tone and atmosphere, looking around your small and neat room. “I know you wouldn’t, I was just messing with you,” like we usually do.
“No, Bradley,” you mumbled, still not looking at him. “I mean it. I’d be devastated if that were to happen to you.”
“Hey,” he said softly, reaching over to gently grip your chin with his thumb and forefinger. “I know…I know. I was just messing around…I didn’t expect…” He trailed off, suddenly aware of how close he had gotten to you. He had never touched you like this before, only ever going as far as a quick hug after a risky mission or a dangerous stunt in the air. 
You furrowed your brows as you met his gaze with guarded eyes. “Didn’t expect what?” 
Bradley inches even closer. “I expect that you’d care this much,”
Your eyes widen a bit as you look up at him. “Of course I care,” you gasped in disbelief, laughing after and breaking eye contact again. “Maybe too much.”
But he didn’t let your eyes wander far as he still had a hold on your chin, and he guided your face back to his. “What do you mean by that? ‘Too much’?” He asked, his eyes wide, any traces of his earlier teasing gone. 
You give him a pleading look. “You know what I mean,” 
Bradley held your gaze, noting your frustrated expression. “Maybe I do,” he murmured, caressing your jaw with his thumb. “But I want to hear you say it.”
“I can’t,” you shake your head and he could see the way you played with your fingers out of the corner of his eye.
“Why not?” He pressed, invading your space with another step. “What are you so afraid to tell me?”
You give him another pleading look, but he doesn’t step away. “I’m afraid of putting something out there that I can’t take back,” 
When you moved to step away, Bradley’s hands reached for your hips, anchoring you in place. He had never been this close to you before, never touched you like this before, and it was driving him insane. “Tell me,”
His gaze intensifies, his head dipping down closer to yours. “Say it, sweetheart,”
Your eyes were wide with anxiety as you parted your lips to speak. “I…I’m in love with…you,”
Though he had a small feeling that he knew - or maybe hoped -  you were going to say that, his breath still got caught in his throat. His heart was beating loudly in his ears, and his skin was on fire. No one had ever made him feel this way with a single sentence, and he wasn’t all that surprised that it was you. “You’re in love with me?” He asked, needing to hear it for confirmation. 
A blush takes over your face as you shake your head and step away. “I-I didn’t…fuck, I’m sorry, I don’t-” you stuttered and he could see the tears gathered along your eyes. “I just messed everything up. I knew I would.”
Bradley’s eyes widen at the sudden loss of contact, and he shakes his head, too. “No, no, wait. Don’t…don’t apologize,” he rasped, running his hands through his hair. “Don’t be sorry. It’s…it’s okay.”
You stare at the floor and nod. “Okay,”
Your heart was on your sleeve now, and he knew he had to be careful. “Sweetheart…look at me,” he softly demands, stepping towards you and closing the distance you created. 
“Can’t…I can’t,” you quickly shook your head but he lifted your chin with his fingers. 
“Please,” he whispered. “Look at me.”
Slowly, your teary eyes met his and you looked like you were already building walls up to protect yourself from him, and that was the last thing he wanted. Seeing your eyes glazed over like this was damn near enough to break his heart, and Bradley took a step closer to you. 
“There you are,” he whispered, gently stroking your chin with his thumb. He held your gaze, a mixture of embarrassment, vulnerability and uncertainty. “You have no idea.”
You furrowed your brows, trying to blink away the tears as you trembled in front of him. “No idea about what?” You asked, your voice barely above a murmur. 
Bradley kept his eyes locked on yours, ensuring you knew just how serious his next words are. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited and wanted…hoped to hear you say that to me,” he confessed, watching as your eyes widened. “I never thought you felt the same way, so I never let myself think about it too much.”
Your breath audibly caught in your throat as you stuttered, “W-what?”
He smiled, his usual cocky and confident facade fading as the seconds went on. “You’re the one person, the only person I could never figure out fully. I could never tell if you wanted me as badly as I wanted you, or if you just saw me as the guy you bickered with all the time,” he continued. “You’re the one person who doesn’t care about how full of myself I am sometimes, you called me out on it. And ever since then, I couldn’t get you out of my head.”
“Bradley,” you gasped quietly, and he could see your walls starting to come down again, so he pushed further, 
“And hearing you say that…that you’re in love with me…” he trailed off, moving his fingers from your chin and tracing them along your jaw. “It felt like I could finally have the one thing I thought I never could.” 
You swallow hard, your eyes wide and vulnerable as he closes the distance further, leaving a few inches between the two of you. His fingers curled around your jaw and his thumb tugged at your bottom lip, his gaze flickering down for a few seconds. 
“God, baby,” he whispered in disbelief. “Hearing you say that…it’s all I ever wanted. You get under my skin like no one else, and you make me want to pull my hair out, but I can’t fight the way I feel about you anymore. Not after this.”
“Bradley,” you say again, at a loss for words as you reach up and grip his wrist, leaning into his touch. 
“Sweetheart,” he murmured. “Will you say it again? Please?”
He couldn’t believe he was begging to hear your words again, but the way your expression softened had him not giving a single fuck. “Bradley, I’m in love with you,” 
His skin heated up as you repeated your words, and his control finally snapped. “Fuck…fuck,” he muttered, not wasting another second as he leaned in and kissed you. He poured all the nights he lost sleep thinking about you into the kiss, all the times he held back his own confession after your usual playful banter turned serious, all the times he thought about doing just this with you. 
You kissed him back desperately, a soft moan escaping your throat as you gripped his wrists tightly. Bradley wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your body right up against his as he deepened the kiss. He walks you backwards until your back hits the wall opposite from the door, pinning you to it as his hands roam all over your body. 
He couldn’t believe, after all the nights he spent fantasizing about this, that he was finally touching you like this. Your quiet gasps against his lips had his touch growing more possessive as he felt your hands slide up to grip his shoulders. His palms were flat against your body, feeling the heat of your skin through your clothes. “God, baby, you taste so good. You feel so good,” he murmurs once he breaks the kiss and begins trailing his lips along your jaw, his body pressing yours closer to the wall. 
“Oh, my God,” you moaned, your breath coming out heavy and uneven. “Bradley.”
He always knew his name would sound beautiful coming from your mouth like this, but actually hearing it was something else entirely. “You have no idea what you do to me,” he growled softly against your collar bone, his fingers lifting your shirt up so he could feel the smooth skin of your hips. “I’ve thought about this…about you for so long.” 
Your fingers moved up to his hair, where you pulled gently. “You’ve thought about me?”
“Yes,” he answered, burying his face against your neck as his hands inched further up your body under your shirt. “I think about you all the time. I tried not to, but I was fucked from the second I saw you.”
The surprised laugh you let out had his touch growing more urgent, the only thing on his mind being more ways he could get you to make those pretty sounds again. “Why didn’t you do anything about it?” 
Bradley lets out his own laugh, lifting his head from your neck as he raises a brow at you. “I could ask you the same question,” came his teasing reply as his hands slid up your back. “But really…you terrified me. I didn’t want to ruin things and mess up our friendship if you didn’t feel the same way.”
“So,” you trailed off, looking up at him with hopeful eyes. “What does this mean for our friendship? For us?”
He lifts a hand to your cheek, his thumb brushing against your bone as he answered, “It means that I can’t keep pretending that I don’t want you. That I don’t need you, sweetheart,” he leaned in and pressed his forehead against yours. “It means we’re not just friends anymore.”
The smile you gave him had goosebumps forming on his skin and a wave of relief washing over him. “We’re not?”
Bradley shook his head. “No, baby, we’re not,” he confirmed, pressing his hips against yours as he placed a soft kiss to your lips. “You’re mine now, and I’m never letting you go.”
Your smile grows as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. “Bradley…I love you,”
He wraps his arms around your waist again as a warmth spreads all throughout his body. “I love you, too. So fucking much,” he mumbles before capturing your lips in another desperate, needy kiss. His tongue pokes out and nudges your lips apart, a deep groan leaving his throat as you pull at his hair. “Fuck, baby…been dying to taste you like this.” He breaks the kiss just long enough to whisper against your lips before going back in, his fingers moving to the buttons on your shirt. 
“I can’t believe this is happening,” you say against his lips. “This is happening, right? This is real?”
Bradley pulls away to be able to look you in the eyes. “It’s real, sweetheart,” he said softly before beginning to unbutton your shirt. “I can’t believe you feel the same way about me.”
“You can’t believe I love you?” You tease, biting down on your wet, swollen lips. 
His gaze darkens as he gets the final button undone, and then he lets the fabric slide off your shoulders. “Yeah. Been wanting to hear you say that for years,” he grunted, sliding his hands up your bare arms. “Been wanting to touch you like this.”
“And now that you can?” You asked in a breathless voice, staring up at him with a look he knew would be permanently burned into his mind. 
“Now that I can,” he started, his hands tracing the curve of your hips as his eyes raked over your chest. “I’m going to do everything I've been dreaming about doing to you...and then some.”
You moan, nodding quickly and making his lips turn upwards into a smirk. 
His hands move to the front of your leggings, his fingers teasing the thin fabric as his tongue runs along the smooth skin of your neck. “You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about this...about having you like this,”
“I think I might have an idea,” you mumbled, tugging at his undershirt. 
Bradley grinned, feeling that warmth return and take over his body again. He pulled away to tug off his shirt and toss it to the side, then he was close to you again. “Yeah? Have you thought about me, too, baby?”
“Nearly every day,” you confessed as his hands moved back to your hips, his thumbs slipping past the waistline of your leggings as he slowly pulled them down. “Nearly every night.”
He groaned at your confession, helping you kick off the flimsy fabric before he was grabbing your hips again. “Fuck, sweetheart, you’ve been driving me crazy for so long,”
Your head tilts back and rests against the wall as his lips pepper kisses all along the base of your throat. “You’ve been making me go insane for years, Bradley,” 
“You’re not the only one who’s been losing your mind over this,” he laughed, sliding his hands up your body until he was caressing the underside of your bra. “I hoped that this would pass, but it never did. The more time we spent together, the more impossible it became. I had this burning need to have you, touch you, taste you.”
He emphasized his words by gripping your hips and spinning you around so your back was pressed against his chest. Your gasp had his boxers tightening, his tongue tracing random shapes onto the skin behind your ear. 
“The way you smile, laugh, and those fucking looks you give me,” he ranted, his breath fanning across your neck. “All the time we’ve spent together, I had to stop myself from taking you right then and there.”
When his hands slid down your body and pulled you closer to him, you moaned loudly, leaning your head back to rest against his shoulder. 
“The sounds you make for me, fuck,” he moaned, tugging on curve of your ear with his teeth. “All I’ve been wanting is to see you fall apart for me, to hear you scream for me…beg for me.”
 “Bradley,” you moaned again, leaning into his touch as his hands found the fabric of your bra, his fingers toying with the straps. 
“I’ve needed you so badly,” he rasped, pulling the strap off your shoulder before leaning down to kiss the newly exposed skin. “I finally have you all to myself. I’m never letting you go.”
“Don’t let me go,” you begged, gripping his forearms tightly. “Please.” 
“Never,” he said in a deep voice. “You’re mine now; mine to taste all over, to make scream.” He grabs your chin, gently turning your head so he could place a firm kiss to your mouth.
You moan, reaching behind you to tug on his hair as you pressed your body against his. “I want that,” you whine and he kisses you deeper, brushing his tongue against yours. 
His fingers played with the clasp of your bra, and soon enough he had the lacy fabric sliding down your arms and landing on the floor. “I need to see you,” he nearly begged, breaking away from your lips as he groped your breasts with dark eyes. 
“Well?” You asked, breathless from his touch as you rolled your hips back against him. 
“Damn, baby, you’re so beautiful,” he commented, leaning down to suck a mark onto the side of your neck. “Been dreaming about how gorgeous you’d look all bare for me, how sweet you’d taste and how pretty you’d sound.” His thumbs slid over your nipples, the devoted attention he was giving them making you whimper. 
“Oh, God,” you bit your lip to stifle the sounds that were coming out of you more frequently now. 
“Don’t hold back, baby,” he mumbled, softly pulling at your nipples with his thumb and index fingers. “I wanna hear all those sounds you make for me.”
You oblige almost immediately, moaning as he continues to worship your chest. “I can’t believe I get to have you like this,” 
“Believe it,” he grunted, smoothing his palms over your hardened nipples as he placed open mouthed kisses on your neck. 
Your body started to shake against his, your perfect lips parting as you let out a string of whimpers. “Feels so good,”
“I’ve barely started,” he cooed, pressing his hardness against your lower back. “You feel perfect in my arms, baby.”
“I want you,” you whined, squeezing your legs together. “I want you so bad.”
“I want you, too,” he groaned, slowly rolling his body into yours, his cock growing impossibly hard. “So badly.”
His hands caressed your breasts in a feather light touch, and he felt goosebumps against his palms as you gasped. “Your hands…I’ve always wanted to feel them on me,” 
“Yeah?” He teased, tracing his fingers around your nipples again, slowly but surely working you into a whiny mess for him.
“Yeah,” you huff, shaking even more. “Holy fuck, you feel so good.”
“So do you,” he growled, pinching your breasts before sliding his hands down your body. “I love touching you like this, but I need to feel more of you.” He murmured, turning you around in his arms so he could get a good look at you.
The way you were pressing your thighs together and the lust he could see in your eyes had him biting down hard on his lip, the sight of you only in a pair of lace panties doing things to him. “Please,” you whined, guiding his hand down your body. 
His eyes rolled back slightly as he leaned his head down and began kissing your shoulders, his hand sliding down your damp panties. “You want me to touch you here?” He asked, knowing damn well what your answer is. 
“Yes, please,” you gave in so sweetly, kicking the ruined fabric aside as you stepped back into his arms. 
He presses kisses to your shoulders as his hand reaches out, his fingers running along your core. “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet,” he groaned, his cock throbbing as he felt just how worked up he made you. 
“All for you,” came your instant reply. Bradley’s eyes darkened as he circled your clit with his middle finger, the way you were trembling against him being the hottest sight he had ever seen.  “Oh, my God, yes.”
“There you go, baby,” he praised, sinking his fingers into your heat. “Give it to me, let me hear you.”
You let out another loud moan, reaching for his flight suit and practically shoving it down his legs. “I need you,” you said desperately. “I need you so bad.”
He could tell. Your wetness was dripping onto his hand as you spoke. 
Bradley kicked off his boots and added his suit to the pile of clothes on the floor, his hands gripping the backs of your thighs as he picked you up and carried you over to your bed. He set you down on your back, his lips pressing to yours as he rolled his hips. “I need you, too,” he promised, pulling away from your lips and settling his head in between your legs. “But I need to taste this pretty pussy first.”
Then he was licking a stripe up your folds and making your back arch off the bed. “Fuck!” You called out, the slick sound of his tongue against you bouncing throughout the room. “Oh, my fucking God, Bradley.”
He laughed, wrapping his arms around your thighs as he slid his tongue inside your wet walls, his eyes rolling back at your taste. “Goddamn, sweetheart,” he moaned, sucking and licking at you like a starved man. “You taste so fucking good, baby.”
“Bradley,” you moaned loudly. “Please, fuck me. I need you…right now.”
His eyes darken even more as he crawls back up your body, and you push his boxers down quickly. You wrap your legs around his waist, bucking your hips up so your core brushes against his aching cock. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby,” 
Your brows furrow as he grips his base and guides himself inside you, your back arching again as you wrap your arms around him. “I love you,”
Bradley groaned, your wetness allowing him to sink all the way inside with one thrust. “God, I love you so much,” he said back, holding you against his body as he began to rock his hips against yours. “So much.”
He moved deep inside you, the feeling of skin on skin with nothing in between making his head spin. He hadn’t even asked if you wanted him to use a condom - and he knew it would’ve been a hard task to tear himself away from you and go to his room to get one, but he would’ve done it willingly - but you both seemed too lost in each other to think about it right now. 
You felt so good. Bradley has never been this hard in his entire life, and he knew it was all because of you. “You feel so perfect,” he praised, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt you clench around him. “So tight…fuck.”
“Bradley,” you moaned, wrapping your legs tighter around him as he slowly fucked you against the matress. “You’re so big.”
Your words went right through him, a sense of pride filling him as he looked down at you with lust filled eyes. “You’re so tight,” he echoed his previous words, fucking into you harder but still keeping his pace slow. “So tight for me.”
Your eyes widened and you dropped your head against your pillow. “My fucking God, Bradley,” you gasped, shifting your hips to meet his thrusts. “Yes.”
“Say my name again,” he softly demanded before leaning down to suck a mark onto your neck. “Tell me who’s making you feel so good right now…who’s stretching you so good right now.”
“Bradley!” You cry out, pressing your chest right up against his. “I’ve wanted this for so long…knew you’d feel so good.”
“Baby,” he rasped, fucking into you faster. “You feel so much better than I could have ever imagined.”
Your arousal was dripping onto his thighs as he fucked you harder, his hips hitting yours harshly as he let all the pining and desire he’s felt for you pour out of him. “Don’t stop, please please please,” you begged for him just like he wanted, your hands pulling at his hair. 
He grunted, his eyes flickering down to where you connected. “I’m not stopping, sweetheart, I can’t,” he huffed, watching the way his cock became more and more coated in your wetness with each thrust. “You feel too good, I need you.”
“Yes…yes,” you cried, digging your heel into his lower back and driving him even deeper inside you. “Oh, fuck.”
“Say my name,” he mumbled against your skin, not caring that the walls were pretty thin and anyone who may be in the hallway would definitely be able to hear you. “Say it again.”
“Bradley!” You moaned, scratching your nails down his back. 
His movements were fast, uneven and uncontrolled now as he hiked one of your legs higher around his waist, angling his body so he could push himself impossibly deeper. “That’s my girl,” he cooed, feeling the way you clenched around him at his words. “My girl.”
“Your girl,” you repeated, looking up at him with hooded eyes. 
“Yeah,” he whispered, leaning down so his lips brushed against yours. “My girl.” 
He kissed you deeply, fucking you hard into the bed meant for one person, the sound of your muffled moans filling the room. “God, Bradley, you feel so good…so full,”
Your words were slurred as if you were drunk, but both of you were completely sober right now as you gave into your need for one another. “You feel so good, too,” he mumbled. “So perfect…so tight and wet for me.”
His words were as equally as filthy as yours were, and he couldn’t remember the last time he let himself get this lost in someone; to the point where he couldn’t care less about how dirty his mouth was. 
“I’ve never felt anything better than you, baby,” he swore, reaching down to rub your swollen and puffy clit. “Nothing compares.”
Your jaw goes slack as you let out moan after moan, his words clearly having an effect on you. “I’m so close,” 
“Yeah, I can feel it,” he groaned, rubbing and fucking you harder. His voice was rough and thick with desire, his breaths coming out ragged and uneven. “I want you to come for me. I need to feel you come.”
“Bradley! Right there,” you nearly screamed, clinging onto him with a death grip. “Right there.”
He hummed, “Just like that, baby,” he circled your clit faster, watching as you began to shake. “Come for me.”
Your body jolted and trembled under him, your release flooding around him and soaking his cock. “Oh, fuck. Fuck!” You cried, squeezing your eyes shut as you dug your nails into his shoulders.
“There you go, sweetheart,” he cooed, kissing all over your face as he felt his own release creeping up on him. “God, I never want this to end.”
You whimpered, wrapping your arms around his neck and messily kissing him. He could feel you shaking still, but you didn’t ask him to stop or pull out, instead you just pulled him closer to you and whined against his lips. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, kissing you softly as he got closer and closer. “So perfect.”
“I want you to come for me,” you mumbled in between kisses. 
Bradley groaned, licking along your lips. “I want that, too,” he said. “I wanna come for you…only you.”
“Only me,” you whispered with a lazy smile, slowly rolling your hips to meet his thrusts.
He nodded, his eyes nearly shut as he managed to ask, “Where? Where can I-”
“Inside me,” you answered, your heel on his back keeping him from pulling out too much. “I want it inside me.”
Bradley’s eyes squeezed shut as he felt his control snap. “Fuck…fuck, I’m coming, baby,” he groaned deeply, fucking his seed into your abused core. You moan quietly, running your fingers through his sweaty hair as his body shakes from the intensity of it all. He had never come that hard before, and when he slowly came to a stop, he could feel it seeping around him and dripping out of you. He also never came that much before. “That….that was-”
“I know,” you beamed, kissing him softly as you kept your legs wrapped around him. “I love you so much.”
Bradley smiles down at you, kissing you back. “I love you, too,” he promised as he rolled you onto your sides, still buried inside you. 
“Stay with me?” You asked as you kissed along his salty skin. 
After years of wanting to experience this with you and have you all to himself, he was finally able to, and he wasn’t planning on ever leaving your side again. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,”
You smile, trailing your hand up and down his back. “So…what does this mean for us?”
Bradley tangles his fingers in your hair, holding you close to him. “I want to call you my girlfriend, sweetheart,” he whispered. “Will you let me?”
You close your eyes, letting out a quiet groan. “I want to be your girlfriend so badly,”
“Then it’s settled,” he stated, pulling you even closer as a grin tugged at his lips. “You’re my girlfriend.”
Your hands slide up to his shoulder as you kiss him. “And you’re my boyfriend,”
Bradley smiled as he kissed you back. “And I’m going to make sure I’m the best boyfriend you’ve ever had,”
“You better be the best and last,” you warn playfully, laying your head on his chest. 
“Don’t worry, baby,” he laughed, running his hand along your lower back. “You’re stuck with me.”
A blush takes over your face as you kiss the scar on his neck. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” 
They fucked again after that btw. Happy Birthday, Bradley Bradshaw!
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madschiavelique · 2 days
ohhh my sparkling cupcake!! it’s so rewarding to hear you doin so well!! ma heart ma soul 😭❤️‍🩹 sincerely happy for you doings no matter how big or small they are 😘
im doing more or less okay. just another sad and lonely year, nothing new tbh. but i enjoy seeing other thriving especially you 😏❣️ 💃
as for request… don’t want to make you busy with added on work honestly 😅 but if that’s what you want, here’s some silly lil idea for a miggy prompt: he and his “only recently started to date” shy gf that secretly wants to constantly hold his hand but always restricts herself bc apparently he isn’t a fan of pda and usually seems like he doesn’t want to be touched and she doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable so she just stands quiet and awkwardly zones out on his hands most of the time🧍‍♀️ 😁
bbg i'm so sorry i took so long but life was hitting me hard and now i'm finally on holidays and have time to write yeyyy!!!
i'm sorry that this year is a sad one for you bestie, i sincerely hope your life gets better in every way possible ! <333 (i wanted to make this cute so i hope you'll like it)
summary : wanting to hold miguel's hand content warnings : none, really it's just fluff and maybe reader being a bit of an overthinker ? fem!reader, no use of Y/N word count : 1,2k (not proofread, english is not my first language c:)
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Miguel's long, thick fingers ran as usual over one of the many orange holopads that made up his workspace. His middle finger was clearing a problem here, his ring finger was shifting a pop-up message from Lyla to the middle of the main screen there, and his pinkie was tracing under a line that was just a little too small as he frowned in the hope of being able to read it better.
The whole of his hand curled up like a spider's legs as he pinched his chin between his thumb and forefinger, immersed in his thoughts and in the countless machinations of the mind that he had to maintain day and night.
As for you, your gaze was focused on his hands. Large, powerful, whose callus, hidden by his gloves, hadn't known its own age for a long time already. Security and envy bickered under your eyes, while your mind was obsessed with a single thought: taking his hand in yours.
You hadn't been with Miguel very long, and to be honest, it felt like the idea of 'being' with him was much more about being there next to him than it was about being a couple.
Of course he loved you, you knew that. There was something gratifying and touching about the fact that, despite all the work he had to do and the little sleep he got every night, he still managed to find time to think about you. 
But you couldn't help it, Miguel was a hard-working man, who didn't have a love of work as such, but he had the drive and determination to force himself to keep working.
Yet, despite the fact that everything between you was so recent, you couldn't stop thinking about the simple fact of holding his hand.
It's ridiculous, you thought, to want something as childish in such an obsessive way. But was it really so ridiculous? After all, every couple holds hands on a daily basis.
You understood that his work took up most of his time, but surely a gesture like this can't be that time-consuming? 
Waiting for such a small gesture made you sigh.
Was it perhaps due to the fact that Miguel was not very public in his approaches? Admittedly, he was very traditional, and that must surely have been one of the reasons why public hand-holding hadn't yet emerged in the relationship.
But you were particularly afraid, because one of the reasons Miguel hadn't taken the first step in this respect was undoubtedly that his image as a social boss would take a hit, which led you to the horrible thought:
Were you an embarrassment to him? Something preferably hidden that could not be loved in the eyes of all?
You quickly cleared this idea from your mind like a broom clears dust, only it can't help but leave a few too small to clear.
Fearing that this thought was overtaking your imagination, you decided to get up. It was already well into the night, but you wanted to keep him company, so you stayed close to him until you sometimes fell asleep on his desk.
"I'll be back, just gonna grab a coffee" you said before stepping off the platform and leaving the room.
Miguel couldn't help watching you walk until you disappeared into the shadows, his eyes attentive.
"For the love of a good woman, Miguel, take her hand!" Lyla finally shouted once you were completely out of earshot to have any chance of hearing her.
Miguel recoiled in surprise, as if a wasp had approached his face. His forehead was furrowed, eyebrows arched, and his lips were parted, waiting for the words to do their job and speak.
"What do you mean?" he asked, now completely out of his work, his eyes riveted on Lyla.
"I know your lack of spidersenses deprives you from seeing or sensing certain things, but I didn't know you would be so blind from it."
"Will you quit mocking me and tell me what you mean?" he questioned, teeth clenched and voice low.
"She's been eyeing you all day!" Lyla nearly choked out as her arm swept round to point at your empty chair.
He cast his eyes towards the said seat, already missing your mere presence more than he'd thought possible. Had he actually been blind?
"Has she?" he asked, his voice approaching a whisper, his eyes still fixed on your seat.
"Miguel, she's been watching your hand like it's the only thing she's ever desired in her life." giggled Lyla.
He raised his hand to the level of his chest, observing it as if from a new angle.
The hint of a smile tugged at his lips on one side, "Has she?..."
"Look I don't know if you're playing the game of 'premarital eye contact is a sin' but hold her hand. She looked like a sad pup on her way out, poor thing."
The realisation was immediate, and all of a sudden Miguel felt like a complete idiot.
Since you'd made your relationship official, he'd barely made any physical contact whatsoever with you. But now he realised just how much this complete lack of attention had affected you, and felt deeply embarrassed. 
At first this had simply been because he didn't want to rush you or force you into anything, but once again the work had taken all his attention. Between the reports, the missions, the anomaly checks - no, it's too easy to blame your own mistakes on your work than on yourself.
"Is everything alright?"
He turned to you, paper cup full of forty-cent coffee from the vending machine in hand as you watched him, puzzled. Not because you'd heard him, as he'd surprisingly feared, but because you hadn't found him the way you'd left him: glued to his work.
He was touched by the sight, watching you from above with a surprised look on your face, just to see him away from his work for once.
No more excuses.
He climbed down from the platform, still under your astonished eyes, and put his hand on yours, holding the coffee. With the size of his hand, encompassing yours completely was an easy task. His thumb stroked the back of your hand gently, noting how your shoulders slumped under the gesture and a sigh of relaxation slipped out, hitherto lodged in your chest.
"I think we should call it a night," he said, taking the cup from your hand and placing it on the first surface around you, replacing its absence with his own hand.
Your palm and fingers were still warm from holding the drink, which made him smile slightly. 
You looked at him, surprised by his sudden change of heart. What could have caused him to finally realise all this delay?... It didn't matter now. Lacing your fingers with his, you both left the room.
"It took you long enough," you laughed softly as Lyla, in the distance, took a photo of the two of you with your backs to her, hands entwined.
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chosok-amo · 14 hours
nanami k. when you're having a nightmare
It’s late in the evening, and nanami kento is on his way home from work, his mind already drifting to thoughts of you. he glances at his phone and sees your name lighting up the screen. je quickly answers, his voice immediately softening. “hello, sweetheart. how are you doing?” he asks, using the affectionate nickname that always makes your heart flutter.
“I had another nightmare,” you say, your voice trembling. “can you come home soon?” it comes out almost like a whisper, you feel your throat tighten. “i'm almost there, my love. just a few more minutes,“ he reassures you, his tone filled with concern and warmth. nanami on the other line starts to drive faster after hearing what you were just said.
“hang in there for me, okay?”
you nod, even though he can’t see it, and take comfort in his words. true to his promise, nanami arrives home shortly after. the moment he walks through the door, his eyes find you, and he immediately strides over, wrapping you in a comforting embrace.
“hey, my little star,” he murmurs into your hair, pulling you close. “I'm here now.” kiss your forehead here and there as he keeps on whispering sweet words to your ear. you cling to him, the solid presence of his body grounding you. he gently guides you to the couch, sitting down with you in his lap, his arms securely around you. he presses soft kisses to your forehead, then your temple, and finally your cheek, each kiss filled with love and reassurance.
“you're safe with me, darling,” he whispers, his lips brushing against your skin. “nothing's going to hurt you while I'm here.” you snuggle closer, the warmth of his body and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat soothing you. nanami continues to hold you, his hand gently stroking your back in slow, calming motions.
“would you like to talk about it?" he asks softly, though there's no pressure in his voice. he kisses the tip of your nose as he asks. “no,” you murmur, shaking your head before burying your face in his chest. “i just want to be with you,” you mumble.
nanami smiles, “alright, my love,” he says, kissing the top of your head. “i'm not going anywhere.” he shifts slightly to make you more comfortable, ensuring you’re nestled securely against him. he begins to hum a soft tune, the sound of his voice adding another layer of comfort. the world outside fades away as you focus on the warmth and safety of his embrace.
nanami kisses your forehead again, murmuring sweet nothings, his lips trailing down to your nose and then your lips, each kiss filled with tenderness and love. “you're my everything, you know that?” he says softly, looking into your eyes. his large hands cup your cheek with his thumb stroking it gently— full of love.
“I'll always be here for you, no matter what.”
with nanami’s loving presence and soothing kisses, the remnants of the nightmare slowly dissolve, replaced by a sense of peace and security. In his arms, you know you’re safe, loved, and cherished, and the fears of the night seem distant and insignificant.
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sweetcollywobbles · 2 days
brain rotting with leon.| leon kennedy
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CHUG JUG WITH YOU by leviathan ▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• ∞ i realized i can write whatever i want. so have this short, stupid, and terribly written one-shot. leon hates the internet, but loves you. expect updates soon.
₊˚⊹ ᥫ᭡. 𓂃
leon truly didn't like the idea of her having access to the internet, especially since he didn't really trust her all that much not to do something stupid. but she had begged and begged to peruse jeff bezos's internet on his phone. the more he declined her access to the world wide web, the more she bugged him about the issue.
frustrated, he came up with a compromise. leon would allow her to scour the internet to her heart's content, but he'd have to supervise her the entire time.
leon thought this to be a great idea. she gets what she wants and he gets more time right next to her. maybe even able to sneak in a cuddle or two.
it would be great.
it would be wonderful.
until it's 1:45 in the morning and she's on tiktok watching some stupid fucking video that he can't even comprehend. and, for whatever reason, she's giggling her ass off at freakbob interrupting a normal video with a phone call. which is baffling to him because she was just absolutely sobbing her eyes out at a video of lost dogs being reunited with their owners.
not to mention all the nonsensical phrases and terms that seem to have become a permanent part of her daily vocabulary.
after watching the spectacle that is the edge rizz dog, for a small period of time, everytime leon needed her to agree on something he had to start the statement with "rizz". after a while, he noticed that she will do it volunterially without needing to be prompted. that also meant he couldn't take her with him through drive thrus anymore because she just started doing it out in public.
not to mention her attention span has now decresed to a whole new level that leon's considering holding up subway surfers gameplay to keep her concentrated as he talks.
every room smells of japanese cherry blossom and she's always asking to drive a boat that she doesn't have. leon has now been addressed as baby girl and kitten while she addresses herself as things like alpha and daddy. in fact, the first time she ever called him kitten, leon felt his body actually buffer.
leon had just gotten home from work, absolutely tired from all the paperwork he mindlessly stared at all day. the pleasant smell of pot roast had wafted its way to the entrance of the home. following it like a cartoon character to a pie, it led him straight to her, standing there by the stove in her pink apron and humming a soft tune while she cooked. whether she liked it or not, the sight of her was the exact remedy that he needed. he slinked his arms around her from behind and hunched over to bury his face in the crook of her neck. just as he began to relax to the sound of her soft melody, she just had to open her stupid mouth to say some stupid thing.
"no worries, kitten. daddy's making you something tasty." she said it so fluently and without skipping a beat, like it was so normal and she just went back to humming. he just slowly raised his head and muttered a small "what?".
leon still isn't sure if she's doing all of this out of revenge or if she was always this…weird. although the videos are strange and a bit annoying at times, he can't help but laugh along with her. because at the end of the day, she's happy, so if he has to play into her little games, he will.
₊˚⊹ ᥫ᭡. 𓂃
how does it feel to hold the gyatt of someone you love? rizz.
anywayssss, i believe my inbox is open lol, so if anyone has any feedback or ideas, please let me know!! again, this is all for shits and gigs. xxox
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jenchan-writingmultis · 19 hours
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Sylus SFW/NSFW Headcanons
A/n: I wanna emphasize further headcanons for Sylus cause he got me in a chokehold, NSFW isn’t a lot cause I couldn’t think of much. I hope you like this one! Also, when I was writing this, Rafayel was on my screen saying “Babe don’t move, I wanna see if I can see myself in the reflection of your eyes” I am so sorry baby boy.
Also, I apologize for the separated posts, I, once again, reached the Tumblr limit. <( •̀ᴖ•́)>
Pairing: Sylus x AFAB Reader Warning: Toxic! Relationship, Stockholm Syndrome, Kidnapping, Forced Drug Usage, Exhibitionism, BDSM, Sadistic! Sylus, Cussing, Blood, SYLUS! (He gets his own warning) If there are warnings that I didn’t notice, please let me know, thank you!
Masterlist Sylus SFW/NSFW Headcanons (Part One)
Sylus SFW Headcanons (Part Two) ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ NSFW:
✄ He’s into manhandling. No matter what your size is, tall, short, chubby, or not, he will make sure that you know that even if you loom over him, you’ll be the one kneeling.
✄ He’s such a pussy man, he loves how pretty that part of you is, and while he finds you gorgeous in every way, he does have a certain infatuation with his girl down there.
✄ He’s the type to mating press you, he loves the way you whine about how your legs can’t hold out much longer, how you’re already sore, you think he’d give a shit? Your pussy is fluttering around his girth, he’ll stop when he gets to fill you up.
✄ He’s not really into cumming all over your body, he likes spilling it inside, the way your pussy twitches and tightens around his cock, that drives him wild.
✄ Sylus has demonic stamina, especially with how pent up he is, merely stalking you, watching you kiss other men, you think he wouldn’t bruise you up and make your body have the most mind-blowing orgasm? Spoiler alert! He would.
✄ While he has great control over himself, if you try to grind on him, or press your chest on his body, you’ll be bent over whatever counter was nearby and he’s going to breed you there. It’ll be unfortunate if you’re not into exhibitionism because he is.
✄ He doesn’t masturbate, he doesn’t see a need to, but if you insist on sucking him off, who’s he to say no? he’d let you roam your hands on his body if you’d like even.
✄ THIS MAN, IS INTO OVERSTIMULATION, he already loves seeing you cry, what more if it was cause you can’t cum anymore? Whether it’s on his mouth or dick, he’ll keep telling you that you can still cum. Heck, he’ll taunt you for it.
“Don’t tell me that’s all you can do? That’s disappointing, and here I thought that a renowned Hunter could take more.”
✄ He’s into BDSM. He already found you chained up arousing what more if he could tie you up further? Have your tits squished, and your stomach pressed on by ropes that could leave marks on your body? He loves that you’re sobbing cause of how tight it is, watch him fuck pleasure into your pain.
✄ Since he’s into BDSM, his favorite would be sensory deprivation, he likes covering your eyes, gagging you up, and making you guess which toy he’ll be using on you, it could be those round clit vibrators or the phallic-shaped ones. Either way, he uses all kinds of sex toys on you, as long as it gets you to sob underneath that blindfold, he’s satisfied.
✄  Not into quickies, he likes to edge you till you squirt on him, and he doesn’t like making you orgasm too fast, however, if he’s been too busy to give you attention when he wants to, he’ll have your recent outfit ripped off since he got a 20-minute break, and he needs some pent up energy to take out.
“It’s much better if you don’t wear anything whenever I go home pretty, taking off your outfit is troublesome.”
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onceuponapuffin · 1 day
Fanatic Intervention Part 19!!!
Okay SO, that last poll was insane. Everytime I tried to break the tie by calling in a friend, you all tied it again! Even after the poll ended! You talented lot, you. In the end, the only way I could think to do it, was to split the difference. AND SO we get a half-and-half situation. Honestly, I legit love the way all of you keep me on my toes. It makes writing this so much fun.
Alrighty then. Let's do this.
Beginning || Previous || Next
The toilet seat art museum took more out of you than you thought. Anathema too, as it happens, because you find out very quickly that she snores. Not wanting to wake her up, you tuck your phone away so she can sleep in the quiet, and weirdly enough, her snoring becomes like white noise, and after a few minutes, you find yourself drifting off as well. It isn’t long before both humans are asleep, leaving the celestials to their own devices.
For a while, they continue on in silence. Well, “silence” is technically the wrong word, but the point is, they don’t talk. Crowley is driving, Aziraphale is in the passenger’s seat, and Sardis sits in the middle of the backseat. For a while, there is nothing except Anathema’s snoring. Honestly, they put up with the sound for a surprisingly long time.
Crowley’s patience runs out first. He needs to hear something that isn’t snoring, so he goes for the radio. Which, as it turns out, is a bit of a mistake. You see, the SUV has now had the benefit of Celestial Energy for a couple of days, and has started to wake up – slowly mind you. With you being in charge of the music with a playlist, it’s had some time to listen to a wide variety of music. It is now developing its own mind and its own taste. Remember that this is not the Bentley. The Bentley likes Queen. The SUV is a significantly younger model, and has decided it rather likes Taylor Swift. And when Crowley turns on the radio for the first time, it’s the equivalent of handing the car control of the playlist. So it decides to lead with Wildest Dreams, which, for those unfamiliar, goes like this:
He said “Let’s get out of this town,
Drive out of the city, away from the crowds.”
I thought “Heaven can’t help me now”
Nothing lasts forever
But this is gonna take me down
He’s so tall, and handsome as Hell
He’s so bad, but he does it so well.
I can see the end as it begins
My one condition is
Crowley slams the OFF button, intentionally with more force than necessary. Finally, after days of forcing them to listen to your songs, the brainrot is spreading.
“Are you alright there, Crowley?” Aziraphale asks gently.
“Fine, Angel,” Crowley mutters through gritted teeth, “Just remind me to throw that human’s blasted phone out the window next chance I get.”
“As long as they are also willing to play my symphonies, I will do no such thing.”
Crowley humphs, and settles back down. Sardis is smiling in the back seat. He waits a moment before speaking.
“So how long have the two of you been together?” he asks. Crowley swerves, but Aziraphale grabs the steering wheel to hold the car steady. Aziraphale gives Crowley a chastising look.
“Crowley, do get a hold of yourself dear, the humans are sleeping.”
“Why should I care?” he growls, definitely because he is a demon and definitely not because if the humans were to wake up there would be a buffer so they wouldn’t have this conversation. Definitely.
Aziraphale sighs. “We’re not, I’m afraid,” he says, “Sorry to disappoint.”
“Can’t fool me, sunshine. I’ve been around too.”
“Can I at least throw him out the window?” Crowley mutters. Aziraphale ignores him.
“It’s best not to discuss it,” he says instead to Sardis, “Rather a dangerous topic.”
Sardis hums to himself thoughtfully. “I mean, we’re staring the end of the world in the face,” he says, “But sure.” And he leaves it there. Silence returns. Actual silence, as Anathema has finally stopped snoring. Suddenly the air feels thick and uncomfortable. Aziraphale clears his throat.
“It’s very kind of you to be helping us,” Aziraphale tries.
“Yeah well,” Sardis says with a shrug, “Not exactly keen on the world ending. I’d rather not go to Heaven OR Hell if I can help it.”
“Oh come now, Heaven’s not all that bad.”
“You ever been?” Sardis asks with a chuckle. Crowley snorts a laugh despite himself. “There, you see,” Sardis says, pointing at the demon, “He gets it.” Aziraphale sits back with a harumph, and decides that staring out the window is the better option after all.
This time the silence lasts another hour at least. The sky is darkening, the stars appearing over the sparse Texas landscape. Out here in the middle of practically nowhere, the sky is hardly sleeping. There are millions of stars out here. Far from the light pollution they even have different colours, and there is a faint white swipe across the sky – the Milky Way Galaxy, visible to the naked eye from one of its own resident planets. Dear Reader, if ever you get a chance to get away away from the light pollution, do so. It is breathtaking.
At least, it is until Anathema snorts and grumbles awake.
“My neck hurts,” she complains, still half asleep. She blinks herself into a more-coherent state. “If we don’t pull over so I can get a good sleep, I will curse every single one of you.” She rolls her head to the other side and mutters “I will. I know how.”
The celestials look at each other.
“I think,” Aziraphale says, “That perhaps resting for the night would be a good thing.”
Crowley nods, if only because he doesn’t want to test Anathema’s threat. It doesn’t take long for them to find a convenient motel conveniently located just off the road they are currently on. Conveniently. Because I say so.
This is also when you wake up. You’re groggy and sore, but the lights of the motel bring you out from the lull of sleep, and as soon as your brain realizes you are at a motel, you wake up fast. Why? Because you are at a motel. While on a mission to save the world. Your fan-brain is already going at a hundred miles an hour by the time Crowley parks. You practically jump out of the car. Does this place have a weird gimmick or theme? Does it have a pool? A sketchy lobby? Local supernatural lore?? You have questions and you need to know. But, ah, not alone. At a random sketchy motel. In the middle of nowhere. At night. So you hesitate and wait for everyone else to get themselves together and exit the vehicle. Crowley pops the trunk so you can go get your bag, and by the time you get back, Sardis and Aziraphale are already gone – checking you all in, no doubt.
Under the questionable fluorescent lights, you can see a wooden gate. Well, I mean...curiosity such and such, right? You saunter over, and peek between the boards. It looks like...Yes! A pool! Will you be swimming in it? Absolutely not. Are you excited that this place has one anyway? Absolutely yes.
“Okay,” Sardis calls behind you. You turn around and see him waving a card key against a door. “I’m all set. Good night folks!” You wave to him as he disappears into his room and the door clicks shut behind him. Aziraphale walks to the next room and opens it with a similar card key. You follow. Honestly, you’re expecting him to have expanded the room into another Royal Suite or something, but when you follow him into the room you find...a normal motel room with two beds. Oh, this is excellent. You turn to face Crowley and Aziraphale with a huge smile on your face.
“I am not sharing a bed with either of you,” You declare, “Because you,” You point at Aziraphale, “Will definitely be awake all night reading with the light on. And you” You point at Crowley “Are exactly the type to take all the blankets. I will share with Anathema because we actually need to sleep. SO as far as YOU TWO are concerned – THERE’S ONLY ONE BED!!” You stand there with your hands on your hips. You are triumphant. You have won. There is only one bed. A fan’s dream! Fanfiction trope come to life! Everything seems possible and wonderful for a moment…
Until Aziraphale hands you another card key.
“You and Miss Device are in the room next door,” he says. Damn. Logic. You deflate really quickly and take the key with a huff. As you approach the door, you turn to look at them over your shoulder.
“I hope you share anyway,” You mutter, before you exit.
The room next door is identical. Anathema, apparently, is able to fall asleep pretty quickly, but you can’t settle your brain that easily. So you may or may not spend some time trying that trick where you put a glass up against the wall to try and hear what’s on the other side. Not that you want to snoop, but, well, yeah okay you want to snoop a little. Unfortunately it doesn’t work, so you give up and watch tik tok on your phone instead. Your battery hasn’t needed recharging since you started hanging out with supernatural entities. Funny, that. Between Tik Tok, Reddit, and Tumblr, you’re able to eventually wear out your brain enough to make closing your eyes a good call. And from there you fall back asleep with no issue.
And yes, Dear Reader, Crowley and Aziraphale did share a bed. Just so you know.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
Beginning || Previous || Next
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sassypossumm · 2 days
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Daemon Targaryen x Reader, angst
You've long known Daemon, you've long been fond of him, but for as long as you've known him, you've been aware of his many faults, and sometimes, that brings you to blows
"Infantile?! Me?! You cannot seriously be referring to me!" Daemon laughs, folding his arms over his chest. Throwing a vase against the wall, you huff at the flash of amusement in his eyes.
"Yes My prince. You." You state simply, placing your hands on your hips. Now his eyes are flashing violet fire at you. He opens his mouth to reply, but you stop him with a raising of your hand. "I'm fond of you, Daemon, but I'm not stupid." Now he raises a brow and sucks inhischeek, his eyes a brewing storm. Suddenly you begin moving towards him with purpose, driving him backwards until he collides with the door jam.
"Only you"- here you poke him in the chest with your index finger- "would do something so infantile." Mouth agape, he appears in shock as you give him one final withering glare before withdrawing your finger. 
As you turn to walk away before saying something you both will regret, a cold hand reaches out and grabs your wrist turning you back to face the person you'd really not like to be looking at right now. His eyes sear into you, as you struggle to pull free of his grasp. Instead of releasing you, he doubles down and grasps your other hand and pulls them to his heart with a stubborn grip. Realizing that you are not going to get away from him so easily, you sigh and cease your struggle.
He relaxes his grip but does not let your hands go. While waiting for him to find his words you content yourself with staring at his boots. Only realizing now how black and shiny they are, impeccably shiny. Sucking in your cheek, you stop yourself from making a biting comment on the state of his soul compared to his shoes. 
So lost in thought are you that you don't notice thatDaemon has shifted his grip on your hands into one of his, until you feel long fingers gently grasp your chin and pull it upwards. 
"Sweetheart," he begins, forcing you to look him in the eye. The fire in his eyes has long since cooled, but you can feel that you have a raging inferno raging behind your own. You jerk free of his fingers on your chin.
"I did not give you permission to touch my face." You spit in anger, leveling a heated glare at him. Ah, there it is. A flicker of flame rising in his eyes. When you woke up this morning, you had not anticipated another fight with Daemon, but you always managed to rise to the challenge. 
"Sweetling," he begins again in his measured one. You can tell he is trying to keep his cool. "I am sorry." Closing his eyes, he leans his forehead against yours. And then he continues. "For whatever perceived slight I have committed against you." 
Big Mistake. 
"Perceived slight, Daemon?" You snorted, taking advantage of his lax posture you pull away from his hold. "Perceived slight. Oh, that is rich." With a hard laugh you turn away from him. Placing one hand on your hip and the other on your forehead you begin to pace back and forth. 
"I fail understand what it is we are arguing about." He grinds out through clenched teeth. Spinning you turn to face him. You can feel your face turning redder and redder by the minute. 
"You. don't. understand." You laugh sarcastically. 
"I understand you are being irrational and unreasonable." He mutters to himself. Unfortunately for him, you can still hear him. 
"Irrational and unreasonable." You say in a measured tone. Snorting, you look towards the ceiling and slap your hand on your thigh. Turning back to face him you shake your head and wag a finger in his general direction. "You know what I love, Daemon?" you pause, trying to tamp down the rising anger in your voice. "I love how every conversation that starts like this one, becomes an opportunity for you to gaslight me." Shaking your head you turn way, and then whip around again to stare at him. Huffing again you slap your hand on the table in front of you. "It's terribly amusing, Daemon, truly."
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he murmurs your name, trying to interject into your tirade. Holding up a hand you stop him. Walking to his side, you place a steady hand on his jaw, steering his eyes down to meet your own cool gaze. 
"I'm fond of you, Daemon, truly I am. But I'm not Rhaenyra, I'll not ignore your perceived faults." Smirking you raise onto your tiptoes and brush your lips against his jaw. "And I've known better than to trust you." Patting his chest, you sigh and turning walk away.
This time no one stops you. 
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starlightsuffered · 8 hours
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Info - oral (female receiving), dom Paul, prideful Paul, lost, worry about sand worms, squirting, rules, parent death, bad dream, unprotected sex
"Sooo thirsty," he moaned. We were Now lost on Arakis.
"I know baby," I said. I didn't know why I called him that when he was so powerful and he knew it. If he'd been more aware, he would've punished me for it. I couldn't help it here. He was so weak. He'd made protests saying he's the Duke and didn't need this or that. His father dying had an intense affect. I however, knew what he needed. He needed rest and water, I would give him the rest of the pure water later. He was more....princely than me. I wouldn't mind drinking his purified waste, or his sweat repurposed, I knew he was too pompous.
Yet I loved him. He fell asleep after so much work to make me comfortable. His head was beading with sweat. He kept mumbling and twitching. I was mopping his brow with a cloth.
"Ah, y/n!" He awoke suddenly.
"Paul, are you okay?" I asked.
"You were dying," he said, holding me tightly.
"Paul, I'm okay," I comforted him. He pulled me to him and squeezed me.
"My love, my duchess, please, never leave me," he begged.
"I would never," I said.
"My father did," he mumbled.
"Paul, baby," I said gently.
"What have I told you," he said, pushing me down abruptly.
"About pet names," he growled.
"I'm sorry, you were in pain," I whimpered. He whipped down my pants.
"You know I think I'll quench my thirst with you," he said dangerously.
"Paul!" I whimpered as he dove in. He licked at my pussy in small strokes at first. I knew he didn't want to seem desperate, he never wanted to seem desperate. Yet, there were times when he was sleepy, or overwhelmed when he'd whisper the treasured words in my ear before entering me. "I'm desperate for you."
"Paul, yes, just like that," | moaned as he finally lapped like he wanted to. He tasted me, my juices falling onto his tongue.
"I'm desperate for you," he mumbled into my lower lips and I was on fire for him, and it had nothing to do with the intense heat.
He was sucking on my cunt, trying to get every bit of moisture he could. He was gulping at me. It felt amazing.
Was it the lack of sex we had recently or was this really the best it'd ever been? I felt the cord in my stomach tighten.
"Paul, uh, uh, oooof, Mmm," I squirmed, the feeling nearly too good.
"Yes, keep making those little noises, assuring me you're alive and well," he purred before letting his teeth graze my clit. I wanted to do more for him, to create a River of wetness so he could have his fill. I wanted him to never stop his needy tongue.
"Paul, am I too loud, will the sand worms hear me?" I whined.
"Let it out, l'd fight one, l'd fight anything to hear you scream with pleasure at the moment. Drive away that awful dream with your voice," he begged, and I knew his finger tips would leave blue imprints with how hard he grabbed me. He was lapping over and over like I was a cold treat, and then he alternated to sucking and it broke me. My orgasm washed me in chills as I screamed. It was different this time, the wetness more than it had ever been.
"You squirted," I heard the dark, lust filled voice of my husband. Soon his cock was inside me and he was pumping in a dangerous rhythm.
"Not too steady Paul, they're attracted to that," I whimpered.
"Like I said, l'd fight anything for you," he said and bit my neck.
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 days
The Cullens at the Club
My requests are open if you have a silly scenario you want to see these fellers in!
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^ his face the whole time
jk jk
He only agreed to tag along so that he could keep you out of harm's way
Doesn't need to drink and doesn't want to
I feel like he would be silently judgemental if you have more than three drinks
He would hold your drinks while you go to the bathroom tho
His favorite part would be dancing with you
Of course he would prefer to do it somewhere that isn't so crowded...
But he makes do
Told himself beforehand that he wouldn't get into a fight with anyone
But if anyone were to touch you without you knowing...
He had to have a talk with Carlisle afterward about controlling anger around humans
8/10 club partner he would prefer to be home
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She has some rave outfits she never gets to wear...
And one of them might happen to randomly be your size...
She's a little crazy I feel like she would love to let loose
They have to act human around humans all the time
But at the club?
No one there's gonna notice if you're ice cold, not blinking, not breathing, or if you look odd
They are there to party
And so is Alice
She thinks it's funny if you get drunk
She will take very good care of you but she will also take videos and pictures
I feel like she'd have a couple drinks just for the hell of it
Not like she would feel anything but she likes the color of the pretty drink <3
Another dance floor maniac
Literally tearing it up, cutting a rug, if you will
She has a blast
11/10 she's the life of the party
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Hoe repellent
Mr freak over here is literally scaring the hoes
If anyone makes the mistake of bumping into him they are guaranteed to stay on the far side of the club for the rest of the night
Good thing you aren't here looking for someone because he is the opposite of a wingman
Poor guy is trying his damnedest not to freak out and kill someone
He only came with you because you begged that you really wanted him there
When he felt your fear at being in a club with men you don't know he agreed
He's lowkey (highkey) regretting it tho
The lights are too much, the music is too loud, there's too many people, the smell of blood is SO strong
If he was a human he would have passed out by now
Jumps at any opportunity to leave
You were dancing and stumbled a little?
Ok time to go home
A guy made eye contact with you for half a second?
That's enough, home time
Will need like 5-7 business days to recover
1/10 sorry
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She's not really into the club scene
She has always been more family-oriented after all
But she'll go just to hang out with you
Seeing all of the young couple is kind of bittersweet to her tho
It reminds her of what she can't have
She's a little mopey
But take her to the dance floor and she'll loosen up
I think her hidden talent is knowing literally every dance ever
She can break dance
Not that she would
But she could if she wanted to
She keeps it lowkey tho
She likes seeing you have fun
Is the perfect support when you're drunk and throwing up
Will hold your hair and get you water
She's a saint the day after if you got really drunk
7/10 sort of in the middle but extra points cause I think she's pretty <3
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Oh lord
He was probably the one to suggest to go tbh
He gives me MAJOR frat boy energy
This man has taken his shirt off and jumped on a table to crowdsurf before you were even there for 10 minutes
Monster at beer pong tho
He's not that interested in the dance floor tho he's the one starting bar fights
He thinks it's funny when drunk guys try to fight
One time he started a 20 person fight and he just stood there watching
He got kicked out of course
And banned
And the police would have come if he hadn't left so quick and if the camera footage was better quality
When he's having a chill night tho he loves to parade you around
Again, will fistfight anyone who looks at you weird
"This guy bothering you?" *cue WWE elbow drive*
Overall he's similar to Alice in that he loves to let loose
They don't get to do it too often and he LOVES it
9/10 minus one point because he got you guys kicked out of your favorite bar
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I think he'd hate a normal club
He would love like a high-end bar tho
Like the ones where guys sit in big chairs and smoke cigars and play pool
He's old money what can I say
But if you insist on going he would go with you
Again just to ensure your safety
Mostly he's watching from the sidelines
He doesn't want to go into the crowd of people
Wouldn't really want to dance but he would do it anyway
Mostly he just sort of nags
"I think you might want to hold off on another drink for now"
"Maybe we should go get some fresh air to give your eardrums a break from this loud music"
"You've had a lot to drink maybe you should go to the bathroom"
Brings down the mood a little bit
8/10 extra points because he, again, is a saint the morning after
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She might be the only one who downright refuses
Don't get me wrong, she cares for you
But not enough to go to the club
She's just not a fan
It's not her scene
She knows who she is, what she likes, and where her priorities are
She would suggest going with someone else
She knows Emmett and Alice love it and would suggest you going with them
She would be there for you as soon as you get home tho
Nice, warm bath
Your favorite food
Comfy clothes
And the next morning your favorite food again along with some painkillers if that's what you need
I feel like I can't give her a rating since she doesn't go tho
So we'll say 0/0
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Vampire! Bella:
She's unexpected
At first she'll insist that she doesn't want to go, that it will be too loud, etc.
But she caves eventually
And once she gets there she is a different person
Screaming with the music, dancing up a storm, literally insane
It's a good thing she can't get drunk cause you can't even begin to think what she'd be like then
Of course, she is still aware tho
If she sees you getting uncomfortable, a guy is being creepy, you've drank too much, she is instantly there
Won't fight a guy but she will yell at them
She's more likely to be sneaky tho
One time a guy was hitting on you so she told him off and then sneakily cut a hole in his jeans so the next time he bent over his pants ripped in half
Very memorable night
Solid 10/10 she's fun but also caring
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lavampira · 18 hours
(COUNT)DOWN TO DAWNTRAIL — day seven: free day
one thing about ffxiv that has had the biggest impact on me is the core message in the power of bonds that people forge. camaraderie is as much of a driving force as hope throughout the game’s overarching narrative, and it’s the main part of what made me invest in it so quickly, and why I continue to love playing it.
and so, keeping on that theme, I want to take the opportunity to gush about some of the people who’ve also made the game and community a lovely experience over the last 2 years.
first, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how glad I am that @hythlodaes and @birues came with me from swtor to give this game a try. it’s always so nice to have a friend who understands you so intuitively like gigi does with me when trying new things without judgement, building fun routines together in a new game, risking it all as an AST-DRK duo in frontlines, or slipping back into our old co-tanking roots, and she’s been my biggest emotional support and favorite guinea pig to level new things. and rue’s eternal willingness to fuck it we ball with me and all of her thoughtful meta and silly memes alike bring me so much happiness. I’ve loved sharing all the developing lore of our ocs and thoughts on the story as we’ve progressed mostly alongside each other.
I will also forever be grateful to @coldshrugs and @gefiltefished for all of their guidance when I was a sprout learning the game! azia and ash have always been so helpful and encouraging, and many of my fondest memories of the early raids, trials, and pre-duty support dungeons involve one or both of them holding my hand, and even braving queues to tank or heal for me at times despite being aiming mains until I was brave enough to consistently tank myself. they built up much of my confidence while venturing into a new mmo and I don’t think I would understand things as well as I do without either of them.
getting to know @scionshtola as we played more, dragging each other into the mines and bozja respectively, and bonding over same taste in dps jobs has been such a highlight, too. and so many of my frontlines assists are owed to them channeling a hidden inner zenos on the battlefield as well.
raiding with my extremes static in our brave little sparkle has been some of the most fun and challenging few months! @lilas is an absolute powerhouse of organizing, keeping the positive mood alive, and wrangling everyone into voice chat and party on time each week. azia is an excellent strategist and gentle advice-giver, which has gotten us to barrel through barriers that had us stumped at times. @zimmena is a radiant gem for crafting our tinctures, making consistent calls to move us through the mechanics, filling in any role that’s needed, and my partner in repairs. I owe @greyyourwarden my life many times over for keeping me alive or scraping me off the floor when things go awry as a very trustworthy healer, and trusting me without complaint despite healer instincts when I ask to be allowed to die for my invuln. gigi has not only been a powerful and attentive melee dps amidst our sea of ranged/casting players, but a cheerfully good sport when a stray tankbuster goes her way, too. kels and their carby have saved many, many pulls with a well-timed raise, and always is my reliable stack buddy. @the-rogue-mockingjay is a brave soul willing to try new things and brings so much enthusiasm to raid. and @galadae has been a trooper for filling in whenever we needed someone and picking up things so quickly despite the occasional short notice. I’m so proud of how much we’ve all grown as players and as teammates since the very first night!
my foray into crafting and gathering has also been greatly helped by the many tips from @impossible-rat-babies and the set of endgame gear graciously offered and made for me by @lxdymaria so I’d have an easier time once I was leveled.
and I’ve also enjoyed talking to and seeing posts by @drk-brain, @drkmissionaries, and other sidwol shippers and dark knight enjoyers over on the bird site, collectively boosting all the writing and losing our minds over our little guys and the big spiky man we all love.
I could keep going - the ffxiv playerbase is truly one of the most friendly, encouraging, and wonderful communities - but I’ll leave it here: ffxiv is a game full of love and support from the people we meet along the way, so it’s no wonder why it’s fostered such a similar space for all of us!
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oyeixcher · 3 days
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Every SandRay Scene (46 ¦ ??)
N: "Fortunately, nothing is broken. His difficulty in moving could be due to a fractured shoulder bone. We're taking him to the MRI. If the result shows no signs of cerebral edema or internal bleeding, he's all set to return home." S: "Alright, ma'am. Thank you so much." ... S: "So? Was it worth it? Driven by love." R: "I know. I'm injured. No need to add insult to injury." S: "What do you expect me to do? Hold your hand and cry like a romantic movie? I know you're hurt. But this must be said. Why did you do it? You're lucky you're the only one injured. If you hit someone to death, you're a murderer. Learn to love yourself." R: "Thank you so much for saving my life. Without you, I would have been left in the car to die." S: "No problem. I'm your emergency staff anyway. I've always been since the first day we've met. I'm sorry about Mew. If I didn't want to take revenge on Top so much and sent you that audio clip..." R: "Don't apologise. It's not your fault. Nasty people like Top or Ton can't always hide their nastiness. Don't be guilty." RD: "Ray!" S: "Hello, Sir." RD: "How many times have I told you? Don't drive when you're drunk. You know, the cop found a bottle in your car. I have to talk to them and take care of the car for you. How expensive is the car? Do you realise it? Do you even care? Or do you drive just for fun?" R: "I almost died, Dad. All you care about is the car?" RD: "It's not the time to be sarcastic. I keep warning you about drunk driving. You will be fined. You will have to go to court. Your driving licence will be confiscated. Maybe I should just send you to jail now. So you can quit drinking too. My workload is crazy enough. Yet I need to make time to clean up your mess." R: "Then just don't care about me. Like you didn't care about Mum so she drank herself to death. And then you will have no burden left."
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littlespoonevan · 9 days
rewatching s1 this time around has actually left me sooooo fascinated by buck and abby's relationship??????? bc what we know of it in its aftermath is actually completely visible on screen during the season???
in episode 6 when abby is talking to carla about a potential valentines day date with buck she outright says she's fine with him being a boytoy and it just being something casual so she can feel good in herself again and is almost complaining that buck is taking it so seriously by trying to go slow. and the thing is, i don't think her stance on that ever changes???????
she absolutely cares about him and appreciates him for everything he does for her (both in helping support her with her mom and what he does in helping her find her way back to herself) but i don't think she ever really wanted or needed him to be more than that????
on the flipside, you have buck who's experiencing feelings he's never felt before and is so totally overwhelmed by this woman who's making him realise real connection is possible and it feels a million times better than the way he's vied for people's attention before. and there's something a little heartbreaking in the way he questions if he's ready for it to be something real. because bobby encourages him to step into the relationship fully and in the end he does do that
but abby doesn't really want him to???
so you have buck, fully committed and ready to be the partner he thinks abby needs, and abby, who is so completely unable to be that partner in return because she wants to navigate the next stage of her life alone
and aksdjfh it's just!!!! so!!!!! interesting!!!!!!!!! and i am once again BEGGING someone to make a gifset/video/edit/anything for them with reckless driving by lizzy mcalpine
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yamikawas · 2 years
Hey DARLING! Gaze into my eyes. I have you right where I need you with my⚡️electric⚡️stare zapping your attention. It’s adorable how I just have to look your way and you’re immediately captivated. I think I’ll keep you forever. ⚡️🌸
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